Tatyana's day and student's day - traditions, rituals and history of the holiday. The history of the holiday "Tatiana's Day" All about the holiday of Tatiana's Day


Tatiana's Day is the first case of its kind when both believers and ordinary students - students celebrate on the same day, because on this day, January 25, two holidays are celebrated at once: the name day of St. Tatiana - the Martyr, as well as the Day Russian students - a memorable date in Russia.

Initially, Tatiana's Day was named after the daughter of the Roman consul Tatiana of Rome, who was captured and taken prisoner during the persecution of Christians, where she was subjected to cruel treatment for her Christian faith.

Many times people tried to kill her: set her on fire, gouge her eyes out, cut her, but they did not succeed - each time God sent punishment to those who tried to hurt her and suffering, and Tatiana herself sent healing, all traces of bullying disappeared from her body .

Once, during the next bullying, through the prayer of St. Tatiana, four angels and a voice from heaven addressed Tatiana came to the tormentors. This miracle affected the torturers: it made them believe in the existence of Christ.

People, fried by the stamina and masculinity of the martyr, began to refuse to obey orders and cause her pain and suffering, but instead took her side.

Soon Tatiana was sentenced to death. The martyrdom took place on January 25, 226. Later, Tatiana was canonized as a saint, and on the day of her death, name days began to be celebrated.

I wonder what the connection is between Tatyanin Day and the students. In fact, everything is quite logical here.

The fact is that it was on Tatiana's name day in 1755 that the Great Empress Elizaveta Petrovna initialed the order on the creation of the First Moscow State University.

Adjutant General I.I. Shuvalov decided to take the University under his protection, and Shuvalov chose the date of signing the decree not only to serve the Motherland, but also to present a gift to his mother Tatyana Petrovna, endorsing the order on her name day.

In 1791, the sanctuary of Tatiana the Martyr began its work, the decorations of which were sent by the Empress herself.

Soon followed the decree of Nicholas the First, according to which the day of the initialing of the order to establish the university was celebrated, and not the day of its opening, that is, on the name day of St. Tatiana, January 25th.

Thus, at the request of the monk, such a wonderful student holiday as Tatyana's Day appeared, and Tatiana the Martyr began to be considered the patroness of Moscow State University and all students.

It was on January 25, back in 1755, that an imperial decree was signed on the creation of the first university in Russia, which was named Moscow University.

The people call this holiday Tatyana's Day or Student's Day, and all women who bear the name Tatyana celebrate name days. The ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer".


Saint Tatiana, an early Christian martyr, suffered for her faith in the 3rd century AD under the Roman emperor Alexander Severus. She was one of the first true Christians for whom faith was the meaning of life.

The future Saint was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and the Church.

Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry and served God in one of the temples, caring for the sick in fasting and prayer and helping those in need. In 226, the girl was captured during the next persecution of Christians.

At first, the pagans gave her a chance to change her faith by making sacrifices to their god, but Tatyana was adamant. After terrible torment, Tatyana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before.

Many miracles happened during the torture: either the executioners, for whose enlightenment the Saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels deflected blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood, and a fragrance spread in the air.

Icon "Saint Tatiana" in the Novodevichy Convent

Three times Tatyana destroyed churches with the power of her word and faith. She was thrown into the fire, but he did not hurt the martyr, into the arena with a lion, but the predator only licked the Saint's feet. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatyana, her father was also executed.

As history testifies, Tatyana's day was special among the Moscow patronal holidays.

Student's day

On January 25, 1755, Ivan Shuvalov, the patron of Russian science and culture, chamber junker Ivan Shuvalov, gave the decree on the founding of Moscow University to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna for signature.

Shuvalov's choice fell on this date not by chance. This decree was an unusual gift from his mother, Tatyana, on her name day.

The project of the new university was developed by Ivan Shuvalov together with the outstanding Russian scientist and encyclopedist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

In 1791, the church of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana. Since then, St. Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers. The parishioners of this church in different years were Fonvizin, Griboedov, Turgenev, Timiryazev, Pirogov, Klyuchevsky, the Aksakov brothers and many others.

In 1918 the temple was closed. At first, a club was located in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995 the building was returned to the church.

From the middle of the 19th century, Tatyana's Day became a student holiday. For the first time, the birthday of Moscow State University was celebrated only on its centenary, in 1855, after which the celebration became a tradition.

For many years, the official part of the celebrations included a mass in the university cafeteria, a lecture by the rector, and awards to teachers who excelled in the sciences. Toward evening, student festivities began.

From Moscow, the festive tradition first spread to the capital St. Petersburg, and then to other university cities, and in fact turned into a holiday for the entire Russian intelligentsia.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

With the advent of Soviet power, all celebrations for Tatyana were canceled. The tradition was revived only after the collapse of the USSR, in 1992, at the initiative of the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy.

In 1995, a temple in honor of the martyr Tatiana began to operate at Moscow University again, and Tatiana's day began to be celebrated again.

The Day of Russian Students has been officially celebrated since 2005 in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. And in 2007, a federal law was signed, according to which the Day of Russian Students became one of the memorable dates in Russia.

Traditions and signs

By tradition, students accept congratulations in a solemn atmosphere from teachers and leaders of the university. Particularly distinguished students are awarded certificates and gifts, and the best students receive presidential congratulations.

The informal part of the celebration begins after the formal part is over. Classmates traditionally gather in noisy companies to celebrate the student holiday on a grand scale.

On this day, students traditionally arrange mass festivities. Russian students, as in the distant 19th century, drink vodka, arrange fireworks and have fun until you drop.

© photo: Sputnik / Vyacheslav Bobkov

Copy of Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov's illustration for Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story "Tatiana's Day"

Students are quite superstitious, so their main holiday is associated with numerous signs. In addition, most students fall on January 25 for the winter session, respectively, the signs are devoted to its successful delivery.

The most famous comic sign is associated with the call of "freebies". The student needs to loudly shout out the window or from the balcony "freebie, come!", And if the answer is "I'm already running", it is considered that the session will be passed successfully.

Many believe that the key to success in all winter exams will be a fun-filled student day. Most importantly, before passing, do not touch notes and textbooks, so as not to frighten off luck.

© photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

Those who have an exam scheduled for the 26th are advised not to worry and calmly celebrate on January 25th. According to the sign, after a good celebration it is impossible to get a bad mark.

Customs and rituals

On Tatyana's day, they go to church to pray for successful study and enlightenment and light a candle for the repose of the Roman great martyr. Be sure to carry out general cleaning in the house.

At the end of January, as you know, the day is already becoming noticeably longer, therefore, in the Slavic tradition, Tatyana's day is called the Sun, and sometimes Babi Kut (a place near the stove for women's work).

The older women in the family bake a loaf, which is a symbol of the sun, as if inviting him to return to people as soon as possible. Such carpets were eaten by the whole family, so that everyone got a piece of the "star".

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Bogodvid

Girls at the "Student Winter Games for the Cup of Tatyana" in the Gorky Park in Kazan

In the villages, early in the morning, girls, dressed up, went to the river, where they beat and washed rugs. According to tradition, the girl carried the rug back along with the guy who looked after her. Then the rugs were hung to dry on the fences, and its owner was judged by the cleanliness and beauty of the rug.

On January 25, women made tight and large skeins of yarn so that cabbage heads would also be dense and large.

People believed that a girl born on January 25 would be a good housewife. There was a saying on this score: "Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs on the river, and leads a round dance."

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

On Tatiana's Day, they also guessed - the girls made small panicles from rags and feathers. It was believed that if such a panicle was imperceptibly placed in a woman's kut in the house of a desired guy, then the guy would definitely marry her, and their life together would be long and happy.

Many signs are related to the weather.

Sunrise on Tatyana's day personified early spring, the imminent arrival of birds and the early spawning of fish.

If it is frosty and clear on Tatiana, there will be a good harvest, warmth and a snowstorm - to a crop failure.

© photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Every year on January 25, the Church venerates the Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome, an early Christian martyr who was tortured for her faith under Emperor Alexander in the 3rd century. The people on January 25 celebrate Tatiana's Day. In 2018, the holiday falls on a Wednesday. Students are especially trying to celebrate Tatyana's Day, not without reason there is a saying that on Tatyana's Day all students are drunk. On this day, it is customary to light candles for academic success, they pray to the martyr Tatyana (Tatiana) in difficult teaching and enlightenment.

Tatyana's day - student's day

Saint Tatyana became the patroness of students for the reason that on the day of her memory on January 12 (25), back in 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed the Decree on the opening of the first Russian university in Moscow. The project was developed by Lomonosov. In 1791, on Easter, the Church of Tatiana the Martyr was opened. Catherine herself sent decorations for her. The parishioners of this church in different years were Fonvizin, Griboedov, Turgenev, Timiryazev, Pirogov, Klyuchevsky, the Aksakov brothers, Solovyov, and others. Then came the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered that not the opening day of the university be celebrated, but the signing of the act of its establishment. So, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatyana's Day, and over time, popular rumor attributed patronage to students to this saint.

Church of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University

Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana - an Orthodox church with the status of the Patriarchal Metochion; house church of the Moscow State University named after M.I. M. V. Lomonosov. It is located in the right wing of the old Moscow State University building, opposite the Manege, at the corner of Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Mokhovaya streets.

Student traditions and signs on Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day is a holiday of students. For the entire student fraternity, this is a great opportunity to take a break from studies and plunge into fun, joyful festivities and pranks. And for so many years of the existence of Tatyana's Day as a student holiday, student traditions and rituals for January 25 could not help but appear.
  1. Perhaps the most famous student tradition on Tatiana's Day is the call of Shara. On January 25, students go out onto the balcony or look out the window, shake their record books and call: Shara, come! It is believed that if someone shouts in response - Already on the way - then this is a good omen on Tatyana's day.
  2. Another interesting tradition on Tatiana's Day is drawing. Every student knows that January 25, Tatyana's Day, is a good omen for the future - on the last page of the grade book, draw a small house with a chimney: the longer the smoke, the easier it will be to study this year.
  3. Another sign on Tatiana's Day suggests that if a student has to take an exam the day after Student's Day, then you need to go take it after a good drink, then, if you believe the sign, the exam will be passed with ease. And in no case should you read notes on Tatyana's day, otherwise, according to signs, the exam will be difficult to pass.

Folk traditions on Tatyana's day

Until the time when St. Tatiana was the patroness of students, Tatiana's day on January 25 was specially celebrated among the people. Folk rituals, traditions and signs on Tatiana's Day are varied and may be useful to modern lovers of antiquity and nature. In any case, it is very interesting to read about what traditions and signs on Tatyana's day were in Rus'. By the way, it has been noticed that a girl born on January 25 will be a good housewife!

How to celebrate Tatyana's day

On January 25, on Tatiana's Day, it was customary for the people to bake loaves in the form of the Sun. “Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance!” - said in the old days. This is the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya and Babi Kut. Babi kut - a place near the Russian stove, a woman's corner where all the household utensils stood, and the hostess spent a lot of time. In the family, this place was called the sun. Therefore, on Tatyana's day, the "bolshukhs" - the eldest housewives in the family - baked a large carpet, a symbol of the sun. The same housewives took the pastry out of the oven, let the bread cool a little and broke off a piece of bread warm and distributed it to all family members. Such was the tradition on Tatyana's day to invite spring, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible and drive away the severe Epiphany frosts. Each member of the family, according to tradition, had to eat at least a piece of such a loaf so that the Sun would give him some of his warmth.

Many signs for Tatyana's Day were associated with the preparation of a ritual loaf, for example:

  • if the bread rose as a mound in the middle, then wait for good luck this year and life will get better, it will go uphill;
  • if the loaf turned out smooth and without flaws - this is a sure sign of a calm year and measured life;
  • if the loaf burned - they rejoiced - the birthday girl had to eat the burnt crust so that she could readily accept everything from her fate;
  • but if the loaf cracked, it was considered an alarming sign.

A well-known tradition on Tatiana's Day is to go to the river and knock out all the dirt accumulated in them over the holidays from the rugs. Peasant girls on this day, early in the morning, went to the river, where rugs were knocked out. The village guys helped to take the clean rugs to the village, where the rugs were hung on the fences and it was possible to judge the girl from them - what kind of wife would she make.

In turn, on Tatyana's Day, the girls tried to lure suitors with the help of all sorts of tricks. The tradition on Tatiana's Day to spread a special mat at the door of the house can work in our time. Keep in mind that this sign on Tatyana's Day promises that the one who wipes his feet on this rug on holiday will be a frequent guest in the girl's house.

Another tradition on Tatyana's Day instructed the girls to make small panicles from rags and feathers. The girl had to hide such a panicle in the house of a potential groom unnoticed by everyone. If she succeeded, then it was a sure sign - the guy would not go anywhere, and their life together would be long and happy. Naturally, the older women in the family knew perfectly well all the girlish tricks and not everyone managed to hide the broom.

On Tatyana's day, there was another sign - you had to go to the highest place in the district and make wishes in the sun. If you do it sincerely with all your heart, you can get what you want.

Another interesting tradition on Tatiana's Day is dedicated to the household. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and as large as possible so that the cabbages were born tight and large.

Signs on Tatyana's day

Also among the people there were various signs on Tatyana's day. And everyone knew the signs, from young to old. Usually in the old days, on January 25 and Tatyana's Day, people paid attention to the weather:

  • If it snows on the day of Epiphany Tatiana (Tatiana's Day, Babi Kut), then a frosty February and summer with rains are expected.
  • Sunrise on Tatyana's day personified early spring, the imminent arrival of birds and the early spawning of fish.
  • And the collective farmers were waiting for Tatyana's day, they have their own sign. If it is frosty and sunny on this day, then the harvest will be rich!

holiday for all students. It is celebrated on January 25th. The history of this merry holiday has its roots in the distant past, when in 1755 Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the Decree on the formation of Moscow University. Later that day, the students ended their exams and the holidays began. Russian students celebrated this holiday noisily and cheerfully.

St. Tatiana's Day was celebrated in Rus' for a long time. On this day, they commemorated the martyr Tatyana, who was raised by her father in the Christian faith. When this became known to the authorities, the girl was imprisoned, where she was subjected to terrible torture. They tried to force her to renounce her beliefs and make sacrifices to idols. To convince her as soon as possible, they beat her, cut her with razors, and gouged out her eyes. However, the martyr did not betray the faith in which she was brought up. Surprised by her stamina, many executioners converted to Christianity, for which they accepted death. Without breaking the will of the girl, the executioners beheaded her.

Tatyana was especially revered by the people. With the opening of Moscow University, Tatyana became the patroness of students. In addition, in translation from Greek, "Tatiana" is translated as "organizer" and Saint Tatiana arranged patronage for students. The combination of all these events in one day gave rise to a great celebration. Prayers were held among the students, in which the Holy Patroness was commemorated and thanks were given to her for her help in the successful development of sciences.

Then the festivities began. Students roamed the streets in noisy crowds. The famous restaurateur Olivier gave his entire establishment to students that day. Noisy feasts with solemn speeches ended well after midnight. It should be noted that even the police did not touch the students that day. After the revolution, the holiday tradition died out. In the era of communism, there was no concern for the Holy Martyr.

In 1995, the Church of St. Tatiana was reopened at Moscow University. An old tradition was revived. In the old building of the university on the day of the holiday, awards were presented. They were established in honor of M.V. Lomonosov and I.I. Shuvalov - the founders of the university. Russia again began to celebrate student day. After 11 years, in 2006, Tatyana's Day became the official state holiday of Russian students. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on this.

Currently, the student holiday is celebrated in a slightly different way. Exams end earlier, students usually go home. But the solemn part with traditional mead necessarily takes place within the walls of the oldest Russian university. On the same day, especially distinguished students are awarded.

Tatyana's Day (Student's Day) 2021 is celebrated on January 25 (according to the old style on January 12). In the church calendar, this is the date of honoring the memory of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, who in the 18th century became the patroness of students.

Student's Day 2021. On January 25, students of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions celebrate their professional holiday - Student's Day. This date falls on the period of the end of the autumn semester, the end of the session and the beginning of the winter holidays. On this day, students are awarded additional scholarships and diplomas.

Tatyana's Day 2021. On January 25, parishioners of the Orthodox Church pray to St. Tatiana of Rome. On this day, it is customary to congratulate women who bear the name Tatyana.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The name "Tatiana's Day" was given to the holiday in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome, who lived in Rome in the 3rd century. She was born into a wealthy, noble Christian family. After reaching adulthood, Tatiana took a vow of chastity and became a deaconess. She devoted her life to serving the church, helping sick and needy people. Saint Tatiana was persecuted by the pagans. Emperor Alexander Severus sentenced her and her father to death, which was carried out on January 12, 226. Tatiana was elevated to the rank of holy martyrs.

In the Russian Empire, Tatyana's Day was originally celebrated as the day of the founding of Moscow University (MSU). On January 12 (25), 1755, Empress Elizabeth issued a decree on the establishment of Moscow State University. In 1791, the home church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was founded in the university building. January 25 became Student's Day, and Saint Tatiana became the patroness of students in higher schools.

On January 25, 2005, the President of Russia signed the Decree "On the Day of Russian Students". The document officially approved the professional holiday of Russian students.

Student traditions

Students celebrate Tatyana's day on a special scale. They visit churches, put a candle to the patron saint Tatiana and ask for help in exams and tests. On this day, festive concerts are held at universities, at which diligent students are awarded certificates of honor. University students gather in companies, have parties, go to nightclubs and bars.

A well-known student tradition on Tatyana's Day is the call for balloons. On the night of January 25, they go out onto the balcony or look out the window and shout three times: “Shara, come!” in front of an open book. Students believe that such a ritual helps to successfully pass all the exams.

To attract good luck at the session, university students conduct another ceremony with a record book. At noon on January 25, they draw a small house on the last page. It must have a door and a window. The main elements are the chimney and the smoke emanating from it. The house should be drawn with one solid, twisted line. It is believed that if you manage to draw it continuously, then the session will be easy and successful.

folk traditions

On this holiday, there is a tradition to congratulate all Tatyana on the day of the angel.

Believers visit temples where solemn services are held. Girls who seek to arrange their personal lives pray to the patron saint Tatiana.

On January 25, girls try to lure guys. To do this, they lay a small path on the threshold of the house. It is believed that if on this day a beloved young man wipes his feet on her, then he will be a frequent guest.

Tatyana's Day is a good time for making wishes. To do this, you need to go to a sunny meadow and think about your cherished dreams. Sincere wishes made on this day come true.

What not to do on Tatyana's day

On Tatiana's Day, it is forbidden to quarrel with family members and loved ones. It is not supposed to refuse to help the needy and the sick. You can't be in an untidy house.

Signs and beliefs

  • If it snows on January 25, then the summer will be rainy.
  • If there is clear frosty weather on Tatyana's day, then a good harvest should be expected.
  • Girls born on January 25 become good housewives and wives.
  • If an exam falls on the day following Student's Day, then one cannot read notes the day before.
  • If on this day the hostess bakes bread with a smooth crust, without cracks, then the coming year will be successful and calm.

January 25 is Tatyana's Day (Student's Day). On this holiday, all Tatyans are congratulated on the day of the angel, they visit temples, perform rituals to attract suitors, make wishes. Also on January 25, students of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions accept congratulations. Students on their professional holiday conduct rituals to attract good luck in exams.

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