Ural mountains. What is the highest peak of the Ural Mountains


    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent and the mountain range of these mountains stretches across the entire country of Russia (more than 2,000 km long) from South to North.

    It used to be that in the East of the country, immediately beyond the Ural Mountains, Siberia begins, but later Siberia moved further to the East.

    Ural mountains are located on the Eurasian continent, between the East European Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. These mountains stretch from north to south across the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan for 2.5 thousand kilometers.

    The Ural Mountains are relatively low. The highest peak - Mount Narodnaya height 1895 m.

    Along the Ural Mountains (on their eastern slope) there is a conditional border between Europe and Asia.

    I think that any resident of Russia must know for sure that the Ural Mountains are in Russia, even if he lives very far from them - in the Far East, Siberia or Kaliningrad. These are the longest mountains in our country, and probably one of the oldest. The Ural Mountains lie on the continent of Eurasia, and moreover, it is along these mountains that the famous border between the two parts of the world - Europe and Asia - passes. In many places of the Ural Mountains there are even special signs, standing on which a person finds himself with one foot in Asia, and the other in Europe. The most famous city that lies in two parts of the world at once is Magnitogorsk in the Southern Urals.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and along their eastern slopes there is a border between Europe and Asia.

    And the mainland itself is called Eurasia, the largest continent on the planet. The mountains stretch from north to south with a strip of 40 to 150 and a length of more than 2000 kilometers. The continuation of the Ural Mountains in the south are the Mugodzhary Mountains in Kazakhstan. The Ural Mountains are one of the oldest mountain systems in the world. They are a real treasure trove of minerals, from various minerals to coal, oil and gas. To preserve the unique natural features, several nature reserves have been established here.

    The Ural Mountains stretch approximately 1,500 miles north to south from the Arctic Ocean to central Russia.

    The Urals, for the most part, are located in Russia, although the southern part reaches Northern Kazakhstan. Located on the continent of Eurasia. and is considered a kind of border between Europe and Asia.

    These mountains are the longest on our territory, so it is logical that they are located in Eurasia, they are located in the northwestern part of Russia. These mountains have a rather large width, it goes from one hundred to two hundred kilometers, and if we talk about the length along the meridian, it is 2600 km. The highest point of these mountains is Narodnaya, its height is 1875 m. Thus, they are not very high mountains.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the mainland called Eurasia. Moreover, it is the Ural Mountains that are the border between Europe and Asia. It is clear that the border is rather arbitrary, but generally accepted and clearly visible.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent and divide the mainland into the European and Asian parts (the territory of Russia). Their length is more than 2000 km, and the width is from 40 to 150 km. The highest part of the Ural Mountains is Mount Narodnaya, which has reached a height of 1895 meters.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent in the northern and central parts of the continent.

    The Ural Mountains limit the Kara Sea, the Mugodzhary Mountains, the Eastern and Western and Northern Plains.

    The mountains have a large length from north to south, the mountains are classified as medium.

    Usually in the classroom they are called to the board on which the map hangs and asked to indicate the mountains. Notice the half of the map away from Moscow to the east and point to the brown stripe that looks a bit like a vertical line

The Ural Mountains are a mountain system between the East European and West Siberian plains. The length is more than 2000 (with Pai-Khoi and Mugodzhary - more than 2600) km, the width is from 40 to 150 km. Geological structure The Ural Mountains were formed in the Late Paleozoic during the era of intensive mountain building (Hercynian folding). The formation of the Ural mountain system began in the Late Devonian (about 350 million years ago) and ended in the Triassic (about 200 million years ago). It is an integral part of the Ural-Mongolian folded geosynclinal belt. Within the Urals, deformed and often metamorphosed rocks of predominantly Paleozoic age come to the surface. The strata of sedimentary and volcanic rocks are usually strongly folded, disturbed by ruptures, but in general they form meridional bands, which determine the linearity and zonality of the structures of the Urals. From west to east stand out:

Cis-Ural marginal foredeep with relatively gentle sedimentation in the western side and more complex in the eastern side; the zone of the western slope of the Urals with the development of intensely crumpled and thrust-disturbed sedimentary strata of the Lower and Middle Paleozoic; the Central Ural uplift, where among the sedimentary strata of the Paleozoic and Upper Precambrian, older crystalline rocks of the edge of the East European Platform outcrop in places; a system of troughs-synclinoria of the eastern slope (the largest are Magnitogorsk and Tagil), made mainly by Middle Paleozoic volcanic strata and marine, often deep-sea sediments, as well as deep-seated igneous rocks (gabbroids, granitoids, less often alkaline intrusions) that break through them - the so-called. greenstone belt of the Urals; Ural-Tobolsk anticlinorium with outcrops of older metamorphic rocks and wide development of granitoids; East Ural synclinorium, in many respects similar to Tagil-Magnitogorsk.

At the base of the first three zones, according to geophysical data, an ancient, Early Precambrian, basement is confidently traced, composed mainly of metamorphic and igneous rocks and formed as a result of several epochs of folding. The oldest, presumably Archean, rocks come to the surface in the Taratash ledge on the western slope of the Southern Urals. Pre-Ordovician rocks in the basement of the synclinories of the eastern slope of the Urals are unknown. It is assumed that the Paleozoic volcanic strata of synclinoria are based on thick plates of hypermafic and gabbroids, which in some places come to the surface in the massifs of the Platinum-bearing belt and other related belts; these plates, possibly, are outcasts of the ancient oceanic bed of the Ural geosyncline. In the east, in the Ural-Tobolsk anticlinorium, outcrops of Precambrian rocks are rather problematic. The Paleozoic deposits of the western slope of the Urals are represented by limestones, dolomites, sandstones, formed in conditions of predominantly shallow seas. To the east, deeper sediments of the continental slope are traced in a discontinuous band. Even further east, within the eastern slope of the Urals, the Paleozoic (Ordovician, Silurian) section begins with altered volcanic rocks of basalt composition and jasper, comparable to the rocks of the bottom of modern oceans. In places above the section, there are thick, also altered spilite-natro-liparitic strata with deposits of copper pyrite ores. Younger deposits of the Devonian and partly Silurian are mainly represented by andesite-basalt, andesite-dacitic volcanics and greywackes, corresponding to the stage in the development of the eastern slope of the Urals, when the oceanic crust was replaced by a transitional type crust.

Carboniferous deposits (limestones, grey-wackes, acidic and alkaline volcanics) are associated with the latest, continental stage of development of the eastern slope of the Urals. At the same stage, the main mass of Paleozoic, essentially potassium, granites of the Urals, which formed pegmatite veins with rare valuable minerals, also intruded. In the Late Carboniferous-Permian, sedimentation on the eastern slope of the Urals almost stopped and a folded mountain structure formed here; on the western slope at that time, the Cis-Ural marginal foredeep was formed, filled with a thick (up to 4-5 km) strata of detrital rocks that were carried down from the Urals - molasse. Triassic deposits have been preserved in a number of depressions-grabens, the occurrence of which in the north and east of the Urals was preceded by basalt (trap) magmatism. Younger strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic platform deposits gently overlap folded structures along the periphery of the Urals. It is assumed that the Paleozoic structure of the Urals was laid down in the Late Cambrian - Ordovician as a result of the splitting of the Late Precambrian continent and the expansion of its fragments, as a result of which a geosynclinal depression was formed with crust and oceanic-type sediments in its inner part. Subsequently, the expansion was replaced by compression, and the oceanic basin began to gradually close and “overgrow” with the newly formed continental crust; the nature of magmatism and sedimentation changed accordingly. The modern structure of the Urals bears traces of the strongest compression, accompanied by a strong transverse contraction of the geosynclinal depression and the formation of gentle scaly overthrusts - ridges.

Minerals The Urals is a treasure trove of various minerals. Of the 55 types of the most important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals. For the eastern regions of the Urals, the most characteristic deposits are copper pyrite ores (Gaiskoye, Sibayskoye, Degtyarskoye deposits, Kirovgradskaya and Krasnouralskaya groups of deposits), skarn-magnetite (Goroblagodatskoye, Vysokogorskoye, Magnitogorskoye deposits), titanium-magnetite (Kachkanarskoye, Pervouralskoye), oxide nickel ores (Orsko-Khalilovskoe deposits group) and chromite ores (deposits of the Kempirsai massif), confined mainly to the greenstone belt of the Urals, coal deposits (Chelyabinsk coal basin), placers and primary deposits of gold (Kochkarskoe, Berezovskoe) and platinum (Isovskie). The largest deposits of bauxite (North Ural bauxite-bearing region) and asbestos (Bazhenovskoye) are located here. On the western slope of the Urals and in the Urals there are deposits of coal (Pechora coal basin, Kizel coal basin), oil and gas (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, Orenburg gas condensate field), potassium salts (Verkhnekamsk basin). The Urals is especially famous for its "gems" - precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones (emerald, amethyst, aquamarine, jasper, rhodonite, malachite, etc.). The depths of the mountains contain more than two hundred different minerals. From the Ural malachite and jasper, the bowls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage were made, as well as the interior decoration and the altar of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

The highest mountain in the Urals - Narodnaya - is the brightest gem in the natural crown of Russia. This peak now attracts thousands of travelers from Russia and Europe.

In addition to Narodnaya, there are several more majestic peaks in the Ural mountain system, each of which has unique features given by mother nature.

The following lines describe in detail the geography of the Urals and its peaks, which are worth climbing, give a description and photo, tell the story of their discovery and name, features of hiking routes and equipment that is necessary to conquer the peaks.

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Geography of the Ural Mountains

The East European and West Siberian plains are notable for the fact that it is between them that the Ural mountain system is located. It crosses Russia from north to south along approximately 60 east longitude.

Geographers distinguish 5 zones of the Ural system:

  1. Polar Ural- occupies the north of the mountain system. Administratively divided between the Komi Republic and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is characterized by low passes and deep valleys, which transversely dissect the ridges.

    The Polar Urals is a mountainous region in the north of Eurasia, on the territory of Russia, the northernmost part. Mount Konstantinov Stone is considered the northern border of the region, and the Khulga River separates the region from the Subpolar Urals.

  2. Subpolar Urals- perhaps the highest part of the system. On the south side is Mount Telposiz, on the north - the Lyapin River. Glaciers in this zone are common. Part of the territory of the zone is included in the Yugyd Va National Park.

    The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia, stretching from the headwaters of the Lyapin (Khulga) River in the north (65º 40' N) to Mount Telposiz ("The Nest of the Winds", about 1617 m high) in the south (64º N). .

  3. Northern Ural- a zone bounded by Mount Telposiz in the north and Kosvinsky stone in the south. The Ural Range in the territory of the zone is divided into several parallel ranges. The total width of the system in the region is 50-60 km.

    Northern Urals, part of the Urals from the Shchuger River in the north to Mount Oslyanka in the south. The length is about 550 km. Height up to 1617 m (Telposiz). Characterized by flattened peaks, dissected relief. On the slopes - taiga forests, above - mountain tundra and stony placers

  4. Central or Middle Ural- the lowest part of the mountain system. It has 6 ridges. Their total width, together with the foothills, reaches 90 km. River valleys in the Middle Urals are quite wide. On the eastern slopes of the zone there are karst landforms: funnels, basins, wells.

    The Middle Urals is the lowest part of the Ural Mountains, bounded by the latitudes of Konzhakovsky Stone in the north and Mount Yurma in the south

  5. Southern Urals- the widest (250 km) and southern zone of the Ural Mountains. The Southern Urals is bounded by Yurma Mountain and the Mugodzhary Range. Administratively located on the territory of the Russian Federation and. It is characterized by the dissection of the ridges with deep depressions and valleys.

    The Southern Urals is the southern and widest part of the Ural Mountains, stretching from the Ufa River (near the village of Nizhny Ufaley) to the Ural River. From the west and east, the Southern Urals is bounded by the East European and West Siberian plains


Yamantau is the highest place in the Southern Urals (1640 m). Peaks near the mountain 2: Big Yamantau and Small Yamantau. The peak has been known to settlers from Russia since the 17th century. It was first described by P.I. Rychkov in 1762 in his book "Orenburg Topography". Ascents to the mountain pass along its western or northern slopes, through the villages of Roar or Sosnovka.

View of Yamantau from the southern slope of Mount Kuyantau

To see Yamantau, you first need to get by train from Ufa, Nizhnevartovsk, Adler or Moscow to Beloretsk. From there, by bus or intercity taxi, you need to get to the villages of Tatly or Kuzelga, which are located at the foot of the mountain.

Note: to climb Yamantau, you do not need to use climbing equipment. But taking alpenstocks, wearing helmets, trekking boots, knee pads and elbow pads will not hurt.


Telposiz is a massif, which consists of two peaks (h = 1617 m), located on the border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals. This mountain is called differently. The main name, translated from the Komi language, means "mountain of the nest of winds." There is also the Nenets "Ne-Khehe" translated as "mountain-woman". The last name, according to legend, was given due to the fact that on one of the peaks a woman was turned into an idol, arguing with her husband.

Telposiz (1617 m) is the highest peak of the Northern Urals. It is located near the conditional border of the Northern and Subpolar Urals on the left bank of the Shchugor River. The Telposiza area is known for the prevalence of bad weather.

According to some historians, Semyon Kurbsky discovered the mountain. But studies of the natural object began only at the end of the last century, when a gas pipeline was laid near it. Popular routes for tourists necessarily include a visit to the Yuzhny glacier, Lake Telpos and rafting on the Shchugor River.

The foothills of Telposis are uninhabited. The nearest village - Kyrta is 75 km away from it. The best way to get to the mountain is to first reach Syktyvkar and from there fly to Vuktyl. From the last specified city, you can order a car for pick-up at the foot of the mountain, or at least to Kyrta.

Good to know: Telposis is an easy peak to conquer. In summer, it is climbed by a group of unprepared tourists, “armed” with alpenstocks. Only for a winter trip to the mountain requires special equipment in the form of snowshoes.


Oslyanka is the highest peak of the Middle Urals (1119 m). Its name, translated from Old Russian, means "river grindstone" or "log". The mountain has been known since the 17th century. Comprehensive studies of the peak were carried out in 1940 by the Ural expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. At the same time, rock crystal was discovered on Oslyanka.

The Oslyanka Ridge is located in the east of the Kizelovsky District of the Perm Territory, to the west of the main watershed ridge of the Urals. Oslyanka is a 16 km long mountain range stretched from north to south.

The routes offered by tourist organizations pass through the villages of Uspenka and Bolshaya Oslyanka. They provide dinners, gatherings around the fire and a visit to the bath.

The city of Kizel, closest to the mountain, is located 50 km from it. You can get to it by bus or train through. There are no roads leading from this city to the foot of the mountain. To get as close to the top as possible, you need to arrange a pick-up in advance with off-road drivers from Kizel.

Do you know that: Climbing Oslyanka does not require any climbing equipment.


Payer is the highest point of the Polar Urals (h = 1499 m). Payer was discovered and mapped in 1847 by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society.

Payer, the highest peak of the Polar Urals. Composed of quartzites, shales and igneous rocks. There are snowfields

Interesting fact: according to the head of the campaign - Ernst Hoffmann, the name of the mountain in the Nenets language means "Lord of the mountains."

Several streams flow near the mountain, which flow into amazingly beautiful lakes. Most tourist groups make routes past these bodies of water, as the flat areas near them are great for parking.

You can only come to Payer by off-road vehicle from the village of Yeletsky in the Komi Republic. Locals willingly bring tourists to the mountain for a small fee. Trains from Labytnanga, Vorkuta and Moscow run to the railway station in Yelets.

Climbing Payer is best done in the last month of summer. On a hike, you need to take safety systems, climbing ropes, jumars and other items necessary to overcome small (up to 6 meters) vertical climbs.

Folk - discovery history and description

Narodnaya is the highest peak of the Urals (1895 m). It does not stand out from the rest of the Ural peaks. It is distinguished by the presence of bowl-shaped depressions with small lakes, glaciers and snowfields.

The coordinates of the highest point of the Urals are 65°02′ N, 60°07′ E.

Narodnaya Mountain is the highest point of the entire Ural Range. There are winter roads and glaciers on the mountain. On the northeastern slope there is the "Blue Lake", a high-altitude reservoir, the purest water basin at a kilometer above sea level. From the northeast and southwest, the climb will be especially difficult, there are a large number of rock formations and overhangs

Narodnaya was discovered in 1846 by A. Reguli, examined in 1927 by geologist Aleshkov. From him the peak got its name. On the maps of Reguli, the peak was listed under the name Poen-Urr.

It's important to know: Climbing the mountain is carried out along its northern, gentle slope. They pass through the Kar-Kar pass with an overnight stay near a mountain lake. Before the hike, you need to register with the administration of the Yugyd-Va National Park. An application for climbing must be submitted at least 10 days before arrival at the foot of Narodnaya.

How to get there

To get to Narodnaya, you need to get to the Inta-1 station by trains that go to Vorkuta or Labytnanga. After that, you need to get by car to the Zhelannaya quartz mining base.

General view of the base. The Zhelannaya base was created for mining. This is where the mine workers live. Quartz is mined. At the base you can rent a room for 500 rubles per person per day

From this point, you should go to the mountain on foot 15-18 km along the Balabanyu river.

What equipment to take

For hiking, you do not need to rent climbing equipment, but it is advisable to wear trekking boots, elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.

Equipment for a beginner climber: carabiners with a clutch - 5 pieces, harness, self-belay mustache, belay device, 2 prusiks, rope climbing device - jumar, backpack for 60-80 liters, sleeping bag, carimat, mountain boots, crampons, ice ax, helmet , telescopic sticks, headlamp.

In the absence of tourist experience, it is worth taking a guide.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains

The Urals is an inexhaustible storehouse of natural resources. It develops and extracts 48 types of minerals. Of these, the most important for Russian industry are copper pyrite and skarn-magnetite ores, bauxites, potash salts, gas, oil, and coal. Also, the Ural subsoil is saturated with minerals. More than 200 types of natural precious and semi-precious stones have been found in the mountains, which are used in various industries and in the decoration of various buildings.

The Ural Mountains amaze with the richness of their bowels. "Underground pantry of the country". The main wealth of the Urals is ores

Take note: jasper and malachite mined in the Urals are used to make the cups of the Hermitage and the altar of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.


Each zone of the Urals has unique and beautiful mountains. Most of them can be climbed without special training. Travel companies, clubs and centers regularly organize group trips to the Ural peaks.

The Ural Alpine Club invites you to take part in the summer-autumn training camp for climbers in the DUGOBA gorge

Some companies organize trips on bicycles, ATVs, horses. Hiking expeditions are delivered to the foothills of the mountains on off-road vehicles.

Participation in climbing any of the Ural peaks is the best opportunity to get acquainted with the largest mountain system in Russia. Small Ural stones brought from a trip will be great gifts for friends and relatives.

Watch the video in which climbers and geologists talk about the highest mountain in the Urals - Narodnaya:

Ural is a unique mountain system, one of the most ancient and picturesque in the world. They are old, very old, from the Devonian period (about 40 million years ago). This massif looks like a complex mosaic in which hundreds of types of rocks are mixed. Since the time of the Soviet Union, more than 50 types of minerals and hundreds of minerals, precious and semi-precious stones have been mined here.

But ancient mountains are rarely high. Years erase their peaks, grind rocks, build up a layer of soil. Therefore, the highest point of the Ural Mountains cannot compete with the Alpine and Tibetan peaks. But still, for the sake of interest, we will make this list.

The Ural Mountains stretched almost across the entire border of Eurasia, separating two parts of the world from each other. The Ural belt is more than 2500 kilometers long, and it is conditionally divided into 5 zones:

  1. Southern Urals.
  2. Middle Ural.
  3. Northern Ural.
  4. Subpolar Urals.
  5. Polar Ural.

Some researchers believe that Mugodzhary on the south side and Pai-Khoi on the north side should also be added to the system, but nevertheless, officially the five zones listed are considered the Ural Mountains. And each of them has its highest point.

This mountain, in fact, can hardly be called high: only 1640 meters in height. Nevertheless, all the other peaks of the Southern Urals do not even reach this value. It is worth noting that 1640 meters is the height of the Big Yamantau. The second peak, Small Yamantau, is even lower - only 1510 meters.

It is a low sloping mountain, covered with a thick layer of soil, sufficient to grow a real forest on it. But the top of the mountain is covered with snow and ice suitable for skiers.

Yamantau is an amazingly beautiful and picturesque mountain that attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia and even other countries. To travel on it, basic training and equipment is enough. True, the pleasure is spoiled by the fact that the locals have long considered Yamantau a bad mountain, which is even reflected in its name. Rumors add fuel to the fire of doubts that Vladimir Putin's secret bunker has been built here. No one knows how true they are, but before you go here, it’s better to think carefully: “Is it worth it?” Moreover, this is not the only large mountain of the Southern Urals that deserves your attention.

A mountain with such a dissonant name is the highest point of the Middle Urals. True, the numbers are not too impressive: 1119 meters. Earlier we talked about the peaks of the Alps and Tibet, high, sharp, rocky, covered with glaciers. Oslyanka is completely different from them: low, sloping, softly rounded ... From a distance. Close up, it turns out that the slopes are quite steep, there are places where a rocky base comes to the surface. Most of the mountain is covered with meadows and forests, in the cold season it is tightly wrapped in snow.

It is perfect for tourist and hiking routes in the warm season, while in winter it is an expanse for skiers and snowboarders. In summer, you can supplement the tourist routes with river rafting.

By the way, this mountain has nothing to do with donkeys. The origin of its name is not known for certain. Most likely, the word “donkey, donkey” is the basis, that is, a stone on which knives are sharpened. The second version - "donkey" - a log. There is a third one, which claims that the name of the mountain is associated with the nearby Oslyanka River, but here the connection can be reversed.

It is always extremely interesting to figure out where the names of geographical objects come from, because there are whole stories behind them. Sometimes the connection can be traced immediately, often you have to figure it out. But in the case of Mount Telposis, it is not even immediately clear where it came from and what it means. The truth lies quite deep. Its original name is Tel-Poz-Iz, which in the Komi language means “mountain of the nest of winds”.

According to legend, it is on this mountain that the local god of the winds lives, so it’s better not to meddle there once again. True, this does not prevent tourists from all over Russia from climbing Telposis in pursuit of beautiful landscapes and thrills. Its height is 1617 meters. Enough to become the first in the Northern Urals.

This peak is the highest point not only of the Subpolar part of the Urals, but of the entire mountain range. Of course, in the same Alps, a peak of 1895 meters would never have made it to such a list, but for the Ural Mountains this is more than enough.

It officially received its name in 1927 during the study of this part of the Urals. The subtlety is that the geologist Aleshkov did not specify in his notes where exactly the emphasis should be placed: NATIONAL or NATIONAL. Both versions are found in the literature. The second looks quite logical, because at that time many objects received similar names. The first one also has the right to life, because the river NAROD flows next to it. And this word from the Komi language has nothing to do with the people.

The first peak of the northernmost, polar part of the Urals is Payer. This rock formation stands out sharply against the background of the surrounding landscape. There are several more peaks nearby - Western and Eastern Payer, 1330 and 1217 meters, respectively.

The total length of the Ural belt is more than 2500 kilometers. Just imagine: 2500 kilometers of picturesque mountains, which have everything: rocks, glaciers, snowfields, caves, forests, meadows, rivers ... These are incredibly picturesque and rich mountains, you can spend your whole life here and not even see a small part of their wonders. But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying.


Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. Its height is 1895 meters. This geographical fact was established relatively recently. Due to the inaccessibility of the Subpolar region, few scientific expeditions were made to Mount Narodnaya.

At different times, the highest peaks of the Stone Belt of Eurasia were called the mountains: Saber (1497 meters), Telpos-Iz (1617 meters), Manaraga (1660 meters). In 1924-1928, the North Urals Complex Expedition worked here under the leadership of B.N. Gorodkov. One of her detachments, led by A.N. Alyoshkov, in 1927 for the first time passed to the headwaters of the Národa River. Having studied the height of the mountain using the scientific methods already available at that time, they determined its height at 1870 meters (at present it is measured more precisely - 1895 meters).

It was Alyoshkov who gave it its name, but on which syllable the stress should fall in it, he did not document anywhere. Disputes over stress continued until the publication of a textbook for pedagogical universities by F.N. Malkova and N.A. Gvozdetsky in 1963, in which the emphasis was on the first syllable. Since then, this option has been considered correct, formed from the name of the river, starting at the foot of the peak. Although, according to Gorodkov, who spoke after the death of Alyoshkov, she was named after the Russian people, as was customary at that time.

The Ural ranges were formed in the Paleozoic era during the Hercynian folding, later they underwent renewal, and their crystalline rocks came to the surface. They are composed of metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks, very rich in various minerals and rocks. They form flat-topped ridges with gentle stepped western and steep steep eastern slopes.

Narodnaya (Mansiysk "People-Iz") on the map of the Urals is part of the Research Ridge of the Subpolar Urals, on the border of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic, its coordinates are 65 ° N, 60 ° E. e. It consists of metamorphic schists and ancient quartzites. Its peak is rounded and double-headed, and the slopes of the mountain are covered with natural depressions - karami filled with water, glaciers, snowfields, rocky remains, mountain tundra, stone ruins.

Since Narodnaya became a place of pilgrimage for tourists, objects like “Vasya was here” have appeared here - a bust of Lenin, tablets, commemorative signs, a pyramid in which visitors leave their notes, a worship cross with the words “Save and save” written on it. installed on a saddle between two mountain peaks in 1998. The eastern slope of the summit, like the entire Urals, is steep and impassable for tourists. The ascent is carried out along the western slope, which is complicated by carts, and along the more convenient northern one.

The peaks offer a view of the surrounding highest peaks of the Subpolar Urals - Saber, Manaraga, etc. The harsh climate of the Subpolar region, which for so long did not allow getting close to these highest peaks of the Stone Belt of Russia, forms here a diverse and rich flora and fauna. Here you can find coniferous and mixed forests, subalpine and alpine meadows, alpine and arctic tundra. In the warm season, numerous mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies and smaller blood-sucking insects - midges, midges appear here.

Dwarf birches, blueberries, wild rosemary, blueberries, short larch are replaced by herbs in the growth of a person, occasionally found with pink radiola. Of the animals, there are many inhabitants of the tundra - arctic foxes, deer, partridges, wolves. There are badgers, bears, chipmunks. Only two species of grayling are found in mountain rivers. In the lower reaches of the mountains, river fish are somewhat larger.

Mount Narodnaya [VIDEO]

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