Vietnamese names. Male Vietnamese Names and Meanings - Choosing the Best Name for a Boy


Where do Vietnamese names come from?

After the birth of a child, dad throws a pan on the floor in the kitchen.
As it thundered, they called it - Bam Van Dong, Khan Long Gong ..... (a famous Vietnamese joke)

Vietnamese names consist of three parts: the family name (analogous to our surname), the middle name and the last, individual or given at birth. For example: Lã Xuân Thắng. Lã is the family name, Xuân is the middle name, Thắng is the last one.

Names are of great importance in Vietnam. Many Vietnamese have secret names known only to themselves and their parents. There is a belief that spoken aloud, this name gives power to evil spirits over its bearer. Therefore, in public places, children are often called in order of birth, for example Ti-hai / Chị Hai, Ti-ba / Chị Ba (Second daughter, Third daughter), etc.

There are only 300 surnames in Vietnam and almost half of the country's population has the surname Nguyen. The middle part of the name is usually the same for all children in the family. The names of women after the surname are supplemented by the fourth part - "-thi".

Usually, Vietnamese people have several names throughout their lives. So in the villages, many Vietnamese give small children ugly names (Rat / Chuột, Puppy / Cún, etc.). This is done because of the superstition that the gods will not want to take a child with an ugly name or harm him. Therefore, it is believed that the “simpler” a child’s name is, the easier it is to raise him. Subsequently, many villagers come to work in the city and choose new, beautiful, names, usually with a literal meaning in the Vietnamese language. For women, names often represent beauty, like the names of birds or flowers. The names of men, on the other hand, reflect the desired attributes and characteristics that parents want to see in their children, such as morality or calmness.

Male names

Women's names

Bao - "protection" (Bảo) Binh - "peace" (Bình) Van - "cloud" (Vân) Vien - "completion" (Viên) Ding - "top" (Định) Duc - "desire" (Đức) Zung - "brave, heroic" (Dũng) Duong - "courage" (Dương) Kuan - "soldier" (Quân) Kuang - "clear, pure" (Quang) Kui - "precious" (Quí) Min - "bright" (Minh) Nguyen - "beginning" (Nguyên) Tea - "oyster" (Trai) Tu - "star" (Tú) Tuan - "bright" (Tuấn) Thanh - "bright, clear, blue" (Thanh) Thuan - "tamed" ( Thuận) Xoan - "spring" (Hòan) Hung - "brave, heroic" (Hùng)

Tin - "faith" or "trust" (Tín)

Beat - "jade" (Bích) Kim - "golden" (Kim) Kuen - "bird" (Quyên) Kui - "precious" (Quí) Lien - "lotus" (Liên) Lin - "spring" (Linh) May - "flower" (Mai) Ngok - "jewel" or "jade" (Ngọc) Nguyet - "moon" (Nguyệt) Nyung - "velvet" (Nhung) Phuong - "phoenix" (Phượng) Tien - "fairy, spirit" (Tiên) Tu - "star" (Tú) Tuen - "beam" (Tuyến) Tuet - "white snow" (Tuyết) Thanh - "bright, clear, blue" (Thanh) Thai - "friendly, loyal" (Thái) Thi - "poem" (Thi) Thu - "autumn" (Thu) Hoa - "flower" (Hoa) Hong - "rose" (Hồng) Xoan - "spring" (Hòan) Huong - "pink" (Hường) Chau - "pearl" (châu)

Ti - "tree branch" (Chi)

Vietnam has a very developed "religion" of the cult of ancestors, so after death a person acquires a sacred name for worship, for example: Cụ đồ“, ‛Cụ Tam Nguyên Yên Đổ“, “Ông Trạng Trình (grandfather / old man ..). This name is recorded in the family annals and is considered the main name.

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Vietnamese names

Vietnamese male and female names

Vietnamese names are names that are used in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Vietnamese names are made up of three parts: family name, middle name, and personal name. For example: Pham Van Dong, Ho Chi Minh.


Surname located at the beginning of the full name, it is transmitted from father to children. Since most Vietnamese have the same surnames, it is not customary for Vietnamese to use and write one surname without a given name.

The most common surnames in Vietnam: Nguyen, Tran, Le, Pham, Huyin, Hoang, Wu (Wo), Fan, Dang, Bui, Ho, Do, Ngo, Duong, Li, Van.

middle name

middle name can be passed down from generation to generation.

In the past, the middle name indicated the sex of the child: all women had a middle name th?(Thi). There were many middle names for men.

Most Common Middle Names in Vietnam: Van(Wan) Vi?t(Viet), Dan(Dan), Dinh(Ding) ??c(Duc) Duy(Zooey) Minh(ming), Ng?c(Ngoc), Si(Shi) Xuan(Xuan) Phu(Ugh), H?u(Huu).

personal name

personal names many in Vietnam. Some names are the same for men and women, for example: Han (happiness), Hoa (peace), Thuy (water), Xuan (spring), Ha (summer), Thu (autumn).

Many Vietnamese, like other peoples, have secret names known only to themselves and their parents.

Vietnamese male names

Bao– defender (B?o)

Binh- calm, peaceful (Binh)

Van– cloud (Van)

Vienna– completion (Vien)

Wuy- happy

Viet– Vietnamese

dang– success

ding- top (D?nh)

Duc– virtuous (D?c)

Dung- brave (Dung)

Duong- sun, courageous (Duong)

Kuan- warrior (quan)

Kuang- clear, clean (Quang)

Kui- precious (Qui)

Cuong- strong

lyk- strength

Ming– bright (Minh)

Ngia- fair

Nguyen– beginning (Nguyen)

Tin- faith, trust (Tin)

That– star (Tu)

Tuan- bright (Tu?n)

Thanh- bright, clear, blue (Thanh)

Thuan- tamed (Thu?n)

Thyk- truth

Hieu- respectful son

Xoan– spring (Hoan)

Hung- courageous (Hung)

Chi- intelligence

chung- loyal

Vietnamese female names

beach– jade (Bich)

Ziep- foliage

Dung- patient

Kim- gold (Kim)

Kuen- bird (Quyen)

Kui- precious (Qui)

Lan– orchid

Lien- lotus (Lien)

Tench– spring (Linh)

May– apricot blossom (Mai)

Mi- beautiful

Ngoc– precious stone, jade (Ng?c)

Nguet– moon (Nguy?t)

Nyung- velvet (Nhung)

Tien- fairy, spirit (Tien)

That– star (Tu)

Tuen- beam (Tuy?n)

Tuet- white snow (Tuy?t)

Thanh- bright, clear (Thanh)

Thai- friendly, affable (Thai)

Thi- poem, poetic (Thi)

Thu– autumn (Thu)

chiau- pearls (chau)

Tee– tree branch (Chi)

Phuong– phoenix (Phu?ng)

Hang- moon

Hien- kind

Hoa– flower (hoa)

hong– rose (H?ng)

Xoan– spring (Hoan)

Huong– aroma (Hu?ng)

Chang- moon

Chin- chaste

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Vietnamese names. Vietnamese male and female names


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In Vietnamese, the meanings of female names are beautiful and poetic. Vietnamese female names can be classified according to the meaning of the meanings.

First of all, these are flower names. The simplest version of Hoa (flower).
It has long been customary for the Vietnamese to give their daughters names of various colors: Hong (rose), Kuk (chrysanthemum), Lan (orchid), Li (lily), Kuyin (fragrant flower of the night). There are also names with a meaning close to the flower theme in the Vietnamese language: Huong (aroma), Ziep (leaves), Lieu (willow).

The moon in the east is considered a symbol of femininity and beauty. And as a result, in the Vietnamese language there are several female names at once with a gentle poetic meaning "Moon": Chang, Hang and Nguyet. Moreover, the word Chang in the modern Vietnamese language is a celestial body that is visible at night through the window. While the other two names of the moon are found not in astronomy, but in ancient poetry and fine literature.

In Vietnamese society, girls were often called by the names of the traditional female virtues of Confucian culture: Hien (kind), Chin (chaste), Dung (patient). Previously, this list also included the name Kong (hard-working). However, in recent years it has become quite unpopular. The name Mi (beautiful) is much more common.

In a Vietnamese traditional family, sons are valued more than daughters. It is to the son that the sacred duty of performing rituals is transferred to. The absence of a male heir is perceived by the Vietnamese as a tragedy: who will send and make offerings to all generations of the family?

However, many Vietnamese families consider their daughters jewels and give the girls the appropriate names: Ngoc (pearl, jasper), Kim (gold) and Ngan (silver). The sum of the above forms the female names Kim Ngan (gold + silver) and Kim Ngoc (gold + pearls).

The Vietnamese understand that it is rare for a foreigner to remember and pronounce a Vietnamese name correctly. Therefore, many choose an additional name for themselves, for business communication and communication with foreigners. This name is printed on business cards instead of or in addition to the Vietnamese name: Jenny Kim, Monica Nguyen, Vanessa Chan, Cecilia Ho, Veronica Ngo.

The choice of a foreign name is determined by the circle of communication. So, among the Vietnamese who studied in the USSR and Russia, many proudly call themselves Fedya, Ivan, Misha, Katya, Sveta, Natasha. The choice of name is based on different motivations. Usually choose a name with a similar meaning (Vinh = Glory) or starting with the same letter as the Vietnamese name (Huong = Helen).

However, the most decisive factor: the name should be pleasant and beautiful to sound. This is what determines the choice of an additional foreign name by the Vietnamese.

The modern Vietnamese anthroponymic system, as a rule, is trinomial: the first word is the surname, the last is the given name, and the second is the so-called auxiliary, intermediate name, for example: Nguyen Van Huyen, Le Van Hao. But often there are also binomial names, consisting only of a surname and a given name, for example Mak Duong.

Naming traditions

The choice of a name among the Vietnamese is quite free and arbitrary, but nevertheless there are rules that make it much easier for parents to do such an important and responsible task as naming a child. Usually, girls are given names that mean the names of various flowers, plants, fabrics, precious stones, as well as animals, birds, for example: Kuk "chrysanthemum", Dao "peach", Lua "silk", Lieu "willow", Tea "pearl oyster" , Loan "phoenix". Male names are most often an expression of abstract, abstract concepts, positive human qualities, as well as the names of parts of the world, seasons, for example: Duc “virtuous”, Khiem “modest”, Xuan “spring”, Thu “autumn”. Often the first child in a family is called Ka "senior", and the last - Ut "younger". In some southern regions of Vietnam, children are given names in the order of their appearance in the family: Ca "first", Hai. "second", Ba "third".

Factors affecting naming

The names of the Vietnamese can be associated with toponyms: with the place of birth - Kuen (the name of the area near Hanoi), Khoa (Moscow), with the place of birth of one of the parents or the place of their acquaintance - Thai (Thai Nguyen city); the name may reflect a particular family event, for example, Koi "orphan" (that is, the child was born after the death of his father), the profession of parents - Mai "tailor", tools - Tiang "chisel", "chisel", Bao "planer". If the family is large, then the names of the children can make up a whole phrase. For example, children with names grow up in a family: Viet, Nam, Anh, Hung, Tien, Kng, Vi, Dai. And spoken in this sequence, these names mean: "Heroic Vietnam will win a great victory." Giving newborn names such as Gao "rice", Nuok "water", Nha "house", Zuong "field", parents dreamed that their children would always have prosperity and that their life would be better.

Before the August Revolution of 1945, in a family where children often fell ill or died, superstitious parents did not dare to choose beautiful names for them, but gave only such names as Et “frog”, Zyun “worm”, Theo “scar”. In the view of the Vietnamese, "evil spirits" will not pay attention to children with such names and leave them alone.

Separate Unique Name Components

Between the given name and surname is usually the so-called intermediate, or auxiliary, name. In female names, it is usually Thi, and Wan in male names. The Thi component used to be included in almost all female names. For male names, the choice of “auxiliary” names is wider: as (“intermediate” names there are such as Ngok “jasper”, “jade”, Huu “friend”, “right”, Lien “union”, Xuan “spring” In general, the "utility" name is inconsistent and optional, you can do without it. For example, if a person named Nguyen Van An subsequently does not like this combination, he can take another "utility" name: either Min or Xuan, then there is Nguyen Minh An, Nguyen Xuan An, or completely abandon the "auxiliary" name and write your name simply Nguyen An. The "utility" name appeared much later than the surnames. A long historical era gave names consisting only of surnames and a personal name: Ngo Quyen , Li Bi, Khuk Hao As for female names, at present, on the one hand, Thi is much less often used as part of female names, especially in cities and among the intelligentsia; on the other hand, female personal names have become two-part, as a result of which it became more difficult to distinguish them from men.

If women had one "auxiliary" name, then with male names the situation is somewhat more complicated. Previously, the choice of such names was large, and now their number has been reduced to 12 (Duy, Dinh, Den, Duc, Ngoc, Viet, Phu, Xuan, Huu, Xi, Van, Minh), of which you are the most common, for it is followed by Den and Ding. All these words are borrowed from Chinese.

Despite the fact that in Vietnamese anthroponymy there is no canonized list of names (individual and "intermediate", "auxiliary"), nevertheless, the choice of an "auxiliary" name was not completely arbitrary. It was regulated by historically established rules, according to which all representatives of the same generation within the same family group (ho) had a common element in the name. For example, in the Le clan, one generation has a common element Kam, the second - Hong, the third - Phuok. Thus, by this "auxiliary" name it was possible to determine the degree of kinship with other representatives of the same kindred group. However, there was another practice, when one common element was passed down from generation to generation, for example, the name of the father is Nguyen Van Huyen, the name of the son is Nguyen Van Duy.

Modern naming trends in Vietnam

Currently, these traditions in cities and towns of the "urban type" are being violated; often the "auxiliary" name began to be replaced by the first component of a two-part personal name, for example Xuan Hua. Although each name has an independent meaning, the names often come in pairs. So it is not surprising when “a question addressed to a Vietnamese girl named Hau, which means her name, you can hear in response that her name and the name of her older sister Huang together mean“ queen ”- Huang Hau, and in combination with the name Phuong's younger brother - Hau Phuong means "rear".

In addition, there was a tendency to replace the "auxiliary" name with the mother's surname, for example, Tran Le, Dang Ngyem, which should be associated with the big role that a woman began to play in modern Vietnam, although, however, in the history of Vietnam this practice existed before.

The Vietnamese do not have middle names, as in the old days it was believed that there is nothing worse than mentioning a parent's name out loud. On the contrary, in some rural areas, parents take the names of their children, most often referring to themselves by the name of their eldest son. If the eldest son died, the parents were addressed by the name of their youngest daughter.

How to distinguish one person from another in speech?

It helps that in the Vietnamese language, depending on the relationship, the degree of respect for the interlocutor and the speech situation, a lot of different auxiliary words are used in colloquial (and sometimes written) speech. The following words are usually called before the name: when referring to a man - an "elder brother", ong "master", thang - a word that emphasizes the familiarity of the address, which has a contemptuous connotation; when referring to a woman - ty "elder sister"; when referring to the younger ones - um; when referring to the elders - ku “grandfather”, “grandmother”, “whether words with the meaning “uncle”, “aunt”, “comrade”. It must be emphasized that the use of personal names was limited. Only sometimes in the circle of relatives or close friends, as well as when addressing the younger ones, names were used. For example, children and youth can call each other by name; young people can address each other by name if they know each other well, as well as a boy and a girl who love each other, husband and wife, but never in the presence of strangers - before the birth of children.

Features in the use of names

Until relatively recently, a Vietnamese usually had not one, but several names throughout his life. In early childhood, the boy could bear a "milk" name, known only in the family circle. After reaching adulthood, he received an official name, which accompanied him until the end of his life. Very often, when entering the service, parents and friends also gave the young man a middle name (gen huang). In addition, everyone had the right to choose a pseudonym for themselves (gen chieu). For example, the real name of President Ho Chi Minh was Nguyen Sinh Cung, and when he went to study, his parents, according to the Vietnamese tradition, gave him another name - Nguyen Tat Thanh.

After death, a person usually receives a different name, because among the Vietnamese it is considered a great sin to mention the real, lifetime name of the deceased. A personal posthumous name usually consists of two words that convey dignity or some special character trait of the deceased, for example, Thuan Duc "immaculate virtue."

Where do Vietnamese names come from? After the birth of a child, his father throws a pan on the floor in the kitchen. As it thundered, they called it - Bam Van Dong, Khan Long Gong ...

Vietnamese joke

Vietnamese names consist of three parts: the family name (analogous to our surname), the middle name and the last, individual or given at birth.

For example: Lã Xuân Thắng.

La- family name Xuan- average, Thắng- last thing.

The middle part of the name is usually the same for all children in the family. There are only 300 surnames in Vietnam, and almost half of the country's population has the surname Nguyen. In addition to Nguyen, Le, Chan and Pham are also common surnames.

The names of women after the surname are supplemented by the fourth part - "thi".

Many Vietnamese have secret names known only to themselves and their parents. There is a belief that spoken aloud, this name gives power to evil spirits over its bearer. Therefore, in public places, children are often called in order of birth, for example Ti-hai / Chị Hai, Ti-ba / Chị Ba (Second daughter, Third daughter), etc.

Usually, Vietnamese people have several names throughout their lives. So in the villages, many Vietnamese give small children ugly names (Rat / Chuột, Puppy / Cún, etc.). This is done because of the superstition that the gods will not want to take a child with an ugly name or harm him. Therefore, it is believed that the “simpler” a child’s name is, the easier it is to raise him. Subsequently, many villagers come to work in the city and choose new, beautiful, names, usually with a literal meaning in the Vietnamese language.

For women, names often represent beauty, like the names of birds or flowers. The names of men, on the other hand, reflect the desired attributes and characteristics that parents want to see in their children, such as morality or calmness. In Vietnam, the worship of ancestors is very developed, so after death a person acquires a sacred name for worship, for example: Cụ đồ“, ‛Cụ Tam Nguyên Yên Đổ“, “Ông Trạng Trình (grandfather / old man ..). This name is recorded in the family annals and is considered the main name.

Vietnamese names and their meaning

Male names:

Bao - "protection"
Binh - "peace"
Van - "cloud"
Vien - "completion"
Ding - "top"
Duc - "desire"
Zung - "brave, heroic"
Duong - "courage"
Kuan - "soldier"
Kuang - "clear, clean"
Kui - "precious"
Ming - "bright"
Nguyen - "beginning"
Tea - "oyster"
Tu - "star"
Tuan - "bright"
Thuan - "tamed"
Hoan - "spring"
Hung - "brave, heroic"
Tin - "faith" or "trust"

Women's names:

Beat - "jade"
Kim - "golden"
Kuen - "bird"
Kui - "precious"
Lien - "lotus"
Lin - "spring"
May - "flower"
Ngok - "jewel" or "jade"
Nguet - "moon"
Nyung - "velvet"
Phuong - "phoenix"
Tien - "fairy, spirit"
Tu - "star"
Tuen - "beam"
Tuet - "white snow"
Thanh - "bright, clear, blue"
Thai - "friendly, loyal"
Thi - "poem"
Thu - "autumn"
Hoa - "flower"
Hong - "rose"
Hoan - "spring"
Huong - "pink"
Chau - "pearl"
Ti - "tree branch"

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