Venetian artists presentation. Presentation at the Moscow Art Theater on the topic "Venetian school of painting"


Grade 10 student S. Monko

The presentation on Renaissance art contains information and slides on this topic.



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Features of Renaissance Art

Renaissance (Renaissance) Renaissance - from the French "Renaissance" Revival of Antiquity The era of intellectual and artistic flowering, which began in Italy in the 14th century, reaching a peak in the 16th century

Renaissance ideas: Humanism (the humanistic ideal of a free, developed, self-improving personality) The idea of ​​national art Utopia (the image of an ideal world)

The great ancient experience of philosophy and art has been revived, and above all, the idea that "man is the measure of all things." Renaissance literature painting architecture

Renaissance literature The main representatives of the Renaissance in literature: Dante Alighieri Francesco Petrarca William Shakespeare Miguel de Cervantes

The development of genres in the Renaissance Early: Middle: Late: sonnet novel essay short story drama

Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321) Italian poet, creator of the Italian literary language. The pinnacle of Dante's work is the poem "The Divine Comedy" (published in 1472) in three parts ("Hell", "Purgatory", "Paradise")

Francesco Petrarca (1304 - 1374) Italian poet, humanist, researcher of antiquity. Petrarch is the founder of the humanistic culture of the Renaissance, along with Dante, the creator of the Italian literary language. Francesco Petrarca is the creator of the sonnets.

Aphorisms and quotes by Francesco Petrarch To be able to express how much you love means to love little. He who has many vices has many masters. To seek power for peace and security is to climb a volcano in order to shelter from the storm.

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) English playwright and Renaissance poet.

Genres of Shakespeare's works: Chronicles ("Richard II") Comedies ("The Taming of the Shrew") Tragedies ("Romeo and Juliet") Tragicomedies ("Pericles, Prince of Tyre")

Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) Spain's greatest writer. The author of one of the first novels in the modern sense, "The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha"

Renaissance painting The main representatives of Renaissance painting: Leonardo da Vinci Vecellio Titian Albrecht Durer

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) Italian painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer and architect of the Renaissance.

Famous works of Leonardo da Vinci "Gioconda" "Lady with an ermine"

Vecellio Titian (1485 - 1576) "King of painters and painter of kings" called Titian Vecellio, one of the greatest masters of world painting. His art is the most striking phenomenon of the Venetian school of the Italian Renaissance.

Famous works by Titian Vecellio "Penitent Mary "Flora" Magdalene"

Albrecht Durer (1471 - 1528) German painter and graphic artist. The founder of the art of the German Renaissance.

The famous works of Albrecht Dürer "Young Venetian" Madonna and Child "woman"

Renaissance architecture

Features of architecture Revival architecture grew in struggle with the old Gothic architecture. Main principles: symmetry of plans and compositions of buildings and uniform distribution, placement of all elements of the facade at equal intervals from each other. Internet resources: 1. Wikipedia; 2.

Tiziano Vecellio 1476/77 or 1480s, Pieve di Cadore, Venice, - 27.8.1576, Venice
Outstanding master of the Venetian school of painting of the High and Late Renaissance
Early works by Titian dating back to the early 1510s. (“Christ and the Sinner”, “Christ and the Magdalene”, “Gypsy Madonna”, etc.), reveal closeness to the art of Giorgione, whose unfinished paintings he was finishing at that time. contemplation, subtle coloring.
By the mid-1510s, after a careful study of the works of Raphael and Michelangelo, Titian develops an independent style. His images during this period are calm and joyful, marked by vital plethora, brightness of feelings, the seal of inner enlightenment.
Late 1530s-1540s - the heyday of the portrait art of Titian. With amazing perspicacity, the artist portrayed his contemporaries, capturing the most diverse, sometimes contradictory features of their characters. Among the best portraits of Titian are "Ippolito de Medici" (1532-33), the so-called "La Bella" (circa 1536), "Pietro Aretino" (1545) "Pope Paul III with Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese", "Charles V"," Charles V at the Battle of Mühl Berg
Pietro Aretino (1545)
The colors of Titian's later works are based on the finest colorful chromatism: the color scheme, generally subordinate to a golden tone, is built on subtle shades of brown, blue-steel, pink-red, faded green.
The life-affirming beauty of the human body became the leading motif in the artist's works with scenes drawn from ancient mythology (“Danaë”, circa 1554, Prado, Madrid and the Hermitage, St. Petersburg; “Venus in front of a Mirror”, 1550s, National Gallery of Art, Washington; “Diana and Actaeon, 1556, and Diana and Callisto, 1556-1559, both paintings in the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh)
The artist's style of writing becomes exceptionally free, composition, form and color are built with the help of bold plastic modeling, paints are applied to the canvas not only with a brush, but also with a spatula and even with fingers. Transparent glazes do not hide the underpainting, but in places expose the grainy texture of the canvas.
In the 1550s, the nature of Titian's work changes, the dramatic beginning grows in his religious compositions (“The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence”, “The Entombment”). At the same time, he again turns to mythological themes, the motif of blossoming female beauty (“Sisyphus”, “Danaë”, “Venus and Adonis”, “Perseus and Andromeda”).
“Saint Sebastian”, 1565-1570, Hermitage

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