Leading 1 channel women good morning surnames. Presenters of Good Morning on Channel One: “Wounded before the broadcast? Wipe the blood and sit in the frame! Timur Solovyov now


Despite political storms and changing eras, Vremya is still the main news program in our country. Currently, it includes more than 20 correspondent points in the CIS countries and Russia, and almost the same number in foreign countries.

With the advent of Vremya, the whole country daily, at about nine o'clock in the evening, learned about the latest events that had happened in the USSR and the world. The TV program immediately became a “table” program for the Soviet people. The announcers Igor Kirillov, Aza Likhitchenko, Nonna Bodrova, Anna Shatilova, Viktor Balashov, Alla Danko, Svetlana Zhiltsova, Vladimir Maslachenko, Evgeny Suslov were loved and considered their own in every home.

Later, "Vremya" became a real school of professional skills for many current television stars. Days.Ru remember the brightest of them.

Igor Kirillov

One of the most famous announcers of Central Television, popularly beloved TV presenter, People's Artist of the USSR Igor Kirillov began his career on television in July of the distant 1957. At first, the young man was an assistant director in the musical editorial office of the Shabolovsky television center, and two and a half months later he first appeared on television as an announcer.

Igor Kirillov was the permanent host of the Vremya program for more than 30 years. He last hosted this program on December 30, 1989. Later, Kirillov worked as a commentator, reporter, host of various entertainment programs on the Central Television of the USSR.

Despite the fact that Igor Kirillov was the idol of millions of Soviet women, it was rumored that he should have been presented with an order for fidelity to his wives - if such a thing existed. According to the TV presenter himself, in 50 years of family life he has never cheated on his wife.

Meanwhile, after the death of his wife in 2004, Igor Leonidovich had a hard time enduring his loneliness. “I was not very healthy then,” recalls the TV star. Three years later, fate sent him a meeting with Tatyana Alexandrovna. "She is my lifelong friend," admits Kirillov, 84.

Ekaterina Andreeva

From 1998 to the present day, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the permanent and most beloved host of the Vremya program on Channel One. According to the results of an Internet poll in 1999, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia. Since then, with enviable regularity, Andreeva has appeared in the first lines of the rating lists of the sexiest and most beautiful media people.

Meanwhile, Ekaterina Andreeva got on television by accident. In her school years, the girl dreamed of becoming a historian, lawyer or actress. In 1990 she graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, then studied at the evening department of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. Ekaterina worked as a referent in the Prosecutor General's Office when she found out that a course for radio and television workers was being recruited in Moscow, and decided to take a chance.

As Ekaterina herself recalls, at first, during her studies, she was not too confident in her abilities - the teachers believed that Katya looked “too cold” on the screen. Nevertheless, Andreeva nevertheless began to study with Igor Kirillov, who at that time was already a well-known announcer.

For the first time on television, Ekaterina Andreeva appeared in 1991. As the TV star recalls, before the first broadcast, her heart was beating wildly, she was barely breathing, but she tried with all her might to maintain peace of mind.

At first, Andreeva was the announcer of the Central Television and the Ostankino television company, later she cheered up the Russians in the Good Morning TV show. Since 1995, she has become the host of Novosti and editor of news programs. In 1998, Andreeva began hosting the Vremya program, and has been doing so ever since.

In 2006, for her great contribution to the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful work, Ekaterina Andreeva was awarded the Order of Friendship. At the end of 2010, she entered the top ten popular TV presenters in Russia according to TNS Russia. In August 2014, she was included by Ukraine in the sanctions list for her civil position on the war in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

The nationwide popularity of Ekaterina Andreeva is also evidenced by the fact that she often becomes the heroine of popular TV shows and the object of numerous parodies. In addition, her character adorned the releases of the television program "Cartoon Personality".

Maxim Sharafutdinov

While studying at Kazan State Technical University (KAI), the future TV presenter often hosted student events. In 2002, he took part in the television competition "Become a Star", reached the final of the project and entered the top twenty.

Later, Maxim worked on television in the Republic of Tatarstan, hosted crime news and the City program. In the fall of 2006, the young man was about to move from television to the banking sector, but an offer from Channel One radically changed his life.

Since January 2007, Maxim Sharafutdinov has been working as a news anchor on Channel One. Since 2014, he has been broadcasting the Vremya program on the air to the Far East and Siberia, as well as near and far abroad.

During the 2014 Winter Olympics, Maxim presented the news releases from Sochi as part of the Channel One Olympic team. It also included Dmitry Borisov, Anna Pavlova, Andrey Malakhov, Ivan Urgant, Irada Zeynalova and other well-known media personalities. For his work during the 2014 Winter Olympics as part of the Channel One team, Maxim Sharafutdinov was awarded a medal for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Recall that in 2014 Sharafutdinov became a member of the Ice Age project. But after the injury, he was forced to leave the show. "Alas! Apparently, the ice age is over for me. There is a small round muscle in my shoulder that tore after an unsuccessful fall ... The ice is slippery)," Maxim wrote on his Instagram page.

Sergey Dorenko

The well-known TV journalist was not only the host of the Vremya program, but also the main producer of the directorate of information programs. In addition, he hosted the author's weekly information and political show "Sergey Dorenko's Program", and also served as Deputy General Director of Channel One.

The corporate identity, a kind of "visiting card" of Sergei Dorenko on television, was sharp criticism of high-ranking officials and the disclosure of compromising information on them. So, in 1999, Dorenko demonstrated on the air real estate owned by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, revealed the amount of his money and showed compromising photos of Luzhkov. After this transfer, Sergei Dorenko received the nickname "telekiller". At various times, such political figures as Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Putin became the objects of Dorenko's criticism.

Currently, Dorenko is a well-known blogger. Since April 2012, he has been hosting a video blog on YouTube hosting, and since February 2014 he has been working at the radio station "Moscow Speaking".

The TV journalist is interested in cars, archery, diving. He loves to travel with his family. According to him, he especially loves African and Latin American countries, has a weakness for Eastern culture and Chinese religious teachings, in particular, Taoism.

Irada Zeynalova

Despite the lack of special education, Irada Zeynalova is known to millions of viewers as one of the leading TV journalists of our time. As a reporter, she had to cover not only high-profile political events, but also natural disasters, terrorist attacks, military operations, and sporting events. It was Zeynalova who made television reports during the explosions in the Moscow metro in 2004 and 2010, as well as during the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004. In 2014, TV journalist Irada Zeynalova was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I degree.

The TV star was also remembered by the audience as a bright TV presenter of the Sunday edition of the Vremya program. In this capacity, she worked on the air from September 9, 2012 to July 10, 2016.

It is noteworthy that the younger sister of Irada, Svetlana Zeynalova also became a famous TV presenter. Despite the blood relationship, the sisters differ greatly in character. According to relatives, Irada from childhood was distinguished by a rare determination and remarkable endurance. But Svetlana, on the contrary, grew up softer and more compliant

Recently, information appeared in the media about upcoming changes in the personal life of a popular TV journalist. According to rumors, she is marrying her colleague, Channel One war correspondent Alexander Evstigneev. As they wrote, Alexander himself did not refute these rumors, but preferred "for the time being to leave the information without comment."

Recall, earlier it was reported that Irada Zeynalova left Channel One and switched to NTV. While the interested public is guessing in which project the presenter will be involved, it became known that this is a new information program. Despite the fact that the transition of Irada Zeynalova from Channel One to NTV became known today, November 2, two weeks ago she was seen at the meeting of the Information Directorate.

“Morning of Russia” is one of the most popular programs aired on the Rossiya-1 TV channel every weekday from 05.00 to 9.00. Her story began in September 1998. Then she was known as "Good morning, Russia!". For almost 17 years of existence, not only the leaders and the concept of the program, its plot content, studios, but also, of course, those who meet the morning with us on the other side of the screen have repeatedly changed. One of the last replacements became very painful for the audience, who could not understand where the presenter Irina Muromtseva had gone, who so unexpectedly disappeared from the air after so many years of regular appearance on it.

Leading programs

Over the entire long history, more than forty of them have appeared in the program. Among them are those who were in the studio, announcers of news blocks and journalists representing various thematic headings. Two couples became the most popular, recognizable and loved by the whole country: together with Anastasia Chernobrovina, and with Irina Muromtseva. And if the first three still appear on the morning air of the TV channel, then on November 27, 2014, all viewers of the program, turning on the TV, were at a loss: where did Irina Muromtseva go? She was replaced by Elena Lander, who did not suit the majority of the show's fans, who were not ready for such an unexpected replacement. But why did this happen? Let's figure it out, and at the same time recall some facts of the TV presenter's professional biography.

Irina Muromtseva's career on television before Morning of Russia

Her first appearance took place in 1999 on the NTV channel in the program Segodnyachko, popular at that time, the successor to the Vremechko program, the genre of which was defined as folk news. It aired three times a day: morning, afternoon and late at night.

A year later, in 2000, Muromtseva acted as one of the producers of the Hero of the Day program, and since 2001 she has worked as an announcer on Radio Liberty. During this period, the most attentive viewers, perhaps, said to each other: “Remember, there was such Irina Muromtseva, a TV presenter. Where did it go, I wonder? Indeed, at that time she did not appear on the television screen, but she worked quite successfully outside of it.

Five years later, in 2006, she received an offer to work on the Rossiya TV channel, where her first broadcast took place, first as a news anchor, and then as a morning program.

Eight years in the "Morning of Russia": how it was

Irina herself admitted that the project team has become a second family for her for such a long time. She fit perfectly into her new environment and successfully broadcast in tandem with Andrei Petrov, and later with Vladislav Zavyalov, when the project management decided to reshuffle. In the process of work, Irina was able to fully reveal her acting talent, as she once dreamed of entering VGIK. This happened during the filming of scenes that clearly illustrate the current topics of the program's plots.

During this time, pleasant changes took place in her personal life: in March 2013, she became a mother for the second time and went to the maternity hospital directly from the filming of the last broadcast before maternity leave. Then the audience did not even have a question about where the presenter Irina Muromtseva had gone. Everyone perfectly understood what event was coming in her life, and at that time Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared on the television screens of the country's main morning show.

Prerequisites for leaving the Rossiya TV channel

According to some sources and interviews that the TV presenter herself gave after leaving the program and the channel, in the summer of 2014, at the TEFI award ceremony, she received an offer from the General Director of Channel One, not only to host a new Sunday project unique for Russian television, but also to produce it. After much deliberation, the decision was nevertheless made, and, turning on their TVs on the morning of November 27, 2014, the audience wondered: where did the announcer Irina Muromtseva go and what kind of woman is taking her place on the air? The project management did not officially announce the departure of the presenter, who over the years has become a recognizable face of the popular morning program, but Irina herself published an entry on the Instagram social network confirming the fact that she no longer works on the Rossiya-1 TV channel and is preparing her own own show.

New project of Channel One: what to expect for viewers

Dear Konstantin Ernst! I have never written to you, please return Svetlana Zeynalova, the most positive presenter. Next to Timur, this is just an addition to each other in the program. We always watched the program with these presenters, it is a charge of emotions, positive and mood. Please, my grandmother and I, she is 80 years old, are very upset that she is not in the program. Please consider our request!

On the air of 03/15/19, they showed a report on how to save money on a vacation trip, which says that you can infringe on food, refuse taxis, etc. And the savings are up to 20,000 rubles a month, but if salary (dirty) is 17,000 rubles. minus income tax, minus utility bills, minus alimony, and in the end there are only tears! Do you think that I am cheating and such salaries do not exist???? Drive away from the Moscow Ring Road for 200 kilometers and look, and in the outback it is even worse with the level ...

Remove Sharapova, this is horror, she is grimacing, this is Channel 1, and they watch it abroad. Well, just embarrassing for the announcer.

Well, Gazmanov doesn’t go to lead Channel One. Well, he's not the leader. Always used to watch Good Morning. Now, out of habit, I turn it on, and I have to switch the channel, it's unpleasant to look at it.

Every morning I watch Channel 1, but the presenter S. Zeynalova is something, her behavior is abnormal, she always interrupts Timur, does not allow the poor to say anything. It’s disgusting to look at, is there really no one to pull it up, so many negative reviews. Please take action.

Today, in the Good Morning program, Svetlana Zeynalova completely shamelessly interrupted a representative from the Hydrometeorological Center, who in the story was supposed to talk about the weather forecast for the New Year. At the beginning of the phrase, she passed in front of the speakers to the girls (leading weather forecasts on the First) and offered to dress up as snow maidens. Thus spoiled the plot, and in fact there was nothing more to talk about. How not ashamed?? Remove the inadequate person from the First. The country is big, you can probably find more adequate.

Hello. Today, Zeynalova simply hits with aggression. From the first seconds of the broadcast. First, she attacked Timur with her fists, that he called her colleague beautiful. And not in jest, but it really hurt her. Why not admit the obvious that she is not ice. Then the phrase about mayonnaise: "What you bought, then eat." He just has a silent pause on the air. "Santa Claus gives gifts to good girls. Like me!" So many smart and beautiful presenters. Why are you "THIS" on the air let. Sincerely.

The cost of 1 dish "Borscht". According to them, the pan costs 198 rubles. What is the size of the saucepan? A normal pot for the whole family of 4 in the outback costs at least 400 rubles. Don't fool people! And if everything is so good in Moscow, why do you need such inflated salaries and why?


Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva is the host of the Vremya information program on aired from Monday to 21 o'clock local time. Ekaterina Sergeevna came to work in 1991. At first she was the announcer of Central Television and the Ostankino television company, and also hosted the Good Morning program. Since 1995, Andreeva has been working on Channel One (then still ORT). She began her career here as an editor of information programs, and then was the host of news releases. Since 1998, Ekaterina Sergeevna has been the permanent host of the Vremya program on Channel One. The work schedule is a week after a week with Vitaly Eliseev.

Vitaly Eliseev

Vitaly Borisovich, along with Ekaterina Andreeva, is a permanent host of the Vremya information program. Eliseev has been working in this field since 2007. Vitaly Borisovich joined the information service of Channel One in 1992. Then he worked as an engineer in the broadcast coordination department, and then served as editor of the correspondent department. Since 2005, Eliseev has been the head of the planning and production department of the Directorate of Information Programs of the main Russian TV channel. Vitaly Eliseev was appointed host of the Vremya program in 2007, replacing Andrei Baturin in this position. The work schedule is a week after a week with Ekaterina Andreeva.

Dmitry Borisov

Dmitry Dmitrievich is the host of the evening editions of the Novosti program on Channel One, aired from Monday to Friday at 18:00 local time. Borisov is a well-known Runet figure, as well as a producer of documentaries. Dmitry Dmitrievich was invited to Channel One in August 2006. At first, he led the morning and afternoon news, and then retrained for the evening broadcast format. In 2008, Dmitry Borisov was awarded the First Channel award as the best presenter of this television season. Schedule - week after week with Anna Pavlova. Since 2011, Borisov has been running the Vremya information program, temporarily replacing its permanent hosts.

Anna Pavlova

Anna Yuryevna is a Russian announcer, public figure, editor, journalist and TV presenter of the evening program Novosti on Channel One. In the 90s, Pavlova worked as a referent for the Vremya program, after which she worked as an assistant director and editor of the Vesti group of cities on the Russia 1 TV channel (then RTR). After some time, Anna Yuryevna graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow Moscow State University and became the host of the Vesti program of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Soon she goes to work as a news presenter on the TV-6 channel. In 2001, Anna Pavlova hosted morning and afternoon newscasts on Channel One (then ORT), after which she left for REN-TV as the host of the 24 program.

Anna Pavlova returned to the main TV channel of the country already in 2007, where she works in the Directorate of Information Programs. In 2009, Pavlova was the host of the Vremya program, and then the host of news releases broadcasting to Central Russia. During the same period, she hosted five-minute newscasts that aired every half hour on the Good Morning program. In 2013, Anna Yuryevna was the host of the nightly news releases on Channel One. Currently, along with Dmitry Borisov, he hosts the Evening News program. The schedule is week after week.

Among the other news presenters of Channel One are Valeria Korableva (daily editions), Alena Lapshina (daily editions), Sergey Tugushev (morning and afternoon editions), Larisa Medvedskaya (morning and afternoon editions), Maxim Sharafutdinov (night editions), Yuri Lipatov (night editions ), Andrei Levandovsky (early morning editions) and Maria Vasilyeva (early morning editions). In addition, on Sundays Channel One broadcasts the information and analytical program “Sunday Time”, hosted by Irada Zeynalova, who recently replaced Pyotr Tolstoy in this position.

Timur Solovyov is a TV presenter, showman, author and organizer of corporate parties and events, model and director. Solovyov fell in love with the viewer as the host of programs on MTV and Muz-TV channels, as well as the entertainment shows Good Morning and Good Day! on Channel One.

Timur Solovyov was born on February 11, 1982 in the Latvian city of Evglava. The showman's parents divorced when he was still a boy. From the age of 12, Timur lived with his father, a former professional motorcycle racer. The parent did not pay much attention to raising his son, so he grew up as a "street" child.

“I moved to my father, and he, like all dads, didn’t take much care of me - in the sense that he gave me a lot of freedom. When the boy is not doing anything, he goes outside. I went, ”says in an interview with OK! TV presenter himself.

Thanks to this upbringing, Timur from childhood was used to proving to himself and others that he was worth a lot. This explains his future success. In 1999, the future showman entered the Odessa National University at the Faculty of Philology with a degree in Modern Journalism and Literature. There he took his first steps on stage, performing in the KVN team "Pagans".

In the same year, his modeling career began. Correct facial features and height (180 cm) help Timur look great in the photo. Soon Solovyov became a sought-after fashion model and fashion model: he participated in fashion shows in Moscow and St. Petersburg, starred for fashion magazines.


In 2004, Timur graduated from the university with honors. Immediately after, the Odessa TV channel "Glas" invited a young journalist to the post of news anchor. After 3 months, "Glas" trusts Timur Solovyov to direct a new show - "Men's Council". One more month later, the program “FACE CONTROL” is released, the author of which is also Timur. The programs created by Solovyov easily find their fans, and he himself becomes a Ukrainian star.

Timur Solovyov on the Odessa TV channel "Glas"

In addition to the university, Timur graduated from the acting school "Success" in Odessa and the New York Film Academy with a degree in "Director of feature films". In 2005, the presenter was invited to the MTV-Russia channel in Moscow. Solovyov worked there until 2008, and then left for the competing channel Muz-TV. During his work on MTV, Timur hosted 8 programs, including the work that he directed on his own - the City-File television project.

After switching to Muz-TV, Timur Solovyov becomes a star. He hosted the most rated programs of the channel - "Sofa Bed", "Urbania", "Diaries of the New Wave Festival in Jurmala", "Pro-Fashion", "Pro-news". In 2008, Timur Solovyov starred in an advertisement for the Megafon company. Since 2009, Timur has become not only a television, but also a radio host. Together with him, he created his own show "Daring Morning" on the Megapolis FM radio channel.

In 2011, Timur Solovyov first tried himself as an actor. The showman performed a cameo in the director's comedy Pregnant. Ratings for the film were low and reviews were negative. Timur himself later said that he did not feel acting talent in himself.

The victory in the competition for the role of the host of Good Morning on Channel One in 2011 is a new breakthrough in the career of Timur Solovyov. He found out about the casting by accident and did not even hope to win. Without waiting for the results, Timur flew to Los Angeles to learn the art of directing. But a call from the First forced him to return to Russia. Since 2012, Timur has also hosted the Good Day! on the first.

Personal life

Timur Solovyov prefers not to advertise his personal life. It is only known that he met with the presenter for a long time. For the first time he saw Anna on the TV screen and immediately fell in love. He tried by hook or by crook to find her phone number, and when he found it, he long and hard sought the location of the girl.

An engagement took place, and Timur publicly announced Anna as his future wife. But the wedding never took place. The star explained the reason for their separation:

“My ex-girlfriend and I were engaged. But at some point, both realized that we could not be together, and parted ways. Because after all, a family, marriage is not just a passion, it is a comfortable existence together. In addition to vivid emotions, there will be everyday life - and friendship, compatibility, comfort are important here.

For a TV presenter, there is no specific type of girls, beauty and parameters are not important. But Timur is embarrassed when a girl smokes. And he does not accept change.

“If your beloved woman is cheating on you, this is a great reason to think. It happens that a person is simply not “yours”, but it also happens that a person stumbled. Of course, I would not like to face this situation, because it is difficult, but purely theoretically, I think I could forgive. The question is how the relationship will develop further: to forgive is one thing, but to get bad thoughts out of your head is much more difficult, ”said Timur Solovyov in an interview.

In 2015, the TV presenter became the godfather. The godson is the son of a close friend of Timur Solovyov Alexander. The TV presenter was chosen as the godfather for a reason. It was he who introduced the boy's parents to each other. Timur himself considers it a great honor to be trusted. In an interview, Timur Solovyov announced that he was going to be an exemplary godfather for Sasha: he would love, give gifts and pamper his godson in every possible way.

Timur Solovyov now

Now Timur is free. He is one of the 24 desired suitors of 2017 according to the online magazine Marie Claire. Produces and directs, hosts events, appears on TV shows as a guest star. Leads the show "Good afternoon!" and “Good morning” with a partner and colleague on the First.

Among his constant hobbies are boxing and basketball, Timur even founded the Legend Production project - fighting tournaments that combine kickboxing and mixed-rules fights. As of 2016-2017, the life of Timur Solovyov in Instagram 33.6 thousand subscribers are watching.


  • "Men's Council" (2004);
  • "FACE CONTROL" (2004);
  • "Kinochart" (2005);
  • "Dream come true" (2008);
  • "Sofa Bed" (2008);
  • "PRO-news" (2009);
  • Good Morning (2011);
  • "Pregnant" (2011);
  • "Good afternoon!" (2012).

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