The theme of the week is musical instruments in the senior group. A selection of games on the topic "Musical instruments


Municipal budgetary educational institution

for children of preschool and primary school age

Primary School - Kindergarten

creative project

Development of musical and creative abilities of children

through various forms and methods

"Music Week"

Project type: Creative

Project duration: Short term (one week)

Project participants: Musical director, children of senior preschool age, educators.


Nowadays, many modern children grow up on primitive musical "masterpieces", the sole purpose of which is mindless obedience to the rhythm and deafening cacophony of sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic dullness and does not contribute to harmonious and moral development.

It is necessary to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of the child, the development of his creative abilities. Creative abilities are most clearly manifested in musical activity.

Children who often come into contact with music have a richer world of feelings, they are more responsive to the experiences of other people, more cheerful, perceive everything new better, study well at school. Every child can awaken interest and love for music, develop an ear for music and a voice. This is confirmed by both life practice and science.

To introduce children to musical activities in kindergarten, various forms are used: classes, holidays, individual work, independent activities. Holding a thematic week of music will also help to solve the problems of developing the musical and creative abilities of children.

Objective of the project: Development of musical and creative abilities of children through various forms and methods.


Continue to reinforce singing and listening skills in preschoolers.

To form the skills of musical memory, memorization and recognition of the work by the intro and melody.

To develop emotional responsiveness and musical perception of preschoolers.

Develop the ability to listen to vocal and instrumental music.

Stages and terms of implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory (July 1-3). Selection of methodological material, visualization, study of literature.

Stage 3 is the final one. Diagnostics, (observation, conversations).

Expected Result:

As a result of the implementation of the project, children's singing skills will be consolidated, musical memory will develop, the ability to listen to vocal and instrumental music will be formed, and interest in musical activities will increase.

Project Implementation Plan.



Forms of conducting, methods and techniques

Material used




1. Listening to your favorite songs.

Develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to listen to vocal music.

Listening in free

from class time.

Audio recordings of children's songs



2. Lullabies

before bedtime.

To evoke emotional responsiveness, to consolidate the ability to listen to an instrumental

Listening to lullaby music before

Audio recordings


In a week.


3. Concert

children's song

Continue to develop the ability to listen to vocal and instrumental music, develop emotional responsiveness.

Concert of children of preparatory groups for younger groups



audio recording.

4. Evening of musical riddles.

To consolidate the ability to distinguish musical instruments, to develop timbre hearing, to consolidate the skills of playing instruments.


Guessing riddles about musical instruments,

hearing recognition, listening to audio recordings,

playing in the orchestra.

Musical and didactic aids, riddles, screen,

musical instruments,

audio recording.


5. Listening to the musical fairy tale "About funny and dexterous bunnies"

Develop the ability to listen, respond emotionally, cultivate a love for music.

Game lesson using toy theater,

participation in performance.

Audio recording of fairy tales, toys.

6. Musical games "Look", "Ku-ku", "The goat was walking through the forest"

Develop musical memory

learn to respond emotionally, cultivate friendly relationships.

Game lesson, guessing and performing songs of fairy-tale characters.

Toys of fairy tale characters, screen, musical material.

7. Musical quiz "Heroes of fairy tales sing"

Develop musical memory

to consolidate the ability to recognize familiar music, respond emotionally, perform familiar songs.

Game activity. Listening and recognizing songs from cartoons,

participation in performance.

audio recordings,

toys, illustrations, costume elements.


8. Musical

evening on the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Children's Album"

Prep. gr.

Maintain desire

listen to music, speak about it,

develop a culture of listening

composer's work.

Thematic lesson.

listening to music, talking

participation in the performance

watching a cartoon.

Composer portrait,


visual material,

audio recordings,

9. Game competition program "Chamomile mood" with the involvement of parents

Cause a festive mood, desire

participate, consolidate skills in the performance of songs, games,

Competitive game program, performance of songs, dances, musical games, competitions

Audio recordings, screen, attributes for competitions.



10. Presentation "Dancing, dancing, dancing!" Performing your favorite dances

arouse desire

move to the music, consolidate skills in dancing,

round dances, cultivate friendly relations between children.

View presentation, conversation, dance performance, riddles

Presentation, dance attributes, costume elements,

audio recordings.


Results achieved:

As a result of the project implementation, children's singing skills, musical memory were fixed, the ability to listen to vocal and instrumental music was formed, and interest in musical activities would increase. In the course of entertainment, children emotionally reacted to music, actively participated in games and competitions. New musical games were learned.

Material support:

Educational and methodical literature, audio, video recordings, musical and didactic games, children's musical instruments.


Moreva N.A. Methodological guide "Music classes and entertainment in a preschool",

L G. Gorkova, N.F. Gubanova Manual "Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten",

M.A.Mikhailova. Manual "Development of children's musical abilities", O.P. Radynova "Listening to music"

N.G.Kononova. From the experience of "Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments."

Project timeline - 1 week

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

- To form a culture of listening to music, to expand children's ideas about the work of Russian and foreign classical composers. (P.I. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg, C. Saint-Saens, A. Khachaturian, F. Chopin,)

To deepen children's ideas about the visual possibilities of music. To reveal the variety of possibilities of expressive means when creating a musical image.

To develop the aesthetic feelings of children, comparing them with different types of arts (painting, poetry, music).

To develop musical perception, imagination, figurative speech of children. Encourage them to express their attitude to musical works.

To promote creative manifestations in various types of productive children's activities - plastic improvisations, drawings, crafts.

To expand the knowledge of children about folk traditions, folklore holidays, fun. To form an interest in acquaintance with folk art.
Project product by age groups:

2 junior group - Educational situation of the thematic type "Musical fun"

Middle group - Educational situation of the thematic type "Spring Tale"

Senior group - Educational situation of the thematic type "Music of Spring"

Preparatory group - Musical drawing room "Fairytale world of P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker"

middle group

Project theme: "The world of beautiful music"

Project timeline is 1 week.

Objective of the project: To enrich the emotional and artistic perception of children through acquaintance with excellent examples of world classical music, paying attention to the relationship of musical, artistic, poetic and theatrical images.

Product (creative stage) of the project: Educational situation of the thematic type "Spring Tale"

Goal of the day:

Tasks of the day:

Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day: Dr. Aibolit invites children to the country of Sportland

Goal of the day:

Tasks of the day:


Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day: Little Red Riding Hood asks children to help compose a musical fairy tale for her grandmother. Theme of day 3: “Nature and music”

Tasks of the day:

- Cause an emotional response in children when perceiving classical and modern music of a figurative nature.

Encourage them to express their own impressions of the piece of music they listened to

Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day:

Topic 4 days: "Such different musical instruments."

Tasks of the day:

- To consolidate children's knowledge about the timbre variety of musical instruments.

Tasks of the day:


Show the difference between folk music and classical

OD in regime moments

Interaction with family

Educational situation :

Music Perception:

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the genre of "march".

"March - song - dance" - guess the genre of music

Round dance games:

"Who will quickly build a circle" -
To form the ability to navigate in space, quickly rebuild in a circle, move in all directions. Encourage them to act collectively and independently.
Theatrical games:

"Airplanes - to the airfield!" - correlate the tempo changes of musical fragments and the visual movements of the game.

"Cheerful exercise" - to encourage the emotional transfer of the mood of the music in rhythmic dance movements.


Tale of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Musical and didactic games:

"Pick the picture to the genre"

"What are the children doing?"

"Find a couple" (cut pictures by genre)

Didactic exercises:

"Matryoshka walks or dances"
Didactic games:

"Collect a picture"

("Merry March", "Round Dance",

"Friendly Song"


(rare or frequent droplets)

"Merry Wind" Dunayevsky.

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation: "Spring Tale"

Little Red Riding Hood asks to write a musical fairy tale for her grandmother.

Music Perception:

"Merry Bunny" (Polka I. Strauss)

"Cunning Fox" (Charleston G. Joplin.)

Fast Dogs (Gallop)

Bear (Elephants C.Saint-Saens)

Cockerel (Musical Moment by F. Schubert)

Sad Bunny (First loss. R. Schumann)

Musical and didactic games:

"Who helped the bunny?" (recognize the hero by a musical fragment)

Correlate the nature of the musical fragment and the fabulous image. Develop figurative speech of children.

Round dance games:

“Whose circle will gather faster?”

To form the skill of orientation in space, to develop dexterity, attention, the ability to act in a group.

Theatrical games:

To convey the figurative movements of the heroes of the fairy tale "The Hare and the Fox" to the music.

Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):

"Merry Travelers" -

Conversation: How do we learn about a character's personality through music?

Musical and didactic games:

"Pick up an instrument for the hero of a fairy tale"

Theatricalization: Act out the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

Artistic activity:

Draw a hut for a fox or a bunny

Didactic games:

"Pick a couple" -

split pictures

(Bear - Big Trumpet

Fox - Pipe

Hare - bell

The dog is a tambourine.)

Promote joint viewing and listening to musical fairy tales at home.

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation:

The artist invites children to revive the pictures of the spring landscape with the help of music.

Music Perception:

Creek, Butterflies E.Grig.

"Sunny Bunnies" Slonov.

"Sparrow" T. Morozova.

"Merry drops" by M. Kartushina
singing skills -

"Sun dress" by M. Kartushina

"Spring" S. Nasaulenko

Musical and didactic games:

"Who went out to the spring meadow?" - guess from the fragment.

To develop figurative perception, imagination, musical thinking of children.

Round dance games:

“Get ready, round dance” - which flower will gather boys and girls faster
Theatrical games:

"Birds and Crow" - to form the skill of expressiveness of figurative movements of the game.

Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):

"Merry Travelers" -

To form the skill of rhythmic, emotional performance of dance movements to music.


“Chicken and chicken” - guess by the rhythm whose song sounds.
Playing musical instruments:

"Who sings the song?"

To form the skill of correct sound extraction when playing the metallophone, to play long and short durations.
Examination of illustrations, paintings:

on this topic-

"Spring came"

Artistic activity:

Draw the sun in different dresses. (color - optional)
Playing musical instruments:
"Hen and Chicken"

(slow or fast steps)

Conduct supervision with children
Read with children :

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation: Pinocchio asks children to tell him about musical instruments.
Music Perception:

"Drum" A. Krasev

"Merry musician" A.Filippenko

"Drops" by M. Kartushina
Musical and didactic games:

"Musical hedgehog" - develop a sense of rhythm, attention, the ability to clearly perform a rhythmic pattern, likening the sound of a loud and quiet drum
Round dance games:
"We are musicians!" - develop a sense of rhythm, a sense of coherence in ensemble playing.
Theatrical games:

« Vanya, our friend with a balalaika, went out to the meadow »- staging.

« Mice sit in holes »

(game - experiment) - sounding with rustling paper
Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):

"Merry Travelers" -

To form the skill of rhythmic, emotional performance of dance movements to music.

Musical and didactic games:

"Musical hedgehog" - to consolidate the ability to clearly perform a rhythmic pattern, like the sound of a loud and quiet drum.

"Hear the music in everything"

- Experimenting with non-sounding objects - wood, paper, plastic.

Draw children's attention to the fact that with proper use, even simple objects can turn into musical instruments.

Didactic games:

"Pick a couple" -

split pictures

(Bear - Big Trumpet

Fox - Pipe

Hare - bell

The dog is a tambourine.)


« From the history of musical instruments” - about the diversity of folk wooden percussion instruments.

At home.

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation:

Music Perception:

To enrich the emotional perception of children, to form an interest in folk traditions, to acquaint with the images of folk tales, epics (Ilya Muromets, Vasilisa the Beautiful).

Round dance games:

"Vesnyanka" - To form the skill of orientation in space, consciously perform game, figurative movements in the text.

Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):
"Birds and Crows" - Encourage children to creatively perform game and dance movements, develop ease, naturalness of movements


Riddles, poems, nursery rhymes about the sun, spring. (Before dinner)


“Why do we love Winter, and what do we like about spring?”

(After sleep)

Didactic game -

“The sun and the rain” - (To the cheerful music, children collect rays to the sun, to the sad, droplets to the cloud)

Playing musical instruments

(rare or frequent droplets)

preparatory group
Project theme: "The world of beautiful music"

Project timeline is 1 week.

Objective of the project: To enrich the emotional and artistic perception of children through acquaintance with excellent examples of world classical music, paying attention to the relationship of musical, artistic, poetic and theatrical images.

Product (creative stage) of the project: Musical lounge "Fairytale world of P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker"
Theme of the 1st day: “We grow healthy with music!”

Goal of the day: To expand children's ideas about the meaning of music in life - to strengthen mental and physical health.

Tasks of the day:

Maintain children's interest in using music in routine moments (morning exercises, dressing for a walk, after sleep)

To consolidate the skill of performing musical and rhythmic movements to music during exercise, physical education.

To promote the formation of cultural and hygienic skills through the use of nursery rhymes, songs of children's composers.

Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day: Dr. Aibolit invites children to the country of Sportland.
Theme 2 days: "Musical fairy tales"

Goal of the day: Enrich the emotional perception of children through acquaintance with musical fairy-tale images
Tasks of the day:

-- To develop musical perception, imagination, fantasy, figurative speech of children.

Encourage to compare the musical characteristics of fairy tale characters.

To promote creative manifestations in plastic, singing, figurative improvisations.

Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day: The Music Fairy introduces children to the fabulous images of ballet

P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker".

Topic 3 days: "Nature and music"

Purpose of the day: To deepen children's ideas about the visual possibilities of music, comparing them with different types of art (painting, poetry).

Tasks of the day:

- Build a culture of listening to music. To evoke an emotional response in children when perceiving classical and modern music of a figurative nature.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the work of composers: P.I. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg,

Encourage them to express their own impressions of the piece of music they listened to.

Enrich children's vocabulary, increase emotional susceptibility to listening to classical music.

Topic 4 days: "Such different musical instruments."

Purpose of the day: To introduce children to the diversity of the world of musical instruments.

Tasks of the day:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the timbre variety and expressive possibilities of musical instruments (symphonic and folk).

Introduce children to some of the ways of making non-traditional noise musical instruments.

Encourage creative self-realization by participating in an ensemble of noise instruments.

Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day: Pinocchio asks to teach him how to make musical instruments from different materials.

Theme of the 5th day: "Folk games and fun"

Purpose of the day: To expand children's knowledge about folk traditions, folklore holidays, fun.

Tasks of the day:

- To form interest in children to get acquainted with folk art.

Show the difference between folk music and classical music.

Introduce children to the folk holiday "Seeing Winter"

Motivational stage (problem situation) of the day: Skomorokh invites children to the holiday "Seeing Winter"

Problem-activity stage of the first day

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation:

“Doctor Aibolit invites children to the country of Sportland.” (Entertainment)
Music perception

Song-march "Together it's fun to walk" V. Shainsky

"If with a friend went on the road"

To consolidate children's knowledge of the "march" genre, to form confidence, clarity and rhythm when performing marching movements.

Outdoor games:

Running in pairs

Merry relay race

ball race,

Jumping in bags - to consolidate the skill to quickly navigate in space, follow the rules of the game exactly, develop dexterity, endurance, team spirit, respectful, friendly attitude towards each other.
Theatrical games:

Riddles of the Fairy of Purity - to develop attention, logical thinking, to consolidate knowledge of cultural and hygienic skills.
Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):

"Cheerful exercises" - to consolidate the skill of expressive, emotional performance of dance-rhythmic movements.

Conversation: "On the Health Benefits of Rhythmic Movements to Music"

Musical and didactic games:

"What is a march like?"

(military, children's, sports)

"March or dance?"

“Guess what the children are doing?” (pick up the picture by the time of day - morning - exercise - march, afternoon - dance, evening - lullaby)

Communication games:

"Guess what I'm doing?"

(sing, dance, march)

"Guess the mood" - the development of non-verbal communication capabilities.

Playing musical instruments.

“I go up the stairs, I jump down the stairs” -

Playing on each key of the metallophone, or through one.

Recommend to listen with children:
"March of Wooden Soldiers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky,

"Together fun to walk" V. Shainsky,

"Merry Wind" Dunayevsky.

Problem-activity stage of the second day

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation:
The Music Fairy introduces children to the fabulous images of ballet

P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker"

Music Perception:

Musical fragments of the main scenes of the ballet.

The concept of ballet as a theatrical art in which music, dance and fairy tale are closely connected.

To expand the idea of ​​the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky.
Viewing video clips of ballet scenes, verbal characteristics of musical themes.

Discussion of the expressiveness of the scenery and costumes of the ballet characters.
Theatrical games:

Plastic improvisations -

"Insidious mice with a mouse king."

"Magical Transformations in Candyland"
Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):
"Waltz of Flowers" (threes, pairs, fours)

To form the ability in plastic improvisations to convey the mood and feelings of a musical fragment, to develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.


Hoffmann's Tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" »

Musical and didactic games

Match the color or instrument to the musical image.

Watching video fragments of the ballet after sleep.
Making masks:


mouse king

Fairy dragee

Artistic activity:

Drawing by Design - Fabulous Images of The Nutcracker Ballet
Cut out and color the skirt (tutu) of the ballerina.

Promote the joint viewing of the musical cartoon "The Nutcracker"

Problem-activity stage of the third day

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation:

The artist invites children to revive the pictures of the spring landscape with the help of music.

Music Perception:

"Song of the Lark" P.I. Tchaikovsky

"Spring" A. Vivaldi

"Brook" E. Grieg

Musical and didactic games:

"Snowball" - Play according to the scheme,

Clap the rhythm

Where is the melody going?

Round dance games:

"Dawn-Dawn" - the formation of dexterity, ease of movement, respect for each other. Introduction to folklore.

Theatrical games:

Spring birds -

Small "Song of the Lark" P.I. Tchaikovsky
Large. "Spring" A. Vivaldi

Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):

"Vesnyanka" is a well-coordinated, rhythmic, expressive performance of the dance-figurative movements of the round dance.

Reading: poems about spring, spring signs F. Tyutchev,

A. Pleshcheeva.

Musical and didactic games:

"Snowball" - Play according to the scheme, Slap the rhythm.

Examination of illustrations, paintings, conversation on the topic

"Early spring",

"Arrival of the Birds"

Artistic activity:

Depict in lines or color spots the mood of a piece of music.

Didactic games:

Examining illustrations on the topic "Spring, Signs of Spring"

Conduct supervision with children - what is the difference between spring signs that you will notice when you return to kindergarten and in the morning. Listen to the surrounding spring sounds.
Read with children :

Poems and riddles about spring signs.

Problem-activity stage of the fourth day

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation: Pinocchio asks children to tell him about musical instruments .

Music Perception:

« March" by D. Verdi (from the opera Aida)

"Girl with flax-colored hair" K. Debussy.

"Saber Dance" A. Khachaturian

"Spring" by A. Vivaldi - to form the perception of a variety of timbre colors of musical instruments, to be able to name and recognize the instruments of a symphony orchestra. To cultivate a culture of listening to music, the ability to give their own characteristics to the sounded fragment.

Musical and didactic games:

"Folk or symphonic?" - to consolidate the difference between the sound of folk and symphony orchestra instruments

Round dance games:

"Cheerful orchestra" - to develop the ability to act with the team, to treat the instruments with care. Develop confidence, creativity, be able to rhythmically perform a solo part on your instrument..

Theatrical games:

"Kostroma » - to develop the expressiveness of fine movements, to form the skill of intonation-emotional speech of the presenter.

Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises)

“Spring was called” - to attach to plastic improvisations depicting playing different instruments.


Stories about folk musical instruments

About possible ways to create noise musical instruments with your own hands
Creative workshop- production of musical noise instruments from plastic bottles, cups, boxes using fillers - rice, sand, peas and self-adhesive paper to decorate the instruments.

Playing musical instruments:

"Merry Orchestra" - in the ensemble on noise instruments of their own manufacture.

Folder-slider "For Fun" about the variety of folk wooden percussion instruments.
Offer to arrange an exhibition of joint crafts with children - noise instruments

At home.

Problem-activity stage of the fifth day

Educational activities with children in the process of organizing musical and artistic activities

OD in regime moments

Organization of independent activity (developing environment)

Interaction with family

Educational situation:

Buffoons invite children to the holiday "Seeing Winter" (outdoor entertainment)

Music Perception:

“Russian Winter”, “Spring was called”, “Oh, Winter”, “Spring is coming red” -

To consolidate knowledge about round dance songs, to introduce children to folk traditions, to acquaint them with the images of folk tales (Ilya Muromets, Vasilisa the Beautiful)
Round dance games:

"Mother Spring Walks"


"Kostroma" - to consolidate the ability of round dance changes, to observe the game culture during the performance of games.
Musical-rhythmic movements (exercises):
"Spring was called"

“What we did in winter” - To consolidate the basic knowledge and skills of musical and rhythmic movements, which are manifested through creative self-realization in the performance of dances, figurative and game movements.


Discussion of impressions from the past holiday

Productive activity - teamwork

(application or drawing)

"Hello Spring!"

Watching a video movie about Komi folk instruments.

Didactic games:

"Vesnyanka" - clap the rhythmic pattern
"Snowball" - play a melody on a metallophone according to the scheme.
"Pick a color for the instrument"

(Pipe, drum, guitar, harp, tambourine, bell, violin, tuba - and a set of colored squares of different color palettes) - children should distribute colors depending on the perception of the sound of the instrument's timbre.

Presentation photo presentation

(wall newspapers) about the "Week of Music".

Exhibition joint crafts of parents with children -

"Noise instruments - with your own hands!"

Leave a comment on this page and pick up a gift - a collection of tasks for

thematic week "Autumn"!

======= Reviews of participants of open thematic weeks=======

How will the theme week go?

Get involved and invite other moms!

Who will lead the theme week?

[email protected] website

We will be happy to answer your questions

After confirming the subscription, you will immediately receive all the materials of the thematic week.

To make the week truly open, we suggest sharing your impressions of walking in the comments for each day of the week. You can also post photos of your classes, ask questions to the leaders of the week and chat with other participants.

Among all the participants of the week who will publish reports on all 5 classes, we will draw a free participation in the "" project!

Hello, my name is Olga Pirozhkova, I am raising my daughter Yulia (2.4 years old)!
I am a supporter of early development, so immediately after the birth of my daughter, I began to devote a lot of time to developmental activities. I have a musical education, so we play musical instruments almost every day, listen to melodies of different genres and play music games. I did not even suspect that a two-year-old child, it turns out, can distinguish by ear the sounds of a violin from a guitar, and the sounds of a trumpet from a tuba. I suggest you get acquainted with our classes at the open music week and spend them with your kids, and you will see that children from birth have musical abilities that are easy enough to maintain.

My name is Svetlana Ivanova, I am the mother of little Veronica (4.6 years old), the author of the site “We grow and develop with my mother”.

As soon as Veronica was 1.5 years old, I began to work with her in creativity. Seeing that my daughter really likes these activities, I began to introduce new elements into them, and soon they turned from banal modeling or drawing into full-fledged developmental activities.

I invite you to conduct interesting and informative activities with your child!

I am mother Irina and daughter Veronichka (2.3 years old). We want to say a big thank you to Svetlana for organizing our summer classes! My daughter and I changed our place of residence for the summer - we came from Volgograd to St. Petersburg. And this means a change in the weather, and places for games and walks, and the environment. And at first, my daughter and I were just getting to know a new place. And then Svetlana offered to participate in the free week "Summer"! And it helped us a lot!

The week flew by in one breath! Every day new tasks, new materials. There was no time to be bored. We also studied at home according to the materials of the week (reading, music, exercises, creativity) and diversified our walks. I really liked the material of the week, the format in which it is presented, and we purchased 4 more thematic weeks on different topics. And our adventures continue... We develop our creativity, logic and intelligence, we read, we watch cartoons, we play outside. We even had classes on our favorite fairy tales! And most importantly, my daughter really likes such classes! And yes, I enjoy working with her.

I would like to say that at least we have materials for 5 thematic weeks, but the material is so voluminous and rich that it will last much longer. And next summer there will be something to do)))

And one more important point - these weeks wake up mom's fantasy! I can now come up with a lesson on a topic that is interesting to my daughter. And I want to continue to be active with her as well! There are so many ideas!

Svetlana, thank you very much! We are waiting for your new projects!

Irina Tertykova and daughter Veronica (2.3 years)

Hello! Svetlana, thank you for such a good stimulus! I finally began to systematically engage with my children (as much as you can already "put off for later"). I really liked the presentations for each week! The days are going great, mom finally has some kind of system and a sense of satisfaction!! Svetlana, thank you for such a great opportunity, I enjoyed this time!

Ekaterina Zakharova and son Yuri (4.4 years), daughter Nastya (2.4 years)

When I started to think over the topic "Music", I counted on short classes for just a couple of days. But then I realized how much you can tell on this topic, introduce you to a lot of concepts and interesting facts.

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce the child to the instruments, divide them into groups: strings, wind, keyboards, percussion or noise. Pay attention to the shape of the tools. Listen to the sound of all musical instruments that you can find. Read stories about musical instruments. Learn professions related to music. Learn notes. Learn to find them on the keys and understand them on the staff.

1. Acquaintance with the instruments began with cards "The world in the palm of your hand" "My little orchestra". In yoytube, I managed to find a lot of interesting videos where we listened and watched all kinds of musicians. We even listened to the harp, harp, mandolin. Some instruments were even played. We have castanets, button accordion, synthesizer, guitar, flute at home. Maracas were, but broke. Instead, they made noise with rattles and kinder surprises with cereals poured into them.

2. We discussed the professions of musicians. Singers, instrumentalists, conductors.
Composers write music for songs, performances, films, as well as for performance in concert halls. We play any melody on the keys. This is our essay.

Conductors are the leaders of orchestras. We hand out card instruments to our toys, turn on the recording of the symphony and conduct with a stick.

The concertmaster of the entire orchestra is the first violinist - before the start of the game, he bypasses all the musicians and, if necessary, corrects the order of the instruments, and if necessary, he replaces the conductor. You can slightly twist the pegs on dad's guitar while he is at work)).

In ordinary schools and kindergartens, those who educate with music work - music teachers and music directors. We have not seen them yet, but Matvey has a music teacher on the video. He goes to the "circle" "Funny notes" at school.

3. We played Lotto "Professions" in WSG 3+ "What are the professions" From the total mass of cards, you need to find cards related to the profession of a musician.

4. We examine the tools and arrange them into groups depending on what geometric figure their silhouette resembles.

To do this, we need templates of simple geometric shapes. And we also repeated the figures that can be found around us. What wonderful books "Educational Stickers for Toddlers"! I told in a previous post, I bought Yulia a complete set of these books. I like books with clear stickers. Stickers fit perfectly into the picture, even if pasted "wrong". The book "Form" contains the basic shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, oval. I haven't even skimmed through these books yet. I only looked at the ones I really liked. In particular the book "In the house". The illustrations are adorable! So warm and homey.

5. Pay attention to the size of the tools. We divide the instruments into those that stand on the floor while playing them, and those that the musician holds in his hands.

6. We study notes. We draw them on the musical staff. We are looking for a synthesizer. We are reading a wonderful book in verse "The raccoon does not know music". This is not just a book of poetry. She also has interesting assignments. On each page you need to stick a sticker, count something, find, destroy the maze, find the same. And I love the illustrations in it.

7. And, of course, we sing. Julia loves to sing so much! Charm! It just doesn't allow you to film yourself. And she sings songs from the cartoon "Umka" so beautifully: "My neighbors are sleeping white dudueds .." Mi-mi-bear my girl! "Abakaaaaa, running ... fawns, abaca, .... kiiii" "Twinkal twinkal lita staw ..."

There is an even deeper study of this topic with the help of the Academy “Professions. Culture and art" . They are, of course, cool, but we will return to them in 3 years. For now, we will keep in mind that we will have to repeat the theme of art with pleasure a little later.

Usually, after a night, Yulia does not want to eat much in the morning, so we do whatever she wants before breakfast. Often it is drawing. Therefore (it turns out) in the photo Julia is so sleepy, shaggy)). The other day we were working on the topic “Wild Animals” and we definitely connected the English language. We repeated a lot of English phrases, looked at books. And the table was served in English. Skylark to help us. We also played a game where we had to insert the missing “circle” into the picture. Thus, we completed the huge topic "Wild Animals".

Before sticking paper balloons, Yulyasha first painted them with paints. EMVM "Stick a picture" That's it, we finished this album! We loved him very much.

547 is the number of the champion)) Matvey is at the woods all weekend. On March 7, grandfather leaves for the Urals for a marathon.

Pancake week

Plan - summary of directly - educational activitiesfrom preschoolikami in middle group.

Topic of the week: « Miracle soundsmusic»

Target:introduce childrenwith musical instruments ; teach children to play musical instruments, develop creative abilities

Integration of educational areas


1. Learn righthandle musical instruments (safety)

2. Develop the ability to classify musical instruments (knowledge)

3 . Develop research skills (find similarities and differences in musical instruments) (cognition)

4. Refine and activate the dictionary: pipe, metallophone, bell, etc. (communication)

5.Shapedesire to play role-playing games(socialization)

6. To form the ability to compose short stories (communication)

7. In productive activities, develop creative abilities (artistic creativity)

8. Develop interest in fiction (reading thin. lit-ry)

9. To promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers through finger gymnastics (physical education)

10. Involve parents in active cooperation.

Methods and techniques Visual: Examining illustrations, pictures with musical instruments, examining children's applications on the topic. D / and "Gromkabout-quiet", "Guess-ka”, “String, percussion and noise musical instruments”, split pictures.Verbal: game "Our legs". Making up short stories. Conversations “What musical instruments do we have in the group”, “What musical instrument would you like to learn to play”, poetry reading , guessing riddles.

Practical:playing musical instruments , musical, didactic, printed board games, role-playing games.

Materials and equipment: pictures on topicse"Mmusical instrumentsnty" plot pictures. poetry texts, riddles. Plasticine, paper, paints, colorpaper, glue for manual labor. Attributes to the plotabout-role-playing games "We- musicians"

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activity

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Finger gymnastics "Castle", "Oh, okay" .Uexercise "Palm-cam-rib"

Physical pause. Games with movements "Birds fly","Playing with rattles"

Outdoor games "Sun and rain", "Where is the rattle?", "Hey you pipe-duda"

Role-playing games "Shop of musical instruments", "M s-musicians"

Games with rules.D / and "Gromkabout-quiet”, “Guess”, “String, percussion and noise musical instruments»


Lepka " Little pipe"

Drawing"Sounding Rattles"

Application "My cheerful drum"

Cognitive research

Notice changes in the sound of music


Teacher questions for children. Conversations with children on topics:

« What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?, "What musical instruments do we have in the group"

musical about-artistic

Listening to "Waltz", "March", "Dance"

Listening and performing the song "Merry Musician", muz. BUT . Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

Musical game "Tambourine"

Reading (perception)

Reading fiction and looking at the illustrations "Hedgehog and Drum" ,Pep. Withmold. I . Akima

“Country Song” by A. Pleshcheev, “Song of Friends” by S. Mikhalkov


memorizationA. Barto"Drum"

Logic of educational activity



Activities of pupils

Expected Result

The teacher brings the box

Children look into the box and see musical instruments. They look at them and call them

Motivation for the game


The teacher reads


I listen to a poem

Development of free communicationco

Offers tell about yourfavorite musical instrument

tell the children andteacher, about your favorite musical instruments

The development of free communication with children and adults, the ability to answer questions from the teacher

Asks the question,What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?? »,

tell the children and teacheron what musical instrumentTrumente they would likeplay

The development of free communication with children and adults, the ability to answer questions from the teacher

Offers games th exercise"Palm-cam-rib"

Children do the exercise

The development of fine motor skills of the hands


Guess riddles

Development of free communication with adults and children

Offers to draw "Sounding rattles"


The teacher reads

Children are listening

Development of free communicationcoadults and children about reading

Offers to compare the size of musical instruments

Children compare

To form the ability to compare musical instruments by size

Offers to blind a small pipe

children sculpt

Development of creative abilities

Offers the game "Loudly -quiet"

Children play musical instruments and answer questions

Development of auditory perception

Memorizing a poemA.Borto"Drum"

children teach

Develop memory

The teacher asks what is the loudest instrument ntand offers to make an application

Children answer and make an application

Development of creative abilities

Closing event: organize a musical orchestra

Parents are actively involved with their children

Interaction of the family and kindergarten to achieve the goals of the GCD

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