Tolstikov Ministry of Education and Science. Ekaterina Tolstikova: “The most important thing is to create a team spirit


Ekaterina Andreevna Tolstikova, supervising the education sector in the government of Dagestan, in one year has achieved a sharp improvement in the quality of work of the Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan. Meetings held at the ministry at 11 pm became a legend. Today, Ekaterina Andreevna combines the posts of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic and Minister of Property Relations. And here we have to work without breaks and days off, arranging the work of the ministry as it should be.

- Ekaterina Andreevna, you have been working in Dagestan for more than a year. What is Dagestan for you today?

– I have never been to Dagestan before. I met amazing people here. You know how it happens when we are somewhere, we do not appreciate it, but when we leave it, we understand. If I had left, I would not have met these people. It can be difficult, but if you look at the essence, you understand that the Dagestan people, who combine so many cultures, have a very deep, civilizational code. At some point in time, you begin to perceive everything that is happening here differently. Completely different.

Once we arrived at the 35th gymnasium and saw how they work with children there. This is almost a rural school, almost, because it is actually located outside the city. We arrived and just walked around the school - all the children say hello! In general, all children greet any older person passing by! At school they study in three shifts, but teachers achieve 80 points in the Russian language. I ask: "How do you manage, tell me?" And the teacher answers me: “I’m with them all the time, they come to my house, they call me on the phone.” People reveal their attitude towards other people and children in a completely different way. I think this is the most valuable thing I learned here.

Of course, Dagestan is close to me. I am from Sevastopol. Sevastopol is also a very ancient city, like the Dagestan Derbent! And for me, the proximity of ancient cultures is very important, this also brings Crimea and Dagestan closer.

- What did you manage to do during your work with the Ministry of Education, during your tenure as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of this very complex area?

- The most important thing, it seems to me that we did everything together - we became a team. That is, we have united the ministry, municipalities and a significant part of the principals of schools and all educational organizations, including universities, into one team. We began to discuss all issues together, we began to move in one direction.

Secondly, we did not conduct an express, but a deep analysis of all areas that should be coordinated by the Ministry of Education. All the tracks along which the education system is moving have been dismantled, and in all they have seen points of growth and problematic points that need to be resolved in further work. This analysis allowed us to build further paths. At first, people came to meetings with me with fear, “what if they fire us, because we will tell something bad.” And I tell them - no, you say that it does not work, and together with you we will move and achieve that it works. It seems to me that now this fear is gone.

And thirdly, we started to work very well, deeply with the municipalities, during this time all our heads of education departments, who did not know each other by sight, got to know each other. We first met with them in January 2017. They also cautiously walked to my meeting, because they had absolutely no idea what would happen. They already came to the third meeting confidently. I think that this is the most important thing - to create a team spirit! I told them all the time - you are our most important advisers, you are our professional community, we have no one but you. You discuss, form the agenda, share problems and give us options for solutions. I told them all the time – you do your job, you have to be professionals. But it turns out that we ourselves have to look for problems, to understand whether they are systemic or only local. If they are systemic, offer a solution and understand why. You must learn to discuss all this among yourselves, regardless of who is now the head of the municipality.

One of the most important areas was the Olympics. Here, children immediately feel and understand their results. The Small Academy of Sciences should become a methodological center for reformatting the system of additional education in the republic. It's hard in Dagestan with additional education, you know it as well as I do. The problem is that there are no technical directions at all. Either sports or applied art, but there are no circles, olympiad sections. I think that all reasonable initiatives will be implemented under the leadership of Minister of Education Ummupazil Omarova.

- The Ministry of State Property has been shaken by corruption scandals more than once in recent years. We see what cool cars ordinary clerks of the ministry drive. How are things in the ministry today? Did you manage to create a workable team?

Everyone who didn't want to work left. There was a big check of the Prosecutor General's Office, and a check of the Republican Prosecutor's Office on the personnel issue. It was revealed that many people were hired by the ministry without a competition. This is a direct violation, and we had to part with these people. There are facts about non-submission of documents on income. Commission decisions were made on all such facts.

Now we are trying to regulate the work as much as possible so as not to allow what you are talking about to happen. There you see two tables filled with papers - these are all new regulatory documents. There were simply no normative documents regulating the work of the ministry! We have approved a roadmap. Task number 1 now is regulation. People, falling into the regulations, unfortunately or fortunately, cannot get out of it, and this excludes the plots you are talking about.

Another problem is that many employees simply did not have the knowledge that allows them to make decisions. None of our employees went into the personnel reserve. We approved the new regulation, sent the documentation to the Ministry of Justice for registration and announced our competition for the personnel reserve. We will take people not by competition to fill a vacant position, as is practiced, but only from the personnel reserve. We have many young people who have come from universities, and a lot of work is being done to inventory the property of the treasury and the property assigned to government bodies and subordinate organizations. And we invited guys from universities to help us, these are final-year students or students receiving a second higher education.

Of course, the sphere of education is much livelier and more interesting, there is more creativity there. But when you are an expert in some field, I think you will always find something interesting. Therefore, the Ministry of Property is also quite interesting to me, in terms of the fact that we open something every day. Something happens every day. Constantly some property of the treasury is located. Constantly some new contracts are found, quite surprising often. The fact that we write regulatory documents is also a great experience, a new one. It seems that you take the federal base and work according to it, but there are always some nuances in terms of the regulatory framework and practice. You already understand how everything will be implemented. In general, this is all very interesting, it opens up some new solutions.

There is a lot of work and you have to be late quite a lot. And we are at work on weekends. We need to rebuild all the work, we need methodology and rule-making. If we do not release the entire regulatory framework very quickly now, we will continue to move hard. But this is just a transition period. I don't think there will be much work here once the whole procedure is in place as a pipeline.

- We have many OJSCs, LLCs, State Unitary Enterprises, partially or wholly owned by the republic. Was any inventory of Dagestan property and verification of the effectiveness of its use carried out?

“No inventory has been done. Now we are doing this work. We have practically completed it on the property of the treasury in the form of buildings, structures, structures. There is a lot of work to be done on state-owned land plots. State-owned plots are those that are not assigned to enterprises or institutions, in Dagestan there are 3048 of them. We have concluded an agreement with the rector of the DSU Murtazali Rabadanov and attract students for field work, they go to the field, take pictures of everything, activate it.

An inventory of property assigned to enterprises and institutions is currently being carried out. On the website of the Ministry, all property will be listed object by object. It will be clear which property is not used, for example, there is an old building on Daniyalov street, house 23 (corner of Daniyalov and Dakhadaev) in an abandoned state. If anyone wants to rent, something else - so that you can have information!

Among other things, an inventory of the republic's participation in limited liability companies and joint-stock companies is underway. For example, an organization was discovered where it is not known why some raincoats are stored, there are two mills, some shoes. We will check everything and determine the owner of this property. They claim that this is republican property. If so, then we will offer solutions for its use. I think we will see many more like this. Lots of storylines. For example, we have a company called the Magaramkent distillery, colleagues said that we had to invest a little more, and we would open production. Now we will work together with the Ministry of Economic Development, the trip was big, we watched. Indeed, it seems that it is possible to start this production. Discussed within the framework of the same meetings Makhachkala cement-grinding plant. It also seems that it can be launched, there are people who work there.

There are quite a few joint-stock companies where the state has a block of shares. But, unfortunately, we do not have a 100% stake everywhere, so we can participate in accordance with the state share. We analyzed this, and I want to say that the results from the economic point of view are not very favorable. We practically do not receive income from this participation. The very economic activity of these organizations, unfortunately, is often not effective. In an LLC we receive a share of net profit, and in an OJSC we receive dividends, but both profit and dividends are minimal.

We are meeting with the leadership of the State Unitary Enterprises. We have prepared a regulatory framework that fully complies with federal legislation and federal practice of working with unitary enterprises. Our republican enterprises have never written a program of activity. They presented some kind of reporting, but it was not structured and was not discussed collectively. A government commission has been set up to analyze the efficiency of unitary enterprises. The resolution on SUEs will determine the form of the program of activities and the form of reporting on the results of activities, and also determines the procedures for coordinating all transactions of enterprises through this commission. Why? Because the financial and economic state of state unitary enterprises leaves much to be desired, and the completion of all transactions offered by enterprises, one way or another, is connected with financial and economic activities. It makes no sense to divide this into two different storylines, so we decided that all decisions on the activities of unitary enterprises will be made through a government commission. We have only 31 operating unitary enterprises, there are about 60 of them in the register, unfortunately, there are many bankruptcies, and it does not always seem that this is justified.

- State property is not only republican, there is also federal property, there is also municipal property. How do you manage to separate all this?

– Indeed, there is property in the republic that belongs to the Russian Federation. This property is managed by the Federal Property Management Agency, with which we are trying to cooperate, this is important to us, because the Federal Property Management Agency is the bearer of federal practice. We try to discuss all the questions that we have and try to unite everyone into one pool. We have one republic, which means one task. So far, I have not come across a question that would lead us to some kind of conflict situation. All those issues that come up, we analyze together.

It is necessary to inventory and municipal property. We look, for example, and what gas pipelines they have on their balance sheet, we check how many municipal gas pipelines are in the registers, we deal with the documentation.

Methodologically, municipal property may be in our jurisdiction. We told all the municipalities, both in the past in terms of education, and now in terms of property: let's work together. We do not say - give it to us, we say - let's work together. We are now laying down the main principles of decision-making on land. Land is generally the most important controversial issue in the republic. We will also create a commission on land, a document on this is under approval. We will make decisions within the framework of the commission with the participation of the municipality on whose territory the land is located. As it turned out, municipalities often do not know what to do with land that is not municipal, but republican, but is located within the boundaries of the municipality. There are situations when the Ministry of Property takes this land and leases it out for 49 years, and municipalities do not even know about it.

The ministry has a lot of work to do, but I think that at the beginning of the new year I will be able to talk about real results, real progress, real prospects for the use of property and the development of enterprises in the Republic of Dagestan.

The new Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan, Ekaterina Tolstikova, will oversee education issues. According to Dagestan journalists interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot", it is not integrated into any republican clan structure and will receive all kinds of support in the republic from the head of Dagestan, who hopes to be able to resolve issues through her at the federal level.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on November 28, the head of Dagestan signed a decree according to which Ekaterina Tolstikova, who worked as Deputy Minister of Education of Russia until November 15, 2016, will take the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the republic. The post of Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan became vacant after Artur Sibekov, who had been in charge of attracting investments since 2013 and, in particular, the work of the Dagestan Development Corporation, was dismissed on November 23.

Ekaterina Tolstikova was born in Sevastopol in 1981 and graduated with honors from the Moscow State Law Academy. She worked in the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, in the Federal Property Agency for Moscow, in the Ministry of Property and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the country, acted as head of department and deputy head of department of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation. Since mid-2012, she has been in charge of the department for managing the network of subordinate organizations of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, and took the post of Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Russia in September 2014.

Tolstikova will oversee the education system of Dagestan

On November 29, the first working meeting of the new Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Tolstikova with the apparatus of the Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan took place, at which she announced that she would oversee the education system of the republic.

"On behalf of the head of the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov, I will supervise the educational sphere of the republic," said Ekaterina Tolstikova, whose words are quoted in a message on the website of the Ministry of Education of Dagestan.

"Tolstikova is not built into any republican clan structure"

Ekaterina Tolstikova is a man of Ramazan Abdulatipov, she is not built into any republican clan structure, the editor-in-chief of the Novoe Delo newspaper said Gadzhimurad Sagitov.

"If Tolstikova had been a 'man of the Kremlin', then she would have come to Dagestan immediately after her dismissal from the post of Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation," Gadzhimurad Sagitov told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

If Tolstikova was a "man of the Kremlin", then she would have come to Dagestan immediately after her dismissal from the post of Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

According to him, the vice-premiers of the government of Dagestan have the authority and leverage on the heads of departments, so this is "a fairly significant position."

"With skillful work, the Deputy Prime Minister can significantly influence the work of subordinate structures. But in Dagestan, much depends on the personal qualities of a person. Tolstikova will be built into the Abdulatipov vertical and feel comfortable in this position, since the head of Dagestan will stand behind her," says Sagitov.

He believes that Abdulatipov, having appointed Tolstikova as Deputy Prime Minister, will try to resolve issues through her at the federal level through the Ministry of Education.

"The head of Dagestan, having appointed Tolstikova as deputy prime minister, gets a strong lobbyist capable of talking with Moscow officials"

The arrival of Ekaterina Tolstikova cannot be perceived as the appointment of a person included in any Dagestan clan, the columnist for the Chernovik newspaper also believes. Magomed Magomedov.

“You can’t also perceive her as an official to whom the Kremlin has transferred the functions of a “supervisor” of the situation in the republic. She is a coup by Ramazan Abdulatipov, solving several problems at the same time. Judging by her official biography, Tolstikova, an excellent specialist in real estate management, held a fairly high position in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at the same time she is a young Russian girl," Magomed Magomedov told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to the journalist, the head of Dagestan, having appointed Tolstikova as deputy prime minister, solves several problems.

"Abdulatipov gets: a strong lobbyist who is able to speak the same language with officials in various federal structures; an official who is able to pull up the Dagestan Ministry of Education in terms of manageability and work with his own resources, since there are a lot of real estate objects in the ministry's jurisdiction; Russian, which should cause sympathy for him in the federal center, to perceive her as "one of your own, with whom you can talk," and not as another "guest from the Caucasus," Magomedov believes.

The youth of the Deputy Prime Minister, as well as her non-inclusion in the existing clan and family groups of Dagestan, allow Abdulatipov to assert at the federal level that the process of "purification, rejuvenation and strengthening of power" is underway in the Dagestan authorities

He also noted that the youth of the Deputy Prime Minister, as well as her non-inclusion in the existing clan and family groups of Dagestan, allow Abdulatipov to assert at the federal level that the process of "purification, rejuvenation and strengthening of power" is underway in the Dagestan authorities.

Referring to the status of Deputy Prime Minister, Magomedov says that this position in Dagestan politics, depending on the person, can be both nominal and real.

“According to the existing legislative norms, the areas of responsibility for certain areas are distributed among the vice-premiers, which they will have to supervise, control the implementation of the tasks set by the head of the republic for the government. But in fact, the vice-premiers did not always succeed. As an example, Maxim Shchepakin is a "Varangian" from the Stavropol Territory, who was Minister for Investments under President Mukhu Aliyev... Due to the fact that his activity was blocked by members of the cabinet of ministers of a higher rank, he insisted on his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister. But even while in this position, he I could not bring large investors to Dagestan, and also achieve the implementation of such a project as the "German Village", - said Magomedov.

As for Tolstikova, according to the journalist, she is unlikely to have such problems, since "the line of education is closely guarded personally by the head of Dagestan, as well as at the level of the committee of the Dagestan parliament - by the brother of the head of Dagestan, Radzhab Abdulatipov."

"The main front of Tolstikova's work is to negotiate with Moscow, therefore, as expected, she will not have to interact with local elites and clans," Magomedov believes.

"Wouldn't it be more logical to reduce the number of deputy prime ministers?"

Journalist and chairman of the Dagestan branch of the Yabloko party Albert Esedov, commenting on the appointment of Tolstikova, criticized the activities of Sibekov, who had been fired a few days earlier and was responsible for attracting investments, and drew attention to the fact that the former Deputy Minister of Education of Russia came to Dagestan after a change in the leadership of this ministry.

Many Dagestanis had no idea that such a deputy chairman of the government (Sibekov) exists in our country

“Many Dagestanis had no idea that such a deputy chairman of the government (Sibekov) exists with us. The question arises, what did the official do all these three years while he was in office? And where are the so-called attracted investments? Now the head of the republic signs a decree on the appointment another person who, quite possibly, does not know enough about the republic to do something efficient in a short time," Albert Esedov told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

“Moreover, a person who had only functional duties was fired, and a young girl was appointed who previously worked as the Deputy Minister of Education of Russia, and was fired due to the fact that she did not find a common language with some colleagues and subordinates,” noted Esedov, without specifying where he got this information from.

The current Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva replaced Dmitry Livanov in this post in August this year. Ekaterina Tolstikova was dismissed from the post of Deputy Minister with the wording "in connection with the transfer to another job." Probably, Livanov saw a promising manager in Tolstikova. But his resignation could not but affect the fate of his deputies. Livanov's deputies are associated with reforms, thanks to which he constantly topped the unofficial ratings of the most scandalous Russian ministers, according to the article "A 'man from Moscow' appeared in the government of Dagestan" on the EADaily portal.

According to Esedov, Tolstikova's work experience at the Russian Ministry of Education could have a negative impact on her work in Dagestan.

"Wouldn't it be more logical, in order to save budget funds, which are already insufficient, to reduce the number of deputy prime ministers?" - said Albert Esedov.

With the beginning of the new year, the confrontation between the staff of the Dagestan Institute for the Development of Education and the Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic Ekaterina Tolstikova continued. The editors of "Chernovik" received an open letter from the staff of the institute to the acting head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev, signed by 105 employees. We offer readers the full text of the letter.

Constant criticism of the education system of the Republic of Dagestan at various educational sites of the regions of the Russian Federation Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan Tolstikova E.A. forced us, the staff of the Dagestan Institute for the Development of Education, to turn to you.

Once again, on December 15, 2017 in Pyatigorsk Tolstikova E.A. made a number of peremptory statements to the Dagestan Institute for the Development of Education: “forget this point, we will destroy it now” (such attempts were made by E.A. Tolstikova. repeatedly),“it’s just a terrible thing”, “as direct recipients”, “and it exhausted everyone”, “they drive people there with sticks”, “collect money”, “give out papers” etc. (the style of Tolstikova E.A. has been preserved).

Dagestan Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Personnel, transformed in 2015 to the Dagestan Institute for the Development of Education (the institute celebrates its 90th anniversary in March 2018) is staffed with experienced and highly qualified teaching staff, candidates and doctors of science, honored teachers of the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation, holders of state awards. Every year, more than 8,000 pedagogical workers of the Republic of Dagestan improve their qualifications on the basis of the institute.

The Institute cooperates with leading Universities, publishing houses, educational and scientific centers both in the republic and in the Russian Federation. In 2017 alone, over 50 joint events were held. He also participates in the implementation of the activities of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, which has a positive effect on the quality of education in the republic. This year, the institute won two competitive events within the framework of the FTsPRO. Thanks to the support of the leadership of the republic, all the necessary conditions for the effective work of all structural divisions of the institute have been created. The active participation of the Republican Center for the Quality of Education (a structural subdivision of DIRO) made it possible to conduct a state final certification at a high level and improve results in all major general education disciplines. The number of graduates in 2017 who did not pass the minimum threshold decreased compared to 2015. almost twice. For the high results achieved in organizing and conducting the GIA in the republic, the leadership of Dagestan was thanked by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Dear Vladimir Abdualievich!

The faculty and staff of the institute are ready to further improve their activities. The accumulated experience, integrated work with the country's leading educational centers and your support gives us hope and optimism.

The intervention of Acting Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Andreevna, as she herself expressed, is an attempt to destroy the well-coordinated system of the institute's work. Its spontaneous, hours-long meetings and discussions of projects (borrowed from the Internet), not adapted to local features and conditions, create additional difficulties for the Institute staff.

Activities Tolstikova E.A. is aimed not at the reconstruction of education, but at destructiveness and unfounded accusations that create chaos and negatively affect both the psychological climate of the team and the productivity of work.

Support in the implementation of the state task and the coordination of our activities is provided by our founder - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan.

Turning to you, we hope that the activities of the Acting Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan Tolstikova E.A. will receive a proper and balanced assessment from your side.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science Ekaterina Tolstikova wrote an 18-page letter stating that for more than a year (!) she could not force her subordinate Alexander Kharchenko to perform direct duties

I had a unique document at my disposal - a letter from Deputy Minister of Education and Science Ekaterina Tolstikova addressed to Minister Dmitry Livanov. Ekaterina Tolstikova oversees the Department for managing the network of subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science, which is headed by Alexander Kharchenko.

The content of the letter is quite surprising. Mrs. Tolstikova complains to Minister Livanov that for more than a year (!) She has not been able to force her subordinate (that same Kharchenko) to work. She indignantly lists dozens (!) of really egregious cases when the head of the Department subordinate to her systematically does not fulfill the duties assigned to him, refuses to coordinate the work of the Department with the line of the party and the government, that is, does not follow the direct instructions of Tolstikova and even the government of the Russian Federation.

And we are not talking about some trifles. Kharchenko disrupts the most important work for the country on the federal target program "Crimea". Speaking specifically, for a long time he forbade his employees to travel to the peninsula reunited with Russia on business trips, then, after catching up from the minister, he allowed it, but he doesn’t order to work, they drive back and forth, but the work is worth it. He even forbade control over the distribution of subsidies for Crimean universities.

The “subordinate organizations” in question are mainly Russian universities, whose property needs to be registered and then its “legal fate” determined. Kharchenko is so “jealous” about this topic that he makes the work of the entire ministry on property transactions as difficult as possible, not stopping at direct forgery of documents. This is written in black and white in a letter from Deputy Minister Tolstikova to Minister Livanov, registered with the office of the Ministry of Education and Science (incoming number UE-168 / VI dated April 7, 2016).

As follows from the letter of the Deputy Minister, Kharchenko committed these forgeries in relation to the approval and adjustment of new “lists of immovable and especially valuable movable property”, which, it seems to me, may indicate his selfish interest and, possibly, falls within the competence of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

And if not a forgery, then a wire! After all, according to Tolstikova, Kharchenko's Department keeps even documents completely ready for signing for two or three months! The motivation is obvious. With his inaction, the head of the department, as it were, hints to the “slow-witted” rectors of universities and heads of other subordinate institutions what needs to be done in order to achieve his precious (in the literal sense) signature on documents.

So, for example, documents were delayed for the North Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute, for MGSU, for Izhevsk State Technical University. M.T. Kalashnikov, Voronezh State University, Pacific State University, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, Don State Technical University ... To the legitimate questions of the curator of her department - Ekaterina Tolstikova - about the reasons for the delay, Kharchenko defiantly does not answer (!), which she indignantly states in her letter to the minister.

It is hard to believe, but Kharchenko does not disdain even direct sabotage of the decisions of the Government of Russia! According to Tolstikova, her subordinate excluded from the text of the order of the Ministry of Bornenauk, concerning the provision of information about property, the terms for providing this information, which completely ruined this work. The Deputy Minister writes indignantly that “Kharchenko A.I. Violates official regulations on a daily basis, systematically and, apparently, on principle, without fulfilling written instructions”, imposed a ban on Department employees from participating in weekly meetings to coordinate the Department’s activities and stopped reporting. In particular, Kharchenko ignores the order of his direct boss "On strengthening control over the accounting of especially valuable movable property." Thus, no later than November 16, 2015, he was instructed to submit a unified schedule for completing the registration of federal especially valuable movable property in the Federal Property Register. This order has not been fulfilled, writes Tolstikova, and the requested explanations have not been provided.

In early April of this year, Kharchenko arbitrarily arranged a business trip to St. Petersburg, but did not answer Tolstikova's request about her goals.

Moreover, recently Kharchenko has not responded to requests from the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, while ignoring even the instructions of Minister Livanov himself! In order not to be unfounded, Tolstikova indicates in her letter the numbers of outgoing documents and specific dates on them.

Subordinate organizations (that is, Russian universities) simply attack Deputy Minister Tolstikova with requests about red tape with the solution of their property issues - many documents are waiting, according to the rectors, for their turn in Kharchenko's backlog for a year and a half!

Deputy Minister Tolstikova also talks about the reason why Kharchenko ignores her instructions and sabotages the implementation of her orders:

“A most difficult psychological situation has been formed in the team of the Department for managing a network of subordinate organizations - employees were ordered to write explanatory notes on all the facts of communication with me, a ban was placed on attending meetings that I hold, regularly and on an ongoing basis, at meetings in the Department and in personal conversations, it is indicated that the supervising Deputy Minister will be replaced in the near future, as he greatly interferes with the work.

In other words, Kharchenko intrigues against Tolstikova and seeks to replace her with an official who will dance to his tune.

All this could be reduced to a conflict of interests between two officials, which happens quite often in the life of Russian departments, if it were not for cases that can be clearly qualified as malfeasance. Kharchenko introduced into practice ... to lose documents that he considers "unfriendly".

In particular, the job description of the Director of the Department for Management of the Network of Subordinate Organizations, approved by Minister Livanov in December 2015, was “lost”, which required its re-approval by the Minister (which is confirmed by memorandum No. ET-73/vn dated March 4, 2016).

Deputy Minister E. Tolstikova suspects her subordinate of destroying more important documents, although she states this suspicion in a rather correct form:

“In this situation, it is impossible to exclude the possible destruction of other, more significant documents, in particular, on the basis of the approval of transactions.

There are sufficient prerequisites for such actions, in her opinion.

In particular, according to the verification in February 2016, according to the data of the electronic document management system (SEDCS) for 2015-2016, the Department for managing the network of subordinate organizations registered 58 (!) Protocols in the SEDCS, the scanned versions of which were not available in the SEDCS.

Checks and investigations of the disappearance did not lead to anything and it is "impossible" to establish the whereabouts of the missing documents.

Mostly the minutes of the meeting of the commissions of the Ministry of Education and Science on the coordination of transactions of subordinate organizations were lost.

Their absence de facto makes the decisions taken by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science on the rights of the owner of the property unfounded and “forms signs of an offense of abuse of authority and / or criminal negligence,” which, as a competent lawyer, notes with concern, Deputy Minister Ekaterina Tolstikova.

Strange situation, isn't it? An average manager does not follow the instructions of his curator-deputy minister, sabotages the orders of not only the minister, engages in personnel intrigues, and disrupts the implementation of the government's strategic programs. And not only was he not fired, he was not even reprimanded!

Well, maybe Tolstikova did not have enough authority or determination to call to order the out-of-subordination Kharchenko, who, as it seems to me, has his own “strategic plans” in mind. Moreover, it is quite corrupt content.

And what about Minister Livanov? Why did he not react to the fact that Kharchenko did not obey either Tolstikova or even Livanov himself? After all, it is impossible to suspect anyone, but Livanov of indecision, and he has more than enough appropriate powers.

What's the matter here? Maybe Kharchenko got some kind of killer dossier on his bosses and is holding them, as they say, for that very place? Maybe he leads the terrible "mafia" of the Ministry of Defense werewolf officials?

Or is the whole point that red tape, parochialism (that is, the selfish use of administrative resources), and even outright slovenliness have become a tradition in Russia and fighting them is like spitting against the wind?

In any case, Mr. Kharchenko has a pronounced watchman syndrome, when a little man, trying to assert himself, creates a lot of bureaucratic obstacles in order to extract at least psychological profit from his “post”. Of course, in this case, the dividends allegedly received by the “watchman” in charge of the key department of the Ministry of Education and Science may not only be psychological.

There is no smoke without fire, as they say, and some of these guesses are most likely correct. It is possible that all three working versions, as they say, are on point.

How else to evaluate the fact that even after the official, clearly stated in a letter addressed to the minister, the proposal from his deputy to terminate labor relations, that is, to dismiss Kharchenko, he not only sat in his chair, but also defeated his boss, Deputy Minister Tolstikova ?

Minister Livanov, in his report to Tolstikova's letter, took and handed over the Department, which is headed by Kharchenko, to another curator - deputy minister. Thus, de facto encouraging an official documented in non-fulfillment of government orders and sabotage of federal target programs to continue to create the same chaos, if you call a spade a spade.

The point is not even in the dismissal of this gentleman, but in the fact that for a long time the work of the Ministry of Education and Science on the most important property issues, on the implementation of strategic federal programs has been paralyzed, and the interests of dozens of Russian universities are ignored.

There is no doubt about the reliability of the accusations made by Ms. Tolstikova against the curator of all domestic universities, Mr. Kharchenko. All the above information is documented, and this information is more than enough to come to a disappointing conclusion about the level of effectiveness of Minister Livanov's control over the activities of the departments of his ministry.

A strange and unacceptable situation from the point of view of national interests has developed in the Ministry of Education and Science, which should be immediately considered at the highest level. If the Government of Dmitry Medvedev turns a blind eye to such things, it is difficult to imagine what destructive scenarios we can expect in the near future. Shakespeare also warned that “initiations that ascend powerfully, turning aside their course, lose the name of action.”

How many stable phraseological units have come into our everyday speech from the world of education! We, without hesitation, pronounce “I left the doors of Alma mater” or “left the walls of my native university”. And we do not always realize that behind these expressions there are real walls and doors, without which not a single educational institution can do. And all these walls, doors, windows of Russian universities - in general, everything that is included in the concept of "federal property" - is under the jurisdiction of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ekaterina Andreevna Tolstikova. Ekaterina Andreevna is a very young manager, but her business reputation is already well known in educational and administrative circles.

Our conversation today is about changes in Russian education that have affected absolutely all of its areas, including property.

- Ekaterina Andreevna, recent reforms in the field of education could not be limited only to the content of education, without affecting the material and property part. What documents describe the new procedure for managing property under the auspices of the Ministry of Education?

There are several such documents. After the adoption in 2010 of Federal Law No. 83-FZ “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of the Legal Status of State (Municipal) Institutions”, the Concept for the Exercise by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of the powers of the owner in relation to the property of subordinate organizations was adopted (in relation to objects of movable and immovable property). The collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science approved the first part of this document in 2012. Next, we formed a register of real estate, which is assigned to universities and other subordinate institutions. As a result, it turned out that 1093 operating organizations own real estate, the total area of ​​which is 72 million m2. Agree that a regional city could be located on such territory. But such property cannot simply be owned – it must be managed. Federal property must be managed professionally. And this means that those people who are doing this work now will have to become professionals. And just for this, the second part of the Concept was written. Let me remind you that in the first part we fixed the basic legislative principles that allowed us to bring all universities “to the same denominator”. Now we are moving on - and the second part of the Concept states: we have learned to comply with the law, and now we need to become effective university property managers. We understand that this task is not an easy one, so we have created five programs that will help achieve effective results. These are “Property Management: General Organization of Property Management of Higher Education Institutions”; Campus Economics: Efficiency, Rationing, and Economic Model; "Equipment management: work of resources"; "Efficient Campus: Better Campus Processes"; "Campus Modernization: Mechanisms for Public-Private Partnerships". Universities working on these programs can be sure that their students will be comfortable studying and living within the walls of Alma mater.

– How do you organize work with students so that they develop a careful attitude to everything that surrounds them?

– One of our five programs is called “Efficient Campus” for a reason. How does it work? Each campus has a hostel, a sports complex, a canteen, classrooms - all these are property objects. And we organize something like student competitions - for the best canteen, the best educational and administrative environment, the best hostel. Recently, the All-Russian Student Forum was held in Rostov-on-Don, we managed to invite students to participate in the project. Communicating with the guys, I try to remind them that today they are creating the reputation of their own university. To date, we believe that the best hostel is located at the Siberian Federal University, where everything is really at a high level. But we should be talking not only about hostels, but also about other areas that can be assessed - corridors, canteens, libraries ...

It is very important that students themselves evaluate and improve the environment in which they study and live. For example, if they themselves paint the walls in a color that they like, then they are unlikely to have a desire to draw on this wall. Give students the opportunity to decorate the university themselves, then they will not only be proud, but also cherish this space. This will allow any campus to become more alive.

- The issue of hostel is a sore point of almost all universities. Are there any prospects for development in this direction? What is planned to be done?

– The issue is really painful… We have an order from the President of the Russian Federation to implement a program to fill the shortage of places in dormitories. And within the framework of this program, separate measures are being taken to build dormitory facilities. Another direction is the renovation of dormitories, which also increases the number of places: after all, it is possible to repair something that was not used before. There is a well-known problem here: in the 1970s and 1980s, some dormitories were converted into service housing, where the right to reside was granted by order. That is, today these areas are not used by students at all. But this problem cannot be solved in a direct way: if citizens live without violations, we cannot evict people if they have nowhere else to live.

– You spoke about the renovation program… Today, many buildings require timely repair and maintenance. What are the priorities for the Ministry of Education in the field of repair and reconstruction of buildings?

- Now most of the problems are with the current repair of buildings. In the old days, the construction in most buildings was done well - for centuries. The construct is a complex and capital matter. But now issues with windows, roofs, entrance doors, elevators, control and access systems need to be resolved ... We talked about five programs - and so, the standard of the 4th program "Campus Economics", which we are just now forming, will allow us to determine economic model of financial support for the functioning of the building. MGSU, a leader in the field of construction education, participates in this program. Professionals from MGSU are actively developing the concept of the life cycle of a building - from the moment of design to the moment of demolition. They describe the depreciation process of the building... This work will certainly be taken into account in our program - everything is explained here in an understandable language, and I believe that this will greatly help the university administration.

- You do not plan to establish a system of training on the five points mentioned?

- Each of the five programs that we talked about provides for the development of a professional development program in the relevant area. Today, all universities are invited to participate in the training program, not only the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

- In the nineties, many universities made uncoordinated redevelopments, and now the new leadership has to correct the situation. How do you deal with such redevelopments and their results?

– Responsibilities for correcting such redevelopment are within the competence of the rector. And the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Property Management Agency control the elimination of this violation. But there is only one way to exercise such control - to go to the site, take the BTI passport and find out that there is a redevelopment here. That is, such a process requires a large number of people. We cannot check all our universities at once. But when we see violations, we record them. As part of the Concept, we instructed university administrations to independently check their facilities and record all violations. But even if redevelopment is revealed - how to fix it? This process will require expertise, and this is again a financial expense. A lot depends on the economy, that is, what we are going to do now.

– Is it necessary to earn the right to receive finance for repairs or are there any other criteria?

- I think that only those universities that themselves strive for this will develop. Today, the state finances education in unprecedented volumes. The amount of financial support has increased dozens, even hundreds of times... However, today there are much more opportunities: you can participate in various programs, competitions, independently propose topics for events. If the university does not show activity, then the question arises: why? If someone does not want to use the available opportunities, then additional incentives for development may not help. When considering the issue of whom to help, we comprehensively assess the quality of education and the state of the infrastructure of the university, and only after that we make a decision.

- You have to travel a lot around the regions of the country. How much does the state of regional universities differ from those in the capital?

– I do not want to separate the regions from the capital. Each university, wherever it is located, is unique, it has its own characteristics and its own problems. So Moscow or St. Petersburg for me are the same regions as Tomsk or Nizhny Novgorod. Some areas may be even more advanced outside of Moscow. For example, in Sevastopol there is a Nuclear University as part of the Sevastopol State University. I proposed to the university to convene a council for physics education and call the Fiztekh. Phystech answered: “We are ready, and not only to teach, but also to learn from them.” Because each university has its own unique competencies and directions. For example, in Vladikavkaz there is the North Ossetian State University named after

K.L. Khetagurov. There he teaches archeology and the history of civilization, a remarkable specialist in this field, known in the international community. And how can I say that this university is worse than any other in this regard? It's impossible. Any university is, first of all, the people who work in it.

– Ekaterina Andreevna, you were born and raised in Sevastopol… How often does it happen to visit your native city?

- I love Sevastopol very much. This is a great city of Russian glory, Russian sailors... A city that has always been a part of Russia no matter what, and everyone who lives in it thinks that way. Since the spring of 2014, serious work has been done to coordinate education, both research and practice. In 2014, we monitored the entire education system of Crimea. It turned out that education is in a difficult position. Due to the lack of finances, the infrastructure of universities, schools, and kindergartens suffers. The problem of the security of objects was identified: the perimeters of buildings were practically not closed anywhere. That is, the work to modernize the education system, which we have been doing for a long time in the regions of Russia, was not carried out in Crimea. There was an obvious backlog in terms of the state of equipment: practically nowhere was there such modern equipment as the classes of physics, chemistry, and biology are now equipped with.

- If we talk about the quality of education - at what level is it today in the Crimean educational institutions?

– The quality of education in Crimea is at a very decent level. Good teachers, wonderful children, and everyone is drawn to knowledge. Therefore, it cannot be said that the Crimean schoolchildren are worse prepared. Undoubtedly, it would be easier for them if they had the same equipment as here. But even in this short period of time, we have done a great job of re-equipping schools - now even rural schools are opening sports halls. Throughout the Republic of Crimea and around Sevastopol, there are rural areas where schools need sports grounds. And we are building these sites. We rejoice when we compare photographs of the territory of these schools - what they were and what they have become. The newly equipped territories turned out to be very beautiful, next year we will definitely continue this work.

– It is good to work for the result, but the results are not always the same… You know, the Ministry of Education today is both praised and scolded.

– You say that we are scolded… Here it is important to realize who scolds and why. For example, if we are discussing any issue, the essence of which we understand, but the other side does not, we will always be in conflict, because we have a different conceptual apparatus. We need to learn to come to the same understanding of the issue.

– Your area of ​​responsibility also includes the information policy of the Ministry of Education and Science. How would you like to see educational publications?

– This year we started, and next year we will continue to work on the Concept of Information Interaction… The topic is complex and relevant. I think that, first of all, people who work on the subject of education should be interested in its constructive development, in the successful resolution of the issue that is being raised. We do not say that we are against criticism. We are for criticism, but for the one that is justified. I think that we all need to learn to discuss the problems of education, talk about its successes, for example, from the point of view of universities. Today in every university there is a huge number of positive events. Every university is like a city. When you arrive there, everyone knows what is happening in it, they talk about the latest news. But if you look at the website of the university, it is far from always and not everything can be found there. All of us, including the press services of universities, must learn to talk about the achievements of universities and departments in the field of education. I know that today many people mistakenly believe that journalists only want bad news. I am sure that if we provide, in addition to bad news (which happens by itself without our participation), also positive results of our work, this will certainly arouse interest.

- You are a lawyer by profession. Please tell us how your education helps in your daily work?

- It helps a lot. Today, if you are seriously engaged in any activity, even creative, without a minimum knowledge in the field of jurisprudence in any way. You need to know the laws, understand how you can act and how you can’t. Therefore, in my work, I would not be able to without a legal education. Indeed, in the field in which I am engaged, you need to study a lot of documents. Here you can not make mistakes, you can not allow violations of the law. If you don’t know something, then you can do something wrong - accidentally, but sometimes irreparably.

“Obviously you have a lot of work to do. It turns out something to be in time, in addition to official affairs? For example, read a book...

- In the civil service - everyone has a lot of work and an irregular day. But I always find time for books. What are these books? Variety. It's always like that with good books - you read them in such a way that it takes your breath away, and no matter how many times you re-read - you learn something new every time.

– What are your plans for next year? What do you want to do?

- The whole next year will be marked by work on projects under the programs that we talked about. I am planning a lot of trips around the regions. The country is big and everyone can't come to Moscow, so we will be doing away sessions to meet as many people as possible. Not only with vice-rectors and rectors, but also with the heads of departments and employees, so that they can also get acquainted with our work and coordinate it with their own. After all, when you communicate online, this is one thing. And when there is a personal discussion, then everyone starts to think a little differently. And, of course, we will continue to work on information exchange. We must learn to communicate, understand each other, achieving the desired result for everyone.

Our reference
Tolstikova Ekaterina Andreevna,
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
She was born on March 18, 1981 in Sevastopol.
Graduated with honors from the Moscow State Law Academy (2004).
In 2001 she worked as a specialist in the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.
2001-2003 - Leading Specialist of the Federal Property Agency for Moscow of the Ministry of Property of Russia.
In 2003-2004 he was a leading specialist of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation.
In 2004 - Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation.
2004-2005 - Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management in Moscow.
In 2005-2010 - Head of Department, Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations.
2010-2012 - Assistant to the Minister, Deputy Director, Director of the Department for Investment Development and Federal Property of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Since July 2012 - Director of the Department for Management of the Network of Subordinate Organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 11, 2014 No. 1797, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

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