Victoria Karaseva on Instagram. Tori Karaseva does not leave the house after breaking up with a loved one


Victoria Karaseva, the star of the Dom-2 show, now in 2018 continues to interest the public as a bright personality who actively flaunted her photos and personal life. She appeared on the program as an extravagant and unpredictable girl who never forgave insults and did not allow herself to be laughed at. And thanks to her many talents and the ability to build relationships with others, Karaseva stayed on the show much longer than the rest of the participants.

Childhood and early career

Victoria Karaseva was born in the capital of Russia on June 23, 1979. From early childhood, she dreamed of becoming a world-famous movie star, taking first place in the world ranking of the most popular actors in the world. Parents, who saw in their daughter a penchant for creativity, sent her to a choreographic school, where Vika reached great heights. And a little later, Karaseva began to actively engage in pop vocal school. It was the delivered voice and bright appearance, combined with a lively character, that helped the participant in the Dom-2 show to stay in the top for a long time and stay on the show for so long.

Victoria Karaseva in childhood and now

After graduating from a secondary school, an ambitious girl entered the Moscow State Institute of Music. Alfred Schnittke, choosing pop vocals as his specialization.

But, despite the belief of teachers that she could become a famous opera or operetta singer due to her good vocal abilities, the singer decided not to pursue a career in music after graduation.

Having received the first diploma, Victoria Karaseva, whose personal life and photos are now of interest to a wide audience in 2018, went for a second diploma at GITIS, entering the specialty "musical theater actor" the first time. In parallel with her studies, the student performed with her classmates in chic Moscow restaurants as a singer. And after receiving Karasev's diploma, for two years she was the radio host of the evening show program "Full Version" on the popular radio channel "Europe Plus".

Victoria had every chance to become a famous singer

TV set "Dom-2"

In the intriguing and scandalous show, Victoria Karaseva appeared in early September 2005 and immediately showed her "dark horse" character. The young actress did not put her flirting skills aside, showing signs of sympathy for Andrei Chuev. At that time, the young man was not burdened by a relationship with any of the participants in House-2. Therefore, he, along with his friend, rushed to help Victoria prepare for the presentation, at which the girl was supposed to talk about herself.

Help activists resulted in a huge scandal.

In the scandalous reality show "Dom-2" the girl had to show her character

The guys became the organizers of the "black joke", and in the middle of preparing for the presentation, the audience, who had been warned in advance, threw eggs at Victoria Karaseva.

Accustomed to achieving her goal, the singer showed an iron character. Instead of leaving the project, she not only stayed, but also proved to the "old-timers" that it is not so easy to break her and survive from the scandalous show. And besides, having enlisted the support of other participants in the show, the girl ensured that there would no longer be such jokes in Dom-2.

Victoria Karaseva, whose personal life and photos, now in 2018, are still interesting to fans of her work, showed not only a lively character, but also the ability to give people a second chance. That is why she tried to build a relationship with a prankster who charmed Victoria at the first meeting. However, after a couple of dates, it turned out that young people are absolutely not suitable for each other.

Participating in the show, Victoria met Vyacheslav Dvoretkov

In the television set "Dom-2", the singer managed to hold out for three years. The girl repeatedly tried to find a partner for a serious relationship, but all attempts ended tragically. There were regular scandals and fights in the personal life of a lively and beautiful girl. Ultimately, Victoria Karaseva found her happiness by agreeing to a marriage proposal from actor Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. Together with him, the girl left the show "Dom-2" in 2008.

tragic accident

Victoria's (Tori's) love for seafood pizza has played a cruel joke on her. Not feeling foreign bodies in her favorite dish, the girl swallowed a piece of shell from a mussel. Ultimately, the sharp fragment caused irreparable damage to her body.

When Tori was taken in a serious condition to the emergency center im. Sklifosovsky, she was diagnosed with perforation of the cervical esophagus by a foreign body.

Love for seafood led the girl to a hospital bed

After four operations, where there was a struggle for the life of the girl, the doctors managed to save the future actress by removing two of her ribs and sewing together the torn tissues of the larynx and esophagus.

In total, Victoria spent two months in intensive care and the same amount in rehabilitation.

In 2014, Karaseva, who almost completely restored her state of health, performed on the Edible-Inedible show, talking about the tragedy that happened because of her love for an exotic version of pizza.

Having fully recovered from her injury, Victoria was going to sue the restaurant management

Life today

Those who have lost sight of the singer Victoria Karaseva and do not know how her personal life is developing now, in 2018, can find out the details and see the latest photos on Instagram.

Tori regularly posts photos on her official page not only from her photo shoots, but also selfies. Also, the girl is actively engaged in maintaining "home life", laying out recipes and dishes of her own making. Victoria is a fan of healthy food without salt. According to the singer, this additive is even in greens and some vegetables, so food does not require powdering with white crystals. For those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle, any dishes with salt are undesirable, as it retains water in the body.

Wedding party of Tori and Vyacheslav Dvoretskov

Over the years of her married life, Victoria learned to cook not only standard Russian dishes, but also became interested in other cuisines.

According to the girl, a real mistress should regularly delight her husband with interesting delicacies of her own preparation and pastries.

And then the daily rituals of eating will bring joy and support the "feeling of the hearth" in the family.

happy spouses

After all, a spouse who feels cared for by his wife will return home every evening “as if to a safe harbor”, where you can relax and unwind.

In addition to cooking, Victoria Karaseva is fond of collecting. She collects medium and large teddy bears. Friends and relatives, as well as her beloved husband, who know about her hobby, regularly present plush pets as a gift.

New career

At the moment, Victoria Karaseva continues to develop as a creative person, regularly posting “streams” along with her husband Vyacheslav on his channel. Reading the comments of her fans, the girl performs any song that will be ordered and dances to it or plays. Such an exciting show is gaining momentum every day and attracts new subscribers to the Glory and Tori channel.

Now Victoria is trying to be an exemplary wife for her husband.

The exciting reality show "Dom-2" has been exciting the audience with intriguing events and scandalous incidents for almost 15 years. Not everyone who dared to flaunt their personal lives there left in triumph.

Even fewer are those who, after leaving, continue to interest fans. One of such bright personalities is Victoria (Tori) Karaseva. Having gone through the ruthless "crucible" of the project, she managed not only not to change her character, but showed her wisdom in life, created a strong family, and pleases the audience with brilliant performances on the Internet.

Official facts of the biography of Victoria Karaseva

  • Born - Moscow, 1979, June 23;
  • Education - State Institute of Music. Schnittke (red diploma - vocals), GITIS (acting);
  • Height and weight - 168 cm and about 42 kg;
  • Family - married to Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, no children.

Childhood and life before the project

The mother and father of the girl noticed from her early childhood that her daughter would grow into an extraordinary personality. Her parents sent her to a music school in elementary school, she constantly participated in children's performances and choreographic productions.

Vika had one more hobby: she excitedly watched films with the stars of world cinema, dreamed of becoming a “universal” actress - to sing, dance and amaze the audience with her acting talent at the same time.

Having received a school certificate, the girl immediately applied to the Schnittke State Musical Institute and easily entered the vocal faculty. Everyone was sure that after graduating from the institute, admission to the conservatory would follow. To pursue an opera career or polish acting talent - such a choice arose before the girl, she chose the latter, having entered GITIS at the Faculty of Musical Theater Actor.

By the way, even then she showed herself a strong and independent person. She decided that it was time to earn money herself, and then her classmates organized a group for evening performances in elite restaurants, and Vika joined them as a singer.

A little later, the well-known radio channel "Europe Plus" invited the girl to work as a presenter. She worked there for two years on an evening show program called "Full Cut".

Appearance in "House-2"

It happened in September 2005: a real “dark horse” came to the project, a beauty with a memorable appearance and (it was obvious right away) with a strong character. Victoria was asked later why she wanted to take the nickname "Tori". This word has two meanings: the first is the name of a British party whose members are known for their strong convictions, and the second is a diminutive English female name from "Victoria".

Vika-Tori came to the project, "aiming" at Andrey Chuev, who at that time was free. He clearly liked the attention of the bright brunette, he enthusiastically agreed to help her in preparing for the first presentation. Who would have known that behind this desire was an attempt to have fun and play an evil joke! Together with May Abrikosov, Andrei suddenly interrupted the presentation, they began to throw eggs at her and mock. They probably counted on shock and tears, but the “victim” did not lose his head and splashed kefir at them!

Another in such a situation would have turned around and left in a panic, but the wrong one was attacked. Tori made an angry appeal to the offenders and to all participants in the project: she said that bullying is not the best kind of joke and that such “pranksters” only show a lack of intelligence, not wit.

Relationships and meeting with a future husband

Chuev, although he did not show himself in the best way, Vika continued to hope: they had several dates and personal conversations. Alas, the first impression was correct: Andrei is not suitable for creating a couple. The girl decided, in order not to leave the project, to create a fictitious couple with Rustam Sontsev, but he left the show two days after the settlement.

Tori and Ruslan Proskurov.

Russell (Proskurin Ruslan) supported Vika in a difficult situation. He stated that he immediately had a burning desire to attract the attention of the “black-haired devil”. For two weeks he sought her, defended her from the attacks of the others, courted her beautifully, the result was a check-in to a separate room. Having shown himself to be a “handsome prince” at the beginning, then the guy began to try to re-educate the chosen one, treated her rudely. Scandals and even fights began, the couple broke up and reconciled again, so they “lasted” for two months and still parted.

Strong in character, irreconcilable to other people's shortcomings, able to tell the truth in person, Victoria has been trying to find her soul mate in the project for three whole years. Not every man will feel worthy of such a woman, and Tori was haunted by setbacks and breakups.

The appearance of the courageous and attractive actor Vyacheslav Dvoretsky became a real sign for Victoria: here he is, the man of her dreams! Both realized that they were meant "from above" for each other: true love does not tolerate everyone's attention, the couple decided to leave the project and not fight for the award. Outside the perimeter, they officially formalized the marriage, played a wedding in one of the Moscow clubs, where Olga Buzova, Andrey Cherkasov, Vika Bonya and many more friends from Dom-2 were invited.

2009: health problems

On March 13, 2009, shocking publications appeared in the media: Tori Karasyova entered the Sklifosovsky Research Institute in critical condition, she is dying!

Nothing boded ill when Vika and Vyacheslav went to the Il Patio restaurant and ordered seafood pizza. The next day, the girl began to complain that her stomach hurt and it was difficult to swallow. She went to a paid clinic, where she was diagnosed with osteochondrosis. Doctors prescribed expensive procedures (there was also a chiropractor), changed the diagnosis to “thyroid inflammation”, but for some reason did not take an x-ray!

Only in Sklif, where she was brought already unconscious, did they find out the reason: serious damage to the stomach and throat with a piece of mussel shell. Vika struggled with the disease for a long time: two operations were performed, at first her condition was assessed as dangerous, the temperature stubbornly did not rise above 34 degrees. Cunning paparazzi even wrote that sepsis had begun and clinical death had come.

A strong character took its toll: Vika, at least not immediately, but got out. But she punished those who chained her to a hospital bed for a long time: she twice sued the restaurant, and received a total of 4 million rubles in compensation.

2017 and latest news

Yes, her career in the Dom-2 show was interrupted, but Vika found her happiness there! She and Vyacheslav celebrated the tenth anniversary of their relationship in 2017. On Instagram, in an appeal to subscribers, Vika wrote that "when you meet your own, dear person, you must give him your whole life, love and appreciate him." They are a happy young couple, although they sometimes quarrel, but this is not surprising: both have a strong character, there is no clear leader in the family. Violent quarrels are followed by reconciliations full of tenderness.

Vika-Tori still strives to stay at the peak of popularity. On Instagram, she makes regular photo shoots, on youtube she shares the secrets of home life. Vicki's "chip" is recipes for various dishes without salt: she is convinced that even vegetables should not be salted. She was so fond of cooking that she mastered a huge number of dishes from cuisines around the world. According to her, "a husband should come home as if he were in a safe harbor, where he will be met by the hostess and a loving woman in one person, will calm him down and feed him tasty food."

In the photo, Victoria Karaseva with her husband Vyacheslav Dvoretkov.

Vika and Slava regularly delight fans with revelations about a happy personal life, filming new streams and rejecting divorce rumors. At the request of the audience, the girl sings and dances, you can contact her on Skype and talk. Victoria does a lot to keep her husband's YouTube blog popular.

They both deny the “duck” that Vika secretly gave birth to a boy: the recovery period after the illness has not yet ended, while it is too early to think about children. But both Victoria and her husband have stated many times that they will definitely have children, it just takes time for a full return of health. It is quite possible that in 2018 (as they say) the laughter of a baby will sound in their house.

So serious, often "tough" at first glance, Vika is tender and vulnerable at heart: she loves soft toys, especially bears, she has a huge collection of them, which is constantly replenished with gifts from friends. She loves animals very much: on Instagram you can see photos of her favorite cats Matroskin and Chernysh.

Many young people dream of getting into Dom-2. It seems that it is worth being in the Glade and here they are - popularity, money, happiness. In reality, things often turn out to be quite different. Those who wish, of course, receive their share of fame in "House-2". But this does not guarantee a cloudless future. Rather, on the contrary: having become accustomed to constant attention, at home, former television stars cannot fit into ordinary life in any way. As a result - depression, violations of the law ... And no one is immune from illnesses .. We tell you how things are now with ex-participants who, outside the famous TV set, have faced very serious problems.

While Victoria was a member of "House-2", a rare concert did without her participation. Fans predicted her a successful musical career. In addition, on the TV set, Tori met her future husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. After leaving the project, the lovers got married. It would seem, what more could you want? Happiness was destroyed by an unsuccessful trip to one of the capital's restaurants. The pizza that Victoria ordered contained a piece of a mussel shell. Tori, without noticing, swallowed it - and almost died from a rupture of the esophagus. Resuscitation, operations, long-term treatment... Karaseva lost 32 kilograms - she lost almost half of her weight.

She remained disabled for the rest of her life. All this time, Slava was next to his wife, supported her - including when Victoria sued the restaurant (she managed to achieve partial payment for the damage). Recovery was slow, Tori is still often in severe pain. At some point, there were problems in relations with Vyacheslav, the couple even parted. But then they managed to deal with conflicts, and now Tori and Slava are together again.

The emotional blonde left the project in 2008 due to a scandal. Then, together with Sam Seleznev, they became the winners of the audience voting in a competition with a significant prize - an apartment in Moscow. But it soon became clear that the girl herself sent SMS in the amount of 160 thousand rubles from a free mobile from sponsors. After some time, Dashko was again talked about as a fraudster: Anastasia deceived a company selling building materials in Chelyabinsk for a large amount of money. As a result, Dashko landed behind bars. She was supposed to spend three years in prison, but for good behavior the term was reduced to one and a half years. Nastya was released in March 2015. The girl told on the air of a talk show how she was scared in a colony among hundreds of angry women, how she was mocked because of her television past.

“The first fear is when you end up in a pre-trial detention center,” Dashko admitted. - It's terribly scary, terribly hard. And in the colony, it’s like that in general ... This is a thousand women. Women angry, angry, unsatisfied. Mostly drug addicts and murderers. Of course, there were fights and scandals. I had to take care of myself. At first, everyone wanted to prick me with the fact that I ended up in a colony from television. Then they accepted me when they realized that I could stand up for myself.

But Anastasia managed to learn a lesson from the situation: she became more restrained, learned to avoid conflicts. Now Nastya is doing well: she married kickboxer Konstantin Kuleshov, and in August 2016 the couple had a son.

The verdict of the Belarusian court to Sergei Sichkar came as a surprise to the fans of Dom-2: on the project, the man was considered a “positive hero”, he was even chosen as “Person of the Year”! And suddenly got caught selling other people's cars on the black market. As the investigation showed, the ex-participant of the television set was insuring a friend when he was engaged in car theft. Relatives of Sergei until the last hoped for a suspended sentence, since he compensated the damage to the victims. To do this, his parents even had to take out a loan in the amount of two million rubles.

But the sentence was harsh - three years in prison. Sichkar ended up in a colony, and his mother had to sell the apartment in order to pay off the loan. Despite this, she protects and supports her son. He says that he vowed not to let his family and friends down again.

“Seryozha is positive and hopes for early release. Of course, he misses his home and relatives... He is serving his sentence under improved conditions - he works not in production, but in another area related to communication. But I can't go into details. For the good work of the son, they are encouraged with additional calls home, ”the mother of the former participant in the TV show shared.

After his release, Sichkar dreams of becoming a TV presenter. In the meantime, he sends touching letters with poems to his relatives, makes postcards for his mother with his own hands. Sichkar has already served half of his sentence and hopes that good behavior will help him get out earlier than scheduled.

And the hopes of the former participant of "House-2" were justified. On February 25, it became known that Sergei Sichkar was released and managed to publish this appeal. "Hi all! First of all, I want to thank those who were close to my family, provided help and support... May God give you and your loved ones good health, faith in yourself and in your friends, peace of mind and balance. Be positive, cheerful and upbeat. May your home always be full of love, warmth and comfort. May everything that you plan come true and bring you a lot of positive emotions, and only loyal and loving people will be around. May only luck accompany you in all your affairs and never leave you, and every day, give you only joy! - wrote Sergey Sichkar.

Daniil Digler (Evgeny Shilov)

If you type in “Daniil Digler” in Yandex, then one of the most popular options for continuing the phrase will be “when he died.” The diagnosis - "lymphoma of the right half of the chest in the fourth stage" - indeed left little chance for a successful outcome for Yevgeny Shilov (this is actually the name of the man who called himself Daniil Digler in "House-2").

In 2012, he lived in a hostel with his mother. And practically without funds: everything needed was bought on the mother's pension, since Eugene himself could not work due to illness. After chemotherapy, he lost a lot of weight and lost his hair. The ex-participant of the reality show even thought about suicide! Now Eugene is probably glad that he did not dare to take this step, because later he still managed to overcome a terrible disease and return to normal life. In 2013, he got married, and two years later a daughter was born in the Shilov family.

This young man was remembered by the audience for the scandals with his girlfriend Nadezhda Skorokhodova. But he stood out among other ex-participants of "House-2" not by this, but by the severity of punishment for the crime. In 2011, a court sentenced Podorov to 16 years in a strict regime colony for drug trafficking and possession. Moreover, this was already the second fact of being put on trial under the same article: for the first time, in 2008, Mikhail got off with a suspended sentence.

On a television project, Podorov once said that he dreams of becoming a businessman. But, apparently, he preferred "easy" money to hard work: Podorov and his accomplice were engaged in the supply of drugs from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. Both were caught red-handed at the Main Post Office in Vladivostok after receiving a large batch, which Mikhail Podorov and his friend planned to distribute in nightclubs.

The star of "House-2" experienced many bitter moments both on the project and beyond. One of the most difficult moments was the divorce from Yevgeny Rudnev in 2015: the marriage of the reality show participants lasted only six months. After leaving the TV set, the girl began to seek solace in alcohol. Colleagues have previously talked about her addiction to strong drinks, but Liber denied everything. And a year and a half after the divorce, she nevertheless admitted that during the depression she did not leave the house for weeks, spending time with a bottle.

Failures in her personal life pushed her to an unexpected decision: in January of this year, Libi announced that she would undergo an operation to restore her virginity. And in order to overcome alcohol addiction, Kpadonu turned to a psychologist and narcologist. But this gave an unexpected effect: as Liber's relatives say, now she constantly disappears in the virtual world, she has a different addiction - to computer games. The girl herself denies this fact, but she once said the same thing about alcohol.

“It’s just that there was no time for this before, but now I quit drinking, I don’t have a loving man, so I took up the old one,” Kpadonu admits. “I understand that it’s worth finishing, I have already recovered by 8 kilograms ... It’s time to pull myself together.”


Like Daniil Digler, Anatoly had to fight a serious illness - leukemia. He spoke about his diagnosis in August 2014, when he was in the hospital for treatment. But, as Hauserman later admitted (this is the real name of the young man), he learned about the disease back in December 2013 - before joining the reality show. Long-term treatment paid off: in March 2015, Anatoly announced that he had managed to cope with blood cancer and now he only had to follow a “good and kind lifestyle” and take mini-courses of treatment every three months.

There were rumors that Deneko would return to Polyana, but Anatoly quickly dispelled them. Today Hauserman is writing a novel in the form of notes by a guy from the provinces who came to the capital. In addition, he became the captain of the KVN team "Team of our Solar System", which plays in the League of Moscow and Moscow Region.

Dom-2 is one of the most famous and scandalous TV shows in Russia. More than 10 years ago, Victoria Karaseva was also a participant in this project. Now, in 2019, the girl is married, continues to build her career, takes part in various projects.

Victoria's biography is quite interesting, and participation in the TV project helped her gain a lot of popularity and fame. Thanks to Dom-2, Karaseva found her love and impressed many viewers with her extravagant behavior, character and stamina.

Victoria has extensive experience in various areas of life. Developing her talents as a child helped her become a confident girl. Starting her career while studying at the institute, she quickly moved forward and became a successful and wealthy person.

Childhood and youth

Victoria was born in 1979 in the capital. From the age of 9, the girl studied vocals, attended a choreography school. Already at an early age, she was attracted to cinema, she constantly watched movies and tried to imitate the actors. She regularly participated in music competitions of various levels and developed her acting potential.

Reference. Karaseva received two higher educations.

After graduation, the girl entered the Moscow State Institute of Music. A. G. Schnittke to the Faculty of Vocal. Later she was educated at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts at the Faculty of Acting.

While studying at the university, she managed to perform in restaurants in the evenings in a team of like-minded people. Victoria has two red diplomas of higher education.

Carier start

The career of an attractive brunette began on Europa Plus radio. There she worked on a show with Anton Komolov in the evenings. Victoria gained experience in the vocal and acting fields. This went on for about two years, and then she was invited to the television show that was gaining popularity at that time - "Dom-2".

Participation in "House-2"

September 2005 - the month when Karaseva came to the Dom-2 project. This reality show was a great opportunity to build a musical career. Victoria created a personal project that she wanted to launch through Dom-2.

Quote Karaseva: "This is a reality movie, but in my own work I bare my soul."

On the TV show, the girl was often called "Tori" therefore, she is well known under this pseudonym. Tori dreamed of recording her album, publishing a collection of poems, opening a production center.

At the very beginning there was an unpleasant situation. Andrey Chuev and May Abrikosov strongly framed the brunette at her presentation. The audience threw eggs at the girl right on the stage, which was a shock to her. However, the Doma-2 participant did not break down and remained on the TV show to prove that she has big goals and ambitions.

In general, participating in reality, Karaseva repeatedly showed her strong character and talents.. She continued to practice vocals even on the show - many viewers loved her for this. Tori was able to attract the attention of some musical groups.

Personal life

The girl had a lot of romantic relationships, especially while participating in "House-2". At the moment, Karaseva rarely talks about her personal life.


Vika's life on the TV project was bright enough. At the very beginning, the girl wanted to build a relationship with Chuev, even though he set her up a lot during the presentation. However, after a couple of dates, she realized that he was too careless and it would not be possible to find happiness with him.

Then Karaseva built a fake relationship with Solntsev to stay on the show. But they did not last long, as the man soon left the project, and Tori was left there alone in a depressed state.

After a short time, a young man named Ruslan Proskurov appeared in the girl's life. He was a rapper, diligently looked after Vika, gave gifts and soon won her heart.

However, as soon as they began to live together, Proskurov began to humiliate Karaseva during quarrels, constantly pointed out her shortcomings, sometimes there were fights and very high-profile scandals between them. The girl did not tell anyone about such a personal life.

The rapper said that they were breaking up, but after a long period of time he decided to return to Victoria, who was very happy with him. Relations improved, there were practically no quarrels, but nevertheless, soon the young people parted forever.

"Dom-2" still gave Tori a good man- Vyacheslav Dvoretskov.

History of meeting with her husband

After three years of participation in the TV show "Dom-2" Victoria finally met her future husband - Vyacheslav between them, true love was born. In 2008, young people secretly signed, and a year later the couple decided to get married.

Who is her husband

Slava Dvoretskov was born in 1973. He has an acting education, but does not work in this area. Almost nothing is known about exactly how he makes a living. It is possible that he has great means and works in show business. However, there are rumors that he simply lives off his wife. Dvoretskov writes songs, shoots videos on YouTube, and blogs.

What's going on in your personal life now

Now the life of Victoria Karaseva is closed to the public. The marriage of Tori and Slava broke up, but they nevertheless got back together. At the moment, there are rumors that the couple are divorced again, but there is no reliable information about this. Victoria did not give birth to children.

Also, many were worried about the quarrel between Tori and her close friend. Victoria did not communicate with her for a long time and was worried about this, but now everything has returned to normal.

Disease history

Unfortunately, Vika had to face a serious problem related to her health. The injury left negative consequences that still affect Karaseva's well-being.

Damage to the esophagus due to pizza

In 2009, the couple went to dinner at a luxurious restaurant in Moscow.. However, he turned into a real tragedy for Victoria, her health and career. Her esophagus was badly damaged due to poor quality seafood pizza.

How did it happen

A participant in the reality show "Dom-2" tried pizza, which was a fragment of a shell. It was he who severely cut Victoria's stomach and esophagus. She was quickly taken to the hospital, but first aid was given incorrectly because the wrong diagnosis was made.

What was the first diagnosis made by doctors

First, the girl was diagnosed with osteochondrosis. She was treated and injected with painkillers, straightening her spine and prescribing the wrong medications. Because of this, Tori was getting worse every day. This went on for three days, the doctors could not help.

What happened next

Due to incorrect treatment, Karaseva developed internal bleeding, the mucosa was severely damaged, she could not eat normally. The girl could have died at any moment. All her relatives were nearby and were very worried. Only her husband, who supported his wife all this time, was allowed into the ward.

As soon as the correct diagnosis was made, the doctors prescribed treatment, but Vika's condition worsened sharply anyway. Several difficult operations were carried out. After that, the girl began to gradually recover.

After being discharged from the hospital, Tori weighed only 32 kg., she received the 2nd group of disability. The consequences were extremely negative: there were problems with breathing, the musculoskeletal system, the body became exhausted and weak. Karaseva had to forget about her career as a musician for a long time.

Reference. Victoria was able to win the court, which dealt with this case, but the girl never received any compensation from the restaurant.

Victoria now

Now Tory is trying to develop in several areas, including music. She does not leave her dreams of becoming a real musician. The girl carefully monitors her appearance, sometimes goes on small trips.

What's going on in her life

Today Karaseva is a participant in several projects, sometimes she works as an interior designer, but in general it is very difficult to understand what is happening in her life, since Vika rarely shares personal information on social networks.

In 2016, the girl created a profile on Instagram, but posted only three pictures there. Now she tries to update her account more often, adding informative and optimistic posts there.

What does

Tory often travels and shares this on her accounts..

Slava Dvoretskov and Victoria Karaseva (Tori) met on the show "Dom-2". Not many believed that young people would be able to build strong relationships, but the lovers are still together. Slava and Vika left the television set in 2009. Outside the perimeter, the couple played a wedding, where Olga Buzova, Stepan Menshchikov, Andrey Cherkasov, Victoria Bonya and other stars of Dom-2 walked.

Recently, on her Instagram, Victoria told subscribers that she and her husband are celebrating their anniversary - 10 years of relationship “Hurrah. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 10 years now. Take care and appreciate if you met your person. Let love reign in the world, ”wrote Karaseva (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. - Note. ed.).

The relationship between Vika and Slava has been a real test of strength. In 2009, an accident occurred with Karaseva: in one of Victoria's Moscow restaurants, a pizza was served, in which there was a fragment of a mussel shell. As a result, Vika seriously damaged her esophagus and underwent several surgeries. Karaseva's life hung in the balance, doctors miraculously managed to save her.

During this difficult period, Slava was always next to his beloved, supported and helped to cope with all the difficulties. Victoria had to endure a lot: hospitals, courts, disability ...

« Expensive. Yes, I am a disabled person of the 2nd group. Yes, my life turned upside down in 2009. Yes, it was very difficult for me to pull myself out into the white light. Yes, doctors said that it would get easier with time, but such a miracle did not happen. I waited, did all kinds of manipulations to relieve the pain, but miracles do not happen, so the first 5 years were spent on realizing what happened to me. In my 6th year, I decided that I had to learn to live with pain. The 7th year I studied and already only the 8th year I learned. I decided that the pain would not go anywhere, would not leave, would not slam the door, which means that it should become a part of me. I learned to live with the remnants of health, and with pain. It happens so twisted that the nail plates “crack at the seams”. But you know, I'm a great fellow - I myself, without lawyers, proved that the restaurant is guilty (although the courts are still ongoing). I proved in court that a double wrong diagnosis was made in hospital No. 79, precious time of almost 3 days was lost, and because of this I almost “did not give my soul to God”, but I forgave them, did not punish the doctors, so to say, she curtsied, “in one hospital they cripple, in another they treat” (in Sklifa they pulled me out, I survived) in short, I won 3 most difficult trials", Victoria said frankly.

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