Seeing yourself ugly in a dream. Why do ugly people dream


Why do ugly people dream? Each person perceives a dream in his own way, someone may not pay attention to trifles, and someone is very obsessed with what he had a dream today. Do not miss those dreams that say a lot, even that you are in danger of misfortune. As a rule, ugly people, and if there are a lot of them and you are scared in a dream, this sign indicates that your personality “I” is not fully developed. You need to work hard and develop in yourself those qualities that you have little developed, and there is a possibility that they are not even there. So such a dream should not be overlooked. Otherwise you will become unhappy, you will not be perceived as a person. The worst thing is that your relatives will eventually stop visiting you often, and generally call you back. It is necessary to pay attention to the aspects that play an important role in the life of each of us. For example: pay attention to how you perceive information, or whether you know how to listen or hear, and after the analysis, draw a conclusion and work on all the mistakes. If you see yourself in a dream, but in the guise of a freak, then only disappointments from your partner await you. You will begin to have very big difficulties and everything can lead to parting. You have chosen a very difficult partner for your life, if you go through all your difficulties with him, then you will probably stay together, and if not, then parting is inevitable. Even if you recognize yourself in a dream, but you are so scary that you don’t have the strength to look in the mirror, expect not very pleasant news in the near future, such news can serve as an impetus for trouble in your life. Associated problems can break you and if you succumb to this, there is a high probability of losing what you currently have, so think and take your will into a fist and cope with all the obstacles in your life. Perhaps soon you will fall ill with a very strong disease, you will be sick for a very long time, you will not be able to recover soon. To put it differently, this is “rabies”, that is, in your environment there is a person who infuriates you very much, this does not give you any peace. After all, with the advent of it, everything goes upside down for you. It also happens when a woman dreams, it’s even easier to say that she thinks in a dream that she is very ugly and scary, such a sign indicates that she does not behave very worthily in relation to her chosen one in life. All her antics exacerbate the situation, even though she tries to behave appropriately somewhere, but this does not mean that her companion has forgotten about all her antics. Based on this situation, it is necessary to reconsider your behavior, to make a man feel like a man, not a woman. If you do not work on yourself in the near future, this will cause discord in family relationships. Why dream of an ugly face If you have an ugly face in your dream, but you don’t think, and you don’t even see that it is yours, then expect very serious parting words that will not lead to anything good. And if you see your personal face, but it is so terrible that it is even impossible to look, then expect news that will hurt you very much mentally. Of your loved ones will soon die, you will be overtaken by deep and long grief for them. If you cannot overcome these feelings in yourself, there is a high probability of getting lost in life, that is, you will lose your job, seven, and completely disappear from the eyes of your relatives. If in a dream you are standing in the middle, and the most monstrous people are standing around you, it means that this month you will have big troubles at work and in relations with relatives. With their appearance, your life will change. They will amaze you so much that you will immediately change all your views on the values ​​\u200b\u200bof your life. They may not hurt you much, but you should beware of any interference from the boss. If this happens, then you will not be able to understand why it all started. Such a dream portends that the people around you, they may be close or even at work, will offend you very much, which you will not like very much. If these are your colleagues, then you will change jobs, and if they are relatives, then serious quarrels will arise in your family, up to a divorce, but if you survive everything, you will save your family and you will have the strongest relationship with those close to you people. If you dreamed of a disabled person, while he is very scary, then you will become offended by your own relatives. A person close to you can perform the most disgusting act towards you. What will upset you very much, in such a situation it is necessary to prove that he is wrong. But if he does not begin to believe that you are right, but he is not, then communication with him should be limited, otherwise, your life will abruptly go down an inclined staircase.

Ugly, disfigured, freak, Loff's dream book

The deformity dreamed in a dream is a subconscious visual reflection of the sleeper's anxiety about his own body. However, ugliness in a dream does not always have serious grounds for such mirroring, most often being an obsession with the dreamer. Freak people most of all appear in the dreams of someone who is very concerned about the opinions of others. To decipher such a plot, you need to answer the question of how satisfied you are with your body in reality.

A disfigured appearance is also often dreamed of against the background of hormonal changes occurring in the body. For a woman, this can be due to pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman dreams of an ugly child, then this should not necessarily be attributed to the future physical appearance of the fetus. Most often, an ugly baby in a pregnant woman’s dream testifies to her feelings about her own figure, changes in her body, which she finds ugly, ugly.

In addition to all this, the ugliness of the body in a dream can also reflect the moral experiences of the sleeper, as well as become the personification of his bad habits. In addition to the classic ones (smoking, alcohol, etc.), they can include both excessive sexual activity and sexual experience, which is matrixed into the subconscious of the sleeping person as a ban. In this case, the sleeper is afraid in real life to give birth to a freak child.

A freak baby dreaming of a man can personify his inner concern in terms of choosing a life partner, her physical health and ability to reproduce high-quality offspring.

In the event that all of the above possible reasons for the appearance of a freak baby or other ugly body in a dream, including one's own, are excluded, the dream requires serious personal research. since the identification of the prerequisites for this gives the key to understanding an extremely important aspect - the perception by the sleeper of the integrity of his own personality. This is all the more important if dreams of ugliness are repeated.

Dreams in which a person sees disfigured objects may indicate to the sleeper that in the future it will not live up to his hopes. How great the disappointments will be can be determined by the further usefulness of the disfigured objects, whether they can function in any capacity, and so on.

If you dreamed of a freak according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Seeing a freak is good luck.

Talking to him - to a possible inheritance.

Seeing an ugly-looking young man in a dream is a complication in love.

If in a dream you were bitten by a freak, incredible success awaits in some business.

Ugly, disfigured, freak, French dream book

An ugly person, a freak dreams of a successful course of affairs and good news.

If you saw in a dream that you yourself have become ugly, this is a very auspicious dream for your business affairs. He promises great success and promotion. However, the same dream promises not too bright prospects for those who experience some disagreement with their other half. An innocent quarrel can lead to a serious conflict and even a complete breakdown in relations.

According to dream books, the face that appeared in a dream serves as a warning to the dreamer. In order to correctly interpret what kind of message it carries, one must take into account the circumstances in which this symbol appeared, as well as its features.


If you dreamed of a face full of freckles, and the dreamer wanted to get rid of them, this portends minor difficulties in his relationship with the people around him.

The meaning of a bearded male face from a dream is determined taking into account the sex of the sleeping person. For girls, to see a beard means that in reality they consider themselves unfeminine. For men, a hairy face in a dream is a sign that he will achieve success on the personal front.

According to dream books, a face with tattoos symbolizes the dreamer's desire to change everything in his life.

If new moles appear on the face, one should expect the appearance of a traitor in a close circle of friends.

Seeing in a dream a face with a birthmark in the nose area is a warning. In the near future, you need to show moderation in taking alcoholic beverages. If the stain was on the cheek - you should beware of aggression. A spot that appears in the cheek area is considered a sign that if the dreamer does not show caution and attentiveness in the near future, bad consequences await him - this is the interpretation of sleep.

Seeing your face old in a dream portends popularity with the opposite sex in reality. The more wrinkles in a dream, the more boyfriends there will be in reality.

Seeing your dirty face in a dream symbolizes a tendency to emotional instability. This should be taken care of in the near future, to improve your condition, otherwise there is a risk of succumbing to emotions and destroying something valuable in your life.

Seeing your face beautiful is a good omen. Soon you should expect the realization of your innermost dream.

face with deformities

According to dream books, the face of a stranger in painful manifestations and rashes symbolizes the sleeper's caution, his isolation and rejection of new people.

Warts on the face that appeared in a dream are a warning about the imminent emergence of a new enemy. Growths predict replenishment in the family. According to dream books, a face with tumors is a positive omen. This is a sign that the dreamer will soon get rich.

Seeing acne on your face means that in reality the sleeping person will be admired and respected very much. The allergy symptoms seen on the skin in a dream have the same meaning. Acne on the face of a stranger symbolizes the disease of the dreamer himself in reality.

A pimple on the nose is a symbol of a great idea, by implementing which the dreamer will be able to get rich.

Seeing your face in a dream in sores in the forehead area predicts the appearance of envious people in the sleeping person in reality.

A pimple on the lip is a symbol of an upcoming bright love story.

Seeing your face in a dream disfigured by abscesses and blisters is an unpleasant sign. It can mean the appearance of skin diseases in a person in reality. The second meaning is the negative emotions that have accumulated in a person. If they are not disposed of, they can begin to poison his life. If abscesses appeared on the abscesses, and pus appeared out, this is a symbol of overcoming difficulties, from which the sleeper will emerge victorious.

A face that is swollen indicates that one should not attach any importance to condemnation from others. Let them think what they want!

Skin and facial expressions

Seeing your face pale in a dream means the presence of worries and anxieties in the near future, due to which the dreamer will turn pale in life.

If the face turns red or has acquired an unnatural shade, this means that you will soon receive stunning news.

Faces smeared with white paint are associated with theatrical make-up. Seeing your face painted in white in a dream portends the hypocrisy and acting of the sleeping person in reality. If the opposite is true, and the skin is black, in soot, this is a harbinger of the fact that a person can easily cope with a difficult task.

A closed face, when the dreamer understands which of the acquaintances is hiding under the mask, speaks of the dangers that await this acquaintance in life. It is better to warn him about this; such a dream cannot be ignored. Seeing your face as ugly and experiencing sadness and pity about it means that in reality they will take advantage of the dreamer's kindness.

In a dream, the fear of a terrible, old muzzle symbolizes that a person is subjected to occult influence.

Causing harm to a person in a dream

Cuts on the cheeks in a dream are a bad omen. In reality, someone will inflict a deep wound on the heart of the sleeper with their actions full of callousness.

Burns are interpreted as warning symbols. To understand why a face in burns is dreaming, the gender of the dreamer is taken into account. The vision of such a dream by a man predicts future difficulties. According to the dream book, a woman with a burnt face seen in a dream is threatened with the fact that she will soon be burned in a new relationship.

The interpretation of this changes if the burns create an explosion. This symbol is a warning. In reality, the dreamer should be careful and prudent, since such a dream promises an accident. Feeling the pain of burns promises the emergence of new hobbies, but they will not last long in the life of the sleeping person and will not add to his happiness.

The vision of a blood-stained face in a dream is a warning that its owner will commit an unseemly act towards the dreamer.

A scratched face speaks of a collision with injustice in the near future. The dreamer should be careful and vigilant, not revealing anything about himself to gossips.

Actions with a face

In a dream, seeing your face beautiful and admiring it, looking in the mirror, is an extremely positive omen. Soon the dreamer's secret desires will come true.

Looking in the mirror and seeing wounds that heal before your eyes speaks of the inner strength and invulnerability of the dreamer.

Looking at the flaws on your own face in the mirror is a sign indicating the dreamer's selfishness and the complexity of his relationship with others. If the dreamer pays particularly close attention to the nose, this indicates his tendency to masturbate. Examining a man’s own mouth in a dream is considered an indication of his timidity in communicating with the opposite sex in real life and a simultaneous penchant for rich fantasy. If he examines his teeth, in reality he is ashamed of his own tendency to masturbate and is afraid of public opinion.

For a woman to look at her nose means to have hidden fantasies and be afraid to bring them to life. For a girl to look at her own teeth means to want children.

Looking at other people's faces in a dream means suffering from psychological complexes in reality.

Slapping someone in a dream predicts that in reality the sleeping person will need to show strength and character in order to achieve what they want. If the sleeper himself is hit, changes are prepared for him that will require the same.

If a dog licked his face in a dream, you should heed the advice of friends.

The skin peeling off the face in a dream has several meanings. In cases where beautiful skin is found after peeling it off, this is a good sign: positive changes in life will occur in the near future. If the dreamer himself removes the skin, he has the opportunity to make a good profit at this stage of his life path.

If the dreamer hit someone in the face, this symbolizes his aggression, which he does not give vent to. If a man receives blows, this predicts an upcoming fight with many difficulties. If a wife hits her husband in the face, this promises serious disagreements between them.

To cut someone means to commit unseemly acts in reality.

Kissing the face of a loved one in a dream predicts a short separation.

Spitting in the face of a friend means that in reality the dreamer will defeat him. Spitting at the enemy predicts the imminent arrival of some kind of disaster in his life. When receiving a spit, the sleepers themselves should prepare for a collision with condemnation.

The wind blowing in the face symbolizes the presence of difficulties on the path of life. They can slow down the dreamer and prevent him from developing. Falling face down in the dirt predicts a serious mistake in reality. The presence of worms and spiders on the face is a symbol of great luck, big money and positive news.

Manipulations with the face in a dream

The use of creams and face masks in a dream predicts the favor of fortune. However, their excessively dense application indicates the isolation of the sleeper.

If the dreamer shaves his face, the accompanying circumstances must be taken into account for interpretation.

In cases where the dreamer is pleased with himself, this is a sign of a high chance for a person to achieve what he wants. When a pregnant woman shaves in a dream, she should expect a boy. If a girl paints in a dream, she should think over her decisions more carefully, because in this period of time there is a great chance to do something that she will regret.

The imposition of defiant makeup in a dream indicates that one of the close friends has to hide something interesting under the masks of decency.

The use of powder in a dream predicts a collision with hypocrisy. A dreamer who powders his nose can cause suffering to relatives with his dishonest actions.

If the sleeper washed his face, luck will smile on him in life. When soap is used at the same time, and there is dirt on the face, one should expect repentance in reality.

Owners of faces in dreams

If the dreamer observes his own physiognomy in a dream, his facial expressions are taken into account for the interpretation of this symbol. Pride in the look predicts an improvement in the situation in society, tension - difficulties. If a person is dissatisfied with what he sees, this is a sign of future diseases. Seeing someone else's traits instead of one's own means experiencing confusion in reality ..

For a woman to see a look full of love from a male representative promises a quick wedding. Most likely, the groom is already next to her. Negative emotions on his face promise the dreamer's dissatisfaction with her fiancé and distrust of him. For a man, the vision of a woman's face predicts intrigue on the love front.

If a pregnant woman sees a baby face, this symbolizes her natural anxiety, characteristic of everyone who is preparing to become a mother.

The dead man dreams of future events. If his face is full of peace, this predicts good luck and good fortune. The alarming symbol is his agony - this is a sign of failure that awaits the dreamer.

Sleeping with a faceless person is a warning. Enemies follow the dreamer.

Additional characters

For the correct interpretation of dreams with faces, all accompanying circumstances must be taken into account. Of great importance is the specific color of the appearance and to whom it belongs in general.

Seeing your face turn black means expecting difficulties in the near future. And the black face of another person promises to receive good news soon. To see a Negro is to have a hypocritical friend. Having received such a warning, it is worth being vigilant, because the enemy may begin to intrigue.

To meet in a dream a face with ugly thick lips predicts too impulsive actions in life. A face with pretty lips and a smile promises good relationships and prosperity. For lovers, such a dream predicts strong mutual feelings. The thinness of the lips portends the dreamer's overcoming difficult situations.

Inflammation and painful swelling of the lips symbolize the presence of diseases of people from the inner circle.

If a person in a dream was surrounded by faces glowing with happiness, in reality his fate will turn out well. You should be wary if the people around were with a frown and a bad mood. This is an omen of trouble and misfortune.

Bruises on faces in a dream are a symbol of difficulties on the path of life. Seeing bruises on her face by a woman means that she is outraged and enraged by her actions. He can break loose and stop communicating for a while. If bruises in a dream on the face of a loved one, he will soon be blamed for what he did not do. Beating another until bruising indicates that people close to the person are deceiving him. A lot of bruises on a man in a dream indicates that the dreamer's partner is unfaithful.

A bloody face is considered an auspicious symbol. It usually promises good money and great news from relatives. If the blood came from a cut, this symbol has a negative interpretation. Because of the actions of others, the dreamer will suffer mentally.

Wiping blood from your face predicts an improvement in relationships with relatives.

The meanings of modern dream books

A vision in the mirror of one's own face is a reflection of how unsatisfactorily the dreamer's affairs are going in reality. The second interpretation, which is acceptable in the presence of positive emotions in a dream, is that this is a sign of future profits.

If a person in a dream is satisfied with his complexion, interesting news awaits him that will please him.

If the face shines with beauty, it promises reconciliation and successful completion of projects.

However, an indecently beautiful face is a warning that a person should give up bad habits and carefully monitor his words and actions. During this period of time, there is a greater likelihood of regretting one's own actions.

Looking at your own reflection for a long time indicates the need to make an important decision that will affect the future of the sleeper.

A face smeared with mud promises the sleeper public condemnation, his good name will be dishonored and mixed with mud. However, one should not attach great importance to this, because public opinion is a fickle and very changeable thing.

If your own face in a dream changes beyond recognition, this is a harbinger that the dreamer's life will change very much. He himself will ask himself in surprise “Is it me?”. This symbol also has such a meaning in the case when the face of a friend changes in a dream.

Being surrounded by many people promises changes in life. It is worth fearing if they are distorted by evil grimaces. This is a harbinger of future losses and the invasion of enemies.

Looking into the face of a friend who is looking at the dreamer indicates this person's distrust of the sleeper, his attempts to find out as much information about him as possible before the start of rapprochement or partnership.

Seeing in a dream the face of your partner with a beautiful and beautiful complexion promises good luck and success in business.

The swarthy face of a dreaming stranger marks well-being in all endeavors. If the woman's face was swarthy, the interpretation of the dream will be negative. In the near future, the dreamer expects a serious illness.

If the physiognomy from the dream was interesting, this indicates that in life the sleeper is dissatisfied with himself, sick or poor.

The pallor of his own face indicates the dreamer's weak character or an unenviable position in life in which he will forget about happiness. This situation can change in a short time, it is worth showing fortitude and not giving up in front of difficulties, thinking up problems for yourself. Fighting for your position and your dreams will lead to a return of joy and pleasure in life.

Paleness on the face of the enemy in a dream indicates failures in his affairs caused by the actions of the dreamer. Now he can rejoice, but it will not last long.

Looking at the face through the glass means expecting future changes for the better and successful completion of affairs.

Using facial cosmetics for a man predicts public condemnation.

Hiding one's own face indicates the troubled conscience of the sleeper.


If a person sees a face in a dream, the best solution would be to be careful and vigilant in the near future, because in most cases this symbol warns a person against taking rash actions. Of course, the accompanying symbols must be taken into account, since the meaning of sleep, taking into account them, can be interpreted in the opposite sense.

The fact that someone might try to drag you into a case that threatens to turn into big trouble.

Ugly woman in a dream- a sign of pernicious passion, succumbing to which, you risk ruining your life. After such a dream, you should control your feelings and not succumb to any dangerous temptations.

Modern combined dream book

If you met a disgustingly ugly person in a dream- this means that your appearance will become the subject of discussion and envy.

If you were born a freak- this dream should alert you: you are doing something dangerous and threatening with dire consequences.

If you see ugly creatures hatched from eggs- it means that you will become a witness of an event that will make an indelible impression on you.

If instead of your own reflection in the mirror you see an ugly monster- this means that you are dissatisfied with the attitude of others around you; You are afraid of coming changes.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Freak- dreams of an insult.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Freak- the rage that you experience from meeting one person.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Freak- a disgusting act will be committed in relation to your loved ones.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you had an ugly appearance- Trouble awaits you in business.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends turned into a freak This person will be in trouble soon.

Meet the freak- to money.

Fight with a freak- to improve the situation.

In a dream, you saw someone beating a freak- soon your family will be enriched, and something will fall to you.

kill the freak- to good luck.

If you dreamed that someone killed a freak- soon one of your close relatives will be lucky, he (she) will receive a lot of money, but you will not get anything.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Meet the freak- to good luck or receiving unexpected income (inheritance). For lovers, such a dream means doubts.

see yourself as a freak- to all sorts of failures, and for the patient - to death.

Mythological dream book

Freak- a disabled person from birth; in some folk traditions, freaks are considered the children of the devil - trouble, bad progress; something ugly (feelings, vices) of the sleeper himself or failure in his affairs.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

In a dream, the image of a crippled freak- there is a phenomenon of only one's own internal distortions and problems: the body in a dream lets you know about the problem; since they don’t want to notice problems in reality, its image is given in a dream for clarity, terrible and fantastic, but attracting attention and pushing for action.

To see a freak and be afraid of your dream- this is a manifestation of fear of the future, passivity, weakness, inertia. Sleep is unfavorable: attention should be paid to health, since all career and personal affairs due to lack of energy end in failure.

To see a freak and try to leave, quietly turn away- a dream means extreme uncertainty and misunderstanding of the meaning of one's life and any connection with the common life of mankind, nature and the Cosmos. An attempt to protect oneself from internal problems by flight has never brought good luck to anyone. The dream speaks of the need for psychological and medical (secondarily) help.

Seeing yourself / someone close as a freak- the body gives a sign of a growing internal problem, the energy blocks developed by the wrong worldview are ready to manifest as a disease.

To see a freak of one of the elders in the family (living or dead)- means a serious violation of generic information.

Deformity of the progenitor- will affect physical illnesses.

Seeing yourself as a freak without shame, fear and other negative emotions / helping a cripple / freak without disgust in a dream - a dream means getting rid of fears and the power of your own negative emotions. Such a dream is usually preceded by ill health or trouble, prolonged bad luck, an unfavorable course of affairs, but soon everything will change for the better if the dreamer, realizing the causes of his misfortunes, intelligently continues the internal struggle for liberation begun by his body.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Freak seen in a dream- means failure in business.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Freak- some kind of "ugly" feeling of the sleeping person himself, forbidden desires, his own vices and harm.

See- failure in business, plans.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

freak to see- the project you are currently working on will not be successful. You'd better change your plans.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

To meet a freak in a dream is a sign that someone may try to drag you into a business that threatens to turn into big trouble.

An ugly woman in a dream is a sign of a destructive passion, succumbing to which, you risk ruining your life. After such a dream, you should control your feelings and not succumb to any dangerous temptations.

What is the dream of a freak

Spring dream book

Freak - a disgusting act will be committed in relation to your loved ones.

What is the dream of a freak

Summer dream book

Freak - dreams of an insult.

What is the dream of a freak

Autumn dream book

Ugly - the frenzy that you experience from meeting one person.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you had an ugly appearance, then troubles await you in business.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or acquaintances turned into a freak, this person will have trouble in the near future.

Meet a freak - for money.

Fight with a freak - to improve the situation.

In a dream, you saw someone beating a freak - soon your family will get rich, and something will fall to you.

Kill a freak - good luck.

If you dreamed that someone killed a freak - soon one of your close relatives will be lucky, he (she) will receive a lot of money, but you will not get anything.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

To see a freak is luck, inheritance; for young lovers - doubt.

What is the dream of a freak

Modern dream book

If you met a disgustingly ugly person in a dream, this means that your appearance will become the subject of discussion and envy.

If you have a freak born - this dream should alert you: you are doing something dangerous and threatening with dire consequences.

If you see ugly creatures hatched from eggs, it means that you will witness an event that will make an indelible impression on you.

If instead of your own reflection in the mirror you see an ugly monster - this means that you are unhappy with the attitude of those around you; You are afraid of coming changes.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Ugly - You see in a dream a person has an ugly face - a dream suggests that many people consider you beautiful and discuss your appearance with pleasure; do not give these people a reason to say that your appearance does not match your content. Your child seems to have a congenital deformity - the business you are currently busy with is fraught with complications; in the future, you will regret more than once that you took it on. It’s like you look into the mirror and see your ugly face - you really think that others don’t treat you well enough; but you do not know how to change this attitude, and therefore you are uneasy about your future.

What is the dream of a freak

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Monsters, freaks in a dream - your bad inclinations and criminal thoughts that you are fighting. In military uniform - your rage and anger. In royal attire - your ambition, thirst for power. Naked - erotic attraction. In rags, dirt - demons of licentiousness, drunkenness, laziness. Lushly dressed up or in magnificent shoes - demons born of greed. They build - you create something evil in your life. Destroy - you destroy the good, the good in yourself. They crowd, staged a meeting, rallies - you have bred so many of them that you will soon become powerless against them. They go quietly in procession - they penetrate your deeds and actions against your will. They go in a noisy crowd or procession - they are about to manifest themselves destructively and catastrophically for you.

To meet a two-headed person is your dual position, the absence of a single line in behavior and spiritual life.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Freak - Meet an old enemy, and this can harm you in your current Business. Imagine that a freak gets plastic surgery and becomes handsome.

What is the dream of a freak

Big dream book

Freak - See - luck, inheritance; for young lovers - doubt.

What is the dream of a freak

Old Russian dream book

Freak - Seen in a dream, means failure in business.

What is the dream of a freak

Old Russian dream book

to see - luck, inheritance; for young lovers - doubt.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream Interpretation Morozova

To meet a freak - to good luck or to receive unexpected income (inheritance). For lovers, such a dream means doubts.

Seeing yourself as a freak - to all sorts of failures, and for the patient - to death.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

In a dream, the image of a crippled freak is a phenomenon of only one's own internal distortions and problems: the body in a dream lets you know about the problem; since they don’t want to notice problems in reality, its image is given in a dream for clarity, terrible and fantastic, but attracting attention and pushing for action.

Seeing a freak and being afraid of your dream is a manifestation of fear of the future, passivity, weakness, inertia. Sleep is unfavorable: attention should be paid to health, since all career and personal affairs due to lack of energy end in failure.

To see a freak and try to leave, quietly turn away - a dream means extreme uncertainty and misunderstanding of the meaning of one's life and any connection with the common life of mankind, nature and the Cosmos. An attempt to protect oneself from internal problems by flight has never brought good luck to anyone. The dream speaks of the need for psychological and medical (secondarily) help.

Seeing yourself / someone close as a freak - the body gives a sign of a growing internal problem, energy blocks developed by the wrong worldview are ready to manifest as a disease.

Seeing a freak of one of the elders in the family (living or dead) means a serious violation of tribal information.

The ugliness of the progenitor will affect physical illnesses.

Seeing yourself as a freak without shame, fear and other negative emotions / helping a cripple / freak without disgust in a dream - a dream means getting rid of fears and the power of your own negative emotions. Such a dream is usually preceded by ill health or trouble, prolonged bad luck, an unfavorable course of affairs, but soon everything will change for the better if the dreamer, realizing the causes of his misfortunes, intelligently continues the internal struggle for liberation begun by his body.

What is the dream of a freak

Dream interpreter 1829

A freak seen in a dream means failure in business.

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