Three pencils Tatar folk tale. Literary reading lesson Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters" Didactic goal: to create conditions for understanding and understanding the Tatar folk tale "Three Sisters" with the help of means


There lived a woman. She worked day and night to feed and clothe her three daughters.
And three daughters grew up, swift as swallows, with faces like the bright moon.
One by one they got married and left.
Several years have passed. The old mother is seriously ill, and she sends a red squirrel to her daughters.
- Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

Oh, - the eldest sighed, having heard the sad news from the squirrel, - oh! I'd love to go, but I have to clean those two basins first. -
Clean two basins?! - the squirrel got angry.
- So be with them forever inseparable!
And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the door of the second daughter.
- Oh, - she answered, - I would now run to my mother, but I am very busy: I need to weave canvas to the fair.
“Well, now weave all my life, never stopping,” said the squirrel.
And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger one was kneading the dough when the squirrel knocked on her door. The daughter did not say a word, did not even wipe her hands, ran to her mother.
“You always bring sweetness and joy to people, my dear child,” the squirrel told her, “and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when it was time for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.
All summer long, day by day, the bee collects honey for people. And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive.

Tatar folk tale with pictures. Illustrations

“Lesson of literary reading Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters” Didactic goal: to create conditions for understanding and understanding the Tatar folk tale “Three Sisters” with the help of means ...”

Literary reading lesson

Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters"

Didactic goal: to create conditions for understanding and understanding the Tatar folk tale "Three Sisters" using the means of critical thinking technology.

Content Goals:

Educational aspect: to continue teaching younger students the analysis of works of art of various sizes and different genres, the formation of the ability to independently extract the moral idea of ​​the work, the understanding of the moral lessons of texts.

Developing aspect: the formation of the skill of conscious fluent reading, the ability to work independently with the text, the ability to work individually, collectively, in a group.

Educational aspect: to educate students in the joy of the creative process; to cultivate kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness to others

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: individual, pair, group, collective.

Equipment: textbook by V. Sviridov “Literary reading. Grade 2, part 2, split cards with proverbs, explanatory dictionary, cards with characteristics of the heroines of a fairy tale, presentation

1.Org. moment.

2. Actualization and definition of the topic of the lesson

Look at this photo, how does it make you feel?

(Grandma's photo)

Today, a new work will help us to know the world of such complex feelings, and what genre we can find out if we cope with the letter dictation.

Cries on a pebble, laments, brother Ivanushka is going to save

What story are these lines from?

“And we stayed near the Christmas tree. She lay large, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took up one branch and said ... ”(“ Enchanted Letter ”)

What is the name of the point of highest tension in the development of events in a work of art? (climax)

What is the name of the technique in literature, built on a comparison of an object with another according to a common feature. (Comparison)

Read the word AKZAX - a fairy tale

What is a fairy tale?

Today we also have an unusual item - a magic bowl. She is empty. In the lesson, we will fill it with our feelings and experiences.

Today we will get acquainted with the fairy tale "Three Daughters".

3. Goal setting

There is a folk wisdom that for any knowledge we must turn to our ancestors. The experience of ancestors creates fairy tale characters. It is no coincidence that in many fairy tales there is a stone by the road. The positive hero always chooses one of the three paths

It is believed that fairy tales teach wisdom. The main thing is told - how a person goes through certain stages, how responsibly he relates to the experience of his ancestors. Every fairy tale has a happy ending. We will again plunge into the magical world of fairy tales.

Complete the sentences about what we have to do in the lesson

Get to know ... (with the work)

Describe ... (main characters)

Define ... (main idea)

These will be the goals for this lesson.

Fairy tales teach people to recognize themselves, help to detect shortcomings and suggest how to get rid of them. They teach the wisdom of life. Reading fairy tales enriches us with knowledge of the life of our native language. Reading fairy tales means becoming smarter, learning something new and important about yourself and people.

4. Vocabulary work

In order to better understand the tale, let's pay attention to the meaning of the words that occur in it:

fair - a big bargain with entertainment, entertainment, arranged regularly in the same place.

canvas - linen fabric made of thick yarn

day-to-day - daily.

forever - always, forever

5. Primary acquaintance with the work.

Now you will listen to a fairy tale and follow the textbook - take a simple pencil, mark when reading if there is a discrepancy with your text and the text of the reader – Were there inconsistencies?

Is it possible to change the text while reading? (Folk tale)

Verification of primary perception

What feelings did you experience?

What kind of mother do you think?

Why does the story have such a name? (Consider illustrations of girls)

Did the white man do the right thing?

What does this tale teach us?

What type of story is this? (Household with elements of magic)

6. Analysis of the work Tatar fairy tale "Three sisters" and selective reading.

When reading, try to convey the character of the hero.

What kind of daughters did the mother raise? Find and read the confirmation from the text.

Read what happened to the mother a few years later?

How will the daughters know about it?

Find out how the eldest daughter reacted to the request of the mother?

What did the squirrel say? Answer with words from the text.

How did the middle daughter react to her mother's request?

What did the squirrel say to her?

How can you call the act that the eldest and middle daughters did?

Frivolity is the carelessness of the soul, the lack of order and depth in thoughts and feelings.

How did the squirrel thank the youngest daughter for her responsiveness?

Why did people love their youngest daughter?

Are there miracles in this story?

What is the main idea of ​​the tale?

7. Group work

Get ready to work in a group and mentally remember the rules of work.

Let's define the character traits of daughters and evaluate their actions

Choose the words that refer to the eldest, middle and youngest daughter. Paste on words related to daughters.

Youngest daughter









Always ready to help


Checking the work of groups

Which daughter has beauty? Prove with a passage from the text

Why did the squirrel punish her older daughters? (didn't help mom)

Close your eyes, Remember when you are scared or hurt, who do you usually call?

(Mom - Lera - very emotional - oh, moms!)

And why?

Because you are sure that your mother will be the first to come to your aid. Regret, caress, advise you. Mom will do everything for you. Mothers always take care of their children, worry, worry, teach us good, good things. Close your eyes - remember your mother's voice.

Why did people love their youngest daughter?

Read the last two paragraphs of the text. Underline the words that say that the squirrel's predictions came true

8. Summary of the lesson

1). Generalization

What feelings did we experience while reading?

What did the Tatar fairy tale teach you?

What does this story make you think? What do people value the most in a person?

2). Work in pairs

Proverbs are written on the cards. The beginning of one is a proverb, and the end of the proverb is on the other. Your task is to connect the beginning and end of proverbs to make correct statements.

Life is given to amuse itself.

Read the proverbs. What do they have in common? (Kindness)

Why is the cup still empty? (Feelings cannot be seen, but can be experienced)

green - the mood is wonderful, everything worked out in the lesson, you are satisfied with yourself

yellow - the mood is good, but not everything worked out in the lesson

red - the mood is bad, nothing worked

(signal circles)

Why did the flame in the bowl catch fire?

What feelings did we fill the cup with? (love, kindness, mutual understanding, empathy) These feelings remained in our heart, soul - if at least a spark flashed there, then our lesson was not in vain.

9. Information about homework


1. Fill in the table

1. The fight between good and evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

2. Write a mini essay "What I would like to say to my mother"










Always ready to help

Beauty for a while, for good deeds

Doing good is good forever.

Life is given to amuse itself.


Beauty for a while, for good deeds

Doing good is good forever.

Life is given to amuse itself.


Beauty for a while, for good deeds

Doing good is good forever.

Life is given to amuse itself Fill in the table

Signs of a fairy tale Fixing the presence or absence of a sign.

1. The fight between good and evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

5. Magical CreaturesMagical Items

Fill in the table

Signs of a fairy tale Fixing the presence or absence of a sign.

1. The fight between good and evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

5. Magical CreaturesMagical Items

Fill in the table

Signs of a fairy tale Fixing the presence or absence of a sign.

1. The fight between good and evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

5. Magical CreaturesMagical Items

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Lesson stages
Challenge I. Org. moment.
1. Psychological attitude. The sun - smile at each other and the guests, like this radiant sun. — Slide-1
2. Golden rule. (on the board)
Quiet - don't make noise.
If you want to answer, raise your hand.
Pay attention.
Sit right.
3. Speech warm-up-Slide-2

I I. Repetition of the past.
1. Checking D / Z: "Pluses" - dialogue:
- Work on questions - p. 139 "Check yourself" - a summary of the section "I want to know everything!"
What works have we met? Name the authors of these works. What have you learned from these works? What works did you like best?
What genres of literature do these works belong to?
Are there fairy tales among them? (On the board record "Tales")
2. Reception "Compiling a cluster" "Types of fairy tales" - What do you know about fairy tales? What are fairy tales?
Fairy tales - folk, literary; household, magic, about animals, number 3.

3. Reception "True - false statements" - according to slide-3
Is it true that all the pictures belong to the same genre - the genre of fairy tales?
Is it true that all fairy tales are folk tales?
Is it true that folk and literary tales are presented? Name them.
4. *Summing up and grading: Who has more pluses?

I I I . Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Work in pairs.
1. Reception "Confused logical chains" Slide-4
- The beginnings of one proverb are given, and the end of the proverb is on the cards. Your task is to connect the beginning and end of the proverbs. Slide check.
* There is no better friend than your own mother.
* When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
* Every mother loves her child.
* Maternal affection knows no end.

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?
2. Acquaintance with the Kazakh proverb Slide-4: Zhumaq- ananyn tabanynyn astynda
-Explain the meaning of the Kazakh proverb (reading, translation, analysis)
What is the theme of these proverbs?
- Determine the topic of our lesson - what will we read about today?
(On the board:) Logical chain- Tale-mother-children-sons-daughters-three.
3. Message of the topic of the lesson.
Overview of the "Golden Soul" section
- Today we start working on a new section of our textbook. What is it called? Read the poem by Vladimir Stepanov (p. 137)
-What does it call for? What do you think the works collected in this section will be about? What one word can combine the words mother-children-sons?
Hint - rebus "7I"
-All works are united by the word "Family".
And we will start with the Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters". What do you know about the Tatar people?
* A short message about the Republic of Tatarstan. -Slide-6
* Dictionary work - the similarity of the words of the Kazakh and Tatar peoples:
"Mom" - "ana" - "ene". Motherland - Tugan zher, Tugan silt
Reflection IV. Working on a new theme.
Work based on the fairy tale "Three Daughters". -Slide-7
1. Reception "Educational brainstorming!"
Read the title of the story.
Guess what kind of story this is. Guess what it's about?


2. Reception "Reading with stops." Reception "Reading with marks" - highlight unfamiliar words.
Read the beginning of the story for yourself. First paragraph.
-What did you learn about the mother of the girls? What are mothers?
1 excerpt-
Why did the mother send the squirrel to her daughters? Slide 8
- Find in the text and read what the eldest daughter answered the squirrel?
How did the squirrel punish her?
2 excerpt-
- What did the second daughter answer to the squirrel?
How was she punished? Read
3 excerpt
What did the youngest daughter do when the squirrel ran up to her?
- Why did people love the youngest daughter? Read.
- How was the youngest daughter awarded? Read.
3. Dictionary work. Slide-9
* Highlighting words whose meaning is not clear to children - Canvas, fair, great-grandson.
Canvas is a linen fabric woven by hand on a loom.
Fair - a place of trade in various goods.
A great-grandson is the son of a grandson.
Reflection 1. Independent work of students. (hint-slide-10)
. Name the main characters in the story and describe them.
-Mother, squirrel, older sister, middle sister, younger sister, golden bee.
2. Verification and evaluation of works. -Do you agree with the description? What else could you add?
2. Preparation for retelling. Drawing up a plan of retelling. slide 11
3. Watching the cartoon "Three Daughters"
4. A brief retelling of the tale - along the chain.
-Did you like the story? What does she teach? How do you feel about your mothers?
3. Bottom line. Reception "Questions-problems"
-What happens to those who do not care about their relatives and friends?
-How can a person prolong earthly life and become immortal?
Why do different children grow up in the same family?
How should adult children treat old and helpless parents?
3. Homework - retelling a fairy tale.
4. Reflection. "Sun" -Slide 12-
My mood is like:
1- sun, 2- sun with a cloud, 3- cloud (point with fingers)
5. Voice marks for the lesson.

Lyubov Vladimirovna Volkova
Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with fiction "Tatar folk tale" Three daughters "

Software content.

Introduce children to Tatar folk art.

To teach children to feel and understand the characters, to perceive the originality of plot construction, to notice genre features of composition and language fairy tales and stories; teach children to convey their attitude to the characters.

To promote in children the need to improve good deeds, the desire to do good deeds. Cultivate love for customs and traditions Tatar people.

Material. Planar panel Images: houses, trees, mother, three daughters, squirrel. Toys: pelvis, spider, bee. Hero coloring pages fairy tales: bee, spider, squirrel, turtle. Colour pencils.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance of children with Russians folk, Mordovian, Nanai fairy tales. Examining illustrations for fairy tales, watching cartoons by fairy tales. Parsing, drawing fairy tales with children, coloring coloring pages by fairy tales.

Educator. - Children, what is your mood now?

Children. - Good.

Educator. - Then let's collect all the good things in our palms, squeeze our fists tightly, and then open them and blow on our palms,

Let's send everyone a charge of vivacity and good mood.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Guys, since you are all in a good mood, then I have to see you question:

please tell me you love fairy tales?

Children. -Yes.

Educator. - And what fairy tales and fairy tales of what peoples do you know?

(The teacher listens to the children's answers.)

Educator. - Children, it's good that I came to you today. And I did not come alone, I brought a fairy tale. We open the curtain fairy tale start. There are a lot of pictures here, who is this about? fairy tale we learn about it, if we collect the whole picture as a whole.

(The teacher, together with the children, lay out planar attributes fairy tales and consider placed on blackboard: a house, trees, a squirrel, a figure of an adult woman and three daughters.)

Educator. - Children, what affectionate words do you say to your mother?

Children. - Kind, beloved, beautiful, sweet, dear, etc.

Educator. - Moms always take care of their children, however, sometimes mom will scold, but then she will definitely caress. There is such proverb: "A mother's affection knows no end". But children are not always caring towards their mothers! Listen Tatar fairy tale"Three daughters» and then tell me who daughters truly loved his mother.

Tatar folk tale"Three daughters»

There lived a woman. Day and night she worked to feed and clothe her daughters. And three grew daughters are fast like swallows, with a face like a bright moon. One by one they got married and left.

Several years have passed. The old woman's mother fell seriously ill, and she sent to her red squirrel daughters.

Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

Oh, - the eldest sighed, having heard the sad news from the squirrel. - Ouch! I would be glad to go, but I have to clean these two basins.

Clean two basins? - the squirrel got angry. - So be with them forever inseparable!

And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the second daughters.

Oh, she replied. - I would now run to my mother, yes very busy: I need to weave canvas for the fair.

Well, weave now all my life, never stopping! - said the squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger one was kneading the dough when the squirrel knocked on her. Daughter not didn't say a word, without even wiping her hands, ran to her mother.

Bring joy always to people, my dear child, - the squirrel told her- and people will cherish and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when the time came for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer long, day by day, the bee collects honey for people ... And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and wakes up - eats only honey and sugar.

The teacher asks questions children:

Did you like story? How? Why?

Who is this about story? And about whom?

Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

What was in the beginning fairy tales?

What then?

How she loved her mother daughters?

Why did the squirrel punish the elders daughters?

How can talk about them?

How did the squirrel reward her youngest daughter?

What words can tell about her?

Why do you think the youngest daughter turned into a bee, and not into a hare or a hedgehog?

Consider whether you are always kind to your mothers.

(The teacher listens to the children's answers)

Educator. - Children, want get acquainted with the Tatar game"Timerby".

Children. - Yes.

Educator. “Then get up, hold hands and make a circle. They choose the driver - Timerbay. Children take tokens from the basket, whoever has the image of a boy on the token, that child becomes in the center of the circle.

The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say words:

Timberaya has five children,

Friendly, fun play.

We swam in the fast river,

Well washed

And dressed up nicely.

And neither eat nor drink,

looked at each other,

They did it like this!

With the last words, this is how the driver makes some kind of movement. Everyone must repeat it. Then the driver chooses another child instead of himself.

(After the game, the children sit on the chairs)

Educator. And now I offer you a dramatization of this fairy tales.

Children are selected for the roles of senior, middle and junior daughters, squirrels and the author; Children optionally choose tokens with the image of a hero fairy tales which will be performed. The teacher puts them on Tatar attributes - skullcaps. One of the children says the words of the author, others play the roles they have chosen.

Educator. Children, the bees really liked how you listened carefully fairy tale, your statements and reasoning. For this, she decided to bring joy to you, and gives coloring pages depicting different characters. fairy tales.

The teacher offers the children to choose the coloring they like and color it colorfully. Then the children's work is placed on a magnetic board, the teacher thanks the children for their creativity.

Educator. Guys, today you learned Tatar fairy tale"Three daughters» , met with fairy tale characters. I want you to never leave fairy tales and smart, good books.

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