Theatrical artist Vasiliev. Art critic Alexander Vasiliev


(11.1.1911, Samara - 9.11.1990, Moscow)

Theatrical artist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1973).

After graduating in 1930 from the Moscow Artistic School in Memory of 1905, class of E. Yaku6a and S. Nikolaev, he began working in theaters in Chita, Vladivostok, Kuibyshev, and Arkhangelsk. In 1938-1939. draws up performances in the theaters of Rostov-on-Don, where he meets with Yu. Moscow City Council (1954-1974). During the war, he was the chief artist of the front-line theaters of the WTO, where he created and applied a system of portable collapsible scenery. In 1945 he was invited to the Opera and Drama Studio. K. S. Stanislavsky, where he met M. N. Kedrov.

In 1949, he released his first performance on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater - "The Conspiracy of the Doomed" by N. Virta. He is the artist of eight Moscow Art Theater performances (“Alien Shadow” by K. Simonov, 1949; “Fruits of Enlightenment” by L. Tolstoy, 1951; “Forgotten Friend” by A. Salynsky, 1956; “Jupiter Laughs” by A. Kronin, 1958; “Fulcrum” S. Aleshina, 1960; “Inspector General” by N. Gogol, 1967; “Deadline” by V. Rasputin, 1977). Shows a thorough knowledge of life material, historical realities, reliable manufacturability. Detailed, authentic interiors are comfortable for the actors. Working with Kedrov on The Fruits of Enlightenment, he willingly submits to the Kedrov method of analysis, looking for the accuracy of social and psychological characteristics, the favorable placement of the actors in the stage space, he strives, as in other performances of these years, to “stun with concreteness.” Achieves a convincing contrast between the "master's quarters" and the kitchen, located in the basement. In the kitchen, he builds a cross vault, emphasizes the thickness of the walls with openings of small windows, taken with bars. Clean, lots of dishes. In the center is a large, white-scraped dining table. Guys should feel almost at home here. Although not everything here is exactly the same as in the village (a large Russian stove, for example, is tiled). In the 1st act (the vestibule), he carefully develops local “actor points”: a place for a messenger from Bourdieu, an armchair and a table for the valet, a place for the peasants, a hanger with master's coats, an entrance door three steps below the level of the stage, a staircase to the mistress's chambers , the door to Vovo's room, etc. For the seance scene, he is looking for an “afterlife” atmosphere: round blue walls of the living room, an intricately painted ceiling, a round tiled stove that looks like a grave monument, a black carpet, black tables with thin legs. Everything is accurate, detailed, motivated, convenient for the actors. And absolutely seriously (the comedic element was felt only in the costumes of the inhabitants of the upper floors of the house). Just as serious and thorough were the scenery for The Inspector General.

Vasiliev is constantly engaged in painting, draws a lot. Composes magnificent "staged" still lifes, fantastic compositions, portraits. From foreign trips he brings a lot of drawings. He loves the modest guise of village life, the Central Russian landscape, enthusiastically captures the details. They are full of scenery for the play "Deadline" (director V. Bogomolov). It seems that the artist knows everything about the life of the old peasant woman Anna. Here, every stage thing has a biography, is necessary, habitable, recognizable: a wooden shelf for dishes with white paper festoons, a wooden partition covered with worn wallpaper, an old bed with a painted headboard, a plywood suitcase under it with a padlock, faded photographs of the dead and her living children, grandchildren, relatives. Just as true is the yard with a bathhouse, numerous things of rural use.

A master of life observations, a fanatic of authenticity, in his best performances the artist achieved the truth.

Vasiliev Alexander Pavlovich (1911 - 1990)

An outstanding theater artist, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev was born in Samara. His father, Pavel Petrovich - Councilor of State, inspector of the Imperial Shipping, mother - Nina Alexandrovna Bryzzheva, daughter of a Tula general, hero of Plevna.

In Moscow, Alexander Pavlovich entered the Moscow State Academic Art School in memory of 1905, where he studied with E. N. Yakub and S. N. Nikolaev. (See notes 1 and 2). After graduating from MAHU in 1930, his creative activity began in Chita.

In the pre-war decade, he worked in drama theaters in such cities as Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Kirov, Kuibyshev, Rostov-on-Don.

In 1945, A.P. Vasilyev began working in the capital's theaters. In 1947 he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. Since 1947, he was the chief artist of the Moscow Theater. M. N. Ermolova, since 1954 - at the invitation of Yu. Zavadsky, the main artist of the Theater. Moscow City Council. Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Vera Maretskaya, Rostislav Plyatt took the stage in costumes from Vasiliev. All of them were frequent guests in the house of Alexander Pavlovich.

Performances in Vasiliev's scenography were staged in a number of other theaters of the capital: the Bolshoi (GABT USSR), Maly, Artistic, in the theaters named after A. S. Pushkin, the theater named after Lenin Komsomol, in the Theater of Satire and on Malaya Bronnaya. A number of performances designed abroad.

In 1959, at the World Exhibition in Brussels, Alexander Pavlovich was awarded the Grand Prix for the Russian and Soviet Opera panel. He had many other awards, domestic and foreign. In 1962-66 he headed the section of theater and film artists of the Moscow Union of Artists, since 1966 he was the secretary of the board of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Since 1980 he has been president of the Soviet Center of the International Association of Stage Designers and Theater Technologists.

During his life, Alexander Pavlovich participated in the productions of more than 300 performances.

In the archive of Alexei Alexandrovich, the father of NA, there is an autograph of this remarkable artist.

Moldova,Chisinau 37,

st. Pushkina 35, apt 52

Alexey Alexandrovich


Moscow 119270

3 Frunzenskaya st. house 1 kv 61

Vasiliev A.P.

Dear Alyosha!

Thank you for your letter. Sorry for not answering for a long time - a lot of worries. How did I live my 60s? Like one day. “Yesterday” I was a boy, and today I am already an old man. I do not regret anything, except for the time I wasted on uncreative theatrical affairs, i.e. any running. Little time was left for drawing and painting.

In my family, thank God, it's good! Fun!

Many friends - no, rather very close friends. Friend - Kolya Sosunov, remember? He is no more.

I am sending a catalog, the colors are wrong.

Lyosha, is there a place near Chisinau where you can rent an apartment and relax in the summer? But not a resort, but like a quiet village. Write.

Happy New Year.

Your Sasha.

In Moscow you have a house!

Greetings from the family (2 children).

The phrases “Dear Alyosha”, just “Lesha”, “your Sasha” indicate that Alexander Vasiliev and Alexei Vasiliev knew each other well and for a long time. Where could they meet?

From the biography of AP we know: In Moscow, Alexander Pavlovich entered the Moscow State Academic Art School in memory of 1905, where he studied with E. N. Yakub and S. N. Nikolaev.

In Vasilyeva we read about our father: In 1927 Vasiliev, after graduating from Obraztsov's art studio, was sent by the People's Commissariat for Education of the KASSR to Moscow, where he first studied at the art school "In Memory of 1905" with E.A. Yakub, and then entered the VKhUTEIN (Higher State Artistic and Technical Institute) at the printing department.

Most likely they met and became friends at the art school in 1905, where they studied with one teacher E.N. Yakub.

AP graduated from college in 1905, and AA decided to enter a more reputable art institution - VKHUTEIN. Despite the fact that the father of NA studied with Yevgeny Nikolayevich Yakyb for only one year, a rare photograph of his first Moscow teacher has been preserved in his archive.

On the back of the photo it says:

Evgeny Nikolaevich Yakub

1927 Moscow

Handwriting is clearly not Vasiliev. Maybe Yakub himself signed the photo, leaving for another institute, a student?

After meeting and getting to know each other at the “Memory of 1905” art school, the professional routes of the Vasiliev artists diverge ... although occasionally intersecting.

In 1959, at the World Exhibition in Brussels, both artists represented the country: an artist from Moscow with his panel “Russian and Soviet Opera”, and an artist from Moldova with his landscape “Autumn in Moldova”.

In 1970 and 1973 they were simultaneously nominated as corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Arts. This is easy to follow from the lists, because their names were located side by side.

candidates for full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, nominated by creative unions, artistic and scientific institutions of fine arts, and public organizations.

25. Vasiliev Alexey Alexandrovich, painter, Chisinau.

26. Vasiliev Alexander Pavlovich, theater designer, Moscow

Newspaper "Soviet Culture"


USSR Academy of Arts announces names

candidates for full members and corresponding members of the Academy, nominated by creative unions, artistic and scientific institutions of fine arts, public organizations.

26. Vasiliev Alexander Pavlovich, theater and film artist, Moscow

27. Vasiliev Alexey Alexandrovich, painter, Chisinau.

In 1973, Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev became a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts.

Alexander Vasiliev, in the last sentence of his letter, conveys to Alexei Vasiliev “Hello from the family. (2 children)". So the wife and children say hello.

About one of his sons, who says hello to A.A. Vasiliev can not be said. His name, like his father, is Alexander. In popularity, he overtook his father. If the father was known mainly in professional circles, then the son is known to a huge army of fashion lovers and TV viewers.

Today, Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev is a world-famous theater artist, interior designer, art historian and fashion historian, as well as a host in the Fashion Sentence TV program.

In one of the numerous interviews, Alexander confirms the last Moscow address of Alexander Pavlovich, finally removing the question of whether Vasiliev is being discussed in the message:

I am very glad that we are celebrating his centenary, because this is such a bright and worthy date!.. This year we will also install a board on the house where he lived and the workshop where he worked - and this was in the next entrance. Therefore, we lived in the house from 1971 until 1990, when he passed away, and he worked in the workshop from 1958 in the same house. Therefore, this huge fragment of life is connected with this very space, Third Frunzenskaya street. (See address envelope above)

Once again, the creative marks of two artists, two Vasilievs, coincided, but after their death.

A memorial plaque to Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev was installed on the house where he lived and worked in 2011, the year of his 100th birthday, 21 years after his death.

A memorial plaque to Alexei Alexandrovich Vasiliev was installed on the house where he lived and worked in 1997, the year of his 90th birthday, 22 years after his death.

So far, we cannot show the memorial plaque of A.P. Vasiliev. We show the memorial plaque of Natalya Alekseevna's father, made by her students Viktor Kovalev and Vladimir Dubasov.

Natalya Alekseevna at the memorial plaque of her father.


The Moscow State Academic Art School in Memory of 1905 was founded in 1925.

The names of well-known cultural figures are associated with the activities of the school. His teachers and artistic directors in different years were full members of the Academy of Arts of the USSR V.I.Baksheev and A.M.Gerasimov, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR N.P.Krymov and others.

Within the walls of the school, outstanding figures of our culture received a start in life: folk artists, members of the Academy of Arts, laureates of state prizes Yu.P. Kugach and D.K. Mochalsky, laureate of the USSR State Prize, poster artist V.S. Ivanov, corresponding members Academy of Arts A.P. Vasiliev, M.A. Bogdanov, O.K. Komov, L.A. Sokolova…

In 1995, the school was awarded the honorary title of "Academic".

Evgeny Nikolaevich Yakub (1988 - 1977)

Graduated from the Stroganov School. In 1911-1915. traveled in China. One of the founders of the Moscow art school, opened in 1925 and named after the first Russian revolution "In Memory of 1905" From 1929 to 1932 E.N. Yakub is a professor at the Academy of Arts in Leningrad, then taught painting in Moscow.

Alexander Vasiliev (fashion historian)

Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev. Born December 8, 1958 in Moscow. Russian and French fashion historian, art critic, collector, interior decorator, theater artist, TV presenter.

Father - Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev (1911-1990), theater designer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, designer of scenery and costumes.

Mother - Tatyana Ilyinichna Vasilyeva-Gulevich (1924-2003), dramatic actress, professor, one of the first graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School.

I grew up in a theatrical atmosphere. He was greatly influenced by the work of his father, who created scenery and costumes for more than 300 productions on the domestic and foreign stages.

From an early age, he was fond of creating costumes and scenery. At first he made them for performances in the puppet theater, later - for his own play "The Wizard of the Emerald City", which he staged at the age of twelve.

He took part in the filming of children's programs on Soviet television "Kolokolchik Theater" and "Alarm Clock".

Alexander Vasiliev in childhood in the program "Alarm Clock"

He studied at the English special school No. 29, from where he was expelled due to poor academic performance. Then he studied at the school of working youth No. 127.

In 1981, Vasiliev graduated from the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School. He worked as a costume designer at the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya with his father, designed performances.

In the early 1980s, after a fictitious marriage with a French woman, he left for Paris. There he worked as a decorator for various French theaters and festivals, such as Rond Pointe (Théâtre du Rond-Point) on the Champs Elysées, Bastille Opera Studio, Lucerner (Théâtre du Lucernaire), Cartoucherie (Théâtres de la Cartoucherie), Avignon Festival, Bale du Nord , Young Ballet of France and the Royal Opera of Versailles.

Since 1994, Alexander Vasilyev began to give lectures and demonstrate master classes at various universities and colleges around the world. He speaks seven foreign languages ​​(English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish), and lectures in three of them - English, French and Spanish.

Since 2000, under his leadership, the Festival of fashion and theatrical costume "Volga seasons of Alexander Vasiliev" has been held in Samara.

In 2003 he opened a design studio "Interiors of Alexander Vasiliev".

In Russia, he lectures on the course "Management and Fashion Theory" at Moscow State University, in lecture halls in various cities of Russia. In 2005, Alexander Vasiliev's field school began to work, within the framework of which students travel to various cultural capitals, including Paris, London, Venice, Rome, Morocco, Cambodia, Madrid, Istanbul, Riga, Vilnius.

Since 2005, the Museum of the History of Fashion of the 20th Century has been operating at the Russian-British Institute of Management in Chelyabinsk. The idea of ​​creating a museum was presented to the institute by Vasiliev.

Theatrical works of Alexander Vasiliev

Alexander Vasiliev is the creator of scenery for operas, theatrical productions, films and ballets. He designed the ballets "Romeo and Juliet", "Swan Lake", "Anna Karenina" - in total more than 100 productions in 25 countries of the world.

Vasiliev worked on stage design and costumes for the Pushkin Theater performance “And suddenly ...”, which is staged in the Pushkin theater lobby, with the National Theater in London, the Scottish Ballet in Glasgow, the Royal Ballet in Flanders, as well as with the ballets of Japan, the USA, Chile and others.

In Russia, productions designed by Alexander Vasilyev were staged at the Moscow Operetta Theater, the Academic Musical Theater named after. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, opera houses in Novosibirsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don.

In 2012, at the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, he carried out a major renewal of the one-act ballet The Pavilion of Armida to music by N. Tcherepnin. Conductor - Evgeny Khokhlov.

Since 2002, Alexander Vasilyev began working on the Kultura TV channel as the author and host of the Breath of the Century program. Since November 23, 2009, Alexander Vasilyev has been the permanent moderator of the fashion court sessions in the Fashion Sentence program instead of Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

In 2009-2012, he was the scientific director of the Moscow Academy of Fashion at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Ostankino, where he taught master classes. In 2012-2013 - master of the course at the Faculty of Design and Fashion at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

Since 2012 he has been collaborating with Radio Mayak. In 2013 - the host of the series of programs "Portraits of great fashionistas" on "Radio Mayak".

In 2016, he starred in a small role in the film "Hero".

Alexander Vasiliev in the film "Hero"

Collection of Alexander Vasiliev

Owns a private collection of fashion and costume, items from which were exhibited in Australia, Europe, Asia and America. The collection, kept in France, has been replenished for 30 years already and consists of more than 50 thousand exhibits from the 17th century to the present, among which are high fashion masterpieces created by the best ateliers of their era. A significant part of the collection is made up of photographs and paintings related to the history of fashion, and, in particular, to the history of the Russian diaspora.

The collection includes costumes that once belonged to Princess Maria Shcherbatova, Baroness Galina Delvig, Countess Jacqueline de Bogurdon, Countess Olga von Kreutz. In addition, wardrobe items of such Russian theater and film stars as Natalya Durova, Olga Lepeshinskaya, Galina Ulanova, were received as a gift.

The ballerina donated several unique items from her wardrobe to the collection, including:

Ensemble consisting of a chiton and overalls. Pierre Cardin Fashion House. Paris. 1973;
- An ensemble of printed silk trimmed with flounces. Pierre Cardin Fashion House. Paris. Late 1980s;
- Costume made of two-layer quilted silk "cosmos", presented to the ballerina personally by Coco Chanel.

These fragments of the wardrobe became exhibits of the exhibition Fashion Behind the Iron Curtain. From the wardrobe of the stars of the Soviet era, ”and also ended up in the illustrated catalog of the same name (ISBN 978-5-9903435-1-1), compiled by Alexander Vasilyev.

Vasiliev plans to create a Museum of historical costume in Russia, in which his collection would be open for permanent public access.

In 2011, Alexander Vasilyev established the first international interior design award. "Lilies of Alexander Vasiliev". The winners of the award are institutions in Russia and abroad that meet his high ideas of style. The winners are awarded a brand name - a handmade ceramic lily. Each lily has an individual number and an original passport, which guarantees its authenticity. Lilies for the interior, atmosphere, light, musical accompaniment and design details have already received establishments in Russia, Italy, France, Latvia, Lithuania and other European countries.

He was awarded non-state awards - the S. P. Diaghilev medal for the promotion of Russian art, the V. Nijinsky medal, the Patron Order, the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. Twice winner of the "Tobab" award in Turkey. He was presented in the nomination "Fashion Legend" at the World Fashion Awards in 2010. In 2011, residents of the Samara region awarded Vasiliev the regional award "People's Recognition". In the same year, Vasiliev became an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Author of three dozen books. His book Beauty in Exile, published by Slovo/Slovo, went through six reprints in Russian from 1998 to 2008, and was published in New York in 2000 in English. Vasiliev is the author of the book “Russian Fashion. 150 years in photographs” (also Slovo/Slovo publishing house, 2004), which presents over 2,000 photographs on the history of Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet fashion from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century.

Most of the books are illustrated with photographs from the author's collection.

On the pages of the book "Russian Interiors" Vasilyev recreated the decorations of Russian palaces, noble estates, merchant and petty-bourgeois houses, public interiors of Tsarist Russia.

Alexander Vasiliev's fortune

Alexander Vasiliev is a fairly wealthy person. He owns houses in France, Turkey and Lithuania.

He owns real estate in Europe and Russia. In all the apartments of the star, servants live, there are gardeners, and the rooms are furnished with antique furniture. His property and real estate is estimated, according to some sources, at one and a half million euros.

Alexander Vasiliev owns a house in the central part of France, the province of Auvergne, a house in Lithuania, apartments in Antalya, Moscow and Kaliningrad, on the Curonian Spit. In addition, on the terms of a lifetime annuity, he owns apartments in Paris, which cost half a million euros.

“In Paris, I have a three-room apartment. But it is not valuable in itself, but what is in it. Me, my dog, collections, ”said the fashion historian. Museums of the world are ready to fight for what is collected in Vasiliev's Parisian apartments. Everything is there - valuable exhibits: chandeliers, candlesticks, paintings in gilded frames, silver goblets, a mahogany bed, an oak table.

In the estate in Auvergne, consisting of three houses, Vasilyev, as a rule, spends the summer.

The house in Lithuania went to the TV presenter from his grandfather. The main value of the estate in the Baltic States is the old library, the nineteenth century bath and the luxurious garden. “The house was built in 1912. My cousin and cousin live on the top floor. They have three rooms with a separate entrance. I have seven rooms downstairs. The house has preserved furniture, an old stove, a lot of old things. I love it all. He restored everything himself, ”said Alexander Vasiliev.

About the apartment in Antalya, the fashion historian said that it was given to him as a fee.

Every home of Alexander Vasiliev has antiques: “I have a lot of paintings, two thousand paintings of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I can buy cheap. I have a gift to bring down the price, to explain to people that this is nonsense. I am not a millionaire, I am Vasiliev, ”he shared.

Alexander Vasiliev. Alone with everyone

Personal life of Alexander Vasiliev:

In 1982 he married a French woman. The marriage was fictitious, with the aim of leaving for France. Lasted five years.

He officially has no children of his own. According to Alexander Vasiliev, he has three goddaughters. He maintains constant communication with only one of them - Marfa Milovidova. He became the godfather of the girl at the request of her mother, classmate and old friend.

Marfa herself said: “I tell everyone that Alexander Vasilyev is my godfather, because I am very proud of him. He is an incredible person, he is my motivator in life. Alexander often gives me fashionable clothes. I have three brothers, and as a child I often imitated them, wore trousers, and my godfather taught me to dress femininely.

According to Alexander, he has already made a will. Part of his property will belong to the foundation he manages. The goddaughter Martha Milovidova is also mentioned in the document.

According to rumors, Alexander Vasiliev has an illegitimate child. This is indirectly confirmed by him. “You will learn everything from my memoirs, not everything can be told publicly,” Vasiliev snapped.

Alexander Vasiliev. secret in a million

Filmography of Alexander Vasiliev:

1990 - Russian ballet without Russia (documentary)
2007 - Soviet beauty. The fate of a fashion model (documentary)
2008 - Film about the film. Dog in the manger. Non-Soviet History (documentary)
2009 - Alla Larionova. The Tale of the Soviet Angel (documentary)
2012 - Lyudmila Gurchenko. How I Became a Goddess (documentary)
2012 - Goddesses of socialism (documentary)
2013 - Lapin's List. Forbidden stage (documentary)
2016 - Hero - fashion historian

Bibliography of Alexander Vasiliev:

1998 - Beauty in exile
2004 - Russian fashion. 150 years in pictures
2006 - European fashion. Three centuries. From the collection of A. Vasiliev
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 1. Russian beauties
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 2. Costumes of Diaghilev's "Russian Seasons"
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 3. Costumes of the Russian Imperial House
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 4. Stars of world silent cinema
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 5. Fashion and travel
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 6. Beach fashion
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 7. Wedding fashion
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 8. Russian beauties-2
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 9. Christmas Fashion
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 10. Children's masquerade
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 11. Russian dandies
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 12. Stars of the Stalin era
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 13. Our pets
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 14. Christian Dior
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 15. Furs and fashion
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 16
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 17. Costumes of the Russian theater of the XIX-XX centuries
2006-2012 - Carte Postale. Fashion history. Issue 18. Parisian fashion in the 1910s
2007 - Sketches about fashion and style
2008 - I'm in fashion today ...
2009 - The fate of fashion
2010 - Little ballerina: Confession of a Russian emigrant (co-authored with Ksenia Tripolitova)
2010 - Russian Hollywood
2013 - Children's fashion of the Russian Empire
2013 - Paris-Moscow: long return

Vasiliev Alexander Pavlovich(January 11, 1911, Samara - November 10, 1990, Moscow) - theater artist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1975). Corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1973).


Birth, early years

Famous theater artist, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev was born on January 11, 1911 (December 29, 1910 according to the old style) in Samara. His father, a retired naval officer, was a State Councilor, inspector of the Imperial Shipping of the Volga and Simbirsk basins and head of shipping supervision in the section from Syzran to Simbirsk under the Ministry of Railways of Pavel Petrovich Vasiliev, his mother was Nina Alexandrovna Bryzzheva, daughter of a Tula general, hero of Plevna, inventor of a new type of gun for the Tsarist army.

The childhood of Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev passed in a friendly, intelligent family that carefully preserved the memory of outstanding ancestors, including those from the ancient noble family of the Chichagovs. Childhood impressions, coupled with knowledge of the details of the life of the former Russia, significantly enriched his work as a stage designer and gave impetus to Vasiliev, a collector of antiquities.

The Vasiliev family was extremely artistically gifted, and its range of interests was appropriate. Pavel Petrovich himself, who had a voice of rare beauty and strength, was the director of the choir at the Samara Women's Gymnasium. Nina Alexandrovna is an amateur actress. Her favorite genre was melody, so fashionable in the modern era, with which she performed at charity concerts, at public evenings, in hospitals, as evidenced by the programs saved by the family. Pavel Petrovich's sister, Olga Petrovna, was a talented musician and opera accompanist. Her husband, tenor Ivan Polikarpovich Varfolomeev, sang in Odessa and Kyiv, served two seasons in Sergei Diaghilev's entreprise in Paris and London. In exile, they lived in Harbin, where Varfolomeev was the director of the Russian opera. Then Olga Petrovna returned to Russia, lived in Saratov, where she died. In a word, a creative atmosphere reigned in the house, musical and theatrical evenings were arranged. It is not surprising that all the children connected their lives with art: the artist's brother Pyotr became a famous theater director, and sister Irina became a pianist. Later, Irina Pavlovna will become the wife of the outstanding choirmaster, professor of the Moscow Conservatory S.K. Kazansky

Another sister of Pavel Petrovich Vasiliev, Ekaterina Petrovna, married the outstanding Russian artist Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov. Thus, Alexander Pavlovich became Nesterov's nephew, who, by the way, had a great influence on him in his youth and blessed him with the choice of a future profession, immediately identifying in the young man a predisposition to the fine arts.

The October Revolution and the Bolshevik coup disrupted the usual way of life of the Vasilievs. Having collected only the most valuable things and left the piano, furniture, books, they were forced to flee. From Samara, the path lay to Ufa, then to the Urals, to Yekaterinburg, where they ended up in the house of the merchant Ipatiev. Then there was Siberia: from Omsk, the Vasilievs went to Novonikolaevsk, however, freezing along the way, they were forced to stay in Krasnoyarsk, which was in the hands of the Whites.

In the spring of 1919, Pavel Petrovich and his family moved back to Europe with the White Army, but they did not get further than Omsk. Then they wandered in Tobolsk, in the taiga along the great Siberian rivers. They no longer saw their home in Samara. At the end of the Civil War, they remained in 1920 with the Soviets in Krasnoyarsk. Pavel Petrovich was arrested there for the first time. Nina Aleksandrovna secured his release. In Krasnoyarsk, Peter, the brother of Alexander Pavlovich Vasilyev, entered the city theater extras. But, as soon as an opportunity appeared, the family moved in 1922 to Moscow, to a communal apartment in Orlikov Lane, house 2, apt. 12, on the 8th floor, overlooking the Sukharev Tower, destroyed in the 1920s.


In Moscow, Alexander Pavlovich studied at 41 schools of the BoAO, where he graduated from 7 stages and entered the Moscow State Academic Art School in memory of 1905, where he studied with E. N. Yakub and S. N. Nikolaev. Immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art School in 1930, his active creative activity began. Alas, it did not begin within the walls of the capital's theaters. Being the son of an "enemy of the people", Alexander Pavlovich could not get a job in Moscow, and was forced to start his career in the provinces, namely in Chita, where in 1931 he designed his first performance. From the very first independent steps in the Chita Drama Theater, Alexander Pavlovich declared himself as a bold experimenter who learned the lessons of Russian constructivism, the ideas of V. E. Meyerhold and A. Ya. Tairov.

Jeff Koons is the most expensive living artist. His sculptures are made by the French manufactory Bernardaud - one of the main manufacturers of Limoges porcelain.
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  • 13.05.2019 It's about a gripping real-life detective where a false aristocrat originally from Russia has enchanted the New York art world and fooled many important people around her finger. The rights to her life story have already been bought by Netflix
  • 06.05.2019 On the receivers of Italian double-barreled vertical shotguns, images of the Mona Lisa and a self-portrait of the maestro himself are manually engraved
    • 07.06.2019 Today sold 45% of the lots. Part will travel around Moscow, and the other will go to Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg
    • 06.06.2019 Sold 67% of lots for 53% of the total estimate. The top lots were the first edition of Pushkin's The Fountain of Bakhchisaray, the lifetime edition of Gogol's Arabesques, Ronald Reagan's autograph, and others.
    • 06.06.2019 On June 13, 2019, a specialized auction of antique paper, secondhand books and phyllocartia of the auction house "Russian enamel" will be held
    • 04.06.2019 Strong result for the auction in the middle of the working week. Up to 75 people participated online
    • 03.06.2019 The traditional twenty AI Auction lots are ten paintings, five sheets of original and two printed graphics, two works in mixed media and one work made in the technique of photo printing
    • 13.05.2019 Many believe that such a high concentration of very wealthy people inevitably creates adequate demand in the domestic art market. Alas, the scale of purchases of paintings in Russia is by no means directly proportional to the sum of personal fortunes
    • 29.03.2019 The students of Stroganovka who met in the morgue were destined to become the inventors of Sots Art, the instigators of the “bulldozer exhibition”, the merchants of American souls and the most recognizable representatives of independent Soviet art in the world.
    • 12.03.2019 Such a conclusion is contained in a study published in March 2019 by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
    • 12.03.2019 A reckless postmodern exhibition has opened in the Garage, which, according to reviews, is bold up to the risk of another intervention by the “outraged public”. The former inspector of the "Medical Hermeneutics" and the literary father of the party organizer Dunaev again set the heat
    • 07.03.2019 Deciding to "protect the rights" of artists and their heirs, the state imposed another quasi-tax on the art market - 5% on the right to follow. And instead of useful work, walking began ...
    • 11.06.2019 In the Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries. from June 19 you can see selected works by A. Giacometti, I. Klein, Basquiat, E. Warhol, G. Richter, Z. Polke, M. Cattelan, A. Gursky and others from the collection of Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris
    • 11.06.2019 The central work of the exhibition will be a multi-layered spatial picture, which you can enter and feel the painting from the inside. The artist offers to meet with her own fantasies, get into the Looking Glass, immerse herself in the universe of personal experiences

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