Technological maps for fgos 2 junior group. Technological maps for the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group


Maria Semenchenko
Technological map of OOD for drawing in the second junior group

Technological map of OOD for drawing in the second junior group

Topic: Sun

Integration of educational regions: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development, social and communicative development

Target: development of motor skills in drawing lines, the formation of a conditional connection between the movement of the hand and the resulting trace of a pencil on paper


educational: teach children to convey the image of a bright sun in the drawing, place the drawing in the middle of the sheet, paint over the round shape with continuous lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire bristle of the brush, combine a rounded shape with straight lines.

Educational: to develop the creative abilities of each child, fine motor skills of hands.

Educational: to cultivate independence, interest in artistic activity.

Targets: depicts individual objects, simple in composition and uncomplicated in content plots. Selects colors that match the depicted objects. Properly uses pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints. Shows positive emotions during physical activity.

Means of implementation: multimedia (music, visual (illustration depicting the sun, verbal (riddles, jokes)

Equipment and materials: landscape sheets, paints and brushes, jars of water, oilcloth, napkins

vocabulary work: activation in the speech of children of nouns (sun, rays, clouds, etc.)


I. Introduction

AT: children, I will now give you a riddle, and you listen carefully.

Golden Orange

The sky traveled all over.


II. Main part:

AT: let's all go to the window and see if the sun is peeking out? (children go to the window and look).

AT: No, it's not visible. And let's call him! (says a joke)

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window!

Sunshine, dress up

Red, show yourself!

Children are waiting for you

The kids are waiting.

AT: the sun does not want to come out from behind the clouds. Guys, let's call the sun together! (children, together with the teacher, say the nursery rhyme again).

AT: let's draw our own sun, and we will have a sun.

Finger gymnastics:

"Hide and Seek"

rhythmically bend and unbend all fingers at the same time

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed

Like this, like this

And the heads were removed.

AT: I'll show you how to draw the sun. (the teacher shows the tricks drawing circle with a brush and painting it with continuous lines). Let's try with you draw the sun in the air. Raise your right hand up and try draw a circle. (children draw a circle in the air) . Children, what do you think we have forgotten draw the sun? That's right, rays. See how I will paint rays of our sun (children drawing rays in the air) .

Children sit down and start paint. The teacher provides assistance to children who are experiencing difficulties.

Physical education minute:


The sun came out from behind the clouds

We will stretch our hands to the sun.

(Sipping - hands up.)

Hands to the sides then

We'll spread it wider.

(Sipping - arms to the sides.)

We've finished warming up.

Rest, arms, back.

III. Final part:

Conclusion: children look at the drawings, discuss the work done

Reflection:"Sun". A circle from the sun is attached to the board, rays of yellow and blue colors are distributed to the children. Beams need to be attached to sunshine: yellow - I really liked the lesson, got a lot of interesting information; blue color - the lesson is not interesting, it was not

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Technological map of GCD in the second junior group

In the educational field "Formation of elementary mathematical representations"

Topic: "A trip to the zoo"

Prepared by: teacher

first qualification category

Okulova Anna Vladimirovna

Blagoveshchensk, 2017

Subject: Trip to the zoo

NOD type : Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Target : Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, answer the question "how much?" "" with the words one, many, none. - consolidate the skills of quantitative counting, the ability to combine objects together according to a common property; learn to correlate a number with a quantity (1-4), introduce with the number 4; develop speech, attention, observation, spatial representations; cultivate industriousness, perseverance, a desire to learn new things, love for mathematics. Raise the desire in children to compare familiar objects in size.

Tasks : continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly; - consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the number of objects one, many, none,

Materials and equipment:Soft toys in the form of animals, constructor railway, modules, toy glove "grandfather"

preliminary work:

Expected Result:

GCD progress:


Methods and techniques

Teacher activity

Children activities




Meeting with "grandfather" reading A. Malaev's verse "I'll go for a walk on the street"

Reading a verse
I'll go for a walk on the street
I'll tell the guys
About the fact that I'm with bears
Furry friends!
Enough for every elephant
For an apple-gift...
Now I know well
Road to zoo!

Listening to the verse and getting to know the toy

A toy

Reading a telegram about a problem at the zoo

Guys, today our group received a letter that says that the animals have fled and we need to help put things in order! Can we help?



Children's choice of means of transportation

How can we get to the zoo?

Guys there in the distance I see the railway, let's go by train!

Children's answers



Travel preparation

Guys, look, the locomotive has broken down and will not be able to take us, let's repair it! What do you think, what parts should be put in order for it to go, round or square? why? And if you put it on the squares, will he go or not? Why?

Listening to an excerpt from the song "insect locomotive"



Children's answers


Children's answers

Children building a locomotive and driving to the gate


Physical education minute

"Zoo gate repair"

We reach the gate: guys, look, the gates of the zoo have collapsed, let's build them: turn on the music

Children build gates to the music and enter them


Encounter with animals

Guys, look, the animals have fled, from which side do you see the bunny? Etc.! We analyze the answers of the children and correct them for the correct ones, above, below, left, right.

Children's answers

Soft toys, doll chairs

Animal Comparison and Quantitative Counting

Let's now count how many animals we found?

Let's compare the size of which of the two animals is larger, and if we put another animal next to it, what do we call the one in the middle?

One two three four…

Children's answers

Stuffed Toys,

Consolidation of the concept of one many

Look at these animals sitting together all together, how many are there?

Is the elephant bored...?

A lot of


Stuffed Toys,


Consolidation with children classes

Guys, what good fellows you are, you did a very good job today, let's put the animals in cages,what did you learn to do in class? What parts were used to build a steam locomotive? how many animals did we find? What size were they?

Well, animals, late hour,

We sat down with you.

It's time for us to go home

Goodbye, bye!

Children's answers

Educational area– knowledge

Chapter– FEMP

Topic- Morning. Big small.

Target: introduce part of the day - morning, learn to compare objects in size.

Program content: Introduce part of the day - morning, learn to compare objects in size. Cultivate curiosity.

Dictionary: Morning, big, small

Equipment and m materials: Two pyramids, one paper lantern of any color (yellow, red, blue, green).

Bilingual component : morning - tan, big - ulken, small - kіshkentai, one - bir, many - köp.

Stages of activity

Deactivity educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating





Organizational moment: Game "Journey".

I suggest that the children make two trains out of chairs, I specify what they turned out to be in length. I invite children to send their favorite toys on a trip. Then I figure out which train they will take. Long or short? In which direction? (left or right).

Lesson progress

Children, now we will play the game “Find the same ring”. Look, please, I take off the rings from one pyramid and lay them out on the windowsill, tables, and closet. Now I am giving you one ring from the paired turret and you will find the same rings (in the course of watching, I help them in difficulty).

Lera, pick up the ring and explain where you found it. Well done, you got it right. Now I'm giving you a couple of big rings. Now Pasha will put them on the rods of both pyramids.

The game continues until all the rings are put on the rods. The game “Multi-colored lanterns”. Presentation .- Children I give you one flashlight each. I ask how many lanterns they have in their hands, how many lanterns, and what color they are.

Gleb, what color is your flashlight?

Well done. Gleb has a red flashlight.

And Oleg has a flashlight, what color?

That's right, you have a yellow flashlight.

And now let's play. The lanterns lit up and began to dance. Can you please tell me how many lanterns are dancing?

Morning has come. The room became light. The blue lights went out. Yellow lanterns went out, red, green.

How many flashlights does Sofia have? How many lanterns does Arina have: Now the evening is coming, the lanterns are turning on dark, the game is repeated. Then I ask how many flashlights there are, what color?

Well done, today we played very well.

Children build two trains

Children looking for rings

Child's answers

Children take flashlights

I have a red flashlight.

children sat down

The kids are in charge

D children answer.

After the game, the children put the lanterns in the basket

O expected result:

Reproduce : Big small

understand : compare big - small

Apply : representation of the morning part of the day.

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area– Knowledge

Chapter– FEMP

Topic: Day. A circle. One - many

Target: To acquaint with a part of the day - a day, with a geometric figure - a circle.

Program content: To form the ability to determine the times of day - morning, afternoon. To introduce the circle to the geometric figure, to develop the ability to explore the circle in a tactile-motor way, to cultivate interest in cognitive activity.

Dictionary: circle, day, one-many.

Equipment and m material: illustrations, toys, geometric shapes.

Bilingual component: day - kun

Stages of activity

Deactivity educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating






Children stand in a circle. One child holds the ball and names its signs. The ball is round...

The children then take their seats. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the pictures.

What season is it now?

And why?

Name the signs of autumn.

Then the teacher introduces the part of the day "Day"

What do you know?

Conversation with children.

The teacher offers to play a game.

The ball rolled towards the children

I felt on the site

Who, who took the ball showed.

Kids, what shape is the ball? Shape - circle

What else would you call a circle?


Girls and boys

Jumping like boys

Eyes blink

And then they rest

The teacher asks the children questions.

Conversation of the educator with the children in the lesson.

Children stand in a circle

Describe the ball

Children looking at pictures

Children's answers

Look around looking for circle shapes.

circle shape

Children's answers

Move through the text

Children's answers.

Expected Result:

Playback: one - many

understand : name geometric shapes

Apply : picture of parts of the day - day

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area: Cognition

Chapter: FEMP

Subject: Night. A circle.

Target: Introduce the time of day - night.

Program content: Introduce the time of day - night, develop the ability to draw round objects.

Dictionary: Night, circle

Equipment and material: pictures, cards

Bilingual component: night - tun, day - kun.

Stages of activity

De activityeducator

Children's actions


Motivats. - encourage.

Organization - search


Knock on the door!

The teacher asks

"Who is it?"

"It's me Misha!"

The teacher invites Misha.

Come in Misha you will be a guest.

"Why are you so sad?".

"I'm in school and got a 2 in math today."

"Because I don't know the time of day."

"Don't be sad guys will help you." “- guys who came to visit us?” Can we help Misha? (Yes).

The teacher distributes cards to the children - work on the cards.

The teacher asks the children questions: - What do we do in the morning?

What do we do for lunch?

What do we do in the evening?

What do we do at night?

Misha is escorted.

Listen carefully to the teacher

Answer questions

Card work

Answer questions

Expected Result:

Reproduce: time of day - night

Understand: distinguish the time of day

Apply: the ability to give a full answer to a question

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area– Cognition

Chapter: FEMP

Topic: Left - right. Item Ratio

Target: Learn to distinguish and name spatial directions from

yourself: left - right.

Program content: To learn to navigate on a sheet of paper: from left to right, to learn to compare objects of different numbers in groups, to distinguish where is the right hand and where is the left hand.

Dictionary: left, right.

Equipment and material: flannelgraph, pictures for flannelgraph, Dunno toy, plot pictures

billing.gross component: on right - on zhakta, on the left - sol zhaktan

Stages of activity

The activities of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational and incentive

Organizational and search

Reflective - corrective

Guys, look who's visiting us. (Dunno). He does not know how to distinguish between right and left hands. Do you know where your right hand is? Raise your right hand. What are you doing to her? Show your left hand. What's on your left? What is to your right? Guys, I suggest you to play the role of real artists and create an unusual picture right on the flannelgraph.

Ksyusha, attach a house in the center.

Nikita, and you, to the left of the house, “draw” a birch.

To the right of the house is a tree. To the left of the birch is a fly agaric.

To the right of the house is a squirrel. The sun is above the house. A tit sits on a birch. To the right of the Christmas tree is a hare.

Well done, now Dunno will not confuse the right and left hand.


"Make no mistake."

Two steps forward.

One step to the left.

One step to the right...

Did. game


Everyone has a card and a round chip on the table. Let's play with a fly (chip). Fly in the upper left corner. Moved to the bottom left. Now to the top right. One cell left, one cell down, one cell right.

And now I suggest you create another picture on the flannelgraph. Masha went to the forest. The birds flew into the forest. Put the bird on the tree (the other child is under the tree). A fungus grows under the tree, put it under the tree. Under the oak is a stump. Put a stump under the oak. And a bunny sits on a stump. Put him on a stump. And cones grow on the tree, please attach the cones to the tree. An owl sits in a hollow, an oak tree, put it in a hollow. What a beautiful forest we got

The teacher invites the children to consider complex pictures and answer questions using “on”, “under”.

The teacher offers to compare objects by thickness: books, albums. Pencils. Introduces the concepts of "thicker", "thinner"


Here is our game

Clap hand, clap another

Right right palm

We clap a little

And then with the palm of your left

Do you clap your hands

And then, then, then

Let's beat the right with the left.

You guys have been working really hard today. Well done.

Let's say goodbye to the heroes.

Children show the right and left hands, answer the teacher's questions.

They work with a flannelgraph, attach pictures, explain why they attached it here.

Perform a physical minute

They play a didactic game, explaining their choice.

They work with flannelgraph, together with educate. understand the correct use of "on", "under"

Look at pictures and answer questions.

Children compare objects by thickness. Listen to the teacher's explanation.

Perform a physical minute


Say goodbye to heroes

Expected Result:

Reproduce: spatial directions away from you

understand: compare familiar objects by size

Apply: ideas about orientation in space

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : knowledge.

Chapter: FEMP

Topic: Morning afternoon Evening Night. Left - right.

Target: : to form the ability to determine the contrasting parts of the day: morning - evening, day - night.

Program content: To teach to distinguish between the times of the day by changing the content of the activities of children and adults, to develop the ability to orient oneself in relation to oneself, to cultivate accuracy in working with handouts.

Vocabulary work: day, night, morning, evening.

Equipment and material : rope- 2 streams: one narrow, the other wide, blue stripes of the same length, but different and the same width; cards day, night, morning, evening; lanterns of different colors.

Bilingual component : kun-day, tun-night



The activity of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Greeting circle "Forest dwellers":

Guys, what animals live in the forest, name.

How can you say one word about them?

Correctly! Here is one such animal called us to visit. Guess who it is?

This beauty

Lives on the tree

From the hands of passers-by

Takes nuts.

Stand in a circle and answer questions.

Bear, wolf, hare, fox, etc.

Wild animals.




Well, are we leaving?

But there are two streams ahead. To get into the forest you need to step over them. First, let's step over the first stream, then the second.

Practical work "Measure the stream."

Task: there are blue stripes on the table - “brooks”. It is necessary to use the overlay or application method to determine which stream is wider, narrower or the same in width.
The teacher listens to the answers of 3-4 children. Then he asks to show wide streams, narrow, identical.

The squirrel says that you did a good job and she wants to play the game “Colorful Lanterns” with you.

The teacher gives each child one flashlight of a different color and asks how many flashlights he has, what color.! Night has come. It became dark. The lanterns were lit and they began to dance. How many lanterns are dancing?

Morning has come. It became light. The lights went out."

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

D / game "Mashenkin's day".

The squirrel says that she met a girl Masha in the forest. She mixed up the parts of the day. Can we help her?

The teacher calls the actions:

The kids are waking up...

The kids are playing outside...

The kids are sleeping...

Children go home from kindergarten ...

Well done!

Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Say goodbye to whites. We need to cross the streams again.


Children step over the streams in turn. From their experience they find out that the first stream is wide, it is difficult to step over it. And the second stream is narrow, easy to step over. When stepping over, children say "wide, narrow."

Children determine the width of the streams.

Children show and repeat aloud comparisons.

Children are happy that the squirrel wants to play with them.

One. (color)

Children are dancing.

A lot of.

The children sat down.

Children name the parts of the day and raise the card.

In the morning.


At night.

In the evening.

Children say goodbye to the squirrel and go back to the streams. Remember which one is wide and which one is narrow.



What did we do in class?

What streams did we meet on the way?

Who found it difficult to step over streams?

What game did the squirrel play with us?

Did you like the game?

When do the lanterns come on?

And when do they turn off?

Well done!

We went to visit the squirrel.

Wide and narrow.

Various answers.

Multi-colored lanterns»


Lanterns are lit at night.

Extinguished in the morning.

Expected Result:

Reproduces : parts of the day: day-night, morning-evening.

understands : the skills of determining objects in space.

Applies: determine the contrasting parts of the day: morning - evening, day - night.

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: Square, circle, triangle.

Target : : learn to recognize and name geometric shapes: triangle, circle, square,

Program content: To consolidate the knowledge gained about geometric shapes.

Vocabulary: square, triangle, circle.

Equipment and material:multi-colored snowflakes, one large with a letter for winter, counting sticks, exercise cards.

Bilingual component: circle - domalak



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Guys? I came to the group and saw snowflakes! There was nothing here yesterday! Who brought it?

Correctly. But snowflakes are not simple, but with tasks. Perhaps winter wants to know what we have learned.

Are you afraid of difficulties?

Children stand around the table and wonder. Winter brought.

No, we are not afraid.



1 snowflake:

Name what children and adults do

In the morning,

In the evening,


At night.
2 snowflakes:

Journey to the winter forest.

Guys, how beautiful it is in the forest, everything around is white. But this forest is not simple, there are unusual trees and animals in it. Guys, who noticed what is unusual here?

Well done!

3 snowflake: charging by cards. The teacher shows cards with a schematic image of a person, for example, the head is tilted to the left, to the right, the right hand is raised up, to the side, etc. 4 snowflake: The game "Determine how many claps." The teacher claps his hands behind the screen. The game "Stubborn kids". Purpose of the game: the teacher says one action, and the children do the opposite. The teacher puts his legs narrowly - Takes a step forward - Raises his left hand -

Walks - Speaks softly -

5 snowflake: Make a figure out of counting sticks.

Can a circle be made from sticks?

6 snowflake: The game "Find the other half of the snowflake." On the table are halves of multi-colored snowflakes.

Wake up, go to the kindergarten, to work, do exercises ...

Parents pick up children from kindergarten, return from work, watch TV ...

During the day they dine, play on the street ...

We have dinner, we go to bed, we sleep.

They look like geometric shapes: a Christmas tree looks like a triangle, a tree looks like a circle, a house looks like a square, a hare looks like a triangle, a bear looks like an oval, a stump looks like a square. Children repeat the movements drawn on the card. Children determine how many claps and say "one" or "many".

Children wide.


Right hand.



Children lay out the figures.


Children take snowflakes and look for each other's half by color.



What good fellows you are! Did it! Did you like it? Let's send a letter to winter on a snowflake. Hang it on a tree in our yard. Winter will come and rejoice for our successes!

Children rejoice and look out the window as the teacher hangs a snowflake on a tree.

Expected Result:

Reproduce : geometric figures.

Understand: skills of finding geometric shapes in objects.


Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: One - many

Target: : Continue to teach to distinguish between the concepts of "many", "one".

Program content: To teach children to compare objects by quantity, to develop the ability to find one and many objects in the environment. Cultivate curiosity.

Vocabulary: one, many

Equipment and material:Demonstration material - flannelograph: 2 houses, bunnies, a wolf, Christmas trees, carrots. Handout - toy bunnies,

Bilingual component: b i p - one



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Hello guys! Look what I have. What do you think it is. Of course it's a letter. And from whom will you learn it if you guess the riddle.


Little red animal

He doesn't live on earth

And on a tree in a hollow.


Correctly. And how did you guess that it was a squirrel? -What do you think, to whom the letter was written?

The teacher reads the inscription on envelope: "Kindergarten, children 2 ml.groups"


This is our Group?

Listening, watching

The children answer in the affirmative.

Children answer that it is a squirrel

Children say that squirrels are red, live in trees, love nuts.



Let's open the envelope and see what's written here. Just one word - "Help". What happened to her is unclear. Will the guys help the squirrel?

Where does the squirrel live? - That's right, well done, the squirrel lives in the forest.

What do you think, how can you get to the forest?

Is it possible by train? That's where we'll go!

2. Updating knowledge


How many are you?

How many wagons does the train have?

You a lot of and you will be trailers.

How many teachers are with you? - And what does the first trailer cling to? Children explain that the trailer clings to the train.

That's right - to the train.

Then who will I be?

Well done! The first trailer clings to the engine, and then all the other trailers cling to each other.

Is everyone ready? Then let's go!

Guys, where are we?

And how did you guess that this is a forest? Answer children: "Because trees grow around".

Look who is sitting on the stump? Children say that a ladybug sits on a stump.

How many ladybugs?

Let's see carefully. Maybe someone else is hiding here? (little ladybugs hid behind a stump in the foliage)- Guys, I see something interesting ahead. Let's see what it is?

Physical education minute "Travel".

We are funny guys

We are preschoolers. (Children smile)

We'll hit the road

And we know very a lot of. (Children walk in place)

We'll go ahead now (children point forward)

Let's find the answer to the question.3. Difficulty in a game situation


Guys, where are we?

What are these flowers called?

That's right, daisies.

How many daisies are in the meadow?

Didactic game "Ladybugs".


Guys, ladybugs flew a lot, have been everywhere, very tired. But they don't know where to rest. What are ladybugs to do?

Where can they sit? .

But they are afraid that they all will not have enough daisies. Ladybugs want you to help them find out if they have enough daisies or not? Can you help the ladybugs?

How can you help them? Children say that ladybugs will fly by themselves, that they need to be planted on daisies, etc.4. Discovery of new knowledge


How to find out if ladybugs have enough daisies or not? Children list the options, then offer plant one ladybug on each chamomile.

Plant one ladybug on each daisy.

How many big ladybugs?

How many little ladybugs? Answer children: « A lot of » .

How many ladybugs are there? Children say ladybugs a lot of.

How many large daisies are in the clearing? Answer children: "One".

How many small daisies? Answer children: « A lot of » .

Guys, what kind of chamomile should I plant a big ladybug on? Children say that a big ladybug should sit on a big daisy.

And I want to plant a ladybug on a small daisy. Will I get it? Why?

Children's answer: it will not work, the chamomile will break, the ladybug will fall.

That's right, a big ladybug will fall from a small daisy or the daisy will break.

Ladybugs thank you for your help.

5. Introduction of new knowledge into the system.

The game: "Visiting a squirrel".

Children are met by a squirrel


Did you get my letter? The children answer what they got.

Why did you drive for so long? Answer children: "We helped ladybugs".

How did you help them? Answer children: “We helped them sit on daisies”.


Baby, what happened to you? We read the letter, but there is only one word - help. We didn't understand anything.


I was gathering supplies for the winter, but I dropped the basket and scattered everything that was in it.

Guys, can you help me collect my supplies? The children agree to help the squirrel.


What do you think the squirrel had in the basket? Answer children: "Mushrooms, berries".


I have a magical picture in which, among different objects drawn then, what I need (shows magic picture).


What did the squirrel collect in the basket? Answer children: "Mushrooms".

How many mushrooms fell apart? Answer children: « A lot of » .

Take one mushroom each.

Everyone has one mushroom? Answer children: "Yes".

The teacher asks each child how many mushrooms he took. If one of the children took a few mushrooms, then the teacher asks question: “What to do so that everyone has one mushroom?”

caregiver proposes to fold(stick) mushrooms in a basket.

caregiver (referring to each child):

How many mushrooms are you (put) glued to the basket? Children's answers.

How many mushrooms are in the basket? Children's answers.


That's right, because we a lot of. Each glued one mushroom, and they became a lot of.


What good fellows you are, the guys helped collect my mushrooms in the basket.

You must be tired? Children's answers. Do you want to play? Children's answers.

Let's play, relax and gain strength.

The game: "Blow me away"


Who's to say what time of year it is? Children's answers.

What happens to the leaves on the trees in autumn? Children's answers.

Yes, the leaves fall, and when the wind blows, the leaves swirl beautifully and fall to the ground.

How many leaves are on the trees? Answer children: « A lot of » .

How many leaves do I have? Answer children: « One » .

- Imagine that you are beautiful autumn leaves, and I am the wind and will blow on you. You will spin and gently sink to the ground. (Kids are playing)

Now you will be the wind, and I will be the leaf. (The gamerepeated 3-4 times ) .

Well, what rested, gained strength? (children answer)

The squirrel thanks the children for their help and treats them with mushrooms from their stocks.


It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. The first trailer clings to the engine, and then all the other trailers cling to each other (music plays).

Children get up one after another and return to group along the drawn rails.

6. The result of the lesson.

The teacher sums up together with the children.

Where have we been today? Children's answers.

What were we doing there? Children's answers.

Why did we manage to help the squirrel and ladybugs? (If the children find it difficult to answer, then the teacher helps them: "We acted together, in unison").

How many of us are together? Children's answers.

The children agree with the teacher.Children say that the squirrel lives in the forest.

Children list the typestransport : minibus, horse, car, etc.

The children answer that theya lot of.Children say that there are trailers by the train tooa lot of.

The children respond that the teacherone.

Answer children : "You will be a locomotive" .

(children walk to the music along the drawn rail

The children answer that they came to the forest.

The children answer that there is only one ladybug.

Children tell the teacher that they saw ladybugs.

The children agree.

Answer children : "To the meadow with flowers" .

Answer children : "Daisies" .

The children answer that in the clearingmany daisies.

Children's suggestions : fly home, sit rest, etc.

Answer children : "In the meadow, on the daisies"

The children agree to help the ladybugs.

Answer children : "One"

Answer children: « A lot of » .

Children say ladybugs a lot of.

Answer children: "One".

Answer children : « A lot of » .



Our journey is over. I want to thank everyone.


Expected Result:

Reproduce : concepts one - many



Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: Number and number 1.

Target: Introduce the number 1 and the number 1;

Program content: Introduce the number and number 1.

Vocabulary: number, number

Equipment and material:3 gnomes, ticket cards, demonstration material (one - many), hook, nail, knitting needle, candle, counting sticks, 3 envelopes.

Bilingual component: b i r - one



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Today we are again visiting the cheerful Gnomes. Let's find out where they hid:

The one who has the gnome on the envelope will sit down ...

The one who has the gnome under the envelope will sit down ...

The one who has the gnome to the left of the envelope will sit down

Children are looking for where the gnomes hid



Our Gnomes walked in the zoo and looked at animals and birds. And so they stopped near the largest cage and saw a big, big animal with big, big ears and a long, long nose. Who do you think it is?

Let's count how many elephants are in this cage, shall we? (one)

Today we will get acquainted with the number 1 and find out that this number can be written as the number 1.
1. Acquaintance with the number 1.

How many elephants are in the picture? (one)

How many red beads are set aside? (one). What geometric shape does this bead look like? (circle) How many circles do you see? Take the red envelope and take it outth 1 circle. Take a green envelope and take out a card from it: in each picture, close the item that is different from the others.


To begin with, we are with you

We only turn our heads.

We also rotate the stomach,

We can do this, of course.

Let's take a hand by the nose,

We smile with a mouth.

Finally stretched

Up and to the side. Have caved in.

Blushed from the workout

And they sat down at the desks again.

2. Acquaintance with the number 1.

A hare came to visit us. He brought the number 1, because the number 1, which we are talking about today, is indicated by the number 1. what does it look like?

This number is similar

On a hook, on a nail, on a knitting needle.

And a little more, maybe

She looks like a candle.

Let's lay out the number 1 with the help of counting sticks.

Auditory correction.

Coordination of speech with movement, work on the pace and rhythm of speech, coordination of movement.

Dynamic workout.

Development of fine motor skills

Game "One - many": clap your hands when you see one object, when you see many objects, do not clap.

Answer questions

perform tasks,

perform a physical minute



What number and what number did we meet today?

Answer questions

Expected Result:

Reproduce : number and number 1

Understand: skills of finding the number 1 in the number of objects

Apply: to complete tasks.

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: Evening. Big small.

Target: Introduce time of day evening.

Program content: Introduce the evening to the time of day, consolidate the concept of big - small.

Vocabulary: evening

Equipment and material:doll, toy bear, plane trees, toys: squirrel, hare,

Bilingual component: b i r - one



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Educator: - The guys came to visit us today, let's say hello to them.

Communication game"Hello!"

Quiet music sounds, crying is heard

Draws the attention of children to crying. Who is crying?

She reports that Masha is crying, she got lost in the forest and cannot get out.

Offers to go to the forest to help Masha.

Specifies what time of year (winter)

simulation game"Let's go to the forest"



Educator: - So we came to the forest, look how many Christmas trees are in the forest (exposed trees on a magnetic board). How can we find Masha, look who is sitting under the bush and trembling? Let's ask him if he saw Masha.

The hare will help us if we treat him with a carrot, look how many carrots I have in my basket? How many carrots will we give the hare.

The teacher attracts attention, look who is sitting upstairs? Where does the squirrel live?

And what lies below? The squirrel asks us to help her put the mushrooms on the shelves.

    Offers to go to the tables and spread the mushrooms into strips. (on the top strip - one mushroom, on the bottom a lot).

    Guys, what kind of hare do we have?

    That's right - small. And the squirrel, Well done, the squirrel is also small.

The teacher reports that the hare and the squirrel are grateful for the help and say that Mashenka walked and walked and got into the bear's hut.

Here he is a bear, he testament to us to play- Offers to play: Phys. minute"Three Bears"

1,2,3 - turn around and turn into bears. Three bears went home. Dad was big - big. Mom was smaller with him. And the son was just a baby. He was very small. Walked with a rattle. Ding - ding-ding. 1,2,3 - turn around and turn into guys. The teacher turns to the bear, asks him to let Mashenka go. Guys, what kind of bear? That's right, the bear is big The bear agrees, on the condition that his hut has become old, and he asks to make a house for him.



The teacher reports that the bear thanks the children. "Well, thank you, you coped with my condition, and for this I treat you and let Masha go." He takes food out of the bag.

Expected Result:

Reproduce : ability to find big and small item.

Understand: view of part of the day evening.

Apply: to complete tasks.

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: Square

Target: Zach to replicate children's knowledge of geometric shapes;

Program content: To acquaint with a geometric figure - a square, to develop the ability to examine a square by tactile and motor means, to cultivate cognitive interest.

Vocabulary work: square

Equipment and material: on the a selection of geometric shapes for each child;
magic easels - beautifully designed boxes with a colored bottom and various fillers (cleaned sand, small pebbles, beads, cereals);
"houses for figures" - cards divided into nine cells;
subject pictures (sun, flower, cloud, butterfly) for each child;
tinted sheets of paper, a set for application;
square on a stand

Bilingual component : square



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Children, today an extraordinary guest has come to us.
The teacher shows a square.

are interested



What geometric figure does our guest look like?
His name is Square. He's just sad for some reason.
Let's show Square how we can play with fingers, maybe he will have fun.
The teacher conducts a finger game "1-5 - we learned to count":
We have learned to count
One two three four five
We need to get smarter...
The square was not fun. Why?
Let's ask him.
And I'm not happy because I lost my friends.
The teacher invites the children to help Square find his friends.
But we need to solve riddles, and draw the answers on magic easels.
What are we going to draw?
That's right, fingers.
This geometric figure has four corners, four vertices and four sides, and all sides are the same.
This one has three corners, three peaks and three sides.
Here is a figure without any corners, it has an elongated shape.
The next one has four corners, four vertices and four sides, with two opposite sides long and two short.
This figure has no corners and looks like the sun, a hoop, a plate...
The teacher asks one child, then another:
What figure did you draw? How many angles does this figure have? sides? Peaks?
Well done! You guessed all the riddles correctly.
Look how Square smiled, because you called his friends.
How can two words be called Kvadratik's friends?
Correctly. But so that friends are no longer lost, let's put them in a house (a card divided into nine cells).
Next, the teacher gives the children a task: the square will live in the middle (center) of the sheet, the circle - above the square, the oval - under the square; a triangle will live to the right of the square; a rectangle will settle to the left of the square. To make the house cozy, bright, elegant, you need to decorate it: “Place the sun in the upper left corner; plant a flower in the lower right corner; in the upper right corner - a cloud; Decorate the lower left corner with a butterfly.
The teacher asks the children different questions. For example: where does the Square live, where did it come from, what will it do in the future?
The square thanks the guys, invites them to play the game.
Physical education is being held.
Did you like the game?
The teacher invites the children to do something nice for the guest. For example, give him gifts.
What to give?
What do you think, children, will Square be delighted if we give him beautiful postcards, which will bring together all his friends - geometric shapes?
To do this, you need to create some kind of image from several shapes. Then stick it on a piece of paper to make a postcard.
At this time, calm music plays.
After the work is done, the teacher offers to give their postcards to Square.

(Children's answers.)

(children bend their fingers, starting with the little finger)

(clench and unclench fists)

(bend fingers, starting with the thumb) -

(Clench and unclench fists.)
(Children's answers.)

These are geometric shapes!

Children respond by imagining.

Children use their fingers to draw answers to riddles on easels.

The kids get to work. From a set of geometric shapes, they come up with and lay out any image on a sheet, then glue it.



Square thanks the children and stays in the group for the whole day.

Children are happy with the result

Expected Result:

Reproduce : distinguish geometric shapes

Understand: representation of a geometric figure - a square

Apply : label a position on a piece of paper square

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: One - many

Target: to consolidate the concepts of "one - many - none"

Program content: Learn to compare familiar objects by quantity.

Vocabulary work: one, many

Equipment and material: and hare and bear pears; baskets; 5 dummies of carrots and apples; fresh apples and carrots.

Bilingual component : hare - koyan



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

Today we will go for a walk in the forest clearing.

(Children follow the teacher and see the tracks of a hare and a bear.)



Guys, look! What's this?
- And on what traces can remain?
- What do you think, whose are they?
- Only animals can leave footprints?
Let's follow the tracks and see where they lead us.

A bear and a hare are sitting under the tree.

- What voice does the bear greet, low or high?
- Say hello to the bear in a low voice. (Requests several children individually)
- And the bunny, in what voice did you say hello, low or high?
- Say hello to the bunny in a high, thin voice. (Requests several children individually)
(The animals suddenly begin to cry.)
- Nastya, ask the bunny in a high voice, why is he crying?
The hare is crying because he lost his carrot. He has a perforated basket.
- Vitya, ask the bear in a low voice why he is crying?
- The bear lost the apples. He has a perforated basket.
- Bunny, where did you lose the carrot?
- The hare stood facing the Christmas tree and lost carrots on the right side.
- The bear also stood facing the tree, but on the left side he lost apples.
- Children, let's help animals? Get in front of the tree. Girls will look for bunny carrots with
right side. The boys will look for apples for the bear on the left side.
- You can take only one apple or carrot in your hand.

- Sasha, how many apples do you have?
- Lisa, how many carrots do you have?
(Questions everyone.)
- I have a present for our animals. These are new baskets!
- Put the apples in the red basket and the blue carrots.
- Veronica, how many carrots do you have left? (none)
- Gleb, how many apples do you have left? (no one)
- Ulyana, how many apples are in the basket? (a lot of)
- Sasha, how many carrots are in the basket? (counts) (five)
(The animals thank the children.)
The hare treats children with carrots.
- Children, what kind of carrots? (hard, sweet, orange)
The bear treats children with apples.
- Lera, what apple? (sour, green)
- Yegor, what kind of apple do you like?
- Let's say thank you to the bunny in a high, thin voice.
- Mishka say thank you in a low voice.
Animals play a game with children "1, 2, 3 guess and repeat" (guess what the bear or hare is doing and
repeat movements).
- A wonderful game, but it's time for the guys and me to return to kindergarten.

(Children follow the teacher to the Christmas trees.)

Children greet.

(Children have collected and are holding in their hands.)



The animals once again thank the children for their help and say goodbye.

Children leave the teacher

Reproduce : one - many

Understand: skills of finding one and many objects

Apply : Compare items by quantity.

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: Comparison and equation of groups of objects

Target : continue to teach how to compare two objects in width in ways of overlay and application

Program content: Learn to compare items by quantity, using overlay techniques and applications.

Vocabulary work: overlay, application

Equipment and material: D demonstrative material: presentation, letter, Christmas tree, Masha's layout. Handout: two strips of different widths (yellow and red), 5 pears, 5 strawberries, geometric shapes, strips for laying out handouts.

Bilingual component: b i r - one



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

"The guys brought a letter to our group. Shall we read it?"



Hello, dear children! Masha is writing to you. I really want to meet you, my girlfriends called me to the forest, and I got lost in the forest. My grandparents are waiting for me at home with flowers and berries.”
Can we help guys?
- And on what we will go to the forest?
- Look guys, Masha walks through the forest with a basket, and what does she collect guys?
Children: flowers and berries.
- What berries did Masha collect?
- What color are the berries?
- You have berries (strawberries) on your trays, put them on a cardboard strip, on the top line. How many berries did Masha collect?
- What else did Masha collect?
- What color are the flowers?
- Take 1 flower from the tray and place it on the cardboard strip, on the bottom line. How many flowers did Masha collect?
- Look, guys, Masha has also collected flowers for her grandmother. How many flowers? Say without counting.
- And the berries?
- And what should Masha do so that the berries and flowers become equal?
Educator: Well done.
- She walked, Masha walked through the forest and met a bear. Masha asked the bear how to get home. The bear agreed to help if Masha would play football with him. Masha should play on a wide field, and Mishka on a narrow one, but the trouble is, Masha does not know which field is wider and which is narrower. Can we help Masha?
- You each have 2 strips on the tables, they are different in width, let's compare them and put the ball on your tray on a wide track.
Children: do the task.
- Ansar, how did you know which field is wider and which is narrower? We put one strip on top of the other.
- Well done. You all correctly indicated the field to Masha. Shall we show the bear how we can play football?
I play
I love to play football,
Score a goal. Imitation of kicking the ball.
I stand at the gate, Imitation of gate protection.
And, of course, I'm not lazy. Imitation of bouncing for the ball.
- The bear liked to play, he decided to rest, and show Masha the way to the house. The bear led Masha to the road that leads to the house and said, "Masha go along this road and don't look back and you will go out to the house." Masha ran along the road, and scattered the beads. Masha is crying. Can you guys help Masha collect the beads?
- Look, you have geometric figures on your trays, so we will lay out beads for Masha from them. You listen carefully to what figure I will call, this is what you lay out on your table (the children lay out the beads, then compare it with the sample).
- Well, you coped with this task, well done, so Masha got home.



complete tasks

perform a physical minute



Well done you guys, you helped Masha get back to her grandparents. Get on our transport (the one that the children chose at the beginning of the lesson).
They go "in a group" and sit on the floor in a circle.
- Where have we been? (put a Christmas tree on the floor)
- Whom did you help? (lay out Masha's figurine)
- What happened to Masha?
- How did we help Masha?
- And what did you like to do most of all (listens to the children's statement).
- Well done guys, you were all attentive and responsive today. Masha got home and will come to visit us next time.

Expected Result:

Reproduce : skills of comparing two different groups with an object in an overlay way;

Understand: the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square;

Apply: to complete tasks.

Technological map of organized educational activities date _________

Educational area : Cognition.

Chapter: FEMP.

Topic: Triangle. One is many.

Target : To consolidate the concepts of quantity: one-many,

Program content: Introduce the triangle to the geometric figure, develop the ability to examine the triangle by tactile and motor means, cultivate the desire to study.

Vocabulary work: triangle

Equipment and material: ig Winnie the Pooh stick, balloon, masks, steering wheels, Gyenesh Blocks in bags, sets of small toys and products for the game "Shop", Masha doll; distributing: D / and "Lay out the figure", "Labyrinth".

Bilingual component: triangle - ushburysh



Actions of the educator

Children's actions


Motivational - motivating

We got all around.
I am your friend and you are my friend!
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other!
- Do you hear guys? Someone is knocking on our door...
(A balloon flies out of the window, an envelope is tied to its string).

D Children enter the group to the music and sit on chairs.




The ball flew so fast, in such a hurry that the letter was slightly torn ... Let's try to read it by connecting all the parts. - How many broken pieces?
- And how many whole pictures are obtained?
(Children collect Winnie the Pooh.)
On the reverse side, the teacher reads the invitation letter:
"Dear Guys,
When the sun is high in the sky
I invite you to dinner
For your birthday!”
- So ... If Winnie the Pooh called us to dinner ...
- Guys, what time of day is it: morning, afternoon, evening, night?
- Let's remember our fun warm-up:
In the morning the sun rises
Rolling across the sky during the day,
In the evening it will fall down
At night it hides completely.
- So, if Winnie the Pooh invites us when the sun is high in the sky, then it will be ... (day).
- And in order to get there faster, we will not go on foot, because we may not have time. We will go to…
One of the children reads a riddle:
Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz.
The beetle runs down the street.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline. (Automobile)
The teacher distributes masks by cars, steering wheels. Everyone imitates driving a car.
- Guys, tell me, what road are the cars driving on? (long, wide).
What about pedestrians? (short, narrow).
Stop "SHOP".
- Let's stop at the store to choose a gift for our birthday.
- Ouch! And the store is closed ... the seller, the Masha doll, so sad ... What happened?
Doll Masha:
- A shelf broke in the store, then they made it, but, now, everything was messed up: food with toys, vegetables with fruits, with cakes ...
Guys, we need help! You just need to put everything in its place.
Game "Find an extra item."
Doll Masha thanks the children for their help and gives them a magic bag (with Gyenes Blocks).
The game "Define the geometric figure by touch" is being played.
- Guys, why do you think it is considered magical? Because from these geometric shapes we can make ourselves, with our own hands, a gift for our Winnie the Pooh.
The game "Lay out the figure."
Children at the table lay out a typewriter, a boat, a house according to the model.



complete tasks

perform a physical minute

answer the teacher's questions



Well done, what original gifts turned out! And now, look, on the table in front of you, a labyrinth is depicted on a piece of paper. This is the path to Winnie the Pooh's house.
And here is our Winnie the Pooh! Let's wish him a happy birthday!!! And let's talk about how we got to visit him.

Answer questions from the educator

Expected Result:

Reproduce : Name geometric shapes

Understand: ability to distinguish a triangle from a circle and a square

Apply: to complete tasks.

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Technological maps for conducting GCD in the second junior group Topic: "Guys and animals" Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years old, cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations) Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes Tasks: Cognitive: learn to answer the question " how many? "" with the words one, many, not a single one. - consolidate the skills of quantitative counting, the ability to combine objects together according to a common property; Developing: develop speech, attention, observation, spatial representations; children's desire to compare familiar objects by size continue to teach children conduct a dialogue with the educator: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly; - consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the number of objects one, many, none, Educational: diligence, perseverance, desire to learn new things, love for mathematics. Expected result: to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) Materials and equipment: toys in the form of animals, constructor railway, modules. Preliminary work: reviewing the album “Wild Animals”, Reading S. Marshak’s Poem “Where did the sparrow dine?” Stage Methods and techniques Teacher's activity Children's activity Equipment Motivational (2 min.) Artistic word - Guys, today we have an unusual day, we are going to the zoo today. To our fun zoo. We will meet hares and a bear - Monkey's neighbors. There the lion stands and waits, Who will come to visit them. We go to the zoo together, We need to feed the animals. Let's not offend them with anything, And we'll all play together. Listening to a poem

2 Surprise moment (knocking on the door) -The guys in our group received a letter, it says that the animals in the zoo have fled and we need to help put things in order! Can we help? - yes letter Informative (10 min.) Children's choice of means of transport Preparing for the trip Physical education minute "Repairing the gate to the zoo" Encounter with animals Comparing animals and quantitative counting How do we get to the zoo? Guys there in the distance I see the railway, let's go by train! Guys, look, the locomotive has broken down and will not be able to take us, let's repair it! What do you think, what parts should be put in order for it to go, round or square? why? And if you put it on the squares, will he go or not? Why? Listening to an excerpt from the song “insect locomotive” We reach the gate: guys, look, the gates of the zoo have collapsed, let's build them: turn on the music Guys, look, the animals have fled, from which side do you see the bunny? Etc.! We analyze the answers of the children and correct them for the correct ones, above, below, left, right. Let's now count how many animals we found? Let's compare the size of which of the two animals is larger, and if the answers of the children Let's! Children name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) Construction of a train by children and a trip to the gate Children build gates to the music and enter them Answers of children Orientation in space One, two, three, four Answers of children Toy railway constructor modules Toys, puppet chairs Toys,

3 put another animal next to it, what do we call the one in the middle? Consolidation of the concept of one many Look at these animals sit together all together, how many are there? Is the elephant bored? Many One Toys, Reflective (3 min.) Consolidation with the children of the lesson Guys, what a great job you did today, let's put the animals in cages, what did you learn to do in the lesson? What parts were used to build a steam locomotive? how many animals did we find? What size were they? Well, little animals, it's late, We've been sitting with you. It's time for us to go home, Goodbye, bye! Children's answers Topic: "Mom's birthday." Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, communication (speech development). Goals and objectives: Goal: To teach children to answer the teacher's questions, to compose with the help of the teacher a description of a person, a person's emotions. Tasks: Educational: To teach children to choose adjectives and verbs correctly, to activate the dictionary, to teach clearly, to pronounce words loudly, to fix the pronunciation of sounds [h] [m]. Developing: Develop curiosity, attention.

4 Educational: To cultivate the ability to listen to others, love for mothers and others. Expected result: Reproduce: The ability to make a description of a person, a person's emotions with the help of an educator. They understand: that you need to answer the questions of the educator in a full sentence. Apply: The ability to choose the right adjectives and verbs. Materials and equipment: Musical physical education "My mother", a picture of a magic chest, a game with pictograms (cards), a game with illustrations (animals). Preliminary work: looking at photos from the family album, reading poems about mom. Stages of activity Forms, methods and techniques of work Actions of the educator Actions of children Motivational incentive (2 min.) Circle of kindness Let's stand side by side, Say "Hello!" each other. We are not too lazy to say hello: "Hi" to everyone! and "Good afternoon!"; If everyone smiles Good morning will begin. They get up, repeat after the teacher Conversation - Guys, who brought you to kindergarten today? -Mom, dad, grandmother, etc. - And yet, most of you brought your mother. They call their mothers names. -Guys, what are your mothers' names? (survey of all children). -Well done! Guys, do you love your moms? -Yes. Surprise moment - A little fox came to visit us today. It's his mom fox's birthday today. And he does not know what words to congratulate his mother. What is she like him. Guys

5 let's help the little fox. And we will put all our words in a magic chest. -Let's. Informative (10 min.) Teacher's story Leading questions I ask children leading questions. - When mom hugs you, strokes your head, kisses you. What is she? - When mom smiles, laughs? What is she? - Affectionate (in chorus). -Cheerful. -When mom doesn't scold when you're naughty? -Kind. - If you love your mother, what is she like? -Darling. - Well done, that's how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest for mother Fox. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten. -Good. The little fox is in a hurry to go home, let's say goodbye to him. Say goodbye to the fox Questions -Guys, and now we will answer questions. What happens when mom is happy? - Mouth smiles, eyes are cheerful. What about when mom is sad? - The eyes are sad, the mouth does not smile. -And who upsets mom when she is sad? -Children. - Yes, guys, when children do not listen to their mother, her mood deteriorates, she becomes sad, offended ..

6 Fizkultminutka "What mother taught us" D / and "Where, whose cub?" -Guys, let's show what mothers taught us. -Guys, let's say loudly to moms for teaching us everything. "Mommy thanks." It's good when every child has his own mother. What kind of mothers do animals have? The game "Where is whose cub?". Now I will name the cub, and you will have to raise the card, which shows his mother. Ready? -A rabbit's mother, who? -Do the foxes have a mother? - Do the cubs have a mother? - Do the cubs have a mother? - Do the squirrels have a mother? -Mothers of animals also love their children, just like your mothers. They teach them everything, to wash, clean their fur, run, jump, get their own food. -Well done boys. Show and repeat the verbs - Walk, jump, put your legs up, wash your face, comb your hair, eat with a spoon, stomp your feet, clap your hands. - Hare (raise cards with a hare). -Fox. - She-wolf. - Bear. -Squirrel. Reflective-corrective (3 min.) Evaluation of the lesson Artistic word -Guys, how we learned a lot of interesting things. That our mothers are both kind, and dexterous, and beautiful and fashionable.

7 -And who wants to tell about their mothers? Let's all read a poem about mom together, repeat after me. - There are many mothers in the world, children love them with all their hearts. There is only one mother. She is dearest to me. Who will she answer I This is my mommy! -Well done boys! If desired, they tell Read a poem with the teacher. Title of the theme: "Journey to the forest." Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, communication (speech development). Purpose and objectives: Purpose: Formation of the grammatical structure of speech and development of communicative qualities. Tasks: Educational: activate spatial prepositions in speech (before, on, behind, under) with the simultaneous use of case forms; to teach the sound pronunciation of vowels and consonants; to form the ability to compose a coherent story according to graphic diagrams. Developing: develop logical thinking, memory, observation. Educational: education of a caring attitude towards animals, a sense of concern for them .. Planned results: shows a steady interest in various activities; is able to use simple charts to make sentences and a coherent story, applies learned information, ways of performing activities under the guidance of an adult. Educational resources: attributes for design; toys (bunny, fox, wolf, squirrel, crow); schema maps; music; projector.

8 Preliminary work: looking at the album “Wild Animals”, memorizing the greeting “Friend” Stage of the lesson Time Forms, methods of work Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activity Integrative qualities Motivational, indicative, organizational (3 min.) Circle of joy The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle for speech tuning : All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other! Children with the teacher stand in a circle, smile at each other. They are interested but listen, adequately emotionally react to the attempts of an adult to interest in a cognitively problematic task; respond to the emotional state of adults and children. Video recording The teacher invites children to watch the video letter. and help the Fairies. Children listen to the video letter and agree to help. Main (10 min.) Artistic word - And we will go to the forest on a cheerful train. Well, here we are in the forest! Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you talking about with foliage On a dark, stormy night? What are you whispering at dawn, Covered in dew as in silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, do not conceal: You see we are our own! Author: S. Pogorelsky inviting children to the forest. Draws the attention of children to a wonderful chest. Build a steam locomotive. To the cheerful music, they imitate the movement of a train. Children approach the chest, open it Use grammatically correct speech, with

9 Reflective-evaluative stage (2 min.) Word game "Hide and seek with a crow" Physical education minute Leading questions Breathing exercises Summing up Questions The teacher suggests continuing the journey. Draws attention to a bird sitting on a tree. The game "Hide and seek with a crow." The teacher offers to sit down to rest in the clearing. Exercises in the pronunciation of the sounds "a", "o", "y" and the sound combinations "ma-ma", "mo-mo", "mu-mu". The teacher plays the physical education minute "Frost". The teacher draws the attention of the children to the bag, explains the appearance of the parrot. Offers to tell him about winter. The teacher reminds about the purpose of the trip. Does breathing exercises with children. The teacher asks to stand one after another, depicting a train. The teacher summarizes with questions. The teacher offers to say and find cards there. The cards make suggestions. Children pay attention to the bird, name and find its location. Children listen to a fairy tale, pronounce the sounds “a”, “o”, “y” in isolation and the sound combinations “ma-ma”, “mo-mo”, “mu-mu”. Children repeat the text after the teacher and perform movements. Children find a parrot in a bag, show sympathy for him. Make up a story about winter according to graphic pictures. The children find the animals in the house and return them to the forest. Children do breathing exercises. Children imitate the movement of the train to cheerful music. Children answer questions, share their impressions. making sentences that are understandable to peers. They reproduce patterns of motor, speech actions. Actively join in joint games. They show interest in unfamiliar movements and actions of an adult and try to repeat them. Apply learned information, ways of performing activities under the guidance of an adult. Name the animals and their conditions of existence in winter. Apply learned information, ways of performing activities under the guidance of an adult. Reproducing action patterns. Willingly answer questions, interact and communicate with adults and peers.

10 thank each other and hug. Children thank and hug each other. Title of the topic: "Modes of transport". Age of children, educational area: 3-4 years, cognitive development. Purpose and objectives: Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of "transport" Tasks: Educational: to introduce children to the concept of "transport", as well as modes of transport (land, air and water); expand vocabulary. Developing: development of fine motor skills of hands; improvement of coordination of movements. Educational: education of goodwill. Planned results: Distinguish and name modes of transport. Educational resources: Demonstration material: a screen, two balloons, two multi-colored envelopes with illustrations for riddles (airplane, truck); audio recording "Blue Wagon"; record player; toys (car, plane, boat and train); a bag with a surprise Handout: attributes for the didactic game "Helper Machines" Preliminary work: looking at illustrations; monitoring of transport: conversations. Stages of the lesson and time Forms, methods and techniques of work Joint activities of the teacher and children Independent activity of the child Result Organizational moment (1 min) Circle of joy All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other! Stand in a circle and repeat after the teacher. Organization of motivation for educational activities Motivation-oriented Conversation Questions - Guys, who came to kindergarten on what (answers of several children) Answers of children. The desire of children to learn new and interesting things

11 (1 min) - So you guys came by car, and some on sleds, and someone came on foot. - Do you know what travel is? Travel is. - Guys, do you like to travel? (will ask the children if they went somewhere) - So what can you travel on? - Correctly! By car we drive on the road, by plane what do we do? That's right, we fly through the air, we travel by train by rail. But how do we move on water, on what? Children answer on a boat, ship, etc. (The teacher puts a car on the table, a plane boat). Search (2 min) Conversation Riddles - Guys, what is on my table? Children's answers (airplane, car, boat, train). - And in one word you can call it transport! (The teacher asks to repeat the children in chorus and individually) - Correct. This is transport. What is transport for? Children's answers (ride, fly, swim, travel). - Right. Transport helps people move and travel. Do you love to travel? Children's answers (yes). “Then we’ll go on a trip right now.” And on what? - let's guess the riddle: The brothers were equipped to visit, clung to each other, And rushed off - the path is far, Only they left smoke. And we will go with you to the song. (The song sounds - Denis Korablev - Blue Wagon) Having passed two circles around the tables, the music subsides, grumbling, rustling is heard for Answers of the children Guess the riddle. The desire of children to learn new and interesting things

12 screen. The train stops. The teacher focuses the attention of the children on the noise. -What? What's that noise? What's the matter? (looks behind the screen) Who is this? (unprecedented balloon creature appears from behind the screen) Practical (9 min) Questions Finger game -Guys, do you know who it is? The teacher pretends to listen to Zlyurik, then turns to the children - This is an evil and harmful Zlyurik. He is always dissatisfied with something. And he doesn't want to let us travel. And he has already prepared traps for us everywhere (and traps are tasks that we must complete). What to do? (children's answers) (the teacher notices an envelope on the screen. He takes it out and reads it.) An amazing bird rushes very quickly in the sky. The pilot flies up on it. What kind of bird? - That's right, the plane! (one ball bursts) -look, Zlyurik began to burst from anger! (the assistant removes the zlyurika behind the screen) And he runs away somewhere. - Well, now no one bothers us to fly on an airplane! But first you need to start the engine. Finger game: Zhu, zhu, zhu (fingers are clasped into the lock, the thumbs of both hands I start the motor. make rotational movements) our plane U-u-u-u-u-u-u They turned around, circled, And landed on the ground. (again heard Answer questions. Perform the tasks of the educator. Draw conclusions. Perform the tasks of the educator. Guess the riddle

13 Fizkultminutka "Airplane" Makes a riddle Didactic game "Machine helpers" noise and rustling) - Well, what is it? Zlyurik is not happy with something and interferes with us! Look, Guys! Zlyurik again threw us an envelope. What is in it? Reads This is what kind of hero Raised dust along the road? On the asphalt straight ahead Rides with a load (Again the ball bursts) -again Zlyurik is angry! What does he need this time? -Yeah, this time Zlyurik wants you, Guys, to tell you what cars are for. The guys must have been sad. There are so many of us out there that we have fun, it's interesting, but he alone is bored and sad. So maybe he's being mean? Let's make Zlyurik happy and invite him on a journey by CAR! The game "We are drivers" We are driving a car We press the pedal The gas is turned on and off We look intently into the distance. Wipers consider drops Right-left cleanliness. Hair ruffles the wind We are drivers anywhere! - Look how happy Zlyurik is! He really liked to ride with you in a car, but it's time for him to fly, because now he is kind and also wants to please the kids in other kindergartens! Let's say goodbye to our unusual guest. Goodbye! The assistant takes Zlyurik out of the group. Perform game actions Perform actions according to the text. Carry out the tasks of the teacher. They draw conclusions. Perform game actions Orientation in space Show knowledge of the name and purpose of transport Game "We are drivers"

14 Perform game actions Reflective - evaluative (2 min) Evaluation of the lesson Surprise moment What did we do today, what did we do? (traveled by plane, train, car) -And how to call it all in one word (transport) -and what kind of transport we have (air, water and land) There is a knock on the door. The teacher comes out and brings the bag (the inscription “To the children of the “Sun Rays” group from Zlyurik” is on it). He informs the children that Zlyurik sent this package - and it contains a surprise for the children. To the music, the teacher pours out balloons and the children are given a little time to play with balloons. Children's answers. Rejoice. They play. Conclusions. Encouragement of children. Reflection. Prepared by: teacher of the second junior group 2 Kurkina Yu.G.

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Technological map of educational activities in the 2nd junior group

Age group: 2 youngest
Form of organization: group
Spatio-temporal resource: 15 minutes
Educational areas: "Speech development"
Preliminary work: Examining illustrations depicting spring, birds, reading poems about spring, observing birds that fly to the walking area, compiling a descriptive story based on the painting "Spring", observing changes in nature.
Software and methodological support: an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014; Finger and gesture games in verse for preschoolers 2010 St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press"; “Spring has come to us”, Narrative pictures and photographs of seasonal phenomena, paper flowers: snowdrops; paints, sponge, colored paper, puppet theater toy bear, magnetic easel.
Target: Development of active speech of children of primary preschool age. Expanding the understanding of seasonal changes (changes in the weather, plants in spring, the behavior of animals and birds).
Educational:.continue to acquaint with the characteristic signs of spring;
expand children's ideas about the features of nature in the spring;
to consolidate children's knowledge about living and non-living nature in the spring;
continue to teach children to describe familiar objects, identifying their characteristic features.
Developing: develop children's speech, enrich and activate their vocabulary;
develop interest in natural phenomena;
develop auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory of children;
develop observation, resourcefulness.
Learn to use adjectives in speech.
Understand and answer adult questions in sentences.
Educational: develop interest in new words;
cultivate a sense of love for the native nature;
educate interest in the knowledge of the world around;
cultivate the ability to work in a team.

Planned result: have elementary ideas about spring; know the characteristic signs of spring; know the four primary colors; participate with interest in outdoor games and game improvisations; answer the questions completely, detailed, reasoned.
Psychological mood: The teacher with the children examines the pictures about spring, birds
Introductory organizational: Guys, look out the window, how brightly the sun is shining, how warm it is outside.
-Spring has come. Everyone rejoices at the arrival of spring birds, animals, trees. Are you excited about spring?
Reads a poem: The snow has melted, the meadow has come to life
The day is coming, the heat is coming
It happens in the spring
Gentle spring awakens
All nature from sleep.
The sun shone brightly
Looked into every house.
Guys, what time of year is it?
-That's right, spring, spring-red has come to us. Tell me children there is a lot of snow on the street?
- Is the sun shining outside? -Well done boys. The sun began to shine brightly with the advent of spring.
Motivational-incentive:(airplane sound)
- Oh, guys, what's that sound?
- Probably, on this plane, someone flew to visit us, I'll go and see.
(the teacher goes out the door, brings in a white bear)
Update: He asks the children to look into the problem. Asking questions. Direction of children's activities with leading and problematic questions: “Guys, look who came to visit us?”, “Do you know where this bear lives, what is the weather like there?”, M: Hello friends! Yes, I live in the north, where it's always cold. Ah, I heard you have spring. I came to you to find out what spring is, will you tell me?
Perception and assimilation of the new:- Mishka listen to the poem with the guys
“Spring has come to us”, author: E. Karganova. (picture on the board)
If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So spring has come to us.
Did you like the poem? Guys, tell me what is said in this poem?
Dynamic pause: Shows movements, reads a nursery rhyme.
The sun is clear, dress up. The sun is red, show yourself! Put on a scarlet dressGive us a red day!
Practical work:- Guys, look, I have such an interesting cube with pictures. I will throw it to you, which picture will fall out about what you are talking about.
Start with "Spring"
What about the sun in spring?
What about puddles in spring?
Well done guys, you know a lot about spring.
- And let's draw pictures for the bear as a keepsake. And we will draw, the first spring flowers
Who can tell what they are called.
Distributes drawing material, shows a sample.
The final stage. Reflection: Summing up GCD from different points of view: the quality of learning new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, the emotional state, discussing the features of joint work. “Remember who came to visit us?” “Where does he live?” “What did we tell him about spring?” “What did we draw?” The teacher leads the children to think about spring, its signs.

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