The theme of the Second World War in the work of Vasily Terkin. The poem "Vasily Terkin" - the encyclopedia of the great war


War is a difficult and terrible time in the life of any nation. It is during the period of world confrontations that the fate of the nation is decided, and then it is very important not to lose self-esteem, self-respect, love for people. In a time of severe trials, during the Great Patriotic War, our entire country rose to defend the homeland against a common enemy. For writers, poets, journalists at that time, it was important to maintain the morale of the army, to morally help people in the rear.

A.T. Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War becomes the spokesman for the spirit of the soldiers, the common people. His poem "Vasily Terkin" helps people survive a terrible time, to believe in themselves, because the poem was created in the war chapter by chapter. The poem "Vasily Terkin" was written about the war, but the main thing for Alexander Tvardovsky was to show the reader how to live in a time of difficult trials. Therefore, the main character of his poem, Vasya Terkin, dances, plays a musical instrument, cooks dinner, jokes. The hero lives in the war, and for the writer this is very important, because in order to survive, any person needs to love life very much.

The composition of the poem also helps to reveal the military theme of the work. Each chapter has a complete structure, finished in thought. The writer explains this fact by the peculiarities of wartime; some of the readers may not live to see the next chapter, and for some it will not be possible to get a newspaper with a certain part of the poem. The title of each chapter (“Crossing”, “About the Reward”, “Two Soldiers”) reflects the event being described. The connecting center of the poem is the image of the main character - Vasya Terkin, who not only raises the morale of the soldiers, but also helps people survive the hardships of wartime.

The poem was written in the difficult field conditions of wartime, so the language of the work was taken by the writer from life itself. In "Vasily Terkin" the reader will encounter many stylistic turns inherent in colloquial speech:

"Sorry, haven't heard from him in a while.

Maybe something bad happened?

Maybe there's trouble with Terkin?

Here there are synonyms, and rhetorical questions and exclamations, and folklore epithets and comparisons characteristic of a poetic work written for the people: “fool-bullet”. Tvardovsky brings the language of his creation closer to folk patterns, to living speech constructions understandable to every reader:

Terkin said at that moment:

"I'm over, the war is over."

Thus, the poem, as it were, in a leisurely manner, tells about the ups and downs of war, making the reader an accomplice of the events depicted. The problems raised by the writer in this work also help to reveal the military theme of the poem: the attitude towards death, the ability to stand up for oneself and others, a sense of responsibility and duty to the motherland, the relationship between people at critical moments in life. Tvardovsky talks with the reader about the sore, uses a special artistic character - the image of the author. Chapters "About myself" appear in the poem. So the writer brings his main character closer to his own worldview. Together with his character, the author empathizes, sympathizes, feels satisfaction or resents:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of the native land,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

We made friends with you ...

The war described by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in the poem does not seem to the reader to be a universal catastrophe, an inexpressible horror. Since the main character of the work - Vasya Terkin - is always able to survive in difficult conditions, laugh at himself, support a friend, and this is especially important for the reader - it means that there will be a different life, people will start laughing heartily, singing songs loudly, joking - peacetime will come . The poem "Vasily Terkin" is full of optimism, faith in a better future.

Tvardovsky A. T.

Composition based on the work on the topic: The theme of war in modern literature (based on the poem by A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin")

The largest poetic work about the Great Patriotic War is Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin".
Many years have passed since that tragic and heroic time, but everyone reads “Vasily Terkin” with the same interest, because this work reflects the great feat of our people, who defeated German fascism.
Such a poem could be born in the heart of a poet only in a war in which the author was a participant. Even without knowing about this fact in advance, the reader will guess about it in the process of reading. So accurately and expressively the poet captured all the circumstances of a soldier's life, the experiences of a front-line soldier - from love for his native land to the habit of sleeping in a hat. What makes Tvardovsky's poem a work of wartime is, first of all, the connection between the content and form of the poem and the state of mind in which it was among the soldiers of that great war.
An important point of the poem, I think, is that the poet depicted the opposition to fascism of all the peoples inhabiting Russia, which were then part of the Soviet Union. The unity of all nations and nationalities helped to overcome a strong enemy. Everyone understood that their continued existence on earth depended on victory. Hitler wanted to destroy entire nations. The hero of Tvardovsky said this in simple, memorable words:

The fight is holy and right.
Mortal combat is not for glory,
For life on earth.

Tvardovsky's poem was the expression of the unity of the people's spirit. The poet specially chose for the poem the most simple folk. He did this so that his words and thoughts would reach every compatriot. When, for example, Vasily Terkin told his fellow fighters that

Russia, old mother,
We cannot lose.
Our grandfathers, our children,
Our grandchildren do not order, -

these words could be repeated with him by a Ural steelmaker, a peasant from Siberia, a Belarusian partisan, and a scientist from Moscow.
The poet, together with his hero, survived all the hardships and bitterness of the war. He truthfully describes the drama of the retreat of our army, the life of a soldier, the fear of death, the grief of a soldier who hurries to his newly liberated native village and finds out that he no longer has a home or relatives. You can not indifferently read the lines about how

Homeless and homeless
Back in the battalion
The soldier ate his cold soup
After all, and he cried.
On the edge of a dry ditch
With a bitter, childish trembling of the mouth,
I cried, sitting with a spoon in my right,
With bread in the left, - an orphan.

The truth that Tvardovsky's poem carries in itself is often very bitter, but never cold. She is always warmed by the author's warmth of heart, his sympathy for the soldiers of our army and, in general, for “ours” - this kind word of that wartime is heard more than once in the poem. I like that love and kindness are present here not in the form of some special explanations, but simply live in every word, in every intonation.

Take a look - and really - guys!
How, in truth, yellowmouth
Is he single, married,
This shorn people.
Past their swirling temples,
Beside their boyish eyes
Death in battle whistled often
And blowjob this time?

All these guys, not excluding Terkin himself, are ordinary people, and they are shown in the most everyday circumstances. The author deliberately avoids describing heroic moments, because he knows from his own experience that war is hard work. With him, “the infantry slumbers, crouching, with their hands in their sleeves” or “a rare rain falls, an evil cough torments the chest. Not a piece of native newspaper - to wrap a goat's leg. The fighters start talking not at all about “high” topics - for example, about the advantage of a boot over a felt boot. And they end their “war-work” not under the columns of the Reichstag, not at a festive parade, but where any suffering usually ends in Russia - in a bathhouse.
So, in Tvardovsky's poem, an ordinary person, an ordinary soldier, became a symbol of the victorious people. The poet made his experiences understandable and close to us, his descendants. We treat his Vasily Terkin with gratitude and love. With these same virtues and also with its democratism, the “book for a fighter” has become close to front-line readers as well.
It is known that for works of art time is the most important critic, and many books do not stand this cruel test. Our time is also not the last milestone on the path of Tvardovsky's work. Perhaps the next generations of Russians will read it from some other angle. But I am sure that the poem will still be read, because the conversation in it is about the enduring values ​​of our life - the motherland, kindness, truth. The author, as if foreseeing the future life of his work, made the end of the poem a parting word:

The story of a memorable year,
This book about a fighter
I started from the middle
And ended without end

With a thought, maybe bold
Dedicate your favorite work
Fallen sacred memory,
To all friends of the war time,
To all hearts whose judgment is dear.

I think that Tvardovsky is absolutely right - real poetry has neither end nor beginning. And if it was born by reflections on the fate and feat of arms of an entire people, then even more so it can count on eternity.

War is a difficult and terrible time in the life of any nation. It is during the period of world confrontations that the fate of the nation is decided, and then it is very important not to lose self-esteem, self-respect, love for people. In a time of severe trials, during the Great Patriotic War, our entire country rose to defend the homeland against a common enemy. For writers, poets, journalists at that time, it was important to maintain the morale of the army, to morally help people in the rear.

A.T. Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War becomes the spokesman for the spirit of the soldiers, the common people. His poem "Vasily Terkin" helps people survive a terrible time, to believe in themselves, because the poem was created in the war chapter by chapter. The poem "Vasily Terkin" was written about the war, but the main thing for Alexander Tvardovsky was to show the reader how to live in a time of difficult trials. Therefore, the main character of his poem, Vasya Terkin, dances, plays a musical instrument, cooks dinner, jokes. The hero lives in the war, and for the writer this is very important, because in order to survive, any person needs to love life very much.

The composition of the poem also helps to reveal the military theme of the work. Each chapter has a complete structure, finished in thought. The writer explains this fact by the peculiarities of wartime; some of the readers may not live to see the next chapter, and for some it will not be possible to get a newspaper with a certain part of the poem. The title of each chapter (“Crossing”, “About the Reward”, “Two Soldiers”) reflects the event being described. The connecting center of the poem is the image of the main character - Vasya Terkin, who not only raises the morale of the soldiers, but also helps people survive the hardships of wartime.

The poem was written in the difficult field conditions of wartime, so the language of the work was taken by the writer from life itself. In "Vasily Terkin" the reader will encounter many stylistic turns inherent in colloquial speech:

"Sorry, haven't heard from him in a while.

Maybe something bad happened?

Maybe there's trouble with Terkin?

Here there are synonyms, and rhetorical questions and exclamations, and folklore epithets and comparisons characteristic of a poetic work written for the people: “fool-bullet”. Tvardovsky brings the language of his creation closer to folk patterns, to living speech constructions understandable to every reader:

Terkin said at that moment:

"I'm over, the war is over."

Thus, the poem, as it were, in a leisurely manner, tells about the ups and downs of war, making the reader an accomplice of the events depicted. The problems raised by the writer in this work also help to reveal the military theme of the poem: the attitude towards death, the ability to stand up for oneself and others, a sense of responsibility and duty to the motherland, the relationship between people at critical moments in life. Tvardovsky talks with the reader about the sore, uses a special artistic character - the image of the author. Chapters "About myself" appear in the poem. So the writer brings his main character closer to his own worldview. Together with his character, the author empathizes, sympathizes, feels satisfaction or resents:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of the native land,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

We made friends with you ...

The war described by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in the poem does not seem to the reader to be a universal catastrophe, an inexpressible horror. Since the main character of the work - Vasya Terkin - is always able to survive in difficult conditions, laugh at himself, support a friend, and this is especially important for the reader - it means that there will be a different life, people will start laughing heartily, singing songs loudly, joking - peacetime will come . The poem "Vasily Terkin" is full of optimism, faith in a better future.

Other works on the topic:

A monument to a literary hero is actually a rare thing, but in our country such a monument was erected to Vasily Terkin, and, it seems to me, the hero of Tvardovsky deserved this honor by right. This monument can be considered erected to all those who did not spare their blood during the Great Patriotic War, who always found a way out of a difficult situation and knew how to brighten up front-line everyday life with a joke, who loved to play the accordion and listen to music on a halt, who at the cost of their lives brought Great Victory.

VASILY TERKIN - the hero of A.T. Tvardovsky's poems "Vasily Terkin" (1941-1945) and "Terkin in the next world" (1954-1963). Literary prototype V.T. - Vasya Terkin, the hero of a series of feuilletons in satirical pictures with captions in verse, published in the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland" in 1939-1940. It was created with the participation of Tvardovsky in the editorial office of the newspaper in the style of the heroes of the "corner of humor", one of the usual characters of which was "Pro-Tirkin" - from the technical word "rubbing" (an object used when lubricating weapons).

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, in his literary memoirs “A Calf Butted an Oak,” admired A. T. Tvardovsky’s sense of proportion, he wrote that, not having the freedom to tell the full truth about the war, Tvardovsky stopped before every lie almost at the last millimeter, but nowhere did not cross this barrier.

The hero of the poem A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" became a favorite folk hero during the war years and continued to be so many years later. This is a simple soldier, a village boy who stood up to defend his homeland. He is a man of the people, close to those soldiers who read the poem somewhere at the front in rare free moments.

(According to the poem by A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin") Fiction of the period of the Great Patriotic War has a number of characteristic features. Its main features are patriotic pathos and a focus on universal accessibility. The poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" is considered to be the most successful example of such a work of art.

Poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" became the author's direct response to the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War. The poem consists of separate chapters united by a common hero - Vasily Terkin, a simple village boy, like many others, who stood up to defend his homeland.

(Based on the works of A. T. Tvardovsky) The theme of war is very clearly represented in the work of Alexander Tvardovsky. Especially in his poem “Vasily Terkin”, A. Solzhenitsyn wrote about him: “But from wartime I noted “Vasily Terkin” as an amazing success ... Tvardovsky managed to write a timeless, courageous and unpolluted thing ...”.

During the Great Patriotic War A.T. Tvardovsky writes the poem "Vasily Terkin" - about this war, in which the fate of the people was decided. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people in the war. Tvardovsky is a poet who deeply understood and appreciated the beauty of the national character. In "Vasily Terkin" large-scale, capacious, collective images are created, events are enclosed in a very wide time frame, the poet turns to hyperbole and other means of fabulous convention.

The poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" is one of the central works of the poet's work. The first chapters of the poem were published in 1942. The success of the work was associated with the writer's successful character of the protagonist. Vasily Terkin is a fictional person from beginning to end, but this image was described in the poem so realistically that readers perceived him as a real person living next to them.

In the midst of the Great Patriotic War, when our entire country was defending our homeland, the first chapters of A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", where a simple Russian soldier, "an ordinary guy" is displayed in the image of the main character.

The hero of Tvardovsky's poem is a simple Russian soldier. But is it? At first glance - so, Terkin - an ordinary private. And yet this is not true. Terkin is, as it were, a calling, a calling to be an optimist, a joker, a joker, an accordionist and, ultimately, a hero.

The poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and people at war. The author from the first lines aims the reader at a realistic depiction of the tragic truth of the war in his "Book about a fighter" -

The turning points for the poet A. Tvardovsky were the years of the Great Patriotic War, which he went through as a front-line correspondent. During the war years, his poetic voice acquires that strength, that authenticity of experiences, without which true creativity is impossible. The poems of A. Tvardovsky during the war years are a chronicle of front-line life, which consisted not only of heroic deeds, but also of army, military life (for example, the poem “Army shoemaker”), and lyrical excited “memories of the native Smolensk region, robbed and insulted by enemies of the land , and poems close to a folk song, written to the motive "Stitches-tracks have grown over ...".

Russian soldier in Tvardovsky's poem Vasily Terkin From the newspaper pages, Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" stepped into the ranks of immortal works of Russian literature. The poem, like any great work, gives a reliable picture of the era, a picture of the life of its people.

A.T. Tvardovsky worked throughout the Great Patriotic War in the front-line press, and throughout the entire war period, his most outstanding and popularly beloved poem, Vasily Terkin (1941 - 1945), was created.

Author: Tvardovsky A.T. The Great Patriotic War is one of those events in the history of the country that remain in the memory of the people for a long time. Such events largely change people's ideas about life and art. The war caused an unprecedented surge in literature, music, painting, and cinema. But, perhaps, there has not been and will not be a more popular work about the war than the poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin".

The poetry of Alexander Tvardovsky is distinguished by simplicity and poignant truth, taking lyricism to the soul. The author is not cunning, but comes to us with an open heart and soul. The poem "Vasily Terkin" enjoys special love of readers.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is a great and original poet. Being a peasant son, he perfectly knew and understood the interests, sorrows and joys of the people.

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, the truth of life and a beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author merges organically with his characters, living by their interests, feelings and desires.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Tvardovsky was among the fighters, as a war correspondent he traveled difficult roads from west to east and back. He told about this in the poem "Vasily Terkin".

Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" stepped from the newspaper sheet into a number of immortal works of Russian literature. Like any great work, Tvardovsky's poem gives a true picture of the era, a picture of the life of his people.

Author: Tvardovsky A.T. There are few oppositions in Vasily Terkin, but there is a lot of movement and development - primarily in the images of the protagonist and the author, their contacts with each other and with other characters. Initially, they are distant: in the introduction, Terkin is combined only with a good proverb or saying - and vice versa, the author clearly speaks about the truth from himself.

(1910–1971), Russian poet. Born on June 8 (21), 1910 in the village of Zagorye, Smolensk province. Tvardovsky's father, a peasant blacksmith, was dispossessed and exiled. The tragic fate of his father and other victims of collectivization is described by Tvardovsky in the poem By the Right of Memory (1967–1969, published 1987).

Poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" - a book for all it can be read at any age, in moments of joy and | sadness, worrying about the future day or carelessly indulging in peace of mind.

Tvardovsky has a poem "A trip to Zagorye", written in the 30s. The author, already a well-known poet, arrives at his native farm near Smolensk.

Depiction of folk character in the works of A. Tvardovsky and M. A. Sholokhov (Vasily Terkin and Andrey Sokolov) Let us recall the time when the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov were created. The inhuman Stalinist policy was already triumphant in the country, general fear and suspicion penetrated all sectors of society, collectivization and its consequences destroyed centuries-old agriculture and undermined the best forces of the people.

The Great Patriotic War is a disaster that brought loss, grief and tears. She visited every home, millions of people experienced terrible torment, but they survived and won. I know many writers who were participants in this war. They were there, they saw how the defenders of the Fatherland died in the hardest battles, many survived the fire of trials, others were injured, but their steadfastness, courage, friendship and loyalty inspired writers to create works about the war.

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New generations should know and remember their heroes.

An example of such a work of art is considered to be the poem "Vasily Terkin" by Alexander Tvardovsky. The protagonist of the poem is a soldier Vasily Terkin. Terkin is the embodiment of the Russian soldier. He does not stand out either in appearance or mental abilities, modest and simple. His colleagues consider him their boyfriend and are glad that they serve with him. Vasily often faces death, but cheerfulness and humor help to cope with fear. Throughout the war, Terkin surprises his comrades with incredible feats: crossing a river, defeating death, shooting an airplane with a rifle. Having shot down the plane, he feels like a hero and even feels a little embarrassed. The sergeant gives him an order, the guys envy Terkin. He becomes an example for them. The poem does not describe cruel scenes of interrogations and bloody battles, but tells about the life of a simple soldier, about his exploits and self-sacrifice. The author wrote the poem in a simple style, similar to a folk song, which makes the work memorable.

I believe that the poem "Vasily Terkin" is one of the best poems about the war. Those severe hardships of the war years did not harden people, but, on the contrary, brightened up their hard everyday life, gave them strength to fight. And in memory of those who fought, we must keep the peace at all costs.

Updated: 2018-02-07

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During the Great Patriotic War and in the first post-war decade, such works were created in which the main attention was paid to the fate of a person in the war. Human life, personal dignity and war - this is how the main principle of works about war can be formulated.

The poem "Vasily Terkin" is distinguished by a kind of historicism. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts, coinciding with the beginning, middle and end of the war. The poetic comprehension of the stages of the war creates a lyrical chronicle of events from the chronicle. A feeling of bitterness and sorrow fills the first part, faith in victory - the second, the joy of the liberation of the Fatherland becomes the leitmotif of the third part of the poem. This is due to the fact that A.T. Tvardovsky created the poem gradually, throughout the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

This is the most amazing, most life-affirming work, from which, in fact, the military theme began in our art. It will help us understand why, despite Stalinism and the slavish status of the people, the great victory over the brown plague took place.

"Vasily Terkin" is a poem-monument to a Russian soldier, which was erected long before the end of the war. You read it and, as it were, immerse yourself in the element of a living, natural, precise word, flavored with humor, a trick (“And what time of the year is it better to die in a war?”), Oral language that gives astringency to the language (“and at least spit in her face”) , phraseological units ("here's your cover now"). Through the language of the poem, a cheerful, honest people's consciousness is transmitted to themselves and others.

Without you, Vasily Terkin,

Vasya Terkin is my hero.

And more than anything else

Not to live for sure -

Without what - without the truth existing,

Truth, straight into the soul beating,

Yes, she would be thicker,

No matter how bitter.

What else? .. And that's all, perhaps.

In a word, a book about a fighter

No beginning, no end.

Because so - without a start?

Because time is short

Start it over.

Why no end?

I just feel sorry for the young man.

The content of the poem is truly encyclopedic, it is enough to write out the titles of the chapters: “On a halt”, “Before the battle”, “Crossing”, “Terkin is wounded”, “About the award”, “Accordion”, “Death and the warrior”, “On the way to Berlin” , "In the bath". Vasily Terkin will be led from battle to respite, from the crossing to the trench, from life to death, from death to resurrection, from Smolensk land to Berlin. And the movement along the roads of war in the bath will end. Why in a bath, and not with a victorious red banner at the Reichstag? How does plowing, haymaking, any sweaty work end in the village? Banya. By a brilliant conjecture, the son of a peasant, Tvardovsky, came to such a truly folk finale of the poem. Bath because the most sweaty work for the people - the war - ended. In the bath because you can see all the scars and scars on the body of a soldier who won the war.

For all the epic predestination of the plot, there is a lyrical beginning in the poem, telling the story a piercing note of love and kindness, goodwill towards a person, be he Terkin, be an old veteran, be a friend's wife, be a nurse, be a general. Love is dissolved in every line of the poem. Tvardovsky showed his hero in full growth. He is distinguished by kindness, humor, sensitivity, benevolence, inner strength. Terkin is the soul of a soldier's company. No wonder comrades like to listen to his playful and even serious stories. Here they lie in the swamps, where the wet infantry even dreams of "at least death, but on dry land." It's raining. And you can’t even smoke: the matches are soaked. The soldiers curse everything, and it seems to them, "there is no worse trouble." And Terkin grins and begins a long discussion. He says that as long as a soldier feels the elbow of a comrade, he is strong. Behind him is a battalion, regiment, division. And then the front. What is there: all of Russia! Last year, when a German rushed to Moscow and sang "My Moscow", then it was necessary to twist. And now the German is not at all the same, "now the German is not a singer with this last year's song." And we think to ourselves that even last year, when it was completely sick, Vasily found words that helped his comrades. He has such a talent. Such a talent that, lying in a wet swamp, comrades laughed: it became easier on the soul. He accepts everything as it is, Not busy only with himself, does not lose heart and does not panic (chapter "Before the fight"). He is not alien to the feeling of gratitude, the consciousness of unity with his people, not the statutory "understanding of duty", but the heart. He is savvy, brave and merciful to the enemy. All these features can be summarized in the concept of "Russian national character". Tvardovsky emphasized all the time: "he is an ordinary guy." Ordinary in its moral purity, inner strength and poetry. It is these heroes, not supermen, who are able to charge the reader with cheerfulness, optimism and "good feelings" for everything that is called LIFE.

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