Eurovision participant Yulia Samoilova. Eurovision participant Yulia Samoilova shared the details of a difficult operation


Noisy tabloids got into a puddle with their pseudo-leaks. However, as far as MK is aware, there were no leaks - "primitive lies for the sake of ratings," as one of the potential sources of such possible leaks put it in a private conversation with us. In general, not only American newspapers and not only about Grandpa Trump indulge in fake news. The announcement of the name of any European envoy on the last, not just a day, but an hour before Monday, March 13, when it would have been too late to drink Borjomi at a meeting of the heads of delegations of the countries participating in the competition in Kyiv, would, of course, have caused a storm of comments, as it happened already in the Internet space and in mass media. Plus, they didn't know what to expect. A more dramatic denouement loomed on the horizon: there were suspicions that instead of a European delegate, Russia would announce a last-minute boycott of the Kyiv Eurovision, where, according to excited deputies, “defamation, bullying and spitting” would certainly await our envoy.

As a result, at half past ten in the evening it was announced on TV that Yulia Samoilova from Russia would go to Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv with the song Flame Is Burning (“The flame burns”). The devil from the snuffbox! This name never occurred to anyone! Moreover, as it now turns out, the girl was undergoing deeply conspiratorial preparations for a trip to Kyiv, like a scout from a popular television series - to be thrown into enemy territory, already in the fall, and even the CIA did not seem to know about it.

A girl in a wheelchair, touchingly singing a poignant song. Sources warned ahead of time: “This is not quite what you expect, but this is not quite the usual Eurovision. What was I waiting for? Yes, anything! Except Kobzon, of course. I was not mistaken, it turned out.

“Not quite the usual Eurovision is a phrase much more interesting for analysis. What is the hint? I would not like to think that Eurovision in Kyiv was thus called a paracontest - then this is a rude joke. Or the expectation that the "defamation, bullying and spitting" that seem here on every corner will break on the rock of compassion and political correctness honored in Europe? That is, what Vladimir Vladimirovich (Pozner) called "a forbidden technique."

So, by the way, the majority in social networks reacted. There were screams: “What cynicism - to hide behind such a nice girl in a (wheelchair) wheelchair! They were waiting for the “bomb” and the super song!”

But after all, who didn’t “cover up” at Eurovision with anything and everything, putting pressure on someone for what: pity, political correctness, scandalousness, etc. A man with a beard, but in a woman's dress, a transvestite with a star and just transvestites in gypsy skirts, turkey people and, by the way, people with disabilities too. In Vienna in 2015, Monika Kuszynska also represented Poland in a wheelchair, partially paralyzed after a car accident. It was then called "the singer's powerful message to build bridges to tolerance in the name of love".

True, the artist was chosen at an open competition by the whole country, but even such a “powerful message” brought her only 10 points in the final and 23rd place. The audience was not impressed, and even vice versa - just like now with Yulia, they were boring about “speculation on forbidden tricks” ...

Can't wait for the super song? Sorry, among the authors of "Burning Fire" is Leonid Gutkin, co-author of very successful European songs for Dina Garipova (What If) and Polina Gagarina (Million Voices), who has long been immersed in the bowels of a well-functioning Swedish pop conveyor that supplies almost half of Eurovision staple material. There, songs are composed according to scientific formulas and rules, and after listening to Flame Is Burning several times, you can see how Leonid and his co-authors - Netta Nimrodi and Arie Burshtein - skillfully speculate on the pain points of the mass perception of the musical product, which has already borne fruit with the past projects.

In any case, Russia's choice turned out to be not banal and will now be the object of the most heated discussions and a fierce clash of opinions. Not having time to appear, the song has already taken 8th place in the bets of bookmakers, leaving ahead of the participants from Romania, Armenia, Australia, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden and Italy, which claims to win with the "San Remov" song Occidentali's Karma in performed by Francesco Gabbani.

Meanwhile, 28-year-old Yulia Samoilova, known to us for her participation in Pugachev's "Factor A", where she received the personal award "Alla's Gold Star" from the hands of the Primadonna herself, and performing the song "Together" at the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi, told MK about the secrets of her preparation for Eurovision and expectations from the contest.

Julia, I want to congratulate you on your future trip to Eurovision! This, of course, is a bold step - both on the part of the organizers and on your part. How did you personally come to this decision?

Of course, this is a very responsible step. But, you know, since childhood, I really dreamed of performing at Eurovision, representing Russia. Even when I was very young and watched Alsu (at a competition in Stockholm in 2000. - Ed.), tried to copy her movements, singing, grimaced with a hair dryer, which depicted a microphone (laughs. - Ed.), imagined herself on the big stage. In principle, my parents led me to this. I grew up, and gradually, competition after competition, stage after stage, everything came to the fact that this time has come, and I will represent Russia at Eurovision! This is a great honor for me and very exciting.

- And when did you understand, or were you told that “this time has come”?

In principle, since 2014, when I performed at the Paralympics and they finally noticed me, they already told me: keep in mind, you will be one of the candidates (for Eurovision), when exactly, we do not know, but get ready. I've been preparing all this time!

- But specifically now - when did you start preparing, recording a song, etc.?

Basically, we started preparing a long time ago. But the operation knocked me down in the fall, and I lost a lot of time. It was questionable whether I would be able to participate in the competition at all. I did everything to go through rehabilitation as quickly and successfully as possible, because I myself really wanted to, and as soon as I started to recover, I confidently said that I could. Of course, they looked at me with suspicion: they say, can I really do it? But with my work, I showed that I was quite assiduous, persistent, and they relied on me, they believed me, and again everything became fine. We are working!

How do you like the song? You, of course, compose yourself, but you entrusted such an important European business, of course, to more experienced authors ...

I like this song. It is very organic to me, to some extent about me. Not even in some, but just about me. As soon as they showed it to me, I immediately said that I liked it. There was no doubt that it was not mine. And during the recording everything was very easy. The only difficulty I have is English. This, of course, is a big problem for me.

Dont be upset. You have a very nice accent, the same Amanda Lear sang in English with that accent. I don't think you need to worry about it...

Well, I'm still supported by vocal teachers and an English teacher. We are currently working very hard and are slowly coping with this task. Two more months ahead, and I am sure that everything will be fine with me. We can say that the rehearsal period has been going on for quite a long time - as far as it was possible after the operation. I took part in recording and in classes with teachers. But now I'm already much better, and we began to do everything even more actively.

We must pay tribute to the partisan silence and the Stirlitz conspiracy of the entire team, including you! It turns out that since the fall you have been working on this project, while everyone was wondering: Panayotov? Antonyuk? Temnikova?.. And you probably read and laughed, right?

I'm good with everything. Basically, I didn't care what happened. I knew how it would be. Someone started some rumors ... It was strange for me.

- Do you look at your future rivals in the competition from 42 European countries?

I've looked at quite a bit. It’s not that I don’t care, but here, just like when I went to Factor A, the main thing for me was to know myself, concentrate on my strengths and on my talent, which I have to show and give my all one hundred percent. And most importantly, to perform well.

And of the past Eurovision participants, who impressed you, except, of course, Alsou, with whom it all started for you?

I really liked Polina Gagarina. She was great!

Julia, what ambition are you going to Kyiv with? There are two common motives: “only victory” and “the main thing is not victory, but participation” ...

First, I am going to represent and support our country. For me, this is the main motive. The main task is to perform well, and for this I work hard. I want to sing a good song well. I am already happy. And what will happen next, I do not want to guess now.

While you were secretly preparing, passions were raging with might and main here about a possible Russian boycott of the current competition in Kyiv. Are you ready for the fact that the situation around the Russian delegation and you, as its main person, may not be the most favorable?

There will be many countries, we will all gather for the Song Festival in one place. We are all artists, we live in music, creativity, and in this sense we understand each other very well. We can say that we speak the same language - the language of music and song. I think everything will be great and good. I don't know, but I think that I will be well received.

Will there be some special number, difficult to stage, as has been customary for some time now at Eurovision? Or will you focus only on singing?

To be honest, I still don't know what will happen in this sense. So far, we've only done the song. But it is clear that a love story will be shown on stage, to which, in fact, this song is dedicated.

What is your most important creative task? After all, competitions come and go, but, as I understand it, you are going to sing seriously and for a long time?

Yes, my biggest dream, as I said, was to sing at Eurovision. Now this dream is being realized, and, of course, this is not the limit. Of course, I want to sing on stage, live on stage - until my very last breath. And so that it never bothers, but it was only a joy.

- It's a wonderful dream! I wish her to come true, as well as a successful performance at Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv!

  • 13 Bereznya, 2017, 17:20
  • Rozsilka


  • Yulia Samoilova, participant of Eurovision-2017 from Russia

    What is known about Yulia Samoilova, participant of Eurovision-2017 from Russia: the main facts of the biography of the singer, chained to a wheelchair

    Information about the singer is limited to a few paragraphs. Julia was born in the Komi Republic. She became disabled after an unsuccessful polio vaccination.

    In 2010, the Eurovision participant received a diploma in psychology. Actually, this is the whole biography of Samoilova in that part that does not concern music.

    As a musician, Julia announced herself in the Factor A project by Alla Pugacheva in 2013. Then the "prima donna", as it is customary to call Pugacheva in Russia, drew attention to the unusual performer and even marked her with the "Gold Star of Alla" award.

    In 2014, Yulia took part in the solemn opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi, where she sang the song "Together".

    What did you do in Crimea

    In 2015, Yulia took part in a concert that took place in the Russian-occupied Crimea. On June 27, Kerch hosted a sports festival - "The World of Sports and Kindness". As part of the holiday, a concert was organized, one of the participants of which was Samoilova.

    Whether the singer's visit to Crimea will somehow affect her participation in Eurovision in Ukraine is still difficult to say. The SBU says they know about Yulia's Crimean voyage. But the Ukrainian security forces do not comment on questions regarding their reaction to this fact.

    In turn, on the website Peacemaker" Samoilova is accused of "illegally crossing the state border of Ukraine as part of an organized group." In addition, the site provides evidence of the pro-Russian position of the singer. The girl in social networks openly supports the annexation of Crimea.

    How was the selection for Eurovision 2017

    The choice of Yulia Samoilova to participate in Eurovision 2017 was a surprise not only for Ukrainians, but also for Russians. The fact is that the selection of a participant in Russia was carried out by Channel One behind closed doors. There were no public hearings or votes. Residents of the Russian Federation, as always, were simply confronted with a fact.

    “Yulia is an original singer, a charming girl and an experienced contestant. A career in music requires tremendous emotional and physical stress that few people can handle. I am delighted with the progress Yulia is making along the way. I think that on May 11, millions of viewers around the world will share this feeling with us, ”commented the decision of the main propaganda channel on the decision of the head of the Russian delegation at the competition, Yuri Aksyuta.

    How social networks reacted to the choice of Russia

    Most bloggers and public figures in Ukraine condemned on social networks Russia's decision to send a disabled girl to Eurovision, who, moreover, illegally visited Crimea.

    What song will Samoilova perform at Eurovision?

    Yulia Samoilova will represent Russia at Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv with the song Flame Is Burning.

While we were guessing who would go to Eurovision from Russia to Kyiv - Alexander Panayotov or Elena Temnikova, a 26-year-old wheelchair-bound singer, Yulia Samoilova, received a ticket to the contest.

We first learned about Samoilova in 2013, when she took part in the third season of the Factor A show and became Alla Pugacheva's favorite. And, despite the fact that the girl did not receive the first place then, she did not quit music: she continued to write songs for our performers, and recently recorded a video with Gosha Kutsenko. The victory in the qualifying round of Eurovision was not easy for her, but now her happiness has no limits!

“This is just what I have been going to all my life, since childhood, sitting at the TV with my parents,” Yulia admitted in an interview with reporters. Read more

We know that Samoilova will perform the song "Flame Is Burning" at the competition and we are sure that she will sing for her beloved. For eight years, Alexey has been next to Yulia.

“You have no idea how he cares for her, how he looks at her, what kind of relationship they have! And that's exactly what the song is about. The song is about the fact that a person is always looking for his love, that, in general, the meaning of life is in the search for love, ”said Yuri Aksyuta, director of Channel One.

Yulia Samoilova with her husband Alexei

Yulia Samoilova and Alexei met in 2009 on social networks. Moreover, Alexey immediately fell in love with the aspiring singer, but Yulia treated him like a friend. But the young man did not give up, showed care and attention. And, it seems, this is what bribed the future star.

“Actually, at first I didn’t like him, and I thought that we would be nothing more than just friends! Due to my bad character, I began to act up, but, despite all my quirks, Lesha acted very dignified and wisely. I liked it, ”said Samoilova to reporters, according to the StarHit website.

The girl also admitted that their friendship grew into a romantic relationship by itself.

“We just found each other, got along in character, although we have different views on life,” Yulia admitted.

She also said that two years ago she and Alexei officially became husband and wife. True, a magnificent wedding has not yet been arranged. The lovers decided to hold the celebration after the wedding, which will take place very soon.

Currently, Alexey is not only Yulia's husband, but also her administrator and tour manager. There is a possibility that he will help producers and directors put on a number for his beloved at Eurovision.

The Eurovision Song Contest 2017 will be held in Kyiv on May 9, 11 and 13. On the first dates the semi-finals will take place, and on the last - the final.

Last year Sergey Lazarev represented our country at the competition in Sweden. He had every chance to take first place if the organizers had not summed up the scores of the jury from different countries. As a result, the Russian performer took third place, the second went to Demi Im from Australia, and the first place was taken by the Ukrainian performer Jamala. Read more

March 15, 2017

Having survived a difficult operation and persecution during the show "Factor A", the singer recovered and prepared to go to Kyiv

Yulia Samoilova was no less surprised than the whole of Russia. Whom they just did not predict the share of sending to Eurovision, but not her. The singer in a wheelchair, who flashed on the Factor A show in 2013 and was noted by Alla Pugacheva, will sing the song Flame Is Burning (“The fire is burning”) on May 11, and while Yulia is undergoing a scheduled medical examination in Finland, the Teleprogramma magazine managed to talk with singer there.

“No one is used to seeing disabled people at competitions”

- Did you immediately agree to go to the competition? Nothing bothered?

- I didn't doubt it for a second. It was the dream of my life. And I often talked about it. The only thing that was embarrassing was the lack of knowledge of the English language to the proper degree. We didn’t have an English teacher at school, he appeared two years before graduation. The whole program was galloped off for us. Now I have a vocal teacher and an interpreter at rehearsals, who helps me pronounce the words correctly and corrects the text. So far, this does not happen so often, because a huge amount of time is spent on interviews. I am very worried that I will not have time to rehearse.
I am also worried about the operation that I had last year. After it, I practically didn’t sing for six months, because the recovery was difficult. And the vocals also need to be improved.

- How do you react to the noise, which is due to the fact that you are driving?

- It doesn’t bother me and doesn’t distract me, because I practically don’t surf the Internet. In general, I can not say that there is a wave of negativity. Many call, write and congratulate. Of course, if you start rummaging through the Internet, you can find it. But I've seen a lot. When I participated in the show "Factor A" (the singer took second place in the TV show - Auth.), So much dirt poured into my address ... it will always be in the life of an artist. Some people like me, some don't, that's fine. Apparently, people are not yet quite used to the fact that disabled people leave their apartments and appear in the Minute of Glory or Eurovision shows. That is why there is dissonance.

Although there is nothing special about it. There is a known case when a one-armed boxer won a fight against a healthy one (in 2012, the American Michael Constantino, who has not had a hand since birth, won the first professional fight - Auth.).

Photo: Channel One

- In the show "Minute of Glory" Vladimir Pozner spoke critically about the participation of a disabled person in the competition. Have you heard this opinion? Have you heard something like this?

- Not. I have always been evaluated objectively. I rehearsed well - first place, walked - so I'm sorry. Another thing is that the competition should be evaluated by professionals. If dance, then dancer or choreographer. "Minute of Glory" is an entertainment show. Therefore, the overall impression was evaluated, and not the talent of the artist. And, apparently, the performance of a person with disabilities in itself confused the judges. If we had mixed competitions more often, where healthy people and people with illnesses participated, the attitude would be different. While it is perceived as a curiosity.

- also worries about you. Like, they may not be allowed at the border or subjected to harassment already on the territory of Ukraine. Wasted sent.

Where do such opinions come from? Don't know. The other day I was sent links of Ukrainian bloggers. Young guys watch Eurovision songs and discuss them online. Solid positive. And not just one video, but several. Everything is fine. I am not afraid of anything, because there is nothing to be afraid of. The only thing I'm afraid of is forgetting the lyrics (laughs).

- Do you think a boycott of Eurovision would be an adequate step?

- If we had not gone, would relations have improved? I do not understand why. This is a vocal competition. Music is music. Suppose we refused. Will relations between countries improve immediately? Will they give us a medal? Hardly. For me personally, this competition is connected with music. I don't think about politics.

- Let's talk about music: since the time of the Factor A show, where you received the Golden Star from Alla Pugacheva, you are friends with the singer. Does she participate in your destiny?

- That's loud. There is no talk of producing or promoting. We have human relations. We just communicate well since then, we congratulate each other on the holidays, sometimes I can ask Alla Borisovna for advice.

Is it true that you wrote her a song?

I didn't write the song especially for her. I just had songs, Alla Borisovna listened to them and she liked one of them, the composition Lite (“Easy”). I wrote it for myself. And she bought it. Alla Borisovna does not sing it, and as far as I know, she did not buy it for herself.

Did you buy expensive?

- We had enough (laughs). The price suited us. But I can't name the amount.

- Did Alla Borisovna really help you with the operation and rehabilitation?

- This is not true. Alla Borisovna always helped me, and never refused. But I could not ask her about it, because the amount was very large (operation and recovery - about 50 thousand euros). I didn't want to burden anyone.

How did you manage to find so much money?

— I made a video message about fundraising and posted it on social networks. Everyone who cares about me has collected the full amount. Thank them.

“I had dreams about the operation”

- Where do you find the strength over and over again to go on and continue to live?

- If a person does not stop, even in case of failures, he does not lose. If you do not give up, then everything will work out. I just went ahead. There was bad, but there was also good. Apparently, my parents invested a lot in me. Then - husband Alex. There were always supportive people around. Love is charging. What else? Music helps me. And no doping.

— Does your diagnosis (spinal amyotrophy of Verdnig-Hoffmann) make it difficult to work on vocals? Binds the diaphragm, prevents you from taking in air?

“I don't feel anything like that. The voice is not disturbed, the lungs are in order. Before the operation, I will not hide, it was bad. And the situation got worse. The muscles did not hold my back, it was difficult to sit, my stomach was squeezed, I could not eat normally. There were problems with breathing. The operation was necessary.

- How did she go?

- Faster than expected. Six hours instead of nine. I had a dissection along the entire spine - from the head to the coccyx. I'm almost like Frankenstein (laughs). Initially, I was dissuaded because the operation was dangerous. And the family was shocked. But I managed to convince my relatives. For a long time I studied the issue, clinics and prices throughout Europe - in Russia, Germany, France, Israel and other countries. Communicated with patients, studied statistics. The cheapest and best quality was at the Orton clinic in Helsinki. When I made this decision, I listened to my inner voice - and God helped. I am a believer. I even had dreams about it.

- Right now in Finland - on examination?

- Doctors carefully examine me, take tests, see if there are any deformities, whether everything is growing together correctly. These are planned procedures.

Photo: Channel One

- In one of your interviews, I read that not only healthy people, but also disabled people insulted you?

There were negatives, and there were positives. Both among people with disabilities and among healthy people. What is the reason? I can't get into their head. Apparently, education.

What actions are you ashamed of? Or what do you regret?

- HM interesting. I can't remember. Perhaps it would be worth being less lazy and less engaged - however, this is a model of behavior, not an act. I didn't do anything special in my life. If I offended someone, I don’t realize it and I apologize to everyone.

If you could change your life or fix something, would you do it?

(after a pause) Probably not. Everything goes on. Everything is as it should be…

- You are going to the competition with a lyrical ballad. But at one time you had a rock band TerraNova. Maybe it was a mistake?

- I don't think. I still like rock. Zemfira, Lordi, Animal Jazz, Deftones, Lyapis Trubetskoy.

- What can make you angry?

- When offending the weak or defenseless. Cruelty to the elderly, women, children, animals. And lies. I can't stand it when people lie. At the same time, I got used to trusting people. Even as a child, when the whole court was saying that this person was bad, I did not listen. For me, he was good, he did me nothing wrong. There is always more good in people.

How do you feel about the word disabled?

- At first it jarred me, now not so much. The wording “person with disabilities” is more tiring. Man is a man.

- The dream of Eurovision came true. What are the remaining unfulfilled ones?

- Oh I do not even know. I want to stand firmly on my feet. In terms of creative self-realization. And fulfill the dreams of parents. Dad jokes that he wants a Bentley, and mom wants a house in Switzerland (laughs).

Private bussiness

Julia SAMOILOVA was born on April 7, 1989 in Ukhta (Komi). Singer, composer, author. She repeatedly won and became a laureate of various music competitions and festivals, both in Russia and abroad. Finalist of the musical TV project "Factor A". Winner of the "Golden Star of Alla" award, the Alla Pugacheva Prize. She was a participant in the solemn opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi, where she sang the song "Together". Yulia has been in a wheelchair since childhood and has the first disability group. Married to Alexei Taran, musician and manager of the singer.

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