Things in the house according to Feng Shui: a mirror, a clock, a stove. House according to Feng Shui: where you can not place the clock


Lunar days, hours, minutes… the whole philosophy of Feng Shui is based not only on the study of the influence of the cardinal points, but also on taking into account time parameters. Otherwise, we would never have been able to know the exact date of the change of flying stars, calculate our Gua number or get acquainted with the data of the pillars of fate.

Time plays a huge role in this ancient teaching, and that is why the masters pay such close attention to objects that allow you to observe its course. They are in almost every home and have been familiar to us since childhood. Of course, you have already guessed that these items are watches.

They are considered a powerful tool and can significantly speed up the flow of favorable Qi energy. Now there are still big disputes about which element of the elements they should belong to, we will not interfere with them and will focus on the most optimal option - the material for their manufacture.

In the table below you will find out which hours and which zones are best to set. We are talking exclusively about mechanical watches, they also include clocks on batteries that “tick”. Electronic clocks that simply display the time do not have this power.

Southeast (to attract wealth)

East (to strengthen family relationships)

Material: wood
The form: preferably wavy or round (to enhance the effect of water). It can also be rectangular.
Watch color: purple, green, black, blue, cyan

South (for fame and recognition)

Material: wood
The form: rectangular, triangular
Color: Red Green
+ decorative clock made by hand.

Southwest (to attract love)

Northeast (for wisdom and knowledge)

Material: ceramics, porcelain
The form: square, triangle
Color: pink, beige, yellow, orange

West (for children and creativity)

Northwest (to attract helpers and travel)

Material: metal
The form: circle, oval, square
Color: white, silver

North (for career advancement)

Material: metal
The form: wavy, round
Color: black, blue, light blue, metallic

is not just a tool for activating the elements, but a real energy accelerator. Therefore, all masters are strongly advised to use them with caution. If you do not want to miscalculate, then it is best to hang them in "excellent" areas. For example, a clock in the West, set with the thought of a baby, will help you get pregnant faster. In the northwest - go on a trip or get a helping hand, and in the north - find a good job.

Do not keep broken or stopped clocks in the house, as they can cause a state of stagnation in the zone in which they are located.

Chinese Feng Shui also does not recommend receiving watches as a gift, because they can cause energies to resonate and lead to adverse events in the life of the person who received them. If you still decide to make such a gift, or suddenly it was presented to you, give at least a coin in return. In this way, you will outwit the Universe by pretending that you bought them yourself ...

Human life is dominated by time: we go to bed and get up on time, we have dinner and make appointments, celebrate holidays and generally plan our lives based on time frames. Where to hang a wall clock so that it is convenient and stylish? Experts of the studio "Cozy Apartment" share tips.

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They say they don't watch happy hours? Today they are watching and how. And the right time management is not only our internal discipline and self-organization, but also a good dial in a conspicuous place. Psychologists and time management gurus argue that in a room where there is no clock, people are more fussy and less organized. And, on the contrary, that in the interior it is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a good way not to be late anywhere and to be in time with all the affairs. What to look for when placing clocks in different rooms?

Accommodation options

Classic. The most classic and appropriate place to place a wall clock is in the living room. The clock in the living room can be hung above the sofa, between the bookcases to maintain symmetry, and also create a composition from small paintings or photographs, giving the centerpiece to the stylish clock.

Non-standard solutions. Clock on the balcony - why not? Especially if there is a workplace or a small dressing room on the loggia: when dressing for work, you can keep track of the time, and also do not miss the holy lunch time or an important call at work.

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In the photo: Tic watch from the Diamantini & Domeniconi factory.

The form

In children's watches can be in the form of a soccer ball or a car, a sun or a butterfly, as well as with favorite cartoon characters on the dial (bright pictures are printed on the dial). The rule of good visibility of the hands and the dial also works here - you don’t want the child to ruin his eyesight by squinting, do you? The clock can be hung above the study area, placed on a shelf or hung above the bed.


When choosing a small child for a nursery, be careful about the fasteners and the material from which the case is made. Like everything for a child's baby, watches should be as safe and environmentally friendly as possible.

For a balcony and loggia, choose a metal clock that is resistant to rust and sunlight.

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Big Exception

Keep quiet. The sleeping area is perhaps the only option (other than the restroom, of course) where a large wall clock might even be out of place. This is a rest room, and keeping track of time, just like falling asleep listening to the ticking of the arrows, is useless here. An exception might be a relatively quiet heirloom or an antique clock face that emphasizes the interior style of the room. In other cases, a small table clock will be enough in the bedroom so as not to oversleep.

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We hang according to feng shui

Ekaterina, designer of the Uyutnaya Kvartira studio, feng shui specialist: “According to the philosophy of feng shui, clocks, especially wall clocks, are a powerful tool that promotes the flow of favorable energy in the house.

In the view of our ancestors, all objects in the house - whether it be a stove, a table or a pot for porridge - have a character. That is why everyone should have their own place, and it is appropriate to find a special approach to everyone - as a person! We see echoes of these ideas today.

Remember how you persuaded the computer not to freeze at the most crucial moment, or how you had philosophical conversations with the refrigerator on the topic “To eat or not to eat?”. To some, such “communication” will seem ridiculous, but Feng Shui experts see absolutely nothing strange in it! On the contrary, they believe that maintaining a good relationship with surrounding objects is necessary to achieve harmony with the world. After all, every thing that we come into contact with in everyday life has certain energy characteristics that affect us. And for this impact to be positive, you need to correctly “tune” the energy waves emanating from objects.

feng shui clock

Remember why the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland always had 5 pm on the clock? Just once he wanted to "kill time" - but it was offended and stopped for him forever. Fairy tales are fairy tales, but a watch is indeed a very subtle mechanism in terms of energy, capable of capturing the slightest fluctuation of biomagnetic waves around it. Therefore, if you are at odds with time - you constantly lack it, or, conversely, life seems to have stopped for you - hang a wall clock in your house!

Feng Shui does not recommend choosing modern battery powered devices. "Live" energy is possessed only by mechanical watches, which must be manually wound. The best option for the home is a large clock with a pendulum. Its dimensional swing can literally "stir up" the biofield around.

Stagnation in business or in personal life? Hang a clock with a pendulum in the appropriate sector - and everything will change! For example, being in the eastern part of the house, they will revive love relationships, and in the north they will help to move up the career ladder. It is advisable to hang clocks in energy-intensive rooms - where the whole family spends most of the time - usually in the living room or in the kitchen.

The clock is very sensitive to the internal state of a person - it is not for nothing that in difficult times for the family they can go astray or stop altogether. Do not be lazy to bring the arrows in time, make sure that they do not lag behind, and in no case do not store broken mechanisms in the house.

feng shui mirror

There is hardly an object in the house wrapped in such a strong magical veil as a mirror. And this is no accident! From a feng shui point of view, a mirror is a powerful energy relay. Day after day, it absorbs the energy of everything that is reflected in it - and then gives it back. That is why you need to look in the mirror only in a good mood, and in no case play quarrels in front of him!

Everything that "sees" the mirror doubles, Feng Shui warns. This means that this mystical object must be hung in such a way that it reflects and “multiplies” the wealth and beauty of the house, and not empty walls. Please note: large mirrors have no place in the bedroom, especially in front of the bed, as the “doubling” of a married couple can lead to betrayal. Do not hang them in front of doors and windows. This is how the positive qi energy leaves and takes well-being and success with it.

In order for the mirror "repeater" to work without interference, keep it perfectly clean. It should not distort the space, so there is no place for mirrors with curvature or cracks in the house, but it’s unnecessary to talk about broken objects - get rid of them immediately.

feng shui cooker

Since time immemorial, the stove has been considered the energy center of the home. Not without reason, when building a hut, they first put up a stove, and only then laid out and fixed the walls and roof (hence the expression “dance from the stove”). In Chinese, the words "food" and "wealth" are even pronounced the same - "tsai". Therefore, if you want your home to be a full bowl, treat the stove with respect!

The ideal place for the stove is the center of the kitchen, the luck zone. But, alas, the size and layout of the rooms rarely allow you to place the stove in this particular sector. A good alternative is the Fire Zone - at the south wall of the kitchen. In no case do not install a stove next to a sink or refrigerator, symbolizing the element of Water, otherwise well-being will begin to “leak” from the house. Food cooked on the stove is the most powerful source of positive qi energy. Therefore, do not let your stove stand idle and cook something delicious more often!


Watches, like any object in our house, have their own energy and are able to change energy flows. Therefore, the choice of wall clocks must be treated very carefully, and not buy the first ones that come across.

First of all, no matter how dear a watch is to you as a memory or a family heirloom, do not keep a broken old clock in the house. If the clock has stopped, it must be removed from the apartment, even if it is antique, beautiful, expensive and perfectly complements the interior. in addition, it is important to ensure that not a single clock in the house is idle. Stopped time slows down pleasant and joyful events in your life.

Make sure all clocks in the house show the same time. Otherwise, the inconsistency on the dials can bring chaos into your life and misunderstanding in the family (everyone, as it were, will live according to “his own” time).

Chinese Feng Shui is absolutely in solidarity with Slavic superstitions: a watch should not be given and accepted as such a gift. Such a gift can bring a lot of problems to the recipient, attract unpleasant events. According to tradition, if a gift has already been given and it is inconvenient to refuse, buy it off with a coin. So we seem to buy watches, and do not receive them as a gift.


A Feng Shui clock is a powerful tool, in fact, a time accelerator that multiplies the energy of the place where it is located, therefore it is very important which flows you strengthen by hanging the clock in one place or another. So, for example, couples who want to conceive set the clock in the living room in the west, those who dream of traveling or moving to another country set the clock in the northwest, and if you are trying to find a good job, set the clock in the west . Let's dwell on this in more detail, especially since each zone requires its own shape and color.

In the southern part, the masters recommend installing a triangular or rectangular clock made of wood. This is an ideal place for those who dream of fame, fortune and recognition. For this part of the premises, bright colors of the clock are chosen - green or red. It is desirable that the watch be handmade.

The clock in the east helps to establish family relationships, restore mutual understanding. Ideally, choose a beautiful round or wavy watch in purple, black or blue.

The southeast accelerates the attraction of material wealth, helps to find a well-paid job or even win the lottery. Black, blue, purple, as well as their combinations, are ideal for this zone.

The southwest will bring love and passion to life. Choose watches in pink, orange, yellow and their shades.

Hours in the northeast attract new knowledge to you, help you make wise and informed decisions. wisdom and knowledge. Choose watches in beige, nude and pale yellow.

Watches in the West have a positive effect on the creative abilities of the child, help him develop talents faster. Round oval shapes and black, metallic and blue colors are ideal.

The northwestern zone contributes to the emergence of reliable partners and assistants, contributes to successful trips and travels. Round, oval, square shapes are most appropriate in this part of the apartment, it is better to choose a watch in white and metallic colors.

North is the career zone. Watches here provoke professional growth and help build a career confidently and quickly. Black, blue, blue colors are most preferred, it is desirable that the watch be round.


Not every room needs a clock. So Feng Shui masters very strongly recommend not to hang a clock in the bedroom. This room is designed to relax and unwind. Adjusting this time and moving things to the bedroom that require orientation by the clock is not the best solution. Of course, most of us have to wake up to an alarm clock - it's better to start it on your mobile or keep a small alarm clock on your night table. But not a big clock on the wall! The bedroom is a place to relax and rejuvenate.

But in the office and in the kitchen, hours are required - these rooms are energetically very strong and people work in them more often than rest. Therefore, they need a sense of time, energy replenishment and activation of their own forces.

It is very favorable for the general atmosphere in the house if the clock is visible when leaving the apartment. But it is not recommended to install them so that the gaze immediately rests on the dial when you enter the apartment.


You can put them anywhere, but they will have the most favorable effect in the work area and will help the child to learn knowledge more actively, and adults to build a career and achieve success.


In ancient times, people did not know the exact time. Everything was much simpler - woke up at dawn, went to bed at sunset. Day turned into night, winter followed spring, spring followed summer, and so on. All human life was under the power of time and people began to notice that everything is cyclical and that time can be calculated and tracked.

This is how watches began to appear, first solar (as the name implies with the use of the sun and shadow), fiery (they used candles of different diameters, on which notches were made), water (they helped to determine the time using a plate with a hole at the bottom, which gradually immersed in water), sand (using sand, I think everyone is familiar). Later, mechanical watches appeared, which we use to this day.

Now it is very difficult to imagine life without watches. Philosophy of time“passes” through the life of every person: negative life situations are forgotten, thinking changes, mores and preferences change over time. Everyone knows the expressions: “time heals”, “time is money”, “allotted time”, “keep up with the times”, “kill time”, “gain time”, “for the time being”, etc. What is the philosophy of time? Undoubtedly philosophy of time because time is our life! A watch is a timekeeping instrument that has become a very strong part of a person's life. It's hard to find a home or business today that doesn't have a clock. We cannot do without them.

watch "time is money"

In teaching feng shui clock play an important role, as they measure the processes of the passage of time. The whole philosophy of Feng Shui is based not only on the compass distribution of the cardinal points, on the Ba Gua sectors, but also on the calculation of time. With it, we can find out the date of change of flying stars, calculate the Gua number. feng shui clock is a powerful tool that accelerates the flow of favorable energy. The correct use of this tool can significantly affect the life of each person and improve his philosophy of time.

Feng Shui wall clocks and their location relative to the cardinal points

In Feng Shui, only mechanical watches are given advice, electronic ones do not even have a similar strength. When you decide which side of the world to hang a wall clock, be guided by the material from which it is made.


According to feng shui clock on east can bring new colors to marital relations. On the southeast help attract financial success. In these cardinal points, watches are preferred round or wavy, in a wooden frame in green, black, purple or blue.

Concerning south, then a triangular or rectangular watch in a red or green wooden frame would be appropriate here. As well as a decorative clock, or a clock in a frame made by yourself.

wall decorative clock

If you want to attract love into your life or establish an existing romantic relationship, then you can safely broadcast the clock on southwest at home. And if you want to easily acquire new knowledge, then northeast the best place for this. The shape of the Feng Shui clock for these sectors is square or triangular. The frame is made of ceramic or porcelain and the color is beige, pink, orange or yellow.

West- a zone of children and creativity, if you want to attract the luck of this sector, hang a clock here. If you want to "attract" reliable assistants and patrons in life, as well as want to go on trips, activate using the watch northwestern direction. feng shui clock for these sectors, round, oval, square are suitable. The frame material is metal. Color - white or silver.

AT northern in the direction of the house responsible for career growth and promotion, a watch with a wavy or round shape is best suited. The frame is metal, color - black, blue, blue, silver.

The best areas for the location of the clock according to the teachings of Feng Shui are activity areas, such as north, west and northwest.

General Feng Shui rules and recommendations regarding clocks in a house or apartment

kitchen wall clock

For example, in bedroom Feng Shui does not recommend the use of large wall or table clocks. With their ticking, they will disturb your peaceful sleep and peace. But since most people can't wake up for work without an alarm clock, a small alarm clock is acceptable, which can then be easily hidden. Concerning children's room, then large clocks are allowed here. Allowing this, feng shui acts more here for educational purposes, so that children understand that time does not stand still and, having missed it, it will be impossible to catch up.

The best rooms for feng shui hours, these are rooms with active energy, where, as a rule, many people meet -

Feng Shui taboo for placing clocks in a house or apartment

An important prohibition for clocks in the house is that they should not be visible when entering the room.

Also, do not allow the elements to conflict in the same room (for example, do not place a watch with a metal frame in the eastern sector).

In Feng Shui, it is strongly discouraged to receive a watch as a gift, as this can lead to an imbalance in the energies circulating around you. It is best to buy a watch yourself, but if you have been given a watch as a gift, then just give a purely nominal fee for it. So you turn a gift into a purchase and misfortunes will bypass you.

hourglass in a wooden frame

Don't keep broken clocks at home. This can lead to stagnation of energy, and, accordingly, negatively affect the harmony of the space in the room. It will also block the work of talismans and energy activators. This is the philosophy of time according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

feng shui hourglass

As for the hourglass, in Feng Shui they are given special attention. Although they are not mechanical, this does not beg their strength. The sand that is in this watch is constantly in motion, which has a beneficial effect on the surrounding space. Qi energy in such places will always be active and positive. Ideal places to use an hourglass are - office, To increase their effectiveness, use sand feng shui clock in a wooden frame, as the earth is best combined with wood.

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