Tendryakov it was the first quiet night.  USE in Russian


Often we hear stories about how two sworn enemies suddenly unite and forget about the grievances inflicted on each other. What pushes people to rally together, to destroy the seemingly impregnable wall between them? It is this question that the Soviet writer V.F.Tendryakov puts before us.

The narrator tells how a sudden fire in a German hospital strikes, frightens, makes helpless suffering not only for German soldiers looking at the tragedy, but also for Russians: “Now they [German soldiers] are lost among Russian soldiers, with them, having died, watched, let out a single sigh together.” Difficult experiences, misfortune become common, unite enemies with grief for the dead, and the boundaries between nationalities, ideas, "right and wrong" are erased.

All that remains is shared bitterness: “Everyone has the same smoldering eyes, like the eyes of a neighbor, the same expression of pain and submissive helplessness. The tragedy unfolding in plain sight was not a stranger to anyone.

It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, in difficult moments, people forget about the pain that they caused each other, and an internal deep connection arises between them, originating from humanity and the ability to compassion. This is exactly what happened to the heroes of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy Andrei Bolkonsky and Anatole Kuragin. Having received a serious wound and ended up in the hospital, Andrei recognized the man lying on the next bed and languishing in pain (his leg was amputated) as his sworn enemy Kuragin. However, for some reason, at that moment, Bolkonsky did not even remember the vile act of Anatole Kuragin, who took Natasha Rostova from him. Of course, this happened because sincere compassion for this person woke up in Andrei's soul, which he began to experience instead of his former burning hatred. Kuragin's eyes, filled with pain and despair, sought Andrey's support. This is how the enmity between these people ended, and the human principles won. Humanity prevails not only in adults. So, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”, schoolchildren who were at enmity with their classmate, the son of a retired staff captain Ilyusha, even throwing stones at him, suddenly changed their behavior dramatically. Ilyusha suddenly became very seriously ill, he developed a severe fever, and the boys, forgetting about insults and pride, together began to visit the patient, take care of him, show attentiveness and sympathy. The boy's illness awakened in their hearts humanity, the ability to compassion. It is a pity that sometimes nothing unites so well as a common grief ...

Thus, no matter how terrible the enmity between people, the general susceptibility to suffering, inner spiritual forces, the forces of goodness and humanity will be able to overcome it and unite people, show them what is really important, and what are just mirages that prevent reunion.

Text. According to V. Tendryakov
(1) That was the first quiet night in broken Stalingrad. (2) A quiet moon rose over the ruins, over the snow-covered ashes. (3) And I couldn’t believe that there was no longer any need to be afraid of the silence that flooded the long-suffering city to the brim. (4) This is not a lull, peace has come here - a deep, deep rear, guns are thundering somewhere hundreds of kilometers away.
(5) And that night, not far from the basement where their regimental headquarters was located, a fire broke out. (b) Yesterday no one would have paid attention to him - the battles are going on, the earth is burning - but now the fire broke the peace, everyone rushed to him.
(7) The German hospital was burning, a four-story wooden building. (8) Burned along with the wounded. (9) Dazzlingly golden, quivering walls burned in the distance, crowded the crowd. (Yu) She, dead, bewitched, watched in depression as inside, outside the windows, in the red-hot bowels, from time to time something collapses - dark pieces. (11) And every time this happened, a mournful and choked sigh swept through the crowd from end to end - then the German wounded from the bedridden fell along with the beds, who could not get up and get out.
(12) And many managed to get out. (13) Now they are lost among the Russian soldiers, together with them, having died, they watched, together they let out a single sigh.
(14) A German stood shoulder to shoulder with Arkady Kirillovich, his head and half of his face were covered with a bandage, only a sharp nose sticks out and a single eye quietly glows with doomed horror. (15) He is in a swamp-colored tight cotton uniform with narrow shoulder straps, trembling finely with fear and cold. (16) His trembling is involuntarily transmitted to Arkady Kirillovich, hidden in a warm sheepskin coat.
(17) He broke away from the shining conflagration, began to look around - red-hot brick faces, Russian and German mixed. (18) Everyone has the same smoldering eyes, like the eye of a neighbor, the same expression of pain and submissive helplessness. (19) The tragedy that was happening in plain sight was not a stranger to anyone.
(20) In those seconds, Arkady Kirillovich understood a simple thing: neither the dislocations of history, nor the fierce ideas of mad maniacs, nor epidemic madness - nothing will erase the human in people. (21) It can be suppressed, but not destroyed. (22) Under a bushel in everyone, unspent reserves of kindness - open them, let them break out! (23) And then ... (24) Dislocations of history - peoples killing each other, rivers of blood, cities swept off the face of the earth, trampled fields ... (25) But history is not created by the Lord God - people make it! (26) To release the human from a person - doesn’t it mean to curb a merciless history?
(27) The walls of the house were hotly golden, crimson smoke carried sparks to the cold moon, enveloped it. (28) The crowd watched in impotence. (29) And a German with a wrapped head was trembling near his shoulder, with a single eye smoldering from under the bandages. (ZO) Arkady Kirillovich pulled off his sheepskin coat in cramped quarters, threw the trembling German over his shoulders.
(31) Arkady Kirillovich did not see the tragedy to the end, later he found out that some German on crutches rushed from the crowd into the fire screaming, a Tatar soldier rushed to save him. (32) Burning walls collapsed, buried both.
(33) In each unspent reserves of humanity.
(34) The former guard captain became a teacher. (35) Arkady Kirillovich never for a moment forgot the mixed crowd of former enemies in front of the burning hospital, the crowd seized by common suffering. (36) And he also remembered the unknown soldier who rushed to save a recent enemy. (37) He believed that each of his students would become a fuse, exploding the ice of hostility and indifference around him, freeing moral forces. (38) History is made by people.
(According to V. Tendryakov)

The writing
What makes a person a person? How to preserve humanity in the most terrible conditions of life? Such a problem is considered by the remarkable writer Vladimir Tendryakov in this text.
The hero of the story, Arkady Kirillovich, recalls an episode from his military past. After the battle of Stalingrad, a German hospital was on fire. Burned with the wounded. This terrible picture was seen by both Soviet soldiers and captured Germans. All of them equally experienced this tragedy, it was not a stranger to anyone. The hero of the story threw his sheepskin coat over the shoulders of a German standing next to him, shivering from the cold. And then something happened that Arkady Kirillovich did not see, but which made a huge impression on him: one of the captured Germans rushed to the burning building, and a Soviet soldier ran after him, trying to stop him. The burning walls collapsed on both of them, they died. The author emphasizes the general feeling of pain for the dying people, which united everyone at that moment - this tragedy was not a stranger to anyone.
The author formulates his position as follows: "neither the dislocations of history, nor the fierce ideas of mad maniacs, nor epidemic madness - nothing will erase the human in people."
I completely agree with the author, especially since in our modern world this problem becomes almost the main one. Revolutions, wars, famine, all kinds of disasters, devastation - what our people had to endure!
But the majority did not break under an unbearable burden, people endured everything, retained their best spiritual qualities: kindness, compassion, mercy - all that includes the concept of "humanity".
The literature about the Great Patriotic War gives us many examples when, in the most terrible conditions, people retained their humanity. The story of M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” shocks with the drama of the life of a simple Russian peasant, on whom everything has fallen: the war, and the wound, and the captivity, and the death of the family. After the war, he remains completely alone, works as a driver, but feels aimlessness and emptiness, because there is no close person nearby. But there is so much unspent love, kindness, compassion in him that he adopts a homeless child who lost his parents in this terrible meat grinder that spared no one. He lives for the sake of this boy, Vanyushka, gives him all the best that is in his soul.
Another example of preserving dignity, kindness, and humanity in oneself can be the hero of A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich." Being in the camp, this man not only adapted to the inhuman conditions of camp life, but remained a kind, self-respecting person and others, with a sense of his own dignity. He works happily, because his whole life is work, when he works, he forgets about the bad, he wants to do his job as best as possible. He sympathizes with those who are very hard, helps them, shares his meager supply of food. He did not become angry at the whole world, at people, he does not grumble, but lives. And not as an animal, but as a person.
Reflecting on the fate of people who have fallen into terrible, inhuman conditions, one is amazed at their spiritual strength, which helps them to remain human, no matter what. And I can repeat after Vladimir Tendryakov: "History is made by people."
The problem of intergenerational relationships

19 Place punctuation marks:

AT the forest is never empty (1) and (2) if it seems empty to you (3) it's your own fault (4) that you don't notice the life around you.

Answer: ___________________________

(1) One of the most charming childhood memories is the pleasure that I experienced when our teacher read aloud to us in the lesson "The Captain's Daughter". (2) These were happy moments, there are not so many of them, and therefore we carefully carry them through our whole lives.

(3) Already a mature person, I read Marina Tsvetaeva's notes about Pushkin. (4) It follows from them that the future rebellious poetess, reading "The Captain's Daughter", with mysterious pleasure all the time waited for the appearance of Pugachev. (5) It was completely different for me. (6) I was waiting all the time for the appearance of Savelich with the greatest pleasure.

master of the situation! (11) Petrusha is defenseless against Savelich's all-encompassing despotic love and devotion to him. (12) He is helpless against her, because he is a good person and understands that despotism is precisely from love and devotion to him.

(13) Even as a child, listening to the reading of "The Captain's Daughter", I felt the comic inversion of the psychological relationship between the master and the servant, where the servant is the true master. (14) But precisely because he is infinitely devoted and loves his master. (15) Love is the most important thing.

(16) Apparently, Pushkin himself yearned for such love and devotion, perhaps nostalgically dressed Arina Rodionovna in Savelich's clothes.

(17) The main and invariable sign of the success of a work of art is

Fazil Abdullovich Iskander(born in 1929) - Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet

20 Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Reading books is the greatest pleasure.

2) "Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin should be read aloud.

3) How to distinguish a talented book from a mediocre one.

4) How does Pushkin feel about Pugachev?

5) Love is the most important thing.

Answer: ___________________________

21 Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentence 3 contains a description.

2) Sentences 7-12 contain reasoning.

3) Sentence 5 contains the narrative.

4) Sentences 17 - 18 contain elements of reasoning

5) Sentence 15 has a description element.

22 From sentences 13 - 16 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

Answer: ___________________________

23 Among sentences 11 - 18, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write a number

Answer: ___________________________

completing tasks 20–23.

“In order to convey most accurately his attitude to his favorite character, to sharpen the reader's attention, the author uses in sentence 7 such a syntactic means of expression as (A) ______. The dynamics of the text, the effect of a conversation with the reader is given by artistic means of expression in sentences 9 - 10 (B) ________, as well as in sentence 8 (C) ____. Calling Marina Tsvetaeva a "future rebellious poetess" in sentence 4, the author uses (D)___________.

List of terms:

1) metaphor

2) epithet

3) homogeneous members of a sentence

4) alliteration

5) question-answer unity

6) parceling

7) comparison

8) rhetorical question

Answer A B C D


Please use the ANSWER FORM #2 to answer this question.

25 Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text

(avoid overquoting).

Diagnostic work No. 2

Option 3

Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the answer sheet No. 1.

Task 25 of part 2 is an essay based on the text. This task is performed on the answer sheet No. 2.

All exam forms are filled out bright black ink.

Allowed use

We wish you success!

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) In the Arctic and Antarctic - the polar regions of our planet, as well as high in the mountains

The Earth's surface is constantly covered with ice and snow. (2) Perennial ice accumulations are common here - glaciers that form in (...) places where snow accumulated over a long winter does not have time to melt in summer. (3) ... Glacier ice contains few impurities, and when melted, it produces the purest water, which is now increasingly used for medicinal purposes.

1 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in

in the text?

1) Glaciers form in places where the snow accumulated over a long winter does not have time to

melt - in the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as high in the mountains.

2) High in the mountains, the surface of the Earth is constantly covered with ice and snow, which contains few impurities and is used for various purposes.

3) Pure water can only be obtained from ice, which is formed in those places where the snow accumulated over a long winter does not have time to melt in summer, that is, in polar latitudes.

4) In the Arctic, Antarctic and high in the mountains there are glaciers - perennial accumulations of ice containing few impurities, the melting of which produces the purest water used for medicinal purposes.

5) In the Arctic and Antarctic - the polar regions of our planet, as well as high in the mountains, the surface of the Earth is constantly covered with ice and snow.

Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

Region, -i, pl. -and, -hey, well.

one). Part of a country, state territory (or territories). Southern regions of Russia. Northern regions of Europe.

2). Large administrative-territorial unit. Autonomous region. Moscow region.

The authorities from the region (from the regional center; colloquial).

3). what or what. The limits in which some kind of phenomenon, zone, belt.

Area of ​​evergreens. Lake area.

four). what or what. A separate part of the body, part of the body.

Pain in the region of the liver. In the chest area.

5). trans., what. Branch of activity, circle of occupations, ideas. New field of science. Relegated to the realm of legends (no longer exists; bookish and ironic).- AT

areas of what, preposition with genus. n. - in something, in the sphere of something. Mathematician. Work in the field of public education.

Answer : ___________________________.

In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

Belarus, according to many Russian politicians, is one of the most FRIENDLY countries. The bitter, almond scent of SWAMP flowers wafted from the plain.

The road soon led out of the grove into a clearing, and they immediately heard a HORSE stomping and neighing.

Answer: ___________________________.

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

a few TOWELS

Answer: ___________________________.

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical

errors: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second



A) The brightest student learns

1) violation of the connection between the subject and

at our faculty.


B) One of the heroes of the novel, looking for meaning

2) mixing direct and indirect speech.

life opens the way to inner freedom.

C) When reading an article, notes are always made.

3) incorrect use of case

noun forms with preposition

D) The viewing exhibition is open daily.

4) it is impossible to combine the forms of comparative and

superlatives, simple and compound

forms of both degrees of comparison.

D) Bazarov tells Arkady that your

5) violation in the construction of a sentence with

father - I am a retired person

inconsistent application

6) Incorrect construction of sentences with

participle turnover

7) violation in the construction of a sentence with

participle turnover

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters Answer A B C D E

Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

Answer: ___________________________

Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr..quirky, pr..red be..final, be..bottom pr..grandmother, pr..running prefer..respect, to..to climb o..throw, o..give

Answer: ___________________________

Write out the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

peel off

Answer: ___________________________

12 Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The well-known bibliographer P. N. Petrov expresses the opinion that Vasily Baranshchikov is a (not) fictional person, but a real one.

The pond in the garden is (not) deep, and, oddly enough, there are fish in it.

A person who follows the logic of profit is (not) inclined to pay attention to pricks of conscience. He often came across bird nests in the forest, but he never (never) destroyed them.

Gorky in the novel "Mother" draws a (not) definite personality, but an established social type.

Answer: ___________________________.

13 Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

All the SAME (SAME) door handle of the lock SO (SAME) weakly opened.

The city of Kalinov does not need lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE (THAT) all this (FOR) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.

WHAT (WHAT) they say there, you can’t get away from yourself, AND (SO) will continue until you yourself decide on an act.

I had to (FOR) LONG wait for my brother at the entrance of the plant, FOR (TO) I managed to get acquainted with interesting interlocutors.

Closing his eyes and (NOT) LOOKING at his feet, the old man slowly walked towards me (TO) MEETING.

Answer: ___________________________.

14 Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

The carcasses (1) in meat broth with butter (2) hats were served on a silver (3) plate.

Answer: ___________________________.

15 Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Now you have to repair the radio or even buy a new one.

2) Stanislav gave his sister a basket of flowers and a box of chocolates and wished her happiness with all his heart.

3) The little girl was equally fluent in both French and English.

4) He was a connoisseur of both classical and jazz and modern pop music.

5) Someone cleaned up the tower and waited for the owners.

Answer: ___________________________.

16 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The child (1) playing (2) remains serious, he perceives the rules as a special model (3) of the life circumstances presented in the game (4).

Answer: ___________________________.

17 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

The structure of Mercury (1) is probably (2) fundamentally different from all currently studied celestial bodies. To confirm the hypothesis (3), however (4), a series of studies in space is required.

Answer: ___________________________

18 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The rays of the setting sun (1) fell obliquely on the wall (2) at which the artist sat (3) and in these

the rays of his face seemed golden.

Answer: ___________________________.

19 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Several doors (1) and (2) went out into the corridor while we were knocking snow off the boots (3) I heard (4) someone talking in a low voice.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) That was the first quiet night in broken Stalingrad. (2) A quiet moon rose over the ruins, over the snow-covered ashes. (3) And I couldn’t believe that there was no longer any need to be afraid of the silence that flooded the long-suffering city to the brim. (4) This is not a lull, peace has come here - a deep, deep rear, guns are thundering somewhere hundreds of kilometers away.

(5) And that night, not far from the basement where their regimental headquarters was located, a fire broke out.

(6) Yesterday no one would have paid attention to him - the battles are going on, the earth is burning - but now the fire broke the peace, everyone rushed to him.

(7) The German hospital was burning, a four-story wooden building. (8) Burned along with the wounded.

(9) Dazzlingly golden, quivering walls burned in the distance, crowded the crowd. (10) She, frozen, fascinated, watched in dejection how inside, outside the windows, in the red-hot bowels, from time to time something collapses - dark pieces. (11) And every time this happened, a mournful and choked sigh swept through the crowd from end to end - then the German wounded from the bedridden fell along with the beds, who could not get up and get out.

(12) And many managed to get out. (13) Now they are lost among the Russian soldiers, together with them, having died, they watched, together they let out a single sigh.

(14) A German stood shoulder to shoulder with Arkady Kirillovich, his head and half of his face were covered with a bandage, only a sharp nose sticks out and a single eye quietly glows with doomed horror. (15) He is in a swamp-colored tight cotton uniform with narrow shoulder straps, trembling finely with fear and cold. (16) His trembling is involuntarily transmitted to Arkady Kirillovich, hidden in a warm sheepskin coat.

(17) He broke away from the shining conflagration, began to look around - red-hot brick faces, Russian and German mixed. (18) Everyone has the same smoldering eyes, like the eye of a neighbor, the same expression of pain and submissive helplessness. (19) The tragedy that was happening in plain sight was not a stranger to anyone.

(20) In those seconds, Arkady Kirillovich understood a simple thing: neither the dislocations of history, nor the fierce ideas of mad maniacs, nor epidemic madness - nothing will erase the human in people. (21) It can be suppressed, but not destroyed. (22) Under a bushel in everyone unspent reserves of kindness

– open them, let them break out! (23) And then ... (24) Dislocations of history - peoples killing each other, rivers of blood, cities swept off the face of the earth, trampled fields ... (25) But history is not created by the Lord God - people make it! (26) To release the human from a person - doesn’t it mean to curb a merciless history?

(27) The walls of the house were hotly golden, crimson smoke carried sparks to the cold moon, enveloped it. (28) The crowd watched in impotence. (29) And a German with a wrapped head was trembling near his shoulder, with a single eye smoldering from under the bandages. (ZO) Arkady Kirillovich pulled off his sheepskin coat in cramped quarters, threw the trembling German over his shoulders.

(31) Arkady Kirillovich did not see the tragedy to the end, later he found out - some German on crutches screaming rushed from the crowd into the fire, a Tatar soldier rushed to save him. (32) Burning walls collapsed, buried both.

(33) In each unspent reserves of humanity.

(34) The former guard captain became a teacher. (35) Arkady Kirillovich never for a moment forgot the mixed crowd of former enemies in front of the burning hospital, the crowd seized by common suffering. (36) And he also remembered the unknown soldier who rushed to save a recent enemy. (37) He believed that each of his students would become a fuse, exploding around him the ice of hostility and indifference, freeing moral forces. (38) History is made by people.

(According to V. Tendryakov)

Vladimir Fyodorovich Tendryakov(1923 - 1984) - Russian Soviet writer, author of controversial stories about the spiritual and moral problems of contemporary life.

20 Which of the statements does not match the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) During the battles with the Nazis, especially such bloody ones as the Battle of Stalingrad, there could be no question of any kind of humanity.

2) The fierce ideas of mad maniacs are capable of eradicating everything human in people, making them irreconcilable enemies.

3) Nothing can eradicate, suppress mercy, compassion in people.

4) No forces are capable of destroying the reserves of humanity and compassion in people.

5) Russian soldiers were indifferent spectators of the tragedy that was unfolding - a fire in a German hospital.

Answer: ___________________________.

21 Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers. 1) Sentences 14 - 15 contain a descriptive fragment.

2) Sentence 31 contains the justification for the judgment expressed in sentence 19.

3) Sentences 20-26 contain the narrative.

4) Sentences 1 - 4 contain a description with elements of reasoning.

5) Propositions 27 - 29 contain examples explaining the statement formulated in sentence 4.

Answer: ___________________________.

22 From sentences 17 - 19 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

Answer: ___________________________

23 Among sentences 12 - 16, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of a possessive pronoun and a single-root word. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed,

completing tasks 20–23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with those given in the form.

("dazzling gold, quivering walls" in sentence 9) help the reader get a picture of what is happening. In syntax (B) _________(" she, dead,

spellbound " in sentence 10, " sigh, mournful and stifled » in sentence 11) conveys the state and feelings of people who witnessed a terrible spectacle. At that moment, they ceased to be enemies, and such a trope as (D) ____________ (sentence 20) helps the author to emphasize the main thing: nothing can destroy the human in a person.

List of terms:

1) contextual antonyms

2) comparative turnover

3) phraseological unit

4) inversion

5) extended metaphor

6) epithet

7) rhetorical appeal

8) parceling

Answer A B C D

Be sure to transfer all answers to ANSWER FORM No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for


To answer this question use ANSWER FORM No. 2


Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account). The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Monitoring grade 11 Russian language

Diagnostic work No. 2

Option 4

Work instructions

Diagnostic work consists of two parts, including 25 tasks.

Part 1 contains 24 tasks, part 2 contains 1 task.

3.5 hours (210 minutes) are allotted to perform diagnostic work in the Russian language.

The answers to tasks 1 - 24 are a number, a word, a phrase or a sequence of numbers and words.

Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the answer form No. 1. EXAMPLE:

Task 25 of part 2 is an essay based on the text. This task is running on answer sheet 2.

All USE forms are filled with bright black ink.

Allowed use gel, capillary or fountain pen.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries do not count towards the assessment of the work.

The points you get for completed tasks are summed up.

Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success!

Answers to tasks 1 - 24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence

words, numbers. Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) Many objects that surround us are made from natural materials - I am one or more. (2) Since ancient times, people have used (…) materials: they made fabrics from natural fibers, built houses from reeds and wood, processed stones and metals, creating various objects. (3) Modern man, using natural materials today, should think that their reserves are not unlimited.

1) Modern man must remember that the reserves of natural materials used from ancient times to the present day are not unlimited.

2) Objects made from natural materials were used by ancient people in everyday life, and today many of the objects that surround us are also made of stone and metal, wood and natural fibers.

3) Ancient people used only natural materials: they made fabrics from natural fibers, built houses from reeds and wood, processed stones and metals.

4) People should remember that natural materials can run out, so you need to

That was the first quiet night in broken Stalingrad. A quiet moon rose over the ruins, over the snow-covered ashes. And I couldn’t believe that there was no longer any need to be frightened by the silence that flooded the long-suffering city to the brim. This is not a lull, peace has come here - a deep, deep rear, guns are thundering somewhere hundreds of kilometers away.

The writing

Very often a person manages to maintain a kindness of heart and a pure and sincere desire to help his neighbor even in the most difficult situations.

In this text, V. D. Tendryakov makes us think about what makes a person a person? How to preserve humanity in the most terrible conditions?

The author recalls an episode from his military past, when a German hospital caught fire on one of the rare quiet nights. The writer draws our attention to the fact that at that terrible moment when the wooden building caught fire, there was not a single indifferent person: both Russian and German soldiers were united by a common desire to help. All borders were erased, at that moment there were no enemies: Russian and German soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder and together “let out a single sigh”. And in the eyes of everyone, "the same expression of pain and submissive helplessness" froze. One of the heroes of the story, Arkady Kirillovich, noticing a crippled German trembling with fear and cold, gave him his sheepskin coat. And later he shares what he himself did not see, but what impressed him: in a fit of humanity, one of the Germans rushed into the fire with a cry, and a Tatar rushed after him, both were seized with a thirst to help and both died at the same moment.

Vladimir Fedorovich Tendryakov believes that absolutely in every person, no matter who he is, no matter what situation he is in and no matter what he has experienced, there are unspent reserves of humanity. And nothing can kill a person in a person - "neither the dislocations of history, nor the fierce ideas of mad maniacs, nor epidemic madness."

I fully agree with the author's opinion and also believe that it is impossible to destroy the spark of mercy, kindness, compassion in a person - everything that includes the concept of "humanity", it can only be extinguished for a while. And it is this sincere feeling that can unite people and correct all the "dislocations of history."

The protagonist of the novel M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" possessed a huge amount of unspent love, tenderness, kindness and compassion. The author introduces us to a huge layer of Andrei Sokolov's life, and we are convinced that fate has prepared for him many cruel trials. War, captivity, hunger, wounds, the hero lost all the people close to him and plunged into complete loneliness, but even all this could not kill a person in Andrei Sokolov. Sokolov gives his unspent love and tenderness to the homeless child, little Vanya, whose fate was similar to the fate of the protagonist: life was also not generous to him. Andrei Sokolov was able to dig out a grain of humanity in his charred heart and give it to the boy. Vanya became the meaning of life for him, the hero began to take care of Vanya and give him all the kindest and purest that remained in the soul of the main character.

In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" humanity united all classes. Whatever each hero is, no matter what position he is in, he always finds a place in his soul for a good and bright feeling. Pyotr Grinev does not take revenge on Shvabrin for any of his atrocities. And this despite the fact that an atmosphere of impunity and cruelty reigned around, and Shvabrin caused the hero enough harm. Also, Pugachev, despite the huge number of murders to achieve his goal, did not kill Peter, and not only because he once did not let him die, but also out of a sense of humanity in relation to Savelich. And Maria, in all her actions, was also guided only by kindness and a desire to help - including when she asked the empress for mercy on her beloved. Although the girl had recently lost her parents and found herself in difficult circumstances. All the heroes, despite the difficult situation around their lives, were able to keep in their souls those feelings, thanks to which they continued to remain human.

Thus, we can conclude that what makes a person such is the desire to do good, to be merciful and responsive to the misfortune of others. And even if this feeling is hidden deep behind fear and vague moral guidelines, it still exists and is still capable of exploding "the ice of hostility and indifference around itself."

The kitchen is cozy and cramped, white, offensively quiet, pretending to be neat and orderly - it does not know what happened next to the wall. A narrow table against the wall is covered with oilcloth with cheerful flowers. Arkady Kirillovich sank heavily behind him.

The woman with the gun found herself almost on the outskirts of the city, in a new district, where the houses repeat each other endlessly, where the street lamps are rarer, the rain seems to be pouring thicker, the back streets are darker, and the night is duller, more uncomfortable, more hopeless.

The woman turned the corner of one five-story building, no different from the others, quietly moaning: “God… God…” - trotted obliquely through the spacious courtyard, ended up at the wing, which miraculously survived from the previous pre-construction times, preserved among of a tiringly stately standard, his physiognomy, peeling, twisted, dull.

The woman drummed on the window, and, after a pause, it flared up, pulling out of the darkness a wild face, plastered with wet hair, ominously glossy gun barrels ...

The small room was mercilessly lit by a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. Crossing the threshold, the woman dropped her gun with a crash, sank helplessly to the floor, and a hoarse, guttural half-cry-half-groan escaped her throat.

Quiet you! Encourage your neighbors.

The tall old woman who let her in looked sleepily, unkindly, without surprise.

Ko-ol-ka-ah! .. Father-ah! .. To death!

The woman hoarsely pulled her thin neck towards the old woman, through her hair, confusing her face, burned her eyes.

The old woman remained motionless - a coat thrown over her bony shoulders over a nightgown, bare, ugly legs with knotty veins, thin, dull gray hair, a long, hard-lined, wooden face - impenetrable, still unfriendly.

Evdokia-ah! Kolka! .. Father! .. From a gun! ..

A slight movement of the shaggy head - they say, I understand! - a glimpse at the double-barreled shotgun, then carefully, so as not to fall off the coat, the old woman freed her hand, crossing herself into space, slowly, almost solemnly:

Kingdom of heaven to him. Rafashka got through!

The woman twitched with her whole body, grabbed her throat with both hands, and thrashed on the floor:

Y-you!.. What kind of people are you?! Kam-ni-i! Come on!! He spared no one, and you... You, too!

The old woman frowned as the woman struggled on the floor next to the abandoned gun.

Scary-but-oh!! Scary-but-oh among you!!

Well enough, you will disturb our entire chicken coop.

Stepping heavily with her bare, twisted feet on the uneven, massive floorboards left over from the last century, the old woman went to the table, poured water from the kettle into a mug, and brought it to the woman:

The woman, chattering her teeth on the mug, took a sip or two - went limp, stared sadly through the wall pasted over with yellowed, warped wallpaper.

You wonder - I don’t shed tears. I have shed all of them before - not a tear left.

In fifteen minutes the old woman was dressed, her long face hidden in a thick shawl, her coat girded with a thong.

Get up off the floor. And damp with yourself, lie down in bed, ”she ordered. - And I'll go ... I'll say goodbye.

On the way to the door, she paused at the gun:

What did you do with this?

The woman looked sadly through the wall and did not answer.

Shotgun, hey, I ask, what did you bring?

Moving sluggishly, the woman squeezed out:

I snatched it from Kolka ... but it's too late.

The old woman thought about something over the gun, shook her wrapped head, drove away the thoughts.

What a pity! - she said with a heart and resolutely left.

He believed: the teacher in him was born one night in the broken Stalingrad.

It seems that it was the first quiet night. Just yesterday, mines burst among the ruins with a dry crackle, a confused rigmarole of long and barking-short machine gun bursts marked the front line, and Katyushas breathed, covering the mutilated earth with dull peals, and rockets bloomed in the sky, in their light the bizarre remnants of houses with window failures. Yesterday there was a war here, yesterday it ended. A quiet moon rose over the ruins, over the snow-covered ashes. And I just can't believe that there is no longer any need to be frightened by the silence that flooded the long-suffering city to the brim. This is not a lull, peace has come here - a deep, deep rear, guns are thundering somewhere hundreds of kilometers away. And although corpses are lying around the streets among the ashes, but those are yesterday's, new ones will not increase.

And on that night, not far from the basement of the former eleventh school, where their regimental headquarters was located, a fire broke out. Yesterday, no one would have paid attention to him - the battles are going on, the earth is burning - but now the fire broke the peace, everyone rushed to him.

The German hospital was on fire, a four-story wooden building that had been happily bypassed by the war to this day. Burned with the wounded. Dazzling golden, quivering walls burned in the distance, crowding the crowd. She, frozen, fascinated, watched in dejection how inside, outside the windows, in the red-hot bowels, from time to time something collapses - dark pieces. And every time this happened, a mournful and strangled sigh swept through the crowd from end to end - German wounded from the bedridden, baked in the fire, who could not get up and get out, fell together with their beds.

And many managed to get out. Now they were lost among the Russian soldiers, together with them, having died, they watched, together they let out a single sigh.

A German stood shoulder to shoulder with Arkady Kirillovich, his head and half of his face were covered with a bandage, only a sharp nose sticks out and a single eye quietly smolders with doomed horror. He is in a swamp-colored, tight cotton uniform with narrow shoulder straps, shivering finely with fear and cold. His trembling is involuntarily transmitted to Arkady Kirillovich, hidden in a warm sheepskin coat.

He broke away from the blazing conflagration, began to look around - red-hot brick faces, Russian and German mixed. Everyone has the same smoldering eyes, like the neighbor's eye, the same expression of pain and submissive helplessness. The tragedy unfolding in plain sight was no stranger to anyone.

In those seconds, Arkady Kirillovich understood a simple thing: neither the dislocations of history, nor the fierce ideas of mad maniacs, nor epidemic madness - nothing will erase the human in people. It can be suppressed, but not destroyed. Under a bushel in everyone are unspent reserves of kindness - open them, let them break out! And then... Dislocations of history - peoples killing each other, rivers of blood, cities swept off the face of the earth, trampled fields... But God does not create history - people do it! Doesn't it mean to curb the merciless history to release the human out of a person?

The walls of the house were hotly golden, the crimson smoke carried sparks to the cold moon, enveloping it. The crowd watched helplessly. And a German with a bandaged head was trembling near his shoulder, with his only eye smoldering from under the bandages. Arkady Kirillovich pulled off his sheepskin coat in cramped quarters, threw the trembling German over his shoulders, and began pushing him out of the crowd:

Schnel! Schnel!

The German, without surprise, indifferently accepted custody, obediently jogged all the way to the headquarters basement.

Arkady Kirillovich did not see the tragedy to the end, later he found out - some German on crutches with a cry rushed from the crowd into the fire, a Tatar soldier rushed to save him. The burning walls collapsed, burying them both.

In each unspent reserves of humanity. History is made by people.

The former guard captain became a teacher and at the same time graduated from the pedagogical institute in absentia.

School programs inspired him: the student should know the biographies of writers, their best works, ideological orientation, should be able to determine literary images according to a given stencil - popular, reactionary, from among superfluous people ... And who influenced whom, who spoke about whom, who is the representative romanticism, and some of critical realism ... One thing the programs did not take into account - literature shows human relations, where nobility collides with meanness, honesty with deceit, generosity with deceit, morality opposes immorality. Selected and preserved experience of human hostel!

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