Mental abilities of a person in a natal horoscope. Planets in a child's horoscope


What do you need to pay attention to in order to see a person's propensity for a particular type of activity? In fact, in every natal chart there is some kind of talent. It just needs to be found. For example, artistic ability is often found when the Sun, ascendant, horoscope top - MC, Moon or Venus are in the signs of Leo, Libra, Taurus. Also, the fifth house of the horoscope filled with planets can encourage an individual to be creative. A strong Moon, Venus and Neptune always stimulate a person's self-expression.

Athletes have Mars. It can be located near the MC or ascendant from the side of the first or twelfth house of the horoscope, be strongly aspected or be in the so-called "mine", that is, not have aspects to other planets of the radix. The elements of Fire and Earth are suitable for heavy sports. Air and Water show themselves more in aesthetic athletics.

If Mars gives physical endurance, then Venus undoubtedly affects beauty. It enhances attraction in conjunction with the ascendant, the Sun, Moon, MC or the planet that rules the ascendant, as well as when in the first and tenth houses of the radix and, of course, in signs of possession.

Doctors in the horoscope express the element of Water, the signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. The planets Mars, Saturn and are strongly manifested. The sixth house of the horoscope is responsible for health, the eighth for surgery and serious medical research, and the twelfth for medical institutions. Psychologists can emphasize the fourth house of the radix, Uranus, Pluto and their aspects with the luminaries, Mercury and the ascendant. Astrologers tend to have accentuated Uranus, pronounced signs of Aquarius and Scorpio, strong eleventh and eighth houses of the horoscope.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn rule the business. To deal with serious finances, you need a pronounced Scorpio. These signs must be accentuated. Planets in Aries and Leo are good for initiative and creativity. Strong gives organizational ability. Jupiter in the first and tenth house of the horoscope makes its way unhindered. Harmonious Mercury helps communication. Strong Mars helps to win. It is worth paying attention to the planets in the tenth, eighth, sixth and second houses. A planet in the first house enhances the ability to lead others.

For writing and communicative activity, the sign should be accentuated. The presence of a planet or several in it enhances mental activity. In order to succeed in writing, you need to have a strong Mercury. It is good if he rules the first, second or tenth house of the natal chart. Finding Mercury in the third, fifth and ninth houses is also a good indicator. In writing, self-organization plays an important role, and a harmonious Saturn is needed here. Neptune expressed in the horoscope will help the creative imagination.

astro7_ru What is Mercury responsible for in your horoscope?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, by astronomical standards, it never moves away from our star by more than 45 °.

From the point of view of astrology, Mercury affects the intellectual abilities and the human nervous system. With its favorable position in the personal horoscope and the absence of negative aspects regarding other celestial bodies, it can endow a person with outstanding mental abilities in a certain branch of knowledge, help strengthen memory and the nervous system. Mercury is the patron of trade, it can often be seen in the horoscopes of merchants and businessmen.

Which signs are ruled by Mercury?

Under the auspices of Mercury are Virgo and Gemini. Mercury in Gemini can endow a person with a flexible and inquisitive mind, physical activity and the ability to learn foreign languages. Gemini also tend to easily find a common language with strangers and make useful contacts.

Mercury, which is located in the sign of Virgo, allows a person under its influence to see all the diversity of the world, understand the natural relationships in wildlife and realize their true path. Such people often become outstanding scientists, researchers and inventors. They have a good memory and great intellectual potential.

Mercury also has a significant impact on the sign of Aquarius. People born during Mercury in Aquarius are bright personalities with a penchant for non-trivial thinking and working on original ideas. Some individuals even have a powerful gift for foreseeing future events.

In the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius, Mercury has a weak influence, it seems to be in exile. In this position, this planet can manifest its influence on a person through his tendency to detail, the ability to remember unfamiliar signs and symbols.

Mercury in Leo is as close as possible to sunset, so representatives of the royal sign of the Zodiac do not have the qualities that are characteristic of this planet. Mercury shows generosity and disinterestedness in people, but Leo is always only interested in personal gain. They do not intend to negotiate, but seek to seize what they want by force.

What is the significance of the strength and weakness of Mercury in the natal chart?

The powerful influence of Mercury leads to the formation of a personality with great intellectual potential. Such people are easily trained, strive to study various scientific disciplines, quickly master new information, and can easily memorize foreign words. Under the influence of Mercury, a person seeks to travel, get new experiences and cannot sit in one place. In addition, these individuals are distinguished by sociability, the ability to negotiate and make public reports.

The weakness of Mercury in the natal chart indicates the absence of outstanding mental abilities, up to the inability to clearly express one's thoughts and write correctly. It is difficult for such people to apply the previously acquired knowledge in practice, they are prone to neurological diseases and have a weak nervous system in general, they find it difficult to find a common language even with close people.

You can learn about the position of Mercury in your natal chart by ordering a personal horoscope. Such information will help in training and determining the preferred field of activity.

When a child begins to study at school, many parents are faced with the problem that, despite the creativity and curiosity, the kid is not happy with the results that the parents are set for. Why is this happening? This question can be answered by an astrologer by drawing a natal chart of the child and finding indications of the child's abilities.

To analyze a child's learning abilities, we must first assess the position and aspects of Mercury in the chart, since this planet is responsible for intellectual, cognitive and analytical capabilities.

Position of Mercury in the earth element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) testifies to the ability to think concretely, logically, analytically. Such children show good results in "concrete" subjects - natural science, mathematics, geometry, physics. They may not have enough imagination, difficulty in expressing their thoughts (especially if Mercury is in Taurus or Capricorn) because of which humanitarian subjects will suffer, where you need to master the ability of reasoning. A child with earthly Mercury must be shown from beginning to end how this or that task is performed. He needs the material to be presented clearly, logically, understandably and preferably with specific examples. Earthly Mercury perceives abstract information badly. It is necessary to help the child learn to think more figuratively: draw his attention to the beauty of nature, examine works of art with him. It would be good to practice inventing comparisons, synonyms, allegories, to teach him to talk in detail about what he saw, to compose poetry. All this will develop his thinking abilities.

Mercury in Taurus gives a practical, constructive, reflective mind. He thinks somewhat slowly, but his thoughts are always well thought out. What a child with Taurus Mercury will understand, he will remember for a long time.

Mercury in Virgo gives an analytical mindset: it is logical, scientific, critical, prudent. A child with ninth Mercury will like to learn, experiment, systematize information, express his thoughts accurately and clearly.

Mercury in Capricorn gives a methodical, thorough and conservative mind. Thinking can be slow, but deep. A child with Capricorn Mercury will take a responsible approach to learning, weed out the excess, leaving only the information that is needed. His presentation of thoughts can be dry, restrained, but always to the point.

If Mercury is in the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- this position gives an amazing imagination, capable of producing vivid and unusual images, excellent intuition and a good memory. Such Mercury focuses primarily on its feelings and this gives great creative potential, the opportunity to look at familiar things from an unusual side. Unfortunately, this quality is not valued in our schools, where children are required, first of all, to strictly fulfill the requirements of the teacher. A child with Mercury in water (or the predominance of the water element in the horoscope) may not fit well into the general framework: he is dreamy, absent-minded, "a thing in itself." In this case, you need to help the baby learn to concentrate his attention: martial arts (wushu, karate), mindfulness exercises are well suited for these purposes. It is also necessary to develop the creative talent of the child, to learn how to put images into words, to invite the child to write essays on various topics in his free time, to help him “liberate” the expression of his thoughts. Children with water Mercury have a good feel for music and are not indifferent to art.

Mercury in Cancer gives an emotional, impressionable, intuitive mind and a good memory. In order for a child with Cancer Mercury to remember something well, you need to give him the opportunity to associate information with some kind of sensation or music.

Mercury in Scorpio gives a shrewd, sarcastic, sharp mind. He has a great penchant for investigation, he will be interested in various secrets and mysteries. A child with Scorpio Mercury is attracted by questions of psychology, esotericism, life and death.

Mercury in Pisces gives a deep, sensitive, intuitive mind. His thinking can be subtle, changeable, receptive, he has a highly developed aesthetic taste. His thoughts can be very far off the ground, his imagination will be very bright, active, striving to understand the unknown. Such a child may learn poorly because he seems to live in his own world. The connection of information with sensations will also help him improve school performance, in addition, fish Mercury is susceptible to learning in a dream.

If Mercury is in the fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- such a child quickly grasps, remembers the material, he has conceptual thinking. But often he wants to deal only with those subjects that he likes, and he prefers to ignore those that he does not like. He has the gift of words, his answers are often bright and expressive - due to this, he can easily compensate for the lack of knowledge. Such children have the opportunity to study well if they can overcome their laziness and unwillingness to engage in uninteresting and routine work. It is necessary to try to interest the child in even the most uninteresting subject (and here only a small impulse, a push is enough), to teach him perseverance and diligence. Since the fire element loves independence - there is no need to hang over the baby while he is doing his homework - in this regard, freedom will give the best result. However, giving freedom, the parent must unobtrusively control it. Show sincere interest in the child's learning, ask him what he learned from today's lesson, offer him to solve some logical problem - be sure to praise him for good results. If for a kid with fiery Mercury, study becomes an interesting process of obtaining unusual knowledge (rather than a dull routine), he will study perfectly.

Mercury in Aries gives an active and quick mind, inventive abilities, independent judgments. A child with Aries Mercury will actively defend his position, which can sometimes turn teachers against himself. Parents need to teach the child to find a compromise, but not to try to crush his fighting character - he will be very useful to him in later life.

Mercury in Leo gives a bright creative mind, excellent cognitive abilities. A child with Leo Mercury will strive for demonstrativeness, and he needs to create conditions so that he can “shine” with his mind. There is a good tendency to concentrate, he can focus his thoughts, direct them in the right direction and achieve a good result.

Mercury in Sagittarius gives a mind prone to philosophizing, abstract reasoning, to research activities. A child with Sagittarius Mercury is trying to understand the general principles, to derive his own patterns. His mind loves to discover new horizons for himself, he loves to travel, instruct and teach others.

Mercury in Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) give quickness of mind, curiosity, good memory, analytical skills - all that is necessary in learning. However, this is joined by the desire to grab everything at once, to be in time everywhere, not to miss anything interesting - and this can lead to the fact that the child will “scatter”. Parents need to sit down with the child and make a list of priorities: for this, it is better to divide all activities into three groups: in the first, daily important and mandatory, in the second, those that can be done two or three times a week, and in the third, what is being done, if you suddenly have free time. Naturally, school affairs should be in the first group. Air Mercury is also very dependent on the interest in the subject, in addition, he is interested in various collective activities. Therefore, to interest the child in the subject is very important for good learning outcomes. And you also need to involve him in various olympiads and sections that have something in common with those school subjects that you bet on.

Mercury in Gemini gives the mind a quick, versatile, inquisitive, logical. A child with twin Mercury will have a talent for languages, science, art, and will be sociable and humorous.

Mercury in Libra gives a rational, balanced, comparing mind. A child with Libra Mercury will look for cause and effect relationships in everything, he will constantly weigh everything in search of harmony and ideal proportion. He will be fascinated by literature and art.

Mercury in Aquarius gives an original, inventive, scientific mind. His thinking will be impartial, theoretical, and perhaps eccentric and radical. A child with Aquarius Mercury will strive for scientific knowledge, he will be fascinated by social topics, space exploration, scientific and technological progress.

It is also important what aspects Mercury has in the child's natal chart.

Aspects of Mercury with Venus will give the child an innate sense of beauty, he will be interested in art, will strive to find beautiful formulations for his thoughts. In harmonious aspects with Venus, Mercury will often get good marks for nothing, for "beautiful eyes."

Mercury aspects with Mars will testify to the interests of a military theme (especially among boys), such Mercury will be fascinated by history, especially those places that tell about battles and hostilities. The mind will be strong, assertive, active.

Mercury aspects with the Moon will testify to great impressionability, intuitiveness, good memory. Such Mercury is fascinated by topics related to everyday life, children, family relationships, and cooking.

Aspects of Mercury with the Sun talk about bright, individualistic, creative thinking. In order to stimulate such a Mercury to good learning, one must touch his vanity and ambition.

Mercury aspects with Jupiter will give interest to social sciences, political science, fundamentals of law. Such a Jupiter will give a good ability in the formulation of concepts, the search for meanings, the creation of various concepts. Harmonious aspects of Mercury and Jupiter will bring a talent for public speaking, a gift for teaching.

Mercury aspects with Saturn testify to good performance, self-discipline, determination, ability to concentrate - which is a necessary condition for good learning.

Mercury aspects to Uranus they will give a scientific mindset, research talent, the ability to insight, non-standard and vivid formulations. The powerful energy of Uranus must be put into a peaceful channel - otherwise it can destroy the psyche. In the sphere of interests of Uranus: physics, astronomy, space, future, literature, society.

Mercury aspects to Neptune testify to an unusual mindset: divorced from reality, intuitive, non-trivial. Harmonious aspects of Mercury with Neptune can give a brilliant writer, musician, scientist. In the sphere of interests of Neptune: other worlds, science fiction, chemistry, music, religion, the unknown.

Mercury aspects to Pluto they will give a person who will always strive to get to the bottom of everything. His mind is so sharp and penetrating that no secrets will remain undiscovered. In the sphere of Pluto's interests: medicine, psychiatry, forensics.

About the author

Eleanor Dan

Eleanor Dan, consulting astrologer. She studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I am engaged in consultations on reading the natal chart, relationships, career, career guidance, life mission. I am an expert in forecasting. I answer various questions.

It is no secret that in some people psychic abilities appear even in childhood, while in others they appear over the years. In astrology, there are certain indicators that are responsible for the greater sensitivity and susceptibility of a person. We will consider some of them in this article.

The severity of the water element is the main indicator of the presence of extrasensory abilities

The first thing an astrologer pays attention to when exploring is the degree of expression of the water element in the horoscope, since it is water that is the conductor of information. The presence of planets in the water element of the zodiac also determines the sensitivity of a person. So, the zodiac sign Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon, is responsible for sensitivity, sensitivity, the ability to experience deep feelings. Many people, even with the presence of the sun in this sign, confirm the presence of intuition, which helps them anticipate future events. Scorpios with the ruling planet Pluto are endowed with invisible power. This is a sign of depth and extremes, imperious, passionate feelings, the dark side of our soul, sexual energy. Pisces is the most sensitive and mediumistic sign, as it is ruled by the planet Neptune, which gives a subtle flair, the gift of foreboding and imagination, vivid dreams and is directly responsible for all spiritual spheres of life. The Moon in Scorpio gives a strong natural inclination towards mysticism, such people like everything forbidden and secret. Pluto is responsible for transformation, and a person is often internally reborn in parallel with the events taking place in his life. The position of Mercury also looks in the horoscope, which indicates how a person perceives information. Mercury in Pisces gives an intuitive mind and vivid imagination, empathy and a subtle feeling for other people. People with a similar position of the planet in the sign often guess the thoughts of the interlocutor in advance, read them, but sometimes they themselves cannot even explain how this happens.

Configuration of abilities depending on the severity of the houses of the horoscope

In addition to the signs of the zodiac, the severity of the water houses of the horoscope is determined: the fourth, eighth and twelfth houses, which symbolically correspond to the zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, but, unlike the signs, they provide event information. The horoscope also considers the location of planets in houses, for example, if a person has a cluster (stellium) of planets in the eighth house, called "Porta Superna" (Upper gate, house of magic, sex, another world and a border state between our worlds), then he one way or another will be connected with the house of Pluto, which suggests that he can survive an extreme situation or clinical death, as a result of which he may discover extraordinary abilities to perceive information.

The fourth house is directly connected with our ancestors and what we inherit from them, it is on it that all generic programs go. The twelfth house is the house of mysticism and all spiritual practices, prayer, isolation and solitude, dreams and access to the astral plane. A person with a pronounced twelfth house will prefer to stay in solitude, away from the noise and the city, often this house is expressed in ascetic people, focused on their inner state and being in meditation, they can sometimes be perceived by other people as characters “out of this world” .

In addition to the severity of the houses of the horoscope, the astrologer considers the relationship of these houses with the ruling planet, for example, if the ruler of the first house (the house of a person’s personality) - Mercury - is in the eighth house, a person will be interested in life after death, karma and reincarnation, read on this topic literature and watch TV shows. Not the last role here is played by the aspects of the planets, especially the planets from the septenary of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus with the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, forming connections through which the planetary energy is manifested. Thus, the conjunction of the Sun with Uranus often gives flashes of insight in a person, the ability to foresee future events, extrasensory perception. The connection of the Moon and Pluto gives deep mystical experiences, the subtlest flair, a person with such a connection on a subconscious level will read information from the energy-information field. In addition to the indicators considered, there are some occult degrees of the zodiac, various configurations of the planets and other indicators that need to be evaluated together. If you are interested in this topic, you can order a personal consultation on the analysis of the abilities inherent in your horoscope.

Written upon admission to graduate school IP RAS)
However, astrologers have long and successfully used it in their practice.

If we accept as a hypothesis of astrological science that most of the factors that determine a person’s personality are set from his birth, then intelligence, or, more broadly, mental abilities, can also be determined by a horoscope built at the time of birth.

Let us consider successively astrological factors, which, according to traditional and modern ideas, should influence a person's ability to “work in the mind”.

Signs: the severity of the air element.

If we take as a definition of a person’s intelligence his ability to open up the possibilities of the environment for adaptive actions, then in this case, people claim to be intellectual, in whose cosmograms the signs of the air element are most pronounced. More K.G. Jung spoke about the "air" type as a mental one, and about the "earth" type - as a "sensual" one (quoted from). signs seeking direct action.

In traditional astrology, the mobile air sign, Gemini, is responsible for intelligence, the main characteristics of which are rationality, abstract thinking, ease of manipulation with abstract objects, objectivity, mobility. Consideration of the astrological sign is one-sided without analyzing the opposition sign. Together they form a dyad that balances the positive and negative properties of signs. The "paired" sign for Gemini is the zodiac sign Sagittarius, which is responsible in traditional astrology for wisdom and creativity.

Planets: Mercury.

Traditionally, the planet Mercury is responsible for intelligence in astrology.

“Rational thinking is what, according to popular belief, distinguishes man from animals. It is with the help of Mercury that a person creates for himself a special mental reality, or a set of mental constructions and representations, and receives a special tool, called reason, for operating with these constructions”[ 2]

The position of Mercury in the signs of the zodiac.

The position of Mercury in one or another element colors a person's thinking in the appropriate style. So, for example, a person with Mercury in signs of fire has a theoretical, speculative thinking, he is logical and tends to get carried away with his ideas. A person with Mercury in the signs of the elements of the Earth has practical thinking and checks all his ideas in practice. Mercury in the signs of the elements of air gives its owner theoretical, conceptual thinking, a mobile intellect with low efficiency, but a broad outlook; water Mercury is receptive to other people's ideas, his thinking is unstructured, associative, figuratively and illogically. The position in a particular sign (taking into account which cross of quality this or that sign belongs to) only allows us to clarify the above general characteristics; thus, for example, Mercury in Sagittarius is more receptive than Mercury in Aries, and Mercury in Aquarius is more purposeful than Mercury in Gemini.

Also, Levin M. [1] believes that the position of Mercury in the signs of fire gives a person logical-symbolic thinking, in the signs of air - synthetic thinking, in the signs of water - intuitive-figurative thinking, and in the signs of the Earth - practical thinking based on facts.

The astrological theory of intelligence has been elaborated in detail in the works of the Swiss psychologists B. and L. Huber. Pupils of Roberto Assagioli, they created an original method for analyzing the natal chart, which was called "astrological psychosynthesis".

By intelligence they understand the unified functioning of the following intellectual mechanisms: memory, coordination and perception. Three astrological factors are responsible for these three abilities - three planets: Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter.

Saturn is memory. People with a strong Saturn tend to live in the past, they are conservative and constant in their habits. However, the rational storage of knowledge with the ability to quickly access it is necessary for the excellent functioning of the intellect, and the memory of past events is the basis of experience that helps to make the right decisions in the present moment. Mercury is the coordinator. Its function is to present knowledge in a form in which it is clear, precise and easily perceived. Mercury is also responsible for the ability to correlate memory material with personal observation. Mercury also knows the contacts in which the necessary information is obtained.

The principles expressed by Saturn and Mercury are responsible for the functioning of the so-called academic type of intellect, which is characterized by the ability to grasp, remember, correlate knowledge that is considered important in a given culture. But new knowledge of their joint functioning - without Jupiter-cannot give. Huber B. consider perception to be the most important function of Jupiter - from the information that the five senses bring us, it creates the integrity of the vision of the world around us. It is the correct perception that allows us in the future to adequately respond to the demands of the outside world, thereby demonstrating "social" intelligence. Thanks to Jupiter, the knowledge gained from books is enriched by the fruits of personal observations and insights. If any other planets aspect planets of intellect (especially Mercury), then the intellect functions in a style determined by this planet. Consider different styles of thinking.

Productive intelligence is determined by the Sun aspecting the planets of intelligence. He is distinguished by an innovative, active, creative approach to solving various problems, a focus on self-knowledge and self-affirmation. Emotional intelligence is possessed by a person who has the Moon associated with the planets of intelligence. He excels in humanitarian fields that require sincere interaction and sympathy. Philosophical thinking is possessed by a person who has Saturn and the Sun included in the aspect configuration of intellectual planets. Saturn allows you to accumulate the necessary knowledge from the exact sciences, the Sun gives direction and perspective in relation to the future and the past.

The inclusion of Venus speaks of a penchant for an aesthetic outlook on life. Thinking is guided by the search for ideal forms. Such configurations are often found in the cards of writers and musicians.

The three outer planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - symbolize the transpersonal potential of a person, therefore they have a special influence on the functioning of the intellect. Aspects of Uranus with Mercury and Jupiter speaks of creativity. The ability to obtain solutions to complex problems through sudden insight, insight. Intuitive intelligence is due to the influence of Neptune. It gives thinking (and a way of life) incomprehensible to others, such an intellect is given an understanding of things that are inaccessible to a formal intellect. In a statistical study of cosmograms one hundred leading chess players of the world found that the most common position of Mercury is in the sign of Pisces, that is, under the control of Neptune. This points to the demand in modern chess, characterized by the complexity of positions and the limited time limit for reflection, namely intuitive thinking. Pluto, combined with the planets of intellect, gives a brilliant mind that can get to the very essence of things without stopping at anything. It directs thinking by will and allows you to achieve the desired results, but, as the reverse side of this, intolerance to other people's opinions and fanaticism in carrying out one's own views are possible.

The influence of the Mercury-Sun cycle on intelligence.

Let us consider in more detail the astronomical cycle of the motion of Mercury relative to the Earth and the Sun. It is equal to approximately 116 days. The "growing" half-cycle of Mercury, similar to the period between the new moon and the full moon for the Moon. Mercury begins with its internal conjunction with the Sun. In this cosmic configuration, the Earth, the Sun and Mercury are on the same line, while Mercury is located between the Sun and the Earth, and at the beginning of this half-cycle, Mercury, as it were, “slips out” from under the Sun to appear before it in the morning sky. Rudhyar called this half of the Mercury cycle Promethean, in honor of the mythological titan Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to bring it as a gift to people. An outer conjunction occurs when Mercury is at its furthest distance from Earth. This phenomenon is similar to the full moon and marks the beginning of the setting half-cycle of Mercury, during which it disappears behind the horizon in the early evening following the Sun. Rudhyar called this cycle Epimethean, after his brother Prometheus, who always looks back.

Based on this cycle of Mercury, the following classification of mercurial types has been developed:

Promethean (retrograde)


Epimethean (retrograde)

Epimethean (direct).

Each of these "faces" of Mercury corresponds to a certain type of mental temperament.

Planetary speeds as an indicator of intelligence. According to one of the hypotheses, human intellectual abilities are determined by the speed of physical and chemical processes in the cerebral cortex. The higher the rate of metabolic processes in the human cerebral cortex, the higher the conductivity of nerve impulses, the greater the intellectual abilities a person is able to show.

However, there are data indicating that the rate of metabolic processes depends on external rhythm-forming influences, including the influence of cosmic bodies... . At the moment, the influence of the Moon on the rhythms and physiological properties of living organisms has been most studied. For example, during the period of the full moon, vital activity, the hematopoietic activity of the body are maximum, and many examples can also be given to confirm this importance (see, for example,). In astrology, the speed of the Moon at the time of birth is taken into account as one of the factors that determine the excitability, the speed of a person's reaction.

Thinking further, it can be assumed as a hypothesis that intellectual abilities will depend on the speed of the planet responsible for the manifestation of these abilities, i.e. on the speed of Mercury., and the quality, direction of the intellect will depend on the phase of Mercury.

Depending on the mutual ratio of two factors: the speed of the Moon and the position of Mercury in front of or behind the Sun, the English astrologer Jones M. E. identified four types of intelligence.

Testing the put forward hypotheses on a sample of 100 leading chess players in the world.
To test the hypotheses put forward, we conducted a study of all the above astrological factors on a sample of 100 chess players who were the strongest in the world according to the FIDE rating list in 1998.

The choice of this category for research is due to the assumption that playing chess requires high intellectual abilities. In addition, it was convenient to test the research mechanism on a small sample.

The problem of statistical research in astrology.

The problem of statistical research is that the movement of the planets according to the signs of the Zodiac is uneven., to calculate the chi-squared distribution, we will take into account the probabilities of the appearance of planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Sun Frequency


Mercury Frequency


Mars Frequency


Venus Frequency


Aries 1249 8,3400 1170 7,8125 1130 7,5454 1472 9,8291
Taurus 1270 8,4802 1115 7,4452 1177 7,8592 1106 7,3851
Twins 1286 8,5871 1118 7,4653 1358 9,0678 1369 9,1413
Crayfish 1289 8,6071 1185 7,9127 1497 9,9960 1343 8,9677
a lion 1283 8,5670 1214 8,1063 1591 10,6237 1126 7,5187
Virgo 1267 8,4602 1236 8,2532 1560 10,4167 1461 9,7556
scales 1248 8,3200 1309 8,7407 1281 8,5537 1048 6,9979
scorpion 1224 8,1731 1394 9,3082 1226 8,1864 1463 9,7690
Sagittarius 1211 8,0863 1357 9,0612 1170 7,8125 1049 7,0045
Capricorn 1209 8,0729 1321 8,8208 1001 6,6840 1062 7,0913
Aquarius 1215 8,1130 1276 8,5203 992 6,6239 1436 9,5887
fish 1227 8,1931 1281 8,5537 993 6,6306 1041 6,9511

Using this table, you can find the chi-square distribution, which characterizes how this distribution differs from the uniform one.

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars
Coeff. Chi-square 11,944 7,280 16,440 33,118 11,971

The number of degrees of freedom is 11, therefore, if the Chi-square coefficient obtained by us exceeds 19.7, then we can consider the hypothesis of a non-random nature of the distribution to be considered confirmed. In this case, we can draw such a conclusion only regarding the distribution of Venus according to the signs of the Zodiac.

When analyzing the results, let's pay attention to the fact that Mercury most often falls into the sign of Pisces. Astrologically, this position gives above all a deep intuition. Venus is most often found in the sign of Capricorn. If we accept that the most important component of a chess player's skill is the assessment of a position that has arisen on the board, then it is the position of Venus in Capricorn that contributes to the most accurate and balanced assessment.

A more complete astrological analysis of the resulting data is beyond the scope of this message and will be offered to readers in a separate message.

Distribution by elements.

Only five planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) were considered, the distribution of which over a time interval containing the birth time of all sample members is close to uniform.

In this study, we put forward a hypothesis about the factors that represent a person's intelligence in his astrological chart, built at the time of birth. These factors are
  • The severity of the air element;
  • Mercury speed;
  • The position of Mercury relative to the Sun;
  • Moon speed.
A pilot study was conducted on a sample of 100 leading chess players in the world. The results obtained, although they do not provide reliable statistical confirmation of the hypotheses put forward, indicate the predominance of the above-mentioned astrological factors of intelligence in the results obtained.

This allows us to continue research, while it is necessary to expand the volume of the study sample, using the results of modern psychological methods to assess intelligence.

  1. Levin M. Lectures on astrology, M., TsAI, 1992., P.82.
  2. Underwater A. Planets, M., TsAI, 1998., S.56
  3. Huber B. Astrological psychosynthesis. - M., Urania, 1993.
  4. Arroyo S Astrology, psychology and four elements., M., TsAI, 1997.
  5. Clement S. J. Aspects and mental alchemy. Today's Astrologer
  6. Astrology and computers. Tomsk, Zodiac, 1998
  7. Meyer M. Four “faces” of Mercury “Urania”, No. 1, 1993. P.49-52

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