teacher universities. Initiation into young musicians


"Initiation into young musicians". The script of the holiday at the music school

Goleshchihina Marina Alexandrovna Bayan teacher, MBOU DOD "Taseevskaya Children's Music School"

Work description: Learning music has always been valued in society, and the one who owns any instrument always deserves special attention. Young residents of the Taseevsky district have a happy opportunity to study music at a children's music school. Graduates leave the school every year. All of them become lovers and connoisseurs of music, and they are replaced by first-graders who have yet to get acquainted with the magical world of music. It has already become a good tradition at the Taseevskaya Children's Music School to hold a holiday “Dedication to Young Musicians” at the end of the first quarter of the academic year for children who have recently crossed the threshold of the school. For first-graders, this holiday is of great importance, so teachers and high school students strive to make this holiday interesting, bright and unforgettable. I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday "Dedication to young musicians." In this scenario, everything is organically connected: a well-thought-out theatrical plot with the participation of the cartoon characters Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, the old woman Shapoklyak; concert numbers of teachers and students of the music school; tasks for first graders in a playful way.

Purpose: This scenario can be useful for teachers of music schools and art schools, teachers-organizers.
The material is intended for children of primary school age.

Target: Formation of aesthetic taste in novice musicians; creation of favorable conditions for acquaintance and communication of children.

Activate cognitive activity
Develop the ability to answer questions;
Enrich the spiritual world of children through musical plays.
To develop in children a cognitive interest in music;
Develop logical thinking, erudition;
Develop imagination, the ability to reflect, think.
To cultivate love for music as an art that has the greatest power of emotional impact on a person;
To cultivate love for the music school, for teachers.

Necessary equipment for carrying out:
Music center or any device designed to play music;
Musical instruments: button accordion, accordion, piano, synthesizer.
Projector, multimedia screen, laptop.
The costumes of Cheburashka, the old woman Shapoklyak, the costume of the crocodile Gena will not be required, since Gena will be backstage.

Preliminary work:
1. Creation of a video film for the opening of the holiday: A frame from the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - Gena plays the harmonica, but the music is not from the cartoon, but overdub - Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee" performed by the duet "Bayan-Mix".
2.Creating your own riddles about musical instruments, puzzles, charades, or using them from various sources of literature. In this scenario, puzzles and musical riddles are taken from the Internet.
3. Making medals "Young musician"

Used Books:
When developing the scenario of the holiday, author's poems were used:
1. Our school is not easy,
2. Poems - performances of accordionists, pianists,
3. Oath of musicians.
4. Puzzles and riddles are taken from the Internet

Decor: The hall is festively decorated with balloons, paper notes, flowers. (the hall can be decorated in any style at the discretion of the organizers of the holiday)

Holiday script
On the screen is a video frame from the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka - Gena plays the harmonica.
Sad Cheburashka enters.
Cheburashka: It is a pity that Gena is not around, he went to Moscow for some kind of competition. And I miss him so much.
The phone rings. Crocodile Gena is calling from Moscow (voice-over): Hello Cheburashka!

Cheburashka: Hi Gena! How are you there?
Crocodile Gena: Excellent. Won the Grand Prix at the international bayan competition. No wonder I once studied at a music school. Now I am invited to go abroad. I will perform on stage with famous musicians Hvorostovsky, Spivakov. Can you imagine?
Cheburashka: I also want to see the world. I also want to learn how to play some musical instrument and be famous.
Crocodile Gena: Cheburashka, immediately go to the Taseev children's music school. I am sure that there you will definitely be taught to play and sing.
Cheburashka: How can I find her?
Crocodile Gena: And you ask any passer-by, they will tell you about this wonderful school and show you the way. While Cheburashka, it's time for me to rehearse and prepare for the trip. Good luck!
Phone call ends
Cheburashka: (walks along the road, meets passers-by students of the music school) Hello! Are you by any chance from a music school?
Children: Yes, we are students of this wonderful school.
Cheburashka: Please tell me about her!
1 student:
Our school is difficult
Musical like that.
They play and sing in it,
Live in harmony with music.

2 student:
Eight wise teachers,
And the director at the head,
Children learn every day
Music and beauty.

3 student:
It's not easy to learn
Songs to sing or play
It takes a lot of effort
To become a musician.

4 student:
For girls and boys
"Music" - the second home,
They love us there, little rascals,
We all live together here.

5 student:
rehearsals, concerts,
Grants, contests again.
We always succeed
We can combine everything.

Cheburashka: Oh, how interesting. I want to go to music school too! Tell me, please, how to get to the music school? (the guys show the way, Cheburashka goes backstage with them.)

A photo of the music school is projected onto the screen. The principal of the school appears on the stage. He thinks about something, sad and sighs. Enter Cheburashka.

Cheburashka: Hello. Is there a children's music school here? May I speak to the director?
Director: I am a director. And who are you?
Cheburashka: I am Cheburashka. I want to go to music school.
Director: Many want, but, alas, it is impossible.
Cheburashka: Why?
Director: Because someone broke into the school and stole the keys. Now neither we nor the children can get to school.
Cheburashka: We need to contact the police immediately to find the culprit.
Director: Contacted. They said they are looking. For how long, we don't know!
Cheburashka: What to do? After all, surely not only I want to learn how to play and sing?
Director: Yes, there are 21 more first-graders, and 27 students dream of continuing their studies at school.
Cheburashka: Where to look for the one who stole the keys?
Director: Don't know. Found this near the school. ( shows the object of the old woman Shapoklyak - a bag with a rat Lariska)
Cheburashka: So this is the Old Woman Shapoklyak! She went back to her old ways. And where to look for it now? (doomed) So I'll never learn to play an instrument and become famous? (Crying)
Suddenly, Shapoklyak appears from the auditorium, walks, sings and dances

Old woman Shapoklyak: Here I am! What got pissed off? Would you like to learn music without me? No, just after me! Here I will first become famous and popular, then I will return the keys to you. I myself need a school to develop my talents.
Cheburashka: How are you going to study on your own? We need teachers!
Old woman Shapoklyak: Laughs. Who needs teachers? To me? I am my own teacher. If I want, I’ll play this instrument here (comes to the piano, clatters), but if I want, I’ll sing like a real singer (sings a song, but not correctly).
Old woman Shapoklyak: Is today not my day, or are all the tools broken? Exactly! Broken. laughing
Cheburashka: Shapoklyak, let the guys show you how to play and sing.
Old woman Shapoklyak: Haha. Do they know how?
Cheburashka: Guys, let's prove to the Old Woman Shapoklyak that we can sing and play musical instruments!
Answers from the audience
Old woman Shapoklyak: Okay, I agree! But first guess my riddles!
Puzzles, riddles using notes are projected onto the screen. The old woman Shapoklyak makes riddles. The guys guess.

Old woman Shapoklyak: Read the story using the titles of the notes.

Old woman Shapoklyak: And what kind of musical instruments are encrypted in puzzles?

Cheburashka: Well, what did all your riddles guess? And now listen to how our guys bayanists and accordionists play.
Our accordionists and bayanists are great artists!
The instruments are played like this
Well, my heart skips a beat!
I'm not lying at all
I tell you honestly, directly!
Now see for yourself
When you enjoy playing them!

Musical numbers of students of the national department

The kids love to play the piano.
Barely touch the keys - and the whole soul sings.
And the sounds of happiness are pouring, so joyfully, so zealously.
Everything around blooms, rejoices and sings!

Musical numbers of students of the piano department

Old woman Shapoklyak: Some of you are boring. They came out, bowed, played, bowed. Eh, boring. I understand you are boring.
Cheburashka: Shapoklyak, the guys are very diligent. After all, to learn how to play a musical instrument, you need to practice a lot.
Old woman Shapoklyak: Whatever, bores! And I love to have fun! Do you love? Then everyone to my stage!

The old woman Shapoklyak conducts a dance workout. Soundtrack "Brazilian Carnival" performed by the Tomsk Ensemble of Folk Instruments "Surprise", leader Zolotareva L.G. (music can be used any at the discretion of teachers). The guys repeat the movements of the Old Woman Shapoklyak.
Cheburashka: Here are some good guys! And they are not boring at all, look how they know how to have fun!
Old woman Shapoklyak: Yes, yes. But I am one hundred percent sure that they do not know children's songs.
Cheburashka: And again you are wrong! The guys not only know the songs, but also know how to sing.
The old woman hat: Well, we'll check it out now. A music competition for knowledge of children's songs is being held. All songs are performed live.

List of songs for the competition:
1. Blue wagon,
2. A song about a grasshopper,
3. From a smile,
4. Chunga-Changa,
5. It's fun to walk across the open spaces together,
6. Two funny geese,
7. Antoshka,
8. Song of Cheburashka,
9. If there was no winter,
10. Winged swing.

Cheburashka: Oh yeah guys, oh yeah guys! And our guys can sing beautifully. Here, listen.

Musical numbers of students of the choir department
Cheburashka: And all this children are taught by talented teachers who work in the children's music school. Now you are convinced, Shapoklyak, that without teachers it is impossible to learn how to play and sing?
Old woman Shapoklyak: Well, yes, yes, yes. I will give you the keys to the school, but on one condition that you take me to study. I really want to shine on stage.
Cheburashka: Guys, shall we?

Cheburashka: And now we ask the guys who this year crossed the threshold of the music school to take the stage for the solemn oath of the young musician and the presentation of medals.

The guys take the stage.

1 student:
We solemnly swear
We will study for five!
Without good reason,
Let's not skip school!

2 student:
Learn all intervals
And we'll master all the ways.
At five we will play scales,
Even though we don't like them very much!

3 student:
And jumping on the solfeggio
We promise to come back.
And not forgetting about the notes, books,
We will complete the tasks!

4 student:
We will study Bach, Mozart,
Let's learn to distinguish them.
Let's not torture teachers.
We swear not to upset them.

5 student:
We promise at change
We behave with dignity.
Don't run, don't scream, don't jump,
We will not interfere with others!
Presentation of certificates of completion of the children's art school. Scenario

Author information

Strelnikova Natalya Anatolyevna

Place of work, position:

MBOU DOD "Children's Music School No. 30" of the Soviet District of Kazan. Teacher.

Republic of Tatarstan

Resource characteristics

Levels of education:

Additional education for children



The target audience:

Teacher of additional education

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Resource type:

Event scenario

Brief description of the resource:

"Dedication to Musicians" - event scenario for first grade students of the children's music school. The holiday is held in the first half of the first academic year of students.

Initiation into musicians
Scenario of the holiday for students of the first grade of the music school



Children's music school students in accordion, violin, guitar

Student of the Kazan College of Music, horn class

2 sets of cards with the names of white keys
round chair
3 keyboards
portraits of Malvina, Pinocchio, Karabas-Barabas
cards with signs [p] , [ f ] ,
cards with the image of a tomato, cucumber, peach, orange
name cards, where one syllable is written as a note
shock-noise musical instruments

Hello dear students and dear parents! Today is a holiday in our music school. It is called "Initiation into Musicians" and is held for first grade students who have been coming to classes at a music school for three months now. During this time, our students got acquainted with new subjects for themselves, with new teachers and took their first steps into the big and beautiful world - the world of music.

Azat Galyautdinov (bayan). Variations on the Tatar folk theme "Anisa"

Everyone in the world knows that sounds are different.
The sad cry of the cranes, the loud roar of the plane,
The rumble of a car in the yard, the barking of a dog in a kennel,
The sound of wheels and the noise of the machine, the quiet rustle of the breeze.
These sounds are noise, only there are others.
Not rustling, not knocking, there are musical sounds.

Flora Mirieva (violin). Kochurbin. "Bear with a doll"

During the first three months of training, the children learned a lot for themselves. I think that it will not be difficult for them to solve musical riddles.

1. To place note-dots everywhere in places,
We called five lines of musical lines ... (stave).
2. We will draw a curled beautiful sign like this.
He is great and omnipotent, this is our ... (treble clef).
3. In order not to confuse the polka with a march or with a waltz, for example,
Be sure to always be on guard here ... (size).
4. Recording a melody is her whole job.
Here it is, the usual quarter ... (note).
5. If the note wanted to rise to heaven,
There is a special sign for her, called ... (sharp).
6. And I decided to become lower, - here, please, if you please, -
And in this case, there is a sign, called ... (flat).
7. “Above and below cancel! All in place! Car, car, car!
No sharps, no flats! - so commands ... (bekar).
8. What is this note? Having fun - tra-la-la!
Singing loud songs! Her name is a note ... (la).
Look, these children with musical notation are friendly.
Our music school needs these!

Damir Ibatullin (guitar) A song from the repertoire of the Beatles in the processing of Bernadsky

And now you are waiting for musical games.

“NAME THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS” (two are invited, a child and a parent; throwing the ball to each other, they pronounce the names of musical instruments; spectators help if necessary)

"BUILD THE SOUND" (child and parent participate, two pairs; they receive a set of cards with the names of white keys that must be arranged in order; the game can be repeated by inviting two pairs of participants again, then the scale is laid out from top to bottom)

“TAKE THE BELL” (7 children participate; to the music they run around a round chair on which the bell lies; with the stop of the musical sound, you need to quickly take the bell and ring; whoever rang - out of the game, i.e. everyone will get the bell)

"KEYBOARD" (three students get 3 options for the drawn keyboard: one is drawn correctly, in the second all the black keys are arranged in two, in the third - four each; the student who got the correctly drawn keyboard must pick it up)

And now fairy-tale heroes will come to visit us. But these will not be artists or puppets. These will be musical portraits from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Now we will hear three plays, each of which will tell about one character well known to you (there are three participants in the game, each receives a painted portrait of one of the heroes of the fairy tale; three plays by R. Schumann sound: “The First Loss” - you need to raise the portrait of Malvina; “Merry peasant" - a portrait of Pinocchio, "Santa Claus" - a portrait of Karabas-Barabas)

And we will read one more fairy tale together, because instead of some words I will show you signs that mean the volume of performance in music, and you will all together name the meaning of the sign shown. Let's try (the teacher shows a card with the sign [p], the students pronounce the word “quiet”; with the sign [ f ], the students pronounce the word “loud”, - “moderately loud.” Then a fairy tale is read together: when the teacher shows the card, the meaning of the sign children speak).

“There was a cat Vasily. The cat was lazy!
Sharp teeth and a fat belly.
Very [p] he always walked,
[ f ] persistently asked to eat.
Yes, he snored on the stove -
That's all he could do for you.

The cat once sees a dream like this,
As if he started a fight with mice.
[f] screaming, he scratched them all
With its teeth, clawed paw.
In fear, the mice [p] begged:
- Oh, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy!
Then the cat exclaimed: "Shoot!"
And scattered they rushed.

But in fact, at the time when our Vasily was sleeping, this is what happened:

Mice [p] came out of the mink.
[f] crunchy, ate bread crusts,
Then, laughing at the cat,
They tied his tail with a bow.
Vasily woke up, [ f ] sneezed,
He turned to the wall ... and fell asleep again.
And the lazy mice climbed on the back,
Until evening [f] they made fun of him.”

“FIND A NOTE” (four participants are invited, each receives a card with a picture of mido r, ooh re c, lane si k, apel si n; the participant examines his illustration and voices the name of the note "hidden" in the title)

“READ THE NAME” (five participants are invited, each receives a card with a name written on it, where one syllable is replaced by a written note: Yu la, poppy si m, Tai si i, Ka mi le, Dee la ra; you need to read the name; if children like to participate with their parents, you can invite 5 children and 5 parents to the game)

“SINGING ANIMALS” (8 children are invited and the characters are distributed: a cow, a chicken, a sheep, a frog, a cat, a dog, a piglet, a crow; each character reproduces his onomatopoeia; then, at the sign of the leader, the children sing in turn, each in their own syllable, performing, for example , the melody of the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree"; in conclusion, you can sing it all together)

“GUESS WHAT I PLAY AND REPEAT THE RHYTHM” (three participants are invited, each receives a musical instrument: a rumba, a box, a triangle; the same instruments lie in front of the leader behind a small improvised screen, so that the participants and spectators cannot see these instruments; the leader clearly pronounces a riddle, with rhythmic accompaniment on one of the instruments; the participant must recognize his instrument and reproduce the rhythm when the leader recites the riddle; then the audience must guess the riddle that has sounded.
“He is like a Christmas tree all in needles” (hedgehog)
“I’ll circle over the flower, treat the guys with honey” (bee)
“The net was hung on a knot by a silent fisherman.
All day, all day long, he is not too lazy to catch flies ”(spider))

“QUARTERS AND EIGHTH” (as many children participate as there are percussion musical instruments; part of the children will play the melody of the Russian folk dance in eighths, the other part in quarters, you can enter in turn, at the command of the leading “quarters”, “eighths” or “together "")

"OPERA. BALLET ”(the hall is decorated with balloons, letters are written on ten balloons: five letters of one color and five of another; two pairs of participants play; the parent and child must collect five balloons with letters of the same color and lay out the word; the audience helps the participants)

Oksana Ovechkina (horn; KMK). Saint-Saens "Romance"

Our holiday is coming to an end. All first graders are invited to the stage.
Repeat after me the words of the solemn promise:

“We swear to love music, we swear to be friends with music,
Study, sparing no effort, try not to be lazy,
And turn into real musicians"

I also ask our guests to stand up and repeat after me the words of the solemn promise:

We, the guests of this holiday, solemnly promise:

Love your children with all your heart!

Help them love music

And become real musicians!”

The floor for congratulations and presentation of memorable souvenirs is given to the head teacher of the school, O.R. Chernova. Photo for memory. The list of first-graders is shown to parents and placed in storage until graduation!

Koroleva E.A. Music in fairy tales, poems and pictures. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1994

Celebration script

"Initiation into young musicians"

  1. Song "A melody is born" arr. d/c "Sunday"

Good afternoon, dear children, hello, dear adults! On October 1, the International Day of Music is celebrated all over the world.

Today is a special day, of course - Music Day is an international day!
After all, music will definitely live forever, As long as there are musicians on Earth!

Let this day, looking for a moment
In our kind, cozy and joyful house,
Inspiration will enter as a wonderful muse,
And Happiness will live forever in it!

Let's congratulate each other apl-mi!

Dear guys, today newcomers are joining our friendly family of musicians. From seg. day you will be called young musicians. But before that happens, we'll tell you a tale. Music sounds

It was in a cheerful kingdom, a skillful, intelligent state.

Once upon a time there was a Queen - a very strict girl,

And she had a son - Tsarevich Konstantin.

No one sleeps in the kingdom - the prince-light has matured,

Know, it's time to learn - everyone was called to the council!

Fanfares sound, come out The Queen and the Tsarevich-son

Queen: Come, son, to mama, there is a serious conversation,

Eat up the gingerbread soon and don't listen to the nannies' nonsense!

In general, so, you are already an adult, soon get down to business,

Only being a king is not easy, here training is needed!

We need to arrange a holiday and gather all the masters,

And from those who will be the best, you should be ready to learn!

Tsarevich: I don't understand you, mother. What is the whole mess for?

After all, we have every master here! I, for example, sleep expert!

How do we choose what we need, how do we decide who is the best?

Queen: In the realm, the audience will help, their applause and laughter!

Presenter: By signing the resolution

sent out invitations to universities, muses and bags!

We are waiting for all those who have learned and are ready to teach others!

Queen: I will say without a piece of paper. We have gathered here for a reason!

We are all first-graders in this October holiday!

We will open the holiday with a dance and see, so to speak,
Will our prince be able to learn to dance too!

  1. Dance "Unusual jam"

Tsarevich: Eco miracle! I can also dance hopak!

Queen: To learn these dances, it's not just for you!

Tsarevich: Mother, do not be distracted! What's next for you?

The song of the little Nanais or the miracle of October?

Queen: Well, you say! Just a miracle! Well, what do the Nanais have to do with it?

We will ask the masters that were standing there to sing a song!

  1. The song "Take care of adults"

Queen: To learn musical notation, you have to be more serious!

If you can excel, everyone will be friends with you!

Tsarevich: Mom, I heard from the nanny that once over the hill,

The musician lived a very glorious life, either Bach or Bohm.

He played the harpsichord, drum and trumpet.

And tell me, would it be possible for me to learn like this?

Queen: Well done, son, only you went over the pipe!

Bach played the piano and wrote melodies,

All sorts of plays to the organ and was famous in the world,

We'll show you the real game now!

Who is the master of the game? Let the kids play!

  1. piano. "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" Lyalyaeva Natasha and Chesnova Sasha

Music Day is a holiday for all the gifted, For those who create and play it!
Do not count all the melodies and plays composed, which we will perform or sing!

  1. "Orange Song" Use Sonya Mortina. The prince comes out, giggling

Queen: You, my son, are a fidget, you are ready to laugh at everything.

By the way, you will soon be able to play us too!

Tsarevich: I would listen to the guitar, domra with her at the same time!

Maybe I'm destined to become an accordionist in life?

  1. Guitar. "Waltz". Use Daria Romashova
  2. Balalaika
  3. Accordion-V. Vlasov favorite cartoon. Use Vladislav Mitrofanov.

Tsarevich: Tools are awesome! I just got tired...

And everyone dances beautifully, but I want to play ....

It doesn’t matter what game, just to make it more fun, You can play cards ...

Queen: Right now, how I'm going to blow! As if there is no smarter game ...

You'd better try, but solve the riddles.

Well, if you can’t, then the hall will help you.

Presenter: Yes, guys, we are ready to accept you as musicians,

But try to solve all the riddles first!

Which instrument has both strings and a pedal? Who is this? Undoubtedly, this is our sonorous ... piano.- Here is a large piano, rows of keys and a pedal. The artist admires us, which is called ... pianist.

Youth from different countries famously dances under ... button accordion.

- He looks like a brother to the button accordion, where there is fun, there he is. I won't tell you, everyone knows ... accordion.

Oh, she rings, she rings, she amuses everyone with her game, but she only needs 3 strings for music. Who is it, guess what? This is our…. balalaika.

This stringed instrument will ring at any moment -

And on stage in the best hall, and on a hike at a halt ... …. Guitar.

Louder than flutes, louder than violins, louder than trumpets is our giant. It is rhythmic, it is excellent, our cheerful … drum

Magic happens there, where he leads the strings with a bow, we hear either laughter or crying, he was a virtuoso…………….. violinist.

He waves his arms smoothly, hears every instrument.

He is the most important in the orchestra, he is the president in the orchestra! ( Conductor.)

Guitar strings, patience, talent plus inspiration equals... ( Musician.)

Sleep and rest are forgotten: the song is written by... (Composer.)

Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone, He had a huge talent,

All because I studied the Art that is called... (Vocal)

Tsarevich: What smart children, they know everything in the world!

Yes, guys, they tried, they guessed all the riddles,
Again the music rings, the Russian song sounds!

  1. Song like Ivan's daughters. Use Ensemble "Gold Placers"

7 notes create magical songs

and always ready to serve for the guys!

Did you find out the names of the notes?

Try to guess riddles about them!

On a piece of paper, on a page, either dots or birds.

Everyone is sitting on the stairs and chirping songs. (Notes.)

Day and night he tirelessly stands at the head of the camp

And he says to all the notes: “The way for music is open!” (Treble clef)

The musicians are having fun, the conductor smiled,

The mode we play is called……………………… Major.

If there are clouds in our play, the rain is pouring at full speed,

This mode is terribly sad, called……………………… Minor.

Our notes have a mother, her name is aunt……………………… Gamma.

I see, I see, these children with musical notation are friendly!

Our music studio That's what we need!

  1. "Lost and Found" - Bravo kids plus.

There is a scream, a screech, loud music. Zhadina and Yabeda run out onto the stage. They run around the hall, bully the children.

Queen: What kind of miracles are these? Who are they? The name of?

Greedy: They haven't recognized us yet, we'll tell you right now, they'll understand everything!

I'm Greedy Beef Pickle!

I am strong, like Schwarzenegger, I am an experienced fighter!

Van Damme can't take my toy either.

And even if he tries, I still won't let you!

Sneak: I am the Snake-snag! I know everything about everyone!

About adults and about little ones, about these and about those!

You just touch me with your finger, I'll tell you everything right away!

It’s not for nothing that I’m called a sneak, I’m not friends with you!

Greedy: Well, now you understand everything? Mother, give me your son!

We will train him for free...

Queen: That's the trouble! Who let the villains in here, we don't need those!

Drive out the villains! How did they sneak in? I don't understand!

There is no place for them in our kingdom, do not follow their example!

Beautiful music plays.

Tsarevich: Mother Mother. What's the song? What's the style? What's the size?

The Queen of Music appears

Queen of Music: I was in a hurry to visit you on a holiday, I was afraid of being late,

But the prankster wind managed to convey one piece of news.

As if evil forces wandered into your state

And the prince-son was almost taken away with him!

Your Majesty, Queen of Music, help us!

Drive the greedy and Yabed from the holiday!

Queen of Music: I'll help you, perhaps.

But you help me, repeat the spell!

Louder music ring,
Drive away evil forces!

The guys repeat. Music sounds louder, sneak and greedy disappear.

Queen of Music: Today you looked at a lot of masters -
Musicians and singers!

If you try and work hard,

Then comprehend science and there will be no boredom in life!

Tsarevich: I decided to start studying in order to distinguish myself with talent!

Queen: Well done, dear son, we will be proud of you!

Queen of Music: And now it's time to pronounce the Oath to everyone!

We dedicate you to the musicians on the path of life!

You promise to go through life with music and not turn off the chosen path! (Yes!) - You promise to defeat melancholy and laziness and make music every day! (Yes!) - You promise to strive for creativity so that we can be proud of you! (Yes!)

And now I will consecrate you with my magical musical elixir, and from now on you will become the most real young musicians!

Music. The Queen splashes the children with water.

Queen:-Dear guys, now you are not just boys and girls, now you are young musicians! We congratulate you and hope that you will bear this title with honor. And now the song is playing again.

11. Final song "Planet of Childhood"

This concludes our holiday. All the best! See you at classes and concerts!

Concert for parents of the accordion class IV Praporshchikova, festive initiation of first-graders of the class into young musicians. All students in the class participate in the concert. The event was built in the form of a lecture-concert, included a quiz in the form of musical riddles, as well as poetry reading.



Scenario concert-dedication to"Young Musicians"

Opens the program Marchenko Sergey with the song "I'm cool"

1leader: Good afternoon, dear friends, dear parents, guests, as well as all students of our class! We are very glad to see you again in our hall. Today our concert is dedicated to first-graders, those who decided to learn how to play their favorite instrument.

2 Lead: Guys! How beautiful and elegant you are today. Like real artists. Today is your first concert, your first performance on the big stage, a real musical celebration! The door to the beautiful world of music will open for you. But first, you have to pass a series of tests and show us how ready you are to carry the title. Young musician.

1leader: We are all happy to accept you as musicians,

But try to solve all the riddles first!

He stands in the concert hall.

At first he was a harpsichord.

Maybe "forte" and "piano"

Fulfill you relentlessly.

It sounds major, minor.

Everyone has known for a long time

In the world of sounds, he is the king.

"F sharp" and "B flat"

They live very friendly in it.

Standing next to him singing

Sitting next to him playing

The keys are plucking

They press the pedal.

This tool is(PIANO)

2 Lead: On this "royal" instrument will play first grader Kulishova Daria (reads poetry):

Look, the piano has a lid, and there are pedals,

On the back is a large wing, like a sail over a wave.

A lot of black, white keys - you can't count them at once!

Performs children's song "Bunny"

1leader: Next riddles guys:

How can we find out from the notes where to play the keys?
On the second line of the camp there is a beautiful sign curled.
He is our excellent assistant, and is called the key(violin)

What other musical key do you know?(bass). Well done!

2 Lead: On the right is our piano,

To the left are buttons from the button accordion.

And the furs are like an accordion.

This is clear even to a cat

Well, of course it's him.

Accordion instrument.

The modern accordion is a relatively young musical instrument, the most advanced harmonica instrument in which sounds are extracted by freely slipping metal reeds set in motion by an air stream. A similar principle of sound extraction has been known in the countries of Southeast Asia for a very long time. For 2-3 thousand years BC. e. in Laos, Tibet, China, Japan, musical instruments ken, sheng, chonofui and others were widespread, the sound extraction in which was based on the vibration of a small metal tongue cut out in a thin plate. In the 18th century, this principle began to be used in Europe. In 1822, the first hand harmonica was invented in Berlin, and in 1829 a harmonica with chord accompaniment on the left side appeared in Vienna, which became known as the accordion. Here is such an interesting story of the origin of the accordion. And now he will perform a Russian folk song on this wonderful musical instrument"As under hill, under the mountainthe youngest participant of our concert Koshkin Maxim

1leader: We continue to solve riddles

Oh, how everyone lives together,
Singing songs loudly

Very busy with work
These joyful ... (Notes)

Guys, what kind of notes did you learn?... Well done!

All of you have already learned the notes and now, like real musicians, they have learned to play from the notes. Meet another first graderFedotushkin Andrey, in his performance will sound"Children's Song"

2 Lead:

And again riddles about tools

But only three strings
Everyone is happy with the game!
Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

She needs music.
Who is she? Guess...
This is our ... (Balalaika)


Smooth bow movements tremble the strings,
The motive murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the overflowing sounds are, they have joy and a smile.
A dreamy motive sounds, it plays ...(Violin)

2 Lead:

We all love to listen
How Tamara sings with us,
And obedient in her hands
Six-string… (Guitar)

Well done, they did a great job, and now we invite you to the stage with the performance"Little Waltz" by A. Mirek another first-grader Sviyazova Irina.

1leader: A second grader Perminova Evgenia, D Kabalevsky "Waltz" will perform with musical congratulations for you.

He can play both "forte" and "piano"
For this they called him the pianoforte.

2 Lead: We invite you to the stage of the first grader Tuff Danila with the performance of the Polish folk song "Cheerful shoemaker ".

Reading poems about the pianoKurushkina Anastasia

Lived in an old piano
Seven cheerful sonorous notes.
Sang for a whole year
But one day they fell ill.

The note "MI" wheezed,
I started to quarrel with people.
Not with your voices
Tightened "FA" and "SOL",

"RE" did not play with us -
She has a toothache.
"LA" fell silent, fell silent,
"DO" groaned terribly,
"SI" crowed like a rooster -
Disturbed the whole house.

What should we do, we did not know
We felt sorry for the sisters.
We called the tuner
To heal the piano.

Anastasia performs"Etude-rehearsal" K. Czerny

1leader: And again the first grader performsMarchenko Sergey-sailor dance"Apple"

Congratulations dear guys Shibanov Yury performance Russian folk song "In the garden, in the garden"

2 Lead: And now he will tell us poems about his favorite musical instrumentBalykov Vladimir:

Signor accordion sounds
He is a distant brother of the organ.
He wears keys and buttons
And his temper is not at all timid.

It pushes its folds,
That again quickly shifts them.
And a myriad of new sounds
The space is being refilled.

Singing sounds, loud,
They are solemn, beautiful.
Now violins, then cellos,
Then trill flutes are heard in them.

Excellent in craftsmanship
The whole orchestra sounds in it.
Accordion is like magic
All sounds are collected in it.

Will perform with a musical gift Shmelkov Vadim

A. Ivanov "Polka"

1 Host: Poems reads about the harpsichord Alasheev Maxim

Good old harpsichord -

piano grandpa,

The musicians were invited

To play.

So that every string

Took on the job

To ring the silence

For the echo to sing.

Rastorguev Maximperform on synthesizer"Prayer" from the repertoire of the Bi-2 group. The synthesizer is a unique and versatile instrument that can replace the sound of many instruments. And now we will listen to how Maxim uses two timbres in his playing - harpsichord and violin.

2 Lead: On stage with musical congratulationsBalykov Vladimir- Russian folk song "Peddlers".


Ensemble is a French word. In Russian it means"together". In music, this word means that several people play, sing or dance together.

Members of the ensemble must do everything harmoniously, together. Dancers must dance in sync - that is, perform the same dance movements at the same time. Musicians must play harmoniously, at the same pace and rhythm, each must listen to the other, otherwise the music will not work.

Guys, what is the name of the ensemble of 2, ... 3 ...., 4 ..., (duet, trio, quartet). And when there are a lot of participants (orchestra)

Now perform for youtrio: Maxim Alasheev, Vladimir Balykov and Vadim ShmelkovCzech folk song"Berries"

Read poetry Rastorguev Maxim.

He is fragile, like hair,
He is strong as a typhoon
Has a voice in itself
A million invisible strings!

It has so many different keys,
Hammers and pegs,
What you can't imagine
Until the end of time!

From the nature of someone
He is magical, golden,
But hard work
Know this beauty.

Kuznetsova Maria with the song "Pa-la-la"

In playing the piano, you need to be able to accompany, be able to listen to the main part, your skill in this matter will show usKurushkina Anastasia.Russian folk song will be played on the piano"The boat is sailing on the sea"

1leader: Another riddle:

I am your friend, I am your travel companion

On the road without me, nothing will work

With me, friends are always wondering

Did you know who I am? Yes, of course:(song)

Song of G..Petersburg"Blue scarf"perform on the accordionKuznetsova Maria.

2 Lead: He gives you his musical giftAlasheev Maxim - V. Platonov "Little Waltz"

Poems about music reads Shmelkov Vadim

I can't live a day without music! She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities, in the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ... She is everywhere and forever my companion,

Everything is subject to her: joy and longing, in her - just a moment and long centuries.

It will make you think, love and fall out of love.

But how can she live without us even a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys, without trifles funny and unfunny?

We thank her for everything! we speak and believe in its triumph, - we create!

P. Tchaikovsky "New Doll"will be performed Fomin Oleg.

1leader: Reading poems about the organMarchenko Sergey

The organ sounds solemnly and clearly.

The motif sounds again in the old church.

The melody is divine, beautiful ...

I freeze, bowing my head.

What's this? Mozart, Bach or Beethoven?

Sonata, Requiem, stars flying?

Like music, the wonderful world is huge!

What power ordinary notes have!

Candles are flickering... Sounds have become quieter...

Magic bird music floats.

And froze somewhere in the clear starry distance

My soul's exalted flight!

Organ is a keyboard-wind musical instrument, the largest of all musical instruments, one of the oldest. Its history goes back thousands of years. Nowadays, it can be seen and heard in the concert halls of the Philharmonic. The accordion has many registers that reflect the sound of different instruments, one of which is the organ. And now we'll listen"Aria" by J.S. Bach performed by Rastorgueva Maxima.

Accordion duo performing:Rastorguev Maxim and Kuznetsova Maria-A. Vershuren "In the style of a musette"

2 Lead:

Our holiday is coming to an end .... Until recently, you, our first graders, did not know the rules in music. Now you have entered the wonderful world of music, learned the school rules. They experienced the first difficulties and did not retreat, they were not afraid. Passed my first exam with excellent marks.

We think each of you deserves the title"Young Musician"

You can be called real students and let into a country called Music.


But, guys, this title obliges a lot.

I ask all first-graders to stand up, go to the center of the hall and in a solemn atmosphere make promises to “young musicians” (confirm with the word “I promise”) You promise to go through life with music

2 Lead: And do not turn off the chosen path!

1leader: Conquer boredom and laziness

And make music every day!

2 Lead: Strive for creativity

So that we can be proud of you!

1 Leader and 2 Leader(together with the "yes" chorus)

And so, we announce you young musicians! And we give you memorable gifts!

We wish you success in this difficult but interesting work, musical victories in competitions, Young Musicians! Once again, congratulations to you and also to your parents.

May music give you joy and be your life companion!

To the music, we give memorable gifts to first-graders.

Page 2 of 2

SCENARIOholiday for 1st grade students"Initiation into young musicians"

Come out seven notes and leading.

Introductory song.

Presenter:We are newbies today

We dedicate to musicians,

Speak without words

We promise to teach them.

We will live in the world of sounds

We are obedient to these sounds

You can ask with sounds

You can answer with sounds.

Can be heard in sounds

You can send you the hottest hello with sounds.

We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
First graders, come in!
We look forward to seeing you!

First-graders enter, line up on the stage.


Look guys
How many guests came to us
To congratulate you on the holiday
You talented children!

All of you with music had time
Make friends forever
It means your heart
It can't be ice.
You will feel fun
In the singing of birds in the morning
And the story is sad in ringing
Tears-rain on the glass.

Soon you will be able to
These sounds to pick up
And on the keys and strings
Picture the whole world.

First graders read a poem.

1st first grader. Carefully we enter

In this musical house
And in time we'll get used to it
We will be comfortable in it.
2nd first grader. We will always try

Only get fives.
We promise teachers
Only bring joy.
3rd first grader. They will teach you on solfeggio

Soon we will write a dictation.
In the choir we will sing together,
Developing your talent.

4th first grader. And let mom not be there -
We will play scales diligently.

5th first grader. And wherever we have to live -
All. We swear to love music!

Group 1 class sings a song.

After the performance of the song, everyone sits in the hall.

Presenter:Today, guys, funny notes came to visit us for the holiday. And how many notes, guys? (seven). From just seven notes, composers compose beautiful music. And to make it sound, you need musical instruments. What musical instruments do you know?

The children name different instruments.

First-graders reading poetry are invited to the stage.

Presenter:Now guess the riddle, what is this musical instrument?

The tool you all know

Handsome, slender, interesting,

And if the keys are pressed,

Can tell a lot

The pedals help in the game,

Change the color of the sound

And the music rushes into the distance ...

The instrument is called piano (together).

First graders:

The piano has many keys and strings.

Each string has a hammer-player.

The keys have two colors - black and white,

The musician plays the piano skillfully.

Presenter:And in another way the piano sounds strange,

Wonderful, incomprehensible - "piano".

And that's what the piano is called.

"Forte" - loudly means

And "piano" - "quietly", "quietly".

Do you hear the piano begin to sound?

He can play both loudly and quietly!

Come on, tell me, children,

First graders:

On the right, the sound is high, thin,

Like a ringing lark.

On the left - a low sound is buzzing,

Like a bumblebee flying by.

First graders sit in the hall.

Presenter: And now we will hear piano pieces performed by our students.

Piano plays are performed.

Come out seven notes.

Presenter: We are all happy to
To accept you as musicians,
But try first
Solve all riddles.
To everywhere notes-dots
Placed in places
Five lines of musical line
We called... (music staff).

Curly, beautiful sign
Let's draw like this.
He is great and omnipotent
This is our… (treble clef).

In order not to confuse the polka with the march
Or with a waltz, for example,
Must be on guard
It's always here… (the size).

Record a melody
All her work.
Here she is, normal
Quarter… (note).


If the note wanted
Rising to the sky
For her there is a special sign,
It's called... (sharp).

And I decided to become lower
Here, please, if you please -
And in this case, there is a sign,
It's called... (flat).

“Above - below I cancel!
All in place! Car, car, car!
No sharps, no flats! -
So commands... (natural).

What is that note?
Having fun - tra-la-la!
Singing loud songs!
Her name is a note... (la).

The names of these notes

Put it in order

And we'll find out what's growing

In the garden bed!

Song of notes "Seven notes"

Leading. Look these kids
Friendly with musical notation,
Our school of music
These are the ones you need!
And so today
For the first time and forever
First graders with honors
Will we accept as musicians?
Spectators. Yes!

Presenter: You will open the world of sounds,
Unknown before,
A sea of ​​colorful melodies
And harmonies magic.
First graders are invited to the stage.


And now comes the most solemn moment of our holiday.

Now the oath of young musicians will sound.

First graders read the oath:

Today they open the door to music for us,

Music takes us on a journey

Let it be difficult, but we will smile

We will not retreat, we will not go astray.

Music will help us at school and at home,

We will tell our friends and family about it.

And wherever we had to work and live

Everywhere we will faithfully serve the music

And in our business we will achieve success

We swear, we swear, we swear!


We are all happy to see you today

Dedicate to musicians

Congratulations to you all from the bottom of my heart

And give you medals.

All notes give medals and gifts to first-graders.

First graders are built on the stage.

First graders:

The wind sings a little,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen.

Listen to the birds chirping

Hear the wave sing

Like rain knocking on your window

Music is heard everywhere!

The stream flows loudly

Thunder falls from the sky.

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!
First graders sing songs:

Presenter:Congratulations to our first graders

Happy holiday, which everyone is very happy about.
It's like a birthday - after all, in many families
A newcomer appeared - a young musician.
With him, words that were previously unfamiliar entered your house:
Music staff, solfeggio, gamma, bass, chord.
Sounds are incomprehensible and still indistinct,
But he is immensely proud of this skill.
We wish you guys all the best.
Let there always be only five in music,
If you do not forget that without exercise,
Without labor, melody simply does not exist.
You can hear the laughter of spring droplets,
The music of the rains of mushroom, Christmas tree garlands.
Before that, you were just first graders,

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