Labor activity of a person. Labor activity


Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the entire set of objects necessary for satisfying needs is created.

Labor activity is one of the forms of human activity aimed at transforming the natural world and creating material wealth.

In the structure of labor activity, there are:

  1. production of certain products;
  2. materials, the transformation of which is aimed at;
  3. devices with the help of which objects of labor are subjected to transformation;
  4. techniques and methods used in the production process.

The following parameters are used for characterization:

  1. labor productivity;
  2. Labor efficiency;
  3. The level of division of labor.

General requirements for a participant in labor activity:

  1. professionalism (the employee must master all the techniques and methods of production);
  2. qualification (High requirements for the preparation of a participant in the labor process);
  3. discipline (the employee is required to comply with labor laws and internal labor regulations).

Labor relations and their legal regulation

Labor is a purposeful process of creating material and spiritual values ​​in society. Being engaged in labor activity, receiving for it a part of the social product in the form of profit, salary, a person creates conditions for satisfying his material and spiritual needs.

The right to work is one of the fundamental human rights and freedoms and is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The main labor activity of most people is work at enterprises that can be based on private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership. The labor relations of an employee with an enterprise are regulated by labor legislation.

If a person is suitable for the enterprise, then an employment contract (contract) is concluded between them. It defines mutual rights and obligations.

An employment contract is a voluntary agreement, which means that both parties have made their choice, that the qualification of the employee suits the company, and the conditions offered by the company to the employee.

An employee, together with other employees, can participate in the conclusion of a collective agreement with the administration of the enterprise, which regulates socio-economic, professional relations, issues of labor protection, health, and social development of the team.

labor law

Labor law is an independent branch of Russian law that regulates the relations of employees with enterprises, as well as derivatives, but other relations closely related to them.

Labor law occupies a special place in the system of Russian law. It determines the procedure for hiring, transferring, dismissing employees, the system and norms of remuneration, establishes incentive measures for success in work, penalties for violation of labor discipline, labor protection rules, the procedure for considering labor disputes (both individual and collective).

The sources of labor law are understood as regulatory legal acts, i.e. acts in which the norms of labor law of the Russian Federation are fixed. The most important source of labor law is the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation. It contains the fundamental principles of legal regulation of labor (articles 2, 7, 8, 19, 30, 32, 37, 41, 43, 46, 53, etc.).

In the system of sources of labor law, after the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code (Labor Code) occupies an important place. The Labor Code regulates the legal relations of all employees, contributing to the growth of labor productivity, improving the quality of work, increasing the efficiency of social production and raising on this basis the material and cultural standard of living of workers, strengthening labor discipline and gradually turning labor for the benefit of society into the first vital need of everyone. able-bodied person. The Labor Code establishes a high level of working conditions, all-round protection of the labor rights of workers.

Labor contract

Of the various forms of realization of the right of citizens to work, the main one is an employment contract (contract).

In accordance with Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract (contract) is an agreement between workers and an enterprise, institution, organization, according to which the worker undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification or position subject to internal labor regulations, and the enterprise, institution, organization undertakes pay the worker wages and ensure the working conditions provided for by labor legislation, the collective agreement and the agreement of the parties.

The definition of the concept of an employment contract allows us to distinguish the following distinctive features:

  1. an employment contract (contract) provides for the performance of work of a certain kind (in a certain specialty, qualification or position);
  2. involves the subordination of the employee to the internal labor schedule established at the enterprise, institution, organization;
  3. the obligation of the employer to organize the work of the employee, create normal working conditions for him that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene.

As can be seen from the definition of an employment agreement (contract), one of the parties is a citizen who has entered into an agreement on work as a specific employee. As a general rule, a citizen can conclude an employment contract (contract) from the age of 15.

In order to prepare young people for productive work, it is allowed to hire students from general education schools, vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions to perform light work that does not harm health and does not disrupt the learning process, in their free time after they reach 14 years of age from consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him.

The second party to the employment contract (contract) is the employer - an enterprise, institution, organization, regardless of the form of ownership on which it is based. In some cases, the second party to the employment agreement (contract) may be a citizen when, for example, a personal driver, housekeeper, personal secretary, etc. is accepted.

The content of any contract is understood as its conditions that determine the rights and obligations of the parties. The content of the employment agreement (contract) is the mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of its parties. Both parties to the employment agreement (contract) have subjective rights and obligations determined by the employment agreement (contract) and labor legislation. Depending on the procedure for establishing, two types of conditions of an employment contract (contract) are distinguished:

  1. derivatives established by the current legislation;
  2. direct, established by agreement of the parties when concluding an employment contract.

Derivative conditions are established by the current labor legislation. These include the conditions: on labor protection, on the establishment of a minimum wage, on disciplinary and material liability, etc. These conditions cannot be changed by agreement of the parties (unless otherwise provided by law). The parties do not agree on derivative conditions, knowing that with the conclusion of the contract, these conditions are binding by law.

The immediate conditions, which are determined by the agreement of the parties, are divided in turn into:

  1. necessary;
  2. additional.

Necessary conditions are those in the absence of which the employment contract does not arise. These include the conditions:

  1. about the place of work (enterprise, its structural subdivision, their location);
  2. about the labor function of the employee, which he will perform. The labor function (type of work) is determined by the establishment by the parties of the contract of the profession, specialty, qualification for which a particular employee will work;
  3. terms of remuneration;
  4. duration and type of employment contract (contract).

In addition to the necessary conditions, the parties may establish additional conditions when concluding an employment agreement (contract). From the name itself it is clear that they may or may not be. Without them, an employment contract (contract) can be concluded. Additional conditions include: on the establishment of a probationary period for employment, on the provision of out of turn places in a preschool institution, on the provision of living space, etc. This group of conditions may relate to any other labor issues, as well as social and welfare services for the employee. If the parties have agreed on specific additional conditions, then they automatically become mandatory for their implementation.

The procedure for concluding an employment contract (contract)

Labor legislation establishes a certain procedure for admission and legal guarantees of the right to work upon admission. Employment in our country is based on the principle of selection of personnel for business qualities. Unjustified refusal to hire is prohibited.

An employment contract (contract) is concluded in writing. It is drawn up in two copies and kept by each of the parties. Employment is formalized by order (instruction) of the administration of the organization. The order is announced to the employee against receipt. The current legislation prohibits the requirement for employment documents, in addition to those provided by law.

Employment contracts (contracts), according to the time for which they are concluded, are:

  1. perpetual - for an indefinite period,
  2. urgent - for a certain period of time,
  3. while doing a certain job.

A fixed-term employment contract (contract) is concluded in cases where labor relations cannot be established for an indefinite period, taking into account the nature of the work to be done, subject to its performance, or the interests of the employee, as well as in cases directly provided for by law.

When hiring, by agreement of the parties, a probationary period may be established in order to verify the compliance of the employee with the work assigned to him.

During the probationary period, the employee is fully covered by labor legislation. The test is established for a period of up to three months, and in some cases, in agreement with the relevant elected trade union bodies, for a period of up to six months. If the employee did not pass the test, then he is dismissed before the end of the specified period.

The work book is the main document on the work activity of the employee. Employment records are kept for all workers who have worked more than five days, including seasonal and temporary workers, as well as non-staff workers, provided that they are subject to state social insurance. Filling in the work book for the first time is carried out by the administration of the enterprise.


Issues of remuneration are currently resolved directly at the enterprise. Their regulation, as a rule, is carried out in a collective agreement or other local regulatory act. The tariff rates (salaries), forms and systems of remuneration established at the enterprise may be periodically reviewed depending on the achieved production and economic results and the financial situation of the enterprise, but cannot be lower than the established state minimum.

The regulation of remuneration of employees in the public sector, employees employed in representative and executive authorities, is carried out centrally on the basis of the Unified Tariff Scale.

In an employment agreement (contract) it is advisable to indicate the amount of the tariff rate (official salary) of an employee by profession (position), qualified category and qualification category provided for in a collective agreement or other local regulatory act.

The salary of each employee should depend on the complexity of the work performed, personal labor contribution.

By agreement of the parties, a higher wage rate may be established than in the relevant act (agreement), if this does not contradict local regulations in force at the enterprise.

Establishing an individual higher wage rate should be associated with the high qualification of the employee, the performance of more complex tasks, programs and ensure equal pay for an equal quantity and quality of work.

In addition to the size of the tariff rate (official salary), the employment contract may provide for various additional payments and allowances of an stimulating and compensatory nature: for professional skills and high qualifications, for class, for an academic degree, for deviation from normal working conditions, etc.

By agreement of the parties in the employment agreement (contract), these allowances are specified and, in some cases, can be increased in comparison with the general norm provided for at the enterprise, if this does not contradict local regulations in force at the enterprise.

The employment agreement (contract) indicates the amount of additional payments for combining professions or positions. The specific amount of additional payments is determined by agreement of the parties based on the complexity of the work performed, its volume, the employee's employment in the main and combined work, etc. Along with additional payments, the parties may also agree on other compensations for combining professions (positions), for example, additional leave, an increased amount of remuneration for the year, etc.

Various types of incentives for employees operating in an organization can also be reflected in an individual labor agreement (contract), for example, bonuses, remuneration at the end of the year, payment for length of service, payment in kind.

Types of working time

Working time is a period of time established by law or on its basis, during which an employee must perform work duties, while obeying the internal labor regulations.

The legislator establishes three types of working hours.

  1. Normal working hours at enterprises, organizations, institutions not exceeding 40 hours per week.
  2. Reduced working hours. The legislator establishes such a duration, taking into account the conditions and nature of labor, and in some cases, the physiological characteristics of the body of certain categories of workers. The reduction in working hours does not entail a reduction in wages.
  3. Part-time work.

Reduced working hours apply:

  1. for employees under 18:
  • age from 16 to 18 years implies employment of no more than 36 hours per week;
  • age from 15 to 16 years old, as well as from 14 to 15 years old, students (working during the holidays) - no more than 24 hours a week;
  1. for workers in production with harmful working conditions - no more than 36 hours a week;
  2. a shorter week is established for certain categories of workers (teachers, doctors, women, as well as those employed in the agricultural sector, etc.).

part-time work

By agreement between the employee and the administration, part-time work or part-time work may be established (both at the time of employment and subsequently). At the request of a woman, women with children under the age of 14, a disabled child under 16; at the request of a person caring for a sick family member (in accordance with the available medical document), the administration is obliged to establish part-time work or part-time work for them.

Payment in these cases is made in proportion to the hours worked or depending on the output.

Part-time work does not entail any restrictions for employees on the duration of annual leave, the calculation of seniority and other labor rights.

Overtime work

Establishing a specific measure of labor in the form of a norm of working time, labor legislation at the same time allows for some exceptions, when it is possible to involve an employee in work outside this norm.

Overtime work is work in excess of the established working hours. As a rule, overtime work is not allowed.

The administration of the enterprise can apply overtime work only in exceptional cases provided for by law. Overtime work requires the permission of the relevant trade union body of the enterprise, institution, organization.

Certain categories of workers may not be involved in overtime work. Overtime work of each employee must not exceed four hours on two consecutive days and 120 hours per year.

The main types of labor activity are shown in the figure.

Labor activity can be divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical work the fulfillment by a person of energy functions in the system “man - a tool of labor” requires significant muscle activity; physical work is divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the human body, his hands, feet, fingers in space; static - with the impact of the load on the upper limbs, muscles of the body and legs while holding the load, while performing work while standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles are involved in the process of labor activity, is called general, with participation in the work from 2/3 to 1/3 of the human muscles (muscles of the body, legs, arms only) - regional, at local less than 1/3 of the muscles are involved in dynamic physical work (typing on a computer).

Physical labor is characterized primarily by increased muscle load on the musculoskeletal system and its functional systems - cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc. Physical labor develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time it can have negative consequences, such as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially if it is not properly organized or is excessively intense for the body.

Brainwork associated with the reception and processing of information and requires tension of attention, memory, activation of thinking processes, is associated with increased emotional stress. For mental work, a decrease in motor activity is characteristic - hypokinesia. Hypokinesia may be a condition for the formation of cardiovascular disorders in humans. Prolonged mental stress has a negative impact on mental activity - attention, memory, and environmental perception functions deteriorate. A person's well-being and, ultimately, his state of health largely depend on the correct organization of mental work and on the parameters of the environment in which a person's mental activity is carried out.

In modern types of labor activity, purely physical labor is rare. The modern classification of labor activity identifies forms of labor that require significant muscle activity; mechanized forms of labor; work in semi-automatic and automatic production; labor on the assembly line, labor associated with remote control, and intellectual (mental) labor.

Human life is associated with energy costs: the more intense the activity, the greater the energy costs. So, when performing work that requires significant muscle activity, energy costs are 20...25 MJ per day or more.

mechanized labor requires less energy and muscle loads. However, mechanized labor is characterized by greater speed and monotony of human movements. Monotonous work leads to rapid fatigue and reduced attention.

Work on the assembly line characterized by even greater speed and uniformity of movement. A person working on a conveyor performs one or more operations; since he works in a chain of people performing other operations, the time for performing operations is strictly regulated. This requires a lot of nervous tension and, combined with the high speed of work and its monotony, leads to rapid nervous exhaustion and fatigue.

On the semi-automatic and automatic production energy costs and labor intensity are less than on a conveyor belt. The work consists in the periodic maintenance of the mechanisms or the performance of simple operations - the supply of the processed material, turning the mechanisms on or off.

Forms intellectual (mental) labor diverse - operator, managerial, creative, work of teachers, doctors, students. For operator work characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. student labor It is characterized by the tension of the main mental functions - memory, attention, the presence of stressful situations associated with tests, exams, tests.

The most complex form of mental activity - creative work(work of scientists, designers, writers, composers, artists). Creative work requires significant neuro-emotional stress, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, a change in cardiac activity, an increase in oxygen consumption, an increase in body temperature and other changes in the body's work caused by increased neuro-emotional stress.

In the psychological literature, activity is classified into labor, educational and play. Labor activity or labor is the main activity. What is the essence of labor activity? Defining the essence of labor, K. Marx wrote:

"Labor is first of all a process between man and nature, a process in which man, through his own activity, mediates, regulates and controls the metabolism between himself and nature." In the process of labor, "people armed with the means of labor, by their expedient activity, change the objects of nature, adapting them to satisfy their needs."

Considering the physiological essence of labor, K. Marx characterized it as follows. “No matter how different the individual types of useful, labor or productive activity may be, from the physiological point of view, these are functions of the human body, and each such function, whatever its content and form, is essentially an expenditure of the human brain, nerves, muscles, sense organs and etc.

Emphasizing the specificity of human labor, K. Marx wrote: “We assume labor in such a form in which it constitutes the exclusive property of man. The spider performs operations reminiscent of the operations of a weaver, and the bee, by building its wax cells, shames some human architects. But the worst From the very beginning, the architect differs from the best bee in that, before building a cell of wax, he has already built it in his head.At the end of the labor process, a result is obtained that already at the beginning of this process was in the mind of man, i.e. ideal "Man not only changes the form of what is given by nature, he also realizes his conscious goal, which, like a law, determines the method and nature of his actions and to which he must subordinate his will. And this submission is not a single act. Apart from the tension of those organs by which labor is performed, during the entire time of labor, an expedient will is necessary, expressed in attention, and, moreover, it is necessary Moreover, the less labor captivates the worker with its content and method of performance, consequently, the less the worker enjoys labor as a play of physical and intellectual forces.

Thus, labor activity appears in the unity of three aspects: subject-effective (as a process in which "a person, using the means of labor, causes a pre-planned change in the object of labor"); physiological (as "functions of the human body"), psychological (as the realization of a conscious goal, the manifestation of the will, attention, intellectual properties of the worker, etc.). In psychological research, the latter aspect undoubtedly plays a leading role.

Based on the understanding of labor activity as a process of actively changing objects of nature in order to adapt them to meet human needs as a process of creating use values, the subject of psychology in the study of labor activity can be defined as mental processes and psychological factors that induce, program and regulate the labor activity of an individual, as well as personality traits through which this activity is realized. At the same time, the main importance, in contrast to the analytical study of mental functions and processes, should acquire the study of the interaction and mutual assistance of functions and processes in the context of a specific activity in terms of achieving a specific result.

The social behavior of each person includes such an element as labor activity. This process is strictly fixed, and includes a number of functions that a person must perform. These functions are his responsibilities and are regulated by a particular organization.

Labor activity and its essence

Specialists in the field of employment and personnel management deal with such tasks as:

  • creation of means of social life support)
  • development of ideas in the field of science, as well as the formation of new values)
  • development of each individual employee as an employee and as an individual.

In addition, labor and work activities have a number of specific properties. First of all, it contains a number of specific labor operations. In each enterprise, they can be different, peculiar only to this company. In addition, all enterprises differ in the material and technical conditions for the sale of products or the provision of services. This also applies to temporal and spatial boundaries.

The concept of labor activity includes two main parameters:

  • The first determines the psychophysical state of the employee, in other words, his ability to perform physical and mental work, despite any circumstances.
  • The second parameter determines the conditions in which this employee carries out his labor activity.

The loads during the execution of the work depend on these parameters. The physical ones are due to the technological equipment of the enterprise, and the mental ones are due to the volume of information being processed. It is necessary to take into account the risks that arise in the case of performing monotonous work, as well as the relationships that develop between employees.

Now many functions have been transferred to automation. Thus, the main task of a certain category of workers is to control equipment and reprogram it if necessary. As a result, the amount of expenditure of physical strength is decreasing, and more and more people prefer intellectual work. Another benefit of automating some processes is moving workers away from an area where they may be exposed to environmental hazards or other risks.

There is also a negative side of the automation of production processes - a decrease in motor activity, which as a result leads to physical inactivity. Due to the large nervous stress, an emergency situation may occur, and the employee becomes more susceptible to neuropsychiatric disorders. Also, the speed of data processing is growing too actively thanks to the latest equipment, and as a result, a person does not have time to make the necessary decisions.

Today, one of the main problems that arises during labor activity must be solved, namely, the optimization of the interaction between man and technology. At the same time, the mental and physical characteristics of workers should be taken into account, and a number of standards have been developed.

Features and functions of labor activity

Labor activity provides for some features, in particular, concerning such processes as productive and reproductive. In this case, the first type of processes dominates over the second.

The essence of the reproductive process is to change one type of energy into another. In this case, part of the energy is spent on the task. Thus, each person tries to use his strength as little as possible and at the same time obtain a satisfactory result.

The productive process is fundamentally different from the reproductive one. Thanks to this process, the transformation of energy from the outside world into the result of creative work is carried out. At the same time, a person practically does not spend his energy, or quickly replenishes it.

Among the functions performed by labor activity, the following should be highlighted.


The essence of the socio-economic function lies in the fact that the subject of labor, which is the worker, affects the resources of the environment. The result of this activity is material goods, the task of which is to satisfy the needs of all members of society.


The controlling function that a person's labor activity performs is to create a complex system of relations between members of the labor collective, which are regulated by norms of behavior, sanctions, and standards. This includes labor legislation, various regulations, charters, instructions and other documentation, the purpose of which is to control social ties in the team.


Thanks to the socializing function, the list of social roles is continuously enriched and expanded. Behavior patterns, norms and values ​​of employees are being improved. Thus, each individual member of the staff feels like a full-fledged participant in the life of society. As a result, employees receive not only some kind of status, but are also able to feel a social identity.


It is manifested in the fact that each employee is able to gain experience, on the basis of which skills are improved. This is possible thanks to the creative essence of each person, which is developed to one degree or another. Therefore, from time to time, the requirements for the level of knowledge and skills of the members of the labor collective are increased in order to improve the results of labor activity.


The productive function is aimed at the realization of the employees' creative abilities, as well as self-expression. As a result of this function, new technologies appear.


The task of the stratification function, which is also included in the features of labor activity, is to evaluate the results of labor by consumers, as well as to reward them for the work done. At the same time, all types of labor activity are divided into more and less prestigious. This leads to the formation of a certain system of values ​​and the creation of a ladder of prestige for professions and a stratification pyramid.

The essence of the elements of labor activity

Any labor activity is divided into separate elements relating to different areas.

Labour Organization

One of these elements is the organization of work. This is a series of measures necessary to ensure the rational use of the workforce in order to improve production results.

Division of labor

The success of all production processes depends on the members of the staff, each of whom must be in his place during working hours. All employees have their own labor functions, which they perform according to the contract, and for which they receive a salary. At the same time, there is a division of labor: each individual employee performs the tasks assigned to him, which are part of the overall goal towards which the company's activities are directed.

There are several types of division of labor:

  • the substantive provides for the assignment to certain jobs of employees who perform tasks with the help of the provided tools)
  • functional distribution depends on the specific functions that are assigned to each of the employees.


Each individual branch or workshop can independently choose the personnel who will perform certain tasks. Elements of labor activity include another concept - cooperation of labor. According to this principle, the more the work is divided into different parts, the more employees need to be combined to complete the tasks. Cooperation includes such a concept as the specialization of production, that is, the concentration of the release of a particular type of product in a given unit.

Workplace maintenance

Since the efficiency and effectiveness of workers depend on the efficiency of the equipment, employees are hired to service the devices used for production purposes.

  1. First, planning is carried out, that is, placing the place in the room in such a way as to provide the employee with comfort, as well as to effectively use the usable area.
  2. The equipment consists in the acquisition of the necessary equipment with which the employee will perform the assigned tasks.
  3. Maintenance involves the subsequent repair of installed equipment and its modernization to improve performance.

Norm of time

This element controls the amount of time it takes to complete a job. This indicator is not constant: a person can perform more than the norm for a certain period of time. Even if an employee works according to a certain norm for a long time, he can at any time improve the efficiency of his activities and cope with tasks much faster.


One of the most important elements and deterrents in the workplace is wages. If the employee copes with his tasks better than required, he can be promoted or given financial incentives. Thus, the desire to earn becomes the reason for increasing the productivity of the worker.

Ways to improve work efficiency

The result of the enterprise's activity depends not only on the increase in the number of employees and the improvement of the material and technical base, but also on the improvement of the skills of existing employees. This is achieved through on-site training. Such training, in fact, is the adaptation of the body to new psychophysiological functions that the employee must perform in the future.

To achieve the goal of labor activity, the worker needs rest. One of the most effective ways to improve the quality of the result of the work of the staff is to optimize the mode of work and rest. As a rule, the change of work and rest must be observed at certain intervals of time, namely during:

  • work shift (break)
  • days (standard working day)
  • weeks (weekends)
  • year (holiday).

The specific time allocated for rest depends on the conditions in which the employee works, as well as on the terms of the employment contract. This applies to both short-term breaks (during the working day) and long breaks (during the year). So, for most professions, the norm of short-term rest is 5-10 minutes. In one hour. Thanks to this break, you can restore the psychophysiological functions of the body, as well as relieve stress.

Motivation of labor activity

In addition to the main motivation in the form of material remuneration, an employee may have other motives that are due to certain circumstances and reasons. For example, one of the main motives is the need to be in the team, and not outside it. This factor affects another motive - the desire to assert itself, which in most cases is characteristic of highly qualified specialists seeking to get a managerial position.

Among other equally important motives, one should name the desire to acquire something new, to compete, to stability. A person can have several motives combined into one motivational whole, which determines labor activity. As a rule, there are three types of nucleus, which are characterized by the desire for:

  • providing,
  • recognition
  • prestige.

The first group is associated with the desire to obtain stable well-being, the second consists in trying to realize oneself as a successful employee, the essence of the third is to show one's importance and demonstrate social leadership by taking an active part in social activities.

Having decided on the motives, the employee can achieve certain successes, as well as satisfy his needs by fulfilling the tasks set by the management. Thus, it is recommended to carefully study the motivation of employees, and on its basis to develop a system of incentives that will increase the efficiency of the workforce.

The incentive system will operate more efficiently if the employer takes an integrated approach in its development. Incentives should be based on the traditions established in the company, taking into account the general direction of the enterprise. At the same time, it is desirable that the employees of the enterprise also participate in the development of the incentive system.

Features of individual activity

The situation is quite different with regard to individual labor activity. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows, in addition to the creation of an enterprise as a legal entity, the conduct of individual activities. As an example - private teaching of subjects, preparation of children for school, tutoring. However, such an individual activity has its advantages and disadvantages, which is why many do not dare to take up tutoring.

Such a teacher is not required to issue a license that would give him the right to carry out teaching activities. It is also much easier to keep your own accounting records. However, there are some nuances in which the tutor is obliged to pay a higher percentage of tax in comparison with organizations.

Individual pedagogical labor activity can be classified as intellectual labor. Like any other work, this type of activity is aimed at obtaining a certain income, and therefore must be registered.

Individual labor pedagogical activity can be associated not only with conducting classes according to an extracurricular program. It also includes the sale of goods related to the educational sphere, namely: textbooks, pens, notebooks, etc. In addition, any individual entrepreneur can develop methods and training programs.

Registration must take place in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The process is regulated by the Civil Code and a number of other documents. When registering, you must submit a photo, an identity document, as well as a certificate confirming the payment of the registration fee.

Almost everyone works to secure and improve their lives. The work uses mental and physical abilities. Today, in the modern world, work activity is more extensive than it was before. How is the process and organization of work? What types are there? Why does a person refuse to work? Read more for answers...

The concept of labor activity

Work is the mental and physical effort applied to achieve a certain result. A person uses his abilities for consistent work and its conclusion. Human work is aimed at:

1. Raw materials (a person works with them to bring them to the final result).

2. Means of labor are transport, household equipment, tools and equipment (with their help, a person makes any product).

3. The cost of living labor, which is the salary of all personnel in production.

A person's work activity can be both complex and simple. For example, one plans and controls the entire process of work - this is mental ability. There are workers who write down the indicators on the counter every hour - this is physical work. However, it is not as difficult as the first one.

Labor efficiency will be improved only when a person has certain work skills. Therefore, they accept people for production not those who have just graduated from a university, but those who have experience and skill.

Why does a person need a job?

Why are we working? Why does a person need a job? Everything is very simple. To fulfill human needs. Most people think so, but not all.

There are people for whom work is self-realization. Often such work brings a minimum income, but thanks to it, a person does what he loves and develops. When people do things that they like, then the work is better. Career also refers to self-realization.

A woman who is completely dependent on her husband goes to work only in order not to degrade. Home life often “eats up” a person so much that you start to lose yourself. As a result, from an interesting and intelligent personality, you can turn into a home "hen". Surrounding such a person becomes uninteresting.

It turns out that the labor activity of the worker is the essence of the personality. Therefore, you need to evaluate your abilities and choose the work that not only brings income, but also pleasure.

Varieties of labor activity

As mentioned earlier, a person applies mental or physical abilities for work. About 10 types of labor activity were counted. All of them are varied.

Types of labor activity:

Physical labor includes:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • conveyor labor (work on the conveyor along the chain);
  • work in production (automatic or semi-automatic).

Types of mental work include:

  • managerial;
  • operator;
  • creative;
  • educational (this also includes medical professions and students).

Physical work is the performance of labor with the use of muscle activity. They may be partially or completely involved. For example, a builder who carries a bag of cement (the muscles of the legs, arms, back, torso, etc. work). Or the operator records the readings in the document. The muscles of the hands and mental activity are involved here.

Mental work - reception, use, processing of information. This work requires attentiveness, memory, thinking.

Today, only mental or physical labor is a rarity. For example, they hired a builder to renovate the office. He will not only make repairs, but also calculate how much material is needed, what is its cost, how much work costs, etc. Both mental and physical abilities are involved. And so it is with every job. Even if a person works on a conveyor. This work is monotonous, the production is the same every day. If a person does not think, then he will not be able to perform right actions. And this can be said about any kind of work activity.

Motive of labor activity

What motivates a person to do a certain job? Of course, this is the financial side. The higher the salary, the better a person tries to do his job. He understands that a poorly done task is worse paid.

Motivation of labor activity is not only in monetary terms, there are also intangible aspects. For example, many people will be happy to work if you create a friendly atmosphere for them in the team. Frequent staff turnover at work cannot create warmth among employees.

Some workers need social needs. That is, it is important for them to feel the support of leaders and colleagues.

There is a type of people who need attention and praise. They should feel that their work is in demand and they are not in vain putting their efforts into work.

Certain employees want to fulfill themselves through work. They are ready to work tirelessly, the main thing for them is to give impetus.

Therefore, it is necessary to find the right approach to each employee so that they have a motivation for work. Only then will the work be done quickly and efficiently. After all, every person needs to be encouraged to work.

Organization of labor activity

Each production or enterprise has a certain system, according to which the labor activity of a person is calculated. This is done so that the work does not go astray. The organization of labor activity is planned, then fixed in certain documents (schemes, instructions, etc.).

The work planning system specifies:

  • the workplace of workers, its lighting, equipment and plan of activity (a person must have all the necessary materials for work);
  • division of labor activity;
  • methods of work (actions that are performed in the process);
  • acceptance of labor (determined by the method of work);
  • working hours (how long the employee should be at the workplace);
  • working conditions (what is the load of the worker);
  • labor process;
  • quality of work;
  • work discipline.

In order to have high productivity in the enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to a planned organization of work.

The labor process and its types

Each work is done with the help of a person. This is the labor process. It is divided into types:

  • by the nature of the object of labor (the work of employees - the subject of work is technology or the economy, the labor activity of ordinary workers is associated with materials or any details).
  • according to the functions of employees (workers help produce products or maintain equipment, managers monitor the correct work);
  • on the participation of workers in the level of mechanization.

The last option is:

  1. The process of manual work (in labor activity no machines, machines or tools are used).
  2. The process is in machine-manual work (labor activity is performed using a machine tool).
  3. Machine process (labor activity takes place with the help of a machine, while the worker does not apply physical force, but monitors the correct course of work).

Working conditions

People work in different fields. Working conditions are a number of factors that surround a person's workplace. They affect his work and health. They are divided into 4 types:

  1. Optimal working conditions (1st class) - human health does not get worse. Supervisors help the employee to maintain a high level of work.
  2. Permissible working conditions (2nd class) - the employee's work is normal, but his health periodically deteriorates. True, by the next shift it is already normalized. According to the documents, the harmfulness is not exceeded.
  3. Harmful working conditions (3rd class) - harmfulness is exceeded, and the employee's health deteriorates more and more. Hygiene standards exceeded.
  4. Dangerous working conditions - with such work, a person runs the risk of getting very dangerous diseases.

For optimal conditions, the employee must breathe clean air, the humidity of the room, the constant movement of air, the temperature in the room should be normal, it is desirable to create natural lighting. If all the norms are not observed, then a person gradually receives harm for his body, which will affect his health over time.

Quality of work

This category is the most important for labor activity. After all, proper work affects the volume and quality of products. The workforce requires professional skills, qualifications and experience. These qualities make it clear what kind of work a person is capable of. Very often, people are not fired at enterprises, but first they are trained, eventually improving their qualifications.

First of all, a person himself must be aware of responsibility in work and approach it qualitatively. If you show your literacy and professionalism, then the management will decide on advanced training and promotion. Thus, the quality of work is improved.


It can be concluded that a person needs to work for several reasons. It is advisable to choose a labor activity according to your abilities and sympathy. Only then will the work be done with dignity and quality. Be sure to pay attention to working conditions. Always remember what your health depends on. In the process of work, be very careful, as work-related injuries are not excluded, which entail not only problems for the employee, but also for the management. For successful, high performance, adhere to all the rules and regulations by which the enterprise operates. Always leave all the problems at home, and go to work with a smile, like on a holiday. If the day starts with a good mood, then it will end the same way.

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