“Love shows a person how he should be” “Love shows a person how he should be. The Almazov family: kindness, responsiveness, common interests, care


  • “Love shows a person how he should be”

  • A.P. Chekhov

cause sympathy:

  • cause sympathy:

  • Kindness

  • Education

  • Sociability

  • Candor

  • Unselfishness

  • She sacrifices love for the sake of the family, for the sake of the peace of her beloved.

  • “It seemed to her that she was no longer young enough to start a new life”

  • Not wanting to hurt others, a person betrays himself.

  • “I realized that when you love, then in your reasoning about this love you need to proceed from something higher than sin or virtue, or you don’t need to reason at all.”

  • A.P. Chekhov .

  • For Bunin, true love is akin to the eternal beauty of nature, and only a natural, uncontrived feeling is truly beautiful. Bunin does not hide the fact that sublime love brings not only joy, but often conceals the pangs of disappointment and death.

  • Who is to blame for the tragedy that ends the text of the story?

  • Whom does the author condemn and does he condemn anyone?

  • Which side are you on?

  • What feelings did the actions of the characters evoke in you?

    In Chekhov's story, happiness passed by the heroes. In Bunin's story, the characters seem to have experienced the fullness of passion. And yet both stories are dramatic and even tragic. In the "Caucasus" the characters seem to have "stole" their happiness: they are forced to hide, hide, run away in order to be together. Precisely because love was "stolen", it was not complete and led to tragedy.

  • "Man came into the world for boundless freedom, creativity and happiness"

  • A.I. Kuprin

  • 1. Kind, sympathetic, loves her husband.

  • 2. In any situation, he can find a way out.

  • 3. Persistent, persistent, believes in himself.

What are the main episodes?

  • What are the main episodes?

  • What is the originality of the description of the appearance of the characters?

  • The meaning of the names of the heroes.

  • Why does the story have this title?

  • "Lilac is now forever my favorite flower"

  • To love is to do good.

1. Luganovich family

  • 1. Luganovich family: mutual respect, lack of common interests.

  • 2. Family from the story "Caucasus": selfishness, disrespect for the personality of a person, distrust.

  • 3. Diamond family: kindness, responsiveness, common interests, care.

Love is the highest feeling experienced by one person in relation to another. Love comes unexpectedly, is hard to manage and very hard to ignore. Love often changes a person's outlook on life, and his attitude towards himself and to the people around him. Love gives us an incentive to live if it is happy, but it can also induce a person to harm himself, up to suicide. I'm not saying that by loving, you can harm your loved one. No, this is not love, this is selfishness. If you really love a person, then you will do everything to make him happy, even if it hurts you yourself.
Love and honor ... Sometimes a person himself confuses what he experiences - love torment or a debt of honor. Each person has his own concept of honor, and if it is dearer to you than life, think about whether it is honor or insulted pride. Honor is synonymous with conscience. She guides and supports you in life, tells you what is good and what is bad. The difference between honor and conscience is that conscience is internal honesty, and honor is also a social rule, the rule of the pack: you must behave like everyone else does, do not show weakness, otherwise you will be torn apart, you must follow the rules, and must either destroy the opponent or die himself.
The story of I. A. Bunin "The Caucasus" speaks of love, honor and treason. The wife who is in love with another person is cheating on the hero, he guesses about it, and informs her that in order to protect his honor, he will do anything. The wife deceives him and secretly leaves with her lover. The hero immediately went after her and searched for the two addresses she had left. Not finding her, he was convinced that his guesses were correct, and shot himself.
At the very beginning, the hero says that he will do anything for the sake of honor. But I'm not sure if it's honor or love. After all, he left his wife to live, sacrificed his life for the sake of her happiness, although he could challenge an opponent to a duel, and thereby ruin both the honor and happiness of his wife. By becoming a widow, she will be able to freely, openly love. Do not hide, do not be afraid of feelings, but isn't that happiness?
After reading this story, I ask myself the question - who is to blame for the tragedy of the protagonist?
His wife? Hardly. After all, for a very long time, parents arranged the marriage of their children without asking their consent. This woman got the opportunity to become a little happier, and I'm happy for her. From the very beginning, she was ready to sacrifice her life in order to get a little of this happiness, because she was sure that her husband would kill her.
Maybe the lover of the hero's wife is to blame? We can't say anything about him at all. Of course, meeting with a married woman, he acted immorally, but if it was love, do we have the right to reproach him? No, I don't think he played a big part in it. After all, if the hero's wife did not fall in love with him, she could fall in love with someone else.
Maybe the hero himself is to blame? Rather, his offended pride is to blame for something, which would not allow him, knowing the truth, to live in peace. But still it is impossible to say that the hero is to blame for everything himself.
So who is to blame? I'm afraid no one can accurately answer this question. The hero is to blame, and his rival, and the hero's wife, but the society in which and according to the laws of which they live, the standards that must be followed are also to blame. But this is not all, the feelings experienced by people are also to blame, the feelings that give us so much joy and sorrow. You can not close yourself from feelings, because of the fear of feeling pain in the soul. Feelings are what makes us human, this is what we live for.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin Problems of the story "Caucasus"

Russian writer, poet, honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 - 1953)

Mother - Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunina, nee Chubarova (1835-1910). A meek, gentle and sensitive nature, brought up on the lyrics of Pushkin and Zhukovsky, was engaged in raising children. Father - Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin (1827-1906), in his youth he was an officer, participated in the defense of Sevastopol, was quick-tempered, reckless by nature, passionately loved hunting and singing old romances with a guitar. Born October 10, 1870 in an old noble family in Voronezh, where he lived the first three years of his life. Subsequently, the family moved to the Ozerki estate.

Education Bunin Julius Alekseevich (1857-1921) until the age of 11 Bunin was brought up at home in 1881 entered the Yelets district gymnasium in 1885 continued his education under the guidance of his older brother Julius

Literary activity In 1887, the first Bunin poems "The Village Beggar" and "Over Nadson's Grave" were published in the St. Petersburg magazine Rodina. In 1903, the Academy of Sciences awarded Bunin the Pushkin Prize for the collection Falling Leaves and the translation of The Song of Hiawatha. By decision of the Swedish Academy on November 9, 1933, the Nobel Prize in Literature for that year was awarded to Ivan Bunin for his truthful artistic talent, with which he recreated a typical Russian character in fiction.

The story "Caucasus" First published at the end of 1937, in the Parisian émigré newspaper Latest News. Later he entered the cycle "Dark Alleys" (1946). What is the theme of the story? Bunin's love is always passionate, sensual, striking with lightning speed, often forbidden, ending tragically.

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STORY'S IMAGES THE HEROINE loves passionately, deceives her husband, does not know what will happen next, rejoices with anxiety at the "stolen" fleeting happiness. “She was pale with the beautiful pallor of a loving, agitated woman, her voice broke.”

HERO There is no portrait, his actions are important. He feels pity and admiration. It can be assumed that he comes up with an "escape" plan. She often cries, he is calm. "Thieves stopped", "lived languidly, a recluse - from a date to a date with her."

HUSBAND Loves her, takes care of her, but she has no freedom. Upon learning of the betrayal, he committed suicide, died theatrically so that she would be hurt. "Cruel, proud character", "tall figure", "economically entered it [coupe] with her"

Compare the description of nature at the beginning of the story and at the end. What artistic technique does the author use? “Vorovsky stopped in inconspicuous rooms” ... “Cold rains fell in Moscow” ... “It was dirty, gloomy” ... “And it was a dark, disgusting evening” ... “It rained noisily on the roof” ... At the very beginning of his story, Bunin masterfully creates a feeling of unconscious anxiety, some fragility, temporality, some "irregularity" of this love.

“The hot sun was already strong, pure and joyful” ... “Part of the sea ... had the color of violet and lay so evenly, peacefully that it seemed there would never be an end to this peace, this beauty” ... “The nights were warm and impenetrable” ... “ A hopelessly happy cry, as if everything is one and the same endless song ”... Happiness ... Even though it’s disturbing, fragile, temporary, even if it’s “wrong”, even if it’s stolen, it’s still beautiful. ANTITHESIS

SUMMARY OF THE MEETINGS Is any of the heroes to blame for the tragedy? No, love brings joy to some, grief to others. Does the author condemn any of the characters? He only depicts the situation, and the reader himself must figure it out. What is the essence of the story "Caucasus"? Love is not only a great happiness that has befallen a person, but also a feeling that very often brings suffering and pain.


References: http://elzem.ru/znamenitosti/bunin-a-n.html http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C1%F3%ED%E8%ED,_%C8%E2%E0%ED_% C0%EB%E5%EA%F1%E5%E5%E2%E8%F7 w http://slovari.yandex.ru/bunin /Lit.%20encyclopedia/Bunin/ http://knigostock.com/viewtopic.php ?f=6&t=82 http://ru-shpora.ru/node/1186 http:// www.vilavi.ru/raz/bunin/kavkaz/kavkaz.shtml http://900igr.net/kartinki/literatura/ Bunin-rasskazy/043-Bunin-Tjomnye-allei.html http://swolkov.org/rok/f43.htm http://festival.1september.ru/articles/625538/

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • To get acquainted with the main stages of the life of the great writer;
  • To consolidate the ability to work with fiction and reference literature;
  • Develop the ability to listen, analyze, read expressively;
  • Improve your monologue skills.

Used technical means: personal computer, multimedia projector; software Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint.

During the classes

  1. Teacher's word about the writer (presentation).
  2. Listening to the artistic reading of the story "Caucasus".
  3. Discussion of the story. Conclusion.
  4. Artistic and expressive means in the story.
  5. Final conclusion.
  6. Announcement of grades.
  7. Homework.

1. The word of the teacher about the writer(accompanied by presentation).See Attachment

Yasnaya Polyana… Rainy autumn day. Two people are walking in the grove. Alone ... in a warm coat, he is already over 70. But despite his age and heavy clothes, he easily jumps through puddles. He approaches the birch trees, gently strokes their trunks and suddenly says to his companion: “Recently I read somewhere a poem:

The mushrooms have gone
but it smells strong
in ravines with mushroom dampness…”

And exclaims: “Very good, very true!” This is Leo Tolstoy, his companion is Maxim Gorky. And the poems that Tolstoy liked were written by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Still quite young.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 10, 1870. His parents - father Alexei Nikolaevich and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna - belonged to an old noble family, from which many famous people came out (poet Vasily Zhukovsky, geographer-traveler Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky and others).

Vanya Bunin's childhood passed on a farm among fields and forests, in a small family estate near Yelets. He grew up with peasant boys, played Indians with them, told stories, went to the night.

Little Bunin received his first knowledge from a home teacher. He was Nikolai Osipovich Romashkov, an educated man who knew several languages. The teacher was very fond of his inquisitive pupil, and Vanya answered him the same. Nikolai Osipovich turned out to be an original teacher. He taught Vanya from Homer's "Odessa" and "English Poets". This, probably, awakened in little Bunin a passion for poetry. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8 and continued to write until the end of his life.

At the age of ten, Vanya was sent to the Yelets gymnasium. During the holidays, he continued to go to the farm.

The gymnasium years left Bunin with far from joyful memories. The transition from free life in the countryside to the ridiculous strictness of the gymnasium, from the cares and caresses of the mother to the hard life in private apartments was too abrupt.

While studying at the gymnasium, he wrote poetry, imitating Pushkin and Lermontov. Pushkin copied even in handwriting. He liked to read Zhukovsky, Maykov, Fet, Polonsky, A.K. Tolstoy.

After studying at the gymnasium for 4 years, after the next vacation, Ivan Bunin did not return to the gymnasium and was expelled "for failure to appear and non-payment of tuition." By that time, his father was almost completely ruined.

Vanya's further education is taken under his leadership by his elder brother, Julius Alekseevich. He was a highly educated and gifted man. He read to his younger brother the entire course of the gymnasium, and in individual subjects - the course of the university.

Bunin continues to write poetry and begins to write stories. When he was 17, the first printed collection of his stories came out; his poems are published in newspapers and magazines. Thus began his literary career.

He meets many writers: Korolenko, Kuprin, Bryusov, Gorky. But especially warm friendly relations connected him with Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Bunin stayed with him for a long time in Yalta and became his own in his family. Chekhov predicted that Bunin would become a "great writer." Chekhov's prediction came true - Bunin was twice awarded the Pushkin Prize, and in 1933 he was the first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize. This was a worldwide recognition of the talent of I.A. Bunin and Russian literature in general.

Already from a young age, Bunin wrote stories on a wide variety of topics. He was tormented by the question: where does a person have two principles - good and evil? About this his later and best stories “The Village”, “Dry Valley”, dedicated to the theme of the extinction of noble estates, the degeneration and savagery of landlord life.

Themes and plots for Bunin's stories were prompted by life itself. And the life of the writer himself was wandering and looked like a kaleidoscope6 village - Yelets - Oryol - Kharkov - Smolensk; the first painful love that lasted 5 years, but did not end in marriage, because the bride's parents did not want this union.

New wanderings, a trip to the south, marriage, the birth of a son. But the marriage was not happy and fell apart, and Kolenka's beloved son died of scarlet fever at the age of 5. Bunin never had more children. Only a photograph of his son remained, with which he did not part until the end of his days.

And again wanderings, trips abroad and around the country, meeting with his future wife Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, who will be his faithful and devoted friend to the end.

Bunin perceived the revolutionary events growing in Russia very painfully. He resolutely and categorically did not accept the October Revolution, evaluating it as "bloody madness" and "general madness."

In 1920, Bunin and his wife left Russia forever. He loved his homeland, suffered from separation from her.

Bunin lived in France for 33 years, the last years in extreme poverty. But when the Nazis occupied France, Bunin refused to cooperate with them; hid the hiding Jews, realizing what this threatened him with. He welcomed the victory of the USSR over fascism, but he could not return to Russia with the social system that he rejected.

I.A. Bunin died on November 8, 1953 in Paris. He worked until his death; wrote stories, combined in the book "Dark Alleys". These are stories about love: mutual and beautiful, unrequited and painful, tragic.

Today we will talk about one of these stories. It is called "Caucasus".

2. Listening to the artistic reading of the story "Caucasus".

3. Discussion of the story.

When does the story take place?

Who is to blame for the tragedy that ends the story? Does the author condemn anyone?

What feelings did the actions of the characters evoke in you?

The story tells about how the hero was jealous of his wife, looking for her, suffering. But why does the author, describing his last actions before suicide, speak of them as a farce, as something theatrical. What did the author mean by this?

At first, we follow a couple of lovers enjoying their rest, communication with each other, but then suddenly it's not love, not life, but death... Who is to blame for it? Will these people be able to be happy later? Does the suicide cause sympathy?


The problem of the story "Caucasus": love is an extraordinary force. Love is not only a great happiness that has befallen a person, but also a feeling that very often brings suffering and pain.

4. Artistic and expressive means in the story.

Filling out cards.

Task: choose and write down examples from the text.

5. Final conclusion.

Bunin is deservedly considered one of the best stylists among Russian writers of the turn of the century, his language is bright, precise and at the same time poetic. In terms of colors and sounds, “everything,” to use Bunin’s words, “sensual, material, from which the world is created,” previous and contemporary literature did not touch such fine and striking details and shades as his.

6. Announcement of grades.

7. Homework.

Answer left Guest

Bunin's story "The Caucasus" makes the reader wonder who is to blame for the tragedy that happened? The story of forbidden love is shown in such a way that we see the characters of the characters: a frivolous unfaithful wife, a determined but weak-willed husband - an officer and a cowardly lover who does not show himself to her husband, fearing a scandal. The plot is a love triangle. In this difficult situation, which led to the tragedy, each of the heroes is to blame. The officer's wife is to blame for the fact that having lived for many years with her husband, she does not hesitate to cheat on him and does not even have the thought of explaining herself, talking, deciding something on how to live on. It is easier for her to hide her feelings and pretend that everything is fine in the family, nothing bad is happening, so long as her husband does not notice her real feelings. I don't respect such women. Become a traitor and run from her husband to her lover on dates - for me it's terrible and mean. I will never accept this and I will never understand such people. She did not have the courage to confess everything to her husband, to repent, and if life was unbearable with him, to part. That would be more honest. The consequences of such betrayal are tragic. Her lover is a miserable, shy little man who can only hide in the car from her husband's gaze, does not have the fortitude to go out and talk to him, admit his guilt, tell everything and decide what to do next. Their situation is hopeless, a dead end, there is no way out of it - this is how the heroes decide. They hope that everything will fall into place by itself. And no effort is required on their part. And we see what it led them to. The husband - an officer, also turned out to be a weak-willed person, he was able to quickly settle scores with life, it was easier and easier than talking to his wife, letting her go and arranging his life himself, continuing to live. He decides that killing himself is the quickest and easiest way out of this situation. In any situation, a person must find the strength to live on. He is an officer, courage and courage should guide his life. While reading, we ourselves ask ourselves the questions "How could this happen? Who is to blame? Killing yourself - was it necessary?", we must answer these questions for ourselves. Bunin invites us to reflect on them and reflect. And very interestingly, he shows the characters of the characters through the description of nature. We seem to feel their inner world, their mood, soul, impulses. The author perfectly describes the amazing and sunny Caucasus and cold, gloomy, rainy Moscow. The Caucasus and Moscow - the life of an officer's family in Moscow and the life of lovers in the Caucasus. Bunin plays on the contrast, a bright contrast between the feelings of the characters and their love. The most ordinary story of the life of one family is shown in such a way that it touches the soul, goosebumps run through the body, with each line read, the heart beats faster and the excitement grows, anxiety appears for the heroes, for their wrong actions, for their stupid deeds, and in the end - bitter disappointment, piercing pain to the depths of the soul - a shot and death. I would advise reading this work not only to students in grades 8-9, but also to high school students, parents, adult brothers and sisters. It seems to me that at different stages of life and in different years of life, this story will sound somehow different, and in a new way, every time a person is older, the deeper he will understand this story and see in it already other features and shades. .

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