The theme of the picture is winter evening. Artistic description of the painting by N.P.


The frozen river in the foreground also has its own shades. The ice covering the reservoir almost merges with the snow, as it has the same pale turquoise color. The fact that this is a river is said only by bushes and birds that have settled on them.

Such a different combination of snow colors is the best way to reveal the very Russian frosty winter that every person is used to. It is this kind of snow that is expected every year, it is he who gives the world a simultaneous feeling of cold, freshness, cleanliness and a festive mood.

Krymov's sky has a special color scheme - it is both light green and sandy in color, which surprisingly harmonize with each other. The vault of heaven seems to embrace the surrounding landscape and people's lives, demonstrating the stunning beauty of nature. From such a landscape breathes peace and tranquility, which creates a harmonious combination of warm and cold colors. As a rule, such an unusual sunset is the time of a frosty and at the same time warm day.

Krymov's snow is fluffy and airy at the same time. It carries an unobtrusive beauty and demonstrates the diversity of the Russian winter, in which there are snowstorms, frosty days and thaws. The painting "Winter Evening" depicts the winter that many people love - frosty, airy, kind and incredibly charming due to the combination of colors.

"Winter Evening" is a rather harmonious landscape in which incompatible shades are miraculously intertwined. Krymov trowels conveyed natural beauties, managed to organically combine them with the way of life of a Russian village. This fragment from the usual human life becomes a "portrait" of both the whole of Russia and the artist's native land.

Description of the painting "Winter evening" N. Krymov

Each stroke of N. Krymov's brush is the charm of the beauty of nature, the mastery of family painting traditions and deep soulfulness. To say that the artist loved his land is to say nothing. He admired every moment spent in it.

Graphic images and theatrical scenery of Krymov are something special for the world of art. Having received recognition early, the master was that rare lucky man whose canvas adorned the Tretyakov Gallery during his studies. All the early and subsequent works of the artist breathe symbolism, which was greatly facilitated by the work of the designer of the Golden Fleece magazine. His landscapes are not a traditional image of nature, but a tapestry, so similar to the one that medieval ladies wove. Its colorful haze resembles a mirage, clothed in the form of Russian traditional objectivity and three-dimensionality of the image.

The painting "Winter Evening" is one of these works. The traditional landscape of central Russia is realism and symbolism at the same time. This is the very nature that is inextricably linked with the life of people. Krymov is one of the few who knew how to draw "portraits" of Russia in a modest form familiar to every viewer.

The foreground of the picture is occupied by a river covered with ice, along which there are small bushes with birds stuck around them. The sun, hidden behind the horizon, is the background, which affects the entire color of the canvas. Small wooden houses reflect the light of the setting sun and burn with their own light. Winter is in full swing - this is reported by the numerous paths that lead to the village.

The central part of the picture is occupied by the image of people who want to get home quickly. Warm clothes testify to the frosty time, which evokes sound associations in the viewer: it seems that the crunch of snow under the shoes is already heard. One of the women stops, either thinking about something, or to admire the beauty of the winter landscape. A sleigh is sent to the village, carrying hay for the horses. Their riders walk side by side, heading for a barn in one of the courtyards.

In the painting "Winter Evening" there is no generally accepted concept of "landscape", which implies natural views. Living people are inscribed in the context, which gives the canvas dynamics and saturates it with life. The footprint of a man is everywhere: in the beaten path, in houses, in horses and figures, and even in the church in the background of the picture. Children who go down the hill on a sled are the main “engine”, which, although written with several dots, says that winter life is not dull, but colorful and dynamic.

The left side of the picture is another moment of movement. The village, located diagonally, towards which wagons with hay are moving, indicates that life is in full swing in it. The short winter day, leaning toward evening, seems to make people move faster. Coffee-colored wooden houses, from which warmth emanates, are a symbol of home comfort on Krymov's canvas. The church on a slope with a dome burning with golden light instills hope in people, gives harmony and completeness to the canvas.

Krymov's winter time is measured and quiet. Nature, immersed in sleep and a carpet of white-blue snow, it would seem, should fill everything around with silence, but this does not happen. There is a human factor that creates a lively and at the same time well-coordinated life around him.

Viewers can remember all the lines of Russian classics about winter, and each of them will reflect Krymov's perception of a winter evening: it is unhurried, peaceful, measured and inevitable, and at the same time it has a special sound. His music plunges every person into the quiet evening hour, when the creaking of runners, the laughter of children and the muffled beats of church bells are clearly audible.

The color scheme of the picture is somewhat unusual for an image of a winter evening. After all, Krymov gravitated towards symbolism, and these people were always looking for unusual ways of depicting the world. The greenish sunset gives an unusual picture, but at the same time emphasizes the softness of the descending twilight. Snow, painted by the artist, is a unique game of a whole range of shades - from the tone of sky blue to a light purple color scheme. These colors are arranged in ascending order from the lower left corner, it is they who change the color of the snow, leaving it pristine white on the roofs. This transition is not accidental - it creates melodic and crunchy sound effects.

The famous Russian landscape painter Nikolai Krymov in his work has many beautiful landscapes, among which, with its winter color, the painting “Winter Evening” created by the author in 1919 stands out. The painter depicts a small Russian village located in one of the Russian outbacks. As we can see it is covered with snow and there is not a single rolled road. Perhaps this is what gives it some kind of mythical appearance. Snow-covered space and an icy river, as if from some old Russian fairy tale. It seems that a little more and we will see how Emelya will go to the river for water on the stove.

There are short winter days and the light is already burning in the windows, although the sun is not in a hurry to hide behind the horizon and its rays still illuminate the roofs of houses, on which silver-white snow sparkles so brightly. But the artist depicts the snow, which is already in the shade, with a whole range of shades from sky-azure to light purple.

In front of the viewer, in the foreground of the canvas, an icy river is displayed, on which islands of shallow water are visible, and shrubs grow on the very shore. The ice on the river appears pale turquoise in near-horizontal sunlight.

On the shore, like dark specks, ruffled, several crows sit. They are closely watching the movement of two wagons loaded to the top with hay. Birds hope to find dropped crumbs or a few grains on the road or near houses, because the winter turned out to be very snowy and cold.

Across the river field, in untouched snowdrifts, a narrow winding path has been laid, along which the villagers rush to the house until it is completely dark to return home. Among the singing people, you can distinguish several children who are only happy about the snowy winter. You can go sledding and skating, build a snowy town, build a snowman, and you never know in Russia invented a variety of winter fun.

Cozy houses are located in groups. When we see this winter landscape, it seems to us that they are pressed against each other, as if trying to keep warm.

As you might guess, in this winter landscape, the artist does not depict a village, since in Russia, the villages were small and no churches were built in them. The parishioners, according to custom, gathered from the surrounding villages to the nearest village. Here, too, a small church with a bell tower is visible in the distance, on the gilded dome of which the sunset rays are reflected.

The somewhat salad-sandy sky of this winter evening creates a soft contrast with the trees lit by the setting sun that surround the village. And all this winter landscape with small genre scenes shows the majesty and beauty of Russian nature. The canvas evokes peace and tranquility. And the combination of cold and warm tones on the snow cover and the sunset sky creates the impression of extraordinary freshness and light frost. Such a sky can often be a harbinger of a bright crimson sunset and, according to folk signs, portends a strong wind the next day.

Krymov gives the snow fluffiness and airiness, which creates a special charm for the discreet beauty of Russian nature. We know perfectly well that winters are different: these are snowstorms and severe frosts, and frequent thaws. The artist shows us a snowy but kind winter, choosing incredible combinations of shades to depict a beautiful winter evening.

Currently, Nikolai Krymov's painting "Winter Evening" is on display at the Kazan State Museum of Fine Arts.

/ / Essay-description based on the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening"

The painting "Winter Evening" was painted by N. Krymov in 1919. The picture shows a winter village. Looking at the picture, there are warm feelings of harmony and peace.

A frozen river is in the foreground. The snow reflects its blue overflow on it, and it seems to us turquoise. Shrubs grow on the banks of the river that were able to survive the frost. Between the black bushes crows sit, ruffled their plumage, trying not to freeze.

In the central plan is a small village painted in brown colors. The roofs of the houses are powdered with snow, and warm light comes from the windows.

On the path in front of the houses we see the inhabitants of this village coming from the river. The inhabitants are depicted warmly dressed, it can be seen from their clothes that the frost turned out to be especially strong. There is a shadow coming from the inhabitants, which means it will soon get dark. They hurry home to get warm on this cold winter evening.

The presence of people in the picture adds a Russian flavor to the life and life of an ordinary person. They walk along a path that seems to be a thin thread among a snow-covered meadow. The clearing in front of the houses looks airy and fluffy, one can imagine how large flakes of snow covered this land.

On the same level with the village, two haystacks and horses are depicted, which people brought out in order to feed. They are depicted in black miniature. We cannot make out their faces and figures, which emphasizes the typicality of the overall picture.

In the background, you can see the dome of the church and the barn, which are hidden in the black branches of trees.

The general colors of the picture are soothing. Looking at the canvas, I want to return to childhood. This village resembles the image of the Russian hinterland and its inhabitants.

The sky is depicted in green-yellow tones, in its contrast the forest stands out, located behind the village as a black cloud.

The picture is painted in realistic colors to convey the natural beauty of nature. From the picture itself breathes cold and cold. We can assume that January is depicted. It is in January that the most severe frost is.

The colors of the sky predict us an early pink sunset, which will fill the picture with other colors.

The great painter wanted to show an ordinary evening in the village, so that a person could see that such beauty is present in life every day, one has only to look. Winter is conveyed in a masterpiece: it is the contrast of the river and the sky, black branches of trees, huge snowy glades. The picture reminds us of a landscape from a traditional Russian fairy tale.

The famous Russian landscape painter Nikolai Petrovich Krymov painted many paintings over the entire period of his work. Most of them represent an image of a deserted nature, shown to the viewer in a very poetic way.

One of the most beautiful landscapes of the artist is the painting "Winter Evening". Krymov, it was created in 1919. On this canvas, the author depicted the discreet beauty of his native Russian nature and what he especially liked - frost, snow, as well as the majesty and tranquility of winter.

"Portrait" of Russia

The painting by N. P. Krymov “Winter Evening” at first glance gives us an idea of ​​​​its author as a master of a harmonious landscape. The canvas, which depicts the middle strip of Russia, is distinguished not only by its realism, but also by its subtle ability to display the natural colors of the surrounding world.

In his painting "Winter Evening" Krymov was able to accurately recreate the nature of his native land and the life of the peasantry. That is why the landscape can be called a “portrait” of Russia, which the author was able to see in an ordinary, modest corner of the country.

Overall plan

The curricula provide for the study of the painting "Winter Evening" by schoolchildren in the 6th grade. Then the students are asked to describe it. Children draw up their ideas about the landscape in the form of an essay. One of its mandatory points is a description of the general plan of the picture. It is an image of the village outskirts. This is less than a dozen small wooden buildings, as well as a prominent church dome. Depicted in the foreground are two sledges carrying firewood. These are all the main details of the picture, when considering which the viewer cannot help feeling a sense of warmth and peace. And this is despite the fact that the canvas depicts a snowy winter.

The basis of the picture

What else do you need to talk about when writing an essay (grade 6) based on the painting “Winter Evening” by Krymov? The main part of the landscape depicted on the canvas is occupied by snow. He is fluffy and white. On a bush sticking out from under a snowdrift, several small birds are sitting, as if trying to catch the last rays of the sunset.

Wooden houses located somewhat at a distance look rather dark. That is why the white snow covering the roofs of peasant buildings looks especially contrasting. Dark spots in the picture stand out and people hurrying from frost to warmth.

No wonder the artist emphasizes the appearance of snow so strongly. After all, he, white and fluffy, is a real attribute of the Russian winter. N. Krymov in his picture conveys not only the beauty of the Russian landscape. It allows us to understand the sensations and sounds of nature. From the picture blows on the viewer with winter cold and at the same time it warms him with memories and native warmth.

In the image, the snow is fluffy and airy. And such a technique gives a special charm to a corner of Russian nature that is discreet in its beauty. We know that the weather conditions in winter are very different. Sometimes blizzards swirl, severe frosts come or thaws come. The author showed us a winter, albeit snowy, but at the same time kind, choosing for this an incredible combination of shades to display a wonderful evening.


Admiring the painting "Winter Evening", the first thing we see is a river covered in ice. It is located in the foreground of the artist's canvas. The water in the river is clear and clean. Near the coast, small islands of shallow water are visible from under the ice. Bushes grow near the river. Small birds sit on their branches, warming themselves against each other. Such an image indicates that in the painting by N. Krymov "Winter Evening" we see a frosty day, but not too cold. Most likely, because of this, there are no people on the river. After all, the ice is thin, and, walking on it, you can fail. In almost horizontal natural light, it is painted in a pale turquoise tone.

Surely the artist painted, sitting on the opposite, higher bank of the river. After all, the entire image in the painting “Winter Evening”, like the artist’s view, is directed from top to bottom.

winter nature

Looking at the painting “Winter Evening”, it becomes clear that the painter depicts on his canvas a village located somewhere in the Russian outback. It is completely covered in snow. It is impossible to find here at least one knurled road. This is what gives the painting "Winter Evening" a certain mythical look.

The snow-covered expanse, together with the frozen river, seem to come out of some Russian fairy tale. It seems that a little more time will pass, and Emelya will go to the river for water on his stove. At the same time, the winter nature depicted in the artist’s painting is quiet. She seemed to fall asleep, and, it seems, will remain so until the spring.


What is certainly included in the description of Krymov's painting "Winter Evening"? The picture, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off, shows us in the background the outskirts of the village, consisting of several houses. At the first of them you can see the built barn. The village cannot be small. Indeed, otherwise it would not have a church, the dome of the bell tower of which is visible behind residential buildings and is illuminated by sunset rays. Most likely, the picture depicts a village. After all, it was to these relatively large settlements, according to custom, that parishioners from all the surrounding villages went.


Considering Krymov's painting "Winter Evening", in the 6th grade, children must certainly give a description of the nature that is located outside the village. These are poplars and oaks towering over residential buildings.

The artist depicted the forest against the backdrop of a bright sky and white snow, creating a striking contrast. To the right of the canvas rises a mighty pine tree with a lush crown and twisted branches. To the left is a fairly dense forest of deciduous trees. In the center of the picture, the author depicted tall trees with a domed crown. All of them are painted in reddish-brown tones, which were presented to them by the rays of the setting sun.


Description of the painting "Winter Evening" allows you to feel the beauty and majesty of Russian nature. On his canvas, the author depicted the sky in several salad-sand tones and without a single cloud. This allowed him to create a soft contrast with the trees, illuminated by the setting sun, which rise in the background of the houses.

When admiring the canvas, a feeling of peace and tranquility comes. At the same time, the author's combination of cold and warm tones, in which the snow cover and the sunset sky are written, evokes the impression of a light frost and extraordinary freshness.

Describing the painting "Winter Evening", we can assume that soon in this cozy corner of Russia it will be possible to enjoy a bright crimson sunset. After all, such a clear sky often becomes its harbinger. And according to folk signs, the next day in the village after a calm and quiet day, a strong wind can blow.

Snow shades

Good paintings by artists are never a purely formal reflection of reality. "Winter Evening" can be attributed to such of them. Indeed, when viewing the canvas, you not only admire the landscape, but, it seems, you hear the ringing silence standing in the village. A similar feeling can be achieved by a huge snow field located in front of residential buildings. Krymov brilliantly used color palettes for his image. Snow is rendered in various shades. Its main color is pale blue. In addition, bluish-black shadows are visible in the picture. They fall from houses. In the shade, snow is depicted in the most diverse range of shades. These are tones that begin with sky-azure and end with light purple.

The snow in the picture is not shown shimmering in the sun. After all, the heavenly body is already ready to hide behind the horizon. Where there are no shadows, the snow is light, and where they fall on the field, it is dark blue. Due to the large number of shades, the viewer admiring the picture has a feeling of warmth. This is what Krymov achieved by using a variety of colors. It was thanks to her that the author gave his canvas sincerity and sensuality.


The action that is depicted on the canvas of the artist Krymov takes place in the evening hours. The pinkish shades of the sky tell us that the sun tends to hide behind the horizon. Evidence of the onset of the evening are all the other colors of nature. After all, at sunset they no longer shine as they do in the morning. At this time, the frost intensifies somewhat and silence, peace and tranquility appear. The sunset of the day is indicated to us by the shadows falling on the snowy field. They lie on the snowdrifts, giving them depth and splendor.

The picture depicts a winter evening, when the windows have already turned on the light. However, despite this, the canvas is very light. Perhaps this is because we see a large amount of snow, or maybe it's just not too late. But it's still evening, pre-sunset hours.


From the thin paths trodden between snowdrifts, one can judge that winter has already fully come into its own. However, the artist makes us understand that people are not at all afraid of her and do not want to stay at home.

On the snow you can see numerous shadows left by the rays of the setting sun. And they are not only from the bushes. Shadows also fall from four human figures walking along a narrow path trodden in a snowdrift. Most likely, these are peasants who are in a hurry to get to their warm and comfortable home as soon as possible. The path is so narrow that people follow each other. Ahead, presumably, husband, wife and child. They are all dressed in dark coats. Another person is standing at a distance. Why is he a little behind everyone? The artist did not reveal this secret to us. He gave the viewer the opportunity to think out the plot. But at the same time, the main feature of people is clearly distinguishable - they all look into the distance. Perhaps the child was interested in birds, and adults admire the beautiful winter evening.

In the foreground of the picture, you can see dark dots in which village children sledding down a hill are guessed. It will soon be dark, and they will also run to their home.

On the left side of the picture you can see a country road with two horse-drawn sledges moving along it. The wagons are loaded with haystacks. The people driving the horses are also in a hurry to finish their work. After all, this must be done before it gets dark at all.

The people walking along the path and the horses pulling the sled with hay fill the picture with movement and life, pointing us to the connection that exists between man and nature.

When painting the picture, the artist was clearly at a considerable distance from the village. This is told to us by small images of horses, indistinct small figures of people, as well as buildings and houses in which it is impossible to see specific details. Trees also act as a common mass on the canvas.

Looking at the picture, we clearly feel a deep silence. It is broken only by the slight creaking of the snow cover under the feet of those walking, the subtle squealing of the runners of the carts, the singing of birds and the muffled strikes of the bell.


The painting “Winter Evening” was painted by N. Krymov with great love and care. This becomes clear from the wide palette of shades and the variety of details included in the image. The artist was able to create the right atmosphere, thanks to which the viewer imagines himself standing on a hillock, admiring the village, feeling frost and gradually approaching twilight.

The whole painting is typical for the village. These are real Russian villages, where ordinary people live, who love the surrounding nature and are grateful for their lives.

The picture still continues to create a peaceful and calm mood in the soul of the audience. Surely every person dreamed, at least once in his life, to live in a village, feeling calm, as well as human happiness. You can experience it only in such a quiet place, and not in a city where life goes on in a completely different rhythm.

To date, the original painting by Nikolai Petrovich Krymov "Winter Evening" is one of the exhibits in the exposition of the State Museum of Fine Arts, which is open in Kazan.

In front of me now is a reproduction of the painting by landscape painter Krymov "Winter Evening", on which I need to write an essay. In the picture, the author depicted a real Russian winter, which is already in full swing, enveloping the entire village with its snow blanket.

Krymov winter evening

The main part of the canvas in the foreground is snow, which covered the field with its snowdrifts, hiding the autumn grass under a lush snow-white blanket. And only occasionally are the tops of small shrubs visible. Birds are sitting on one of them. Either they are hiding from predators, or they have found a hot spot where you can get enough of berries. Snow does not shine in the sun, and it is understandable, because the sun no longer shines brightly, it is already low above the horizon.

In Krymov's painting "Winter Evening", among the snowdrifts, one can see well-trodden paths, which the villagers walk every day. Just on one of the paths of the Crimea, he depicted a small group of people, among whom there is a child. They probably went out for an evening walk to get enough fresh air before going to bed. Someone strayed from the group, staring at the setting sun.

In the background, Krymov in the painting "Winter Evening" depicted the beginning of the village. We see old small wooden houses, in the windows of which the light is already on, or maybe it's the glare that the sunlight casts. The roofs of the houses are covered with white snow. It seems as if the houses were wearing snow-white hats.
There is a barn next to the houses. Two wagons full of hay are heading towards him.

Near the village, a little to the left, there is a deciduous forest. The crowns of the trees are lush, it is clear that this forest is many years old. A bell tower peeps out from behind the trees, from where a ringing sounds on holidays, calling all the villagers to service.

While working on Krymov’s painting “Winter Evening” and its description, I also want to talk about my emotions that the picture evokes in me, and they are pleasant, even though I don’t like winter itself. The painting “Winter Evening” shows that there is no wind, which means that even in frost, it is pleasant and good outside. Looking at the work, you feel the crunch of snow under your feet, you hear the chirping of birds. Nature is gradually immersed in the abyss of night, so you feel calmness, tranquility.

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