Title page for black and white portfolio. Portfolio Tips


Not every school has made it a rule to start a portfolio for a student. So far, the idea is carried out as an experiment. However, most likely the portfolio will still become a mandatory attribute of each student. I want to suggest options:

1. Where to start?

The personal portfolio of a high school student of a specialized school is presented in the form of personal diaries. With their help, boys and girls, together with a psychologist, teacher, class teacher, conduct a reflexive analysis of the changes taking place with them at the stage of transition from school childhood to adulthood. These changes relate to strengthening individual resources, strengthening the leadership position as the basis of the future sphere of professional activity, focusing activity to ensure future success in life. The text of the manual is presented in such a way that some of its pages can be reproduced and used as a visual handout for working in class hours and elective courses. Based on the content of the proposed materials, the teacher and psychologist can form various portfolio options at their discretion. For class teachers, psychologists, organizers of educational work in the system of school and additional education.

Portfolio writing is indeed most relevant in middle and elementary school. And the question is: does a portfolio have a right to exist in elementary school, and if so, in what form can it be presented? Of course, many sections from Portfolio-9 are not suitable. What can replace them? Should the portfolio be complex or limited to one part of it? All these questions can be answered by reflecting on what are the main goals and objectives of maintaining a portfolio in the primary grades.

2. Goals and objectives.

One of the main tasks of education and upbringing in elementary school (I hope!) Is to identify and develop the individual creative abilities of the child. And here is how Olga Ukhanova1, a teacher from St. Petersburg, defines the main goals and objectives of maintaining a portfolio in primary grades:
- creating a situation of success for each student, increasing self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities;
- maximum disclosure of the individual abilities of each child;
- development of cognitive interests of students and the formation of readiness for independent knowledge;
- formation of an orientation towards creative activity and skills of creative activity, development of motivation for further creative growth;
- the formation of positive moral and ethical qualities of the individual;
- acquisition of reflection skills2, the formation of the ability to analyze one's own interests, inclinations, needs and correlate them with the available opportunities (“I am real”, “I am ideal”);
- formation of life ideals, stimulation of the desire for self-improvement.
To solve these problems (in the opinion of many experts), it is necessary to shift the focus, focusing not on the portfolio of documents, but on the portfolio of creative works. In other words, the "CREATIVE WORKS" section should become the main and main one, the "Official Documents" section should fade into the background and be used only as an application!

"The daily creative process of the student must be recorded." This is the portfolio motto recommended in elementary school.

2 Reflection - a tendency to analyze one's experiences, to reflect on one's inner state. Reflection on oneself, knowledge and analysis of one's own mental processes and states. It disrupts a person's life and reduces his adaptation both in case of excess and lack of self-knowledge.

3. The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

The absolute value of the portfolio lies in the fact that it helps to increase the student's self-esteem, the maximum disclosure of the individual capabilities of each child, and the development of motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn for yourself and explain to the child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of certificates! It is the process of participation in educational activities or creative work that is important, and not its result.

Long-term studies of psychologists have forced many specialists in the field of education to accept the point of view, according to which the leading characteristic of a creative person should be considered not “outstanding abilities” (high intelligence, creativity, etc.), but her motivation3 (life goals). It is she who is considered by many as a decisive factor in the realization of the creative potential of the individual.

3 Motivation - incentives that cause activity and determine its direction.

4. What does an elementary school student's portfolio look like?

There are no strict requirements (state standard) at the moment. And it pleases! After all, working on a portfolio is a good opportunity to express yourself, approach this task creatively, come up with something of your own, original. As a rule, the school administration gives advice, recommendations on design. The only thing to be wary of is that the portfolio of an elementary school student is not called “Portfolio of My Achievements” (“My Achievements”, etc.) and that a section documenting these achievements (all kinds of diplomas and certificates). We will talk about the dangers of this approach a little further. In the meantime, let me remind you that in order to “fight” against this kind of obligation and other “administrative distortions”, there is such a body as the school board of trustees. Protect the interests of your children. Take action!

5. A possible option for compiling a portfolio of an elementary school student.

5.1. Approximate portfolio structure

(for self coloring)

1. Download the separator sheets and insert sheets and print them out.

2. Coloring black and white sheets.

3. Fill out the title page.

4. We put the title page, dividers and inserts into the folder, supplement it with suitable materials (see detailed recommendations below in chapter 5.3).

5. Fill in the last sheet "Contents".

5.3. How and with what to fill the portfolio of an elementary school student


Contains basic information (last name, first name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo of the student.

We consider it important to let the child choose a photo for the title page. Do not put pressure on him and persuade him to choose a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show himself as he presents himself and wants to introduce himself to others.


Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet titles:
"My name" - information about what the name means, you can write about famous people who bore and bear this name. If the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means.
"My family" - here you can tell about each family member or write a short story about your family.
"My city" - a story about his native city (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route diagram drawn with the child from home to school. It is important that dangerous places (crossings, traffic lights) are marked on it.
"My friends" - photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies.
"My Hobbies" - a short story about what the child is fond of. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education.
"My school" - a story about the school and teachers.
"My favorite school subjects" - short notes about my favorite school subjects, built on the principle "I like ... because ...". Also a good option with the name "School subjects". At the same time, the child can speak about each subject, finding in it something important and necessary for himself.


In this section, the headings of the sheets are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with well-written test papers, interesting projects, reviews of books read, reading speed growth charts, and creative work.


All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be attributed to social work (assignments). Maybe the child played a role in a school play, or read poetry at a solemn line, or designed a wall newspaper for the holiday, or performed at a matinee ... There are a lot of options. It is desirable to design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic.


In this section, the child puts his creative work: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If a bulky work (handicraft) has been completed, you need to place a photo of it. Parents need to give complete freedom to the child when filling this section!

Important! If the work took part in an exhibition or participated in a competition, it is also necessary to provide information about this event: name, when, where and by whom it was held.

It would be nice to add a photo to this post. If the event was covered in the media or the Internet - you need to find this information. If carried out by the Internet portal, make a printout of the thematic page


In primary school, children take an active part in excursion and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, visit museums. At the end of the excursion or hike, it is necessary to offer the child a creative homework, completing which, he will not only remember the content of the excursion, but also get the opportunity to express his impressions. If this is not practiced at school, it makes sense for parents to come to the aid of the teacher and develop and reproduce a standard form of the "Creative Assignment". At the end of the academic year, it is possible to present creative tasks with the obligatory awarding of the best works in several categories.


Letters, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, as well as final attestation sheets are placed here. Moreover, in elementary school, one should not separate the importance of academic success (commendation sheet) and success, for example, in sports (diploma). It is better to choose the location not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.


In the portfolio of an elementary school student, this section is not often included. It's a pity! Nothing boosts a child's self-esteem like a teacher's positive assessment of his efforts. Unfortunately, schoolchildren's diaries are full of either unpleasant remarks like “Not ready for the lesson!”, Or nothing reflecting praise like “Well done!”. But what if instead of the same "Well done!" to give a small review in the portfolio? For example: “I took an active part in preparing for the extra-curricular event “The Price of Victory”. Learned and recited the poem. I independently prepared a wall newspaper, while involving my comrades in the design.

We consider it important to add a feedback sheet, as well as a form where teachers can express their recommendations and wishes, for example, at the end of the school year.


At the beginning of the new academic year, it is necessary to carefully study the portfolio, analyze the material collected in it. When moving to the senior class, the contents of all sections must be completely updated.
Less significant works and documents are extracted (can be placed in a separate folder), and what is of greater value is placed in a special section. It could be titled "WORK I'M PROUD OF"


Do not get carried away with the design of this sheet, as it will have to be updated quite often.

6. Important to remember.

In the first grade, when a child is just starting to work on compiling a portfolio, he cannot do without the help of his parents. But as he grows older, this help should be minimized. From the very beginning, try to build the work of the child in such a way that he himself makes some efforts to form a portfolio. In the process of work, the process of comprehending one's achievements, forming a personal attitude to the results obtained and realizing one's capabilities inevitably takes place.

Gradually, "man for the community" gives way to "man for himself." Noticed? Therefore, one of the goals of pedagogy has now become the education in the child not of social abstract needs, but of what he needs personally for his self-realization.

Modern requirements for the organization of the educational process include, among other things, fixing the success of the student. A portfolio is created for each student. In the primary grades, its presence is not mandatory, but starting from the middle level, parents, schoolchildren and the students themselves begin to pay great attention to this innovation.

The concept of a portfolio comes from the English "portfolio", which means a folder of documents or a portfolio. To date, the portfolio has begun to be called somewhat differently, for example, a list of works by a specialist that will be able to demonstrate his talents in theory, as well as show his knowledge, skills, and skills from the best side. In a word, a portfolio is a kind of dossier that has a list of samples of the best works, achievements that will represent a kind of business card. This business card will accordingly represent his skills and abilities.

1. Each school, especially if it has the status of a gymnasium or a lyceum, tries to distinguish its graduates from others, thereby presenting itself. To do this, the appearance of the portfolio is brought to uniformity: the emblem or logo of the school is placed on the title page, uniform colors and tones, a certain font, etc. are used in the design.

3. The third sheet required by the standard is an autobiography.

The student is given the opportunity to demonstrate the skill of independent structuring of events, their selection and description, determining the degree of significance.
For the reviewer in this section, the analytical abilities of the child, as well as the ability to competently and consistently express thoughts, build cause-and-effect relationships, evaluate events and oneself in them, will be important.

An autobiography with this approach somewhat corresponds to a resume. Not only the plot is presented in the form: “born-studied”, but those significant skills that the child has mastered at one stage or another (for example, if a student is simultaneously studying at a music school, it is necessary to reflect that he has an ear for music, knows musical literacy , can play an instrument.Among the achievements, it is necessary to indicate participation in reviews, competitions, etc.)

4. The main set of portfolios is the results of participation in olympiads (all-Russian, regional, municipal, school), competitions and events; sports achievements of the student; participation in sections and circles, as well as attending additional courses. Description of the skills and abilities that the student has additionally mastered.

7. For convenience, you can download an empty one to fill out.

The main pages (separator pages) of the primary school student's portfolio have been released in the editor.

The built-in collection of ready-made templates will help you create the necessary pages.

In the future, using the clipart library, you will be able to create your own inimitable and unique works, with subsequent saving to a local disk.

A4 file size 1132x1600 .jpg

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name, patronymic, contact information and photo of the student.

Section "My World"

The section contains any information that is important and interesting for the child (Page separator)

My name

Information about what the name means can be written about famous people who bore and bear the same name. If the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means

My family

Family composition. You can talk about each family member or write a short story about your family.

My city

A story about his native city (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route diagram drawn with your child from home to school.

My friends

Photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies.

My hobbies

Talk about what the child is interested in. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. (Page separator)

My school

A story about the school and teachers, small notes about favorite school subjects. (page separator)

My favorite items

School subjects - notes about favorite subjects. (page separator)

Section "My studies"

The section is dedicated to school subjects (tests and tests, projects, reviews of books read, reading speed growth charts, creative work...) (Page separator)

My Community Service Section

All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be attributed to social work (assignments). (Page separator)

Section "My work"

You can put your creative works in this section: drawings, crafts, poems, creative works, competitions, olympiads, projects, awards, classes in institutions of additional education. (page separator)

Section "My achievements"

Subject Olympiads, testing in subjects, competitions and events, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, final attestation sheets, etc. (Page separator)

Section "Reviews and wishes"

At the end of each academic year, the teacher writes a student reference, which is embedded here. The child himself can write here his wishes to teachers and his native school, what he would like to see them and what he would change. (page separator)

Section "Works I'm proud of"

In this section, the child places what is of the greatest value to him. (page separator)

Additional sheets

lined sheet

Photo sheet (4 vertical)

Photo sheet (4 horizontal)

Already in elementary school in the modern education system, children are encouraged to make a portfolio. How many comments can be heard from parents about this. Indeed, education is often shifted to parents, who need to have modern printers (color), scanners, etc. at home.

From the experience of a teacher, the situation is such that not all parents understand what e-mail is, not to mention the presence of color printing devices. Let's try to figure out how to design the title page of a primary school student's portfolio on this page.

Usually the teacher voices his requirements for registration, but if the child was absent or missed this information, you can use the following recommendations.

The title page of the portfolio contains information:

  • the name of the institution;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the student;
  • photo (optional) - at the request of the child.

The class is not indicated, since the portfolio can represent the achievements of the student over several years.

In fact, an elementary school student's portfolio represents a folder of your child's achievements. It is very convenient to use folders - files and a folder - folder.

In separate folders, you can put: letters, drawings, applications, etc. In the end, as the student grows up, mostly letters are needed. They are used to participate in various competitions and olympiads. As a rule, there are restrictions on a certain period of time. The word "student" cuts the ear a little, suggests a student or a student, but the education standard of the Federal State Educational Standard defines it that way. The child is studying at school.

You can add a section like autobiography. The child can briefly write about himself. The achievements folder contains information not only about diplomas, but also about participation in various competitions and events.

And if you do not have a color printer, but your child is active and is engaged in sections and circles, believe me, his portfolio will be more valuable than a bright one printed from the Internet, although it looks simpler. But these will be his personal achievements, which both you and your child have the right to be proud of, and complete the design of the title page of the portfolio on a black and white printer.

A few years ago, a significant change was made to the school curriculum, the essence of which is that each student must submit his own portfolio. Moreover, students need to draw up it already when they enter the first grade. Of course, it will not be easy for a child to complete such a task. In this regard, it is the parents who will have to deal with this matter. And, of course, most will want to know how to make a portfolio for a student.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

Before proceeding to consider how to make a portfolio for a student, it does not hurt to talk about what it is. As a rule, a portfolio is understood as a set of documents, photographs, examples of work performed, showing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of a person in a particular activity. With the help of a children's portfolio, you can get an idea about the child, the people with whom he communicates, find out if he studies well, whether he is active in school and extracurricular activities. Thanks to him, you can find out how talented a child is in creativity, sports and hobbies. From the standpoint of the school, the portfolio of a secondary school student is necessary so that the student can realize his first successes and opportunities, can acquire an incentive to work on developing his talents.

Having a portfolio will make it easier for him to transfer to another school. If the child has outstanding abilities in some area, then due to the portfolio, he will increase the chances of being accepted into a higher educational institution.

To date, the student's portfolio can be divided into the following types:

  • portfolio of documents - it contains information about the success of the student, confirmed by certified documents (certificate, awards, etc.);
  • portfolio of works - includes a set of creative, educational or design work performed by the child;
  • portfolio reviews - contains the student's opinion about various activities.

However, the most commonly used is a complex portfolio. The fact is that it contains a maximum of information about the child, as it provides for all these types of portfolio.

How to make a portfolio for a student?

In principle, it is possible to make a portfolio for a student at home, even if some efforts will have to be made here. The main thing is the presence of imagination and the desire for creativity. Moreover, it is important that parents take part in this process together with the child.

Each portfolio must include:

  • Title page;
  • Sections;
  • Applications.

The easiest way is to purchase ready-made forms in a bookstore, and then enter the necessary information there. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can come up with a design yourself using a specialized computer program (for example, Photoshop).

So what should a student's portfolio look like?

  • The first is the title page, where the following information should be present: the surname and name of the student, age, name and number of the educational institution, class. All this information should be supplemented with a photo.
  • Then comes the "My World" section, which should contain the student's biography, information about his name, family, friends, hobbies, city, etc. All information should be presented as a capacious essay and supplemented with photographs.
  • Next comes the “My Study” section, where information about the student’s progress should be given, a list of teachers and favorite school subjects should be listed, along with which there should be examples of various works completed with an “excellent” rating.
  • Each portfolio should contain information about how actively the child participates in school and extracurricular activities, competitions, competitions, etc. And each of them should be presented, indicating the name, time of the event, and also providing it with a photo. Also, the portfolio should include originals or copies of medals, certificates and diplomas, which the student was awarded for academic excellence. All of the above should be presented in the "My Achievements" section.
  • The "My Hobbies" section allows the child to reflect in the portfolio the successes that are associated with any kind of creativity. It can be poems or stories of one's own composition, drawings, etc.
  • The portfolio may also contain such a section as "My impressions", in which the child can leave an opinion after going to the play, to the cinema, to the exhibition.
  • The "Reviews and wishes" section is designed for posting feedback from teachers, as well as organizers and other students.
  • Each portfolio must necessarily include a sheet that lists the page numbers corresponding to a particular section.

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