Kegel exercises with egg. Whose balls are cooler


In this article, I will tell you why jade eggs are so beneficial for women's health and women's energy.

Since ancient times, the inquisitive and practical Chinese secretly passed on to their students the knowledge of the healing properties of jade for the body as a whole, and especially for the urogenital area of ​​men and women.

Jade is a unique stone that has long been considered the favorite stone of Chinese emperors. The Chinese say: "Gold has a price, jade is priceless" ...

The shape of an egg is the oldest symbol, for many peoples it embodies the infinity of being, the extension of the family, the continuity of generations, as an amulet of vital stability and maintaining the tradition of the family. Since time immemorial, the wives and concubines of the Chinese emperor and noble nobles have used jade eggs to develop and strengthen intimate muscles.

It is not surprising why in Chinese erotology the names of female and male reproductive organs are associated with this stone. In men - a jade rod or stem that enters a woman, in women - a jade gate or cave that receives a jade rod, a jade chamber - a uterus and jade clusters - these are eggs in the ovaries that can give new life to offspring.

If you have looked here, then you have already heard something about the benefits of jade. Then read very carefully, because in the networks you will find many myths and tales about this mineral.

When we talk about the healing properties of minerals, we need to distinguish between two sides of the same coin, namely:

  1. physical and chemical properties, or what really works at the level of the body and what official science confirms;
  2. magical properties, or something that is not visible, is difficult to prove on devices, but it works at the energy level and has been successfully used for thousands of years.

Let's consider in more detail.

Physiochemical properties

How jade products (eggs, balls, plates) affect the body:

- well warm up the tissues of the body, both from the outside and from the inside. In the vaginal canal, a temperature slightly higher than normal is created, as a result of which the pathogenic microflora dies;

- transforms chaotic body heat into structured (wave) heat, and jade vibrations correspond to heart rhythms.

Those. in essence, the impact of jade is equated to physiotherapy procedures.

What effects:

  • destroys pathogenic bacteria, harmful microflora, increases libido, while he himself is resistant to the effects of a pathogenic environment, does not "infect";
  • vaginitis (colpitis), thrush, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system are cured, an unpleasant odor from the vagina disappears;
  • pain in the stomach passes quickly, especially that occurs during stress, as well as toothache and headache (a plate on a cord on the stomach area, on the forehead or on the cheek);
  • the possibility of diagnosing diseases is improved, the clinical picture of diseases of the genitourinary sphere is clarified;
  • personally in my practice there are several cases of fragmentation and natural release of stones from the kidneys;
  • smoothing wrinkles when applying plates to the face, especially the alternation of warm and cold plates.

How and why does this happen?

Jade is a very heat-intensive material; is able to accumulate and store heat for a long time, transferring this heat to the tissues of the body (and when cooled - cold). It has a tangled microfiber structure (fibers of actinolite and tremolite) and a hidden crystal lattice (a mineral of the amphibole group).

The mineral is able to stop the processes of decay and decomposition of tissues. So, in 1983, excavations were made of the burial place of one Han princess, who was lying in a suit made of jade plates. Not only did it not decompose in 2,200 years without embalming. Her skin hasn't lost its elasticity. There was no rotting at all, it seemed to dry out. Moreover, at the time of her death she was pregnant, and the fetus was preserved in her.

Energy (magical) properties

On the one hand, jade is a stone of the Rulers of Heaven and emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. On the other hand, for millions of years, jade has collected the strength and power of the earth. According to Taoist alchemy, a person combines the energy of Heaven and Earth, and at the level of the body, the energy of heaven (cosmos) is located in the cavity of the head, the energy of the earth in the cavity of the abdomen, and in the cavity of the chest, the energy of a person is concentrated as a harmonious unity of heaven (yang) and earth ( yin) is the energy of Qi. Having a fibrous structure (vibrational basis), jade has been a long-wave conductor and carrier of information since ancient times, and the crystal lattice helps the mineral rid the owner of the bad, destructive energy of illnesses or negative emotions and not get "infected" himself.

What effects:

  • by placing an egg in the vaginal canal, we strengthen the Earth within us, cultivating our power and vitality;
  • jade harmonizes blood cells. The amazing viscosity of the gem has a positive effect on all fluids in the body;
  • wearing eggs or jade products enhances the Qi energy of those organs with which objects are in close proximity;
  • jade enhances the regeneration of our body tissues at the cellular level, rejuvenates the body, prolongs life;
  • has a strong energy potential and the ability to transfer its charge to the owner in difficult life situations;
  • with prolonged interaction with jade, many women notice how the fuss gradually disappears and softness and fluidity appear;
  • in sex, there is a shift in emphasis from mechanical actions to a deeper feeling of internal states.

Myths about jade

Myth #1. You will find many articles that jade perfectly releases molecules (ions) of calcium and magnesium in a humid environment, and that is why it should be worn in the vagina, put in a bath, eat from jade dishes

Don't believe!

Jade really contains many useful trace elements, its chemical formula Ca2 (Mg, Fe) 522 - oxides of calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon dioxide, often with additives of sodium, aluminum, manganese, nickel, chromium and copper - a whole periodic table! But at the same time, it is an extremely dense, durable and inert material, i.e. not reacting with the medium in which it is placed. That is why in ancient China they made dishes from it! Through the influence of a liquid medium, only the wave (energy) properties of jade can be enhanced. In order for jade to begin to emit ions of trace elements, such conditions are necessary (very high temperature and pressure), which do not exist in everyday life!

But with the help of jade powder in China, many diseases were successfully cured. Avicenna treated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with nephritis, only these were special proven recipes.

Myth #2. Jade eggs in the vagina can cause inflammatory, infectious, fungal and other diseases

Don't believe!

Jade just cures these diseases (see above), but often through an exacerbation, like any treatment, and it may seem to you that the troubles started from the mineral ... I have never met allergic reactions to nephritis in my practice.

Myth #3. Eggs must be boiled before using.

Do not destroy the living mineral!

Do you really want to turn it into a dead stone...

There are many disinfectants - any antiseptic solution or chlorhexidine (without alcohol). To clean from someone else's information, you can choose the option:

  • rinse in running water
  • hold in the sun
  • hold in a box of salt,
  • put in the freezer (there is frost in nature, unlike boiling water).

Now directly about the eggs

How to choose the size of the egg for training? Why do you need 3 eggs? What size to start with?

Such questions arise in every woman at the beginning of classes.

To train the pelvic floor muscles, it is desirable to have 3 eggs, but you can start with one.

The egg should feel good inside you. Those. to get started, choose the largest possible size. If the egg is not felt inside, this is normal initially, this is due to the lower sensitivity inside the vaginal canal than at the entrance. Gradually the sensitivity increases. Then, as we develop skills, we change the size to a smaller one. The most difficult thing is to retract a small egg, this already requires a certain skill.

But even if it turns out to work with a small size, we do not refuse large eggs, they provide a greater load on the muscles (like small and large dumbbells).

Color: from almost white through all shades of green (yellowish, grassy, ​​emerald, marsh) to almost black. There is also red jade, but it is very rare. The color intensity depends on the content of iron oxides and impurities of chromium, manganese, nickel. Samples with a pale, uniform, well-translucent color are more valued than those with uneven (striped, spotty, "cloudy"). The brown streaks that are often present are the result of iron oxidizing through cracks in the stone.

Any natural stone has energy, carries the memory of the universe. Jade is a stone of eternity, a stone of sages, it is a stone of the Rulers of Heaven and emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. In Chinese tradition, it represents a number of virtues: moral purity, justice, sincerity, courage, harmony, devotion and benevolence.

Confucius (551-479 BC) writes:

Jade is like the power of knowledge, for it is smooth and shiny. It is like justice, for it has sharp edges, but they do not cut. It is like obedience, for it strives down to the earth. It is like music, because it produces pure, clear sounds. He is like truthfulness, for he does not hide the flaws that only enhance his beauty. He is like the earth, and his fortitude is born of mountains and water.

For thousands of years, only the emperor, members of his family and senior dignitaries had the right to own jade products. Jade was not just a valuable stone, but also a symbol of power and might. The imperial jade seal symbolized that power was given to the emperor by Heaven. The honorable duty of the Emperor was to greet the sunrise with jade bells sewn onto special ritual clothing.

Nephritis melts with difficulty, acids do not affect it, it has high fracture strength and does not give in to abrasion.

In terms of viscosity, there are neither natural nor artificial compounds equal to jade. An experiment was made at one Siberian plant: a block of jade was placed under a steam hammer. The hammer fell on her, the anvil shattered, but the block remained unharmed. The dense mass of stone consists of countless finest fibers, which are intricately intertwined like felt.

Therefore, jade as a material is ideal for carving, it conveys the finest details like metal, while it has a vibrant color and depth, without collapsing for thousands of years. A carved thin jade ring does not break when it falls on the ground and stones, and in order to crush a piece of jade, you need to expend 15% more effort than those required to crush a piece of better steel.

Natalya, do you know where a woman begins to age? - Zhenya's friend slyly handed me a small box with an elegant ribbon.
- From the skin under the eyes? I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
- No, - my Evgenia pointed her index finger instructively at the bikini zone.
"It can't be," I wondered.
- Maybe, maybe. Our intimate muscles are the first to begin to age. So, so that your youth lasts indefinitely, I have prepared this gift for you.
- And what is it? I hurriedly opened the box. Inside, on a silk base, lay three jade eggs of different sizes. Each of them, in the manner of a hygienic tampon, was on a string-lace.
- Holy Father, - I looked at the egg family in bewilderment. And what should be done with all this wealth?

Jade eggs are a kind of female intimate simulator. You've probably heard of Ben-wa balls, Kegel exercises, thanks to which the muscles of the female vagina become manageable. Jade eggs are another woman's assistant in training intimate muscles. Moreover, this simulator is not an invention of our time. In the Chinese imperial court, concubines, through training with jade eggs, remained skilled concubines even after repeated births. Also, techniques for training intimate muscles, including with the help of jade eggs, were used by priestesses, getters, geishas, ​​one mention of which at all times was associated with masters of the highest class in the business of love pleasures.

True, earlier eggs were made not only from jade. Often they were made from precious woods. Regardless of the material of manufacture, the eggs were certainly smooth and small in size. Thanks to regular training with eggs, women gave incredible pleasure to their men during intimacy, maintained their female health and gave birth to healthy heirs. It is believed that the doctrine of jade eggs came to the West thanks to the master of the Taoist school Mantak Chia.

Pelvic floor muscle training is called wumbling. This concept is deciphered by the first letters V-vaginal; Y-managed; M-muscles. Building - as you know, is translated from English as construction, development.
By and large, the intimate muscles of any woman need to be strengthened, but first of all, wumbling is indicated for urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, air entering the vagina when bending or sexual intimacy and water when bathing, which is fraught with infection. Indeed, as a result of regular training with jade eggs, the intimate muscles of a woman become elastic, blood circulation in them improves, which means that the tissues of the pelvic floor receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Wumbling exercises have a huge impact on a woman's health. First, jade itself is a healing stone. And secondly, physical activity of the vaginal muscles with the help of exercises with jade eggs contributes to the prevention and treatment of congestion in the vagina, ovaries, and pelvic organs. As a result, thanks to wumbling, it is quite possible to get rid of painful periods, erosion, fibroids, myocysts, polycystic disease, microflora disorders, mastopathy, and breast compaction. Helping to stabilize the psycho-emotional state of a woman, wumbling helps to avoid pre- and postmenstrual syndrome. And due to the effect on the restoration of the hormonal system of a woman, classes with jade eggs naturally help to solve problems with excess weight.

Will add wumbling and colors to intimate life. As a result of training with jade eggs, the volume of the vagina decreases, which cannot but please the sexual partner of a woman practicing wumbling. But training the vaginal muscles will bring sexual pleasure not only to the partner, but also to the woman herself, because the sensitivity of the erogenous zones as a result of wumbling increases, the orgasm becomes brighter, and the sexual experiences themselves are more subtle and intense.

Future women in labor with jade eggs will teach you to understand and control your body more, which in the end will be very useful when trying. Also, in a woman who trains intimate muscles, the press and diaphragm are also strengthened. As a result, childbirth in women practicing wumbling is less painful, and after the birth of a baby, the tissues of the vagina and pelvic floor recover faster.

And finally, returning to the topic raised at the beginning of the article, jade egg exercises will slow down the appearance of age-related changes and aging. With the help of training intimate muscles, a woman accumulates energy, thanks to which menopause and menopause do not occur and even childbearing function is preserved. But it is the stage of menopause that has a huge negative impact on the appearance of a woman and her health. By practicing wumbling, you prolong your youth. Rumor has it that even a fairly adult woman who trains intimate muscles will be given expressive lively eyes and smoothed youthful skin. To the delight of ladies of the age who are already experiencing menopause, I hasten to inform you that it is never too late to practice wumbling. After all, the aging process is reversible!

So, there is no more doubt. Jade eggs to be your intimate simulator! But do not rush to immediately start exercising after buying a set of jade eggs. To begin with, they have to be cleansed and get to know them so that they become ONLY YOURS.

To clean jade eggs, you need to place them in a saline solution for a day (in the proportion of one tablespoon of salt per glass of water). Then, without touching this solution with your hands and without removing the eggs, put it under running water for 20 minutes. Let all the information that has accumulated on the jade along the way to you, together with the washed-out solution, go into the sewer. Finally, to disinfect, boil the eggs for a few minutes. After they have cooled, light a candle, and in turn circle each of the eggs by the thread three times clockwise over the flame:

Now you can start getting to know them. To do this, take all three eggs by the threads and, gently rocking them, push each other. Then take each egg in turn, greet him joyfully, put the thread to your ear and ask him his name. The name will be whatever comes to mind first. Memorize their names and then mentally refer to your jade trainers by name during class.

After such a ceremony, you can be sure that the jade testicles are completely cleansed, now they are only yours and will bring you a lot of useful things. But let's finally start training.

1. Let's start with the simplest: choose the smallest egg and in the supine position with bent knees, insert it into the vagina. Try to squeeze it with intimate muscles.

2. The next step will be to pull the egg out by the string while simultaneously resisting the vaginal muscles.

3. A very funny exercise - pulling the egg inside. To do this, sit down, leaning your back against a wall or headboard, get a shallow egg and start impulsively drawing it in (drawn in, relaxed). The fact that you are doing everything right will be prompted by the fishing line swallowed by the vagina, which gradually disappears in you. At first glance, the exercise seems to be "aerobatics", but in fact you yourself will be surprised at how dashing it will turn out for you.

4. Also, almost the first time you will be able to “shoot” with an egg. To do this, insert the egg close to the entrance and forcefully "spit" it out. As you get the hang of doing this, insert the egg deeper, first push it through the vagina with an effort, and then "spit it out."

5. And here is a really difficult exercise "am". It is the opposite of "shooting". To perform it, you need to enter the egg only halfway, and then “swallow” it with the labia. At the initial stage, it will be easier to master this exercise in the birch pose with the legs resting on the wall. For everything to work out correctly, first relax the intimate muscles, and then strain. Do not be upset if you do not succeed in “swallowing” the egg at all. Help yourself with your hand, push him in a little.

You can perform the described exercises in a variety of poses: lying, sitting, standing. Change the size of the egg, hang loads from them. As a load, you can use a bottle of water weighing from 250 g to 1.5 kg. The optimal weight should be comfortable for you, but at the same time, you should feel it. Exercises with loads consist of walking, squatting with them, raising the legs, pulling the egg inside. Jade eggs can also be dealt with passively. Such training consists in the fact that you simply carry the egg inside the vagina throughout the day (about 8 hours).

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in no case should you transfer your jade eggs to anyone, even just hold them in your hands, because jade instantly absorbs the energy of this person. For the same reason, you should always start training in an exceptionally good mood so that your jade eggs accumulate only positive information.

Eternal sexual youth to you and rave reviews on the effect of your workouts with jade eggs from your sexual partner!

So, the agony of choice is over, you have purchased a jade egg. How to train with him?

Where to begin? From what size? Wear or exercise? Or just put it in for the night, forget about it, and let it work on its own? , of course, magical, but lying in a box and even standing on a stand, they do not work ..

About sizes - there are 3 important rules here.

Rule number 1. For classes, we select the largest possible jade egg. The largest you can enter with relaxed perineal muscles. It should feel good inside you. Each woman selects her egg size individually, it depends on the anatomical structure, the number and complexity of childbirth, the condition of your muscles, here I cannot give general recommendations.
Rule number 2. For exercises during the day, we select the medium and small sizes of jade eggs. A large egg will create an extra load on the supporting ligamentous-fascial apparatus. I deliberately said about the exercises, and not about carrying the egg for several hours, because your task is not to forget about the egg in the vaginal canal, but to regularly work the muscles of the perineum when the egg is inside.
Rule number 3. To reduce the volume of the vagina and also for medicinal purposes, you can put a jade egg inside at night. Only the smallest eggs will fit here, because at night we rarely turn around, mostly lie still, and a heavy egg presses on the walls of the vagina under it and disrupts local blood circulation in the tissues.

Let's take a look at the sizes. I refer to small eggs products height up to 3 cm, to the middle ones - 3-4.5 cm, and I already consider the rest to be large. The thickness of the egg will not give a very big difference in volume and weight.

Before starting the exercises, ALWAYS wash your hands and treat the eggs with chlorhexidine (you can use any other antiseptic).
Do not boil jade eggs!
You can make a long rope and pin the free end to your clothes with a pin - a brilliant idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone of my students. Then, when it falls out, it will hang, and you do not have to process the egg every time.
The retraction of the egg occurs due to the contraction of the muscles of the perineum: the pelvic muscles narrow the vaginal canal and push the egg deeper. The egg is moved back either by the thread (in the prone position), or it falls under its own weight (in the standing position).
Imagination helps a lot - we imagine how the egg is drawn deeper and deeper.

Egg retraction lying down.
We insert the egg into the vagina about 1 phalanx of the finger, hold the string with your hand. You can use lubricant. We reduce the muscles of the perineum, pull the anus inward. The egg makes a slight movement, and this is felt by the tension of the lace. We hold the egg a little and relax the pelvic muscles, and pull the egg by the cord to the starting position, as close as possible to the entrance, but so that it does not slip out.

Standing egg retraction.
We stand straight with relaxed knees or leaning on our knees with our hands. We contract the muscles of the perineum, pull the anus inward, add the lower abdomen and the respiratory diaphragm - we retract the egg. Everyone relaxed - the egg dropped. Always fully relax the perineum, the egg will sink as low as possible. Many women do not feel the movement of the egg at all in the first days of training. This is normal, the sensitivity of the vaginal canal inside is rather weak. Gradually, this sensitivity increases, and the egg will no longer be “lost” in you.

What to do, if:
A lubricated egg, when completely relaxed, does not move down on its own?(as a rule, this happens in nulliparous).
1. Concentrate on relaxation, let go of the stomach and buttocks, which may be tense without you noticing. This will help the egg drop lower.
Then we pull up, hold for a few seconds in the highest position and again relax.
2. If the egg does not sink at all, you need to load it by the thread with a non-heavy load (maximum 100-200g).

A lubricated egg falls out of the vagina when fully relaxed?
This is due to a short pubic bone, a straight position of the vagina, or weak perineal muscle tone.
Try this option:
Enter the egg about 1 phalanx of the finger and hold it inside with your finger, it does not allow it to fall out with weakened muscles.
Then try to tighten the muscles, hold the egg in the top position for a few seconds, relax and let the egg fall back onto your finger.

Wearing a Jade Egg during the day .
The egg must not only be worn, forgetting about it, but periodically pulled up.
The meaning of wearing is precisely in muscle training - you remembered and did a series of compressions anywhere - in the subway, in a traffic jam, in the boss's office at a meeting (very effective !!!), etc.
We alternate compressions - deep long, frequent short, superficial "flashing" and increase the duration of compressions. We try to work with muscles until we are completely tired - then there will be a good effect.
Wearing the egg after a while increases tactile sensitivity.
At home, it is necessary to determine whether the egg falls out during urination. Many expensive eggs are irretrievably lost in public toilets! Eggs can be worn up to 6-8 hours a day.
If the egg does not hold, we only wear it at home, trying to make a series of contractions of the muscles of the perineum more often and hold the egg for as long as possible.

About the healing properties of jade .
Used materials from the book by Yu. Kornev .

❀ܓ❀ܓ❀ܓ Great mood to all!❀ܓ❀ܓ❀ܓ

This is the first time I'm writing a review, blushing with embarrassment! Today the topic is 18+ about women's intimate health. Or rather, about the influence of gizmos called "jade eggs" on this very health.

Men, children and prudes - move away from the monitors! You can't come here today!

✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽

Surely in our time there are practically no girls and women who do not know about the existence of the great Kegel exercises. Once their effectiveness was controversial, but you can’t argue against the facts, and now they are medically certified practices for restoring and maintaining women’s health. Moreover, there is even a course of these exercises for men, but this is not our conversation.

Kegel exercises are the most powerful training of intimate muscles, which, like any other muscle in our body, require strengthening and regular training. Hence another analogy: like any other muscle of the body, intimate muscles respond faster and better to loads with additional reinforcement - a simulator.

And if only the lazy one does not know about Kegel exercises and vaginal balls, then little has been heard about jade eggs (or balls). Until recently.

Jade eggs are by no means just another fashion trend. And it's not a new scientific development. The history of their tender friendship with women began long before our era, in the days of the Ancient East. Even thousands of years ago, jade eggs were repeatedly described in Taoist treatises. For a long time they were in a kind of oblivion, waiting in the wings - the time of the re-flourishing of femininity and female energies. Actually, that time has come.

·٠ ● What kind of overseas miracle is jade eggs? ● ٠·

jade eggs- This is a female intimate simulator for training the muscles of the vagina (wumbling). Jade egg exercises are an alternative to vaginal ball exercises and Kegel exercises. The Jade Eggs are a set of three smooth eggs made from the mineral Jade. All three eggs are different sizes. A dense synthetic thread is attached to each egg.

For the first time I learned about the existence of such a simulator from a medical program. And immediately went to google! It turned out that women's health is not cheap today: for one egg, the Internet demanded from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles. At the same time, each IM, of course, claimed that only he was the most honest, the most correct, and only he sold the most natural of all natural jade.

"Well, - I decided. - I will continue to indulge in Kegel." And at the next appointment with the doctor, she inquired about the benefits and necessity of those very eggs. The doctor replied that the benefits of such simulators for the female body are irreplaceable, and you need to start training your muscles not after childbirth, but long before! Well, the most important wise remark: their effectiveness does not depend on the cost of eggs! And the doctor sent me... no, not there. On aliexpress - choose eggs.

·٠ ● Whose eggs are cooler? ● ٠·

To my surprise, Ali has a huge selection of such simulators, their cost ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles per set.

My choice fell on a set of average cost - about 700 rubles(LINK ). And here I am - the happy owner of this little thing.

Set of 3 large, medium and small ball

material: chinese jade stone

large: size about 50mm*30mm weight about 65g-75g

medium: size about 40mm*30mm weight about 36g-47g

small: size about 30mm*20mm weight about 21g-25g

The eggs were packed in a synthetic a la "velvet" bag, wrapped in bubble wrap for ten thousand layers, wrapped in tape for the same number of layers and placed in a cardboard box. In general, nothing threatened their safety on the way (and delivery, by the way, by the Russian Post!)

All three pebbles are perfectly smooth and even, with smooth holes for the threads. A thick fishing line with a bead is attached to each. It is recommended to change the fishing line to a thread made of natural material, but it is better to leave the bead, as it has a very practical value)

The stones are quite heavy, but the mass of even the largest of them does not reach one hundred grams. And their size is also not as large as many users say)

A reasonable question arises: are the stones jade for sure ?! Well, I've been dealing with this for a long time.

·٠ ● To jade or not to jade - that is the question ● ٠·

Nephritis- a unique stone in the healing sense, and it is not in vain that it is called the favorite stone of Chinese emperors. With its help, court healers not only maintained the health of their rulers, but also extended their life, including sexual life.

Visually determine jade or not, of course, only a pro can. We can only indirectly. You can find everything on the Internet, including how to determine the naturalness of jade. Therefore, I warmed my pebbles (real jade has a low thermal conductivity), scratched it (there is almost no trace on the jade), burned it (the soot from the jade is easily erased, the fake turns black forever) and threw it on the floor. And it seems that I got a real jade. Why so cheap?

The Almighty Internet has suggested that jade is currently of Chinese origin, and its cost TAM reaches 1,500 rubles. per kg. And our pebbles in total do not reach half a kilo. If this is true, can you imagine how much we overpay for ordering these testicles on enterprising sites ?!

·٠ ● Is there a difference? ● ٠·

In general, if you are not a fan of Ayurvedic (and others like them) practices, and do not consider jade to be a magically healing stone, one touch of which with the female womb will cure all female sores and provide magical power, then jade eggs, regardless of their "jade" should be used as a simulator. After all, vaginal balls are somehow used without their aura and magic.

Of course, if there is doubt about the safety of the simulator, you can only deal with it using a rubber contraceptive.

·٠ ● Training the simulator ● ٠·

Before each use, eggs must be disinfected, and especially carefully before the first. You can go the simplest way and just boil them (the pros forbid doing this - you will kill the power of the stone). But it is better to treat them with salt. There are two options here: completely cover the stone with salt or soak it in a salt solution (2 tablespoons per glass of water) - and leave it for a day.

And immediately before use, you need to treat the stones with chlorhexidine.

·٠ ● We need to pump up ... How to do it? ● ٠·

To get started you need CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. And only then start working on yourself.

You need to start exercising gradually. First of all, you should start with light Kegel exercises - warm up your muscles. And only then proceed to work with jade eggs.

For an entry level egg, choose the MAXIMUM size egg. Even if it seems unacceptably maximum) You should start with "acquaintance" with the female simulator - just carry an egg in you, periodically pulling it up, straining the right muscles, feel like a chicken for a couple of hours. If it seems to you that it is easier to carry a small egg, you are very mistaken)

The essence of training with jade balls comes down to various combinations of pulling in and pushing out the simulator and learning to control your intimate muscles in this way.

Another option - for advanced users - is to wear a medium to small size egg all day long. Try not to drop!

·٠ ● And the work will be rewarded ● ٠·

The most interesting part. What to expect from training?

6 reasons why a woman should be friends with jade eggs.

1. Increasing the elasticity of the muscles of the female womb.

2. Strengthening intimate muscles.

3. Improvement of the female sphere.

4. Activation of female energies

5. Facial rejuvenation.

6. Normalization of the menstrual cycle.

The result of regular work was noticeable to me (and my husband!) in a couple of weeks. A little later, positive changes were noted by my doctor. He says that the elasticity of the muscles and their contractility are clearly expressed. Although I did not have any pronounced problems in the female part. A nice bonus: decreased pain during critical days.

The use of jade eggs is a guarantee of youth and health of the female body, the awakening of sensuality and knowledge of one's body.

Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

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Prices for jade eggs depend on the size, color of the jade and the presence of a hole. Ornamental jade eggs cost from about 1,500 rubles to 2,500 rubles. for 1 piece Jewelry jade products are much more expensive. We will give discounts to wholesale buyers. Contact information for ordering jade eggs: mail [email protected], skype womanpraktika, tel. 8-903-240-70-04 Larisa.

Egg sizes are approximate and may vary slightly. The most common shades of jade eggs are dark green, emerald green, tobacco-golden, blue-green, black, white, honey, and salad colors are less common.

New jade egg supply with photo and price

Since ancient times, the inquisitive and practical Chinese secretly passed on to their students the knowledge of the healing properties of jade for the body as a whole, and especially for the urogenital area of ​​men and women.
Jade is a unique stone that has long been considered the favorite stone of Chinese emperors. The Chinese say: "Gold has a price, jade is priceless" ...

The shape of an egg is the oldest symbol, embodying the infinity of being, the extension of the family,
continuity of generations, an amulet of vital stability and maintaining the tradition of the family. Since time immemorial, the wives and concubines of the Chinese emperor and noble nobles have used jade eggs to develop and strengthen intimate muscles.
In Chinese erotology, the names of female and male reproductive organs are associated with this stone. In men - a jade rod or stem that enters a woman, in women - a jade gate or a cave that receives a jade rod, a jade chamber - a uterus and jade clusters - these are eggs in the ovaries that can give new life to offspring.

If you have looked here, then you have already heard something about the benefits of jade. Then read carefully, because in the networks you will find many myths and tales about this mineral.

When we talk about the healing properties of minerals, we need to distinguish between two sides of the same coin, namely:
1) physical and chemical properties, or what really works at the level of the body and what official science confirms;
2) magical properties, or something that is not visible, is difficult to prove on devices, but it works at the energy level and has been successfully used for thousands of years.

Let's consider in more detail.
one). Physiochemical properties.
How jade products (eggs, balls, plates) affect the body:
- they warm up the tissues of the body, both from the outside and from the inside. In the vaginal canal, a temperature slightly higher than normal is created, as a result of which the pathogenic microflora dies;
- transforms chaotic body heat into structured (wave) heat, and jade vibrations correspond to heart rhythms.
Those. in essence, the impact of jade is equated to physiotherapy procedures.

What effects:

Jade destroys pathogenic bacteria, harmful microflora, while it itself is resistant to the effects of a pathogenic environment, it does not "infect";
- strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, increases libido, brighter and more orgasmic sensations in sex for both partners;
- vaginitis (colpitis), thrush, inflammatory processes of the urogenital system are cured, an unpleasant smell from the vagina disappears;
- good prevention of prolapse of female organs and stress urinary incontinence;
- pain in the stomach passes quickly, especially that occurs during stress, as well as toothache and headache (a plate on a cord on the stomach area, on the forehead or on the cheek);
- the possibility of diagnosing diseases is improved, the clinical picture of diseases of the genitourinary sphere is clarified;
- personally in my practice there are several cases of fragmentation and natural release of stones from the kidneys;
- smoothing wrinkles when applying plates to the face, especially the alternation of warm and cold plates.

How and why does this happen?

Jade is a very heat-intensive material; is able to accumulate and store heat for a long time, transferring this heat to the tissues of the body (and cold when cooled). It has a confused - microfiber structure (fibers of actinolite and tremolite) and a hidden - crystal lattice (a mineral of the amphibole group).
The mineral is able to stop the processes of decay and decomposition of tissues. In 1983, excavations were made of the burial place of a Han princess, who was lying in a suit made of jade plates. Not only did it not decompose in 2,200 years without embalming. Her skin hasn't lost its elasticity. There was no rotting at all, it seemed to dry out. Moreover, at the time of her death she was pregnant, and the fetus was preserved in her.

2). Energy (magic) properties.

On the one hand, jade is a stone of the Rulers of Heaven and emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. On the other hand, for millions of years, jade has collected the strength and power of the earth. According to Taoist alchemy, a person combines the energy of Heaven and Earth, and at the level of the body, the energy of heaven (cosmos) is located in the cavity of the head, the energy of the earth in the cavity of the abdomen, and in the cavity of the chest, the energy of a person is concentrated as a harmonious unity of heaven (yang) and earth ( yin) - the energy of Qi. Having a fibrous structure (vibrational basis), jade has been a long-wave conductor and carrier of information since ancient times, and the crystal lattice helps the mineral rid the owner of the bad, destructive energy of illnesses or negative emotions and not get "infected" himself.

What effects:
- by placing an egg in the vaginal canal, we strengthen the Earth within us, growing our power and vitality;
- jade harmonizes blood cells. The structure of the gem has a positive effect on all fluids in the body;
- wearing eggs or jade products enhances the Qi energy of those organs with which objects are in close proximity;
- jade enhances the regeneration of our body tissues at the cellular level, rejuvenates the body, prolongs life;
- has a strong energy potential and the ability to transfer its charge to the owner in difficult life situations;
- with prolonged interaction with jade, many women notice how the fuss gradually disappears and softness and fluidity appear;
- in sex there is a shift in emphasis from mechanical actions to a deeper feeling of internal states.

Myths about jade.

Myth #1. You will find many articles that jade perfectly releases molecules (ions) of calcium and magnesium in a humid environment, and that is why it should be worn in the vagina, put in the bath, eat from jade dishes.

Don't believe!!!

Jade really contains many useful microelements, its chemical formula is Ca2 (Mg, Fe) 522 - oxides of calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon dioxide, often with additives of sodium, aluminum, manganese, nickel, chromium and copper - a whole periodic table! But at the same time, it is an extremely dense, durable and inert material, i.e. not reacting with the medium in which it is placed. That is why in ancient China they made dishes from it! Through the influence of a liquid medium, only the wave (energy) properties of jade can be enhanced. In order for jade to begin to emit ions of trace elements, such conditions are necessary (very high temperature and pressure), which do not exist in everyday life!
But with the help of jade powder in China, many diseases were successfully cured. Avicenna treated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with nephritis, only these were special proven recipes.

Myth #2. Jade eggs in the vagina can cause inflammatory, infectious, fungal, and other diseases.

Don't believe!!!
Jade just cures these diseases (see above), but often through an exacerbation, like any treatment, and it may seem to you that the troubles started from the mineral ... I have never met allergic reactions to nephritis in my practice.
BUT I recommend starting work with eggs gradually, from a few minutes and bringing it to the most convenient time for you.

Myth #3. Boil the eggs before using.

Do not destroy the living mineral!!!

Do you really want to turn it into a dead stone...
There are many disinfectants - any antiseptic solution or chlorhexidine (without alcohol). To clean from someone else's information, you can choose the option:
- rinse in running water
- stay in the sun
- hold in a box with salt
- put in the freezer (there is frost in nature, unlike boiling water)!

Now directly about the eggs.

How to choose the size of the egg for training? Why do you need 3 eggs? What size to start with?

Such questions arise in every woman at the beginning of classes.
To train the pelvic floor muscles, it is desirable to have 3 eggs, but you can start with one.
The egg should feel good inside you. Those. to get started, choose the largest possible size. If the egg is not felt inside, this is normal initially, this is due to the lower sensitivity inside the vaginal canal than at the entrance. Gradually the sensitivity increases. Then, as we develop skills, we change the size to a smaller one. The most difficult thing is to retract a small egg, this already requires a certain skill.
But even if it turns out to work with a small size, we do not refuse large eggs, they provide a greater load on the muscles (like small and large dumbbells).

Curious facts about jade

Color: from milky white, honey red, through all shades of green (lemon, grassy, ​​emerald, marsh) to almost black. Even red jade is extremely rare. The depth of color depends on the content of iron oxides and impurities of chromium, manganese, nickel. Pale, monophonic, translucent coloration is more valued than with uneven striped, spotty. Brown streaks or streaks in jade are the result of iron oxidizing through cracks in the stone.

Any natural stone has energy, carries the memory of the universe. Jade is a stone of eternity, a stone of sages, it is a stone of the Rulers of Heaven and emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. In Chinese tradition, he personifies: moral purity, justice, sincerity, courage, harmony, devotion and benevolence.

Confucius wrote:
Jade is like the power of knowledge, for it is smooth and shiny. He is like justice, for he has sharp edges,

but they don't cut. It is like obedience, for it strives down to the earth. It is like music, because it produces pure, clear sounds. He is like truthfulness, for he does not hide the flaws that only enhance his beauty. He is like the earth, and his fortitude is born of mountains and water.

For thousands of years, only the emperor, members of his family and senior dignitaries had the right to own jade products. Jade was not just a valuable stone, but also a symbol of power and might. The imperial jade seal symbolized that power was given to the emperor by Heaven. The honorable duty of the Emperor was to greet the sunrise with jade bells sewn onto special ritual clothing.

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