Painting options. Strict placement: geometric shapes


A wall of paintings or photographs is an easy-to-implement way to constantly keep the best moments of your life in front of your eyes.

In order for the images to look good on the wall and please the eye, they need to be placed correctly. To do this, we recommend that you follow a few simple but important rules.

Choosing the right place

The main task is to make your wall visible, regardless of what you decide to hang on it.

Choosing the right location is the first and most important step.

Everything is very simple if you want to hang one picture or photo. In this case, you just need to put it against the wall at an intuitively chosen height and make notes with a simple pencil. So you will immediately see whether it will need to be lowered or, conversely, raised.

If you want to hang multiple pieces of art, the best method is to cut paper mock-ups to fit your images and hang them on the wall with duct tape.

The advantage of this approach is obvious - you can clearly see how your wall will look. Edit as necessary until you are completely satisfied.

Important: images of the same size will look best when they are placed horizontally side by side.

There is no single answer to the question “how to hang a picture on the wall correctly”. But there are some basic rules that should be followed.

The photo below shows some of the most important heights and is worth taking note of.

The numbers in the photo are in inches.

When you hang a painting so that it can be seen from a standing position, usually in hallways or foyers, the height of its location on the wall varies from 150 to 170 centimeters from the floor to the center of the image.

You have probably heard that the picture should hang at eye level. Only here the growth of people is different, so you have to look for a balance.

How to hang a picture in different places of the apartment:

Above the sofa

The frame framing the picture should be at a height of 20-25 centimeters above the sofa. If you are going to post multiple photos, this rule will have to be ignored and based on personal feelings.

Try using the paper layout method above.

It is best if the total width of your photos is ⅔ the width of the sofa, then it will look harmonious.

If you want to place one large picture - hang it exactly in the center above the sofa.

Above the bed

When it comes to paintings above the bed, the most common mistake is to hang the item too high, which means it seems to start floating in the air.

Note: The above ⅔ width rule applies here as well.

Regardless of whether this image is one or several of them, its (their) lower part should be at a height of 20-25 centimeters above the head of the bed.

Above the fireplace

The fireplace is the focal point in almost any room where it is located. Therefore, the space on the wall above it is the best place to place art objects - there they will not be left without attention.

How high should the painting be above the fireplace? 10 - 15 centimeters - the optimal height.

On the staircase wall

This is perhaps one of the most difficult questions, as stairs vary in style, shape and design. As an example, I remembered these 7 unsafe stairs.

You can hang pictures in a variety of ways, but stick to the basic rule of 150 to 170 centimeters from the floor to the center of the picture.

Other examples from the interior

After the completion of the repair, the selection of furniture and decor elements, the question arises of decorating the walls of the room. Often, for the completeness of the design of the room, additional details arise and, of course, the paintings in the interior of the living room play one of the most important roles. With their help, it is easy to create the right atmosphere, give a special style, complement or emphasize it. Sometimes paintings are used to hide minor flaws in the interior or to visually correct the linear dimensions of the room. In addition to the usual picturesque images, the living room can be decorated with various posters, posters or photos.

Selection of paintings in the living room
Classic style
Favorite pictures on the wall
Wall decoration
contemporary painting

All details of the design of any room, including the living room, must be carefully thought out. In order to correctly select images for the living room, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • Room size;
  • The size and color scheme of the walls;
  • Color and style of furniture;
  • Rhyme with other interior details.

Floral motifs
We decorate the walls

How size affects

The principle of selecting paintings for the living room in size is simple - a large image requires placement in a spacious room, in the interior of a small living room one or more small paintings or photos would be more appropriate. Large images make the room visually cramped, small ones in a large area will simply be lost.

If there is a need to visually increase the height of the room, you can place a large canvas with a vertically arranged pattern on the wall. To increase the space in width, use large horizontal images.

With the help of paintings, you can adjust and maintain the proportionality of the elements of the situation, for example, a large sofa will look smaller if you hang one or more canvases above it.

large canvas
Long narrow canvases
Modules on masonry
Painting elements of different sizes

Selection by color

When choosing the color scheme of the home “gallery”, you need to take into account the color scheme of the room furniture, as well as the color of the curtains, walls, floor, ceiling. The wall on which the paintings will be located will become the background for them. You can pick up canvases or photos made in the same color as the wall, framed with a baguette of a contrasting color, or, on the contrary, play in contrast, emphasizing the muted background with bright colors in the paintings. If the walls in the living room are decorated in bright colors, you should not use images made in light colors for decoration, as the background will visually “crush” the paintings. You need to try to match the baguette to match the color of the wooden furniture parts.

The background color for paintings should be soft, solid. The bright color of the walls scatters attention and distracts it from the images.

The image of a deer in a modular picture In a wooden house Above the sofa
Stylish two paintings

Rhyme with interior colors

Modern interior designers have such a thing as rhyme. We are talking about the combination of all elements of the decor with each other in color, shape, style and the possible repetition of these parameters. For example, in a room where a picture or photo of flowers hangs, it is very good to put a vase with the same fresh flowers. If there is an aquarium in the living room, a photo of the underwater world will look good next to it. Geometric abstraction on the canvas can be repeated in small decorative details: vases, coasters. Sometimes a few decorative sofa cushions made of fabrics that repeat the color of fragments of images in the paintings are enough.

style matching

A single stylistic solution is the basis of a successful interior design, part of which is various images hung on the walls. The photo shows several examples of a successful stylistic solution for living rooms. In addition to the compatibility of paintings with furnishings in size and color, it is necessary to take into account the coincidence of images with interior details in style:

  1. The design of the living room in a modern style allows you to dream up plenty. Classics, vintage, modern, and almost any direction in painting will be appropriate here. It all depends on the design of the furniture and other furnishings of the living room;
  2. Minimalism implies the artlessness of details and the absence of bright colors. For this style of living room, monochrome images or black and white photos work well;
  3. The classic English style is distinguished by an abundance of expensive decor and accessories. Particularly suitable for such an interior are paintings of the Pre-Raphaelite era, which was distinguished by the denial of blind adherence to academic art. If the room is large, then it is very good to place one or two large canvases in the center. Appropriate in the interior of the English living room will be images of the owners, made in the genre of a palace portrait;
  4. Pop art, replete with bright colors, involves the design of the same bright posters, posters and photos. One of the advantages of this style can be considered accessibility for those who are looking for budget solutions;
  5. For the Art Deco style, the creations of the Expressionists are perfect. Oil paintings, watercolors, photos, graphics and even posters will also be quite appropriate here, since this style involves a variety of interior details;
  6. Eco style, which is a kind of country style, suggests the presence of a botanical theme in the design of decor elements. One of the subspecies of this style is French country or Provence style. Here, flower still lifes will be indispensable;
  7. The basis for the ultramarine style is a turquoise blue background. In the interior of the living room, decorated in this style, there should be seascapes hung on a plain wall.

High tech
Large image
Sectional paintings

How to properly hang

When locating images in a room, you need to remember that they not only decorate the room, but can also serve as a tool for solving small problems. For example, a darkened wall will become much fresher if you hang a picture in bright colors on it. If there is a need for zoning a room (for example, for a studio apartment), this problem can be solved with the help of images hung on the walls. A boring living room will become much brighter and more interesting if you decorate it with an unusual picture. If there are any flaws in the interior of the room, the emphasis on the bright canvas will help divert attention from them.

Thanks to the unusual placement of canvases, you can give a special style to any, even the most unprofitable design solution. For example, the location of the images above the sofa or cabinet corner will be successful. It is fashionable and interesting to completely hang one of the walls with paintings from floor to ceiling, creating the so-calledartwall.

Gallery Different types of images Large image in the center
black and white compilation Photos, paintings, posters

Composition rules

A composition is called several images, which, being completely independent works, at the same time form a certain common group. There are several rules for creating such compositions in a modern living room interior.

Pictures of the same author are best hung next to each other. You can combine several images by decorating them with the same baguette. Combinations of canvases of the same size or made in the same color look good. Based on the overall storyline, you can also make an attractive composition.

Thoughtlessly hung canvases or photographs, instead of decorating the living room, can, on the contrary, disfigure it. Therefore, when choosing the location of the paintings, you should remember a few rules:

  1. Canvases and photographs of large size should be located at some distance from each other so that the viewer can evaluate the image on each of them. Well, if they hang asymmetrically. The same rule applies to modular paintings;
  2. Hanging images of different sizes along non-matching lines will create a sense of dynamism. If the goal is a strict classic, then the canvases should, on the contrary, be of the same size and hung on the same level, aligned along the bottom line;
  3. To create symmetry in the interior of the living room, paintings are hung in the center of the walls. For zoning the room, the paintings are placed in certain places. For example, a landscape over a seating area, a still life over a dining area;
  4. Three images of the same size, placed in a row on the wall, will relieve the feeling of emptiness.

To match the furniture
On shelves
baby photos
Photo printing

Pictures above the sofa

The usual place for the location of paintings in the living room in a modern style is the wall above the sofa. There are several ways to decorate this wall with images. A large oil painting will look very good above the sofa. Do not hang small canvases or photographs next to it.

Another good option is several images of the same size, hung above the sofa in a line. At the same time, it is desirable that the canvases hang at a small distance from each other, and the total length of the composition repeats the length of the sofa. Most often, triptychs (compositions of three paintings) are arranged in this way. It goes without saying that the images that make up the composition must be united by a common storyline, colors and decorated with the same baguette.

Several paintings of different sizes with a common plot, style or color basis can be hung over the sofa, making up an ordered composition. It is better to place the largest picture in the center, and place smaller images around it.

If you do not want to spoil the wall with holes, a good way out is to place images and other interior details on a shelf. It can be the length of the entire wall or even around the entire perimeter of the living room. The material for this shelf should match in texture and color with the material from which the furniture is made.

The most popular and reliable way to decorate the interior is to place a home art gallery. Today, there are many proven ideas on how to correctly place pictures on the wall and how to plan the interior in this way to make it unique and one of a kind.

The choice of works of art that may be present in the house is not limited. Depending on the style of the interior, we can use both classic paintings on canvas and modern minimalist graphics on glass. A great way to personalize the interior and add a unique spirit to it is the exhibition of family photos. How to place photos and paintings on the wall, what are the traditional and original ways to do this, we will tell in this article.

How to place pictures on the wall correctly

The living room is a representative place, so we must pay special attention to how to plan and place a gallery of paintings, graphics or photographs on the wall. A few new and traditional ideas can help you realize your own interior design.

If paintings or graphics are of different sizes, then the question often arises - how to place them correctly so that they do not bring disharmony into the interior. For supporters of structured forms and symmetry, the quadrilateral system is the best solution. This location is an example of careful planning. To do this, you need to decompose all instances and match them so that they form the shape of a regular quadrangle. In this case, all elements form a single whole and the entire space between the individual elements should be approximately the same. In this arrangement, the same frames for all the paintings will look great.

There is an interesting play in this arrangement, which gives the gallery the appearance of a passe-partout. Any detail that is not even very conspicuous is subconsciously perceived by the observer, so it is worth considering every detail.

In an eclectic interior, as you can see in the example below, paintings of different sizes and frames can be placed, sometimes this creates a very impressive effect. Can simple, antique, modernist frames be placed next to each other? Why not! Such opportunities are given to us by eclecticism, which is based on the combination and mixing of different trends and styles.

Arrange a spectacular mess on the wall, and you will see that such solutions will diversify and bring character to your interior. Interiors in this unpredictable eclectic style are a great way to create an interesting design.

Another idea to help showcase and accentuate the artwork in your home is adding frames. A picture, poster or graphic can be hung on a wall decorated with plaster frames. This unusual wall decoration is rarely found in apartments and houses. However, if you dream of a stylish interior, then you should choose rare and interesting solutions that will emphasize the style and elegance of the design.

Stucco can be made in a variety of shapes and patterns. Planks glued to the wall can be simple, geometric, then they will look great in modern interior design.

The idea of ​​​​locating a gallery in a living room on a wall on a narrow shelf is quite popular.

This is a very practical solution because you don't need to drill holes in the wall for every painting or photo, and besides, the gallery can be easily changed or added to at any time.

A home classic gallery in the living room, and more specifically, the word "gallery" itself resembles an extensive exhibition of paintings. In any, even in a modern home, it makes sense to have beautiful paintings painted on canvas. We can hang them symmetrically, which will give an elegant look to any room. The gallery, planned in this way, is suitable for a classic-style interior, for people who appreciate simplicity, predictability and harmony.

What aspect of aesthetic value should be considered when planning a gallery in the living room? It could be the background. It is worth thinking about an interesting basis on which the works of art will be exhibited. It can be a brick wall or stylish wallpaper. If we want to draw all the attention to the subjects of images or photographs, the best choice would be classic, white or plain, smooth walls.

In spacious rooms such as the living room or large bedroom, large floor art is a trendy alternative and a good way to organize the space.

Admiring the paintings from above, it is quite convenient to enjoy the beauty of the home gallery.

The next proposal is more technical than aesthetic. It should be remembered that the home gallery, in addition to being thoughtfully planned, must also be well exhibited. This is easy to implement using light directed at her.

However, this idea should be considered at the stage of interior planning and renovation of the apartment, in order to make the wiring in the wall and outlets for lighting points. If this is not foreseen in advance, then also not all is lost! The same effect can be achieved with a cable hidden under the image, only in this case the paintings will have to be placed close to each other and there should be a socket nearby, into which the wire can be connected.

Artificial lighting will additionally focus on paintings or photographs.

Small details such as decorative lamps or spotlights can give a home gallery and entire interior a luxurious look!

A landscape made with the help of printing or photography, pasted on one of the walls of the room and decorated in a certain way, can also be called a painting. A small tapestry, embroidery or appliqué under glass is also a kind of painting. But most of all, the definition of "picture" corresponds to oil painting on canvas, framed in a baguette.

Special attention should be paid to the placement of paintings: the location of one or more on the wall can be anything - there are no and cannot be uniform rules. The main thing is that the decision to hang a picture in a certain place is justified. Well, let's say this is the most favorite picture and therefore it is in the main place. A large painting on a clean, smooth wall in a common room. Light picture on a dark background, etc.

Paintings can make a big difference in the visual perception of a room, the right composition can make the ceiling a little higher and the room more spacious. For example, several paintings of the same size, placed in one line, optically lengthen the room, and placed vertically raise the ceiling.

The dimensions of the room and the empty space in it dictate their conditions. In a small room, a large canvas will look cumbersome, and you won’t be able to fully admire it - for this you need to step back from the picture a couple of meters. On the contrary, on a large empty wall, a small picture will look lonely and defenseless. You should try to fit such a picture into the general interior, make it a continuation of the decor elements - lamps, flowers, vases.

Small pictures are best placed as a group, uniting them with some common element - theme, style, frame color, common color background.

Horizontal placement of paintings of different sizes at the same height in one line can emphasize the length of the room, vertically - its height.

The general requirements for the placement of paintings, prints, tapestries, photographs, etc. are the combination of the color of the painting and the wall as a background, the correct proportions of the shape, size of the paintings and the room, the conditions of natural and artificial lighting. For example, a beautiful landscape dominated by blue skies may not look good against a blue or green wall. It is better to use contrasting combinations. The interior of a room with light gray walls can be enlivened with one or more paintings with bright contrasting color combinations in white frames. With the help of several small paintings, you can emphasize and visually enlarge the size of a small room. In a small room or on a small wall, you should not hang a large picture.

Glazing or edging a photograph, a reproduction from a painting, a drawing, etc. is not difficult. This can be done on a passe-partout or, in other words, on a background of white or colored paper. You can also edging to the edge. Depending on this, the size of the purchased glass is determined. Glass, first of all, must be carefully wiped with soap or toothpowder with ammonia on both sides, then put a photograph on it. If the edging is done on a passe-partout, then the top edge of the photo from the inside should be slightly glued to the background. The picture is positioned so that the distance from both sides to the edges of the passe-partout is the same, and the top field of the passe-partout is somewhat narrower than the bottom. The accuracy of the location of the photo under the glass is carefully checked, since even a slight skew will drastically worsen the appearance of the edging.

For watercolors, prints, drawings, decorated in passe-partout under glass, a textured wall painted in gray tones can serve as a good background. White drawings, graphics can be supplemented with a contrasting color mat in combination with the background of the wall.

In the solution of a modern interior, a picture in the traditional sense is increasingly being replaced by a decorative element that can be made by hand, using publicly available materials and a creative approach to business. There are many options for creating such peculiar paintings. Here is some of them.

1 .Square. In this embodiment, paintings of the same size are usually used. If one of the paintings is slightly larger than the rest, hang it in the center, and place the rest around.

2. Rectangle. Pictures of approximately the same size can be oriented strictly along the “grid”, and pictures of different sizes can be arranged in tiers, while placing pictures of approximately the same size in one row and at the same distance from each other.

3. Step (pyramid). Within one row, pictures are placed in ascending or descending size, in a “pyramid”. Or the technique works when placing pictures in descending or ascending order in number in a row.

5. Spot. An open composition, for example, around one main picture, gradually “overgrowing” on different sides.

6. Gallery. To do this, directly under the ceiling along the entire length of the free wall, fix a steel bar with movable hooks. Hang the pictures one below the other using nylon string. Such a composition can be changed from time to time by hanging pictures at different heights and in various combinations. It is only important that the outer edges of the ensemble form a clear rectangle. This will give the composition balance and a calm harmonious character.

7. Screen. For the base, you can use just a screen or partitions composed in a similar way.

- picture-collage can be easily made using a variety of reproductions, color photos. Selected by content, color, size, placed in a certain order, reproductions are glued onto a tablet of the desired size. Beautifully look collages, decorated under glass in thin wooden or aluminum frames. Collage on the topic; flowers, forest, sea, size 100X100cm, can decorate the interior of the common room.

- Painting-exposition-reception, with the help of which small decorative details of various sizes, shapes, collectibles, home crafts are combined. To do this, you can use a color tablet, trimmed with fabric or textured plain wallpaper. A baguette or wooden, but large enough, frame is also suitable, inside which you can beautifully place decorative objects using the background.

- Fabric painting- the most simple and affordable method of decorating the interior. You can make one large picture or several small ones of the same size, which are easy to place on one wall, taking into account the overall composition of the interior. To do this, you will need a stretcher made of wooden slats 2.5X2.5 cm and one piece of fabric, which should be wrapped around the frame.

The decorative effect is achieved by a combination of pieces of fabrics of different colors and scales sewn into a single ornamental composition.

- Application picture- the most common method of decorating a modern home. It is available in production for children, nature lovers and those who have taken up this business for the first time. The principle of the solution is simple: a beautiful background and an overhead composition of dry flowers, leaves, colored patches, leather or paper. You can learn more about the manufacturing technology in the "Application" section.

If the picture is dirty and darkened, it should be carefully washed with a soft cloth or cotton wool moistened with warm water. Old paintings can be refreshed with a soft cloth swab slightly moistened with a special varnish or oil.

You can return the former shine to smooth gilded baguette frames in a very simple way. To do this, they should be wiped with a fresh, freshly cut onion, and then polished with a soft cloth. The dirt will come off them. Baguettes covered with bronze in relief are best cleaned of dust with a bristle brush or brush.

Painting on the wall (basic rules for hanging paintings)

We often, visiting museums and art galleries, admire paintings and do not pay much attention to the principle of their hanging. Only when you try to hang pictures on the walls at home, you begin to understand how difficult this task is.

In any gallery, before hanging, paintings (a group of paintings) are put up against the wall on which they are supposed to be placed. This helps to better imagine how the paintings will look on the wall, and if necessary, swap them.

When hanging indoors, the size of the paintings must also be taken into account. Works 70 cm or more on the larger side (with a frame) look best in spacious rooms with high ceilings. "Vertical" canvases visually make the space higher, "horizontal" canvases seem to "expand" the walls. Square paintings in any room look neutral. If the room is not very spacious, then it is better to choose paintings of small sizes, a maximum of 50 cm on the larger side. If there is not much free space on the wall, you can hang very small "pictures" - less than 20 cm. They look good not only separately, but also in groups of two or three, less often four pieces.

"Group" of paintings when hanging is a very effective and common technique. In a group, it is recommended to combine paintings that are similar in style. For example, it can be watercolors, or a series of paintings with images on a single theme, or black and white photographs, or prints. You can gather a group by organizing small paintings around a large one. Author's compositions from several works, united by one theme, must be placed side by side.

Pictures of the same size can be placed symmetrically, in one row at an equal distance. You can "tie" their location to the width of the sofa, so that the collection is perceived as a whole with the furniture.

A large picture can also be placed above a sofa or fireplace, and it will immediately become the compositional center of the room. But, placing a picture above the sofa, you should not leave a lot of free space between them.

When hanging two pictures of different sizes side by side, try to place the larger picture higher so that the smaller picture is easier to see.

When hanging paintings, you can also use the following technique: place paintings on a single axis, small ones line up at the same distance (a few centimeters from each other), and the main masterpiece is placed a little to the right or left, about 30 cm away from the group.

If you place works of different artistic levels on the same wall, then the weaker ones will look more worthy next to the masterpieces.

One way or another, the goal of all such techniques is to make the maximum impression on the viewer.

Hanging height. Owners often hang pictures too high. The traditional museum hanging height is 152 cm. When placing a picture on the wall, try to hang it a little lower than you think, as you will most likely be viewing it while sitting, especially if the picture is in the dining room. For proper hanging, it is best to draw an imaginary line along the walls of the room. It should be at eye level. Pictures should be placed on the wall so that this line crosses them in the middle.

Backlight. With ideal hanging, each painting is supposed to have separate lighting to eliminate the problems of shadow and glare. Another lighting option is a lamp - a backlight, you can buy it in Svet stores and salons and install it in the right place.

In any case, low-voltage halogen bulbs are used - they are usually small in size and emit a directed stream of white or yellow light that does not distort the natural colors of the canvas and does not damage the paint layer of the picture.

If such illumination is not possible, it is necessary to take care of good lighting of the room as a whole.


Today, many companies offer special pendants for paintings. The standard kit includes a 1.5 m fastening rod, four 15-30 cm fishing lines with metal clips, a cable and several hooks. Transparent fishing line, regardless of its thickness, is almost invisible between the paintings; and if there is an excess of fishing line, the excess is simply rolled up and hidden behind the last hanging frame.

The telescopic rod, consisting of two parts, is mounted both on the ceiling and on the wall. Moreover, one half is securely fastened, and the second half is "put on" on it from the side. Line clamps are installed inside the rod with one movement of the hand, hooks are placed on the lines at the rate of one hook for one picture. The picture is hung on a hook by a cable - and the home art gallery is ready. The strength of the structure and the length of the fishing line allow you to hang pictures of the entire plane of the wall from floor to ceiling.

Which picture to choose - vertical or horizontal?

It must be borne in mind that vertical paintings visually enlarge the ceilings, and horizontal ones “lengthen” the wall. Horizontal paintings fit well over a sofa, bed, chest of drawers, etc.; vertical - on a narrow wall.

Tilt angle

If you want your picture to hang close to the wall, then pull the rope firmly on the picture (like a bowstring). And if you want it to hang at an angle to the wall, loosen the rope (the weaker the tension and the lower the attachment loop, the greater the angle of inclination).


It is not necessary that a group of paintings be framed in the same baguette. If the baguette is correctly selected for each picture, then the whole group will look harmonious.

Placing a picture in the interior on a music stand or easel

Recently, the technique of placing a picture on a music stand or easel has become fashionable. There is a feeling of creativity and creation (as if the artist had just finished his work).

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