Morning exercise for men. Complex of morning exercises


A taut figure is an essential attribute of a self-respecting man. No one is forcing you to become a bodybuilding fan, but keeping your body in good shape is a must. Morning exercises for men will help you keep fit, which has many other useful properties. All you need for it 10-15 minutes per day and weights in the form of dumbbells. And the benefits that you get in the end are incredibly many.

Exercise for men is not just a formality, the need for which we have heard since Soviet times. This is actually an incredibly useful measure, and when performed correctly, it will give you the opportunity to get the following:

  • Simple exercises strengthen the muscular corset and will make the physique attractive. Charging, of course, is not enough to achieve serious results, but this is a good base load to maintain tone.
  • Thanks to charging, you can improve posture and ensure the correct position of the vertebrae, prevent the risk of hernia and many other problems.
  • Cardio is a great way strengthen the cardiovascular system, prevent a number of problems with it. Also, morning physical activity improves blood circulation.
  • And, of course, morning exercises for men are a great way to wake up in the morning, both physically and mentally. It charges with vivacity and energy, sets the right mood and helps to prepare for an active and productive day.

In the absence of contraindications, it will be useful to take a contrast shower after charging. This will help increase the effectiveness of exercises and improve their effect on the body and internal organs.

Rules for the effectiveness of male charging

In order for morning exercises for men to bring you only benefit, follow a number of recommendations. It is better to prepare for it in the evening. The rules will be as follows:

  • Before moving on to basic dumbbell exercises, do warm-up or stretching. This will help prepare for stress and prevent injury.
  • Most often charging with dumbbells for men. Choose the weight of the weights depending on your goals. If you want to lose weight, use light weights, if you want to gain muscle mass, use large weights.
  • Alternate exercises on different muscle groups so that the body develops harmoniously.
  • It is recommended to complete the complex with breathing exercises. This will help to saturate the body with oxygen as much as possible, improve metabolism and the processes of fat breakdown.
  • The weight of the dumbbells can also vary depending on what exactly the exercise is aimed at.
  • As for the charging rate, it should be moderate so as not to overload the body. You can’t work for wear and tear - the purpose of charging is to recharge yourself with vigor, and not to exhaust you so that later you don’t have the strength for anything else.

A set of exercises for charging for men and the level of load should be chosen taking into account age. Men over forty years of age who have not previously been involved in sports are allowed to reduce the load by about 10%.

Morning exercises for men: exercises

The morning exercise program for men can be different. We offer several basic exercises that you can include in it.


A classic exercise for working out the hips and legs. You can do them with or without dumbbells. Do 3-4 sets of 20-25 reps. When squatting, it is important to keep your back straight and try to squat as deep as possible.

Side lunges

Set your legs as wide as possible, as if trying to sit on a twine. Now squat on one leg and keep the other straight. The back should be even. Hands can be extended forward - this will help improve balance.

Classic Lunges

Put one leg forward and bend it at the knees at a right angle. Take the other back, place your hands along the body, taking dumbbells in them. Extend both legs and sit down again. For each leg, it is recommended to do 10-15 repetitions.


Although the plank seems very simple, it is not all that easy to perform. The advantage of the bar is that it helps to train many muscles at once - the press, back, arms, shoulders, chest, hips, so it should be included in the set of exercises for morning exercises for men. You need to lean your elbows on the floor, the body should be stretched like a string and be a straight line. Try to hold the bar for at least a minute.

Push ups

A classic exercise for men that works out the upper body and has no analogues. By including several sets of push-ups in your workout, you will make it much more useful and effective. It is recommended to alternate different types of push-ups - narrow and wide grip, on fists, and so on.

Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups should be done from a bench, chair, or other surface. This is a great exercise for working out the shoulders and triceps. It's simple - lean on the surface and, by bending your arms, lower yourself as low as possible.

Press exercise

This exercise will help to work out the abdominal muscles. In many ways, it resembles a bicycle. You need to lie down, bend your right leg and pull it as close to your chest as possible, and at the same time try to touch your leg with your bent left elbow. For each side, repeat the exercise 15 times.

Leg raises

Also effective exercises for charging for men, working out the lower and middle abs. Lie on the mat, stretch straight legs forward, lift them off the floor as high as you can. Feet should look at the ceiling. Put your hands along the body. Do the exercise 15 times.

Additional exercises

If you want to lose weight, you can add more aerobic exercise to your morning routine. Keep an eye on your pulse while doing this. It should be at the level of 110-120 strokes - with such indicators, the body burns fat. To achieve such a pulse, you can jump rope for several minutes or just on the spot. After that, you can proceed to the following exercises:

  • Walk at a fast pace, lifting your knees high.
  • Do twisting of the body in different directions in a standing position.
  • Perform active side bends.
  • Do crunches on the health disc.
  • Perform forward bends, trying to touch the floor with your hands and without bending your legs.

Gradually increase the number of repetitions by increasing the load.

Remember that exercising in the morning cannot replace a full workout, because we need strength for the whole day. If you have a specific goal to lose weight, don't limit yourself to it.

A little about the workout

The morning exercise complex for men, the video of which you will find below, should begin with a warm-up, as you have already said. It should always be done from top to bottom. First, slowly twist your head around your neck. If this exercise causes you discomfort, then you can replace the rotation with clear tilts to the sides.

In order for the joints to get up correctly in the process of performing further exercises, and all the muscles to warm up, perform this warm-up complex:

  • perform rotations with your hands away from you and towards you;
  • rotate your elbows in the opposite and forward direction;
  • move on to rotating your shoulders in both directions;
  • rotation of the ankle joint from oneself and towards oneself;
  • rotate your knees around an imaginary axis and also in the opposite direction.

After you finish your warm-up, do the exercises.

Now you know how you can do morning exercises for a man, and what are its benefits. Finally, consider a few more features that you need to remember so that the load is correct and effective:

  • Before exercising, you can wash your face and brush your teeth, but do not have breakfast. So the body will spend fat reserves, and it will be easier for you to exercise.
  • If possible, you can do gymnastics on the balcony or in the yard. You can also just open the window so that the room is well ventilated.
  • When exercising, you should not overheat and overcool.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that won't restrict your movement.
  • Regardless of the chosen complex, watch your breathing. Its scheme is always the same: we breathe evenly and through the nose, we always perform the main effort on the exhale, and relaxation on the inhale.
  • Charging should be easy at first, then you can increase the load. Adjust the number of repetitions yourself so that you can recharge your batteries and not get tired. You can repeat each exercise 8-10 times.

Morning exercises are a great way to wake up easier in the morning and keep your figure in good shape. Of course, remember that it does not replace a full-fledged workout aimed at both losing weight and building muscle. Rather, it is a warm-up, a great start to an active day that will help a man maintain mental and physical health. There is no ideal charging complex, it all depends on the goals, level of training and personal preferences. You can see what morning exercises for men look like in the video, and learn useful knowledge for yourself that will help you develop your ideal program.

Charging for men on video

This has a bad effect on the muscular system and on other organs as a whole. Passive lifestyle, global computerization lead men and women to physical inactivity, which contributes to the appearance of excess weight, a bunch of diseases and leads to early aging.


The benefit of morning exercises is to create a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. Having rested during sleep, the brain with such an early warm-up will function much more efficiently, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

Regular exercises will make the body toned, slim and help you wake up in the morning without any problems. Men who want to correct their weight, take pharmaceutical preparations (feeds) and dietary supplements, have digestive problems, are recommended to exercise.

The benefits of morning exercises are manifested in the development, warm-up of each part of the body, muscles, joints, improvement of blood circulation and respiration. Physical exercises put in order not only the body, but also the mind. Men who constantly try to monitor their health by performing complex exercises get a beautiful body and moral satisfaction, they increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Where to begin?

Often, morning exercises should be started with a short easy walk for a minute and a half. Then, depending on the state of health, the following exercises are performed in an individual rhythm for each:

  • In a standing position with hands down and feet standing together, they begin to raise their hands and alternately put their legs back.
  • In a standing position, they spread their legs shoulder-width apart, arms at their sides, stand on their toes and swing their left foot to the right, at the same time moving their right hand to their left. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  • Morning physical exercises continue in the same position as in the first paragraph, only they also perform deep squats, moving their arms back. This should be done six times.

  • Then they pay attention to the muscles of the torso, for this they take the same position as in the first paragraph, and put one leg to the side, raising the opposite arm, then make an inclination to the leg that was put out. Hands are laid behind the back, the exercise is repeated several times in both directions.
  • The legs are fixed at a wide distance from each other, the back is bent down so that it becomes parallel to the floor, the arms hang down, and then spread apart in opposite directions and return to their place.
  • The legs stand together, the arms are spread apart, in this position they perform squats, alternately stretching the right leg to the side, then the left leg.

Basic Rules

Morning exercises for men are not just stretching your arms and turning your neck after waking up, but a whole range of activities that must be taken with all responsibility.

Charging Rules:

  • Physical exercises are done every day at the same time in the morning immediately after sleep. Before classes, for cheerfulness, it is better to wash your face with cool water, rinse your mouth, do not eat or drink.
  • If possible, it is advisable to exercise outdoors. When classes are held in the apartment, then after the night they air the rooms and leave the windows open, because. During exercise, the body will need more oxygen.
  • For good health during classes, it is necessary to control the temperature and humidity in the room. Clothing should be light, comfortable, not restricting movement, breathable, so that the body does not feel like in a thermos. In the summer, warm seasons of the year, you can practice in shorts, without a T-shirt, in underwear.
  • Breath control. They develop such a pace of exercises at which breathing would not go astray. You should always breathe through your nose, no matter how you want your mouth. The nose is a natural filter.

  • Morning exercises for men are organized in such a way that its intensity is developed gradually, starting small, based on well-being, the reaction of the body. There should be at least 10 exercises at a time, which are repeated at least 8-10 times in the early stages. Do simple tasks first.
  • Music helps to establish a comfortable pace, it is more fun to practice under it.

A set of exercises

An effective result from classes is obtained when a full-fledged complex of morning exercises is developed. Do not forget about your own physical. preparation and do not overload the body.

The complex consists of several blocks of exercises, the first of which is a warm-up. It includes rotations of the hands, neck, elbows, shoulder joints, pelvis, twisting, torso to the sides and forward.

The main block of classes

  • Squats - testosterone is produced, the muscles of the legs, lower back, abs and upper back are involved. Some "masters" claim that squats are bad for the knee joints, but this is not so, but rather the opposite. Lunges and jumps from a full squat also benefit and result. Just leg extensions with heavy weights are quite harmful to the knees. Squats accelerate and normalize metabolism, correct the figure. The main thing is to observe the correct technique for performing exercises. Usually they perform three sets of 15 times, if they feel that this is not enough, then they increase the times or approaches.
  • Push-ups - the same as squats, only for the upper body. Morning exercises for men with push-ups guarantee the work of triceps, chest muscles, back, shoulders and abdominal area. It is recommended not to do push-ups with a narrow position of the hands, but to put them wider, then you will have a full load on the back, chest, arms, more testosterone will be released and the metabolism will speed up - this is what you need. Perform three sets of 60 push-ups, after each set, rest for a few minutes.

  • Pull-ups - in terms of their effectiveness, they are slightly inferior to push-ups and squats, but they train the widest spinal muscles and all the small ones that control the upper part of the spine, its condition. It is a misconception that simply hanging on the horizontal bar leads to warming up and stimulation of the back. This is not true. It only leads to its relaxation after global physical exertion or a long walk. The number of approaches performed and times in pull-ups is the same as in push-ups, if so much cannot be done, then they do as much as they can, gradually increasing the load.
  • Tilts in a standing position are effective for the sacral region and the lower part of the spine. Morning exercises for men can do without bending if a person is just starting to exercise, because. the lower back will be stimulated in squats.

Exercise with dumbbells

Dumbbells perfectly knead the hands, shoulders, forearms. Morning exercises with dumbbells are suitable for those who cannot do pull-ups. With this type of exercise, all the same muscles will be involved and almost the same load will be provided. Although some believe that dumbbells are optional elements of charging. At home, they can be small in size, so more muscles will work.

Charging and jogging in the morning

Morning jog and exercise is a super mix of energy, health and longevity for the body. Before jogging, a set of exercises is performed, and after such a warm-up, the prepared ones go to run. Morning run is performed at a moderate pace. You can start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the jogging time. Some perform light physical exercises: raising arms, knees, boxing punches, jumping during the run itself.

Varieties of morning exercises

There are endless options for morning exercises and a large number of ways to spend an active and healthy morning. The main types of morning workout that improves well-being and mood:

  1. Gymnastics: walking, pulling up and down with your arms, deep breaths, backbends, hands "in the castle" (make bends with your hands), squeezing with your fingers, outstretched arms perform circular movements.
  2. Jogging in the morning. It can become a continuation of morning exercises or simply be a separate unit. It is desirable to run in places where there is a small flow of people and cars, you need to start with an easy walk, then jog and accelerate as you feel better.
  3. Skipping - jumping rope. Doctors say that they are even more effective than running. Perform high, low, fast or slow jumps.

Possible difficulties

The complex of morning exercises must be carefully thought out and developed to fit your physical capabilities, in no case should you demand more from the body and body in the early stages than they can perform, you should not force yourself on yourself.

Untrained men should start with simple exercises and, as they train, supplement them by increasing the number of repetitions and approaches. There are times when lactic acid in the muscles will simply burn them out from the inside, but if you endure it several times, the sensations from the exercises will be easier and more pleasant in the next approaches.

A set of simple dumbbell gymnastics exercises for the full development of the muscles of the arms, legs, back, chest and abs at home. Dumbbells can be replaced with plastic water or sand bottles.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles that bend the fingers

Starting position: tennis ball in hand.
Performing the exercise: squeeze a tennis ball in one hand or 2 tennis balls in both hands.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the anterior muscle groups of the forearm (palmar flexion)

Starting position: sitting on a chair (stool), put your forearms on your hips, hands slightly in front of your knees, palms facing up.
Performing the exercise: lifting the brushes up. The forearms do not come off the hips.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the posterior muscle groups of the forearms (dorsal extension)

Starting position: the same as in the second exercise, but the palms are facing down.
Performing the exercise: raise the hands up without lifting the forearms from the hips.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Dumbbell gymnastics for biceps shoulder flexors (biceps)

Starting position: main stance, palms facing forward.
Performing the exercise: simultaneous or alternate bending of both arms in the elbow joints.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Option 2

Performing the exercise: the same movement, but performed from a different starting position: sitting on a chair (bench), knees apart, arms down, palms facing forward, elbows resting on the inner thighs.

Dumbbell gymnastics for shoulder and forearm flexors

Starting position: the same as in exercise 4, but the palms are facing back.
Performing the exercise: simultaneous or alternate bending of the arms in the elbow joints, palm down.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Option 2

Performing the exercise: the same movement, but performed while sitting on a chair (bench).

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, shoulder and forearm flexors

Starting position: main stance, palms facing the hips.
Performing the exercise: bend your arms at the elbows, lifting the dumbbells under the armpits.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and extensors of the shoulders and forearms (triceps)

Starting position: main stance, arms bent, hands at the shoulders, palms facing inward.
Performing the exercise: vertical lifting of the dumbbells up, both simultaneously or alternately.
Proper breathing: inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering the arms.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, flexors and extensors of the shoulders

Starting position: hands are at the front of the thighs, palms facing back.
Performing the exercise: lift the dumbbells up vertically, bending and raising your elbows high, and then unbending your elbows.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the triceps extensors of the shoulder (triceps)

Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, elbows raised up, hands at the back of the head, palms facing inward, dumbbells touch the upper edges of the shoulder blades.
Performing the exercise: raise the dumbbells up, both simultaneously or alternately, without lowering your elbows.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the triceps extensors of the shoulders and muscles of the shoulder blades

Starting position: the body is tilted forward to a horizontal position, the arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are pressed to the sides of the body, the palms are facing forward.
Performing the exercise: simultaneously or alternately unbend both arms in the elbow joints, without unbending the torso.
Options: "1" - the same, but the palms are turned inward; "2" - the same, but the palms are turned back.
Proper breathing: inhale when extending, exhale when bending.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the shoulder girdle

Starting position: hands at the front of the thighs, palms facing the thighs.
Performing the exercise: simultaneously or alternately raise straight arms up.
Proper breathing: inhale when lifting and exhale when lowering.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and shoulder flexors

Starting position: main stance, hands are on the sides of the hips, palms facing the hips.
Performing the exercise: raise straight arms through the sides up.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the upper shoulder girdle and shoulder flexors

Starting position: hands on the sides of the thighs, palms facing the hips.
Performing the exercise: bend your arms at the elbow joints and lift the dumbbells back behind your back.
Proper breathing: inhale when extending, exhale when bending.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the shoulder girdle (muscles that reduce the shoulder blades and the posterior bundles of the deltoid muscles)

Starting position: the torso is tilted forward to a horizontal position, arms are lowered down, palms are turned inward.
Performing the exercise: raise straight arms to the sides, without unbending the torso.
Proper breathing: inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the shoulder girdle (shoulder blades and deltoid muscles)

Starting position: the same as in the previous exercise, but the palms are facing back.
Performing the exercise: simultaneously or alternately raise both straight arms back and forth without a swing.
Proper breathing: inhale when lifting forward, exhale when lifting back.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the shoulder girdle: pectoral, deltoid and extensors of the shoulders

Starting position: lying on the bench with your back, arms bent at the elbows, hands at the chest, palms facing inward.
Performing the exercise: simultaneously or alternately raise your arms vertically up.
Proper breathing: inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle (for the pectoral and anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles)

Starting position: lying with your back on a bench or on the floor, arms laid aside, palms up.
Performing the exercise: raise straight arms forward.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle

Starting position: lying with your back on a bench or floor, arms along the body, hands at the hips, palms down.
Performing the exercise: raise straight arms forward, followed by lowering straight arms behind the head. Hands with dumbbells describe a semicircle.
Proper breathing: inhale when raising your hands behind your head, exhale when lowering your hands to your hips.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the neck and neck

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, torso tilted forward, head down, palms resting on slightly bent knees. Dumbbells are hung on straps made of braid, worn on the head like a cap.
Performing the exercise: raise your head up.
Proper breathing: inhale when lifting the head, exhale when lowering the head.

Starting position: brushes with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head.
Performing the exercise: bend and unbend the torso forward. The knees do not bend during the exercise.
Proper breathing: inhale when extending, exhale when bending.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles - extensors of the back

Starting position: lying with your stomach on the floor or a stool, fix your legs, catching them on any heavy object. Hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head.
Performing the exercise: unbend your back, raising your head up.
Proper breathing: inhale when extending, exhale when bending.

Dumbbell gymnastics for oblique and lateral abdominal muscles

Starting position: main stance, both dumbbells are in one hand.
Performing the exercise: torso to the sides. One arm, bending, rises along the body up above the waist, the other, unbending, goes down to the knee. The knees don't bend.
Proper breathing: inhale while tilting to the side of the arm holding dumbbells, exhale while tilting to the side of the arm without dumbbells.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the lower back, the latissimus dorsi and lifting the ribs

Starting position: feet are placed wider apart, hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head. Option "a": dumbbells raised up above your head.
Performing the exercise: tilt the body to the sides without bending the knees.
Proper breathing: inhale while straightening the torso, exhale while bending the torso to the sides.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the lower back, the latissimus dorsi and lifting the ribs

Starting position: lying sideways on the floor. Fix the legs by clinging to any heavy object, hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head.
Performing the exercise: bend the torso to the sides, lifting it from the floor.
Proper breathing: inhale with a straight torso, exhale when bending the torso.

Dumbbell gymnastics for abdominal muscles

Starting position: lying with your back on the floor or sitting on a stool, legs are fixed, clinging to any heavy object. Hands with dumbbells are pressed to the back of the head.
Performing the exercise: bend and unbend the torso.
Proper breathing: inhale when extending the torso, exhale when bending the torso.

Dumbbell gymnastics for abdominal muscles and iliopsoas

Starting position: lying on your back on the floor or bench, dumbbells are tied to the soles of your feet.
Performing the exercise: simultaneously or alternately raise straight legs up.
Proper breathing: exhale when lifting the legs, inhale when lowering the legs.

Dumbbell gymnastics for oblique and lateral abdominal muscles and for the shoulder girdle

Starting position: legs apart wider, arms with dumbbells lowered down.
Performing the exercise: raise one arm up through the side with the body tilted forward and lower the other arm down until the dumbbell touches the floor. When performing, look at the dumbbell raised up.
Proper breathing: inhale when straightening the torso, exhale when bending the torso.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the calf muscles - foot flexors (plantar flexion)

Starting position: feet at the width of the pelvis, toes are on a stand 5-8 cm high, heels are on the floor. Arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.
Performing the exercise: lifting on toes.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Option 2

Starting position: the same, but one leg is bent and rests its foot on the knee of the other leg. Both dumbbells are in one hand, the supporting leg of the same name. With your free hand, you need to lean against the wall or against the back of a chair to maintain balance.
Performing the exercise: rise on the toe, standing on one supporting leg.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the tibial extensor muscles of the foot (dorsal extension)

Starting position: sitting on a chair or stool. The heels are on a stand 5-8 cm high, the toes are on the floor. Dumbbells are tied with soft braid to the back of the foot at the base of the toes.
Performing the exercise: raise the feet up, both at the same time or alternately, without lifting the heels from the support.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Dumbbell gymnastics for muscles - quadriceps hip extensors

Starting position: sitting on a table or a high bench, the shins are lowered down, the dumbbells are tied with a soft braid to the feet from the back.
Performing the exercise: simultaneously or alternately unbend the legs at the knee joints.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the hip flexor muscles

Starting position: hips rest on the edge of the table, to maintain balance, hands rest on the table, dumbbells are tied to the back of the feet.
Performing the exercise: alternately bend the legs at the knee joint, bringing the heel as close as possible to the buttock.
Proper breathing: uniform, without delay.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles that flex the thigh

Starting position: hands on the belt, dumbbells tied to the back of the feet.
Performing the exercise: raising a straight leg forward.
Proper breathing: inhale when lowering, exhale when lifting.

Option 2

Starting position: the same.
Performing the exercise: raise the legs with bending them at the knee joint and abducting the foot in the direction opposite to the rising leg.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles that abduct the thigh

Starting position: the same as in exercise 32.
Performing the exercise: raising a straight leg to the side.
Proper breathing: inhale when lowering the leg, exhale when raising the leg.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the extensor muscles of the hips, back and upper shoulder girdle

Starting position: feet spaced hip-width apart, arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.
Performing the exercise: full squat without lifting the heels off the floor.

Option 2

Performing the exercise: full squat without taking your heels off the floor while raising your arms up.

Option 3

Starting position: arms down, hands at the front of the thighs, palms facing the thighs.
Performing the exercise: squat while simultaneously raising straight arms with dumbbells up, or, bending and unbending your arms, lift the dumbbells vertically up.
Proper breathing: inhale when squatting with raising your arms up, exhale when straightening with lowering your arms down.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the quadriceps extensors of the hips and gluteal muscles

Starting position: hands behind the pelvis, dumbbells crossed.
Performing the exercise: full squat with simultaneous separation of the heels from the floor, without tilting the torso forward.
Proper breathing: inhale while squatting, exhale while straightening.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the legs, back and upper shoulder girdle

Starting position: arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.
Performing the exercise: a wide step forward, strongly bending the walking leg at the knee and ankle joints. Unbending the walking leg, return to the starting position, do not tilt the body forward.
Proper breathing: inhale - stepping forward, exhale - returning to the starting position.

Option 2

Performing the exercise: the same, but with the simultaneous raising of the hands up.

Option 3

Starting position: legs apart wider. Arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.
Performing the exercise: turn to the side while bending the leg of the same name to turn and raising arms with dumbbells up. Return to starting position and repeat the same movement on the other side.

Dumbbell gymnastics for adductor muscles of the thigh and hip extensors, extensors of the back and shoulder girdle

Starting position: legs apart wider, arms bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders.
Performing the exercise: squatting with bending one leg. The other leg is straight. Keep your torso straight.
Proper breathing: inhale - squatting, exhale - rising.

Option 2

Starting position: the same, but do a squat while raising your hands up.

Option 3

Starting position: legs apart wider, arms lowered down, hands with dumbbells at the hips.
Performing the exercise: the same, but with the simultaneous raising of straight arms forward or to the side.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles - hip extensors and gluteal muscles

Starting position: one arm is bent, the hand with a dumbbell is at the shoulder.
Performing the exercise: squatting on one leg, the same name as the hand holding the dumbbell, while raising the other leg and free hand forward (“pistol”).
Proper breathing: inhale - squatting, exhale - straightening up.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the legs, shoulder girdle and for the respiratory and vascular system

Starting position: arms down or bent, hands with dumbbells at the shoulders or dumbbells at the top on straight arms.
Performing the exercise: jumping in place - legs apart, together.

Option 2

Performing the exercise: the same, but with the simultaneous lifting of arms with dumbbells up.

Option 3

Starting position: arms with dumbbells down, hands on the sides of the hips, palms facing the hips.
Performing the exercise: the same, but with straight arms up through the sides.

Dumbbell gymnastics for the muscles of the legs, torso and for the respiratory-vascular system

Starting position: a wide lunge forward, the front leg is strongly bent, the back leg is almost straight and rests on the fingers.
Performing the exercise: change legs by jumping. The torso should not lean forward and move in an anterior-posterior direction.
Proper breathing: deep, without delay.

Fit and slender men arouse the envy of their own friends, the respect of colleagues, superiors and win the sympathy of the opposite sex. To gain muscle tone, it is not necessary to torture yourself with long workouts outside the home. It is enough to get dumbbells and give training 10 or 15 minutes a day to improve health. Dumbbell gymnastics for men over 40 is the best way to keep fit.

If the set of exercises is performed correctly, then it provides the following benefits:

A set of exercises for morning exercises for men is best done in the morning so that muscle tissues and joints become elastic, and the body tunes in to the right job. After completing the complex, it is useful to take a contrast shower if there are no restrictions on the work of the heart. This will enhance the effect of gymnastics on the body and internal organ systems.

Efficient Charging Rules

To avoid harm from strength gymnastics for men, you must follow simple rules. In the evening you need to prepare for the exercises, for yourself you need to determine the complex, time and place.

Morning exercises with dumbbells for men:

The choice of the complex and the level of workload must be determined taking into account age. A man after 40 years of age should reduce the number of repetitions of exercises by 10% if he has not previously been involved in sports.


Every man dreams of having beautiful biceps, abs, broad shoulders and strong legs. Therefore, the exercise program must be balanced. It is necessary to alternate the load on different muscle groups by day of the week in order for the training to be effective and the result to be more noticeable.

All exercises must be performed correctly, as the main complex, you can take the following set of exercises:

After the end of the warm-up, you need to go to the shower. The number of repetitions each person chooses for himself independently, taking into account the state of the body. If there is shortness of breath or a sharp pain in the region of the heart, then morning exercises must be stopped. Otherwise, instead of training, you will have to visit the hospital.

Additional training

For those who want to lose some weight at home with the help of charging, aerobic exercises are suitable. You need to do a workout with a heart rate of 120 beats per minute. In this case, fat burning will occur. To determine what indicator is needed, you need to jump rope for 4 or 5 minutes, then you should measure your pulse. After that, you need to proceed with the implementation of the complex:

The number of repetitions must be gradually increased. You need to start with 20 times, when the body adapts, you need to do 60 repetitions in two or three sets. This approach is very beneficial for health. To lose weight faster, you need to use kettlebell gymnastics. It must be done at home every day. When jumping, you need to remember that the neighbors can sleep, so you need to carefully choose a place for them. Morning exercises are not considered a full-fledged workout, because after it there should be strength for everyday activities. With this in mind, it is necessary to determine the number of exercises, repetitions and approaches.

Warm up

Warm-up must begin from top to bottom. First you need to slowly twist your head around your neck. If this causes discomfort, then it is necessary to stop the execution, rotational movements can be replaced with oblique ones. In order for the joints to warm up correctly during the warm-up of the necessary complex, it is necessary to carry out circular movements in the following order:

  1. Rotation of the hands towards and away from oneself.
  2. Elbow rotation forward and backward.
  3. Rotation of the shoulders in the opposite and forward direction.
  4. Turning the knees around an imaginary axis forward and backward.

When the warm-up is over, you can start exercises to warm up the muscles. Charging in the morning is useful for everyone, not only for men, but also for women and children. With the help of charging, a man will be able to feel more confident.

In order for the load to be correct and effective, it is necessary to take into account some features:

At first, charging should be easy, after that you need to add load. The number of repetitions should be controlled by the man himself in order to recharge his energy for the whole day and not get tired. Universal number of repetitions - 8 or 10 times.

Many men worry about their well-being and health, so devote half an hour a day to morning training. Experts recommend to carry out water procedures in the morning and only after that perform a charging complex.

After water procedures, the body wakes up completely. Water gives a huge boost of energy for the whole day. Thus, the hardening of the body occurs. But it is best to start such procedures gradually. Sunlight and vitamin D are useful for the body, especially for the male body, which is subjected to heavy loads every day.

Before sunbathing, you can have a small massage by hand or with a massager. may consist of a set of exercises, while the training may be very simple or include several complex elements. Expert advice:

  1. When doing exercises, you can apply exercises that you remember from school.
  2. Experts recommend choosing exercises based on the characteristics of the body.
  3. Many men like to run in the morning, jogging can be done in the gym or on the street.
  4. If you run at home, you can simply run in place or use a treadmill.

After that, you need to perform inclinations or simple exercises with hand movements. If a complex is not available for a man complex charging due to poor health or other health problems, you can use a light warm-up:

This complex is considered, it can be adjusted and changed depending on your own physical data. But in any case, care must be taken to ensure that all parts of the body are worked out equally. Only in this case, a set of exercises in the morning will be beneficial and cheerful.

In order for charging to bring the greatest daily effect, it is necessary to perform push-ups and tilts using dumbbells. In this case, the complex will bring the greatest result, and the muscular system will be strengthened. As a result, this will positively affect the body.

By charging time should not exceed 20 minutes. If a man has certain health problems, then it is better to consult a doctor, together with him you can make the necessary complex of morning exercises. Thanks to charging, a man will always stay in shape. Due to the basic physical exercises, you can keep any muscles in good shape.

Attention, only TODAY!

Among such important components of a good morning as a cup of coffee, a contrast shower, a light breakfast and a good mood, we forget about morning exercises. And this is a factor that allows us to feel active and energized throughout the day, work productively and not feel all-consuming fatigue in the evening. Men especially underestimate the importance of morning exercises. They believe that their element is the gym and weight lifting, and some even completely forget about physical exercises. It is morning exercises for men that help to feel in good shape and are even a great way to lose weight. In the article, we will share a video showing a set of morning exercises for men, we will talk about what exercises are best included in your morning exercises to improve vitality and successful weight loss.

Morning exercise helps to feel in good shape and is a great way to lose weight.

Before you start watching the video, getting to know the exercises for men, memorizing them, you should learn about the rules that make your exercise as effective as possible for the body:

  • Do not eat or drink before charging. Rinse your mouth if you feel thirsty.
  • If you can't wake up, wash your face with cold water. This will help to cheer up and find the strength to start gymnastics.
  • It is best to exercise outdoors. If this is not possible, open a window in the room.
  • Pick the right clothes. The fabric should allow the body to breathe and not restrict movement.
  • Start the complex with light exercises for small muscle groups: hands, elbow joints, neck muscles.
  • Pay due attention to your breathing. Don't let him get lost. You need to breathe through your nose.
  • Don't turn your warm-up into a workout. The time after waking up is not the best time for strenuous exercise. Limit yourself to light activating exercises.

Warm up

For the effectiveness of morning exercises, a training complex should be developed, taking into account physical fitness. It is undesirable to start the main exercises right away. It is necessary to prepare the body for charging and finally awaken it. Stretch carefully, make sure you are ready to charge.

Perform the following complex:

  • Neck rotation. Do rotational circular motions to start in one direction, and then in the other.
  • Rotation of the hands. Clench your palms into a fist and rotate them clockwise, then counterclockwise. You can also perform this action by clasping your hands together.
  • Shoulder rotation. Bend your elbows and place them on your shoulders. Do rotations without lifting your fingers from your shoulders.
  • Pelvic rotation. Place your hands on your waist and feet hip-width apart. Make circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Tilts of the body in different directions. The legs are shoulder-width apart, and the hands are on the belt. Make oblique movements to one side, then to the other, holding your hand above your head.

If you want to wake up the body and gain vigor, then these actions may be enough. However, to improve physical condition and lose weight, it is worth continuing the warm-up for men with more serious exercises, an example of which you can see in the video.

Main part

The following exercises are suitable for morning exercises:

  • Squats. When doing squats, the feet should not be torn off the floor, and the back should arch. Do the exercise at a slow pace. The optimal number of squats for morning exercises is 20-30.
  • Pushups. For the best effect and weight loss, it is recommended to do at least 20 push-ups. The back and legs are in one line.
  • Body lift. Exercise for training the press, which is important for a beautiful male body. Lock your legs, lie on your back and lift the torso over and over again, keeping your arms bent at the elbows at the head.

It is good to do exercises with dumbbells. They will help with morning exercises. If you are not physically prepared or have not been engaged in a long time, you should start with light and small dumbbells. With dumbbells, you can strengthen the complex of muscles of different groups. For example, do lunges on each leg alternately, while spreading your arms weighted with dumbbells in different directions. So you make the muscles of the back, legs and arms work.

You can also swing your arms with dumbbells, while winding one arm behind your back and raising the other above your head. Just make sure that the dumbbells do not slip out of your hands. When working with dumbbells, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, legs, abdomen and back will develop.

Exercises should be varied for different muscle groups.

An excellent end to morning exercises with dumbbells for men will be taking a contrast shower, which raises immunity, improves blood circulation and is even useful for losing weight. The principle of a contrast shower is a sharp change in temperature from hot to cold. It is very important to thoroughly rub yourself with a terry towel after this procedure.

The complex of morning exercises will not take a lot of time, but it will help strengthen the body, increase immunity, prolong youth, it is also a good way to lose weight, which occurs due to an increase in metabolism. You can download a video that shows an example of a warm-up. Forget about laziness, make an energetic playlist and start every morning with a vigorous morning exercise!

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