"The Witch with a Broken Heart": the tragic fate of the deceased Ilona Novoselova. “Not a word about Ilona Novoselova”: what the guy from Zlatoust is hiding


Ilona Novoselova, a famous clairvoyant, took away from this world many secrets related to occult knowledge. The last hours of her life are described by witnesses and eyewitnesses of the tragedy.

The finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" was a bright personality, and she had many followers and opponents. According to the first, the cause of the death of the witch was associated with the machinations of her ill-wishers, but Ilona's boyfriend says otherwise.

The mystery of the death of a psychic

Artem Besov, beloved of Ilona Novoselova, in the program “Let them talk” voiced his version of the girl’s death. He claims that Ilona's death is an accident. On this fateful day on June 13, they quarreled, and the guy threatened her with leaving. According to Artem, that morning Ilona complained that her soul hurt. The guy reassured her, but the girl began to swear. "Ilona, ​​I'm tired, something needs to be done about this"- Artyom told her and began to pack his bags. According to him, she fell out of the window by accident, slipping on a sloping window sill. Ilona's mother said that her daughter did not have suicidal thoughts, and on the eve of Ilona's death she said that she would live a long time. According to the mother, the couple often quarreled, but quickly went to reconciliation. The tragedy happened exactly at five o'clock in the evening.

The opinions of the spectators present were divided. Some argued that death was a natural price for communication with the other world. Others believed that Fate led Ilona, ​​from which, as you know, you can’t run away.

Her colleagues also spoke out about the death. Vlad Kadoni explained that in the last year the girl experienced severe stress due to harassment in the media about gender reassignment, and the girl was very worried, often falling into depression and quarreling with her beloved. The sorcerer expressed the hope that Ilona's soul would finally find peace.

Ziraddin Rzayev, who worked with her for a long time, said that Ilona is not at all an aggressive and outrageous person. Her soul is like that of a child, she was a kind and open person, an excellent partner. Ziraddin noted that the death of Ilona is a great loss for the psychic world.

Ilona Novoselova considered herself a black witch, performed rituals in cemeteries, directed and removed damage. Her extraordinary personality did not leave the TV screens, and this could not but arouse interest. Supporters of the witch claimed that her gift helps many, others literally poured dirt on Ilona, ​​not finding worthy arguments to refute the information about the girl. One way or another, it is not psychics and seers who are investigating the death of a clairvoyant, but state bodies that have not yet made a final verdict.

The incessant discussions of the death of Ilona Novoselova once again prove that many were interested in an extraordinary personality. We wish the girl's relatives and friends good luck, patience and peace. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and do not forget to press the buttons and

And the finalists of the seventh season of the show "Battle of Psychics" by Ilona Novoselova.

Artem Besov. Biography

Artem Besov was born on November 6, 1991 in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. According to Artyom, as a child, he realized that he had some special gift, and as an adult, he began to develop extrasensory abilities. Artem Besov himself claims that he inherited paranormal abilities from his maternal great-grandmother, who was a well-known sorceress in the Tver region. Besov said that he found things that belonged to her, carrying a special energy.

Some call Artyom Besov a warlock, since he himself claims that during his rituals he uses a connection with dark forces. On social networks, Artem published pictures on his pages that vividly testify to his hobby: ominous symbols, mysterious drawings, pictograms, skulls, candles. The magician on his website informs that he accepts people who are faced with life's difficulties. The list of Artem Besov's services includes such rituals as love spells, damage, cleaning and runic magic. True, Artem makes a reservation: he is not omnipotent.

Interests related to esotericism attracted the attention of the bright and charismatic Ilona Novoselova to Artem Besov, who gained fame after participating in the show "The Battle of Psychics" on the TNT channel. Before meeting Artem, Ilona Novoselova met with Ruslan Barinov.Ilona affectionately called Artem Besov"My Lemur" Young people began to live together and were in a relationship for several years.

Ilona Novoselova, 29, died in Moscow on June 13, 2017. Death was sudden: the girl fell out of the window. Information appeared in the press that the tragedy occurred after Ilona quarreled with her 26-year-old loverArtemoi Besov. After the death of Ilona, ​​Artem closed his page on Instagram.

The day after the death of his beloved, Artem Besov published an appeal to Ilona on social networks: “I will always love you ... You were, are and will be the Best, Only and Most Sincere for me ...”

After it became known about the death of the famous psychic Ilona Novoselova, many became interested in her mysterious biography and rumors about a sex change.

Clairvoyant, medium, healer, finalist of the sixth and seventh seasons of the Battle of Psychics project, as well as a participant in a reality show "Battle of the strongest. Psychics are investigating"

Ilona Novoselova was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, in the Moscow region. At birth, as it became known from the scandalous investigation of the NTV channel, it was Andrey Novoselov. However, it is unequivocal to state that Ilona transsexual it is impossible, since neither the NTV channel, nor the public, nor schoolmates provided facts confirming the change of sex.

She remembered the moment of her birth and told the following about him:

I remember a little those seconds when I was in the womb. Rather, I clearly remember that feeling, as well as the moment of my own birth. Like all normal children, the first sound I made was a scream. And not from the light of ultraviolet lamps or a change of scenery, but from an unusual cold.

The future TV star studied at school number 1, while she had conflicting relationships with both classmates and teachers.

School difficulties led to the fact that from the age of 12, Ilona studied at home, when she realized her gift, since two years before that she saw her grandmother in the mirror, who was no longer in this world.

Rumors that Ilona Novoselova had a sex change appeared after she and her fiancé were kidnapped for ransom.

The couple was released, however, in the TFR they became interested in their documents. It turned out that Ilona Novoselova's lover underwent a sex change surgery. It turned out to be a transsexual Oleg Petrov from Yaroslavl, who became a woman, getting rid of the male genital organs.

Investigators of the ICR, investigating the case of the kidnapping of TV star Ilona Novoselova and her fiancé, found out that the victims of the crime are transsexuals.

The operatives who released the finalist of the famous television show and her fiancé from captivity were very surprised: the young man of the clairvoyant, passing through the documents as Oleg Petrov, actually turned out to be a girl.

As it turned out, the recently beloved 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova underwent a sex change surgery. Oleg Petrov, a 21-year-old native of Yaroslavl, became a woman, thus got rid of the male genital organs and began to call himself Lana K.

At the same time, according to the documents, Ilona Novoselova herself appeared as Andrey N. from the city of Sergiev Posad near Moscow.

The psychic herself denied the information that she is transgender and was born a man. Photos before the sex change could not be found on the network. One photograph circulates on the Internet, which allegedly depicts Ilona as a teenager of school age. But, firstly, there is no similarity of personality in this photo with Ilona Novoselova. Secondly, the second participant in the picture did not appear anywhere on social networks with the recognition that she was photographed next to Andrei Novoselov.

Today, all that supporters of the version that Ilona Novoselova is a transsexual can offer is the girl’s tall stature, deep voice, big foot, and somewhat rude behavior. But these are just signs that Ilona was inherent in some kind of transgender.

Recall that on June 13, Ilona Novoselova committed suicide by falling from the sixth floor of her apartment after a quarrel with her lover.

“Not a word about Ilona Novoselova”: what the guy from Zlatoust is hiding “In two years, Artem Besov threw the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” four times. The fifth time was the last. The audience remembered Ilona as a strong medium with a difficult character. was unpredictable in actions. But those who knew Novoselova speak of her as a very vulnerable person. Ilona was selflessly devoted to her young man Artem Besov and was terribly afraid of loneliness. MK correspondents found a woman who turned to Ilona for help. "Lyubov Porokhnenko still cannot believe in the girl's death. They met on the beach in Krasnodar, where Lyuba lives. She recognized Novoselova by her bright appearance and the characteristic pronunciation of the letter "r". On a nearby sun lounger was her boyfriend, Artem Besov. Despite everything stories about an eccentric character, the clairvoyant immediately reacted extremely kindly to the woman.Love was going through a difficult period, according to her, Ilona then directly literally saved her life. The woman even came to Novoselova in Moscow and then maintained relations in social networks. “Ilona has an amazing aura,” says Lyubov Porokhnenko. “Having a unique gift, she is also a rare person herself. Yes, harsh, but this is only for those from whom she feels false. Ilona herself said that she sees people through. And she said about me with a smile: “Your soul is pink.” Very vulnerable, she herself was afraid of offending those whom she treated well. It hurts so much that she's gone." Lyubov Porokhnenko says that Ilona truly loved her young man: “She was all dissolved in this feeling. Love was everything to her. Ilona was jealous of Artyom, followed his every glance. She was very afraid of losing him. I didn’t notice the same return from him, but everyone shows their feelings in different ways. ” Artem Besov is four years younger than Ilona Novoselova. Besov is the real name of the guy. He is fond of black magic, conducts seances, reads fortunes on Tarot cards, removes and imposes damage, bewitches love and money. This is how he makes a living in the capital. Artyom's childhood friends were also surprised to learn that their friend turned out to be a magician. “He has changed a lot,” says one of them. - We do not communicate now, he has new friends, a different life. I remember him as a calm guy, far from mysticism, sociable. In the capital, Besov was going to receive a second higher education in a technical specialty at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, apparently not relying on his superpowers. Then he changed his mind, and answered all the doubts of those around him on a page on a social network. “You are helpless, insecure and closed off in your shabbiness. Adult people no longer have things to do, how to suck on the affairs of others. The retinue makes a name. In your case, it’s not a retinue, but a bunch of pathetic bastards trying to make PR for themselves with their stupid opinion ... "But the text of the curse from Besov." "(I won't post it and I don't recommend reading it). Ilona and Artem met in 2015. At first they corresponded and called up from different cities. Besov lived in Chelyabinsk, and Novoselova in Moscow. Then he moved to her in the capital and the couple began to live together. At first, Artyom was something like a clairvoyant agent. He organized her receptions in different cities, accompanied her on trips. Then Artem Besov began to conduct sessions himself. The glory of Ilona greatly contributed to his popularity and well-being. The number of followers on Instagram grew, and there were more and more customers. On pages in social networks, expensive brands and professional photo shoots began to flicker. The relationship between the lovers became more and more serious, the guy introduced Ilona to his parents in Zlatoust. True, it is difficult to call their life together serene. According to a friend of the medium Karina Mirzoyan, the clairvoyant regularly quarreled with her chosen one. “Ilona cried all the time because of him. He didn't even let me talk to his friends. This guy brought Ilona. I warned her,” says Mirzoyan. Another friend of Ilona said that Artem left the girl four times already. He came back every time. But Ilona experienced his departure very sharply, she said that she was thinking about suicide. Shortly before his death, Artem and the clairvoyant quarreled again. The conflict did not happen on the day of death, and was not connected at all with Besov's departure to Chelyabinsk, as the media wrote. "MK" tried to find out from Artem himself what happened between him and the girl. Besov told the correspondent that he would not say a word about Ilona Novoselova again. The guy deleted the page on instagram, leaving the questions of the followers unanswered. Ilona died by accident. During her lifetime, she asked to be cremated. On the eve at noon, the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony was held behind closed doors, there were only relatives. The girl's mother needed the help of the ambulance doctors. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as Ilona herself wanted. She will forever remain in the memory of fans as a beautiful and bright girl, a clairvoyant with a daring character and a very vulnerable soul. ..But the guy used her to the fullest, and she changed a lot (since the first appearance at the battle) over the years with him. She cut herself all over, became rude and poured with such words ... and deeds.

14/06/2017 - 00:23

Ilona Novoselova and Artem Besov were a couple. The photo with the groom, as well as the details of the personal life of the deceased participant in the show "Battle of Psychics" became of interest to many.

It turned out that Artem Besov is also a psychic. He is 26 years old, he is four years younger than Ilona. Besov says about himself that he is engaged in black magic, works with Tarot cards, and can also solve issues of interest remotely. The clairvoyant says that he received the gift from his relative, who was a witch.

Artem Besova used to live in the Urals, but moved to Moscow a few years ago. He has been together with Ilona Novoselova for a couple of years. Residents of the house in which Ilona had an apartment say that the couple often quarreled and drank alcohol. It happened that Artem and Ilona quarreled, and the girl threw plates at him on the landing.

Meanwhile, the lovers were still together. On the official page of Artem Besov there are a lot of photos with Ilona Novoselova. The last quarrel took place on the day of Novoselova's death. In the heat of a quarrel, the young man announced that he was going to leave Moscow. It is not known how this affected Ilona's feelings. But her friends said that she was very afraid of loneliness and being left alone.

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