Learning to dance tectonics. Teaching tectonics


More and more people dream of knowing how to independently learn to dance at home tectonics. Despite the fact that professional dancers say that it is necessary to enroll in dance schools, a large percentage of these people started with classes at home, improved their skills and made some discoveries. So nothing is impossible.

This time, our site will try to help its readers approach the issue of learning tectonics from the right side, so that the desire to continue studying never leaves you, and the efficiency is maximum. We will talk about disk manuals, music, video lessons on tectonics, as well as how to properly prepare your apartment for classes.

Almost always beginners think one-sidedly and flatly. They search the Internet for various videos on the topic: how to learn to dance at home tectonics videos, put on tight pants and try to repeat all the movements. Of course, something will remain in your head after such classes, but your training will not last long. This happens because you approach the dance without a soul and a clear attitude, but just blindly repeating.

So, achieve a decisive attitude and a strong desire. Tell yourself - I want to learn and will do everything for this, because I don’t want to just imitate a dance, but to become a famous and recognizable dancer, at least in a narrow circle. The right motivation and attitude can greatly reduce the time spent on training.

Do not rush to turn on the computer and download all the videos related to learning tectonics, first prepare yourself and your home for classes. To prevent neighbors from hitting pipes, lay a carpet or a special sports rug on the floor, or maybe several. Hang a mirror in the room where you will study.

You must always see yourself from the outside. Even if you repeat after the trainer on the video, sometimes stop and repeat in front of the mirror too. You will see how our perception of our own movements differs from how these same movements look from the outside. It is better to put several mirrors so that there are several viewing angles.

It is unrealistic to quickly learn to dance if there is no music of the desired genre. So spend some time looking for a track that suits your practice. For now, you will need one or two tracks, you need to fully feel their rhythm, and then move on to others.

Let's assume that you don't know any specific artists yet, but you want to know where and what to download for classes. You can solve this simply, you need to download thematic collections, for example, Electro Dance, Tectonik Killer and so on. The collection must contain the month and year of the collection. Naturally, the older, the worse.

You can visit the thematic sites of tectonics and download everything from there, and you can also visit the torrent tracker and download the desired selection. How to do this, we will describe below, but now let's say that you have downloaded a couple of collections and want to choose some awesome tracks.

If you really dream of learning tectonics online, then you should choose a song that you feel with your whole body, that made you improvise, move, dance with full dedication, that is, the ringleader. When found, then under it you need to start classes - repeat everything after the trainer from the video lesson.

It remains the case for small - find a good tutorial, buy it or download it. It used to be believed that youtube has everything you need, but now opinions are divided. No one can argue that it was video hosting that gave such popularity, but now the evolution has gone even further.

Previously, we were taught tectonics by French dancers, without clear explanations and translation. The teenagers had no choice, and they repeated and experimented to the best of their ability. Time passed and schools teaching tectonics began to appear in our country. To keep schools afloat, coaches began to produce professional, high-quality video in Russian.

Now it is unrealistic to imagine a person who would study at home and at the same time did not have such a disk. Advantages on the face - the development of one's own flexibility and rhythm, music analysis, improvisation, speed of execution, recommendations for ligaments, a well-thought-out training scheme, Russian sound, excellent quality of the picture itself and Russian comments.

We will analyze where to buy high-quality training discs, and then we will discuss where to download such a video for free. Those who do not suffer from greed and are ready to spend for the sake of a dream can go to Ozone and take a closer look at the DVD called it. A detailed description is on the ozone itself, there you can also buy a disc of the same edition, only for advanced dancers.

For those who want to learn, but do not want to spend money, can go to rutracker.org and absolutely free to download everything you need.

To find what you need, select a section "Dancing, Miscellaneous" and in the search bar enter techtonik. You will see about 20 hands with high-quality training videos. Naturally, there may be amateur shootings there, but you can also find real masterpieces.

For example, distribution First Pro Tutorial made by a teacher of one of the most professional schools of tectonics in the Russian Federation. It will be difficult to find a better manual in Russian, in which great attention to detail and trifles is redone. Also a good distribution from Pavel Kovalenko called Electro Dance, which is not only accessible in terms of understanding, but also most fully tells how to quickly learn to dance at home tectonics.

In general, you should have caught the main idea - do not waste time on youtube videos, start right away with professional, thoughtful and complete guides. Once everything is at hand, you can proceed to systematic and targeted activities.

You will need:

  • Music Center;
  • Phonogram;
  • Spacious sports suit;
  • Mirror;
  • Carpet.

Show the rest

Learning at home


Tectonic for beginners - video lesson


Name of movements: 1.The WOP. 2.Hits. 3. Wu-Tang

Video for those who want to learn how to dance hip hop at home quickly and easily.


Learning to dance with your feet, foot movements: https://goo.gl/8TsRW5

Easy moves for beginners and kids: https://goo.gl/eYJzKb

Movements for advanced: https://goo.gl/j11WNE

Movements with arms, shoulders, chest: https://goo.gl/uwZ7Ey


Simple hand movements for any dance, you can make a flash mob, dance, staging for a party, party, perform on stage, at a disco, in a club with modern music. Easy and fast, no nonsense. Simple movements for kids, adults, beginners, dance lovers, toddlers, boys and girls, men and women.

Dance training, tutorial on how to dance beautifully and cool with legs, arms, shoulders, chest, head, whole body. Learn to dance in a minute. Basic movements hip hop, house, break dance.

Video with my dances and my students can be viewed on the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_z5sreQ-pY6fB-4e_rl8Fg?view_as=public

Video for those who want to learn how to dance Hip Hop at home quickly and easily. Simple movements of hands for any dance, you can make flash mob, dance, setting for a party, dance in a club, a disco for modern music, perform on stage. Easy and fast, without excess. Simple movements for children, adults, beginners, dance lovers, for kids, guys and girls, boys, men, women. Basic movements hip hop, house, breaking, break dance.

Dance training, tutorial how to dance beautifully and awesome with feet.

Learn to dance in a minute.

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Tektonik is a fashionable youth dance direction. To learn it means to stand out among the crowd, to attract the attention of the opposite sex, to win the respect of friends. If you envy the dexterity of dancers, admire it and think that you yourself are not capable of this - in the last paragraph you are absolutely wrong! Tectonic is easy to learn to dance - find out how below!

You will need:

  • Music Center;
  • Phonogram;
  • Spacious sports suit;
  • Mirror;
  • Carpet.

Show the rest

The birthplace of tectonics is France, Paris, the year of birth is 2000, the place is the city metro. Still a very young dance, it mixed elements of techno, hip-hop, locking and many other styles. For a long time he remained the lot of the youth party, entering the "big stage" only at the age of seven, at the Paris Techno Parade festival. Today dance is gaining popularity all over the world.

To learn how to learn to dance tectonics, read our short tips.

Learning at home

Learning to dance tectonik at home is extremely simple. Everything comes out, doesn't it? Then - go ahead, to the club, light the party!

How to learn to dance tectonics

Tektonik is a fashionable youth dance direction. To learn it means to stand out among the crowd, to attract the attention of the opposite sex, to win the respect of friends. If you envy the dexterity of dancers, admire it and think that you yourself are not capable of this - in the last paragraph you are absolutely wrong! Tectonic is easy to learn to dance - find out how below!

You will need:

  • Music Center;
  • Phonogram;
  • Spacious sports suit;
  • Mirror;
  • Carpet.

Show the rest

The birthplace of tectonics is France, Paris, the year of birth is 2000, the place is the city metro. Still a very young dance, it mixed elements of techno, hip-hop, locking and many other styles. For a long time he remained the lot of the youth party, entering the "big stage" only at the age of seven, at the Paris Techno Parade festival. Today dance is gaining popularity all over the world.

To learn how to learn to dance tectonics, read our short tips.

Learning at home

Learning to dance tectonik at home is extremely simple. Everything comes out, doesn't it? Then - go ahead, to the club, light the party!

Tektonik is a dance mixed with hip-hop that spread thanks to YouTube and appeared on the streets of Paris. It started in Europe, made its way to Australia, and slowly spread to the US. Tectonic has become a million-dollar industry; even six-year-olds are picking up the craze. So, do you want too?


1 Learning to dance

  1. 1 Pick up the music. Tectonic dance to different types of electro such as dirty, progressive or new; many also dance to house electro. But stick with house electro, as it would be weird to dance Tectonic to hardcore, right? You can try it, but everyone in the club will look at you with bewilderment.
  2. Need ideas? For starters, DJ Ivan Flash, Marc De Siau, DJ Milok and Tecktologic will be good performers. You can also search for remixes of popular songs: the Black Eyed Peas, David Guetta and Bastille are just a few examples of artists who have remixes to match.
  3. 2 Make big movements with your hands. Tectonic is a dance in which about 80% of the movements of the hands and 20% of the movements of the legs. While there are a few standard moves, anything that is edgy, hip hop or wog and has a sense of rhythm will help you look like a pro on the dance floor.
  4. Some describe it as "windmill" or "like your body is a rubber band." Others may describe it as an eccentric way to drive traffic, but whichever performance you choose, you will find that this dance is intense, dramatic, with a very systematic and colorful manner. Your arm can move straight or to the side, and then make circles over your head. It's crazy, but it also goes with the music.
  5. 3 Rotate your legs from side to side. Electronic music is quite fast, so try to keep your feet up to speed. Move your heels and toes from side to side, back and forth. When you get it right, you can add crossover and weight transfer.
  6. Leg kicks. Raise your leg up to your butt in preparation for the kick. Then take your foot out and push it forward and plant it on the ground. You can repeat this several times, all the while moving your arms quickly.
  7. 4 Move your arms around and over your head. One of the distinctive movements of the tectonist is the movement of the arms in front of the head, around it and to the sides. If you have bangs on your head, brush them rhythmically.
  8. Most often, your arms will be somewhere near your shoulders, sticking out to your sides, above your head, or wrapping circles around your neck. For any of these points, extend your right or left hand with your index finger down and move it in a circular motion away from your head.
  9. 5 Cross your arms differently. The usual movement of a tectonist is the crossed arms at the wrists moving in their orbit during circular motions. You can also twist your forearm and cross your arms into intricate patterns. Many hold one hand in the center, and move the other to the side, in front of or above it, guided by the rhythm of the music.
  10. Make sure you work at all levels: i.e. on low, medium and high; right, center, left. Engage everyone! The more varied your dance, the less repetitive (and more impressive) it will be!
  11. 6 Add your own touch. While Tectonic has pretty standard moves, it's a good idea for you to add your own sense of style and rhythm to it. Take the basics - structured and intense arm movements - and combine them with leg movements - and do it. As long as you feel this rhythm, you will be ready for anything.
  12. Experiment with working at different levels with the whole body. Move your torso down, knees up, cheat and move. Create intricate patterns with your hands, interlacing your wrists, playing with your elbows, and move from fast to slow movements. Everything depends on you!
  13. 7 Go to parties to hone your skills. Go to clubs, corporations, electronic music festivals and other electronic concerts and dance. Meet other "tectonists" and start dancing in public. You and a group of friends can start dancing anywhere, even if it's just a busy parking lot, mall, school, or any other crowded place. Just try it and have fun!

2 Create an image

  1. 1 Dress like a tectonist. The general style, and he, as a rule, is one - these are skinny jeans and bright fluorescent T-shirts. If skinny jeans aren't your thing, you can wear cargo pants, UFOs, or even alligator leggings. Anything that glows will do.
  2. Tektonik is an actual brand now.

    How to learn to dance tectonics

    You can get sued by the manufacturer's company if you make clothes without their consent. If you are in doubt about what to wear, buy branded clothes.

  3. Remember, real tectonists aren't too picky about clothes and don't follow fashion very much. Most just love to dance and have fun.
  4. 2 We do hair. It is better for girls to let their hair down. They don't have to be short or long, just don't tie them at the top of the head, as most of the tectonics moves close to the head and the tail can get in the way. Guys should have a mullet mohawk. This means that the hair should be long in the back, short on the sides and gelled in the front. Did it get a little better?
  5. If your job or home doesn't approve of the mohawk, try a flying haircut, faux mohawk, or emo style.
  6. 3 Choosing accessories. Don't forget the bracelets! Lots and lots of bracelets. They can go up to the forearm if you like. And if they glow, even better.
  7. Seriously, everything should glow. Find any rave that has tectonics music and glow with glow sticks and body art. The brighter the better!
  • Look up YouTube videos, learn these moves very well, and mix with yours so you don't look like a poser.
  • Look for the Wantek Tecktonik and SMBD teams.
  • Glowsticking (or, liquiding) is a pretty awesome band too!


  • Don't brag that you know how to dance the tectonics. It's the opposite of what this dance means.
  • Never, ever try to mix any other dance styles with tectonics.

More and more people dream of knowing how to independently learn to dance at home tectonics. Despite the fact that professional dancers say that it is necessary to enroll in dance schools, a large percentage of these people started with classes at home, improved their skills and made some discoveries. So nothing is impossible.

This time, Learn It will try to help its readers approach the issue of teaching tectonics from the right side, so that the desire to continue studying never leaves you, and the efficiency is maximum. We will talk about disk manuals, music, video lessons on tectonics, as well as how to properly prepare your apartment for classes.

Almost always beginners think one-sidedly and flatly. They search the Internet for various videos on the topic: how to learn to dance at home tectonics videos, put on tight pants and try to repeat all the movements. Of course, something will remain in your head after such classes, but your training will not last long. This happens because you approach the dance without a soul and a clear attitude, but just blindly repeating.

So, achieve a decisive attitude and a strong desire. Tell yourself - I want to learn and will do everything for this, because I don’t want to just imitate a dance, but to become a famous and recognizable dancer, at least in a narrow circle. The right motivation and attitude can greatly reduce the time spent on training.

Do not rush to turn on the computer and download all the videos related to learning tectonics, first prepare yourself and your home for classes. To prevent neighbors from hitting pipes, lay a carpet or a special sports rug on the floor, or maybe several. Hang a mirror in the room where you will study.

You must always see yourself from the outside. Even if you repeat after the trainer on the video, sometimes stop and repeat in front of the mirror too. You will see how our perception of our own movements differs from how these same movements look from the outside. It is better to put several mirrors so that there are several viewing angles.

It is unrealistic to quickly learn to dance if there is no music of the desired genre. So spend some time looking for a track that suits your practice. For now, you will need one or two tracks, you need to fully feel their rhythm, and then move on to others.

Let's assume that you don't know any specific artists yet, but you want to know where and what to download for classes. You can solve this simply, you need to download thematic collections, for example, Electro Dance, Tectonik Killer and so on. The collection must contain the month and year of the collection. Naturally, the older, the worse.

You can visit the thematic sites of tectonics and download everything from there, and you can also visit the torrent tracker and download the desired selection. How to do this, we will describe below, but now let's say that you have downloaded a couple of collections and want to choose some awesome tracks.

If you really dream of learning tectonics online, then you should choose a song that you feel with your whole body, that made you improvise, move, dance with full dedication, that is, the ringleader. When found, then under it you need to start classes - repeat everything after the trainer from the video lesson.

It remains the case for small - find a good tutorial, buy it or download it. It used to be believed that youtube has everything you need, but now opinions are divided. No one can argue that it was video hosting that gave such popularity, but now the evolution has gone even further.

Previously, we were taught tectonics by French dancers, without clear explanations and translation. The teenagers had no choice, and they repeated and experimented to the best of their ability. Time passed and schools teaching tectonics began to appear in our country. To keep schools afloat, coaches began to produce professional, high-quality video in Russian.

Now it is unrealistic to imagine a person who would study at home and at the same time did not have such a disk. Advantages on the face - the development of one's own flexibility and rhythm, music analysis, improvisation, speed of execution, recommendations for ligaments, a well-thought-out training scheme, Russian sound, excellent quality of the picture itself and Russian comments.

We will analyze where to buy high-quality training discs, and then we will discuss where to download such a video for free. Those who do not suffer from greed and are ready to spend for the sake of a dream can go to Ozone and take a closer look at the DVD called it. A detailed description is on the ozone itself, there you can also buy a disc of the same edition, only for advanced dancers.

For those who want to learn, but do not want to spend money, can go to rutracker.org and absolutely free to download everything you need.

To find what you need, select a section "Dancing, Miscellaneous" and in the search bar enter techtonik. You will see about 20 hands with high-quality training videos. Naturally, there may be amateur shootings there, but you can also find real masterpieces.

For example, distribution First Pro Tutorial made by a teacher of one of the most professional schools of tectonics in the Russian Federation. It will be difficult to find a better manual in Russian, in which great attention to detail and trifles is redone. Also a good distribution from Pavel Kovalenko called Electro Dance, which is not only accessible in terms of understanding, but also most fully tells how to quickly learn to dance at home tectonics.

In general, you should have caught the main idea - do not waste time on youtube videos, start right away with professional, thoughtful and complete guides. Once everything is at hand, you can proceed to systematic and targeted activities.

The dance wave swept the world! And this is not surprising, because dance is a great means of entertainment and relaxation!

Tektonik is a rather young dance direction. However, it is already gaining momentum all over the world. Usually this dance is performed to Electro House music.

Tektonik is a bit like hip-hop, techno and rave, but still it is a separate dance direction, the essence of which is “dance with hands”.

What's the point?

Electro Dance is also called tectonics, it is based on Glowsticking elements. But the dance is not limited to hands. Harmony should be in everything, which is why dancers actively use their feet, knees and hips to the beat of the music.

Without music tectonics is impossible. That is why we strongly advise you to get the right music in order to learn how to dance tectonik at home.

A little about the appearance of a tectonics dancer: usually it is tight jeans, a tight T-shirt or T-shirt with an emblem, sneakers, wristlets, usually a white belt.

So, here are some tips for those who want to learn how to dance tectonik at home, on their own. They will differ significantly from the recommendations for those who want to.

First, learn to listen to music! Without musical accompaniment, the dance simply will not take place! There is a good expression characterizing the dance:

Dance is music expressed through plasticity.

So first you need to learn to feel the rhythm. They develop it like this: they tap out a melody, slam it.

Learn to highlight accents in music. From the general sound, try to single out one instrument. Aerobatics - to feel music (for example, an instrument distinguished by hearing) intuitively, predicting the next beat, surrender to the will and flow of music.

Music should be sung with your body, and not just fall into it.

As you can see, the level of a dancer depends not only on plastique and acrobatics, but musical nuances. Don't worry, you can develop an ear for music. Moreover, you can learn to dance tectonics, the main thing is to really want it. And let you not perform in tectonics battles, do you really need it? The main thing is to do what you love and have fun.

But if you want to do tectonics professionally, home training is indispensable here. I'll have to enroll in a dance school. The good news is the more you practice, the better you get. It's like going to yoga. Special courses are, of course, better than doing it yourself.

So. Tips for those who are thinking how to learn how to dance tectonik at home.

  • Listen to more different music - a lot and high quality.
  • Learn to tap the rhythm.
  • Download from the Internet teaching lessons on tectonics.
  • Find your idol and repeat it.
  • Don't be afraid to improvise.


Sign up for a dance school. If a few years ago there were very few studios that offered, today it is much easier to find teachers. Classes in this help to avoid many mistakes that students make, and give a "base", that is, they teach you how to move correctly, plan training. But you also need to practice on your own in order to achieve great success.

For training at home, provide good conditions: put a sports or carpet on the floor, hang a mirror in front of it to see yourself from the side. It is advisable to have two mirrors to provide a view from different angles. Choose the right music of the corresponding genre. At first you will need only one or, then you can use more. If you don't know specific artists, choose the latest themed compilations like Electro Dance or Tectonik Killer. Choose your favorite song that makes you move, dance with full dedication. Wear skinny jeans, a tight tank top or T-shirt, sneakers, and wristbands for class.

Learn to feel the rhythm, play the selected track several times, tapping out the melody. Start highlighting accents in the music, try to highlight certain instruments. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will begin to intuitively feel the music, anticipating the next beat.

Develop coordination with several exercises. Take an apple in your hands, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and close your eyes. Throw both apples at the same time and try to catch them without opening your eyes. Tennis balls can be used instead of apples. In transport, try to pass without holding on to the handrails, and walk along curbs when walking.

Develop flexibility: do inclinations, "bridge", stretching exercises, you can do yoga. Learn the speed of movement, for this, alternate running in place at maximum speed and arm movements, as if you were beating someone. Develop a reaction: dance to musical rhythms and melodies replacing each other. Do plastic exercises: raise your right hand, lower your left, change hands. Cross your arms in front of your chest to form a diagonal, then place them parallel to each other and vertically, joining your elbows.

Use the video lessons to train the tectonics dance, read the instructions. It's better to find full, professional video courses rather than watching snippets. First, memorize the movements, reproduce them, bring them to the ideal, and over time, the ability to improvise will come. Remember that the more you practice, the better you will dance. The optimal frequency of classes is at least 20-30 every day.

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