TV presenters of the culture channel. Host of Kultura channel Dmitry Petrov: I see a growing interest in learning the Turkish language in Russia


The host of the reality show "Polyglot" on the channel "Culture", the creator of the author's methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and simultaneous interpreter Dmitry Petrov has been teaching star students live for several years now. Their progress is closely watched by the audience and learn with them the secrets of conjugation of verbs in different languages. Dmitry told "Moscow-Baku" learning what languages ​​is now a priority and what it is connected with, told about his desire to come to Baku in order to prepare a course of study of the Azerbaijani language for everyone who wants to study it.

- Dmitry, is there still a desire in Russia to learn the languages ​​of the former Soviet republics?

I teach at the Moscow State Linguistic University, where you can choose from almost any language of the CIS countries: Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Armenian, Tajik and others. The initiative to study the languages ​​of the former USSR is now on the rise. We can say that we are going through a new stage of historical development: new ties are emerging, mutual interest is awakening. So there is a big opportunity behind this direction.

- What is the reason for this prospect?

There were and still are economic and cultural ties. If we talk about Azerbaijan, let's not forget - a huge number of native speakers of the Azerbaijani language live in Russia, just as many Russians live in Azerbaijan. The study of languages ​​helps to maintain the interest of peoples in each other, to constantly discover something new for themselves.

Do you think the Culture channel will pay attention to teaching Turkic languages ​​in the Polyglot program?

You know, in Kazakhstan I made a television program for local television dedicated to the study of the Kazakh language. This successful linguistic project is called TilasharENTER. The program consists of 20 parts. With her, I speak to the Kazakh audience, talk about more comfortable conditions for learning Turkic languages ​​for the Russian-speaking audience. There are unfounded myths in society about the unbearable complexity of the Turkic languages, but this is not so. The project can be found on the Youtube channel.

- What should be guided by in order to succeed in learning a new language?

The main thing is to get into the language and feel comfortable in the new environment. Language should be perceived not just as a set of words, but as a kind of new dimension, which has its own color, taste, smell. It should become an environment in which you feel comfortable. Then things will work out.

- What Turkic languages ​​do you speak?

Kazakh, Turkish. In my publishing structure, it is preparing for release, and a manual on the Turkish language is about to appear. I have a Center for Innovative and Communicative Linguistics in Moscow, where the Turkish language is taught at a basic level. The next step will be the preparation of the advanced level.

- Who is studying Turkish in Moscow today?

- Conventionally, I would divide these people into several categories. The sphere of their interests: business, leisure, as well as love for the culture and history of Turkey. So, the first group is those who are used to and prefer to rest in Turkey. The second is people who are connected by economic ties, who have Turkish business partners. The third group included lovers of Turkish culture: someone likes to watch Turkish TV shows, listen to music, is interested in history... Well, and, of course, the situation when a girl marries a Turk and comes to us to study her husband's native language is quite common.

- What is more popular among the population now: the study of European or Oriental languages?

The European direction is consistently in demand. But lately I've been seeing a shift in interests. I see a growing attention to the study of Turkic languages. Therefore, I am talking about the prospect that I expect in the near future.

- What new things can be expected in the new academic year in your Polyglot program on the Culture channel?

A decision on the television project has not yet been made. There is already clarity on publishing and training programs. We have made great progress in the Turkic direction. First of all, in Turkish and Kazakh languages. The prospects for learning the Azerbaijani language are also very bright, but we need to show interest in our project from the Azerbaijani side. I will be very glad if there are interested partners. We will be happy to prepare a joint course in the Azerbaijani language with them. This was the case in Kazakhstan, and now there is very fruitful cooperation between us. I will come to Baku with pleasure, I believe that such a project is ahead.

A news anchor is not just a person who must read the text correctly. In order for the audience to understand and believe you, you yourself must understand all issues. Previously, news programs were given mainly to men, but everything is changing, and more and more often we learn about events in our country and the world from women TV presenters.

Especially a lot of smart, beautiful, educated and self-confident girls work on the news broadcasts of the Russia 24 TV channel.

Ekaterina Grinchevskaya

Ekaterina Grinchevskaya has been hosting news programs on the Russia 24 channel for over ten years. She has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful TV presenters in the country. However, Catherine is not only beautiful, but also smart. Prior to her television career, she graduated from the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Civil Service and MGIMO, as well as the Institute for Advanced Studies for Television and Radio Broadcasters.

The journalist is truly passionate about her work. In one of the interviews, she admitted that she wants not only to convey information to people, but also a piece of her warmth, her soul, if, of course, the news itself allows it.

She devotes her free time to her family: Ekaterina is married for the second time and has three children, the youngest of whom is now four years old.

With daughter

With sons

However, according to her, she would like to have another child, as well as adopt. The TV presenter also dreams of learning French, learning to play the piano and traveling around the world.

It is hard to believe that the charming Olga Bashmarova once wanted to work on television with anyone, just not in the frame, because she was very afraid.

In Kaliningrad, where she studied, she was first persuaded to try herself as a correspondent on the set, and then as the host of a local channel. In 2008, the girl was invited to lead the news on Russia 24, where she still works.

Olga herself does not consider her career to be very successful: she has been working in her position for a long time and wants to move on, to do something more responsible. In her opinion, work is very important, but it should not replace a person's love, family and friends.

This does not threaten the journalist herself, she successfully combines her broadcasts with the role of a young mother.

Vera Krasova

Vera is officially one of the most beautiful girls in the world: in 2008 she took fourth place in the Miss Universe pageant.

But on television, she hosts very serious programs, for example, news of the economy or science. Now she is the host of the main linear broadcast of the Russia 24 channel.

She also devotes time to charity events and beauty contests, again, as a presenter.

With her personal life, everything is fine with her too: she is married and has a son, but she does not seek to make her personal life public.

Vera believes that appearance for a journalist is by no means the main thing. You need to be able to navigate in a huge flow of information, highlight the main thing from it and convey it to the audience in understandable words, have competent speech and the ability to win over people.

Maria Bondareva

Some call Maria the smartest host of the Russia 24 TV channel, others call her the most mysterious, and there are reasons for both. The girl graduated from four universities in various specialties: she has diplomas of a lawyer, a journalist, a teacher of foreign languages ​​and even a theater institute. According to viewers, she does not just read the news from a sheet - she is well versed in what she says, and this is, first of all, economic and financial news.

Maria herself once admitted in an interview that she reads mostly not fiction, but textbooks on economics in order to understand the phenomena and processes that she talks about.

It was once difficult to find out about Maria's personal life, but after she started Instagram, where she posts photos of her family, it became known that she has a son and a little daughter.

Mary with her cousins

Maria Gladkikh

If Maria Bondareva is considered a mystery, then what can be said about Maria Gladkikh, who manages to hide even the year of her birth? It is known about her that she celebrates her birthday on October 19, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and, before working on Russia 24, led several projects on the Moscow 24 channel.

Maria is Libra according to the horoscope and believes that her character is very similar to the descriptions of this sign. She loves to have fun, travel and spend time with her mother.

And she leads her Instagram in two languages: Russian and Turkish.

With beloved dog

Natalia Litovko

Many people remember Natalya Litovko as a girl who tells men about cars, because for quite a long time she was the host of the AutoVesti program. Moreover, Natalya really understands cars, she conducted test drives for her releases herself.

Natalya devoted herself completely to her career, whether she has a family is not known. But we know that she started working on TV at the age of 16 as a reporter in Krasnodar. In 2008, after moving to Moscow, she began working as a correspondent and hosted news on Russia 24, worked as the editor-in-chief of the Strana TV channel, and participated in the 2012 presidential campaign.

For the sake of work, Natalia is ready for real feats. For example, for the sake of a film about oil production in the Arctic, she lived for a week on a drilling platform in the Arctic Circle. The journalist sees her mission in showing all the most interesting things that are in our country, which Russians can and should be proud of.

Ekaterina Gracheva has not only an attractive appearance, but also intelligence and determination. Probably, she inherited such qualities from her father, a polar explorer and engineer-inventor. Ekaterina graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO and has been successfully working as a news presenter ever since.

The girl is fluent in Italian and English, and devotes her free time to creative hobbies. She loves to paint, and she also studied acting at the Nikita Mikhalkov Academy.

Graduation from the Academy of Nikita Mikhalkov

With mom

Anna Lazareva

Friendly and smiling Anna Lazareva is responsible for reading economic news and running analytical programs. She began her career as a journalist in Cherepovets, and on the radio, then there was regional television, and after that the girl was invited to Moscow, where she made a good career.

By the way, according to the documents, the TV presenter's surname is Svistina, and Lazareva is her mother's maiden name, which she took as a pseudonym. The girl is already used to the fact that different people know her under different surnames.

Anna's work schedule is a week after a week, and she prefers to spend her free days outside of Moscow. The presenter loves to travel to different countries in her free time. Anna prefers Chinese and Italian cuisine, and burns extra calories on yoga classes and cycling.

Maria is a very versatile girl. She began her television career with reporting on cultural events and fashion. And now she works as an economic observer, which, however, does not prevent her from continuing her career as a fashion model and DJ.

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According to Maria, when she decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, her parents were very surprised, since the family had nothing to do with the media, but they did not object. At first, the girl planned to work on the radio, but as a result, she began acting in programs while still studying, first in amateur, then in professional ones, so her career as a radio host did not work out.

Maria is very fond of fashion. In ordinary life, he often wears business suits: work imposes its own habits.

But she also likes to experiment and believes that there is no need to buy all the things that are now in trend, because the main thing for a girl is uniqueness.

With a guy

With mom and sister

Ksenia Demidova

Ksenia is an economist by education. She got on television in her last year at the institute, almost by accident. First she worked in Volgograd, then moved to Moscow. The TV presenter says that the economy is practically chasing her, so on the Russia 24 channel she most often hosts a block of economic news.

Ksenia is one of the few girls working in the frame who does not trust stylists, so she does her makeup and combs her hair on her own. By the way, she could become an actress, because she passed the competition in one of the Moscow theater universities, but she was afraid to go to Moscow to study.

The girl admits that she loves to go on the air and every time she experiences a rush of adrenaline, like when skydiving. In her free time, she plays tennis, dances and kickboxing.

With niece

Many of us are well acquainted with all these people whom we could very often see not on TV screens in the past, and we still see some of them. Next, we suggest recalling the popular TV presenters from the 90s, as well as finding out how their fate turned out.

Arina Sharapova started as the host of the Vesti program on the second channel, and from 1996 to 1998 she became the host of the information program Vremya (ORT).

Then Sharapova switched to the Good Morning program, and after that she began to rarely appear on the air at all.

In 2014, Arina became the president of the "School of Arts and Media Technologies", in the same year she appeared as the host of the "Island of Crimea" project.

Boris Kryuk. From January 13, 1991 to 1999, Boris was the permanent host and director of the TV game Love at First Sight.

Boris did not disappear from television, he simply became invisible - since May 2001 he became the host, director, scriptwriter and general producer of the television game "What? Where? When?"

The audience only hears his voice. At first, after the death of the creator and permanent host of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, the editors hid the name of the new host from both viewers and experts: his voice was distorted using a computer.

Alla Volkova was the host of the romantic television show "Love at First Sight" along with Boris Kryuk.

After the closing of this show, Alla got married for the third time, works as an editor for all the programs that the production center "Igra-TV" produces - "What? Where? When?", "Songs of the 20th century" and "Cultural Revolution".

Alexander Lyubimov. He came to television as a correspondent, and then as the host of the Vzglyad program. From 1995-1998 he became the author and host of the One on One program.

Since 2007 - an employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, hosted the Senate program on the Rossiya channel. Later he was appointed First Deputy General Director of the Rossiya TV channel.

In August 2011, he left the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, becoming a member of the Right Cause political party. In November of the same year, he left the party and headed the RBC television channel, at the end of 2014 he left the post, but at the same time remained on the board of directors.

Svetlana Sorokina. From 1991 to 1997 she was a political columnist, host of the daily news program Vesti. Sorokina's branded farewells, with which she closed each issue of Vesti, were especially famous.

From May 2001 to January 2002, she worked on the TV-6 channel in the news program "Today on TV-6" and the talk show "Voice of the People".

Now Svetlana is a member of the Academy of Russian Television, a former member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation (2009-2011), a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics, the host of the program "In the circle of LIGHT" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the program "Sorokina" on the TV channel "Rain". "

In the 80s and early 90s, Tatyana Vedeneeva was perhaps the most popular TV presenter. She led "Alarm Clock", "Good night, kids!" and "Visiting a Fairy Tale" (Aunt Tanya), the program "Morning", "Song of the Year" and many other television shows.

Vedeneeva left television quite suddenly. Resting in London, the presenter was delighted with him and decided to extend the trip for a week. Called work and asked for a few days off.

In Ostankino, no one shared the host's joy over England; Tatyana was categorically offered to return on time or ... write a letter of resignation. Vedeneeva did not take the threat seriously. And her statement was taken quite seriously.

Now Tatyana is engaged in business. Once her husband brought her tkemali sauce from Tbilisi. The ex-leader was on fire with the idea of ​​​​arranging the production of tkemali in Russia. It took several years to study recipes and organize production. Now Tatyana is the owner of the Trest B corporation, and in every metropolitan supermarket you can buy sauces from Vedeneyeva.

The peak of Igor Ugolnikov's popularity came in the early nineties. First, the program "Oba-na!" was aired, followed by the equally funny "Corner Show!" In 1996, Igor released a series of programs "Doctor Angle".

After that, the programs "Good evening" and "It's not serious!" appeared. But they did not gain popularity.

The official version of Russian television regarding the closure of Good Evening is - "The program sucks out a lot of money," Igor said in an interview. "And rightly so: it was daily, a large number of people worked in it."

For some time, Igor tried himself in a different role: he served as vice president of the Russian Cultural Foundation, was the director of the House of Cinema. But the television did not let go.

Now he is a producer of the TV magazine "Wick". Do not forget the acting profession. He has acted in several series and films.

Ksenia Strizh hosted the programs "At Ksyusha", "Swift and Others", "Night Rendezvous" ... She never had such wild popularity and recognition as while working in the program "At Ksyusha". In the early 90s, there was little music on TV, and Strizh invited the most interesting artists to her show.

In 1997, Strizh returned from television to radio: there she feels at ease. She was a host on the television channel "La Minor". After the scandal associated with the fact that she appeared on the air drunk and laughed at the teeth of her guest Alexander Solodukha, information appeared about her dismissal, but now Ksenia is working on the channel again.

Shenderovich's last program, which was seen by the mass Russian audience, was called "Free Cheese" and went on TVS. When the TVS was closed, Shenderovich spat on the big television.

He began writing for Novaya Gazeta and the Gazeta newspaper, got his own programs on Ekho Moskvy and Radio Liberty. True, Shenderovich did not succeed in completely tying up with TV.

On the Russian Channel Abroad, on Sundays, in the final analytical program "Russian Panorama", he leads his own column - "A Cup of Coffee with Shenderovich", in which he tells his former compatriots who left to live in Israel and Germany, how things are in Russia.

Ivan Demidov was the permanent host of the musical program "MuzOboz". But the mysterious image with the same dark glasses remained in the past.

Demidov preferred the position of Deputy Minister of Culture to a television career, and now he heads the Foundation for the Development of Contemporary Art.

The duet of Olga Shelest and Anton Komolov is an amazing example of professional compatibility and many years of friendship.

After the closure of MTV, the tandem was temporarily revived on the Zvezda channel in the show Starry Evening with Anton Komolov and Olga Shelest, but did not repeat its former success.

Currently, Olga is a permanent host of the entertainment show "Girls" and the music competition "Artist" on the Russia-1 channel, the host of the TV game "Understand Me" on the Karusel channel, and the co-host of the program "Temporarily available" with Dmitry Dibrov on the TVC channel .

Anton worked on various TV channels, and since September 5, 2011, together with Elena Abitaeva, he has been hosting the "RUSh-RadioActive Show" at the Europa Plus radio station

Elena Khanga was remembered for her bold and frank program "About This", which aired on the NTV channel from 1997 to 2000. And if today the topic of sex is a common thing, then for the late 90s it was a real breakthrough.

Later, Hanga hosted the daytime and, of course, much less high-profile talk show "The Domino Principle", at various times her co-hosts were Elena Starostina, Elena Ischeeva and Dana Borisova.

Since the autumn of 2009, he has been working in low-profile projects: he hosts the weekly talk show Cross Talk on the Russian English-language channel Russia Today, broadcasts on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station.

Valery Komissarov. On the program "My Family" the most burning topics of family life were dealt with: various heroes willingly "took dirty linen out of the hut", discussing their problems live on the state channel "Russia".

Housewives watched the program with bated breath (not least because of the imposing presenter Valery Komissarov) from 1996 to 2003, until it was closed.

From November 16 to December 30, 2015 - director and host of the Our Man program on Russia 1 channel, as well as the creator and owner of the My Family food brand.

In addition to Arina Sharapova, there were several other memorable news anchors on ORT/Channel One. One of them is Alexandra Burataeva. In 1995, she moved to work on the ORT television channel and from the same year began to host the Vremya and Novosti programs until 1999.

On December 19, 1999, she was elected to the State Duma in the single-member Kalmyk constituency and re-elected in 2003 on the list of United Russia.

From March to August 2013, Alexandra worked as a PR director for the Sergei Bezrukov Theatre, and from September 2013 as president of the So-druzhestvo production company.

Igor Vykhukholev is also a former presenter of the news programs "News" and "Vremya" on Channel One. In 2000-2004, he sometimes replaced his colleagues in the Vremya information program.

Went for a promotion. Since 2005 - chief editor of night and morning information broadcasting of the Directorate of Information Programs of the First Channel. In 2006 he moved to VGTRK. Since 2006, he has been recording interviews with politicians for the Vesti 24 news channel.

Igor Gmyza. In 1995, after the creation of the ORT TV channel, he received an invitation to become the host of the Vremya program. He led the program in 1996-1998, alternating with Arina Sharapova.

He worked as the host of Novosti until the spring of 2004: at first he hosted daytime and evening editions, towards the end of his work he switched to morning broadcasts, after which he left Channel One.

After a short experience as a political press secretary, he left for the radio. Since January 2006 - political observer for Radio Russia, host of the daily interactive talk show "Special Opinion"

Sergei Dorenko. In the early 1990s, he was a political observer for the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and host of the Vesti program. Then the host of the program "Time" on the first channel "Ostankino", and since January 1994 - the host of the program "Details" on the RTR channel.

Then he was the chief producer of the Directorate of Information Programs and Analytical Broadcasting of ORT and the host of the daily program "Vremya".

Despite the fact that he gained his fame thanks to television, Dorenko repeatedly claimed that he did not watch TV. Currently, he runs an author's program on YouTube, and since 2014 he has been the editor-in-chief of the radio station "Moscow Speaks".

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