The whole wide world knows the meaning of phraseology. About the multifaceted phrase "white light


Every nation has a legend, a myth, a fairy tale about the creation of the world. These legends become sacred, and the main characters of these legends become gods or ancestors of entire nations.

The first day. And God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light. God called the light day and the darkness night.

Day four. God said: "Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night!" And God saw that it was good.

So God finished all the planned things by the seventh day, having even managed to create a person "in Our image and Our likeness."

“That is why a white light was conceived - from the holy spirit of Sagaofov;

The sun is red from His face,

A clear month is young from His breasts,

Dawn of the morning and dawn of the evening - from the eyes of God!

And this is an old Slavonic song. According to this legend (and it is about 5000 years old!), before the appearance of the main gods, the world was shrouded in impenetrable darkness.

And there was only a spirit in this darkness. And this spirit was not an awakened kidney, an egg not split.

The time has come, and the sprout in the kidney awakened, and the progenitor of all gods, the God Rod, came out of this egg.

Rod also created a girlfriend for himself - Rodana - the spring of the Universe.

And so great was the love between the ancestors, it shone with such white and pure fire that Lada was born from this flame, white-faced and white-bodied, like pure first frost or like the very heat of fire.

And became Lada! - Symbol of Love and Pure Fire.

The light emanating from Lada drove the darkness to the very edge (edge) of the earth.

And the darkness became pitch-black, and in the center of the vira (the world of the living) light reigned.

So the power of darkness collapsed, divided into Light and Darkness, Truth and Falsehood.

And Lada became one of the goddesses Yasunya (Bearers of Clarity) - these are, as it were, gods above gods. The highest authority, as they would say in our world.

Lada is one of the supreme feminine principles, a bright, white goddess who carries light, the personification of female beauty, purity and sincerity.

But, not to be confused with the patroness of married women and motherhood - Makosh, or with a girl carrying spring - Lelei (Summer)!

Traditionally, the Goddess of purity, love and light is depicted as a young woman of 20-30 years old, in a white dress, surrounded by white swans, often next to her earthly incarnation - a white birch, in a wreath of green, blue, red rays. These colors of the rainbow are Lada's smile.

The first-born of the great ancestor gods, she always gives only joy, and even responds to hatred with her smile, driving out darkness from the human soul with her light.

The White Goddess is a sacred image that contains all the invincible and irresistible power of the Slavic Yasuns, where wisdom, honesty, directness and kindness are intertwined, which all women of the world should possess.

It is not for nothing that a wise woman who knows how to “fix a house” in ancient times was called Lada, regardless of the name given to her at birth.

And the matchmaking was called "sweetening", and the wedding itself - "sweetened". Here you have both harmony and sweetness!

The Goddess never forgave marriages without love or, even worse, through violence!

She could punish with poverty, a series of crop failures, loss of livestock, or even childlessness.

With which of the gods the White Elder will agree, he will punish the "wrong"!

The rest of the "younger" gods will convey to the "wrong" resentment and chagrin of the Belaya Lada, they will awaken the conscience. After all, what is "conscience" in its essence? That's right - the "joint message" of the gods to the souls of men.

Here is another name for the White Lada - Fair.

Lada is also called the High Goddess, and this is not at all because of her height.

She carried high relationships and high thoughts, so we all know the word "lad": get along with each other, get along with business, get along with health.

What do we call the people we love? That's right: Lada, Ladushka, my palm!

Lada is the goddess of consent, the word “palm” comes from her name.

Lada also made sacrifices: pies and pancakes, honey and berries were piled at the feet of birches.

She especially loved the sacrifice in the form of songbirds.

Especially for the spring sacrifice to the White Goddess, songbirds were caught and kept at home all winter to be released into the wild in the spring - to glorify the arrival of spring and the return of love and beauty to people.

According to many sources, Lelya, the Goddess of Heat, is Lada's own daughter. (The Slavs did not divide the year into winter-spring-summer-autumn, they had only winter and summer.)

Therefore, the children released the birds, and the hostesses baked pancakes (a symbol of the sun) and pies (a symbol of prosperity), and “cranes” were baked from the remnants of the dough, generously pouring them with honey and decorating with berries and apples.

Now we can talk about the name of the historically-cult lake on our land.

Have you already guessed which lake we are talking about? Of course - Ladoga.

"Gat" or "ga" means "way". "The path to Lada" or "the road of Lada".

Once, a long time ago, there was a temple of this Goddess on the shore of this lake, which could only be reached by the lake, because. from all sides this place was surrounded by an impenetrable swamp - swamp.

The temple of Lada stood on the southeastern shore of the lake, it could only be reached by boat or over frozen ice.

And on the opposite bank there was a small fortress, where the "pilgrims" could spend the night and rest, before moving on to the temple complex itself. Here it is - the Ladoga fortress - the key to the temple of Lada!

There is one very interesting fact that “new” historians do not like to talk about: during the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis could not close the circle around Lake Ladoga precisely on the southeastern section of the coast, where the main sanctuary of the Temple of the High White Goddess once stood. The conqueror could not set foot on sacred ground.

And the divisions of the invaders were stopped by units of the Soviet Army precisely on the southern coast.

Everyone will decide for himself how to relate to these events, but, as you know: "Facts are stubborn things!"

And they also say that when Lada shakes off her hands, after a long day's work, small sparks fall from her palms and flare up in the firmament with white stars. And we, from our lower world, see their white light.

Why is it white? Because it comes from the White Goddess Lada, who brought it to us, endowing us with her pure and fiery Love! And the light and heat created by Lada will be enough for all of us living in the whole wide world!

Sometimes, combining words, we put such different thoughts into them that an outsider will not immediately figure out what is at stake. It is not a matter of tongue-tied tongue or inability to unambiguously express one's understanding, but in the variety of applications of certain phrases. These include the expression "white light". Having rummaged in dictionaries, you can see that these two words are used together in various areas not only of life, but also of science.

Let's see what's what.

Scientific approach

White light in scientific minds is determined mainly by the neutrality of the impact on our eyes. That is, those that are not associated with any of the colors of the rainbow. Everything is mixed in it. In life, to understand what it is, you should pay attention to the light of the Sun. Passing through the atmosphere, it dissipates, we perceive it as white. These waves are also emitted by solid objects heated to high temperatures.

For example, when a metal is melted, it emits white light. In fact, scientists do not suggest any special figurativeness. So to speak, no imagination, just a clear one. White Light is the one that contains the entire rainbow range and is perceived neutrally. It should be noted that in the construction of theories, their practical implementation, this concept is of undeniable importance. Any specialist will tell you about it.

poetic imagination

Quite a different matter - creative individuals. They have long felt the volume and versatility of such a combination of words. For example, the expression "in the whole wide world" means not just "on the planet", but "in all possible worlds." How much scope is there for a person who perceives information! Everyone represents the world as the imagination draws it. It is not the thoughts or words of the poet that become the limiter, but only the narrowness of the reader's worldview. For some, "the whole wide world" is only the country or region where a person lives; for others, the whole planet; still others immediately imagine the Universe, unusually huge and unknown. On the other hand, it is a counterbalance to the dark world.

That is, an image showing the hypothetical division of our living space into two mutually exclusive sectors, functioning according to their own special rules, constantly fighting each other for leadership in human souls.

Element of education

The skillful use of such multifaceted concepts allows "with little effort" to significantly influence the development of the child's imagination. If we start from the perception of white light as the surrounding space, then we can endlessly develop the idea. Start from the place of residence of the individual, family, community, people, gradually move to all of humanity. Get a detailed description of our world. But "white light" does not mean only territory. In some cases, this is the definition of a community that is affected by this or that event, information. You can cite as an example the common expression "disgraced in the whole wide world." It refers to the inhabitants, not the territory.

Use in catchphrases

The considered phrase fell in love with people for its figurativeness, multiple interpretations, harmony inherent in it. It can be found in the statements of cultural figures who have become almost popular. For example, A. Tvardovsky once came up with a phrase that became winged: "That's why the position is good - you can think about everything in this world slowly."

This expression contains harsh criticism of all kinds of statesmen who have nothing in their souls but groundless narcissism, who do not know how and do not want to work, just to fulfill their duties. The phrase has been around for many years, but the relevance is far from lost! And remember Baba Yaga, who scolded Ivanushka about the fact that he was saturated with white light! What is meant? This is no longer just a play on words, this is a serious opposition of worlds, albeit in a fabulous setting. White light acts as an orderly and harmonious human kindness as opposed to the "black world", which is characterized by chaos and evil. Only two words, but what a deep meaning!

It is customary to call white light not just the entire existing world, the planet with the population living on it. This short phrase contains an understanding of harmony, correctness, infinity of development and achievement of good for each individual. It means humanity, striving for happiness and harmonious development, which opposes the world of rudeness, evil, disunity and immense grief.

White light is not nice to whom. Razg. Express. Nothing pleases, everything depresses, irritates someone (so much so that one does not want to live). [ Anyuta:] Ah, mother, I don’t need anything, I don’t like the white light(P. Melters. Bobyl). Natalya Mikhailovna tried to work at the airport terminal in the information desk. She could not stand it for a long time: from the aircraft drones and crowds, pains appeared in the back of the head, which is why the light is not nice and - a constant fear of death(N. Voronov. Visions of Valka Peregontsev).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "White light is not nice" is in other dictionaries:

    white light is not nice- at least cry, it’s dreary, it hurts, at least beat your head against the wall, at least your head against the wall, life is not sweet, at least into the water, at least climb into the loop, at least scream at the guard, at least howl like a wolf, at least climb into the loop, at least lie down in the coffin, the light is not nice, I would not look at the light, at least ... ... Synonym dictionary

    the world is not nice- at least head against the wall, tight, unsweetened, bad, sickening, difficult, bad, unbearable, hard, sparks fell from the eyes, I didn’t see the light, even beat my head against the wall, even beat my head, I wouldn’t look at the light, the sky is like a sheepskin it seemed, even in a coffin ... ... Synonym dictionary

    White light- this is a phraseological phrase through which Russian people called the whole world around them and everything that exists in it. "White light" is the whole Universe. In the folk tradition, this is the embodiment of the world order, beauty, justice, freedom. No wonder it ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

    There is no friend: the white light is not nice either.- There is no friend: the white light is not nice either. See LOVE NOT LOVE…

    Not nice white light - run into the dark forest!- See the decay of vanity ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Not nice white light- to whom. Razg. About a man in a hopeless situation. Glukhov 1988, 99 ...

    light- LIGHT, a (y), husband. 1. Radiant energy that makes the surrounding world visible; electromagnetic waves in the range of frequencies perceived by the eye. Sunny s. Electric with. S. from the lantern. S. truth (trans.). The face was illuminated with inner light (trans.: ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    LIGHT- White light. 1. Folk poet. The surrounding world, the earth with everything that exists on it. FSRYA, 411; BTS, 71; BMS 1998, 517; Versh. 6, 180; FM 2002, 414; Mokienko 1986, 222. 2. Pribaik. About a big, huge space. SNFP, 109. 3. to whom. Pribaik. O… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    WHITE Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    WHITE- WHITE, about color, suit, paint: colorless, opposite to black. | In a comparative sense, light, pale. White wine, white beer, honey, plums; white face, white bread, are called so to distinguish from red (wine, honey), black (beer, plums, bread) ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Tales. Mistress of the Copper Mountain, P. P. Bazhov. The world of P. Bazhov's Ural tales is wonderful and unusual. Everything in it breathes and lives a strange life. The strict but fair Mistress of the Copper Mountain runs there. She decides who is worthy of her countless ...

Presenting an overview phraseological units for the word light .

Total found over 80 such phraseological units.

They are distributed by thematic groups: death, joylessness, world, parts of the world, revelation, birth and publication, secular society, early, far, affectionate treatment, feeling of pain, surviving from the world, understanding, everything and everywhere, etc.

Phraseological units about death

  • Not a tenant in this world (gradually dying person)
  • Parting with the world here (to die)
  • Send to the next world (kill someone)
  • Go to the next world (die)
  • Not in the world (deceased)
  • A native of the other world (a dead man who came out of the grave) - by the way, phraseological units with "death"

Phraseologisms about joylessness

  • Not to see the white light (to be burdened with work, problems) - by the way, idioms for "white"
  • I wouldn’t look at the light of God (nothing pleases, it’s hard)
  • The light dimmed in the eyes (everything became distasteful, disgusting) - by the way, phraseological units from the “eye”
  • White light is not nice (everything depresses, nothing pleases)
  • Light from a sheepskin will seem (it will become unbearable, bad)

Phraseological units about the world

  • This light (terrestrial world)
  • That world (afterlife)
  • White light (earth, environment)
  • God's light (earth, surrounding world)

Phraseological units about parts of the world

  • Part of the world (continent, one of the countries of the world)
  • Countries of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica)
  • Old World (Europe, Asia and Africa)
  • New World (America as part of the world)

Phraseological units about detection

  • Swim out into the light of day (manifest, show up)
  • Bring out into the light of day (make something reprehensible well-known) - by the way, phraseological units from bring out
  • To come out into the light of God (manifest, become apparent)
  • to bring to light (expose, reveal)

Phraseologisms about birth and publication

  • To see the light (to be born; to be published)
  • to go out (publish)
  • To appear / to be born (to be born)
  • to publish (publish)

Phraseological units about secular society

  • Enter into the world (become a member of high society)
  • Go out into the world (attend evenings, balls)
  • Take out into the world (take out to balls, receptions)

Phraseologisms about early

  • Neither light nor dawn (very early) - by the way, phraseological units with "neither nor"
  • Get up a little light (get up at dawn) - by the way, phraseological units with "get up"
  • Until the white light (until dawn)

Phraseologisms about far

  • To the ends of the world (very far, as far as possible)
  • At the end of the world (very far)
  • Not low beam (far enough)

Phraseologisms about affectionate treatment

  • Light (my) clear (affection)
  • My light (an affectionate term for someone)
  • The light of my eyes (affectionate address to a dear person)

Phraseologisms about the feeling of pain

  • I am not happy with the white light (feel sharp pain, anger, fear)
  • Not seeing the light (suddenly feel sharp pain, anger, fear)
  • Do not see the light of God (strong emotional reaction to pain, blow, surprise)

Phraseologisms about living from the world

  • To bring down from the world (to harass with reproaches, nit-picking)
  • Survive from the world (create unbearable conditions for life)
  • to send to the other world (destroy, bring to death)

Phraseological units about understanding

  • In a false light (wrong, distorted)
  • In true light (correct)
  • As if yesterday was born into the world (unintelligent, stupid)

Phraseologisms about everything and everywhere

  • All over the world (everywhere, all over the world)
  • The whole world (absolutely everything)
  • To the whole world (in front of everyone, everyone)

Phraseologisms about the light of a wedge

  • The light did not converge like a wedge (there is an alternative)
  • Light converged like a wedge (single, exceptional)

Phraseologisms about consolation

  • Only light in the window (the only consolation)
  • Light in the window (the only joy, consolation)

Phraseologisms about nothing and never

  • For nothing in the world (under no circumstances)
  • The light has not seen (never happened)

Phraseologisms about doomsday

  • The end of the world (the end of the world, doomsday)
  • End of the world (total collapse; out of the ordinary)

Phraseologisms about the wonders of the world

  • The eighth wonder of the world (something unusual, outstanding) - by the way, phraseological units with numerals
  • Seven Wonders of the World (the most famous curiosities (architectural structures) in the world) - by the way, phraseological units with the numeral seven

Phraseologisms about threats

  • What the light stands on (very strong, not embarrassed in expressions)
  • It would be better for you (him, etc.) not to be born into the world (threat, warning to someone)

Phraseological units about clarification

  • Shed light (explain, make clear)
  • Throw light (clarify, make clear) - by the way, phraseological units from throw

Other phraseological units about light

  • See in pink light (exaggerate dignity)
  • See the white light in the box (go to jail)
  • In white light like a pretty penny (past the target)
  • Give the green light (to contribute to the implementation of something) - by the way, phraseological units with "green"
  • Fathers of light! (expression of bewilderment, surprise)

Author's phraseological units to "light" from the works of writers

  • There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our wise men never dreamed of (W. Shakespeare, "Hamlet")
  • There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet")
  • Silencers are blissful in the world! (A.S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")
  • I'm going to look around the world, where the offended feeling has a corner! (A.S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”, see phraseological units from “Woe from Wit”)
  • My sadness is bright (A.S. Pushkin, “On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night ...”)
  • There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will (A.S. Pushkin, "It's time, my friend, it's time", see Pushkin's phraseological units)
  • Boring in this world, gentlemen! (N.V. Gogol, "Tales of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich", see Gogol's phraseological units)
  • Not without good souls in the world (N.A. Nekrasov, "Schoolboy", see Nekrasov's phraseological units)
  • Will the light fail, or should I not drink tea? (F.M. Dostoevsky, Notes from the Underground)
  • Shine - and no nails! Here is my slogan - and the sun! (V.V. Mayakovsky, “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”, see Mayakovsky’s phraseological units)
  • It is terrible to live in this world, there is no comfort in it (N.M. Oleinikov, “To Genrikh Levin (About his falling in love with Shurochka Lyubarskaya)”)
  • Flying from shadow into light (A.A. Tarkovsky, "Butterfly in the hospital garden")

As you can see, the language has given us surprise lesson: the most numerous groups of phraseological units have a negative meaning (death, joylessness). Although, in general, “light” and neutral phraseological units still prevail.

I think that a significant number of phraseological units found is not surprising, since the word light has several essential meanings (the world, high society, light as such). This apparently also explains a considerable number of author's phraseological units (winged expressions) of writers to the word light.

Continuing the theme You can find other collections of phraseological units:

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