The three largest mosques in the world. The most significant mosques for Muslims


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14 most ancient mosques in the world

These Muslim temples were built during the first 150 years of the formation of Islam, after the relocation of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to Medina.

1The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria: 96 AH

The Great Mosque of Damascus, better known as the Great Umayyad Mosque, is located in the old part of the capital of Syria, one of the oldest cities in the world. The mosque is a sacred place in Syria, as it contains a treasury with the head of John the Baptist (Yahya), revered by both Christians and Muslims. This is the largest building in old Damascus. In the Roman era, the Temple of Jupiter was located on this site, then, in Byzantine times, a Christian church. After the Muslim conquest of Syria, the church was turned into a mosque. Caliph Walid I, who oversaw its transformation, radically changed the layout of the building and the project was completed in 715. Parts of the outer wall remain from the Roman Temple of Jupiter. For the construction of the mosque, the best artists, architects, stone craftsmen from Athens, Rome, Constantinople, and the countries of the Arab East were invited. In total, more than 12 thousand workers worked on the construction of the Muslim temple.

2. Al Quba Mosque, Medina, Saudi Arabia, 1 AH

Al Quba Mosque is located outside Medina. It is considered the first mosque ever built and the fourth holiest mosque in Islam after the Forbidden Mosque in Mecca, the Prophet's Mosque in Medina and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

The legend says that the first stone in its foundation was laid by the Prophet Muhammad himself after moving from Mecca to Medina, and his companions completed the construction.

Muslims believe that two morning prayers in this mosque are equal to a small pilgrimage. Little has survived from the ancient building of the mosque, as over time it has been rebuilt several times; The current white stone mosque was built in 1986.

3. Cheraman Juma Mosque, Kerala, India. Approx. 8 AH

Cheraman Juma Mosque is the very first mosque built in India. The mosque was built by Cheraman Peumal (the ruler of a small state) during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. According to legend, Cheraman observed the split moon - a miracle revealed by the Prophet. And after that he met with Muhammad and converted to Islam. The mosque was built in 629. It has undergone reconstruction and repair many times, but nevertheless, part of it has been preserved untouched since those ancient times, local residents say.

4. Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Palestine. The current building is approx. In 86 AH.

There are two most beautiful mosques in Jerusalem: one with a golden dome, the other with a gray dome. The first is called the "Dome of the Rock", the second is the al-Aqsa Mosque, or the Mosque of Omar - the third most important Muslim shrine. Its dome looks more modest, but the mosque itself is huge and can accommodate up to 5,000 parishioners for Friday prayers. Islam associates with this place the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem (Isra) and his ascension to heaven (miraj). At first it was a simple prayer house built by Caliph Omar in the 7th century, and half a century later the building began to be rebuilt, completed, restored after earthquakes, and finally, it acquired the scale and appearance that has survived to this day. Of course, over the past centuries, the mosque has undergone both destruction and mockery of the Templar crusaders, who used the building for their hostel, armory and stables. But the Turkish Sultan Salah ad-Din, who captured Jerusalem, returned the building to the Muslims. Since then, there has been a functioning mosque.

5. Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina, Saudi Arabia: 1 AH

The Prophet's Mosque is the second holiest site in Islam after the Forbidden Mosque in Mecca and the burial place of Muhammad. The mosque has been expanded nine times in the history of Islam. The first mosque on this site was built during the lifetime of Muhammad, subsequent Islamic rulers expanded and decorated the shrine. Under the Green Dome (the Dome of the Prophet) is the grave of Muhammad. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) were buried in Aisha's room, which from the very beginning was separate from the mosque. After the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died, the companions buried him in a small room that belonged to his wife Aisha, next to the mosque. The mosque was separated from this room by a wall with a door. Many years later (or rather, in 88 AH), during the reign of al-Walid ibn Abdul-Malik, the emir of Medina, Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz, significantly expanded the territory of the mosque, and Aisha's room was inside the new territory. But despite this, the emir of Medina built two huge walls to separate Aisha's room from the mosque. Thus, it is incorrect to say that the tomb of the Prophet is inside the mosque. She, as before, is in Aisha's room, and Aisha's room is separated from the Prophetic Mosque from all sides.

6. Al-Zaytuna Mosque, Tunisia: 113 AH

The mosque is the oldest in the capital of Tunisia, covering an area of ​​5000 m². and has nine entrances. The ruins of Carthage served as the material for the construction of the mosque. The mosque is also known as one of the first and largest Islamic universities. For centuries, Al-Kairavan remained the educational and scientific center of Tunisia and North Africa. In the 13th century, Tunisia became the capital of the Almohad and Hafsid states. Thanks to this, al-Zaytuna University has become one of the main centers of Islamic education. The university's graduate was the world's first social historian, Ibn Khaldun. Students from all over the Islamic world studied at the university. Al-Zaytuna's library was the largest in North Africa and included tens of thousands of manuscripts. A large number of rare manuscripts covered knowledge in all scientific disciplines, including grammar, logic, etiquette, cosmology, arithmetic, geometry, and mineralogy.

7. Great Mosque in Xi'an, China: 124 AH

During the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), Islam became widespread in China thanks to Arab traders. Many Muslims settled in China at that time. Many of them married representatives of China's main ethnic group, the Han. The Great Mosque was built at that time to commemorate the contribution of those people to the spread of Islam in China. The mosque is located in the hero city of Xi'an, the starting point of the Great Silk Road and a city with a large Muslim population. The architectural style of the Muslim temple is a mixture of traditional Chinese architecture and Islamic art. Numerous pavilions and four courtyards located between them are typical features of the Chinese style. The walls of the mosque are decorated with paintings, in which traditional Muslim motifs are clearly visible.

8. Great Mosque in Kairouan: 50 AH

The Great Mosque of Kairouan dates back to 670. It was built by order of Uqba ibn Nafi. Although the mosque was destroyed a couple of times and then rebuilt, today's structure stands on the site of the original mosque. As a kind of symbolic building of the city, the Great Mosque is considered the oldest shrine and the most important mosque of the Muslim West.

9. Great Mosque of Aleppo, Syria: Approx. 90 AH

The younger brother of the majestic Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, as it is called by the locals, the temple was erected on this site in the 13th century. According to legend, the tomb of the prophet Zakaria is located here. This cultural monument is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Once this mosque was a place of rest and communication with God, but today it is ruins. During the civil war, serious damage was done: in 2012, a large fire broke out in the mosque, the south wall was blown up the following year, and to top it all, the only minaret was destroyed.

10. Al-Haram Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia: before Islam.

The protected mosque is the largest mosque in the world, surrounding the main shrine of Islam - the Kaaba. It is designed to receive 4 million pilgrims during the Hajj. The modern mosque, after many reconstructions, is a pentagonal closed building with sides of different lengths and a flat roof. In total, the mosque has 9 minarets, the height of which reaches 95 m. The existing mosque has been known since 1570. During its existence, the mosque was rebuilt several times, so little remains of the original building.

11. Juma mosque in Shamakhi Azerbaijan: 125 AH.

The Shamakhi Juma Mosque, which is one of the most ancient Muslim churches in Azerbaijan, in the South Caucasus and the Middle East as a whole, was built during the time of Caliph Khalid ibn Valiyadin, in 743, in honor of the arrival of his brother Muslim ibn Valiyadin in Azerbaijan. According to some sources, the Khazar Khagan, defeated by the armies of the Caliphate, converted to Islam in this mosque.

12. Mosque of Two Qiblas, Medina, Saudi Arabia: A.D. 2

The mosque is the unconditional shrine of all Muslims. In addition, it performs an important aesthetic, social and even political function. As Islam spreads around the world, we see the emergence of new temples. Some are small and cozy, others are beautiful. There are mosques that are breathtaking at a glance - the largest in the world.

Al-Haram Mosque - a place of pilgrimage for millions

Built back in 638, the Forbidden Mosque is still the largest and most beautiful in the world. At the same time, most recently, by decree of the King of Saudi Arabia, it was ordered to expand its area so that it could accommodate 2.5 million people.
The oldest mosque in the world is also the most modern: it is equipped with escalators and air conditioning. It is visited daily by thousands of pilgrims from all over the world, so convenience is just as important as external decoration.
Mosque an-Nawabi: the place of the prophet

The second largest in the world is the so-called Prophet's Mosque. Why a prophet? Everything is simple. The fact is that it was built during the lifetime of Muhammad himself. Over time, it has been decorated both externally and internally. To date, she is one of the most beautiful. It is located on the territory of more than 400 thousand square meters. meters and on special days can accommodate up to a million pilgrims.
Temple of Imam Reza: the last refuge of the theologian

The territory of this mosque is a whole complex of various structures that appear gradually from 818. It was on this place that Imam Reza of the Shiites once died, it is here that his body still rests, and there are also the tombs of other imams, no less revered by Muslims. The mosque consists of seven halls, each of which has enough space to accommodate up to 100,000 people.
Faisal Mosque: an architectural marvel

Pakistan is home to the 4th largest mosque in the world. It occupies 5 thousand square meters. meters and can accommodate up to 300 thousand people. Unlike other mosques, it does not have a standard dome, and its roof is filled with sharp corners. The architect was conceived to imitate the Bedouin tent as much as possible, which he did with a bang. Despite this, the minarets remained in place. Each of them has a height of 90 meters.
Taj-ul-Masjid: India's largest mosque

Although the percentage of Muslims in India is relatively small, this did not prevent the construction of the 5th largest mosque in the world. Its construction took place in several stages. The foundation was laid more than 200 years ago, however, due to instability in the state, its construction was suspended. The mosque was opened only in 1985. Able to accommodate up to 175 thousand people.
Istiklal Mosque: memory of independence

Located in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. Its second name is the Mosque of Independence. The fact is that in 1949 Indonesia emerged from the influence of the Netherlands. It was decided to build a mosque, since the highest density of Muslims in the world was here. So, in 1961, construction began, and already in 1978 the world saw one of the largest mosques on the planet. It accommodates about 120 thousand people at the same time.
Hassan II Mosque: a Moroccan gem

Construction was completed in 1993. The mosque is both the largest and most beautiful in Morocco. Accommodates up to 105 thousand people. Located in Casablanca. It is surrounded by a picturesque garden with 41 fountains. In addition, the minaret has a height of 210 meters, which automatically makes it the highest in the world.
Badshahi Mosque: from shrine to barracks

Built in Lahore (Pakistan) back in 1673-74, the mosque has undergone many twists of fate. So, after the capture of the city by the Sikhs, a gunpowder warehouse was equipped in the mosque. A little later, during the British rule, it was converted into barracks. Finally, in 1856, it passed back to the Muslims and was used for its intended purpose. The building displays three cultures at once: Indian, Persian and traditional Islamic. Today it accommodates about 100 thousand people, being the second largest in Pakistan.
Jama Masjid: the heart of Islam in India

It is rightfully considered the center of Muslim culture in India. Built in the 17th century from white marble and pure sandstone. Currently, it houses several relics, including the Koran, written on the skin of a deer. It receives daily pilgrims from all over India and can accommodate 75,000 people.
Saleh Mosque: the main site of Yemen

It is not just a place of worship, but also the main attraction of the country. Looking at this mosque, it is breathtaking: a majestic snow-white building, framed by six minarets. Opened in 2008, it has modern air conditioning and sound systems, as well as its own library and parking. Can accept 44 thousand people at the same time.
The mosque is certainly a sacred place for the entire Muslim world. Big or small, it doesn't matter. In any case, it makes you look around admiringly and admire the amazing architecture of the buildings.

Mosques are not only places to calm the soul and heart of any Muslim, but also unparalleled in their beauty architectural monuments. Mosques play a very important role in the life of Muslims: religious, social, cultural. In this article, we invite you to see the TOP 10 largest mosques in the world, which amaze the imagination and allow you to discover something new for yourself from the life of the Muslim people.

Capacity 25 thousand people

The 10th place in our ranking is occupied by the Cathedral Mosque of Delhi or Jami Masjid. Jami Masjid is the most important and largest mosque in India. Its construction began in 1650 during the reign of Shah Jahan I, the king of the Mughal Empire. The final completion of the work was recorded in 1656. More than 5,000 people worked on the construction of the mosque. The courtyard of the mosque can accommodate up to 25,000 Muslim believers.

9 Capacity 40 thousand people

On the 9th place is the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi (UAE). This is one of the youngest buildings for believers. The construction of the snow-white beauty lasted 11 years. She is known throughout the world not only for her impressive size, but also for her incomparable beauty. The mosque impresses with its uranism: semi-precious stones, multi-colored marble. This mosque is also famous for the fact that it contains the world's largest carpet and the largest and most luxurious chandelier. The mosque can simultaneously accommodate 40,000 people.

8 Al Saleh Mosque Capacity 44 thousand people

In 8th place is the "National Miracle" of Yemen - Al-Saleh Mosque. The opening of the main attraction of Yemen took place in November 2008. The construction of the mosque was largely financed by President Ali-Abdullah Saleh. On the territory of the mosque there is a modern 3-storey building in which there is a school where they study the Koran and a large library. It is also worth noting that the mosque is equipped with a modern air conditioning system, a sound system, as well as a very sophisticated lighting scheme that allows the mosque to be illuminated in a special way all night. The capacity of the territory of the main hall is 44 thousand believers.

7 Badshahi Mosque Capacity 60 thousand people

On the 7th place is the Badshahi Mosque. It is located in Pakistan, in the beautiful city of Lahore. It was erected in the 17th century. And in the 18th century, the mosque was practically destroyed, and in this state it stood until the middle of the 19th century. During this time, it was used as a defensive structure, as a warehouse, barracks, and even as a stable. It was only in 1947, the year when Pakistan was recognized as an independent state, that the opportunity arose for the restoration of the once beautiful mosque. The territory of the mosque can accommodate up to 60 thousand people.

6 Mausoleum of Imam Reza Capacity 100 thousand people

6th place is occupied by one of the most important shrines - the mausoleum of Imam Reza. It is located in Iran, in the city of Mashhad. On the territory of the shrine is the tomb of the imam, mosques, minarets, a museum and a library. Every year, the main attraction of Iran is visited by 15-20 million visitors. And this is not surprising, because. the mausoleum is a masterpiece of Iranian art. The construction of the complex began in the 14th century, during the reign of the Timurid dynasty. Completed construction in the 19th century. The area of ​​the complex occupies approximately 331 thousand square meters. meters. The mausoleum accommodates 100 thousand people.

5 Capacity 105 thousand people

5th place belongs to the great mosque of Hassan II. This mosque is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the beautiful city of Morocco - Casablanca. The construction of the mosque lasted 13 years. The opening took place in August 1993. About 20,000 people of various directions worked on this construction: from simple artisans to artists, engineers and builders. This is one of the most beautiful and grandiose structures of mankind. The Hassan II Mosque impresses with its beauty, grandeur, wealth, scale, as well as technological innovations. Anyone can enter this temple of beauty and majesty. A large area can accommodate more than 105 thousand people. The area of ​​the temple is about 9 hectares.

4 Mosque of Independence Capacity 120 thousand people

4th place is occupied by the Mosque of Independence or Istiklal. This mosque was built to commemorate Indonesia's independence from the Netherlands. "Istiklal" in Arabic means "independence". Geographically, it is located in Jakarta, and is the largest in Southeast Asia. The construction of the mosque began in 1961 and lasted until 1978. At the moment, the Istiklal Mosque is the central place of the spiritual, cultural and scientific life of the country, where various events, seminars, conferences are often held. The territory of the temple allows you to receive about 120 thousand visitors at the same time. The area of ​​the mosque is 10 hectares.

3 Faisal Mosque Capacity 300 thousand people

3rd place belongs to the Faisal Mosque, located in the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. This monastery got its name in honor of King Faisal. It was King Faisal who contributed to its construction. The mosque is located in a picturesque area: near the hills of Margolla Hills and the Himalayas. It is worth noting the architecture of the mosque of Fesala, because it does not look like the traditional mosques of Islam. It is shaped like a Bedouin nomad tent. Initially, the design solution did not cause enthusiasm, and only at the end of construction, people who criticized this object admitted that they were wrong. The territory of the mosque is located on 5,000 square meters and can accommodate approximately 300,000 people.

2 Mosque of the Prophet Capacity 1 million people

2nd place is occupied by Medina. It is located in Saudi Arabia. This is the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad, or Masjid an-Nabawi. The construction of the temple began in 622, and the Prophet Muhammad himself took part in its construction. After his death, he was buried under the Green Dome. Medina plays an important social role in the life of Muslims. This is a place of public and educational purpose, because it is here that the domestic, financial and political problems of the country are solved. The territory of the temple has 400 thousand square meters and can accommodate about 600 thousand Muslims during normal times, and 1 million believers during the pilgrimage.

1 Capacity 2 million people

So, in the first place among the largest mosques in the world is the Forbidden Mosque or Al-Haram Mosque. Like the Medina Mosque, it is located in Saudi Arabia. This is the very first and most ancient temple built for believers to serve the Almighty. According to legend, the first builders of this relic were heavenly angels. Since its foundation in 638, the mosque has changed its appearance more than once, being completed and rebuilt all the time. At the moment, this is the most majestic building that contains the main value of Muslims - the Kaab, minarets, special rooms for prayers and ablutions. In addition to all the listed values ​​of the mosque, various technological benefits are located on its territory, such as escalators, air conditioners, sophisticated electric lighting. The territory of the religious complex is located on 357 thousand square kilometers and can accommodate more than 700 thousand people. If we also use the adjacent territories to the temple, then the capacity of believers will increase to 2 million.

Al Haram Mosque

The largest and most important mosque in the world is the majestic Al Haram Mosque, which means “Forbidden Mosque” in Arabic. It is located in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Al Haram is the greatest not only in terms of size and capacity, but also in terms of significance in the life of every follower of Islam.

In the courtyard of the mosque is the main shrine of the Muslim world - the Kaaba, where all believers strive to get at least once in their lives. Over the centuries, the building of the mosque was rebuilt and reconstructed many times. So, from the end of the 1980s to the present day, the area of ​​the mosque is 309 thousand square meters, which can accommodate 700 thousand people. The mosque has 9 minarets, 95 m high. In addition to the main 4 gates in Al-Haram, there are 44 more entrances, 7 escalators operate in the buildings, all rooms are equipped with air conditioners. Separate huge halls are reserved for prayers of men and women. It is difficult to imagine something more grandiose.

Shah Faisal Mosque

Among the largest mosques in the world, Shah Faisal in Pakistan holds another record. The mosque has an original architecture and is not exactly like traditional Islamic mosques. Unusualness gives the absence of domes and vaults. So, it resembles a huge tent, spread out among the green hills and forests of Margala Hills. On the outskirts of the city of Islamabad, where one of the largest mosques in the world is located, the Himalayas originate, which organically emphasize this similarity.

Built in 1986, this masterpiece, together with the adjacent territory (5 thousand square meters), can accommodate 300 thousand believers. At the same time, the International University of Islam is located within the walls of the mosque.

Shah Faisal is built of concrete and marble. It is surrounded by four towering minaret pillars, borrowed from classical Turkish architecture. Inside the prayer hall is decorated with mosaics and paintings, and in the center under the ceiling there is a huge luxurious chandelier. The construction of the mosque was spent 120 million dollars.

At first, this project caused indignation among many parishioners, but after the construction was completed, the grandeur of the building against the enchanting background of the mountains left no doubt.

Mosque "Heart of Chechnya"

The largest mosque in Russia, and at the same time in Europe, the “Heart of Chechnya”, built in 2008 in Grozny, amazes with its beauty. This symphony of architectural complexes with a huge garden and fountains was built using the latest modern technologies. The walls are decorated with traverin, a material that was used for the construction of the Colosseum, and the interior of the temple is decorated with white marble from the island of Marmara Adasi, located in Turkey. The interior decoration of the "Heart of Chechnya" is striking in its richness and magnificence. When painting the walls, special paints and gold of the highest standard were used. Precious chandeliers, of which there are 36 pieces, are stylized as the Shrines of Islam and are assembled from a million bronze parts and the most expensive crystal in the world. Turns the imagination and night lighting of the mosque, emphasizing every detail in the dark.

"Khazret Sultan"

The largest mosque in Central Asia is considered to be "Khazret Sultan", located in Astana, a magic that is hard not to appreciate. It is built in the classical Islamic style, traditional Kazakh ornaments are also used. Surrounded by 4 minarets 77 meters high, the mosque can accommodate from 5 to 10 thousand believers. The interior decoration is distinguished by the richness and originality of the elements. Resembling a fairy-tale palace, Khazret Sultan meets all modern requirements.

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