Types of musical activity in the preparatory group. Music lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten


Musical activity of children of the preparatory group. Topic: "Introduction to musical instruments."

Target: development of musical abilities in children.


  • improve pitch, rhythm, hearing;
  • develop voluntary attention, perception, memory;
  • to acquaint with a piece of music performed by various instruments;
  • continue to acquaint children with musical instruments, their classification, sound;
  • learn to play percussion instruments;
  • cultivate artistic taste.

Subject-developing environment:

  • EOR: presentation "Musical instruments", interactive game "Split into groups".
  • Musical instruments: tambourine, triangles, spoons.
  • Coloring pages on the theme "Musical instruments".
  • Chips for dividing children into groups.

Educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development.

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Children with a teacher, accompanied by a piano, march into the hall and sit on chairs.

Musical director (sings). Hello guys!

Children (singing). Good, good day!

Musical director. Music has been around since birth. Listen closely and you will find that music is everywhere in the world. She is in the chirping of birds, in the sound of the sea, the chirping of a grasshopper, the breath of the breeze ... You just need to be able to listen. In order to extract sounds and create music, people have invented and created many musical instruments, all of which cannot be counted. We will get acquainted with only a small part of these amazing inventions.

2. Practical stage.

Viewing the presentation "Musical Instruments":

Percussion instruments

Musical director. The noisiest, oldest and most numerous group of musical instruments is the percussion. The most famous of them is, of course, the drum. It still looks the same today as it did centuries ago.

Problematic situation. Have you ever wondered why the drum is round and not square? (children's guesses).

Musical director (listens to children's answers and summarizes). It turns out that because the skin is stretched evenly, and this is possible only on a circle. The drum is played with wooden sticks. With their help, you can call a variety of sounds - from a faint rustle to thunder, but the most difficult is the drum roll! The drum is indispensable in any orchestra. HE emphasizes the rhythm of music, gives the orchestra sound more power, and its colors more variety (triangle, cymbals, tambourine, etc.)

wind instruments (trumpet, flute, saxophone, etc..)

Musical director . They came from the old Russian word "spirit", which means air, and maybe from the word soul. Indeed, in order for the sound to become truly musical, you need to play with your soul, put your whole soul into it. The solemn jubilant voices of these instruments, shimmering with sunshine, open parades, processions, and the Olympic Games. They welcome guests, honor the winners.

String musical instruments (guitar, violin, balalaika, etc.)

Musical director. HARP - what a sonorous name! It appeared at the dawn of human civilization and became the progenitor of all stringed instruments. She has a special place in the orchestra. Her voice usually sounds when something unusual happens. The harp can represent both the gentle breath of the breeze and the formidable gusts of the storm.

Musical director. Guys, now let's get some rest.

Cheerful moving music sounds, children improvise to the music.

Musical director. Guys, we got acquainted with musical instruments, found out what groups they are divided into, how they sound. Now let's play with them.

Working with an interactive whiteboard. There is a classification game. Children distribute the proposed musical instruments into three groups: percussion, wind and strings.

Musical director. Guys, I suggest you play with musical instruments. Want to?

The game "Guess what sounds"

Rules of the game : Divide the children into two groups with the help of chips. The first group of children takes any musical instruments of their choice. The second group of children stands opposite and turns their backs to the first group. The children of the first group take turns playing a musical instrument, the child from the second group must guess and name the musical instrument. Then the children switch roles.

Musical director. Well done! You did a good job. Now I suggest you listen to a musical composition.

The music director performs the musical composition "Ding Ding" a German folk song.Children name musical instruments.

Musical director. Guys, you want to try yourself as real musicians. I suggest you listen to the German folk song "Ding Ding".

"Ding-ding" we sing.

"Boom-boom" sing.

To the music

We're going with you!

"Ding-ding" we sing.

"Boom-boom" sing.

And we invite all our friends!

We are walking happily.

And we repeat the song.

"Ding-ding" we sing.

"Boom-boom" sing.

The children listen to the song performed by the music director.

Musical director. Guys, what tools can you use to play ding-ding, boom-boom. Correct percussion.

Musical director(listens and summarizes the children's answers). That's right, "ding-ding" can be performed using a triangle, "boom-boom" - using a drum. Guys, let's try to sing this song together. Children dismantle the instruments and, together with the leader, perform the song with the orchestra. Well done, here we have an orchestra!

3. Reflective-evaluative stage

Musical director. Guys, do you like to play with musical instruments? What was the most interesting for you today? What was difficult for you?

Musical director. Guys! So that you don’t forget what we talked about today, I have prepared a small gift for you, these are coloring pages with images of musical instruments. On the reverse side of each instrument, I wrote a riddle that you will learn at home with your parents and color your musical instrument. And at our next meeting, we will arrange an evening of riddles with you.

Musical director. So our acquaintance with amazing musical instruments ended. Or maybe just started? After all, this is only a small part of a huge country where Her Majesty Music rules. You can travel in this country for a long and exciting time. Here you can meet many more interesting, mysterious, even mysterious inhabitants. “Music is like the ocean, and musical instruments are like islands scattered in the ocean,” said the famous Spanish guitarist Andres Sigovia. Look, friends, for your island! Happy journey!

Musical director(sings). Goodbye, guys!

Children(singing). Goodbye!

Elena Domracheva
Synopsis of an open lesson on musical activity in the preparatory group "Machine friends"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten "Story" frame "Sparkle"

Musical activity in the preparatory group

« Cars friends»

Musical leader Domracheva E. A.


Target: development musical abilities of children through an innovative approach in all types musical activity.


Independently change movements in accordance with the two-part form music.

Develop expressive singing skills.

To form the ability to play along with the simplest melodies.

Preserve and strengthen the health of children using health-saving technologies.

preliminary work:

Introduction to fairy tale "Kitchen Orchestra".

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, noise instruments according to the number of children, piano.

Lesson progress:

Musical director:

Hello guys! Look how many guests we have today! We are glad to see guests! Smile quickly!

Let's say hello to them. How else can you say hello? (children's answers)

Let's blow a kiss! And our guests have become kind!

And now let's get together in a friendly a circle: (everyone gathers in a circle)

On the right is a friend, and on the left is a friend!

Kids, do you like surprises?

I suggest you visit. To whom? I won't say it's a secret! Be careful. Now let's go along a flat wide road with a brisk step under the march music and when you hear a light, fast music- run on toes along a narrow path.

M.R.D. "Step Run" music E. Tilicheeva

M. R.: Well done, they coped with the task.

And now let's clap a little... (clapping hands)

And rub your hands... (rub hands together)

And now even stronger

To get hot! (rubbing hands more quickly and intensely)

Bottom up, top down. (stroking movements with fingertips on the neck)

Guys, look, a clearing, there is a house on it! Who lives in the house? (children's answers)

Maybe. Let's look at them with our eyes.

Visual gymnastics.

No right? And not on the left? And at the top? And below?

Maybe a song will help us? An excerpt from the m / f “Masha and the Bear.

M. R.: Our Masha smiles, she invites us to play outside. Suggest Masha what we can play! (children's answers). She wants to show us how she learned to skate. See how she rides.

M. R.: Well done! Guys, how can we surprise Masha. Masha is very fond of playing different instruments.

M.R.: What instruments does Masha play?

M. R.: Do you remember? I read you a fairy tale "Kitchen Orchestra"? what tools were there? (hand out tools)

M. R.: What a fun orchestra we have.

Let's teach Masha a rhythm game "Zoom Zoom" (children sit down) Muses. rhythm game "Zoom Zoom"

M. R.: look, at Masha the mood has changed.

Children are listening music"Crybaby", Rezvushka "and "Evil"

Why didn't you confuse a crybaby with a mean one? After all, the melodies of these pieces are so similar! Plays fragments. Although both melodies are very similar (probably because both the crybaby and the mean one look alike - both are capricious, naughty girls, it's hard to confuse them.

What is the melody "Crybabies"(sounds softly, plaintively, sadly, slowly. She is mournful, conveys the sobs and squeals of capriciousness.)

And in the play "Evil"? a similar melody sounds louder, faster and is accompanied by chords - hard, angry, angry, prickly. The evil one has such a prickly personality! Executes a fragment. Evil can't be beautiful, that's why music sounds so harsh and ugly. Even if the evil girl has a pretty face, but she is angry, unkind, no one will like her, no one wants to be friends with her. The fragment is being executed. What an ugly bastard! Tell me what pantomime is. (children's answers). And now let's get up and show, portray girlfriends.

M. R.: Well done! Did you enjoy visiting Masha?

And now, kids, it's time for all of us to go to kindergarten. And what are we going to? Let's go back to the garden on the sled. Find yourself a friend. "Sled" music A Filippenko, op. T Volgina

Here we are in the garden. Look, we completely forgot about the guests, and they are all waiting for us.

Let's sing a song for them. And what is your favorite song? What do you like about this song?

Song "My Russia" m. Struve.

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During the seventh year of life, further development of the child's nervous activity takes place. This creates opportunities for organizing the educational process with children aged 6-7 in more complex forms. The perception of music becomes purposeful, arbitrary memorization and education develops.

Children improve the skills acquired in the older group. At the beginning of the year (almost the whole of September) there is a repetition of writing material. Gradually, thanks to the systematic movements to the music, they become more coordinated and accurate. Children master new types of movements: a side gallop, a polka step, a step with a footstep, elements of Russian dance (alternately exposing legs for smooth walking with different positions of the hands: to the sides, folded on the chest, on the belt). Feeling the originality of the texture of musical works, children are able to convey the nature of music in movement: walk solemnly, festively; easy, smooth; run easily, rhythmically, rapidly and widely, PERFORM movements with and without objects (smoothly, energetically), walk in a line in folk dances and round dances, expressively reproduce various game images (a cheerful, funny parsley, a cowardly hare, an affectionate kitten, an evil WOLF and etc.).

The ability to navigate in space develops. By the end of the year, children should be able to freely rebuild from a line to a circle, from small circles to a large one and vice versa, move diagonally from different corners of the hall, clearly perform snake walking, be able to find their place in games, etc.

In the preparatory group, individual lessons are more clearly and organized. Children act with music, perceiving it through a tactile-vibrational and auditory analyzer. An individual task for a 6-7-year-old child already includes 4-6 movements to music.

Children develop greater endurance and the ability to wait for the appearance of music, to listen to its disappearance. This makes it possible to increase the duration of the pause between individual passages and parts of a piece of music.

When performing individual tasks with the fan turned off, a 7-year-old child can determine how many chords have been played, slam the simplest rhythmic pattern, determine dynamic shades (loud, quiet music).

The study of the "ringing alphabet" exercises also takes place in close contact with the teacher of the deaf, who first practices the pronunciation of this or that word with the child. With the music director, he refines the tempo of pronouncing sounds, syllables, words and short phrases to the music.

While singing, breathing is more and more practiced, as children are able to sing longer phrases. Improving singing breathing leads to improved speech. The child's voice becomes louder and more expressive. Singing facilitates the work of developing lipreading skills. Watching the singing of a friend, the child trains to understand the oral speech of others. Children 6-7 years old should know the names of songs, games and dances.

By the end of the year, the volume of skills in the perception of music increases, which makes it possible to allow children to perform individual exercises in front of the kids. This technique gives good results: kids learn this exercise much faster than when shown by adults, while the elders experience great satisfaction - because they are in the role of teachers. In the process of such communication, children develop a need for music lessons and love. to him.

The duration of music lessons with children 6-7 years old is 35 minutes.

A musical lesson in a group preparatory to school includes:

1. Individual task (consists of 3-6 movements).

2. Listening to music with the task of recognizing and remembering the name.

3. Frontal task (consists of 2-3 exercises).

4. Exercise "ringing alphabet".

6. Song-game at the request of children.

7. Dance.

An approximate outline of a lesson in a group preparatory to school

Tasks. To consolidate the ability to perceive music through visual, tactile-vibrational and auditory analyzers. Teach children to recognize familiar works. Act in accordance with the nature of musical works. Work on the purity of the pronunciation of words in the songs "Drum", "Yellow Leaf", emotionally convey the content of the songs. To teach the ability to rebuild from columns into two lines.

Preparing for the lesson. The music director works out all the material of the lesson with the teacher of the deaf and the teacher, coordinates with them the pace of singing the “voiced alphabet” exercise “Here is the drum”. Previously, the "Exercise with flags" is learned with two children. They are

show this exercise to everyone. This speeds up the completion of an individual task. On a walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children, as the leaves fall from the trees, and sings the song “Yellow Leaf” with them. In the hall, the music director arranges chairs along the wall, prepares two colored flags for each child and adult, a picture of a beetle, a drum, a hat, a wolf, signs “Exercise with flags”, “Music is cheerful”, “Music is sad”.

The course of the lesson Children, together with the deaf teacher and teacher, enter the hall one after another and line up. “Today I am the first,” says the child at the head of the line, and leads the children. Everyone sits on

First exercise(individual). “Exercise with flags” (see p. 183.) Vova, take two flags from the vase. Tanya, go listen to music,” the music director addresses the children (they know this exercise) and shows the sign “Exercise with flags”. The children say the name. After the children show the exercise, they pass the flags to others, everyone takes turns performing the task, standing with their backs to the instrument. Second task(frontal). "Beetles" (see p. 135). "Stand at the piano THE MUSIC DIRECTOR SAYS. Find out what I'm playing." Music is played *Beetles* Children recognize and sit down.

Third task. An exercise"Beetles". The music director shows a picture of a beetle and says, “You will be beetles. Listen to music". Children perform the exercise (lay down on the floor on their backs and move and move their legs “beetles flounder”),

fourth task,"Walking in different directions" (see p. 177). Children rise from the floor, walk one after another along the wall and sit down.

Fifth task. Exercise “Preparing for the Polka Step” (see p. 167). and the teacher of the deaf sit in front of the children and together with them rhythmically to the music. “Stand in a circle,” says the music director. Children in a circle perform a polka step to the music. With the end of the music, they stop and, at the request of the music director, "Go sit down" sit down.

The sixth task. Song "Drum" (see p. 292). "Let's sing. Here is the drum - the music director says and shows the drum, plays On him and passes it to the deaf teacher sitting in front of the children, then shows

"Music is fun" sign. The deaf teacher tells the children: “A funny song, the children go, sing, play the drum. There will be a holiday. The holiday is fun. Everyone shouts "hurrah!". Let's sing the song "Drum". Gives one child a drum and offers to play on it. The children sing standing up, the drummer stands in front of the children, he sings, turning his back to the music director, hits the drum for the chorus.

Seventh task. Song "Yellow Leaf" (see p. 294). The music director shows the sign "Music is sad." The teacher of the deaf speaks the text of the song to the children. This song is familiar to children, they sing it twice: once sitting, the other standing.

Eighth task. An exercise with flags for the October holiday (see p. 217). Adults distribute two flags to children, take flags for themselves. “Boys, stand in a column,” says the teacher of the deaf and stands in front of the column herself. “Girls, stand in a column,” the teacher addresses the girls and also stands in front of the column. The music director addresses everyone: "Listen to the music." Children perform the exercise once, following the actions of adults.

Ninth task. The game "Children and the Wolf" (see p. 198). Children are familiar with this game. The musical director performs the musical accompaniment of the game and proposes to determine the nature of each part. “The wolf is running - the music is loud,” the child says. “The children are picking berries - the music is quiet.” The wolf is portrayed by a child, he is put on a hat. Adults play with children. The music director praises all the children for listening to music well and having fun playing. The children say goodbye and leave the room.




Purpose of the lesson: The development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers using various types of musical activities.



  • to consolidate in children the knowledge of basic emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise).
  • learn to convey an emotional state using various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures)


  • develop emotional communication skills with each other.
  • develop imagination, creative thinking
  • develop singing skills, rhythmic hearing, timbre hearing, intonation.


  • to cultivate interest and love for music, to be able to express their feelings and speak out about the music they listened to
  • cultivate collectivism and love for collective performance

Lesson type: thematic

Methods: Visual-visual, visual-auditory, verbal, artistically practical method, method of problem-based education and training.

Stage decoration: The scene is framed in the form of a city (houses, trees, streets). There are black clouds on the wall.

Attributes: Pictograms expressing various emotions and moods, rag butterflies, beetle masks (hats), flowers.

Program content:


"Joke" by V. Selivanov
"Sad Song" by V. Kalinnikov

To teach children to distinguish between the moods of contrasting works, to respond emotionally, to express their impressions of the music they listened to, to distinguish between means of musical expression, to develop fantasy and imagination.

speech game

"Cat's House", "Keys to the Buffet"

To cultivate a love for literature, to teach to convey an emotional state with the help of various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures), to cultivate collectivism and love for collective performance


Singing: "Poteshka" Develop the singing apparatus, singing breathing.

Song: "Who invented the song" lyrics by L. Dymova, music by D. Lvov - Companion.

To teach children to perceive and convey the cheerful, joyful nature of the song. Play with a light sound at a brisk pace. Enter in time after the musical introduction. Pure intonation of the melody, accurately perform the rhythmic pattern. Sing moderately loudly without forcing the sound. Correctly pronounce the vowels in the words "sings", "hundred-voiced", "conductor".

Musical rhythm game:

"Beetles and Butterflies"

Listen to music, pay attention to the contrasting character, respond emotionally. To be able to expressively perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music, to show creativity, imagination in the performance of the game.

Course progress.

The children enter the room. The music director offers to perform the musical greeting "Music, hello."

Musical director.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, we received a letter from the residents of the city of Mood. They got in trouble. Sit comfortably, I'll tell you everything. There are people in this city who are like us. They, like us, know how to have fun and be sad, laugh and cry, get angry and be surprised. But suddenly an evil wizard settled in their city, he overtook black clouds, poured such heavy rain that it washed away fun and sadness, fear and surprise from the faces of the inhabitants, and the faces of the inhabitants of the city of Moods became faceless, colorless, white. That's how it is now (points to the stage). The inhabitants of the city are asking us for help, to drive away this evil wizard and return their moods, feelings, experiences. Can we help them guys? (Yes).

Our assistant will be for us - music, because it is best able to convey feelings, moods, experiences.

Listen to the music and say: What does it express?

Sounds "Joke" V. Selivanov

Children's answers: music expresses fun, joy, enthusiasm.

Musical director.

Children's answers.

The real name of the play is "Joke" composer V. Selivanov

Try to choose from the icons the expression that best suits the mood of the music.

Let's come up with a name for our resident.

Children's answers: "Merry", "Joker"

Listen to another piece of music and say: What does it express?

Sounds "Sad Song" by V. Kalinnikov

Children's answers: music expresses sadness, sadness, longing.

Musical director.

Try to come up with a title for this play.

Children's answers.

The real name of the play is "A Sad Song" composer V. Kalinnikov (portrait)

Choose from the icons the expression of the mood of this piece of music

Let's come up with a name for this resident.

Children's answers: "Sadness", "Teardrop"

We will try to return the mood of two other residents with the help of a speech game: “Ding - dong”, for this we will stand in a circle

Ding dong, dilly dong
Cat's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out
Eyes bulging
Running chicken with a bucket
Fills the Cat's house.
Tuh-tuh-tuh and the fire went out

Musical director.

Guys, what emotions did you experience in this game?

Children's answers: the game expresses fear, anxiety, fright.

And now let's remember the game "Keys to the buffet"

Musical director.

Who took the keys to the buffet where my sweets are?

I took them, I took them, I took them (child's name)


Who am I!? I did not take!
I know, I know who took them.
I took them, I took them, I took them ……… (name of another child) etc.

In conclusion, the children say all together

Don't talk to us
Look for your keys.

Musical director.

What does this game represent?

Children's answers: the game expresses surprise, indignation.

Musical director.

We have returned the moods to two more residents, select the appropriate icons and come up with a name for them.

Children's answers: "Coward", "Surprise"

Children sit on chairs

We must help one more resident to restore the mood, and a song called


What does this song express, what mood

Children's answers: singing express fun, laughter, enthusiasm

Choose an appropriate icon and come up with a name.

Children's answers: "Smeshinka", "Brawler"

Musical director.

Guys, look, we have two more pictograms left, what mood do they express?

Children's answers: express evil and anger, kindness and tenderness

Remember what musical game could express exactly the mood

Musically rhythmic game "Beetles and Butterflies"

Tell me beetles, what are they?

Children's answers: evil, insidious, gloomy music is played heavily, sounds are low.

But butterflies, what are they?

Children's answers: kind, gentle, light music, melodious, gentle sounds are high.

Let's turn into beetles and butterflies, and with the help of movement, facial expressions, we will depict them. (attributes for the game)

So we helped the last residents to restore the mood, but what shall we call them?

Children's answers: "Slyuka", "Cute"

Musical director.

Guys, look at all the residents of the city, we returned the mood, returned their faces. Tell me everything you like about this city? Maybe there is something you would like to remove or, on the contrary, add.

Children's answers: remove black clouds, plant trees, plant flowers.

Look what a beautiful city we have. Guys, which of the inhabitants of the city do you like the most, maybe you look like one of them. Children's answers:

Musical director.

Guys, tell me, who was our assistant throughout the lesson and helped return the residents of the city to their mood? What could we not do without?

Children's answers: music, games helped us.

What kind of music did we listen to? And what does she express?

Children's answers: “Joke”, “Sad song” express fun and sadness

They played the game "Ding Dong", "Buffet Keys" express fear and surprise, "Beetles and Butterflies" express good and evil.

Musical director.

Guys, before you go to the group, what would you like to wish the residents of the city of Mood.

Children's answers:

And so that they always have a good mood, let's sing a spring song

"Who came up with the song" words by L. Dymova, music by D. Lvov - Companion.

You did very well today, well done. For the next lesson, I would like to ask you to draw pictures that express different moods, maybe it will be a picture that expresses a cheerful or sad mood, or maybe it will be funny or scary. We will arrange an exhibition of paintings, you try and you will succeed.

Musical educational activities in the preparatory group "Contrasts in Music"

Wed, 10/11/2017

Musical director

MADOU Borovsky

Kindergarten "Zhuravushka"

Tale of L.P.


Familiarization of children with musical contrasts that contribute to musical2 expressiveness.


1. Exercise children in a smooth, calm whirl, in a plastic hand movement.

2. Learn to distinguish the genre and nature of a piece of music

3. To teach children to hear the beginning and end of music, change of contrasts, remember the rules of the game.

Lesson progress:

(The Fairy of Music appears in the hall.)

Music Fairy

Hello dear guys! Today we will go on a journey through the Musical City. Note Mi will show us the way, if you correctly name the musical genre of the play that will now sound.

"Waltz" N. Levy (children's answers)

That's right, this dance is a waltz.

Oh, how wonderfully the waltz is danced, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-times!

Sounds fly like foliage from trees,

One-two-three, one-two-three, two!

The stars are spinning, look!

One-two-three, one-two-three, three!

(exercise "Waltz" by N. Levy)

Musical director

Let's see where the note of E has taken us along with the music.

(attaches the note Mi to the layout) and the names Boulevard of Contrasts, streets Temp, Lad, Height, lanes Fast, Slow, High, Low, Loud, Quiet, Short, Long driveways)

What is contrast? This is a comparison of signs opposite in meaning - definitions of objects, phenomena, moods, people, weather. The contrasts are different. In Music City, we will look for and define musical contrasts. In order for music to tell us something, it must be expressive, sound loud and soft, fast and slow, high and low. Let's learn to distinguish musical sounds. After all, if they always sound the same, they are like twins similar to each other, then we will not be able to understand what the music is talking about, what mood, character it has.

Listen to a piece of music and say: does it always sound the same? What do you manage to highlight in it very brightly, contrastingly?

("Side gallop" music by A. Zhilin, children's answers)

Yes, right. The music is soft and loud. This reflects its contrast. The varying strengths of the music will help you perform a side canter.

(Performing the exercise "Lateral gallop" A. Zhilin)

Look at the portrait, remember the name of this composer. That's right, this is D.B. Kabalevsky. You are already familiar with his work. What play by this composer have we recently listened to.

(children's answers) Yes, you listened to the March. Now a new piece by this composer will be performed. Try to determine whether it is a song, a dance or a march.

(Sounds "Waltz" by D.B. Kabalevsky, children's answers)

That's right - it's a waltz. Translated from French, this word is translated "circling." You listen to it and feel the alternation of three sounds, with the accent on the first: one, two, three ...

The first sound is louder than the second and third.

Listen to this waltz again and tell me what mood this music conveys? (answers)

That's right, this music is affectionate, calm, thoughtful, affectionate.

Musical director

Fairy, listen. The guys want to perform the song "Falling Leaves" for you. Which street of the Music City do we need to get to in order for this song to sound right?

Let's go to Ladovaya Street, there are two lanes here: Cheerful and sad. A cheerful bell sounds in Vesely Lane (major triad sounds). And in Sad Lane sounds a sad bell "minor". Stay in this sad lane and the bell will help you to sing your sad song.

(song "Leaf fall" by T. Potapenko)

You got it right! Listen to the new song "Geese" by A. Filippenko and tell me in which alley does this song live?

(Listening to the song "Geese" by A. Filippenko). That's right, in Sad Lane.

To determine the cheerful and sad sounding, there are certain terms - designations. Major is fun, minor is sad. Listen to the play and choose the correct term.

(Listening "Merry Races" B. Mozhzhevelov)

That's right, it's Major. The music sounded cheerful. How else? Fast. Musical sounds alternated rapidly. It can be said differently - at a fast pace. Tempo determines the nature of movement in music. How will you move? That's right - fast!

(Performing the exercise "Be smart" N. Ladukhin).

Music Fairy

The first walk along the Boulevard of Contrasts ends. Time to say goodbye, see you soon!

Musical farewell.

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