The show "MasterChef Kids" has a new judge. Show MasterChef


In the second season of the children's culinary show on STB, Dmitry Gorovenko joined. Before that, we had not seen him on television, although in culinary terms, the judge "MasterChef Kids-2" has a great track record.

"Sometimes you have to restrain yourself not to cry"

- Dmitry, before "MasterChef Kids" you did not participate in television projects. How has television changed you?

Life has changed. Popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. Working in the kitchen and on television are two different paths. Television is a completely different job that I enjoy very much.

- Do you like popularity?

She doesn't bother me. I don't close myself off from people who want to take a picture, just talk or ask a question. I try to be open.

- Do you like yourself in the frame?

I don't like everything. I look through all the issues and work on myself. I don't always like the way I talk, the way I hold my hands, the way I behave. I do special exercises for facial muscles in order to speak beautifully and clearly.

- Children are not adults, their tears are more difficult to deal with. How do you do it?

You have to comfort. I am a rather sentimental person, sometimes you have to restrain yourself so as not to cry.

- Watching the participants, do you think many can become chefs?

Not everyone can become a chef, because organizational skills are needed. And working in the kitchen is hell. This is a very difficult path, and you need to understand that you will have to step over your ambitions more than once.

"The way to my heart is through understanding"

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And where is the path to the heart of the chef?

This is a social metaphor that has taken root well with us. I don't agree with her. And the way to my heart is through understanding.

- When did you prepare the first dish?

I laid the first table for my family on New Year's Eve. It was already at the age of 16-17 years. Basically, the dishes were plain - Olivier, for example. But there were also "Khreshchatyk" zrazy - few people know about them, but I always liked them.

At home, I was not particularly allowed to cook food. There was no such thing that I watched how my grandmother or mother cooks. As a child, I loved to eat delicious food.

- Why did not allow - did not trust?

No, that's not the point. It’s just that there were principles in the family that only the grandmother cooks, only she is responsible for it. Naturally, I helped. Dumplings, for example, were sculpted by the whole family. And when my grandmother baked pies, I was allowed to knead the dough.

Cooked for Pierre Richard and De-Phazz

- There is an opinion that chefs do not cook at home. How are you?

I love what I do. Therefore, it does not matter where I am - on a project, in a restaurant, at home, in nature. Of course, cooking for yourself is less interesting than cooking for someone else. But I cook at home quite often. And it is at home that I like to experiment with tastes.

- Do you cook borscht?

It happens. But I bake borscht. The original Ukrainian technique of cooking borscht is in the oven, in ceramic dishes. I don't have a wood burning stove at home. Therefore, I bake in a ceramic pot in a conventional oven.

- I wonder if you eat at fast food restaurants?

We are all human (laughs). But there is a difference between what and where to eat. The street food has gotten a lot better though. Look at the same kiosks with shawarma. If earlier there was a greasy uncle standing there, now the shawarma sellers are wearing gloves, they do not take food with their hands. It is clear that the products there are of low quality, but they are not badly prepared.

What celebrity have you cooked for?

For the pianist Keiko Matsui, Pierre Richard, the group De-Phazz ("De Phaz")... I was fully responsible for their meals during the tour and stay in Kyiv. Cesaria Evora is generally a separate issue. I admired her creativity. And I had to feed her twice. Once in Kyiv, the second - in Odessa.

"I Have a Lady"

- You are a very well-groomed and stylish person. Do you consider yourself a metrosexual?

Rather yes than no. Based on this issue, a metrosexual is a person who takes care of himself more than it should be. And a normal man is one whose nails are not cut, his hands are cracked, his fingers are hardened ... And if a man does not have all this, then this is already a metrosexual.

I go to salons, I get my hair cut, I shave, I have a beautician. All this is necessary to recover after filming. You need to take care of yourself. It's just self love.

- Do you have a lover?

Yes, I have a lady with whom we spend time together.

- She is not jealous of your fans?

No. She understands the nature of my work.


- Your daughter Eleanor is 8. Does she cook?

Ella is cooking. I don't think she wants to be a professional cook. Sometimes he works with the dough, sometimes he bakes something with me, sometimes he helps. For her, it's more of a food game.

What is your daughter's hobby?

Learns several languages. Dancing, singing, drawing. She probably enjoys drawing the most.

- Are you a strict dad?

No. I'll tell, explain, try to interest. Such a kind teacher who gives the child the opportunity to make his own decisions.


Dmitry Gorovenko is a culinary specialist with 19 years of experience working with French, Italian, Mediterranean and Pan-Asian cuisines. He is the developer of many well-known Ukrainian and foreign restaurant projects.


Photo: Flickr via Papatia USA

Easter cupcake

This cupcake is the main dish for every big holiday in the family of Dmitry Gorovenko. Dmitry's grandmother cooked it not only for Easter, but for all traditional feasts and called it "early cupcake".

Ingredients: 1 cup of milk, 2 eggs, 1.5 cups of sugar, 1 cup of thick jam (according to Dima, cherry is the tastiest), a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. without a slide of cinnamon, 1 tsp. soda, a couple of glasses of flour.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients. Depending on the quality of the flour, it may need a different amount. As a result, the dough should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the dough into a mold and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer.

The STB TV channel again upset the fans of Nikolai Tishchenko. Today it became known that the famous Ukrainian restaurateur did not renew his contract to participate in the new season of the project "".

But do not despair, the creators of the project picked up a worthy replacement for Nikolai. Now Ukrainian chef Dmitry Gorovenko will judge young culinary experts together with Hector Jimenez-Bravo and Tatiana Litvinova.

Dmitry is a culinary specialist with 19 years of experience. At the age of 26, he was included in the rating of "25 best chefs in Ukraine", being the youngest on this list. The man works with French, Italian, Mediterranean, Pan-Asian cuisines. He is also the developer of many well-known Ukrainian and foreign projects.

There were many contenders for the role of a judge, we held many castings, and chose Dmitry Gorovenko. This person perfectly combines the qualities of a charismatic, bright personality and a professional culinary art. We were impressed by his track record. In addition, Dmitry has a little daughter, which has become an additional advantage, because this person communicates in the same language with children, - says Vladimir Turich, director of the STB creative association, which produces MasterChef and MasterChef. Children.

The premiere of the second season of the project "Masterchef. Children 2" on the air of STB and on the our site site will take place in early 2017. Do not miss!

Photo in the text: press service of the STB channel

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Children's cooking show on the STS channel, an analogue of the world famous MasterChef Junior show.

The original show ran for five years (until 1999) and was only relaunched in 2010 on SVVS. Since then, the format of the project has been actively adapted outside the UK. The show is broadcast in 50 countries, including: Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Israel, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and many others.

The production of the Russian MasterChef. Children"is engaged in the company" White Media ".

Show hosts « MasterChef. Children» on STS - famous chefs Alexander Belkovich(Ginza) Andrey Shmakov(Metropol), brand chef of the international network of studios CulinaryOn Giuseppe D'Angelo .

To participate in the project « MasterChef. Children" were invited children from 9 to 13 years old. Young chefs had the opportunity to demonstrate their culinary talents and compete for the title of the best young chef in Russia. The STS channel, which had previously successfully hosted a culinary battle for adult chefs MasterChef, announced the start of casting for the show in the summer of 2015.

« MasterChef. Children” is the only Russian analogue of the world-famous MasterChef Junior show, which is already successfully running in more than 50 countries around the world. The American show is hosted by renowned restaurateur Joe Bastianich, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and dessert king Graham Eliot.

Despite their age, young chefs will have to face challenges that not every adult can handle, and, under the supervision of famous chefs, restaurateurs and culinary industry experts, reach a new level of skill.

Elmira Makhmutova, General Director of the STS TV channel, talks about the project: “The show format is popular in many countries of the world, and we are sure that MasterChef. Children” will become a popular project in Russia too! This is a wonderful show with a multi-million audience, which will soon appear on the STS channel. Of course, it will not be easy for the young participants, but it will be very interesting, and most importantly, the children will make a large number of adults happy.”

Within the first season MasterChef. Children"STS will air 12 episodes of 45 minutes each.

Premiere " MasterChef. Children"- November 2015 at STS.

About the MasterChef project. Children (STS)

To participate in a culinary show " MasterChef. Children» Candidates were asked to send an application or parents of children - to call the staff of the casting department of the STS. A potential participant should talk about their culinary experience and answer a few questions.

Chef Andrey Shmakov: “This is an amazing project that has no analogues on Russian TV, and I am happy to take part in it. Most of all in the project I like the word “children”, it is the key one. "MasterChef. Children” is a project not only about cooking, about becoming a person, which is especially important now, when children have been consumed by gadgets and fast food. In the show we will see everything: amazing cooking techniques from very young chefs, crazy and very real emotions, you will see something that sometimes cannot be described in words - it's just phenomenal!”

Those who successfully pass the phone interview are invited to the first stage of the casting, where they will meet with producers and chefs who try food prepared by children brought from home.

Chef Alexander Belkovich: “STS project “Masterchef. Children” is very interesting and insanely emotional. The show involves children who, at such a young age, possess such professional skills that not every adult can handle. Everything they do can be safely included in the restaurant menu!”

The second round of the casting is cooking for the jury, as well as cooking competitions with other boys and girls aged 9 to 13. The jury members taste the prepared dishes and express their opinion. The group of finalists selected at this stage takes part in the final round of selection for the show " MasterChef. Children».

The participant who reaches the final round becomes the winner and wins the title of the champion of the project " MasterChef. Children».

The participants of the show MasterChef. Children"Steel on STS: Alexey Starostin (14 years old), Alina Isaeva, Arina Borgoyakova, Arina Romanova, Andrey Starostenkov, Anuar Al-Ajuz, Arina Kornilova, Alisa Maziane, Angelina Tsurina, Varya Kapitonova, Varya Tkacheva, Vlada Chesnavskaya, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Victoria Putina, Gordey Boev and others.

Interesting facts about the participants of the MasterChef show. Children

Despite the fact that chef's hats were too large for many heroes, and some even needed coasters to work comfortably at the cutting table, all participants in the project " MasterChef. Children” amazed editors, producers and judges not only with their culinary art.

Out of more than 200 applicants for participation in the show, 40 children were selected for the first stage of the TV project: 23 girls and 17 boys. The youngest hero of the project “Masterchef. Children” recently turned 9 years old, the “largest” one is 14. However, at their age, the small participants in the project lead a very adult and eventful life, in which, in addition to cooking, there is time for a million different things.

Among the 40 contenders for victory in MasterChef. Children":

* four-time world champion in dances of the peoples of the world;

* A 13-year-old first-year culinary college student who started school at the age of 5;

* leading children's radio station;

* a young confectioner who has already managed to anticipate his passion for business - he makes and sells desserts to order through his page on the Internet.

They play different musical instruments, know foreign languages ​​and for the sake of victory they are ready for very strong deeds. So, just before the casting, one of the participants seriously injured his leg, could hardly walk, but withstood all the tests, coped with the task and was included in the list of 40 lucky ones. And another participant turned out to be a vegetarian, but firmly stated that she was ready to work with meat and even try it for the cause.

Culinary masterpieces prepared by the little contenders at the last stage of the casting:

* veal with dor-blue and chanterelles (cooking time at low temperature - 6 hours!);

* "landscape with a surprise" - a Scottish egg with a side dish;

* salmon in shrimp sauce with fried langoustines and broccoli;

* cheese rolls with chicken with fried bananas in chocolate sauce;

* rack of lamb with rustic potatoes and mint sauce.

Tests on the MasterChef show. Children

Over the course of 12 episodes, young chefs will have the chance to showcase their culinary talents in two dozen edge and elimination competitions. Of the 40 participants, only two will reach the final, but before that they will have to:

* prepare an original dish from your most "unpopular" ingredients;
* make the perfect breakfast using any products;
* prepare the perfect sushi set and present it to the court of the Japanese cuisine chef;
* choose the main ingredient for the dish by touch, running your hands into closed wooden boxes (they can contain, for example, octopus, pig ears or calf's liver);
* bake as many pancakes as possible in just 15 minutes;
* create a dish from the ingredients that their parents choose;
* prepare a set meal of 3 courses in the kitchen of a real restaurant, and present the dish to the court of restaurant visitors who will not know what children have prepared for them.

Final show MasterChef. Children

On February 6, 2016, a charity dinner was held at the Metropol restaurant, timed to coincide with the finale of the STS culinary show " MasterChef. Children". All funds raised were transferred to the Ivanovo Regional Clinical Hospital for the treatment of children with type 1 diabetes.

Twenty participants in a culinary telecombat under the strict guidance of the restaurant's chef and host of the show Andrey Shmakov cooked dinner for the guests of the evening. Young chefs not only stood at the stove, but also served their own culinary masterpieces. Among the treats were gourmet dishes, invented by the participants themselves: sprat mousse with earth from Riga bread, muksun sugudai, fried cheese with persimmon, stuffed cabbage with halibut, cauliflower cappuccino, gingerbread mousse with sea buckthorn sorbet and panna cotta with chili.

Star guests took part in the charity evening: Giuseppe D'Angelo(show host " MasterChef. Children"), Nikita Tarasov (" Kitchen "), Vladimir Epifantsev (" Escape ") and Anna Tsukanova-Kott (" Eighties ").

The culmination of the evening was the joint viewing of the final " MasterChef. Children».

The winner of the show and the owner of the main prize - a two-week training at the culinary studio CULINARION in Singapore - was 14-year-old Lesha Starostin from Balashikha.

Activity: chef, TV presenter
Date of Birth: June 26, 1983
SignhOdiaca: Crayfish
Place of Birth: Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Growth: 182 cm
Tags: ,
Family status: divorced

Dmitry Gorovenko- culinary reality show judge MasterChef on STB channel

Gorovenko joined the project in 2017 and became a MasterChef judge along with the show's old-timers Hector Jimenez-Bravo and Tatyana Litvinova.

Dmitry Gorovenko is a chef with 20 years of experience.

Dmitry Gorovenko was born on June 26, 1983, originally from Sevastopol. He wanted to become a chef after, at the age of 7, he was impressed by the spectacular slicing of cucumbers by his neighbor in the country. He graduated from 9 classes, after which he studied culinary art at a culinary school, and then went to conquer the capital.

The young chef first worked on the sidelines in the famous Kyiv restaurants "Egoist", "Concorde" and "Marrokana", then went to study in Moscow, from where he returned as a ready-made chef. Gorovenko's first solo success was the City-cafe "7 Fridays" restaurant. Gorovenko's work was highly appreciated by experts and he was included in the list of the top 25 best chefs in Ukraine according to the Focus magazine. At that time, he was the youngest participant in the rating, he was 26 years old.

Gorovenko worked closely with the Kyiv-based Russian restaurateur Dima Borisov and was involved in the development of cuisine in many of his establishments. The author's style of Dmitry Gorovenko marks the cuisine of such establishments as "Badger", "Sheep Hunting", "L'opera", "Daily fish cafe" and others.

The latest brainchild of the chef is the pan-Asian restaurant Mai Satai, which opened in the summer of 2018 in Kyiv on Vozdvizhenka. Now it is one of the most popular establishments in Kyiv.

Gorovenko joined the MasterChef team in 2017 and was a judge of the MasterChef project. Children, replacing the restaurateur Nikolai Tishchenko.

On August 28, 2018 Dmitry Gorovenko returned to the duties of a MasterChef project judge. The 8th season of the culinary reality show starts on the STB channel. You can also watch MasterChef online at No Taboo.

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