Amazing Facts About Jackie Chan You Didn't Know Surprising facts about Jackie Chan that you did not know He starred in a "soft" porn movie


In this collection of interesting facts, one surprise awaits you, from which tears will flow from your eyes!

April 7, 1954 was born Jackie Chan - Hong Kong and American actor, director, producer, stunt director. We all know his films, full of chases and extraordinary stunts, seasoned with a comedic zest.

But how much do you know about the actor himself? About how the future world star was almost sold by his own parents, how he ended up in America, starred in a porn movie, and about other facts of his most interesting biography - in our photo essay.

Jackie Chan showed his unusualness even before birth: his mother was pregnant with him for almost 11 months! Finally, she went to the doctor, who performed a caesarean section on her. The weight of the child was 5 kilograms 400 grams.

The actor's real name is Chan Kong Sang, but, as he says, his father changed his family name due to spying, and Jackie's real name is Fon Si Lung.

The father of the future star was indeed a real spy, and his mother illegally sold opium.

After the birth, the parents were going to sell little Jackie to a British obstetrician who delivered the baby for $26.

Jackie argues that if he did get sold, he would most likely be living in the UK now, speaking English and not knowing Chinese. And maybe a doctor.

When the future star was seven years old, her parents moved to Australia, and Jackie was left at a boarding school in Hong Kong. It was there that he learned acrobatics, acting, martial arts and music. Classes started at 5:00 am and ended at midnight.

Any mistake led to corporal punishment. Jackie later recalled: “I was beaten every day. I was very angry."

Chan's childhood nickname is Big Nose: once an angry school teacher broke his nose with a cane, after this incident they began to call him that.

By the way, Jackie knows how to write and read Chinese poorly: there were almost no classes in grammar and reading at school, and if there were, the guys did not listen to anything and went about their own business. Jackie learned Chinese already in adulthood, along with English.

His name "Jackie" Chan got when he worked at a construction site in Australia.

Jackie's first role was in Big and Little Wong Tin Bar at the age of eight, and by the time he graduated from high school in 1971, he had seven films under his belt.

Once a young and unknown actor faced total lack of money, then he had to star in an “adult film”.

Jackie is not shy about her past and looks at such an experience philosophically.

Over time, the tabloids unearthed information that a frank film with his participation was filmed in 1975 and was called "All in The Family". By the way, many of his colleagues from Hollywood also started with porn.

Chan worked as an acrobat and stuntman, and got into big cinema as a sparring partner of Bruce Lee in the films Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon.

After Bruce Lee's death, producer Willie Chan cast Jackie as the new Bruce Lee in a number of shoddy films. However, Jackie wanted to create his own screen image, which would combine comedy, stunts and martial arts. He achieved this in his film The Drunken Master.

Then, in 1976, Jackie underwent eye enlargement surgery: during filming, he fell from the table to the floor and injured his eye. When the eye healed, it turned out to be wider than the other, after which the doctor advised me to do cosmetic surgery and increase the second one.

Jackie is the first and only person in the Hong Kong film industry to wrest independence from the triad.

Jackie only works with her stunt team. He organized this group back in 1985 after the filming of "Police Story": then many of the stuntmen working with him suffered, and none of them wanted to work with him anymore.

The promised surprise: Jackie Chan's meeting with his first team many years later!

Now, Chan has an average of 16 stuntmen who, after 10-15 years of work, become martial arts choreographers. Jackie personally trains them, pays for treatment and insurance, and fully trusts his guys.

It is curious that when filming films in Hong Kong, the inhabitants of the city send a secret commission that checks Jackie for honesty.

He easily passes such tests. He once re-shot a 10-minute scene 2,900 times. “People say Jackie is slow. I reshoot until I like this movement. This is how I can be sure that my fans will like it.”

In Chan's films there is no bloody violence, erotic scenes, and swearing appears only as a comedic highlight. The actor himself is proud of this and says that many children and women watch his films, so he cannot allow excess.

In his films, Jackie always plays only heroes who have become such by chance, and in the film he must be present someone who needs his protection: a girl, a child or an elderly person.

According to Jackie, doing tricks often scares him. But most of all he is afraid of hospitals, doctors and especially injections. Chan is not afraid of breaking his arm or leg, but the thought of going to the hospital terrifies him.

Incidentally, Chan nearly died while filming a fairly simple stunt in the 1986 film Armor of God. Due to the fact that the shooting took place in Yugoslavia, he suffered from jet lag. Still, he managed to perform a jump from a wall onto a tree branch flawlessly.

He did not like the scene and decided to re-shoot it, and during the second attempt, he missed a branch and fell from a height of 12 meters onto the stones.

Jackie injured his skull, a piece of which got into his brain, bleeding began and blood began to flow from his ears. Emergency surgery saved his life.

Now a plastic plate covers the hole in Chan's skull, and his right ear is almost deaf.

Not surprisingly, over the years, Jackie managed to damage almost all parts of his body: he broke his nose three times, injured his hands countless times, and injured his knees many times.

He suffered from dislocations of both shoulders, pelvis and sternum. And his thighs were once crushed between two vehicles.

After that, no insurance company takes on such a risk as his insurance.

Jackie sleeps 4-5 hours a day.

Perhaps because of this, he has appeared in nearly 80 films as an actor, 11 as a stuntman, 15 as a director and 11 as a producer.

It was also not in vain that Jackie studied singing at the boarding school: since 1984 he has released more than 20 albums with his songs, and since 1980 he has sung theme songs in all his films made in China.

In 2012, Chan became a Guinness World Record holder by setting the record for the most credits in a single film: in Armor of God: Mission Zodiac, he worked as a screenwriter, director, main actor, producer, executive producer, cinematographer, production designer, line producer , stunt coordinator, props manager, lighting engineer, stunt performer, composer, theme song performer, and even catering coordinator.

He also holds the record for the most career stunts performed by any live stuntman. Their number exceeds 1000.

The animated series "The Adventures of Jackie Chan" was a success, where Jackie answered questions from fans after each episode. But he did not voice his character.

The actor is widely known for his charity and is involved in many different projects. Often acts as a goodwill ambassador in various actions, for example, against animal cruelty, assistance to victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, or from floods in mainland China.

Jackie has been married to Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao since the early 1980s.

Jackie Chan Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth140 million dollars
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Yearly SalaryN/A
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Product Endorsementskaspersky,
Highest Grossing MoviesKung Fu Panda 2, Kung Fu Panda & Kung Fu Panda 3
ColleaguesChris Tucker, Julia Hsu & Dean Shek


  • Beverly Hills house ($3 million) (Jacuzzi)


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Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan with cool, Wife Feng-Jiao Lin
Who is Jackie Chan dating in 2019?
relationship statusMarried (Since 1982)
Current Wife of Jackie ChanFeng-Jiao Lin
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesZiyi Zhang, Elaine Ng
Has any kids?Yes, father of: Jaycee Chan, Etta Ng Chok Lam
Will the marriage of Chinese actor Jackie Chan and current Wife, Feng-Jiao Lin survive 2019?

Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters.

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Weight75 poundsclothing styleclassic
Favorite colorsblack
Feet size10
Waist size106
Buste size125
Butt size120
Does Jackie Chan have a tattoo?no

Official websites/fansites:

Does Jackie Chan have official Social Media profiles?

Jackie Chan's real name is Chen Gangsheng, which translates to "Hong Kong-born Chen". The actor received his nickname Jackie at the age of 22, working part-time on construction sites in Canberra (Australia). He was a builder's assistant named Jack, so the workers called Chan "Little Jack" and later just Jackie.

Jackie's father, Charles Chan, was an intelligence officer of the Republic of China, and her mother, Lily, was a theater actress who sold opium in her spare time on stage. They met when Charles, on duty, had to arrest Lily. Both were divorced, and each had two children from a previous marriage: two boys for Charles and two girls for Lily. When the Communist Party came to power in 1949, the married couple fled to Hong Kong, leaving their children behind in China. Jackie was born to them in 1954.

When Jackie was seven years old, his parents abandoned him. They sent the boy to a boarding school, and they themselves sailed to Australia to work. The orphanage that Jackie ended up in specialized in teaching Peking Opera, a specific genre that combines not only acting, singing, mime and dancing, but also acrobatics and martial arts.

Classes in the boarding school began at five in the morning and ended at midnight. Corporal punishment was the norm. At the same time, no time was devoted to reading, writing, arithmetic and other school sciences at all. Until now, Jackie Chan, although he speaks seven languages ​​​​(Northern Chinese, Cantonese, English, German, Korean, Japanese, Thai), writes and reads even in his native language with difficulty.

A year after training, eight-year-old Jackie starred in his first film, Big and Little Wong Tin Bar. The role was not the main one, he played one of the seven children who are learning kung fu. In the film, Jackie sang and fought with an adult villainous hero.

When Jackie was released from the boarding school in 1971, he had ten films behind him. The roles were small, often he was only one of the extras. In the next seven years, he starred in 26 more films. In two of them, he had a chance to work side by side with Bruce Lee. And although Chan is almost invisible in the crowd in Fist of Fury, Bruce paid special attention to him in Enter the Dragon!

Chan's star was made by two films released in 1978: The Snake in the Eagle's Shadow and The Drunken Master. It was in them that Jackie first combined martial arts and comedy. Prior to these films, the Hong Kong film industry was influenced by the style of Bruce Lee, due to which all the countless kung fu action films were filled with whining fighters who assumed intimidating poses, then quickly dealt with the enemy, after which they again froze in an intimidating pose for a little more whine. Jackie Chan showed that you can beat on the screen effortlessly and not with such stupid seriousness.

As soon as Jackie made his way into the stars, he stopped playing negative characters. After 1976, he played only one bad guy - the head of the Chinese mafia in the film "Incident in Shinjuku". To maintain a positive image, Chan refused to participate in many expensive Hollywood films. He said no to Sylvester Stallone when he asked him to play the villain in The Destroyer. He didn't accept Michael Douglas' offer to be the bad guy in Black Rain. He turned down a role in Lethal Weapon 4. Flint, not a man!

Starting his film career as a stuntman, Chan, as you well know, always did his own stunts, without the help of special effects and understudies. But the older he got, he shied away from outside help less and less. In the movie The Tuxedo, for example, in some scenes, understudies took the rap for him, as many as six of them. However, this is also due to the fact that the film was shot in Hollywood, famous for its thousand-page contracts. The producers were afraid that any injury could prevent the film from being shot on time and at the right cost.

Jackie Chan's calling card is the unfortunate scenes that accompany the closing credits of most of his films. This branded chip appeared not by chance. The moral of bad takes is "Don't try this at home." Jackie Chan wanted to show teenagers that tricks are easy and simple only on the screen, but in fact this thing is very dangerous, even in the hands (and feet) of a professional.

The music lessons received at the boarding school did not go unnoticed for Jackie. He has 20 music albums to his credit. In addition, he often takes part in the voice acting of Disney cartoons for Chinese viewers.

Jackie Chan is a talented Chinese actor, producer, director and stuntman who managed to become famous far beyond the Celestial Empire.


Millions of viewers from all over the world are closely following the career of a man. Most of his films impress not only with their plot, as part of the action movies you will see many battle scenes and amazing stunts.

The All-round Man is also an important member of the United Nations Children's Fund and an MBE. Today you will learn the most interesting facts about the biography, career and personal life of the Oscar winner.


Fan Xing Lun (that's what Jackie Chan's real name is) was born on April 7, 1954 in a poor family. His mother, Lily, and father, Charles, moved to safer Hong Kong during the civil war.

There is evidence that the family actively supported and collaborated with the conservative Kuomintang party, which suffered a major defeat and was forced to move underground. Thus, the family's move had a political connotation. In Hong Kong, a man and a woman worked as servants in the house of the French consul. The journey did not end there, in pursuit of a better life, the Chinese couple moved to Australia.

2. Teaching in elementary school.

Jackie entered the school at the age of five. A year later, he moved to an educational institution operating at the Hong Kong Institute of Opera Studies. It is here that the boy begins to comprehend the basics of dramatic art.

Also, the future famous actor devoted a lot of time to martial kung fu, he wanted to be able to stand up for himself and learn to better understand his own body. Although the parents moved to a new continent, the boy remained to live in Hong Kong on his own.

3. First attempts at acting.

The guy started acting in films very early. At the age of 8, he was invited to play the first episodic roles. The film-opera "Huangmei" was for a little boy the first attempt to prove himself in the crowd. This was followed by works within the framework of the projects "Eternal Love" and "The Story of Qin Xianglian".

4. Firm discipline.

Studying at the boarding school was not easy. Every day, students overcame a huge number of various difficulties and difficulties. The list of subjects included martial arts, vocals and even acrobatics. The study began early in the morning and ended only in the evening.

Also, wise mentors did not disdain to use various improvised means for corporal punishment. Jackie got used to such a rhythm of life for a long time, but the guy simply had no other choice. Intensive studies quickly bore fruit, mentors recognized him as one of the most diligent students.

5. Graduation.

Although the teenager graduated from drama school with great success, he faced a very big problem. Traditional Chinese opera (which was Chan's immediate specialty) was losing its popularity exponentially.

Most of the students did not understand at all what they were going to do now. Also, a huge problem was that in this specialized school, teachers almost did not devote time to general education sciences, already quite old boys could hardly read and write. Before Jackie there were no prospects, he could not continue to study at a more prestigious educational institution or find a job in his specialty.

6. Moving to parents.

A resident of Hong Kong moved to the capital of Australia - the city of Canberra. He studied a little at Dickson College (where he received all the necessary basics of education), but a sharp lack of finances did not allow him to relax.

For a while, Chang worked as a construction worker, hauling heavy objects. At this job, he met Australians who found it difficult to constantly call the young boy Gunsheng. It was during this period of time that the new name "Jackie" was attached to the future movie star.

The sad financial situation did not like the ambitious guy, who did not want to put up with poverty. He again went to Asia to become a famous stuntman.


7. A happy accident.

The stunts that Jackie performed in his past films were very much liked by the director of the film "The New Fist of Fury" and manager Willie Chan. The aspiring actor has returned to Hong Kong to begin his real journey to the top.

Although the debut work did not turn out to be of sufficient quality, the audience was struck by the unsurpassed resemblance of Chan to Bruce Lee. The guys were similar not only in their wiry figure, but also in their behavior in the frame. For success, one small detail was not enough - Jackie could not yet demonstrate all his strength in hand-to-hand combat. The director of the project, Li Wei, saw in the guy the makings of a world celebrity and continued to work together.

8. Unique style.

Chan was not afraid of experiments. He was the performer of the main roles in some films and invented tricks with his own hands. After a couple of years, it was already possible to say that the star created a new genre of films - comedies with an abundance of fights and complex stunts.

9. Path to glory.

The film "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow" brought great success to the guy and made him truly famous. The picture “The Drunken Master” helped to consolidate the result, in which the young man played the role of the famous Wong Feihong (Chinese folk hero). The plot struck not only with battle scenes, but also with sincerity.

In almost every subsequent film, Jackie was attended by the most dangerous scenes that were performed by specially trained people. In 1983, Chan created his own stunt team, with whom he worked in subsequent films.

10. Entering the world market.

The man always wanted to become famous far beyond Asia. His films were released several times in the United States, but were not successful. He managed to declare himself only in 1995, when the picture “Showdown in the Bronx” thundered all over the world. The best film critics said that such success was achieved solely thanks to the personality of Jackie Chan. Dialogues and the plot are not so important here, the viewer is most of all struck by the magic of battle and the charming charisma of the protagonist.

11. Work in America.

Rush Hour is Jackie's first all-American film. The company to the Chinese in the framework of the project was the famous Chris Tucker. The creative tandem impressed the audience so much that the guys were recognized as the “best duet” according to the MTV Movie Awards.

The great success was the reason that two more films from this series were soon released. Chan also starred in the following films: "Magnificent" (1999), "Shanghai Noon" (2000), Medallion (2003). The actor did not forget about his historical homeland, where he continued to participate in promising films.

12. Recent work.

In 2010, the movie The Karate Kid was released in cinemas, where Jayden played in tandem with Chan. This picture of an elderly kung fu master was the first dramatic role of a Chinese in Hollywood.

In 2012, the actor, as part of the Cannes Film Festival, upset the fans a little, as he said that he was "too old for action films." Although this remark did not mean that the master had left the big cinema, Chan now intends to limit his physical activity. In 2015, on the big screens, viewers could see "Dragon Sword" and in 2016 - "On the Trail".

Also, the best film critics in the same year awarded Jackie an Oscar for great achievements in the field of cinema.

13. Master of tricks.

Jackie Chan did almost all of his own stunts. He has been repeatedly recognized as one of the best stuntmen of our time. He did not use the services of understudies, even in cases where he received huge fees for one film.

It is not surprising that he could not completely protect himself from injury. He fell from a great height, broke bones several times and received sprains. Jackie himself said in an interview that over the years of working in the cinema, he broke almost everything. The man could even die! A particular threat was his skull injury, after which the celebrity was immediately hospitalized.

Also, the actor could be paralyzed after an unsuccessful stunt in the framework of "Police Story", where he had to descend on a pole from a colossal height. Everything worked out with severe damage to the thoracic vertebrae and peeled palms.

14. Cartoons.

Jackie Chan's personality is a real brand. Many markets sell things with the symbols of a Chinese celebrity. Also, the image of the actor was used by animators in the animated television series The Adventures of Jackie Chan. The main character is an archaeologist and Sector 13 agent who, along with his uncle, niece, and several allies, is hunting for ancient talismans. After each episode, the real Jackie Chan answered questions from little fans.

Personal life

15. Family, children.

Jackie does not really like to advertise her personal life. In 1983, he married actress Lin Fengjiao, and a year later they had a son. The actor also has a daughter who was born out of wedlock as a result of an affair with model Elaine Wu Qili.

16. Relationship with son and daughter.

Reputation for Chan is very important. The positive image of a man has become a real hallmark of the Chinese. His only son, Jaycee, grew up in full prosperity, who, although he did not become a famous actor, was able to put together a musical group. In 2015, 100 grams of marijuana was found in the possession of an arrogant young man at home (this drug is completely prohibited in Hong Kong). He was threatened with the death penalty, but lawyers helped get off with a six-month sentence. Jackie was disappointed in his son, he deprived him of his rights to the inheritance.

For a long time, Chan did not communicate with his illegitimate daughter, but relations improved a little after his quarrel with his son. The girl's life was ruined when she told her parents about her unconventional orientation. Her mother and father disowned her, and Jackie did not shelter her at all at home in the USA and drove her out into the street.

17. Businessman.

Chan is one of the richest people in China. He owns a chain of cinemas, restaurants, fashion boutiques, a Segway factory and gyms. The businessman himself, already at a respectful age, continues to lead a healthy lifestyle and is actively involved in sports.

18. Favorite hobby.

Jackie is interested in music. As a child, he practiced with vocal teachers and performed in front of the public. His track record includes 20 albums that have become popular in Asia. The man also recorded the track "We Are Ready", which was timed to coincide with the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing.

Quick Facts

  • 19. The height of the celebrity is 174 cm, and the weight is 62 kilograms.
  • 20. Jackie is a Buddhist.
  • 21 . The actor is the owner of the Jackie Chan DC Racing team.
  • 22 . The star's political statements were sometimes too resonant, he called his native Hong Kong a "city of demonstrations" and wanted to limit the right to protest. He also called the United States too corrupt.
  • 23 . There is a "Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation" that helps victims of the disaster. Jackie also helps people living in underdeveloped regions of the Middle Kingdom.
  • 24. All of his inheritance will go to charity.

Today we’ll talk about an actor who has a large baggage of films and fame all over the world: about Jackie, we will consider his biography and the rich life of a famous actor and recognize the famous actor in a different light.

The life and career of the famous actor Jackie Chan

On April 7, 1954, a child was born in a simple family, whose weight was more than 5 kg. Baby's parents: Charles and Lily were refugees from China who settled in Hong Kong, and 6 years after the birth of the child, the family moved to Australia.

If you look at a photograph of little Jackie, you can see a chubby child, namely due to its composition he did not feel comfortable in childhood, because his height and weight did not match and gave him a lot of trouble. After all, Jackie Chan's figure was not always as flawless as we are used to seeing in films and photos.

Since the age of 6, Jackie has been practicing kung fu and attending the Peking Opera School, gaining his first experience as an actor.

Few people know that the real name of the famous actor Chen Gangsheng, which translates as "born in Hong Kong", and he received a well-known name during the years when he worked with Australians at a construction site.

His childhood and teenage life were not entirely pleasant. Growing up, in a dysfunctional family, he had to work hard in a variety of places. And the guy did not even think that he would ever be able to achieve success and become famous, however, fate prepared a different path for him.

Carier start

At the age of 8, Chan gets into the extras of the film, this was his first role, and a few years later, already a teenager, Chan again lit up in the crowd, but already performing tricks in the frame. And when he was offered to dub Bruce Lee, Jackie realized that cinema was his calling.

Naturally, the young actor had to go through a difficult path in his career. After all, at first he was given only small roles in episodes, or simply offered to act as a stuntman. However, his talent acrobatic skills, growth, plasticity and skill were noticed and very soon, in the 1970s, they began to offer him real roles. From that moment began the era of Jackie Chan.

In many films, the directors gave him freedom, and then the actor began to improvise and insert tricks in the films himself.

Jackie Chan

But the actor did not stop at what he achieved and after a few years he himself became a director and made films. purely comedic. In his good films, the main characters are simple, lazy, with big problems, which they solve in street fights, demonstrating martial arts.

More interesting is that all the tricks that Chan performs in his pictures are copyright, he himself comes up with them for this or that movie. Thus, we can say that Jackie gives birth to a new direction in cinema.

And while working on the film "Project" A "in 1983, he creates a stunt group for himself and continues to work with it in his next films.

Despite hard work and a large number of attempts, nevertheless, in the 80s, the talented actor failed to conquer Hollywood, and films such as: "Big Brawl", "Cannonball Race", "Patron" were accepted, but still did not bring the actor the success he so dreamed of. And in 1995, the film "Showdown in the Bronx" brought the long-awaited success to Chan.

Career rise

In the 90s, pictures with the participation of the famous actor instantly became hits and brought good fees. beating cash, Jackie Chan photos began to hang on the walls of almost every house, he became the idol of millions. After all, the viewer was waiting for new films of his favorite actor and each new film gathered new fans of Chan.

These are films that have grossed billions of dollars and become undeniable Hollywood hits, bringing him fame.

Many are perplexed, what is the secret of such success? In fact, everything is simple and there is no mystery: Chan is just experimenting. He does not stop there, but continues to look for something new, adding and changing roles, special effects.

Of course, there are ups and downs in a career, and he is no exception. And he had films that could be considered a failure, from a commercial point of view. For instance:

  • "The tuxedo",
  • "Around the world in 80 Days".

But the strength of the actor is that he managed to pull himself together and, without ceasing to experiment, starred in 3 films that brought him not only success, but also good fees.

However, movies and acting are not Jackie Chan's only talent. Indeed, today he has more than a hundred songs in his repertoire. But still singer Jackie Chan so far hidden from most fans. He sings songs in three languages: Chinese, English and Japanese. In most cases, Chan himself writes the soundtrack for a particular film, but, unfortunately, these soundtracks are replaced in Europe and America.

So it's safe to say that Jackie is a multifaceted person and if you want to see a talented person: an actor, stuntman, director, producer, screenwriter and singer, you can look at Jackie Chan.

What is interesting to everyone: the personal life and family of the actor

No matter how talented the actor is, of course, his personal life remains more interesting for the majority. So, Jackie Chan got married in the early 1980s. Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao became his chosen one. About her little is known maybe she is known in her own country. And yet, she is the wife of a famous and beloved actor, and this is a lot. Soon they had a boy, Zoming. And when Chan's son began to play in films, this did not surprise anyone. The boy, of course, continued the traditions in the family and began to act in films and even sing.

And yet, not everything was cloudless in the family life of the famous actor, since actress Elaine Wu Qili spread rumors that she and Chan had an extramarital affair and Chan had an illegitimate daughter. But it is impossible to say for sure whether this is so, since Chan himself did not officially acknowledge either his relationship with the actress or the presence of a common daughter.

So Jackie Chan's kids are the side that remains a mystery. Despite all these difficulties, Jackie Chan family continues to be an example of a long family relationship. After all, having gone through all the difficulties and betrayals, the couple continues to stay together.

To date, the famous and beloved actor cannot get insurance in any insurance company, due to high risk, as Chan puts his life at risk too often. And the “profession” itself brought Chan a lot of problems. After all, more than once on the set of a particular film, he received serious wounds, including:

  • dislocation of the pelvis,
  • Broken bones and more than one rib
  • Numerous traumatic brain injuries.

Many of these "battle wounds" seriously frightened the entire cast and in many cases almost caused the death of the actor.

Today, the 63-year-old actor lives quietly, with his family, enjoying his life. Looking at photo of Jackie Chan one can be surprised at his parameters, because at his age, the figure of Jackie Chan remains taut, as before in the frame of a particular film. Jackie Chan is 174 cm tall, and his role in a particular film will remain unforgettable for a long time to come.

Can we say that he is a living legend? Of course, because he is loved, admired and remembered by his films for more than one generation.

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