Theatrical corner in the early age group. Presentation from the experience of a preschool teacher


Tatiana Klimakova
The content of the musical corner in the age group

Presentation musical subject-developing environment in mixed age group(early and younger preschool age).

Target: fill content developing subject-developing environment in group in accordance with the program "Fork".

1. « music wall» framed in the form of a story based on a fairy tale "Teremok".

Musical mini-center consists from:

2. A block of benefits that encourages the development of perception music.

It includes:

Tape recorder with a set of disks on which it is recorded

Children's repertoire learned in the classroom

Favorite children's songs


Various instrumental pieces that we use to hold the elements music therapy, as well as during regime moments (when eating or during play activities).

- Musically- didactic games (one game per month):

September - "Loud quiet"

October - "What do I play"

November - "Parsley and Bear"

December - "Doll walks and runs"

Homemade crafts publishing various sounds:


Jars with various fillers (groats, plastic caps from felt-tip pens, metal sticks from curlers, wooden beads)

metal keys

Metal and wooden curlers

Used markers

Mittens with sewn on buttons

Elementary musically-didactic games for the development of perception timbre:

The game "Find the same fungus by sound"

The game What egg did the chick hatch from?

3. A block of benefits encouraging children to children's performing activities.

- Didactic aids:

Three cubes from whatman paper. On the sides of one of them is drawn content of songs learned by children. On the other, there are instruments that children learn to play. On the third - game content, dances, dances that children master.

Pictures on the cubes change as needed.

"Wonderful Circle" with a swivel window, providing the visibility of only one picture. In the sectors of this circle there are pictures depicting songs familiar to children.

Two storey house. Downstairs "live" adult cat, dog, chicken, which have a deep voice. On the second floor "live" children - a kitten, a puppy, a chicken, who have a high voice.

Attributes that encourage children to play familiar games and dancing: funny hands, rattles, autumn leaves.

A tree with a bird and chicks (a mother bird sits on the lower branch - she has a low voice, chicks sit in a nest on the upper branch - they have a high voice) are presented in our corner in two versions: 1. large appliqué on the wall near Teremka, complementing the plot. 2. a small tree with birds on a stand.

Baby musical instruments(big and small):



Music constructor(E.P. Kostina, consisting of 3 cubes for young children.

4. A block of benefits that encourage children to primary musically- creative improvisations.

- Elements of clothing:



Unvoiced (big and small) balalaikas, harmonicas.

Baby musical DIY tools and toys for musical improvisations

pan flute


Rings from keys and curlers



Noise makers and castanets

In conclusion, it must be said that many manuals are made of waste material, the pictures are drawn and laminated. Benefits can be washed. They are aesthetically pleasing, easy to handle, within reach of the hand and the height of the child, and make children want to act with them.

While creating musical subject-developing environment, the age principle of size is taken into account benefits: large - small and colors for early and younger age: most of the manuals are made in four primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue)

The musical development of a child is determined not only by
classes with a teacher, but also the opportunity
play on your own, experiment with
musical toys, play freely
creative music making.
Independent creative activity of the child
is possible provided that a special subject-developing environment is created.
For the development of independent musical
children's activities are very important
musical corner in the group (music zone).
The development of the creative beginning of children largely depends on
equipment and its attractiveness.

The music corner is a place where children
discover music and its beauty. Creatively
a decorated music corner will help
not only plunge into the world of music and expand
ideas about it, but will also develop
children's imagination, activate
emotional sphere, thinking, speech.

It is important that the music corner is located
well lit, easily accessible to children
in addition, it should be possible
isolated because, on the one hand,
music lessons and children's games require
auditory attention, and
on the other hand, "sounding" activity is not
should interfere with other activities

When designing a music corner, you need
remember about age and individual
the possibilities of children. So, for children 3-5 years old
design is better to build on the basis of the plot, and
for older children,
The musical subject environment should be
match the eye, the actions of the hand, the height
There should be a wardrobe in the music corner,
shelves for musical aids, a couple of tables,
chairs for didactic games. Benefits
development environment should be aesthetic,
attractive, easy to handle, evocative
willingness to work with them.

Usually on the walls of the music corner
put up stands. They are attached to
lyrics, poems, ditties, photos
children's performances, composers,
colorful posters, pictures with
musical instruments.

In the musical corner should lie
toy musical instruments:
drum, fife, miniature piano,
metallophone, also musical toys.

Useful to enter into the music corner
guitar, flute, violin, button accordion, accordion.

The music corner should be
located very conveniently so that children can
freely approach and take tools and
In order for children to constantly
maintained an interest in independent
musical activity, you need 1-2
update manuals once a month
music zone, make new

Music corner equipment
divided into two levels: for the educator and
for kids. Placed on the top shelf
tools used by children
dosed (for example, metallophone), and those with
which children can only engage in
supervision of the educator, in accordance with
sanitary and epidemiological standards

On the bottom shelf - drums, spoons,
triangles, maracas. Necessary
pay special attention to sound quality
musical instruments. They must
be well tuned and make familiar
sounds for children. Do not forget that
poor quality sound cripples and clogs
child's auditory experience!

Music areas should include:

Material for creative role-playing games with music -
Stuffed Toys
soft musical toys;
dolls - tumblers,
figurative musical "singing" or
"dancing" toys

figurative aids

1) Portraits of composers (works
which children sing or listen to)

2) Musical - didactic games:

3) Illustrations
- benefits like "Lotto": cards with
painted or pasted on

-All kinds of pictures:
Little books "We sing",
Musical pictures for songs that can be
made in the form of a large album or individual
colorful illustrations,
Illustrations on the theme "Seasons",
musical instruments illustrations,
Pictures depicting animals singing, dancing
or playing musical instruments,
Albums "We draw a song"
Albums for viewing "Symphonic Orchestra",
"Folk Instruments", "Dances of the Peoples of the World",
Graphic guide "Emotions"

Unvoiced children's musical toys and instruments

Voiced musical instruments and toys

sound instrument toys
undefined height
instrument toys that emit only one
toy tools with fixed
toy instruments with diatonic and
chromatic scale for creative
playing music

Technical means

It is desirable for each group to have
tape recorder for discs and flash input and
create a library of discs with music
repertoire for preschoolers

Subject-developing environment of the early age group MDOU "D / s No. 126 o.v." the city of Magnitogorsk (teacher Petrakova OA) The environment surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and harden the body of each of them. An indispensable condition for building a developing environment in kindergarten is to rely on a personality-oriented model of interaction between children and adults. The strategy and tactics of building the environment is determined by the characteristics of the personality-oriented model of education. Its main features are as follows: an adult in communication with children adheres to the position: “Not next to, not above, but together!” The thinking of a young child is visual and effective, that is, the knowledge of the surrounding world occurs in the process of real subject manipulations. Accordingly, the leading type of game is an object-manipulative game. It is very important at this age to support the very motivation of research and knowledge of the world around; in our group an interesting developmental environment has been created in which children are given time for free activities in it. In the group room, conditions for independent physical activity of children are created: an area free from furniture and toys is provided, provided with toys that encourage motor play activity. The environment in our group in the educational areas "Health" and "Physical Education" is, first of all, comfortable and accessible for the child. Games - fun allow children and adults to gain sensory experience, develop logical thinking, auditory perception, fine motor skills. Having fun with the twitch, young children develop motor skills and train their eyesight, which is very useful. Toddlers will have their first experience of cause and effect with the help of a fun dancing figure. The sensorimotor corner is intended mainly: * To stimulate sensory functions (sight, touch, hearing, smell, etc.); * Development of fine motor skills, stimulation of motor activity; * Removal of muscular and psycho-emotional tension, achievement of relaxation and comfortable well-being of children; * Creating a positive, emotional background, increasing the child's performance; * Activation of cognitive processes (thinking, attention, perception, memory); * Increasing motivation for independent and experimental activities of preschoolers. Color perception is one of the most important components of sensory education. It is in the game that a child learns something most effectively. The same applies to teaching a child to distinguish colors. The group has created conditions for the speech development of children: - a book corner; - theater area; - a series of 2-3 pictures to establish a sequence of actions and events (fairytale, everyday, game situations); - plot pictures (with various themes close to the child); - sets of pictures for grouping 3-4 in each group (realistic images): animals, animals with cubs, birds, vegetables, fruits, clothes, dishes, furniture, vehicles, household items, toys. Emotions are an integral part of life. It is noticed that emotions are a kind of indicator of the state of the child and affect his behavior and activities of the whole organism, adults need to talk with the child about the feelings and experiences of the baby himself and the people around him. In the story game, children learn gender behavior, but at the same time, boys and girls of this age have both general and differentiated content of the role-playing game. We pay special attention to the selection of materials and equipment for the play activities of girls and boys. In games, the child not only reflects the surrounding life, but also rebuilds it, creates a desired future. Beautiful elegant dolls, furniture, various dishes quickly attract kids, and they begin to act with them in a variety of ways: roll, feed, stack, etc. Integration of educational areas "Socialization", "Cognition", "Safety", "Communication", " Labour” is implemented through role-playing games. The subject environment of the group should stimulate the development of children's perception, contribute to the development of analyzers. Our group has created a musical corner with various sounding and rattling toys. A dressing corner with a mirror is a necessary attribute of an early age group. The guys look in the mirror and dress up with the help of an adult in handkerchiefs, capes, skirts. We fill the dressing up corner throughout the school year, gradually introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, costume elements for role-playing games. There is material for the productive and creative activities of children (sheets of paper and albums, brushes, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, multi-colored crayons, plasticine, boards for drawing with crayons, stands for working with plasticine, jars for water, etc.). The subject-developing environment in our group combines modern design, aesthetics and age-appropriate functionality. Comfort, well-being and coziness give rise to peace, joy, a sense of pleasure, the desire to be in a pleasant environment. “Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. Ya. Kolomensky

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Slides captions:

"Musical subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institution"

Tasks of the subject-spatial musical environment To provide joint musical activities for children and adults. Provide independent individual and joint activities of children that arise at their request and in accordance with their interests Promote the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge about music Stimulate the development of creative abilities Develop curiosity, the desire for experimentation Take into account the age and individual characteristics of children

Basic requirements for musical corners Aesthetics of the musical corner, its individual elements. Availability of all necessary benefits for this age group. Pedagogically competent guidance of SMD children by the educator. Convenient music corner.

Musical aids can be divided into four groups: 1. Figurative aids - soft toys, illustrations, LOTTO-type aids, etc. 2. Children's musical toys and instruments, which in turn are divided into voiced and not voiced. 3. Graphic aids - musical lotto, cards-emotions, cards - long and short sounds, a musical staff, a musical ladder step, geometric shapes for symbolizing parts of a work. 4. Audiovisual aids are divided into screen and sound (transparencies, compact discs, phonograms, audio and video cassettes, video discs).

Figurative aids Portraits of composers Pictures depicting musical instruments Musical didactic games

Unvoiced musical instruments layouts of button accordions; pipe layouts; models of balalaikas; drum layouts; piano model with drawn keyboard

Voiced musical instruments - toy instruments with a sound of indefinite pitch (rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles, bells) toy instruments that emit only one sound (whistles, pipes, horns, saxophones) toy instruments with a fixed melody (organs, hurdy-gurdies, music boxes ) toy instruments with diatonic and chromatic scales (metallophones, xylophones, children's pianos, grand pianos, organolas, accordions)

Homemade noise and percussion musical instruments

List of materials for children of early and younger preschool age tumbler dolls, figurative musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny ...); a set of unvoiced figurative instruments (harmonicas, pipes, balalaikas, etc.); toys-instruments with a fixed sound - organs, hurdy-gurdies; noise instruments: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum; masks, flags, sultans, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, etc. for children's dance creativity (according to seasons); desktop screen with glove toys; a tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings; musical pictures for songs that can be made on a cube and in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations.

Junior group Flat instruments Drum with one stick Bells Rattles Ratchets Cubes Tumbler Tambourine Barrel organ

List of materials for children of middle preschool age: In the musical zone for independent activities of children aged 4-5, it is advisable to have manuals for the younger group (listed above), as well as additionally: metallophone, spoons of the little book "We sing" (they contain bright illustrations for familiar songs) flannelgraph or magnetic board; musical and didactic games: "The sun and the cloud", "Recognize and name", "In the forest", "Moms and children", "What do hares do", etc .; attributes for mobile musical games: "Cap", "Cat and kittens", "Hen and cockerel". "Hares and a Bear", "Pilots", "Sparrows and a Car", etc.; musical ladders (three- and five-step, on which there are small and large birds or small and large nesting dolls; attributes for dance improvisations according to the season; table screen and a set of toys; musical toys (sounding and noise) for creative music-making.

Middle group Metallophone Drum Spoons Accordion

List of materials for children 5-6 years old (older group of kindergarten) In addition to the materials of the middle group, the following is used: triangles, home-made noise instruments, musical toys-instruments with diatonic and chromatic sound (metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute); illustrations on the theme "Seasons"; portraits of composers; illustrations from the "Musical primer"; musical and didactic games: “Musical Lotto”, “Recognize and name”, “Steps”, “Repeat sounds”, “Three little pigs”, “Musical train”, “Guess what sounds”, etc.; children's drawings for songs and familiar musical works; screens: table and screen according to the height of children; musical ladders of three, five and seven steps - voiced; attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances; multi-colored feathers, multi-colored gloves for musical improvisations behind the screen and others attributes.

Senior group Violin Harmonica Triola Xylophone Zither Ratchet Handbells

List of materials for children 6-7 years old (preparatory group of kindergarten): musical instruments (maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano, metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums, etc.); portraits of composers; illustrations on the theme "Seasons"; albums: "We draw a song" or "We draw and sing" with children's drawings in which they reflect their emotions and feelings about the music they listened to and their favorite songs; graphic aid "Emotions" (cards depicting faces with different emotional moods) to determine the nature of the melody when listening to works; albums for viewing: "Symphonic Orchestra", "Folk Instruments", "Dances of the Peoples of the World", etc.; musical ladders (three-, five- and seven-step - voiced);

A set of home-made instruments for a noise orchestra musical and didactic games: "Three Little Pigs", "Three Flowers", "Musical Umbrella", "Rhythmic Lotto", "Find Strawberries", "Rhythmic Cubes", "Name the Composer", "Funny Record" , "Musical chicks", etc.; attributes for outdoor games (for example, "Hello, autumn", "Scarlet handkerchief") attributes for children's dance creativity, costume elements for familiar folk dances (kerchiefs, wreaths, hats) and attributes for dance improvisations according to the season (leaves, snowflakes, flowers etc.) ; multi-colored gloves, sultans, gas handkerchiefs or scarves, multi-colored ribbons, multi-colored feathers for musical and dance improvisations;

The environment created “according to the laws of beauty” contributes to the understanding of beauty by children, the formation of artistic taste, the natural formation of their aesthetic attitude to the environment, and the development of creative abilities. Such an environment evokes in children a feeling of joy, delight, creates an emotionally positive attitude towards the group, the children's institution, and the desire to attend it.

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