Relevance as a communicative quality of speech. Appropriateness of speech


I. Determining the relevance of speech Relevance is such a selection, such an organization of language means that make speech consistent with the goals and conditions of communication.

A special quality in a number of such as accuracy, purity, expressiveness and others.

Relevance, as it were, regulates the content of each of these qualities in a particular linguistic situation. II. Conditions for creating relevance 1. Extra-linguistic (non-linguistic) Appropriate speech should correspond to the topic of the message, its logical and emotional content, the composition of listeners or readers, informational, educational, aesthetic and other tasks of written or oral speech. 2. Linguistic

Relevance is a functional quality, it is based on the idea of ​​the target setting of the statement. Relevance from this point of view is the adequacy of the applied language means to the goals of the statement.

Compliance with the appropriateness of speech involves knowledge of the styles of the literary language, the patterns of word usage inherent in them, knowledge of the stylistic system of the language. relevance requires flexibility in determining the acceptability of certain qualities of speech, language means, and the speech act as a whole. III. Types of Relevance 1. Functional-stylistic Relevance of a single word, phrase, construction or compositional-speech system as a whole can be predetermined and regulated by the style of the language. Each of the styles has its own specifics, its own patterns of selection and use of language material. 2. Contextual

The relevance of a separate language unit is also regulated by such a factor as the context, i.e. its speech environment. It's unclear. Explain easier. Each communicative situation must have its own means of linguistic and emotional expression. This is a special structure of speech, and special expressive and evaluative turns.

Before starting a conversation, the author must imagine to whom the speech is addressed, take into account the age of the addressee, his social status, cultural and educational level. When talking with children and adults, it is necessary to select language means that correspond to the capabilities of the child and the level of development of the adult. For example, colloquial speech is characterized by stereotype constructions: "Where was the string bag here?", "Moscow railway station, how can I get through?", "Talent is when you believe in yourself." 3. Situational

This is relevance in certain speech systems, in situations of speech, in the style of the work as a whole. More details with examples. Say, at a bus stop, instead of "Here is finally our bus," is it appropriate to use encyclopedic information and construct the following phrase: "Here, finally, is our multi-seat car with a wagon-type body, at a speed of 60-100 km / h"? 4. Personal-psychological

Speaking with an interlocutor, speaking to an audience, we not only communicate this or that information, but voluntarily or involuntarily convey our attitude to reality, to the people around us. Therefore, it is important to take care of how our speech will affect the interlocutor - whether it will injure him with rudeness, whether it will humiliate his dignity.

The appropriateness of speech is a very important quality in the social aspect, because it regulates, in any case it should regulate, all our speech behavior.

The ability to find the right words, intonation in a particular communication situation is the key to successful interaction between interlocutors, the emergence of so-called feedback, the key to moral and even physical health of people.

The relevance of speech must be distinguished from the relevance of text.

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Appropriateness of speech

Relevance is a special communicative quality of speech, which, as it were, regulates the content of other communicative qualities in a particular language situation. In the conditions of communication, depending on the specific speech situation, the nature of the message, the purpose of the statement, one or another communicative quality can be evaluated differently - positively or negatively.

For example, a writer will not be able to create a “local color”, convey the speech characteristics of persons of a certain profession, strictly following the requirements of purity of speech, which means that in this case, not compliance with the requirements of purity of speech, but, on the contrary, their violation will be positively evaluated.

The relevance of speech is understood as the strict correspondence of its structure to the conditions and tasks of communication, the content of the information expressed, the chosen genre and style of presentation, the individual characteristics of the author and the addressee.

Relevance is the functional quality of speech, it is based on the idea of ​​the target setting of the statement. A.S. Pushkin formulated the functional understanding of the appropriateness of speech in this way: "True taste does not consist in the unconscious rejection of such and such a word, such and such a turn, but in a sense of proportionality and conformity." In the linguistic literature of recent years, it is customary to single out stylistic, contextual, situational, and personal-psychological relevance, or relevance due to: a) extralinguistic and b) intralinguistic factors.

Style relevance

Each functional style is characterized by its specific patterns of selection, organization and use of linguistic means, and the question of the use of a particular language unit, its appropriateness (or inappropriateness) in each style is decided differently. So, if in official business and scientific styles, as a rule, commonly used, neutral and bookish language means are used, then in journalism with a special stylistic task, colloquial elements can also be used (to a limited extent - even jargon-colloquial).

For example: Recently, another "cab driver" was strangled in Kozlov lane in Minsk. For what? To purchase another batch of alcohol. After cleaning out the pockets of the victim, the killers calmly continued the feast (from the newspapers).

The idea of ​​the relevance of a linguistic fact in the style of fiction has its own characteristics. Here, deviations from the norms of the general literary language are permissible. The main criterion for their relevance in a particular work is the validity of the author's goal setting, functional expediency. Since the use of linguistic means in works of fiction is subject to the author's intention, the creation of an artistic image, the function of aesthetic influence, a wide variety of linguistic means may be appropriate.

Situational-contextual relevance - the use of language material depending on the situation of communication, the style of utterance, the speech environment of the language unit. The main criterion of situational-contextual relevance is the situation and tasks of speech communication. “You cannot speak the same words, the same sentences with a five-year-old child and with an adult: it is necessary to select language means that correspond to the capabilities of the child and the level of development of an adult; one and the same set of language means cannot be dispensed with when creating a lyrical poem and a novel in prose.

The choice of language means is determined by the theme, genre, target setting of the author. The addressee of the speech is also of no small importance: the author must clearly imagine who he addresses his speech to (age of the addressee, his social status, cultural and educational level).

Situational-contextual relevance is closely related to style. In general terms, it is defined last. However, in the specific conditions of communication, it does not coincide with it: linguistic means that are not characteristic of a certain style, in a certain context, in a certain situation, turn out to be appropriate, even necessary, the only possible ones. So, for example, the image of grandfather Shchukar in the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” by M. Sholokhov would be incomplete, unrealistic without dialectisms in the speech of this character. It is stylistically appropriate to use jargon in the speech of the former criminal Zavarzin (V. Lipatov’s novel “And this is all about him ...”), when he loses faith that there is no return to the past: - I got smeared, - Zavarzin quietly admitted, - however, I barmit I will not dump Stoletov on a piece of iron.

As a stylistic device, as already noted, alogisms, the convergence of stylistically contrasting and semantically distant lexemes, the expansion of the boundaries of lexical compatibility, lexical and syntactic repetitions, etc. are widely used. However, we should not forget that such use of linguistic material must always be stylistically motivated.

Stylistically unmotivated use of linguistic means leads to a violation of the appropriateness of speech. A violation of relevance is the use of stylistically marked units without taking into account their functional and emotionally expressive coloring, unmotivated destruction of the unity of style. For example, the unjustified use of words and phrases of an official business style (clericalism) in other styles, the use of anachronisms (transfer of words and set phrases from one era to another), the replacement of a literary language element with a vernacular one, etc.

A violation of the criterion of relevance is also a glut of speech (especially artistic) with special terms. This can be confirmed by an excerpt from N. Voronov's novel "The Crown of Summer":

I breathed fur on the extreme drive. It was in working position: the steel elongated core was pulled up to the eye into the weight-like body. When we press the button on the remote control to turn on the oiler, we apply voltage to the solenoid. The magnetic field created in the solenoid sucks the core into itself. The suction drives the drive mechanism and the oiler turns on. The retracted position of the core is secured with a latch. Turning off the oiler, we press the adjacent button on the remote control, a magnetic field appears in the side solenoid and pushes the small core out of itself. He strikes the pawl of the latch, the latch disengages. A tightly compressed spring pulls up a large core.

Technical, professional terms, the meaning of which is not clear to a non-specialist, do not perform any aesthetic function in the given context, they are functionally inappropriate, and therefore inappropriate.

Personal-psychological relevance implies internal politeness, tact, responsiveness, caring attitude towards the interlocutor, the ability to think about his mood in time, take into account his individual psychological characteristics, the ability to find the right word in a given situation, the necessary intonation, helps to establish the correct relationship between the interlocutors, is the key to the moral and physical health of people.

A rude, callous word, indifferent, mocking intonation offends and offends a person, can cause a psychological conflict, severe mental trauma, and become a social evil. An example of this is the fact described by the writer B. Vasiliev in the story “Court and Case”: Anton Filimonovich Skulov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, killed a young guy Veshnev with a shot from a hunting rifle. The shot followed immediately after Veshnev swore dirtyly at Skulov's late wife. “This is not a curse, this is an action, because immediately after these words a shot followed. I emphasize, right away, ”the second assessor assesses this fact.

The distinction between different types of relevance is somewhat arbitrary. The stylistic relevance is well traced. Situational-contextual and personal-psychological relevance are closely intertwined with each other, as well as with the concept of speech etiquette (in the broad sense), which implies tact, kindness, politeness, honesty, nobility in the speech behavior of communication participants.

Richness of speech

The level of speech culture depends not only on the knowledge of the norms of the literary language, the laws of logic and strict adherence to them, but also on the possession of its riches, the ability to use them in the communication process.

The Russian language is rightly called one of the richest and most developed languages ​​in the world. Its wealth is in an incalculable supply of vocabulary and phraseology, in the semantic richness of the dictionary, in the limitless possibilities of phonetics, word formation and word combinations, in the variety of lexical, phraseological and grammatical synonyms and variants, syntactic constructions and intonations. All this allows you to express the subtlest semantic and emotional shades. “There is nothing like this in the world, in the life around us and in our minds,” says K.G. Paustovsky, - which could not be conveyed in a Russian word: the sound of music, and ... the brilliance of colors, and the sound of rain, and the fabulousness of dreams, and the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, and baby talk, and the mournful roar of the surf, and anger, and great joy, and the sorrow of loss, and the triumph of victory.

The richness of the speech of an individual is determined by what arsenal of linguistic means he owns and how skillfully, in accordance with the content, theme and task of the statement, he uses them in a particular situation. Speech is considered richer, the more widely various means and ways of expressing the same thought, the same grammatical meaning are used in it, the less often the same language unit is repeated without a special communicative task.

The richness of any language is evidenced, first of all, by its vocabulary. It is known that the seventeen-volume Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language includes 120,480 words. But far from all the vocabulary of the national language is reflected in it: toponyms, anthroponyms, many terms, obsolete, colloquial, regional words are not included; derivative words formed according to active patterns. "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dalia contains 200,000 words, although it does not record all the words used in Russian in the middle of the 19th century. It is impossible to determine with maximum accuracy the number of words in the modern Russian language, since it is constantly updated and enriched. The more lexemes the speaker (writer) owns, the freer, fuller and more accurately he can express his thoughts and feelings, while avoiding unnecessary, stylistically unmotivated repetitions. The vocabulary of an individual depends on a number of reasons (the level of his general culture, education, profession, age, etc.), so it is not a constant value for any native speaker. Scientists believe that a modern educated person actively uses approximately 10 - 12 thousand words in oral speech, and 20 - 24 thousand in written speech. The passive stock, which includes those words that a person knows, but practically does not use in his speech, is approximately 30 thousand words. These are quantitative indicators of the richness of language and speech.

However, the richness of language and speech is determined not only and even not so much by the quantitative indicators of the vocabulary, but by the semantic richness of the dictionary, the wide branching of the meanings of words. About 80% of words in Russian have many meanings; moreover, as a rule, these are the most active, frequent words in speech. Many of them have more than ten meanings, and some lexemes have twenty or more meanings. Due to the ambiguity of words, significant savings in language means are achieved when expressing thoughts and feelings, since the same word, depending on the context, can appear in different meanings. Therefore, the assimilation of new meanings of already known words is no less important than the assimilation of new words; it contributes to the enrichment of speech.

Phraseological combinations have their own, special meaning, which is not derived from the sum of the meanings of their constituent components, for example: the cat cried a little, carelessly, carelessly, carelessly. Phraseologisms can be ambiguous: at random - in different directions; poorly; not as it should, as it should, as it should be, etc.

Phraseological units of the Russian language are diverse in terms of expressed meanings and stylistic role, they are an important source of speech wealth.

The Russian language has no equal in the number and variety of lexical and phraseological synonyms, which, due to their semantic and stylistic differences, make it possible to accurately express the most subtle shades of thoughts and feelings. Here is how, for example, M.Yu. Lermontov in the story "Bela", using synonyms, characterizes Kazbich's horse depending on the change in the internal state of Azamat. First, the stylistically neutral word horse is used, then its ideographic synonym is skakun (a horse with high running qualities): - “You have a nice horse! - says Azamat, - if I were the owner of the house and had a herd of three hundred mares, I would give half for your horse, Kazbich. As the desire to acquire a horse intensifies at any cost, the word horse appears in Azamat’s vocabulary, the high stylistic coloring of which is quite consistent with the mood of the young man: “The first time I saw your horse,” Azamat continued, “when he was spinning under you and jumped, flaring his nostrils ... something incomprehensible became in my soul ... ".

The dictionary of the Russian language, as you know, is enriched primarily through word formation. The rich word-formation capabilities of the language allow you to create a huge number of derivative words according to ready-made models. As a result of word-formation processes in the language, large lexical nests arise, sometimes including several dozen words.

For example, a nest with a root is empty -: empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, wasteland, wasteland, wasteland, empty, empty, devastation, devastator, devastating, desert, deserted, wasted, empty, empty, desolation, desolation, empty, etc.

Word-building affixes introduce various semantic and emotional shades into words. V.G. Belinsky wrote on this occasion: “The Russian language is unusually rich for expressing natural phenomena ... Indeed, what richness for depicting the phenomena of natural reality lies only in Russian verbs that have the forms: swim, sail, sail, sail, swim, sail, swim, swim away, swim away, swim in, swim, swim up, swim up ... - this is all one verb for expressing twenty shades of the same action!

The suffixes of subjective evaluation in Russian are diverse: they give words shades of endearment, pejorativeness, disdain, irony, sarcasm, familiarity, contempt, etc.

For example, the suffix - yonk (a) gives the noun a shade of contempt: horse, hut, little room; suffix -enk (a) - a shade of petting: little hand, little night, girlfriend, dawn, etc.

The ability to use the word-formation capabilities of the language significantly enriches speech, allows you to create lexical and semantic neologisms, including individual author's ones.

The main sources of richness of speech at the morphological level are the synonymy and variance of grammatical forms, as well as the possibility of using them in a figurative sense. These include:

1) variability of case forms of nouns: a piece of cheese - a piece of cheese, to be on vacation - to be on vacation, bunkers - bunkers, five grams - five grams and others characterized by different stylistic coloring (neutral or bookish, on the one hand, colloquial - with another);

2) synonymous case constructions that differ in semantic shades and stylistic connotations: buy for me - buy for me, bring to my brother - bring for my brother, did not open the window - did not open the windows, go through the forest - go through the forest;

3) synonymy of short and full forms of adjectives that have semantic, stylistic and grammatical differences: the bear is clumsy - the bear is clumsy, the young man is brave - the young man is brave, the street is narrow - the street is narrow;

4) synonymy of forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives: lower - lower, smarter - smarter, smartest - the smartest - smarter than everyone;

5) synonymy of adjectives and forms of indirect cases of nouns: library book - a book from the library, university building - university building, laboratory equipment - laboratory equipment, Yesenin's poems - Yesenin's poems;

6) variance in combinations of numerals with nouns: with two hundred residents - residents, three students - three students, two generals - two generals;

7) synonymy of pronouns (for example, anyone - everyone - anyone; something - something - something - something; someone - someone - someone; someone - someone; some - some - some - some - some - some);

8) the possibility of using one form of number in the meaning of another, some pronouns or verb forms in the meaning of others, i.e. grammatico-semantic transfers, in which additional semantic shades and expressive coloring usually appear. For example, the use of the pronoun we in the meaning of you or you to express sympathy, empathy: Here we (you, you) have already stopped crying (we are used in the meaning of I). As a result of the analysis of the factual material, we came to the following conclusions ... (use of the future tense in the sense of the present).

Purity of speech

communicative speech vocabulary logic

Consider the main groups of vocabulary that can clog speech.

Dialectisms. Speaking about the need to avoid the use of dialect words, it is appropriate to recall the words of A.M. Gorky: “You must write not in Vyatka, not in robes, you must write in Russian.”

We say that dialectisms violate the purity of literary speech, especially official speech, but you should know that dialectisms are words characteristic of a particular system. This means that in the vernacular of a certain territory they are not incorrect. The folk language, including the language of dialects (dialects), is very expressive, expressive, it reflects the material and spiritual culture of the people. The people give a well-aimed characterization and assessment to everything, and it is no coincidence that Russian writers use dialect words as an important means of depiction.

So, to characterize a sloppy person, the literary word slob in the rounding dialects of the Tyumen region corresponds to the words okhred, disheveled, etc. : to swell, to snuggle, to snuggle, to be rude, to be rude, to be sloppy, etc.

Spacious words. Usually these are rude words of a negative-evaluative content, characteristic of simple, relaxed or even rude oral speech. In explanatory dictionaries there is a litter (colloquially), i.e. vernacular word.

Words with litter (vulg.) are close to colloquial, i.e. vulgar, which means: this word, because of its rudeness, should not be used in literary speech.

Slang words, i.e. words characteristic of a certain group of people (social, professional, etc.). These are usually distorted, incorrect words. There is the so-called youth jargon, thieves', theatrical, etc. In dictionaries, such words can be marked (jarg.), (argo), which indicates the area in which the word is used.

The attitude towards jargon among scientists is ambiguous. Academician D.S. Likhachev (who went through the Stalinist camps) insists that jargon is not only primitive speech, it also reflects primitive consciousness. Other researchers have a more tolerant attitude towards jargon. For example, L.P. Krysin notes, first of all, the positive aspects of this type of language: “The linguistic essence of all these varieties is the same: playing with the word and in the word, metaphorization of verbal meanings in order to create expressive, emotionally colored means of linguistic expression.”

Clericalism is a word, a phrase and even a whole statement used in business ("clerical") documents as a stable stamp, template. In business papers, such stamps are necessary; documents require a stable form.

Any word, even a very valuable one, runs the risk of becoming a stamp if it is used very often, mechanically. This happened, for example, with the words bright, bright (bright image, brightly reflects, brightly shown, features are clearly revealed); I will dwell on the question, I will dwell on the shortcomings, on academic performance; think about a question, raise a question, raise a question.

Words, phrases are repeated from speech to speech, from newspaper to newspaper, some of them lose their meaning so much that they are used erroneously. So, they often mix turns to play a role and to matter (they say: play a role).

Stamps, patterns, people speak out of inertia, completely without outwardly expressed feelings.

Thus, the purity of speech serves as an indicator not only of the speech and general culture of a person, but also of his taste, sense of language, sense of proportion. Violation of the purity of speech leads to impoverishment of speech, tongue-tied tongue, clogging with non-literary elements. Moreover, this also applies to foreign words used without need, and, paradoxically, to reduced elements of speech.

Speech Accuracy

Accuracy is usually understood as knowledge of the subject of the statement, the topic of speech (the so-called subject accuracy), and a clear correspondence between the words used in speech and the meanings that are assigned to them in the language (conceptual accuracy).

Violation of subject accuracy occurs relatively infrequently. In everyday life, we usually talk about such a person that he himself does not know what he is talking about. An example from an essay: Chapaev and his detachment stopped at one of the nearby collective farms. There is a violation of object accuracy: during the Civil War, there were no collective farms yet. Or an essay that literally struck everyone on the spot precisely with its, to put it mildly, inaccuracy. The girl wrote the following in an essay about Pushkin: In the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Pushkin met Anna Akhmatova (!!!), who had a great influence on him as a poet. And further: Pushkin loved his wife very much, but, unfortunately, he rarely saw her, but he often talked to her on the phone. (This is in the nineteenth century!). Once again, it should be emphasized that such violations are relatively rare.

Unfortunately, there are much more errors at the level of conceptual accuracy:

First, it is ignorance of the meanings of words. Oh, how often we want to show off our intellect, to screw in a beautiful, most often imported word, and as a result - a lapse, because we know the word, but we don’t know its meaning. For example, How far can a person descend! The word "descend" has the meaning "favorably, condescendingly pay attention to something or someone", and in the above sentence it was necessary to use the word "reach". Most often, such errors relate to the use of borrowed words in speech.

Considering that they have been pouring towards us in a wave lately, we can say that we, as native speakers, simply cannot cope with this flow. For example, Parents often face a dilemma: what book to buy for a child. The word "dilemma" suggests a global choice between two opposing possibilities. Well, what book to buy for a child (and even with such a variety) is, of course, not a dilemma at all, but simply the difficulty of choosing. It happens that the desire to express yourself beautifully takes a person so far that he “weaves” foreign words into such contexts in which they simply cannot exist.

Even more often, we generally imagine the meaning of a word, but do not distinguish the subtle semantic shades of this meaning. For example, Chekhov's story "Ionych" shows the transformation of a person. Indeed, the transformation is a major change, but a change for the better, and Chekhov's Startsev degraded as a person, where is the change for the better?

The third mistake concerns the use of paronyms - words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning. The error occurs because we think that since it sounds almost the same, it means that it means the same thing. For example, a seconded person and travel money; a well-fed person and a hearty soup; hoarfrost (rain) and hoarfrost (hoarfrost). Our ice team showed excellent results on the hockey field (ice instead of ice).

Often there is such a mistake as a violation of the lexical compatibility of words. Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to stand next to each other. It is enough to name, for example, the word "good". And that we just can not be good! But only a nut can be a walnut, and only eyes can be brown, and only a friend can be a bosom. This is limited lexical compatibility. That is why one hears so often has a role or plays a role instead of has a value and plays a role. Often we want to raise a toast instead of proposing one. The same can be said about the combinations of paying for travel and paying for travel, which are also constantly confused.

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    stylistic relevance;

    contextual relevance;

    situational relevance;

    personal-psychological relevance.

Style relevance- the appropriateness of a word, turnover, construction, predetermined and regulated by the style of the language.

Each of the functional styles has its own specifics, its own laws of selection and use of language material. The specificity of the style is predetermined by the so-called style-forming features. Unmotivated transfer of language units characteristic of a particular style to other communication conditions is a violation stylistic relevance.

In a statement relating to artistic style Before Mtsyri opened newNatural resources , misused phrase Natural resources belonging to the official business style.

In an article from the newspaper "Vostochno-Sibirskie Vesti" we read: Today the second ice expedition on Baikal took place. The conclusions are even sadder:completely hana comes like a beast. In this case, the author violates stylistic relevance by using the colloquial expression completely hana in a text written in a journalistic style.

A specific means that violates stylistic relevance are the words and expressions used by the speaker in order to give his speech significance, weight. A person who does not know the literary language well enough, being in an unusual official situation for himself or when changing the situational conditions of communication, uses the so-called bureaucracy- words and expressions characteristic of the official business style, but used in a different style environment and not carrying a special style load.

    There is a lack of spare parts.

    You have no reason to speak to me in that tone.

    I waited a long time for the bus, which is why I was late.

The appropriateness of speech implies the justified use of language units belonging to a certain type of literary language. Therefore, you should be careful when using language features that belong to a different style.

Contextual relevance

The appropriateness of using a separate language unit is necessarily subject to such a factor as context, i.e. speech environment.

The context is not a random set of words, it is an integral conglomeration consisting of linguistic means, united by a common communicative task, and therefore, suggesting the unity of the content plan and the expression plan. Therefore, each language tool in a certain context must be subject to the requirements that form its integrity.

The organizing principle in the formation of contextual relevance is the emotionally expressive stylistic coloring of 31 language units. Emotionally expressive coloring is associated with the expression of evaluation: positive ( inspiration, valiant, destiny) or negative ( brainless, window dressing, defoamer).

In the case of rapprochement, mixing in the context of words of different stylistic coloring, one can state a violation of communicative expediency, which means a violation of contextual relevance.

    If your password is simple, you give almost anyone the opportunity to read your personal mail plusfree Internet access.

    Stress will not defeat you if you face it head on.Get high from life! Enjoy life!

    You think of me better than I really am, for I am a simple, unsophisticatedyap .

    The authorities said they were tired of fightingfilthy terrorists.

situational relevance

The relevance of speech is found not only when choosing stylistically colored units - we can talk about relevance in a speech situation. Situational relevance is violated by a replica-wish uttered by the unlucky hero of a fairy tale, who was ordered to wish people more than they have at the time of the speech: “ Drag you, don't drag". So he wishes them drag - do not drag» the coffin with the dead, which they are now carrying, and at the same time they do not think that he thereby violates the norms of society.

Thus, situational relevance regulates speech not only from a linguistic, but also a social point of view, thereby controlling the speech behavior of the communicants.

A 5th grade student should not know what is predicative sentence stem, so the task given to him by a student-trainee at a Russian language lesson Find the predicative basis of the sentence, stuns the child, he is lost, answering at the blackboard, he is afraid that his answer does not meet the requirements of the teacher (formulating this, of course, within his own understanding), the attention of the other students is scattered, noise begins in the class. And all this happens as a result of a violation by the novice teacher of situational relevance.

The situation that occurred at the New Year's party in kindergarten, in the younger group, is similar. The teacher, dressed in a Santa Claus costume, addresses three-year-old kids: And now, children, together with me we will shout to my granddaughter Snegurochka. And where does she hang around with us?

Situational relevance is closely related to personal-psychological relevance.

At the lesson, the teacher, addressing the class, says: I asked you to shut up, but you did not respond properly to this remark of mine, which not only violates the appropriateness in this situation, but also offends the listeners.

Personal-psychological relevance

The speaker must always consider how his speech will affect the listener. The ability to find the right words, intonation in a given communication situation is the key to successful interlocutor relationships.

Personal-psychological relevance is the appropriateness of the use of speech means by an individual in accordance with his sensitive, benevolent and respectful attitude towards people. Examples of violations of personal-psychological appropriateness are given below.

    You, grandmother, would sit at home, watch your TV shows, otherwise you roam back and forth, preventing people from working!

    If you don't take off those trinkets right now, you won't even stick your nose out into the street.

    Ah, girl! You're so cute, just a little bit stupid.

“When speaking with an interlocutor, speaking to an audience, we not only communicate information, but also voluntarily or involuntarily convey our attitude to reality, to the people around us. Therefore, it is important to take care of how our speech will affect the interlocutor - whether it will injure with rudeness, whether it will humiliate his dignity" [Golovin: 252].

Relevance is a special communicative quality of speech, which, as it were, regulates the content of other communicative qualities in a particular language situation. In the conditions of communication, depending on the specific speech situation, the nature of the message, the purpose of the statement, one or another communicative quality can be evaluated differently - positively or negatively. For example, a writer will not be able to create a “local color”, convey the speech characteristics of persons of a certain profession, strictly following the requirements of purity of speech, which means that in this case, not compliance with the requirements of purity of speech, but, on the contrary, their violation will be positively evaluated.

The relevance of speech is understood as the strict correspondence of its structure to the conditions and tasks of communication, the content of the information expressed, the chosen genre and style of presentation, the individual characteristics of the author and the addressee.

Compliance with the appropriateness of speech involves, first of all, knowledge of the stylistic system of the language, the patterns of using language means in a particular functional style, which allows you to find the most appropriate way to express thoughts, transmit information.

A necessary condition for relevance, as well as other communicative qualities of speech, is a good knowledge and understanding of the subject of information, its volume and nature, tasks and goals. In addition, the general culture of the speaker (writer), his moral character, attitude towards the addressee, the ability to quickly navigate in changing communication conditions and bring the structure of speech in line with them, etc., are of no small importance.

The relevance of speech covers different levels of language, and, in this regard, the relevance is distinguished:





Style relevance consists in the use of a single word, turnover, syntactic construction in accordance with the goals of a particular style (scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial and artistic). For example, speech stamps, clerical expressions are typical for official business style. They are not appropriate either in the scientific style or in colloquial speech, and if they fall into these styles, they destroy the system and lead to speech errors.

The criterion of relevance is also violated in the case when, in artistic speech, the writer is fond of technical terminology, clichés of business speech:

Victor understood that the drilling itself gave the team much more benefits than pumping. The bulk of the money went for moldings, although less time was spent on drilling than on installing plumbing equipment. So it turned out that everything depended on the conscience of the master.

Victor wanted to suggest to his father a new drilling rig, received by SMU on the order. The machine was fundamentally new, drilling on it was carried out using compressed air without clay flushing fluid.

What is the need to introduce into artistic speech an abundance of technical, professional terms, the meaning of which is incomprehensible without special dictionaries and which do not perform any aesthetic function? They are functionally inappropriate here, and therefore irrelevant.

Relevance contextual- this is the appropriateness of using the word in the context, taking into account the speech environment.

For example, colloquial speech is characterized by stereotype constructions: "Where was the string bag here?", "Moscow railway station, how can I get through?", "Talent is when you believe in yourself." The use of such constructions outside of colloquial speech is a violation of the modern grammatical norm.

However, in artistic style, in poetry, such constructions are found:

Sadness is when

The water will become fresh

Apples are bitter

Tobacco smoke is like a fumes.

(L. Martynov)

Relevance is situational- this is the appropriateness of the use of speech means in certain speech situations.

Say, at a bus stop, instead of "Here is finally our bus" is it appropriate to use encyclopedic information and build the following phrase: "Here is finally our multi-seat car with a wagon-type body, at a speed of 60-100 km/h"?!

In such cases, one should consider the appropriateness in certain speech systems, in situations of speech, in the style of a work of art as a whole.

Appropriateness personal-psychological- this is the appropriateness of the use of speech means by an individual in accordance with the culture of his thinking, with his sensitive, benevolent and respectful attitude towards people, in accordance with his ideological position and conviction.

Speaking with an interlocutor, speaking to an audience, we not only communicate information, but also voluntarily or involuntarily convey our attitude to reality, to the people around us. Therefore, it is important to take care of how our speech will affect the interlocutor - whether it will injure with rudeness, whether it will humiliate his dignity.

The appropriateness of speech is a very important quality in the social aspect, since it regulates all our speech behavior.

The ability to find the right words, intonation in a particular communication situation is the key to a successful relationship between interlocutors, the emergence of feedback, the key to the moral and even physical health of people.

For example, the words "thank you, please excuse me" have power over our mood. Everyone is pleased to receive signs of attention, for "thank you" many of us are ready to work perfectly. There are no such signs of attention - and the mood deteriorates, resentment arises.

The following letter was sent to the editorial office of one of the newspapers:

"Today I received a passport - it seems to be a solemn day in my life, and I have tears of resentment in my eyes. It's hard for me to write about it, but this day will be remembered for a long time, unfortunately, not from the best side. Of course, I hoped that the person who will hand over the passport, say: "Congratulations! Now you are a citizen of Russia!", and feel a strong handshake. And I heard: "Give me 80 rubles, here's your passport and go."

An inappropriately harsh word, an inappropriately thrown remark; metallic intonations and categorical judgments can cause severe mental trauma to a person.

Violation of the criterion of relevance is always acutely felt in both oral and written speech. How to get rid of mistakes? It is not given to a person from birth; the ability to change the nature of speech in relation to the content, conditions and tasks of communication is brought up and becomes a solid skill if a person understands the need and achieves this.

In speech, as in life, one must always keep in mind what is appropriate. "Cicero"

In the typology of the qualities of good speech, there is one that occupies a special place in its significance - this is relevance.

The appropriateness of speech is such an organization of language means that is most suitable for the situation of utterance, meets the tasks and goals of communication, and helps to establish contact between the speaker (writer) and the listener (reader).

Speech is a coherent whole, and every word in it, any construction must be purposeful, stylistically appropriate. “Each of the speakers,” noted V.T. Belinsky, - he speaks in accordance with the subject of his speech, with the character of the crowd listening to him, with the circumstances of the present moment. Relevance as a necessary quality of good speech was given more time in the oratory of the ancient Greeks and Romans, in the theory and practice of judicial and political eloquence, relevance is one of the central concepts in modern functional style.

Aristotle in "Rhetoric", speaking about the qualities of the style of public speaking, insistently draws the reader's attention to what he considers inappropriate in oratory speech "the use of epithets or long, or inappropriate, or in too large a number", the inappropriateness of the use of poetic phrases.

Aristotle showed the difference between written and oral speech (“... a special style is suitable for each kind of speech, because written speech and speech during a dispute, political speech and judicial speech are not the same style”) in terms of appropriateness organic use in them of certain methods of expressiveness, combinations of words.

Mark Tullius Cicero wrote: “As in life, so in speech, there is nothing more difficult than to see what is appropriate. Not for every social position, not for every degree of influence of a person, not for every age, just as not for every place and moment and listener, the same style is suitable, but in every part of speech, as well as in life, one must always keep in mind what is appropriate, it depends both on the essence of the matter that is being spoken about, and on the persons, both speaking and listening.

The relevance of speech is a special quality among such as accuracy, purity, expressiveness, etc. Without taking into account the specific conditions of communication, our knowledge of the richness and expressiveness of speech is incomplete. Moreover, one or another communicative quality of speech, for example, accuracy, expressiveness, may lose its necessity without relying on oral speech.

The concept of good speech itself is relatively, functional in nature and depends, in particular, on the appropriateness of certain language units, the methods of their organization, the features of use in this particular act of communication or a typical language situation - style.

Compliance with the appropriateness of speech involves knowledge of the styles of the literary language, the patterns of word usage inherent in them, knowledge of the stylistic system of the language. Relevance requires flexibility in determining the acceptability of certain qualities of speech, language means, and the speech act as a whole. Probably for the first time, a functional understanding of the relevance of speech was formulated by Pushkin: “True taste consists

not in an unconscious rejection of such and such a word, such and such a turn, but in a sense of proportion and conformity.

The relevance of speech captures different levels of the language and is formulated by the use of words, phrases, grammatical categories and forms, syntactic constructions, and finally, entire compositional speech systems. Their relevance can be considered and evaluated from different points of view. And in this regard, it would be advisable to distinguish between such aspects of the relevance of speech:

Appropriateness style

Relevance contextual

Relevance is situational

Appropriateness is personal-psychological.

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