Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Schatz where are they now. Creative Union of Tatiana Lazareva and Mikhail Shatz


Few people know that the famous Russian TV presenter, comedian, film, theater and KVN actor, showman Mikhail Shats is a doctor by education, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Most of his creative ideas were embodied on the STS channel, where he worked as a producer of special projects. Particularly noteworthy is his marriage to host Tatyana Lazareva, with whom he spends most of his time both at work and at home. Let's find out the history of his life and the composition of the family.

Childhood and student humorist

Shats Mikhail Grigoryevich was born on June 7, 1965 in the Hero City of Leningrad. His father was a military man, an Air Force officer, while serving in Kazakhstan he met his future wife, a pediatrician. Service places changed, but in the end the family settled in Leningrad, where the boy Mikhail was born. Schatz studied at school number 185 from 1972 to 1982, he wanted to become a racing driver or coach of the Zenit football club. But he entered the First Leningradsky leaving his childhood dreams unfulfilled. After completing his studies at the Faculty of Medicine, he received the profession of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. He completed residency at the same institute and graduated in 1989. As expected of a young specialist, he got a job as a doctor, and for 6 years he saved people's lives. Already during his studies, Mikhail developed an interest in humor, he became interested in playing KVN, which began his creative career.

Participation in KVN and television career

Mikhail Shats actively participated in the creative life of the Leningrad Medical Institute, being a member of the KVN team. From 1991 to 1994 he was already a member of the CIS team. He especially succeeded in the role of a doctor and the musical number-parody "Glukonatik". In the mid-90s, Schatz decided to move to Moscow, but for a long time he could not find a job in his specialty. In parallel with this, he came up with a new comedy project "OSP-studio" with colleagues in KVN games. In 1995, Mikhail got a job at the TV-6 Moscow channel, where for 2 years he participated in the creation of the Once a Week program. 1996-1998 - the time of his work in the project "To spite the records!" - a sports and humorous program, where he performed in several roles at once. In parallel with this program, "OSP-Studio" began to go on the air. Mikhail Shats and his colleagues (Tatiana Lazareva, Pavel Kabanov, and Andrey Bocharov) made their comedy program very popular in a short time. They stayed on the air until 2004. 1996 brought fame to the presenter, and he decided to leave his career as a doctor.

Programs, projects and roles on TV-6

1996 - 1998 - participation in the program "To spite the records!", the role of Mishgan (football fan), Chance (sports doctor), football coach.

1997, 1999 - 2000 - actor of the series "33 square meters" under the brand "OSP-Studio", acts as a lover and brother of the main character, a postman, an astronaut, an actor, a resort ladies' man, a neighbor, a Caucasian, an alcoholic, a speculator, a racketeer and a doctor.

1999 - 2001 - Pan, host of the OSP-Chairs Zucchini project, a humorous variety program with 15 episodes.

1999 - 2000 - participant of "OS-Song-99" and "OS-Song-2000", parody concerts with the participation of members of the "OSP-Studio" and pop stars.

2000 - role in the parody TV movie "Sister-3".

Notable works on the STS channel

Since 2004, officially Mikhail Shats has been the host of the STS channel, where he took part and directed the following programs:

1. "Good jokes." Host of the program along with Tatyana Lazareva and From 2010 to 2012. filming was stopped, then the program went on the air again with new scenery, and now the show has been suspended.

2. 2004 - participation in the game "Fort Boyard" as part of one of the teams.

3. 2006 - 2010 - host of the show of improvisations "Thank God, you have come."

4. 2007 - Mikhail Shats and his permanent colleagues Lazareva and Pushnoy lead the program "More Good Jokes". The project did not last even a month, it was closed, not justifying the hopes placed on it.

5. 2008 - participation in the intelligence show "50 Blondes".

6. 2009 - one of the hosts of the daily program "Song of the Day" on STS.

7. 2009 - was invited to the shooting of the humorous program "Killer Evening" (TNT) as a special guest.

8. 2010 - appointed producer of special projects of the STS TV channel, hosted the interactive show "Random Connections".

9. 2011 - and Mikhail Shats, together with their children, traveled through the Russian outback and abroad, filming a travel show in parallel. But the program did not go on the air, although enough episodes were filmed.

10. 2011 - produces the show "Sing!" and hosts the program "My family against all".

11. The contract with the STS channel ended in 2012. In 2013, Schatz was a co-host of the Ankle Show program (Our Football channel), and in 2014 Mikhail could be seen on the Olympic Channel (Sport Plus).

Theatre, cinema and community activities

So far, Mikhail has two roles in the cinema - a criminologist in "Very and Chapaev in the film of the same name. But the voice of the presenter can be heard in the dubbing of the cartoons" Bee Movie: Honey Conspiracy "," Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs "," Monsters on Vacation " He also tried his hand at the theater: in 2008 he portrayed Tony Blair in the play "PAB".

Mikhail Shats, whose biography is replete with various creative projects, supports the Creation Charitable Foundation together with his wife. For seven years they have been helping hospitals and orphanages. The star couple also contributes to the work of the Downside Up Foundation, which is aimed at adapting children with Down syndrome in society.

TV presenter family

The spouses cannot remember the exact date of their acquaintance, but at the KVN festival in Sochi in 1991 they already knew each other. Tatyana played for the Novosibirsk team, and Mikhail played for Leningrad. For a long time they maintained warm relations, but were in no hurry to move in. In addition, Lazareva was married at that time, later she had a child. To her surprise, Mikhail did not give up trying to get the attention and location of the woman, surrounded the pregnant Tatyana with care, and then became the personal doctor of the first-born, Stepan Lazarev. They entered into a marriage only on July 17, 1998, since then they have been living and working hand in hand. Whatever they write about them in the yellow press, the couple denies rumors of a divorce. Of course, they have reasons for quarrels and petty conflicts, but they are people with humor, and therefore they skillfully get out of any troubles in life. In addition, there is more than one child in the family. Tatyana gave birth to two girls, Sofya and Antonina, and Mikhail Shats (whose children have already grown up) is absolutely happy in marriage, even joking about planning the next child.

Surely everyone knows who Mikhail Shats is. His funny jokes, funny smile and laughter have delighted us for many years in the O.S.P.-Studio program. But who does Mikhail work now, because he is practically invisible on television.

It's hard to believe, but Mikhail is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator by education, who has worked in his specialty for 6 years. His sense of humor and ability to amuse others began to appear even while participating in KVN, where he was a member of the institute's team for eight whole years.

On television in entertainment programs, he began acting in 1995, having received overwhelming success with the public. He worked on many projects - after O.S.P.-Studio it was "To spite the records", "33 square meters", "Good jokes", etc. In 2010, Mikhail became a producer of special projects on STS, but since 2013 he has ceased to interact with the channel in any way.

Today, Mikhail is engaged in slightly different activities. First of all, he has been closely cooperating with the Sozidanie charitable foundation, with which he has not parted for 15 years. In addition, Mikhail Shats is trying, together with like-minded people and his family, to reorganize public services in his own house. It also takes a lot of effort, time and energy.

As for television activities, he finally did not leave it either. Today he runs his own sports and entertainment channel on YouTube, which occupies a leading position in Runet.

The comedian recalls that the dismissal from the STS television channel was very quick and unexpected, he was simply given papers to sign, reading which, he understood that this was the end of his work on STS. But, unable to do anything about it, he began to look for other ways of employment, development of his talent and humorous gift.

Recalling his work at STS, Mikhail notes that at that time he was simply “on fire” with jokes, went crazy from the laughter of those around him, from the fact that they understand and perfectly accept the compositions he wrote. Today, Mikhail feels that all this is only in the past, that now he wants to do something else. Of course, the humor from his life has not gone away, but now it is only for his own pleasure, and not for making money.

According to Mikhail, in life from work he needs demand and the love of others, because it is extremely important - to be needed by others. In a charitable foundation, he feels it perfectly. Often in his interviews, Mikhail said that, working in the Constellation, he seemed to purify his soul, help others find happiness, and extend a helping hand to all those in need. He feels how great it is, and what a strong return from this comes in the form of happy faces.

The comedian devotes a lot of time to his family - Tatyana Lazareva and children. As before, he is fond of politics, sports, the search for new inspiring things that will bring first of all pleasure and joy, and only then financial well-being.

Mikhail Grigorievich Shats is a Russian showman, TV presenter, founder of the OSP-Studio project, author of the programs Good Jokes, Thank God You Came!, laureate of the TEFI award.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Shats was born on June 7, 1965. Father Grigory Solomonovich Schatz, a Jew by nationality, served in the Air Force, mother Sarra Bronislavovna Milyavskaya worked as a pediatrician. Mikhail's parents met in the early 50s in Kazakhstan, where Grigory Solomonovich was serving, and Sarra Bronislavovna was serving a link in the case of doctors. For several years, the wife wandered around the garrisons, later the family settled in Leningrad.

The boy grew up in his own happy family of Soviet intellectuals. He studied at school, played football with the boys and dreamed of becoming a Zenith coach - the showman is still rooting for this team.

After school, Schatz entered the Faculty of Anesthesiology of the First St. Petersburg Medical Institute, where he completed his residency and got a job in his specialty. Resuscitator Mikhail Shatz has dozens of saved lives on his account.

In his student years, Mikhail began to play in the KVN institute team, and in 1994 the young man was invited to the CIS KVN team. In the same period, Schatz moved to Moscow. I wanted to get a job, but failed. In parallel with the job search, Schatz was thinking about a comedy project for television and came up with the OSB Studio. The TV project played an important role in Mikhail's creative biography, making the humorist a popular media personality.


"OSP-studio" became Schatz's most popular and commercially successful project. The program aired for eight years, from 1996 to 2004. Within the framework of this project, the series "33 square meters" was filmed, in which Mikhail Shats played the brother of Tanya Zvezdunova, the head of the military registration and enlistment office, the postman and other roles. A close-knit team gathered around Mikhail Shatz, which included,.

Mikhail Shats in the series "33 square meters"

Since 2004, Mikhail Shats and his wife switched to the STS channel, where they hosted the author's program Good Jokes. The showman acted as their co-host. The audience loved the project, in which comedians could improvise and compete without rules. The show was attended by a large number of guest stars of show business, which also influenced the increase in the rating of the program. The difference in height added to the comic image of the couple: Tatyana Lazareva is 6 cm taller than the co-host (Mikhail's height is 172 cm).

Alexander Pushnoy, Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva - "Good jokes"

In addition to the author's projects, Mikhail Shats becomes the hero of the Fort Boyard program, an analogue of the French adventure project, which was aired on the Rossiya TV channel. In addition to Mikhail Schatz, famous show business figures, Tatyana Lazareva, participated in the TV game, who, under the leadership of the TV presenter, fought for the main prize - 1.2 million rubles.

Two years later, Mikhail appeared as the TV presenter of the program “Thank God you have come!”. The judges of the project were,. Soon followed the release of a new project - the show "More Good Jokes", but the program was a failure, and two weeks later the program was closed.

Mikhail Shats and Alexander Tsekalo - "Thank God you've come!"

Mikhail Shats did not stop. In 2009, the showman began hosting the daily Song of the Day program on the STS channel, and a year later he took the position of producer of special projects on this channel and took the place of the TV presenter of the Random Connections interactive show. Among other projects of Schatz are the show "Meet the Parents", "Sing!".

In 2012, the contract with STS ended, and the channel's management did not renew it. At one time, Mikhail Shats was the co-host of the Ankle Show program on the Our Football channel, and in 2014 he appeared on the Olympic Channel.

The charismatic comedian has repeatedly tried himself as a film actor. In addition to participating in the author's project "33 square meters", Mikhail Shats in 2005 starred in a television movie for the first time. The actor played the role of a psychotherapist in the series "My Fair Nanny". In 2008, viewers saw the TV presenter in the role of a forensic scientist in the black comedy "A Very Russian Detective" about the work of two provincial detectives Johnny and Bret Pidd (and) to catch a murderous maniac (Dmitry Brekotkin). The pathologist was played by Vadim Galygin.

In 2013, with the participation of a TV presenter in the role of a polar pilot, the comedy film "Chapaev-Chapaev" was released on the movie screens, where he played the main character. Shats also had to voice cartoons: "Monsters on Vacation", "Bee Movie: Copper Conspiracy", "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs".

Mikhail Shats in the comedy "Chapaev-Chapaev"

In 2003 and 2006, Mikhail Shats was awarded the TEFI award as the author of the best entertainment program and the best presenter.

Mikhail Shats has been involved in charity work for many years. Together with his wife Tatyana Lazareva, the showman helps hospitals and boarding schools, actively cooperates with the Creation and Downside Up charitable foundations.

Mikhail Shats adheres to oppositional views. Together with Tatyana Lazareva, the showman participated in 2011 in the rally "For Fair Elections", which was held in Moscow on Prospekt. A few days before the rally, video messages from show business stars to Russian citizens appeared on the Web with an invitation to come and support the protesters.

After demonstrating their political position, Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva were forced to resign from the STS television channel at the insistence of their leaders. It was not without a scandal: Schatz accused another STS employee of denunciation - who, in turn, promised the showman a trial on this issue.

Mikhail Shats with his wife at a protest

In 2014, Mikhail Shats was among the cultural figures of the Russian Federation who opposed the political position of the Russian authorities and supported Ukraine. In 2015, together with his wife Tatyana Lazareva, he was included in the White List of the SBU. In addition to the Russians, foreign cinema stars, Wim Wenders, also got on the list.

Maxim Konovalov, Yuri Stoyanov and Mikhail Shats on the set of the film "A Very Russian Detective"

After leaving big television, Mikhail Shats started developing a sports channel on YouTube video hosting, which now occupies a leading position in Runet. On the Disney channel, the showman led the broadcasts of the program “Is this my child?!”, but at the beginning of 2016 the project was closed due to unprofitability. In the same year, faced with problems in the housing and communal services sector, the showman temporarily went to create an HOA of his own house.

Personal life

The showman's personal life is connected with one woman. Mikhail Shats is married to Tatyana Lazareva. Comedians do not remember the date they met, but they know for sure that at the Sochi KVN festival in 1991 they already knew each other. Then Tatyana played for the team of Novosibirsk University, and Mikhail Shats for the St. Petersburg team.

Schatz and Lazareva were friends at first, but at some point they realized that they could not live without each other. Mikhail helped Tatyana, who by that time was still married, but lived separately from her husband. For the son of Lazareva, Schatz became both a father, a personal doctor, and a friend.

On July 17, 1998, the wedding of Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shatz took place. In marriage, two common children were born - daughters Sofia and Antonina.

Sometimes there are rumors in the newspapers that the couple are getting divorced, but Schatz and Lazareva hold on. Mikhail admits that there are conflicts and misunderstandings in the family. It happened that marriage cracked, but humor and constant work on relationships always saved.

Mikhail Shats does not reduce his activity in public life. In early autumn 2017, the showman participated in a protest against the arrest, which gathered 500 people near the Basmanny Court of Moscow.

At the end of September, he became a participant in the big triathlon race, which took place in Sochi. The TV presenter ran the "iron" distance for a charitable purpose. The money from the fees went to the fund for helping children from low-income families.

Mikhail Shats has his own website, as well as pages in

51-year-old TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva no longer lives with her husband, 53-year-old comedian and TV presenter Mikhail Shats. The star spoke about the breakup in an interview channel"What about talking?" on YouTube.

Now Tatiana lives in the Spanish city of Marbella with her daughter Sonya. Lazareva explained why she made such a decision: “I said:“ That’s it, I can’t do it anymore. I don’t have a job there, and there’s no job here, well, I’d rather be here.”

Mikhail decided to stay in Moscow. “It so happened that he and I are living some new life separately,” admitted Tatiana.


The TV presenter was experiencing severe depression. “Last summer, I really wanted to hang myself. Olympus, which we had in everything ... And the creative union is very powerful. We worked with him, lived, we were very comfortable, ”recalls Lazareva.

It was hard for Tatyana to live outside her comfort zone: “We were brought up in such a way that you have a profession for life, you have marriage for life, we even had an apartment for life.” The TV presenter noted that she sees no point in a golden wedding if the spouses "live a parallel life."

“He has some kind of his own story, and he’s cool, I have my own — and I’m cool too,” said the star. Despite the breakup, Tatyana considers Mikhail a member of her family: "This is the closest person to me, and I, of course, to him too."

Recall that Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats began dating in 1998. In 2011, the couple legalized the relationship. The couple has three children - 23-year-old son Stepan, 20-year-old daughter Sonya and 12-year-old daughter Antonina.

Earlier, Tatyana Lazareva admitted that she suffers from ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease): “I was diagnosed in 2014. Now I understand that there is no need to be ashamed of this disease. The problem won't go away if you pretend it doesn't exist."

Mikhail seduced the girls with red panties and soldered them with medical alcohol

Recently, the famous showman and TV presenter Mikhail SHATS celebrated his 50th birthday. We walked on the anniversary, as is customary among former KVN officers, noisy and cheerful. Compliments poured in to the hero of the occasion, but Tatyana LAZAREVA, his wife and comrade-in-arms, tried especially hard. Together they not only live, but also work for more than 17 years, raise three children and seem to be an absolutely perfect couple. Express Gazeta decided to find out with whom Mikhail spent days and nights before meeting his beloved woman and what sins his youth hides.

In his few interviews, Schatz admitted that, despite a strong alliance with Tatyana Lazareva, his mother still remains the main woman in his life. It is she who first congratulates her son on his birthday - such is their family tradition. Only, unfortunately, not this time.
“Sarra Bronislavovna died in April,” Tatyana Nikolaevna, a St. Petersburg neighbor of Schatz, dumbfounded. - She was sick and recently did not leave the house at all. Misha stopped by periodically, but mostly the nurse looked after her, from whom we all learned the tragic news. I don't know how Misha survived this loss. They were very close to their mother. Sarra Bronislavovna worked as a doctor - she had connections everywhere, so even in times of shortage, the family lived well. Misha grew up as a well-fed boy. The guys in the yard even teased him with a meat-and-fat plant. Once he beat the boy for this, so Sarah had to apologize to the boy's parents, otherwise they threatened to kick Schatz out of kindergarten. In general, Mishka is an intelligent guy, but with character. We used to have a boxing section in a neighboring house. Schatz trained in it, and then practiced blows on his offenders. I remember a classmate so charged that he earned a concussion. Coach Misha then kicked out of the section in disgrace.

Usually Jewish mothers do not want to share their children with anyone, they are very jealous of them. Was Sarah Bronislavovna one of those women?
- She was a terrible possessive! But Misha didn’t give her trouble in this regard at first: she didn’t see him with a single girl by the arm before the institute, she didn’t take anyone home either. Sarah really wanted her son to follow in her footsteps and learn to be a doctor. She said: “First, let him get a profession, and then he thinks about all sorts of nonsense.” True, Misha entered the medical school only the second time, but nevertheless he unlearned as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Sarah boasted that her son took part in the first lung transplant operation in the USSR - she was very proud of him! And when he became interested in kaveen and decided to quit medicine, she almost had a stroke. At one time, she blamed Lazarev for this - they say, it was because of her that he left everything and fled to Moscow. They say she did not get along with her daughter-in-law. But you can understand Sarah: she put so much effort into her son, and he rushed to Tatyana, and even adopted her child! (Lazareva gave birth to her eldest son Stepan from director Roman Fokin. - A.V.)

three letter word

Mikha is a legend of our institute! - recalls his classmate Alik Kiriakidi. - From the first year, Schatz played skits, then he joined the KVN team of the institute. And how he annealed during trips to the collective farm - you can’t imagine! Then the students after the summer session rushed to the construction teams. Those who wanted to earn extra money went to Siberia, Kazakhstan. And who - to have fun, those - to us, to the construction site "Rus". Each detachment had its own commander, those who patronized them were called Grand Commissars. Schatz was one of these and wore an identification mark - red shorts! These are sports shorts that Mishka did not take off under any circumstances.
We lived in a construction site cheerfully: every day is a holiday. And the main instigator of these outrages was Schatz. Every year they organized a "Day of women": the girls made three wishes, which the guys had to fulfill. In 1989, our ladies wanted a ball based on The Master and Margarita. At Bulgakov's, Margarita appeared naked at the ball - our girls turned out to be more chaste and put on swimsuits. Woland was, of course, the Grand Commissar!
They also arranged for the girls a “gentle rise”: at six in the morning they sang serenades to them, fed them fruits, but they never crossed the urogenital line. Sometimes weddings were played for fun: if there was a couple in love in the detachment, they made a bride and groom out of them and arranged a magnificent “marriage”. Mishka and I, however, were not lucky - we never ended up in suitors.

And I remember how Schatz and I were with a construction team in Arzamas, Dmitry Legeza shares. - Once they brought nails wrapped in scarlet calico to our facility. The brigade quickly used them and went off to smoke, and I, taking advantage of a moment of rest, adapted this fabric to the pole, building a proletarian banner. I got bored, and I took a band-aid from the first-aid kit - I wanted to bring out something pleasant, but the band-aid was only enough for a comprehensive three-letter word. The guys came back, laughed and did not come up with anything smarter than how to hang the banner out. Then, out of nowhere, a motorcade of black cars appeared near the house. Soon a man appeared on the threshold with the badge of a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and my banner in his hands. In general, our leadership was then called to the local KGB department - they barely fought back. Schatz was not with us at all then - he went to the post office to call Leningrad, but for some reason he was accused of a political demarche. Misha steadfastly accepted the accusation, despite the fact that the punishment was supposed to be severe - expulsion from the institute. And this is in the fifth year! However, the "case" was soon hushed up. The girls, admired by Misha's feat, they say, for a long time passed this banner to each other as a relic. Some even slept with him.

drunk passion

According to the stories of Mikhail's institute friends, he had no end to the girls. And the joker himself sighed for the quiet intellectual Alena Semenova. Classmates still remember how he courted her for a long time, and then quietly retreated when the girl had another gentleman.
- Schatz has never been a male! - says Olga Dubrovina. - He always behaved with dignity with the girls, although they did not miss the opportunity to hurt him and thereby draw attention to themselves. Once, while picking carrots, the inspectors overturned the box of one lady. If the carrots were sorted incorrectly, they were scolded and fined. For some reason, she turned out to be good with a non-standard. So the girl, in order to justify herself, gave out: “Look how ugly they are: this one is crooked and hairy, like the Grand Commissioner Misha Schatz!”
But, they say, from the moment Lazareva appeared in Schatz's life, a lot has changed in him. The romance and intelligence that once drove his classmates crazy have disappeared somewhere.

I think Tanya attracted Misha with her looseness, - recalls one of Schatz's acquaintances, Irina Dyatlova. - In January 1992, they crossed paths at the KVN festival in Sochi. Misha was already working in the hospital at that time, and since alcohol was in short supply, he brought with him a huge amount of medical alcohol and almost every evening gathered a crowd in his room. Lazareva also looked at one of these parties. So they started spinning - drunk! True, the next morning Tanya pretended that there was nothing between them, and after the festival she went home to her husband. (Lazareva was briefly married to Alexander Drugov. - A.V.) Soon Tanya got in touch with Fokin, became pregnant, and he left her. The only person who was next to her at that moment was Mishka. He always loved her, and Lazareva seemed to scoff. They probably wouldn't have gotten married in 1998 if Tanya hadn't become pregnant with Sonechka.
Over time, of course, she rethought a lot and even decided to give birth to Tonya when she and Misha had a crisis in their relationship. They then did not live together for several months. But, apparently, Tatyana realized in time: she could not find someone like Schatz!

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