Management activities of the head of a preschool educational institution. Management activities in a preschool educational institution, its components, methods and means


In recent years, serious attempts have been made to reform preschool education, its conceptual foundations have been defined, and important decisions have been made that expand the rights of leaders, educators, and parents.

It became obvious that the problems of education and upbringing, the development of children on a democratic basis can be successfully solved only if the work is well organized based on the principles of management and high professionalism of the leaders of preschool institutions.

A novice manager is always worried about questions: can he work with children? How to organize business in such a way that employees become a close-knit team, so that friendly relations develop between them? How to organize your own work, focusing on solving the main tasks? How to clearly plan the work of the institution and exercise qualified control over the work of teachers? These and many other questions need to be addressed by the head of the preschool educational institution.

Democratization and humanization of the life of a preschool institution, its turn towards the child, are possible on the basis of new management principles and a high level of professionalism of its leaders.

The time has come when the basis for the management of a preschool institution should be not only individual successful decisions, but the experience of the best leaders. The leader needs deep knowledge of the basic provisions of the science of management: the socio-psychological aspects of managing a team, the scientific organization of labor.

To manage scientifically means to recognize and identify patterns, progressive trends in the pedagogical process and direct (plan, organize) it in accordance with these trends and taking into account objective possibilities.

The management of a preschool institution is a scientifically based impact on the team of educators, attendants, children, parents and the public in order to optimally solve the problems of educating and educating preschool children.

Goal of preschool management is to ensure the optimal functioning of these systems, to achieve high efficiency of educational work with children with the least amount of time and effort.

The management of a modern preschool institution is a complex process that consists of the correct choice of goals and objectives, the study and in-depth analysis of the achieved level of educational work, a rational planning system: identifying and disseminating best practices and using the achievements of pedagogical science in preparing educators to work with children; implementation of the organic unity of teaching and educating children in the classroom and in everyday life; effective control and verification of performance.

An important place in solving these problems takes a deep democratization of the management of preschool institutions.

Democratization of the management of a preschool institution involves:

  • pedagogical cooperation at all levels of management in kindergarten;
  • the competence of all participants in matters of management;
  • new managerial thinking (a different look at raising a child);
  • pedagogical cooperation with parents and school;
  • creation of a team of like-minded people (educators, parents, teachers);
  • the interest of parents and the public in joint activities for the upbringing of children and its results;
  • ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the team (humanization of relations, the formation of a creative atmosphere);
  • redistribution of responsibility in the team.

In the management of a preschool institution, unity of command and collegiality act as opposites of a single process.

The most important issues of life and activities of a preschool institution are considered at the collegiate level.

In the management of a preschool institution, the ratio of unity of command and collegiality is manifested in resolving issues at the Council of Teachers, with a collective review of work, at a production meeting, a meeting of the labor collective. Collegiality finds its greatest expression in the process of discussion and decision-making, and unity of command - in the orders of the leader.

From the head the selection of the most important issues and the depth of their preparation for discussion at the Council of Teachers and at meetings of the labor collective, the creation of a business environment, and the coherence of the work of the collective largely depend.

Coordinated activity of all levels administrative management, their relationship with collegiate management bodies provides a high effect in achieving the goals set for the employee of the preschool institution.

Only relying on the help of his deputies and public organizations, guided by the principle of delegation of responsibility and centralization of control, clearly defining the spheres of influence of all governing bodies, their powers, the manager can achieve effective communication between team members vertically and horizontally.

The management of pedagogical work requires practicality and depth of mind from the head; he must apply knowledge, experience, in a given life situation, to reach the essence of pedagogical phenomena.

The manager must constantly engage in his self-education. Here are the most common methods of self-education and self-government:

  • reminder method. Knowing his shortcoming, the leader constantly reminds himself of it. In some cases, in writing. For example, there is a piece of paper on the table that says: “Restrain yourself!”, “Don't be nervous!”.
  • Stop valve method. As soon as passions begin to flare up, the leader warns himself: “No, this cannot be continued. We need to behave differently and find more flexible approaches.” It forces you to stop the storm and look at yourself, people and the situation differently.
  • containment method. In acute situations, the leader begins to convince himself that further “increase in tension” will not lead to anything good. It is difficult to restrain oneself, one wants to strike back, but he consciously restrains himself, his own emotions, leaves the situation, plunging into other matters, speaking out somewhere, etc.
  • Method of explanation before action. The explanation encourages both parties to understand the causes of the highly emotional relationship.

An important place in the management process belongs to the management decision.

A management decision is a program of action expressed in a directive form. Every decision determines the goal to which the leader or team must strive.

The decision is made in the presence of a problematic situation, characterized by a difference between the necessary and the existing state of affairs.

Management decisions in their content differ significantly from each other. Any managerial decision should contain an answer to the question of how the problem should be solved.

Management decisions must be scientifically substantiated, competent, timely, purposeful; be distinguished by clarity of execution, concreteness, consistency, flexibility and mobility, conciseness, clarity and rigor of form.

A decision is made based on reliable information about the state of the object, as well as the environment in which it operates. Regardless of the form, the wording of the decision should reflect the essence of the issue.

There are four stages in the development of a managerial decision:

First stage- Identification of problems and definition of the goal.

On second stage a clear formulation of the purpose and objectives of the solution, the necessary conditions for its implementation, the definition of the role of each performer is carried out. As a result, a written statement of the main positions of the solution, schemes, diagrams, graphs should appear, logically and visually expressing the idea of ​​the solution and the ways of its implementation.

Third stage- publication of the prepared options for the decision, motivation for the need for its adoption and implementation, persuasion of the team in this. At this stage, opinions and assessments are collected on the proposed draft decision, a creative discussion of its main provisions, an analysis of the comments, suggestions and objections made.

Fourth stage- final oral and written correction of the decision, giving it official significance.

The effectiveness of managing a preschool institution largely depends not only on the quality of decisions made, but also on their quantity. Issuing orders for any reason reduces their importance.

It is very important for the manager to establish a relationship with those who should be responsible for the execution of the order, to determine the task of each of them. One worker immediately sees the need for a solution, the other does not make a decision, the third does not see the problem at all.

One of the effective ways of mastering the task is its verbal formulation and setting for transfer to the performers. Appeals from the manager to the subordinate can block or stimulate the desire to implement the decision. This largely depends on the level of education of the leader.



Preschool Educational Institution - Results Based Management

The purpose of this course is to assist students in understanding their own management experience and the system of methodical work with personnel, as well as the introduction into practice of the latest achievements in the field of management. At the heart of the preschool education management technology developed by P.I. Tretyakov and K.Yu. Belaya, lies the concept of results-based management proposed by Finnish authors (T. Santalainen et al.). This course will help the leader to draw up a development program for his preschool institution, taking into account the social order.
When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process should be able to link his participation in the common cause with the activities of other members of the team - this will be discussed in the lecture "Organizational Foundations of Effective Methodological Work".
The control function is an integral part of management activities. The author considers the features of building a system of intragarden control. Mastering the course of management allows you to move from a vertical command-administrative management system to a horizontal system of professional cooperation. The proposed course reveals the main management mechanisms that ensure the transition of a preschool institution from a functioning to a developing mode.

Curriculum of the course "Preschool educational institution - management by results"

Lecture #1

Theoretical foundations of managing a preschool educational institution based on results


1. Management as a science and practice.
2. Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on results.
3. Levels of management of preschool educational institutions.
4. Formation of the organizational structure of the management of the preschool educational institution.
5. Basic principles for updating the activities of the preschool educational institution.
6. Key results of the activities of the preschool educational institution.


1. Omarov A. Supervisor. M., 1987.

2. Tretyakov P.I., Belaya K.Yu. Preschool educational institution: management by results. Moscow: New school, 2001; 2003.

3. Ezopova S.A. Management in preschool education.

4. Tretyakov P.I. School performance management. Moscow: New School, 1997.

1. Management as a science and practice of human activity

If you look into the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, you will find that the word "management" comes from the verbs "to rule", "to manage" and means "to give a move, direction, to force to go the right way, to manage, to manage, to do something good, properly, okay."

The science of management arose as soon as the conditions for organizing a group of people to solve a common problem appeared. Like any science, it develops and improves over time. Studying modern literature, you can find many different definitions of management.

For many years, management has been defined as a continuous and purposeful process of influencing a group of people to organize and coordinate their activities in the production process, in order to achieve the best results at the lowest cost.

However, modern researchers define management as follows:

Special activity aimed at streamlining relations between people in the process of their joint work and achievement of goals (A.V. Tikhonov);

Activities to coordinate complex hierarchical relationships between the manager and the governed (V.Yu. Krachevsky).

The main feature of the modern world is rapid change. The course of our country towards transformations in the economy, political and public life entails changes in all other institutions of society.

Under these conditions, it is necessary to pay special attention to management - the managerial experience of the developed countries of the world. But the transfer of management models from one socio-cultural environment to another is practically impossible, since management is determined by a combination of factors: the form of government, type of ownership, and the degree of market development. Therefore, the gradual introduction of management in our country can be carried out in a systemic interaction with the noted factors.

Professional knowledge in management involves awareness three fundamentally different management tools. The first is the organization, the hierarchy of management, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the main functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth, etc.). The second is the culture of management, those. values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people. The third is the market, market relations, those. based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

Based on the fact that management in general can be understood as the ability of a leader to achieve goals using the work, intelligence and motives of the behavior of other people, in other words, it is a fusion of the science and art of managing people and social processes, we can give the following definition:

Pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its efficiency.

The management of educational institutions is quite fully and clearly defined and characterized in the pedagogical literature. As for preschool education, we consider it as part of the general education system in Russia, and, therefore, all the main provisions of the science of management, pedagogical management are applicable to the management of a preschool educational institution. At the same time, it is important to take into account to the maximum extent the features and multidimensionality, internal qualities and features of the history of the development of the system of preschool education in Russia.

2. Features of managing a preschool educational institution based on the results

Under the leadership of P.I. Tretyakov, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, a group of his students, devotees, practitioners developed and implemented the technology of education management based on results, which is based on the concept of Finnish authors*.

The main idea of ​​results-based management is the realization that no organization in itself is of any value, but at the same time it is an orderly form that brings people together to achieve certain results.

The very concept of "results-based management" can be defined as a management and development system that achieves results that are defined and agreed upon by all members of the organization.

Determining the main goals of the development of his preschool educational institution, each leader, together with the teaching staff, organizes the entire pedagogical process, which means that he constantly compares the results obtained with the planned ones. This requires making prompt decisions on the situation, i.e. for specific results.

Results-based management assumes that initially the team is given real, provided with all the resources to achieve the goal. Such resources include people, time, finances, material and technical base, technologies, methods, etc. When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process must be able to link his participation in the common cause with other members of the team. Effective thinking assumes that the leader and subordinate determine the result, and then the performer himself chooses the ways to achieve it, i.e. time, technology and other resources.

In the context of results-based management, an initiative and creative team is a valuable resource. The leader creates an atmosphere of respect, trust, success for each participant in the educational process.

However, the task of the manager is to provide information, analysis, goal setting, planning, execution, control and correction.

The leader must clearly own the situation and be a conductor of the new.

Working with children requires a lot of effort and energy from the educator, so goodwill, tact and respectful exactingness among all participants in the pedagogical process are especially important in the team. A leader who shows respect for the personality of each teacher, taking into account inclinations, interests, opportunities, combined with reasonable exactingness, achieves much better results than one who strictly adheres to authoritarian methods of management. One of the best ways to increase interest in work and create a well-coordinated team is to respect people and delegate responsibility and authority to them.

Responsibility appears under two conditions: when the performer is assigned quite specific tasks and responsibilities; when the performer knows that he will definitely be asked for how the work is done. Explaining to each participant in the process the meaning of his mission, the organization in order to achieve certain results, does not acquire a forced administrative character, but conscious creative work. An important issue in results-based management is the distinction between the concepts of “result” and “contribution”.

The result is the realized goal. But the goal itself can be real and ideal. In our case, we assume real goals, i.e. provided with all the resources for execution.

Thus, results-based management is a purposeful resource-provided interaction of the control and managed subsystems to achieve the planned result.

3. Levels of management of preschool educational institutions

It is necessary to allocate levels of management by results.

The first level is determined by the leader's ability to see the mission of the preschool educational institution.

The social characteristic of any organization includes goals and strategy.

The goal of the organization is a specific image of the desired (expected) result, which the organization can actually achieve by a clearly defined point in time. ( Potashnik M.M., Moiseev A.M. Modern school management. M., 1997. S. 75.) When determining the purpose of the organization's activities, one should adhere to the structure proposed by V.I. Zvereva.

When formulating goals, the specified sequence of components may not be observed, but their safety is mandatory. Organization strategy- these are the basic guidelines where the organization is moving, what means it uses. What resources are spent and where, what people are mobilized for. In an integrated way, the goals and strategy are represented by the mission of the organization. Mission of the organization there is its purpose, that is, for the sake of which it exists, what are the differences from surrounding organizations. To determine the mission, use the answers to the following questions: 1. What social needs is the organization created to meet? 2. By means of what, with the help of what services is this need satisfied? 3. Who is the direct consumer of services? 4. What is the competitive advantage? 5. Why do you continue to exist along with other organizations?

When determining the mission of the preschool educational institution, consider the following points: 1) the prospects of the mission. The mission expresses aspiration to the future, shows what efforts will be directed to and what directions will be priority; 2) publicity and collegiality in the development of the mission. In order to develop a real, and not formally proclaimed mission, the opinion of the team should be taken into account; 3) the specificity of the mission. The wording should be clear, clear, understandable for all subjects interacting with your organization; 4) a change in the mission of the organization may be caused by the impossibility of qualitatively fulfilling the mission due to its “overestimation” or significant transformations of the organization.

The second level proposes to consider the result in terms of the quality of services.

The main service of the preschool educational institution to the population is pre-school education and upbringing of children from 3 to 7 years old.

The quality of preschool education is such an organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten, in which the level of upbringing and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training. What determines the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution?

1. From the quality of the work of the educator.
2. From the relations that have developed in the teaching staff.
3. From the conditions created by the leader for the creative search for new methods of working with children.
4. From an objective assessment of the performance of each employee.

Therefore, the quality of preschool education in an institution is a manageable process. Therefore, based on the components of "quality" listed above, two approaches to quality management can be distinguished.

One - through the management of the entire pedagogical process and its components.

The other is through personal subjective aspects in the management system: the formation of a team and the regulation of the moral and psychological climate in it.

Having singled out these, perhaps, the main positions, it can be argued that quality is the result of the activities of the entire team, which is determined by two positions:

How is the pedagogical process organized in kindergarten (mode, choice of programs and technologies, provision of benefits, a system for improving the professional growth of teachers through various forms of methodological work, etc.);

How does a child (children) in an institution exercise their right to individual development in accordance with age-related capabilities and abilities.

Therefore, the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution is both a process and a result.

The third level of results-based management involves considering the result from the perspective of consumers.

This is a family, parents with children of preschool age who need the conditions provided by educational institutions. However, today the picture of parental requests and needs is not fully studied and presented. Studying the requests of parents and creating conditions that help the leader to change the situation flexibly, offer children and parents a variety of services.

Educational: development of social (mathematical, speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, musical, rhythmic) abilities; special preparation for school, language training; educational games; etiquette and behavior, embroidery, design, etc.

Medico-improving: rhythmoplasty, swimming, relaxation; thermotherapy (sauna), respiratory prophylaxis; sports gymnastics, motor-strengthening; massage, etc.

Social: museum excursions, a musical hour at the Philharmonic, a puppet theater, holidays for adults and children; tourism, excursions; lawyer consulting; tutor services.

4. Formation of the organizational structure of management

One of the features of management at the present stage is the departure from traditional forms of organizational construction, the restructuring of structures in accordance with the requirements of high efficiency in resolving issues in a unified system of continuous education.

Under the organizational structure of management, we understand the integral structure of the managing and managed subsystems, consisting of links that are in interaction and ordered by relationships in accordance with the place of these links in the management process.

To remove the existing contradictions in the system of intragarden management means to put into action a significant reserve for increasing management efficiency. This involves the formation of the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions:

Creation of a truly democratic opportunity for the participation of the team, each member in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions;

Improving pedagogical skills and managerial competence of all participants in the management of a preschool institution.

The management mechanism of a modern preschool institution changes the nature of the performance of managerial functions, generates fundamentally new forms of interaction between the institution and all participants in the pedagogical process.

The structure of these relations is as follows:

kindergarten - external environment; administration - the public; leader - subordinate; teacher - teacher; teacher - parents; teacher - children; child is a child.

The problem of forming the organizational structure of management requires, first of all, understanding the development of a preschool institution as a complex socio-pedagogical system, taking into account the objective factors of its democratization.

We see the solution to the problem of forming the organizational structure of management in the further development of democratic foundations in management, both as a principle of state-public management, and as a system of its organization.

Ensuring the optimal balance of such organizational management principles as centralization and decentralization in the implementation of management decisions, collegiality and unity of command in management, rights, duties, responsibilities, etc.

The management structure cannot be separated from the whole set of organizational problems: ensuring the consistency of the organizational structure of social and economic systems in the context of restructuring the life of a preschool institution and society; sequential analysis of each cycle of the management process and, in parallel with this, an analysis of the object, subject and management tools for a comprehensive consideration of the issue of improving the organization of management.

The proposed approach is to consider the organizational structure of the management of a modern preschool institution, taking into account its needs, using modeling applied in pedagogy, based on the general theory of social management, taking into account practice.

The modeling of the control and managed subsystems (control apparatus) that we use facilitates the task of a systemic vision of control, gives the control subject the opportunity to choose the most rational system control functions.

A promising way to design organization models is targeted structuring, i.e. building block-target structures formed according to the matrix principle based on the search for the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in management systems, in the forms of planning and control, such a distribution of management functions, when the interests of the individual and the team are combined, the characteristics of each category of workers, children, and their parents are taken into account and the public. At the same time, the specifics of the goals and objectives, methods and forms of management of a modern preschool institution are taken into account: democratic principles; flexible working hours with children; variable system of forms of educational activity; expansion of interaction with the social environment.

As you can see, the specifics of management is associated with a significant expansion of the scope of the control and managed subsystems, an increase in the amount of information necessary for the normal functioning of an integral system.

The expanded object of managing a modern preschool institution involves taking into account all the connections and relationships that develop between the kindergarten and the environment.

Access to subject-subject relations also changes the total subject of management. The structure of such an extended subject of management includes the heads of the kindergarten, management.

Building models by defining a system of elements connected and interacting with each other requires a clear vision and understanding by the manager of the general principles of building a management structure, its parameters, levels of subordination, distribution of functionality.

The formation and implementation of modern democratic organizational management structures without scientifically based organizational design can cause irreparable damage to a preschool institution.

The design of management structures (managers and managed) in integral pedagogical systems should proceed from the following provisions:

Modernization of the management structures of an integral pedagogical system is carried out taking into account the goals facing the system. They are primary, management structures are secondary and create pedagogical conditions for the effective achievement of final goals;

The design of managing and managed structures is carried out taking into account the development of the management process, as well as the development of pedagogical technology, the consideration of training and education as a management process;

The structures of the main links of the managing and managed pedagogical subsystems are largely determined by the distribution of basic rights and powers, as well as the division of the general management process into subprocesses, functions and stages of management;

Continuity in a holistic preschool education management system implies a clear definition of rights and powers and their mandatory implementation. Failure to comply with this condition leads to an imbalance in the execution of management decisions and uncontrollability in one or another subsystem;

The restructuring of the integral system of management of preschool education must be carried out in the direction of structural and functional changes. Each subdivision of the managing and controlled subsystems, its apparatus should be endowed with rights, duties and responsibility (moral, material and disciplinary) for the effective performance of functions;

As part of the management system, there should be a body with the right of public and state expertise based on state and public standards with the right of legislative initiative to present and make strategic management decisions. This provision will contribute to the development of public administration;

To increase the efficiency of all links of the control and managed subsystems, constant functional regulation of all control functions is necessary. This condition will allow developing self-regulation in the subjects of management and transferring the subjects, as well as objects of management, to a new qualitative state;

In order to form and develop independent managerial thinking, initiative and creativity, it is necessary to delegate authority, especially in choosing the optimal pedagogical conditions, methods, means and influences to achieve goals.

An intragarden control system can be designed as a functional model, including control levels and their relationships.

The basis of this model is four interrelated levels of all participants in the pedagogical process: members of the council of the preschool educational institution, the head, his deputies, educators, teachers, public organizations, parents of children attending the preschool educational institution.

Each of the levels of management is necessarily included in the zone of influence of the subjects of management both horizontally and vertically (scheme 1).

Scheme 1

Functional structure of intragarden management

Two factors stand out in the proposed management structure vertically and horizontally: specialization in the distribution of basic functions with their simultaneous integration and the amount of labor necessary to ensure the educational process. Note that such a model represents a democratically centralized system with a special nature of relations between the subjects (bodies) of control.

This model of intragarden management determines the balance of tasks of all management bodies with the structure of goals; correspondence of hierarchical levels of tasks and management links; optimization of compliance with the tasks, powers and responsibilities of management bodies. This system has been introduced in many preschool institutions in Moscow.

The developing intragarden management can also be constructed according to the matrix structure. The matrix management structure is effective for the period of development and implementation of new projects, i.e. in the conditions of innovative activity of the institution. In this case, the participants in the pedagogical process are united in groups (subsystems) for the implementation of specific projects that make up the development program of the preschool educational institution within the framework of a single concept. (scheme 2).

Scheme 2

Matrix structure of intragarden management

This diagram shows three projects that the DOW is working on. It is important that not only the teaching staff, but also the parents of the pupils participate in each of them. Creative groups are created for a specific topic, such groups should include interested, creative teachers. In the work of such a group, a person cannot be forced to work by order, people unite at will, in order to create and implement something new. The task of the creative teams is to develop a more detailed, in-depth development of one of the sections of the project. The connecting link of this structure can be a form of presentation of results for all projects, for example, a conference. This structure indicates a special period of the institution's work - the mode of development, changes in the content and organization of the pedagogical process in order to improve it.

5. Basic principles for updating the activities of the preschool educational institution

Let us name the basic principles underlying the renewal of the activities of a preschool institution.

1. Democratization. This principle implies the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between all participants in the management process, its decentralization.

2. humanization. It provides an equal choice for each individual of the level, quality, direction of education, the method, nature and form of its receipt, the satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process on the personality of the child.

3. Humanitarianization of educational programs, those. such a ratio and combination of programs, the use of such didactic approaches, teaching methods and technologies that ensure the priority of universal values, integrity, consistency, continuity and anticipatory nature of education.

4. Differentiation, mobility and development. These principles presuppose multilevelness, multifunctionality of educational programs of all diverse types of educational institutions. They provide children, adolescents, youth, as they grow up, social development and self-determination, the possibility of moving horizontally (changing class, profile, direction of education), as well as vertically (changing the level, type, type of educational institution).

5. openness of education, those. providing opportunities for both continuous education in various forms, and general education at any stage, at any level (basic and additional).

6. The diversity of the educational system, those. qualitative growth and development of the state preschool institution, as well as the opening of a new type of elite educational institutions.

7. Standardization. This principle presupposes the observance of federal standards for the quality of education, the introduction of regional standards that take into account the national and other characteristics of the region.

All these principles become a guide to action in a developing and developing preschool institution. At the same time, the main function of a modern kindergarten (of any type or species) is the purposeful socialization of the individual: introducing it into the world of natural and human connections and relationships, immersion in human material and spiritual culture through the transfer of the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life.

To assess the advancement of a preschool educational institution in its development, the following performance indicators are analyzed.

1. Innovative activity of the institution - updating the content of education and training in accordance with state standards (basic and additional educational services); updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work; a combination of introspection, self-control with self-assessment and peer review.

2. Organization of the educational process (UEP) - self-government, cooperation of teachers, children and their parents in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development; planning and organizing a variety of children's activities, taking into account the interests and needs of children; teacher and child as equal partners in this activity; high level of motivation of all participants in the pedagogical process; a comfortable subject-developing and psychological-pedagogical environment in kindergarten for all participants in a holistic pedagogical process.

3. Efficiency of the UVP - comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (assessment of the state of physical and mental health of children, their development: physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, intellectual, social).

6. Key results of the activities of the preschool educational institution

An important point in this approach to results-based management is the allocation of key results. The closer the key results are to the third level, the deeper is the awareness of the goals of the preschool institution.

Based on the awareness of universal and national values, we highlight the following key results of our activity:

1. Health and healthy lifestyle. The level of health, physical and mental development of the child.

2. Education based on universal and national values. The level of moral, spiritual and moral education of the individual.

3. Education in accordance with personal capabilities and abilities. The level of intellectual development.

4. Willingness to continue education. School readiness level.

5. Adaptability of the educational environment to meet the educational needs of the individual. The level of adaptability of the subject-developing and educational environment.

The management of identified key results will be determined by the main factors and conditions (figure 3).

Scheme 3

The sponsor of the publication of the article is an online store of professional massage equipment of well-known Japanese and American brands The proposed range of massage products will allow massage therapists to equip both an office for receiving patients and buy a folding massage table designed for comfortable on-site work. American cable technology allows such folding tables to be compact when assembled, quickly assembled and have sufficient reliability for many years of use without loss of quality.


1. How do you understand what "management" is?

2. What is the essence of results-based management technology?

3. What can be the management structures and how do they differ?

The task

1. Analyze the proposed or formulate the key results of your preschool educational institution.

2. State the mission of your institution.

You will need to complete this task to draw up the Development Program for your preschool educational institution. Get serious.

* See: Santalainen T., Voutilainen E. et al. Management by results. M., 1993.

A preschool institution is the first stage of the system of continuous education and is designed to create the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the child's personality, while satisfying both the demands of society and the needs of the child himself.

The problem of the effectiveness of the management of the preschool educational institution is based on the following principles of scientific management: goal setting, cooperation and division, complexity, systematic self-improvement.

The first and most important is the principle of goal-setting as the basis for the content of all management activities.

To manage a preschool educational institution means to purposefully influence the teaching staff, and through it, the educational process in order to achieve maximum results in the development of preschool children.

The purpose of preschool management is to provide optimal conditions for the development of the child's personality. The implementation of this goal involves the solution of such tasks as the study and in-depth analysis of the achievement of the level of educational work, the creation of a rational planning system, the identification and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience and the use of the achievements of pedagogical science in preparing educators to work with children, the implementation of the organic unity of training and education children in the classroom and in everyday life, the implementation of effective control over the educational process.

The principle of goal-setting management reflects the requirement to set goals taking into account their optimality and reality, social significance and prospects.

The principle of cooperation and division of pedagogical labor implies the desire of the leader to coordinate the activities of all performers in accordance with their functional duties. The organizational structure of management in a preschool educational institution can be represented in the form of two main substructures: administrative and public.

In turn, in the structure of the administrative management of the preschool educational institution, several levels of linear management can be distinguished. The highest level is provided by the manager. Its dominant position is legally enshrined in "Standard position on preschool institution".

Head of preschool educational institution exercise full administrative control. He is personally responsible for the work of the institution entrusted to him.

The head manages all the activities of the preschool institution, is personally responsible for the selection, placement and education of personnel, for the results of the organizational, pedagogical, financial, economic and other activities of the preschool institution. At the same time, he is obliged to apply democratic forms of government. The manager cannot ignore the participation of the collective and public organizations in management affairs. The manager is empowered to make decisions. He decides what to do, how to do it and is responsible for it. Possessing real power, the head influences the labor collective, and through him - on the nature and results of the work of the preschool institution.

In the role of an administrator, the manager uses his powers to carry out the functioning of his institution in accordance with the current regulations. Together with employees, he develops and implements a personnel policy - staffs, selects, trains, places and relocates personnel, attests them, develops the Charter of the preschool educational institution.

Performing the functions of an organizer, the leader creates the conditions necessary for joint work, purposeful and coordinated actions of subordinates.

In accordance with the "Regulations on a preschool institution", the head performs a wide range of duties:

Establishes rules in accordance with labor law
internal labor regulations and in accordance with qualification
characteristics of the scope of duties of employees of a preschool institution;

Ensures the implementation of labor legislation, the Charter, parental
contracts, internal labor regulations, sanitary and hygienic regime,
instructions on the organization of labor protection and safety, as well as serviceability
sanitary, heat engineering, gas and energy systems;

Provides training and safety briefing;

Organizes propaganda of pedagogical and hygienic knowledge among
parents, directs the work of the parent committee, communicates with the school,
the leadership of the department or sponsoring enterprise;

Reports on the work of the institution to the educational authorities;

Provides the necessary conditions for health promotion,
effective work on the upbringing, comprehensive development of children,
responsibility for the protection of their life and health, for the organization of rational nutrition,
the quality of educational work, staffing of the institution with children, financial and
economic activity and sanitary and hygienic condition of the institution;

Organizes additional services aimed at improving care,
care, health improvement, upbringing and education of children; carries out quality control
educational work.

At the second level, management is carried out by a senior educator, head of household, head nurse, who interact with the corresponding management objects. At this level, the manager directly and indirectly implements managerial decisions through the distribution of responsibilities between administrative workers, taking into account their training, experience, and the structure of the preschool institution.

senior caregiver supervises the educational work of a preschool institution. In addition, the senior educator takes part in organizing the activities of the Council of Teachers and the implementation of its decisions, analyzes modern programs, proposes promising directions for the development of pedagogical activity for consideration by the Council of Teachers, organizes and coordinates work on the basis of the methodological office of a preschool institution, organizes the methodological equipment of the educational process, provides assistance to teachers in the development of innovative pedagogical technologies, organizes educational work for parents, creates conditions for the formation of parents' needs for competent educational services for their children.

Head of the household is responsible for the preservation of the building of the preschool institution and property, organizes the material and technical support of the pedagogical process, creates conditions for ensuring cleanliness and order in the premises of the kindergarten and on the site, fire protection and organization of labor of the attendants.

The head nurse controls the sanitary condition of the premises and the area of ​​the preschool institution, compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, the quality of the delivered products, the organization of food and the quality of cooking, provides medical care for children, conducts sanitary and educational work among the employees of the institution and parents.

The third level of management is carried out by educators, psychologists, physical education instructor, music director, medical and service personnel. At this level, the objects of control are children and their parents.

The principle of complexity involves a combination of targeted, functional and linear management of the preschool educational institution. Having determined the goals and objectives of management activities, the employees of the preschool educational institution plan their work at one or another level of linear management (for example, the head develops an activity plan for the entire team, the senior educator - a plan for methodological work, educators - a plan for the educational process in age groups), the head introduces necessary changes in the functional responsibilities of subordinates, distributing new responsibilities, creates conditions for the implementation of the plan, periodically monitors and coordinates its implementation by teams of the second and third levels of linear management.

Effective management also provides for the implementation of the principle of its systematic self-improvement based on the achievements of the theory and practice of management.

Based on the theory of management, the following main functions of management activities in preschool educational institutions can be distinguished:

1. Decision making. A management decision is a program of action
expressed in directive form. Every decision defines a goal to achieve
which the leader and the team aspire to; means of achieving this goal
(material, labor, financial, moral); ways to coordinate all
performers involved in the implementation of the solution.

Management decisions, in turn, perform a number of functions:

Guide (setting goals and objectives for the development of preschool educational institutions);

Providing (determination of ways and means of effective development
pedagogical process);

Coordinating and organizing (determining the order and mode of operation
preschool educational institution, distribution of functional duties of subordinates);

Stimulating (search and use of measures of material and moral
encouragement in achieving goals and objectives).

In the management activities of the preschool educational institution, the following forms of decision-making are used: orders, orders, recommendations, plans, decisions of the Council of Teachers, instructions, directives, instructions, etc.

There are four stages in the development of a managerial decision:

a) identifying problems and setting goals;

b) formulation of goals and objectives of the solution;

c) familiarization of the team with the draft decision;

d) oral or written correction of decisions.

2. Organization of the implementation of decisions and plans. Includes
bringing the decision (plan) to the executor, creating conditions (financial
technical, moral) for the implementation of this decision (plan), the coordination of this
solutions (plan) with values ​​and personal needs of the performer.

3. Current and final control. It serves as a means of implementing feedback between the subjects of the management process. The main object of control in the preschool educational institution is the educational process and its results - the level of development of the child's personality, the amount of his knowledge and skills.

In the management of preschool educational institutions, the following types of control are distinguished: preventive, frontal, thematic, comparative, final.

The task of preventive control is the prevention of all kinds of errors, the selection of the most rational means of increasing management efficiency.

Frontal control includes checking the entire educational process in one age group for several days. This form of control makes it possible to obtain information about the features of the educational process in the group, the personality-oriented educational process in the group, and the personal development of children.

Thematic control is carried out in order to study the work of the preschool educational institution on the tasks of the annual plan.

Comparative control is carried out in order to compare the results of the work of educators in various areas of educational activities of the preschool educational institution.

With the help of the final control, you can summarize the work of the teaching staff for a certain period of time.

Operational control is aimed at studying the state of work of both the team as a whole and its individual members at any particular stage and may include the following:

Evaluation of the work of the educator for the day;

Analysis of the development of the child in one direction or another;

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions in a group for working with children;

Sanitary analysis.

In the management activities of the preschool educational institution, management methods are used that act as ways to achieve the goals and objectives. There are four main groups of methods:

1. Economic methods or methods of economic stimulation.
Assume an additional fee for categories, titles.

2. Administrative methods. Allows selection, placement and
staff education.

3. Methods of psychological and pedagogical influence. With these methods
planning of the social development of the team is carried out,
a favorable psychological climate in the team, a creative environment is being formed.

4. Methods of public influence. Aimed at broad engagement
of all personnel in the management of the preschool educational institution.


1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 18) / Preschool
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3. Andreeva V., Spirkina R. Problems of updating the system of preschool
education at the present stage // Preschool education. 1991. -№4. pp. 33-37.

4. Bondarenko A., Pozdnyak L., Shkatulla V. Head of preschool
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5. Vasiliev Yu. New approaches to school management // Soviet Pedagogy.
-1989, No. 8. pp. 57-63.

6. Genov F. Psychology of management. -M., 1982.

7. Mikhailenko V., Korotkova N. Landmarks and requirements for updating
content of preschool education // Preschool education. -1992.

8. Panko E. Studying the activities of a preschool teacher:
guidelines. -M., 1985.

9. Pozdnyak L. Head in the management system of a preschool institution //
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11. Pozdnyak L. Special course. Fundamentals of management of preschool educational
institution. -M., 1994.

12. Krasovsky Yu. If I am a leader. -M., 1982.

13. Tikhomirov A. Management decision. -M., 1979.

14. Simonov V. Pedagogical management. -M., 1997.

15. Potashnik M.M., Lazarev B.C. School development management. -M., 1995.

16. Komarov E. Woman - leader. -M., 1989.

17. Sterkina R., Knyazeva O., Yuzina E. New legal framework for increasing
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Control tasks

Because of the brevity of life, we do not have the luxury of wasting time on tasks that do not lead to new results.

L. D. Landau

Features of managing a preschool organization

in modern conditions.

The main goal of the development of education in Russia is to improve its quality, accessibility and efficiency. The domestic education system is an important factor in maintaining Russia's place among the leading countries of the world, its international prestige as a country with a high level of culture, science and education. The purpose of the modernization of education: the creation of a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system.

Pre-school education and training is the first level of continuous education, which creates a developing environment for the full formation of a competitive generation.

The turn of preschool organizations towards the child, with his requests and individual development, is possible only with the implementation of new management principles and a high level of professionalism of its leaders.

Such requirements are imposed on a modern preschool organization that raising the level of management becomes an objective necessity and an essential aspect of its further functioning and development.

Researchers consider a preschool organization as a complex socio-pedagogical system, and therefore management should be systemic.

A system is a set of elements that are in connections and relationships with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. The system has a number of features and implies differentiation, integrity of interconnected components that have a special connection with the environment and are part of a higher order system.

Systemic vision of reality, notes T.M. Davydenko, this is a special cognitive management technology that focuses on the study of the management process as a system of functions. The level of system integrity, pays special attention to T.I. Shamov, will depend on the completeness of the set of elements, the relationship between them, the presence of goals for all elements and their connection with the goal of the system.

The purpose of the preschool organizationas an educational system– to create conditions for the full-fledged harmonious development, upbringing and education of each child at the level of his individual capabilities. A preschool organization is a part of the society in its microdistrict, it is connected with it, experiences its influence and influences it.

The head of the preschool organization should be able to see:

Connections between parts of the system, be able to characterize them as: internal and external, general and particular, direct and reverse, direct and indirect, permanent and temporary, essential and insignificant, deep and superficial, dominant and non-dominant;

To be able to consider the preschool organization as a system and see all the richness of the connections between the parts;

To be able to make a choice of those connections that would allow achieving the goal with the minimum number of connections.

There are driving forces of the system, sources of its development. These include objective contradictions between parts of the system (tasks, content, forms, methods), as well as between the links that exist between them, between the various structures of the system; process dynamics; structure optimization.

Thus, we see that a preschool organization is a multi-layer systemic education, each component of which needs to be managed and an optimally functioning control system should be built.

What are the foundations for building a management system in a preschool organization? In the management literature, the concept of "management" is interpreted from three positions: 1. Management is seen as a purposeful activity of all subjects aimed at ensuring the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and mandatory development of a preschool organization.

Such definitions, T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko note, are important from the point of view of identifying management as one of the types of social activity that has as its goal a certain result.

Researchers identify the main goals of management activities.

The first goal is the formation, creation of managed and managing systems (creation of an integral, original author's pedagogical system that is optimal for specific circumstances and conditions).

The second goal is to maintain all the properties of the system, its ordering and stabilization.

The third goal is to ensure the optimal functioning of the system.

The fourth goal is the development of the system, its transfer from the existing to a new, qualitatively higher state.

Second position. Researchers consider management as the “impact” of one system on another, one person on another.

Third position. Management is the interaction of subjects. Such an understanding of interaction presupposes a mutual change in the managers and the governed, and the process of interaction itself as a change in its states, which corresponds to real management practice.

The properties of management include: purposefulness, openness, awareness, regularity, cyclicity, the combination of science and art.

The essence of management, many authors note (V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova) is expressed through its functions, which define the range of activities, its content, types, purpose and role.

At present, a number of scientists believe that the composition and sequence of functions that make up the management process is the same for all self-governing systems.

N.V. Kuzmina defines management as a set of five functions:

Design, which involves the formulation of goals and objectives, changing various plans and objectives;

Constructive - the essence of which is to model a variety of situations;

Organizing, in which the executive activities of the manager are implemented;

Communicative - is aimed at building the necessary relationships and connections between the subjects of management.

Management activity can also be considered as a process. Management as a process, notes V.Ya. Yakunin, is a sequence of stages, states, stages of development, a set of actions of the leader to achieve the goal. It highlights the following management functions:

collection of information;



organization of execution;

∙ communication;

∙ control;

∙ correction.

There are different points of view on the functional composition of management, so the existence of each of the approaches to determining the functional composition is expedient. The functional approach to management allows practitioners to holistically represent their activities in the form of a management cycle.

Situational approach to management - its basis is a specific situation, so the manager must be able to correctly interpret the situation; anticipate the likely consequences of applying specific methods; be able to link specific methods to specific situations.

The optimization approach in management is to achieve the maximum possible final results with rational time spent on management activities.

The main approaches to control optimization are reflected in the works of researchers V.P. Simonova, R.L. Krichevsky, T.I. Shamova. They give specific advice to the leader:

1. Definition of a methodological approach to solving problems (vision of the model, consistency, specificity, measure)

2. Optimal approach. It performs diagnostic, explanatory, constructive, dynamic, methodological, heuristic, prognostic functions.

Principles of the methodological approach:

Consistency (optimality, harmony, integrity);

Specificity (taking into account the head of the traditions of the preschool educational institution, its contingent, the characteristics of the teaching staff);

Measures (saving time, increasing the effect).

Optimization is the choice of the best option from the possible, the most appropriate for certain conditions and tasks.

Optimizing the management of a preschool organization means choosing or constructing a system of measures that, when applied in the conditions of a particular educational institution, would transform the structure and management process in such a way that not just any, but better than before, maximum possible final results are achieved.

In modern conditions, the role of scientific management of the preschool organization has increased. This is due to the development of variability in the content of preschool education; with the expansion of scientific knowledge in the field of upbringing, education of children and the management of these processes; with the inclusion in the system of continuous education of preschool; with increasing requirements for the level of qualification of teaching staff; with the strengthening of the role of the subjective factor in the system of preschool education.

Today it is impossible to provide favorable conditions for the creative activity of the team of a preschool organization without purposeful and scientifically based management.

Scientists believe that scientific management means identifying patterns, progressive trends in the pedagogical process and planning it in accordance with these trends and taking into account objective possibilities.

The management of a preschool organization is understood as a purposeful activity that ensures the consistency of the work of the teaching staff; evidence-based impact on educators, attendants, children, parents and the public in order to optimally solve the problems of educating and educating preschool children.

Knowledge about the features of socio-pedagogical systems, their patterns makes it possible to ensure the successful management of a preschool organization in modern conditions.


1. Rozanova V. Psychology of management. M., 1996.

2. Pozdnyak L.V. Management of a preschool educational institution

As a socio-pedagogical system. preschool management

An educational institution. Zh. 2006, No. 4. P.8-14.

3. Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Management of modern preschool educational

institution. Part 1. M., 2002.

4. Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Management of modern preschool educational

institution. Part 2. M., 2003.

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