Types of musical activity in the preparatory group. Synopsis of musical educational activities for the development of creative imagination in the preparatory group


Abstract of thematic musical activity in the preparatory group "In the world of sounds"

Synopsis of a music lesson in a preparatory group

Synopsis of thematic musical activity "In the world of sounds" (rustling) for children of the preparatory group

Material Description: I offer you a summary of musical activities for children of the preparatory group on the topic "Development of search activity in the field of sounds in the process of organized musical activity." This is a summary of cognitive activity aimed at developing interest in rustling sounds, methods of extracting sounds from various objects, developing creative imagination and thinking.


Introduce children to rustling sounds, objects that make them.

Promote the development of cognitive activity, the subtleties of timbre hearing.

Develop sound fantasy, associative thinking.

To cultivate love for nature, to see its beauty.


Encourage children to dance improvisation.

· To teach children to classify sounds according to the nature of their sound.

Organize the simplest problem-research activity in the classroom.

Develop creative imagination and thinking.

Develop the ability to hear the beauty of subtle rustling and rustling sounds.

· Build a positive relationship with each other.

Educational areas:"Cognition", "Music", "Communication".

Materials: Leaves from trees (maple, oak, birch), one for each child; silhouettes or pictures of trees (maple, oak, birch); rustling and rustling objects: newsprint, notebook sheets, corrugated paper, foil, cellophane, cellophane curtain, multi-colored boxes with cereals; Shurshunchik, a multi-colored box with rustling butterflies made from candy wrappers and toothpicks; maracas.

MD move

Children enter the hall to the music.

1. Musical game "Hello"(development of friendly relations with each other).

Children walk scattered around the hall to the music, but when they hear the ringing of a bell, they should give a hand to the child standing in front of him and say “Hello!”. The game is played 2-3 times.

2. Game motivation "Leaf fall".

Sounds "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky. The music director, reading an excerpt from a poem, scatters autumn leaves.

leaf fall, leaf fall

Yellow leaves are flying

Under the foot rustle, rustle,

Soon the garden will be bare.

(V. Mirovich "Leaf fall").

3. Heuristic conversation.

What season is this poem talking about? (Answers of children).

Take, please, one leaf of your choice. (Children collect leaves).

Look at your leaves and tell me what tree your leaf is from? (Answers of children).

4. Didactic game "Collect a circle near your tree"(on the development of attention, the ability to navigate in space).

To slow music, children go around their “trees” (“We walk, we run”, E. Tilicheeva), to fast music they run scattered across the carpet. When the music ends, the children should form a circle around their tree.

And what sounds do fallen leaves make when we walk on them for a walk in the park? (children's answers)

Guys, and you and I know the song about the rustling of leaves. What is it called? Let's sing it.

5. Performance of the song "Shur - Shur", words and music by I. Osokina.

Children sing 1 verse and chorus.

6. Plastic study "Leaves are spinning"(an exercise for the development of creative imagination - getting used to the image). Sounds "Waltz" A. Griboyedov.

Children, let's now turn into autumn leaves with you and move to the music.

Performing a creative task, children depict leaves. Everyone moves in their own way in accordance with the nature of the music.

Yes, in autumn, leaves fall from the trees, they cover the ground like a carpet and rustle under the feet of passing people. Do you like the sound of rustling leaves? (Answers of children).

7. Problematic - search situation.

Guys, can we now, without going outside, hear the rustle of fallen leaves in the hall? How can I do that? What will help us?

Children offer various options, try to extract sounds from different objects lying on the table, comparing the resulting sound with the rustling of fallen leaves. They come to the conclusion that most of all the sound of fallen leaves resembles the rustling of crumpled paper.

Let's imagine that many, many leaves attacked, and we all walk along them together.

It sounds like “We walk, we run” by E. Tilicheeva. Children perform calm walking and rustle sheets of paper

8. Sounding of V. Lunin's poem "Rustle".

The music director reads a poem, the children try to voice it with the help of objects lying on the table.

Rustle, whisper

Noise under the window

The spanking is light. Who is this gnome?

Sh-sh-sh! There behind the curtains near the window,

Silence rustles with a nimble mouse.

(V. Lunin).

9. Game motivation. The arrival of the Shurshunchik from the "Room of Sounds" (Activation of children's attention).

They all approach the window together, open the curtain. Behind which is Shurshunchik.

Oh who is it? Where did you come from?

Shushunchik: Hello guys! My name is Shurshunchik. I really like rustling sounds. I was walking past the hall and heard that the fallen leaves were rustling, so I decided to go in to see if it was so.

Children with a musical director are considering Shurschunchik, stroking him. They come to the conclusion that he himself is all rustling.

And where do you live?

Shurshunchik: I live in the Sound Room. I have a lot of different items that rustle there. I invite you to visit me, come.

Be sure to come, thanks for the invitation.

10. Surprise moment. Shurshunchik gives children rustling butterflies.

Shurshunchik: And in memory of our meeting, I will give you rustling butterflies from my box. I do not say goodbye to you, but I say goodbye to you!

Hands out butterflies and leaves. Children say goodbye to Shurschunchik.

11. Pictogram(fixing children's ideas).

The lesson is summed up.

Topic:"Early spring".

Target: Formation in children of interest in artistic and creative activities.


1. Learn on your own, come up with the simplest musical melodies and play them on children's musical instruments.

2. Learn to invent movements that reflect a piece of music, act expressively with imaginary objects.

3. Learn to evaluate yourself.

4. To form the ability to perform the "canon" of well-known songs and chants.

5.Develop communication skills.

6. Develop the need for self-expression.

7. Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

Vocabulary work: replenish the children's dictionary with the names of the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning the dance "Hi".

2. Musical and didactic game "Everyone plays and sings", "Almatina".

3. Acquaintance with various musical instruments and playing them in noise orchestras.

4. Learning the song "Ladybug" (children's folklore).

5. Listening to musical works "Droplet" (Orforchestre), "Aquarium" by C. Saint-Saens.

6. Learning the poem "Underwater Kingdom" by T. Koti.

Activity progress:

The song “Solar drops” sounds, the children enter the hall under it and stop in a circle, greet the guests with a song.

(Slide 1. Spring appears on the screen)

Teacher: Guys, pay attention to the picture, what time of the year do you think is depicted on it?

Children: Spring!

Teacher: By what signs did you guess that it was Spring? (children talking)

What poem goes with this picture? (reading a poem)

Spring is coming to us with quick steps

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Dark thawed patches are visible across the fields,

You can see the very warm feet of Spring.

(A droplet enters the hall to the sound of a bell, she cries)

Teacher: Look, Droplet is crying, something must have happened to her?

Droplet: I lagged behind my girlfriends and now I don’t know how to find my way to my family, to other droplets.

Teacher: Guys, do you want to help Kapelka? Children: We want!

Droplet: Great! Thank you kids! Then we turn into droplets. And we're on our way!

(transformation music sounds, children put on droplets - medals)

Teacher: Listen to the first task-

Come up to dance hello new spring greeting. For example, instead of the word "Hello" sing the song of the spring drops. Today you went to our lesson to the song “Solar drops”, what song did the drops sing there?

Children: Ding dong!

Teacher: And how else can droplets sing!

Children come up with (tap-tap, tuk-tuk, boom-boom, etc.)

Teacher: So, we dance 3 dances:

1st time we sing "ding-ding".

2nd time we sing (children offer) "Boom-boom",

3rd time we sing (for example) "Drip-drip".

Dance "Hi" (3 performances) (droplet claps hands)

Teacher: Droplet is glad that we coped with the first task, and we move on. In the spring, many sounds appear, let's “sound”, and the game “Everyone plays and sings” will help us in this.

Musical and didactic game "Everyone plays and sings"

(Children come to the tables and choose any musical noise instrument from those offered and sit on the carpet, on their knees)

The children sing a song, the leader walks between them and by the end of the song stops facing any of the children, everyone sings his name and he performs a “solo” on his instrument, at the end of the melody he invented, they change places with the leader and becomes the leader himself. (We play 5-6 times and at the end of the game we perform the song again and everyone plays their instruments together).

Everyone plays and sings, music lives everywhere!

Everyone plays and sings everywhere music lives!

.... (name) ... let him start now!

(droplet claps hands and a bell is heard)

Teacher: A droplet is glad that we coped with this task together, let's move on. In spring, all nature wakes up: trees, animals, and insects.

Let's remember our song about the ladybug.

Singing "Ladybug"

1. In a general circle with sounding gestures.

2. "Canon" in 2 circles.

3. "Canon" in 4 circles.

4. Each circle comes up with new, their own sounding gestures for this song and performs them in turn.

(droplet claps hands again)

Droplet: Well done! Well done!

(a fragment of the music “Droplet” performed by Orforkestre sounds)

Teacher: Guys, do you hear what kind of music sounds?

Children: The music is called "Drop", it was invented by musicians from Orforkestre.

Teacher: Great, because she will show us the way to Droplet's friends, and if we go along the path with this music, then we, of course, will find where they are.

Sit down as friends, and we will remember the "History of the Drop". So. Spring came, the sun warmed, the snow began to melt. (The child continues) Droplet appeared and jumped off the roof, and next to it many, many more droplets jumped off the roof and a stream appeared and ran along the path. (Continued by another child). On the way, more and more droplets joined the stream, it became larger and wider and the stream ran into a large river. For a long time, the droplets floated along with the big river, and finally, they reached the wide and spacious sea and began to swing on the waves and have fun. They were home.

Teacher: Well done! And now we must show the droplet all this way with movements and lead it to the sea. Let's consult on how we will move and, after all, it is necessary that all our movements correspond to the music.

Here, for example, at the very beginning, how do the droplets move?

Children: Jump!

Teacher: Do they all jump at once?

Children: No, first one by one, and then all together.

Teacher: And now let's try to do this and, for convenience, sit on the chairs. One drop jumped off the roof - Jump! (the child jumps from the chair and so on in turn all the children, in conclusion, all the droplets jump). Guys, how can we depict, show the movement of a stream? (we listen to the suggestions of the children, depict a stream) Suggest how we can depict a wide river? (listen to the suggestions of the children and make movements). But how can we show the sea? (again, listen to all suggestions and execute).

Have a seat guys. Now the artists will perform the play "The Story of a Drop". (Sounds of music "Droplet")

Performance "The Story of a Droplet"

(Slide 2. Against the background of the sea, a drop jumps with her girlfriends)

Droplet: Hurrah! I found my family and met my girlfriends. I want to thank you for your help. Do you want to visit the seabed. Want to? Then let's dive! (make a swimmer move)

Game "Underwater Kingdom"» Music by C. Saint-Saens, Lyrics by T. Coty.

The underwater forest is swaying

As if in the wind. (show

It's gloomy here, mysteriously algae)

Both in cold and in heat.

mother-of-pearl streams,

Multi-colored scales, (show fish)

Butterfly fish flutter

Like stars sparkle.

Inexpressible beauty

Flowers have grown in the sea, (anemones show)

But those flowers are not simple

Their petals are alive.

Moray eel, barracuda

Where are they sailing from? (show predatory fish)

funny cuttlefish

Slowly rolls along the bottom. (walk backwards)

Stars in the sky high (pointing up)

Stars in the sea deep. (showing to the floor, drawing out phrases)

They shine there, they sparkle here, (pointing up, down)

And getting them is not easy. (denial movement) (last 2 lines repeat 2 times)

The underwater forest is swaying

As if in the wind, (show algae)

It's dark and mysterious here

Both in cold and in heat.

Droplet: I give you figurines of marine animals as a keepsake, but pay attention - they are of different colors. I ask you to choose: red - if you did all the tasks correctly, blue - if not everything worked out, yellow - if nothing worked at all. (Children choose figurines).

Teacher: Katya, why did you choose the red figurine?

Teacher: Alyosha, why did you take the blue figurine?

Teacher: It's time to say goodbye!

Goodbye, Droplet!

(the music of transformation sounds and the children take off the medals-droplets)

Teacher: So we returned to our kindergarten. Look at our many more Droplet gifts, let's give them to our guests as a keepsake of our meeting. (Children distribute souvenirs, say goodbye with a song and leave the hall to the song “Solar drops”).


1. "Playing music" E.V. Boyarkova "Music director" No. 4, 2009

2. "Integration in creativity" T. Doronova "Hoop" No. 3, 2011.

3. “The joy of joining creativity” N.A. Goryaev

4. "Music Director" No. 5, 2007

5. “Blue Dream” by T.E. Tyutyunnikov. Moscow. 2015

6. "Chest with spillikins" by T.E. Tyutyunnikov (musical games)

7. “I am learning to create. Elementary music making: music, speech, movement” Moscow. 2009

8.Musical discs of T.E. “Learning to create” No. 1, 2,3

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a combined type No. 29 of the city of Yeysk MO Yeysk district

Summary of continuous educational activities in the educational field of artistic and aesthetic development "Musical activity" for the preparatory group using gaming technology in music classes at the preschool educational institution "on the topic:

"Magical sounds live next to us."

Musical director:

Netrebko Elena Konstantinovna

Date: 03/17/2017

Purpose: Arouse interest in art, introduce children to elementary concepts in musical, theatrical, visual arts in order to teach them to perceive the artistic images of music, theater, painting, encourage empathy, cooperation, development of artistic abilities; draw attention to literature about different types of art, books about composers, artists, artists. Education in children of senior preschool age of an emotional attitude to the world around them through music.

Equipment: pictures - a portrait of A. Fet, a lumberjack, cracked glass, a thunderstorm, wooden sticks, paper, household appliances, bells, a musical primer, a box.

Children go into the hall to the music and stop in a circle.
Musical director: Let's say hello by singing in the middle register: "Hello!"
Musical director: “Without arms and legs, but talking. Does he answer in the forest? Ay! (Echo)
Game "Naughty echo".
Purpose: development of pitch hearing in combination with a sense of harmony.
Children in a circle musical director: sings the name of the child and throws the ball to him, he repeats returning the ball back.
Playing with the bell "A lark sang in the sky."
Breathing and voice training
"Opening the creaky door."
We depict a creaky door with vocal cords, as if at first it does not give in, and then we managed to open it.
(relieve stress)
"Ride the Elevator"
Raising your hand up and down, we accompany the elevator ride with sound, changing the timbre of the voice. (Upper floor - high, lower - low)
Children are divided into groups of birds and bears, dress an attribute. (bear, birds)

Educator: Let's be silent for a minute and listen to the world around us. Do you think this world is silent? Or not?
(Children listen for a minute.)
So what did you hear? (The steps and speech of people, the noise of cars outside the window, the creak of doors.) We hear something all the time, our ears are constantly at work, and the world around us is sounding.
Dear Guys! Today we will take a journey into the magical world of sounds.
Let's start the lesson with a fun exercise:

caregiver: What are we doing now? Child: They stomped, clapped, made noise.

caregiver: How can you call such sounds (stomping, clapping, knocking?)
Children: they are called noises.

Musical director b: Let's play: I will include noises, and you guess them, includes soundtracks of various noises.

The called children determine the music and show the picture. Noises are:

Two children help to choose objects and they are voiced.
One child chooses and shows the picture accordingly. The second plays with wooden sticks, taps on the glass with a plastic stick, tears paper, throws coins.
(Show pictures - coins, woodcutter, broken glass.)

Musical director: Now close your eyes and listen to the next noise. (The music director turns on the soundtrack - the noise of a thunderstorm. Reads A. Fet's poem “ I love a thunderstorm in early May", showing illustrations depicting spring nature. A portrait of A. Fet on a magnetic board)

spring thunderstorm
I love the storm in early May,

When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.
The young peals are thundering,
Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.
An agile stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
And the noise of the forest and the noise of the mountains -
Everything echoes cheerfully to the thunders.
You say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus' eagle
A thundering cup from the sky
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.
A. Feta
Can the noise of thunderstorms, rain be attributed to noises? Not! All these are the voices of nature.

Back massage "Thunder" children turn one after another to the right, then to the left when repeating.
Thunder, thunder like cannons fists all over the back
Today is a frog holiday.
We need, we need. - tapping with fingertips.
Disperses to home. - stroking with palms from top to bottom.
Musical director: let's remember what sounds are?

Children: musical and non-musical sounds.
Musical director: Let's do a quiz. I name the sounds, and you classify them as musical or non-musical! Deal?

Well done! Now we know what sounds surround us, we will hide all the “secrets” that we have just discovered with you in our magic box.
I ask you to listen to listen to various sounds at home, and draw your impressions on a piece of paper and tell me what these sounds are at the next lesson! And also - draw what you remember in this lesson. See you soon!
Children under the "March" of Bogoslovsky leave the hall.

Main goals:

- develop an interest in music as an art form;

- to develop the musical abilities of children;

- to teach children to express themselves through music, other forms of art;

- to form an aesthetic taste.

Playable character: a cheerful note made of cardboard or voluminous.


surprise moment

Goals: arouse interest in activities, attract attention; exercise in pure intonation of sound; consolidate knowledge of the names of musical notes.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the unusual decoration of the group: a stave on the board, a musical corner, a set of bells, illustrations depicting musical instruments, elements of costumes, scenery, etc.

The teacher's assistant discreetly turns on the tape recorder. The teacher is surprised. Makes the assumption that someone came to visit the children before them. Invites the children to think about where the guest wants to invite the children. After the musical fragment, an audio letter begins to sound from the Fairy of Music, who sends her daughter to the children to bring them to the Land of Music. But the daughter will appear only after the children guess the riddle: "Seven swallows are sitting on four wires, each in its place." (Notes.)

The teacher invites the children to call a note. “Just what to call? There are seven of them." Offers to call in turn, starting with the first. The teacher uses a metallophone so that the children can clearly intotone.

The note responds to the sound "la". Children find her behind a tape recorder (in a musical corner, attached high on a curtain, etc.).

Conversation with children

Target: find out the musical preferences of children, favorite activities in music classes.

A cheerful note wants to know what children have heard about the Land of Music, what kind of music do they like best, what do they like best - listen to music, sing songs, dance to music, play music games?

Musical and didactic game "Sing your name"

Goals: develop children's singing skills; teach to sing the phrase melodiously, drawlingly.

Notka wants to get to know the children, find out their names. Only the name should not be called, but sung: "My name is Masha."

Children pass a note from hand to hand in a circle and sing their name (girls in high voices, boys in low voices). Notka suggests that in the Land of Music not to talk, but to sing. Gives an example: “Anna Vasilievna, what do we have for breakfast today?” (sings). Teacher: “Today, semolina porridge for breakfast” (sings).

Notka invites children to try.

Morning exercises to music with dance elements

Goals: learn to combine movement with music; increase motor activity, emotional background.

Notka invites children to move to the music in order to become cheerful and energize for the whole day.


Complex lesson "Sorceress-Music"

Goals: develop an ear for music, imagination, visual skills, pantomimic expressiveness, the ability to improvise; form an aesthetic taste; consolidate knowledge of basic emotions and emotionally charged feelings.

Notka invites children to the magical Land of Music, where everything is unusual and mysterious. Content:

- listening to classical works (corresponding to the age of children), filled with emotions of joy, sadness, sadness, fear, etc., talking about the mood caused by music; image of the mood in watercolor using the “wet sheet” method;

- musical and plastic improvisation such as "We are feathers", "We are maple leaves", "We are butterflies", etc., in which children, to the music and the accompanying word of the teacher in pantomime, movements, embody the image, each in their own way .

Motor-plastic exercise "Cheerful orchestra"

Our orchestra plays together Children rhythmically imitate the movements of the conductor.

He knows everything about music.

Gently the violin plays Imitate playing the violin.

She calls after her.

The trumpets blew loudly They imitate trumpet playing with fists.

And the cymbals were beaten to the beat. Make claps with open palms.

Then the pipe blows, They imitate playing the flute with their fingers.

And the guitar string is ringing. Imitate playing the guitar.

The drum came on like thunder Imitate drumming with sticks.

He covers everyone. Make covering movements with the palms down.

Game "Moving Ornaments"

To the music, children, rearranging themselves, form compositions: “Circle”, “Snake”, “Square”, - of the same size.

Playing with singing without musical accompaniment

Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with the ball. He sings the question, then tosses the ball to any child who must answer by catching the ball and bringing it back. Condition: keep the same pace from the beginning to the end of the game.


Who composes the music? (Composer.)

Who is in charge of the orchestra? (Conductor.)

Who plays the violin? (Violinist.)

Who performs the music? (Musician.)

What is the name of the performance where they sing all the time? (Opera.)

Dance games "Do this", "Do not do this"

Target: teach to coordinate movements with music and expressively show actions in the same rhythm with the leader.

Notka invites children to fool around a little and play an interesting game.

"Do it like this"

If life is fun, do this ... (shows).

If we have fun, we will smile at each other.

If life is fun, do this ... (shows).

Gestures and movements can be:

- two hand claps in front of the chest;

- two clicks of the fingers;

- two punches in the chest;

- two shows of the "nose of Pinocchio";

- retraction of the ears;

- tongue movements left and right;

- stroking the abdomen;

- hands to the side;

- movement at the temple;

- two slaps on the pope.

"Do not do that"

If a friend came to you, don't do that... (shows).

If a friend comes to you, it's very good!

If a friend came to you, don't do that... (shows).

Sample gestures:

- threat with a fist;

- stick out tongue;

- "left with a nose";

- turn your finger at your temple;

- pick your nose;

- to yawn;

- show the cookie.

Mobile game "Burn, burn brightly"

Goals: teach pure intonation of the call in the game; develop the ability to run, jump; generate interest in folk games.

Notka asks the children if they know outdoor games in which they need to sing. Reminds me of some. Offers to play an interesting folk game, which was played by grandmothers.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Goals: develop the ability to conduct a game dialogue, actions; to teach to invent a plot of the game, to develop it; include the plots "Musical lesson", "Musical entertainment" as an equal playing partner.


Improvisation on children's musical instruments

Target: to develop children's creativity.

The note reminds the children that today they showed the orchestra in a poem, or you can compose a frog or animal choir, compose your own melody and play it on children's musical instruments or portray it with your voice.

The composition of the fairy tale "Journey of a cheerful note"

Goals: develop imagination, the ability to compose according to the proposed scheme; develop figurative speech, the ability to create together, remember the thought of a friend, part of the plot.

The teacher invites the children to write a fairy tale about her as a gift for a note, write it down, draw it.

During the seventh year of life, further development of the child's nervous activity takes place. This creates opportunities for organizing the educational process with children aged 6-7 in more complex forms. The perception of music becomes purposeful, arbitrary memorization and education develops.

Children improve the skills acquired in the older group. At the beginning of the year (almost the whole of September) there is a repetition of writing material. Gradually, thanks to the systematic movements to the music, they become more coordinated and accurate. Children master new types of movements: a side gallop, a polka step, a step with a footstep, elements of Russian dance (alternately exposing legs for smooth walking with different positions of the hands: to the sides, folded on the chest, on the belt). Feeling the originality of the texture of musical works, children are able to convey the nature of music in movement: walk solemnly, festively; easy, smooth; run easily, rhythmically, rapidly and widely, PERFORM movements with and without objects (smoothly, energetically), walk in a line in folk dances and round dances, expressively reproduce various game images (a cheerful, funny parsley, a cowardly hare, an affectionate kitten, an evil WOLF and etc.).

The ability to navigate in space develops. By the end of the year, children should be able to freely rebuild from a line to a circle, from small circles to a large one and vice versa, move diagonally from different corners of the hall, clearly perform snake walking, be able to find their place in games, etc.

In the preparatory group, individual lessons are more clearly and organized. Children act with music, perceiving it through a tactile-vibrational and auditory analyzer. An individual task for a 6-7-year-old child already includes 4-6 movements to music.

Children develop greater endurance and the ability to wait for the appearance of music, to listen to its disappearance. This makes it possible to increase the duration of the pause between individual passages and parts of a piece of music.

When performing individual tasks with the fan turned off, a 7-year-old child can determine how many chords have been played, slam the simplest rhythmic pattern, determine dynamic shades (loud, quiet music).

The study of the "ringing alphabet" exercises also takes place in close contact with the teacher of the deaf, who first practices the pronunciation of this or that word with the child. With the music director, he refines the tempo of pronouncing sounds, syllables, words and short phrases to the music.

While singing, breathing is more and more practiced, as children are able to sing longer phrases. Improving singing breathing leads to improved speech. The child's voice becomes louder and more expressive. Singing facilitates the work of developing lipreading skills. Watching the singing of a friend, the child trains to understand the oral speech of others. Children 6-7 years old should know the names of songs, games and dances.

By the end of the year, the volume of skills in the perception of music increases, which makes it possible to allow children to perform individual exercises in front of the kids. This technique gives good results: kids learn this exercise much faster than when shown by adults, while the elders experience great satisfaction - because they are in the role of teachers. In the process of such communication, children develop a need for music lessons and love. to him.

The duration of music lessons with children 6-7 years old is 35 minutes.

A musical lesson in a group preparatory to school includes:

1. Individual task (consists of 3-6 movements).

2. Listening to music with the task of recognizing and remembering the name.

3. Frontal task (consists of 2-3 exercises).

4. Exercise "ringing alphabet".

6. Song-game at the request of children.

7. Dance.

An approximate outline of a lesson in a group preparatory to school

Tasks. To consolidate the ability to perceive music through visual, tactile-vibrational and auditory analyzers. Teach children to recognize familiar works. Act in accordance with the nature of musical works. Work on the purity of the pronunciation of words in the songs "Drum", "Yellow Leaf", emotionally convey the content of the songs. To teach the ability to rebuild from columns into two lines.

Preparing for the lesson. The music director works out all the material of the lesson with the teacher of the deaf and the teacher, coordinates with them the pace of singing the “voiced alphabet” exercise “Here is the drum”. Previously, the "Exercise with flags" is learned with two children. They are

show this exercise to everyone. This speeds up the completion of an individual task. On a walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children, as the leaves fall from the trees, and sings the song “Yellow Leaf” with them. In the hall, the music director arranges chairs along the wall, prepares two colored flags for each child and adult, a picture of a beetle, a drum, a hat, a wolf, signs “Exercise with flags”, “Music is cheerful”, “Music is sad”.

The course of the lesson Children, together with the deaf teacher and teacher, enter the hall one after another and line up. “Today I am the first,” says the child at the head of the line, and leads the children. Everyone sits on

First exercise(individual). “Exercise with flags” (see p. 183.) Vova, take two flags from the vase. Tanya, go listen to music,” the music director addresses the children (they know this exercise) and shows the sign “Exercise with flags”. The children say the name. After the children show the exercise, they pass the flags to others, everyone takes turns performing the task, standing with their backs to the instrument. Second task(frontal). "Beetles" (see p. 135). "Stand at the piano THE MUSIC DIRECTOR SAYS. Find out what I'm playing." Music is played *Beetles* Children recognize and sit down.

Third task. An exercise"Beetles". The music director shows a picture of a beetle and says, “You will be beetles. Listen to music". Children perform the exercise (lay down on the floor on their backs and move and move their legs “beetles flounder”),

fourth task,"Walking in different directions" (see p. 177). Children rise from the floor, walk one after another along the wall and sit down.

Fifth task. Exercise “Preparing for the Polka Step” (see p. 167). and the teacher of the deaf sit in front of the children and together with them rhythmically to the music. “Stand in a circle,” says the music director. Children in a circle perform a polka step to the music. With the end of the music, they stop and, at the request of the music director, "Go sit down" sit down.

The sixth task. Song "Drum" (see p. 292). "Let's sing. Here is the drum - the music director says and shows the drum, plays On him and passes it to the deaf teacher sitting in front of the children, then shows

"Music is fun" sign. The deaf teacher tells the children: “A funny song, the children go, sing, play the drum. There will be a holiday. The holiday is fun. Everyone shouts "hurrah!". Let's sing the song "Drum". Gives one child a drum and offers to play on it. The children sing standing up, the drummer stands in front of the children, he sings, turning his back to the music director, hits the drum for the chorus.

Seventh task. Song "Yellow Leaf" (see p. 294). The music director shows the sign "Music is sad." The teacher of the deaf speaks the text of the song to the children. This song is familiar to children, they sing it twice: once sitting, the other standing.

Eighth task. An exercise with flags for the October holiday (see p. 217). Adults distribute two flags to children, take flags for themselves. “Boys, stand in a column,” says the teacher of the deaf and stands in front of the column herself. “Girls, stand in a column,” the teacher addresses the girls and also stands in front of the column. The music director addresses everyone: "Listen to the music." Children perform the exercise once, following the actions of adults.

Ninth task. The game "Children and the Wolf" (see p. 198). Children are familiar with this game. The musical director performs the musical accompaniment of the game and proposes to determine the nature of each part. “The wolf is running - the music is loud,” the child says. “The children are picking berries - the music is quiet.” The wolf is portrayed by a child, he is put on a hat. Adults play with children. The music director praises all the children for listening to music well and having fun playing. The children say goodbye and leave the room.




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