The appearance of Tatars from different regions: similarities, differences and features.


At one of the press conferences, the question about the national character somehow arose: does such a concept exist in principle, or was it invented by journalists? Then a young employee of a popular metropolitan publication stood up and answered: “I won’t say about others, but we, Tatars, definitely have a national character - we Tatars, if only for nothing.”

However, it is very difficult to find a person who would refuse a freebie, so this is probably not the main feature of the Tatar ethnos. What then are the main ones? Let's try to find them.

1. Red, red, freckled

Tatars are considered to be brunettes with large dark eyes. However, the people have long and firmly assimilated with the Slavs, and therefore among its representatives there are blondes, and brown-haired, and freckled redheads. Not obligatory and swarthy skin, high cheekbones, a narrow slit of the eyes. In addition, there are Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Kama Tatars, which are quite different from each other. So if you are not a professional anthropologist, then you are unlikely to identify a Tatar by the eyes, nose or shape of the lips.

2. The beard does not warm in the cold

The Tatars rarely wear a beard, apparently imitating the Finno-Ugric peoples, with whom they also historically merged.

3. Fatima, Gulchatay, Reseda…

Tatars are Muslims, but polygamy is not widespread among them. It is extremely rare for a Tatar to even have two wives. Only if the first wife, having entered old age, finds it difficult to take care of the house and children, she takes the second one - younger and stronger. And he checks the bride like this: he watches how she cuts homemade noodles and bread, the thinner - the better, she will be an economical hostess.

4. All at work

If the Germans are, first of all, punctual, the Russians are reckless, then the Tatars are hard-working. They do well in trade and crafts. The well-known historian of the 19th century Nikolai Nikolsky wrote in his "Ethnic Albums": "It is difficult to imagine a Tatar at home even on Muslim holidays, he certainly stands near his shop or shop and talks with neighbors and passers-by. The Tatars trade better than the Russians ".

5. You will lick your fingers!

Are you saying that you don't like Tatar cuisine? You just haven't tried it! It is delicious, but for some reason little known. Only chak-chak and azu in Tatar are popular everywhere. Of course, it’s hard to find kalyk - dried horse meat today, but cook belish with meat, potato, or curd filling, kystyby with millet porridge or peremyach with carrots or beets, you definitely won’t regret it!

6. You don’t drink tea, where do you get strength?

Tea in Tatarstan is a favorite national drink. Without it, not a single meeting takes place, a conversation does not start. Start the day with "irtenge chey" - morning tea. "Cheyge chakyru" is an ancient custom of inviting people for tea. “After tea, summer is in the soul,” says a folk proverb.

7. In we came from the Tatars

Tatars are sure that most of the great people belong to their people. Yes, often you can’t argue: Rachmaninov, Aksakov, Tyutchev, Karamzin, Sheremetyev are surnames of Tatar origin. And in the recently released film "Secrets of the Tatars of Moscow" it is stated that even Minin and Pozharsky had Tatar roots in their family.

8. A man, even if he falls, will find money.

So says the Tatar proverb. The people are distinguished by thrift and diligence. A Tatar will definitely build himself a good, comfortable home, create a strong economy. There are few millionaires among the Tatars, but there are practically no poor, mostly they are wealthy, wealthy people who can sensibly manage even small amounts of money.

9. Kulmek, yshtan, yes skullcap

The basis of the national Tatar costume is a loose tunic-shaped shirt (kulmek), wide trousers (yshtan) and an indispensable skullcap. Fabrics, even men, have always preferred bright, oriental, with intricate patterns. And they did not take off the skullcap either at home or on the street, on cold days they put on a hat or a felt hat right on top of it.

10. A lot of us!

Tatars in our country are the second largest people, after the Russians. According to the last census in 2010. a little more than 5 million, and therefore they are rightfully considered the state-forming nation. They have been living next to us for many centuries, so let our friendship only grow stronger!

And here is what famous representatives of the Tatar people think about themselves.

Nail Nabiullin, Chairman of the Union of Tatar Youth "Azatlyk"

A modern Tatar man knows several languages ​​perfectly, Russian, English, of course, Tatar. Strives to learn the Turkic languages: Turkish, Kazakh. He is always ready to help those in need. He is a Muslim who necessarily knows the basic canons of Islam. He loves himself, his family, his relatives. As a state-forming nation, the Tatars are generally responsible for our entire country, and not just for themselves.

A real Tatar is a loving father of many children, he strives to give his sons and daughters a good education, and he himself is constantly improving spiritually.

Unfortunately, globalization makes itself felt, and he does not wear national clothes every day, but strives for this. At a minimum, on holidays he wears a skullcap to emphasize his national identity. I wear a skullcap every day. And for solemn moments, I have a national costume. However, even when I dress in European style, I strive to have at least some ethnic element, albeit small, but present in my costume.

And the Tatar, at least, is a wealthy person.

Rais Suleimanov, researcher at the Volga Center for Regional and Ethno-Religious Studies (RISS):

A modern Tatar man is a secular person, mostly a city dweller, fluent in Russian, as a rule, he wears European clothes, perceives Russian culture not as someone else's, but as his own. It can easily integrate with Russians, up to marriages. There is no Caucasian expression in him, he is calm and peaceful. Strives to become a wealthy person, material wealth is important to him, but he is not a hoarder.

Evgenia Keda

Today, the Tatars are treated ambiguously. On the one hand, they are admired, because it was they, together with their brothers the Mongols, who managed to conquer a good half (if not more) of the Old World. On the other hand, they are not treated very friendly, because there is an opinion that the character of the Tatars is far from ideal. belligerent, bold, cunning and to a certain extent cruel. But the truth, as always, is somewhere in between.

The character of the Tatars was largely determined by the conditions in which they lived. Nomads are known to be hardy people, strong and brave. They could easily adapt not only to any weather conditions, but also to any life situations. But the Tatars always remained faithful to their national traditions, the life of the community was led by smart people in accordance with ancient traditions.

What kind of character do the Tatars really have? People who are closely acquainted with this people note that their main qualities are perseverance and diligence. There are always many children in Tatar families. An interesting fact is that they believe that a sick woman can recover when she gives birth to another baby. The family for a Tatar is the most important thing, he is kind to his half. There are quite a few divorces among people of this nationality. And they live very friendly, always support each other, which today is a rarity for the peoples of the West.

Despite the fact that the character of the Tatars as a whole includes such qualities as honesty and kindness, there are traitors, scoundrels, and cowards among them. As the saying goes, there is a black sheep everywhere. The struggle for survival in the conditions of nomadic life gave rise to a certain envy, ambition, cunning in the hearts of the representatives of this people. Tatars are quite prudent, have a bright and quick mind, but also hot heads. However, they always think well before saying something out of anger. Since ancient times, the Tatars have been engaged in trade affairs, so they are doing well in this business today. And trade itself requires chastity, resourcefulness and cunning from a person. Interestingly, they were not serfs. They lived according to their own rules and laws, and the landowners did not exist at the expense of the labor of ordinary peasants.

The character of the Tatars is special, as is their worldview, philosophy, culture and language. But there is another distinctive people - the national cuisine, which is legendary. Simple and nutritious, healthy food embodies the hospitality of the Tatar people. The traveler was always offered hot dishes here - meat, dairy and lean. As a rule, a hot dish with flour dressing is constantly present on the table. There are festive and ritual dishes, such as dumplings and broth, chicken stuffed with eggs. Pilaf with boiled meat, amazing and varied pastries are considered almost classics. Bread is considered sacred.

Despite the fact that the people profess Islam, the male Tatars have a rather friendly character. In principle, almost the same qualities are inherent in a Tatar as are characteristic of a Russian person, so girls should not be afraid if their chosen one belongs to this ethnic group.

A feature of the Tatar nationality is the absence of pronounced features of appearance, which would make it possible to accurately distinguish its representatives from other peoples. Their appearance is different, depending on the ethnic group to which they belong. However, anthropology still highlights the signs of how the Tatars look, taking into account the characteristic features.

How to identify a Tatar: typical features of nationality

Tatars (self-name "Tatarlar") belong to the Turkic group, the white race. Since ancient times, the populous ethnos influenced the development of Eurasia. The history of the Middle Ages tells how the nation held in tension a vast territory from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coast.

The variety of types of appearance of the people is due to its origin, since among the ancestors of the Tatars there were representatives of both the Mongoloid and European races. This also explains the prevalence and population of the nation.

The mixed race, to which the Tatars belong, allows you to see among its representatives dark-haired and fair, red, brown-eyed, with gray eyes, and so on.

Depending on where they came from and where they live, there are many types of a given nationality.

These include:

  • Kazan;
  • Kasimov's;
  • Siberian;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Permian;
  • Crimean Tatars;
  • Mishari;
  • teptyari;
  • Kryashens;
  • whips and others.

The population of the nation in Russia in 2010, according to Wikipedia, is 5.3 million people. As a percentage, the indicator, how many Tatars are from the total population, is 3.87%. In terms of prevalence in the Russian Federation, nationality is recognized as the second after Russians. There are about a million Tatars in the world, they make up more than half of the population of the Republic of Tatarstan (53%), and in the United States, according to statistics, only 2-7 thousand people live.

Representatives of the nation speak the Tatar language, which includes the Western and Kazan dialects. In the religion of the people there are Muslims, Orthodox Christians (Kryashens) or atheists (there is no faith in God). Mostly in their religion, the Tatars belong to the Sunnis, and not to the Shiites.

It helps to determine nationality by facial features characteristic of anthropological types.

Tatars distinguish 4 of them:

Each of them is characterized by the features shown in the photo.

head shape

Tatars are characterized by mesokephaly or subbrachycephaly (cranial index 76-80), that is, they are predominantly medium-headed, moderately long and wide skull and oval face.

The Mongoloid type is characterized by brachycephaly, that is, short-headedness. The face is broad and flattened.

The photo shows TV presenter Almaz Garayev and actor and TV presenter Timur Batrutdinov.

Almaz Garayev

Timur Batrutdinov


It is believed that the Tatars are characterized by the Mongolian section of the eyes, their narrow shape. However, this is not necessary; the epicanthus is predominantly found in the Mongoloid type, and is poorly developed in the sublaponoid type.

Other anthropological types are not characterized by such features.

The color varies: Tatars are blue-eyed, with brown eyes. But the green ones are the most common.

The photo shows the singer, actor and director Dmitry Bikbaev.

It is difficult to identify a Tatar by his appearance.

A more characteristic type is presented below - singer, actor, composer, producer, film director Renat Ibragimov.


The shape of the olfactory organ in Tatars is diverse. Usually the nose is wide, with a straight back or an unexpressed hump. For the Pontic type, a lowered tip is characteristic, for the Mongoloid and sublaponoid type, a low nose bridge.

The photo shows a singer, actor, entrepreneur, composer, producer Timati (Timur Yunusov) and a successful tennis player Marat Safin.

Marat Safin


Mostly Tatars are characterized by black hair. But unlike the Uzbeks, Mongols, Tajiks, there are also fair-haired representatives of the nationality. Tatars can have light brown and red color.

The photographs show Russian footballer Ruslan Nigmatullin and actor Marat Basharov.

Ruslan Nigmatullin

Marat Basharov

The appearance of the Tatars

A generalized image, what Tatars are, is a person of medium height with mixed pigmentation of the eyes and hair, a moderately wide oval face, a straight or hooked nose. Men are distinguished by a strongly built body, stockiness, women, on the contrary, by fragility.

The appearance of Tatars sometimes differs significantly, depending on belonging to a particular ethnic group.


Among the Tatars of this ethnic group, European features of appearance are often observed: blond hair, sometimes red, light eyes, a narrow nose, straight or with a hump. This type is similar to the Slavs.

From the Mongols, a wide oval face and narrowed eyes may be present.

Men are characterized by medium height, strong build, short neck. This is due to the mixing of blood with the Finnish peoples.

The picture shows Kazan Tatar celebrities.


The Tatars of this group appeared in the 15th century. Its representatives live in the south of Ukraine, in Russia, Romania, Turkey, Uzbekistan (where they were deported from the Crimea in the middle of the 20th century).

Purebred Crimean Tatars have an appearance close to Slavic. The real representatives of the nation were tall, blond or red hair, light eyes and skin.

However, the neighborhood with Asians introduced characteristic features into the image of nationality. Many Tatars acquired the corresponding type of face, dark hair and eyes, swarthyness.

After returning to the Crimea, the people revive the lost original customs and traditions.

The photo shows the Crimean and Kazan Tatars, where features are traced, how ethnic groups differ from each other.


The history of the Tatars in the Southern Urals has been little studied; today the Chelyabinsk region has a huge number of communities.

The anthropological type of a representative of the nationality is shown in the figure.

Often there are dark hair and eyes, possibly narrowed, a wide oval face and nose, prominent cheekbones, large ears.


The Tatars of this group are characterized by signs of the Mongoloid race. This is manifested by dark hair, gray or brown eyes with a crease in the upper eyelid, a wide nose, sometimes with a hump, usually fair skin.

Men are distinguished by a strong physique, height above average.


Oriental appearance is characteristic, which is visually easy to distinguish from Russian. A mixture of Caucasoid and Mongoloid types is characteristic. Sometimes the appearance of the Siberian Tatars is comparable to the Uzbek.

Representatives of the nationality have dark hair and eyes, prominent cheekbones, a wide nose of the oriental type. The physique is correct, men are characterized by strength and endurance.

Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod)

They act as a sub-ethnos of the Tatar-Mishars. Their characteristic feature is the clattering Nizhny Novgorod dialect. They live in Nizhny Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk and Tatar villages.

The Pontic anthropological type of appearance predominates, manifested by dark or mixed pigmentation of the eyes and hair, a hooked nose and a lowered tip, and medium height. Caucasoid features are possible, differing from the previous ones in the light color of the hair and eyes. The Mongoloid type of appearance is not numerous.


A group of Tatars formed on the territory of the modern Astrakhan region. They are considered descendants of the Turkic-speaking population of the Golden Horde, they have their own dialect.

In the course of historical development, the nationality was influenced by the Nogais.

For the appearance of the Astrakhan Tatars, Mongoloid features are more characteristic than Caucasoid ones. There is a dark color of hair and eyes, some of their narrowness, a wide oval of the face and nose.

What do Tatars look like?

The appearance of the representatives of the weaker sex of the Tatar nationality is similar to those of men. Most of them are of European ethnicity, however, the Mongoloid type is also common.

The photo shows various types of Tatar appearance: the famous journalist and TV presenter Lilia Gildeeva and the beauty Miss "Youth of Tatarstan-2012" Albina Zamaleeva.

Lilia Gildeeva

Albina Zamaleeva


Tatar girls are characterized by a rounded oval of the face, an unexpressed squint of the eyes, and the presence of epicanthus is possible. Their color varies from blue to black. Green eyes are more common.

The photo shows the singer AsylYar (Alsu Zainutdinova).

In her biography, it is noted that she is the very first in history who performed a song in the Tatar language at the International Eurovision Song Contest.

Hair color is also diverse, among the Tatars there are blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads.

The photo shows the Olympic champion, Europe, Russia in rhythmic gymnastics, State Duma deputy Alina Kabaeva and model Diana Farhullina.

Alina Kabaeva

Diana Farhullina

Depending on the type of appearance, the skin is dark or light. Often it is whiter than that of the representatives of the Slavic nationality.


Most Tatar women are characterized by slender figures, fragility and grace. An example of this is the theater and film actress Chulpan Khamatova.

The height of the Tatars is average, about 165 centimeters, long legs are uncharacteristic. Some representatives of the nation are characterized by a square figure: broad shoulders along with the same hips. The narrow waist emphasizes the beauty of Tatar women.

The photo shows the famous fashion model Irina Shayk (Shaykhlislamova), a Tatar on the paternal side.

Features of character and mentality

To understand who the Tatars are, it is important to know who they came from. The origin left an imprint on their appearance and lifestyle.

Briefly, the theory of where the Tatars came from calls the ancient state of Volga Bulgaria the place where the roots of the nation were formed. Their ancestors are the Bulgars. The Turkic-Bulgarian ethnos came from the Asian steppes and settled in the Middle Volga region. In the X-XIII centuries, the nationality created its own statehood. Mostly we are talking about the Volga-Ural group, other varieties are considered as separate communities. For example, the theory of Tatar-Mongol origin reduces or even denies the participation of the Volga Bulgaria in the history of the Kazan Tatars.

Often there is a dispute that the Tatars are still Asians or Europeans. It is due to racial mixing. Geneticists say that the nation is mostly Caucasoids, with a minority of Mongoloids.

The photo shows the guys and girls of the Tatars in national costumes.

The mentality and culture of the people is influenced by their religion - they profess Islam, which they adopted on May 21, 922.

The character of a Tatar man is distinguished by stubbornness, indifference. However, at the same time, he is hardworking, hospitable, has a sense of dignity, which is sometimes perceived as pride and arrogance. Crimean Tatars are distinguished by calmness, enterprise in stressful situations. They are careerists, striving for knowledge and new opportunities.

What Tatar men are in a relationship is determined by their character: they are reliable, reasonable, law-abiding, purposeful. Religion allows polygamy, but it is extremely rare. Usually a second wife, a younger one, is brought into the house to help with household chores when the first one has grown old.

A Tatar wife is obedient and submissive to her husband, betrayed in love, from childhood, girls are set up for a long-lasting and only marriage. Women are inquisitive, clean, hospitable, attentive to people, love to cook and raise children. Among the dishes that Tatars eat, kazylyk (dried horse meat), gubadiya (layer cake), talkysh kaleve (dessert), chak-chak stand out. The basis of culinary masterpieces is dough and a thick layer of fat.

Tatar women follow fashion, are interested in new products and love beautiful clothes: despite their obedience to their husbands, loyalty to customs and traditions, you cannot meet her in a black veil.

The photo shows the singer Alsou (Safina / Abramova).

It is believed that Tatar women are passionate in bed, and men are skilled lovers.

Religion does not prohibit marriages with non-Christians, so there is a Tatar wife, a Russian husband, and vice versa. Such families are quite happy, each of the members adheres to their religious beliefs. Mestizos are born from a mixture of Russians and Tatars. Children of mixed blood are often outwardly cute, combining the features of 2 nationalities.

An interesting fact is the appearance in some babies of a sign of belonging to the Mongoloid race - a specific spot (Mongolian). Such a Tatar mark in a child is a bluish patch of skin on the buttocks, sacrum, and thighs.

Sometimes it is mistaken for a bruise, although this is considered a sign of oriental blood. With age, the stain disappears.

Tatarov highlights worship and respect for elders.

An interesting marriage ceremony. After the wedding, the guy and the girl do not live together for another year. It is considered correct that at this time the young woman stays with her parents, and her husband (in Tatar the word sounds “ir”) comes as a guest.

Differences from other nations

Comparing the appearance of the Tatars and similar peoples, they distinguish identical and distinctive features.

For example, the Bashkirs also belong to the Turkic family, have a similar language and adhere to the same religion. However, there are differences in appearance. Tatars are predominantly characterized by Caucasoid features, Bashkirs - Mongoloid.


There is a theory that the Jews are inherently similar to the Tatars. This is due to the similar structure of DNA. Adherents of the hypothesis believe that the majority of Ashkenazi Jews did not belong to Israel and are Turks.

There is something in common between Tatars and Turks. This is their belonging to the Turkic peoples.

The Tatars also have a close relationship with the Kazakhs. Previously, they were ranked as one people, connected by a Turkic community. However, it is not difficult to distinguish nationality by appearance.

For visual comparison, the picture shows the anthropological types of various peoples.


There are many stereotypes about the Tatar people, right and wrong, which have become obsolete or to this day are their hallmarks.

  • An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar!- phraseological unit refers to the time when the Russians were under the yoke of the yoke. The Tatars were cruel invaders, they showed violence, ferocity. The Russians, accordingly, considered them a nasty people and hated them with all their hearts. Therefore, the uninvited guest in the proverb acts as an unexpected invader, like a Tatar, as they were scornfully called in Russia.
  • Tatars are cunning and stingy. The people are characterized by thrift, they do not like to squander money. The Tatar is prudent and prosperous, creates comfortable living conditions for himself, managing finances wisely.
  • Selfishness and arrogance. Sometimes Tatars call themselves special, arguing that great people have their roots. This is the reason why the representatives of the nation are not loved. However, to exalt one's people and consider them better than others is also characteristic of other nationalities.
  • Tea lovers. Not a single event or meeting takes place without a drink.
  • Hospitality. Tatars are friendly and inquisitive. They are happy to receive guests in the house. The hosts will put delicious Tatar delicacies on the table and keep up a pleasant conversation.

Of course, all people are different, but still there are certain features that unite a separate race, a group of peoples, a people. Tatars belong to the Altai family, the Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatars were farmers. Tatars, unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, do not have pronounced common features in appearance. The appearance of the Tatar has undergone changes due to infusions of Slavic blood. Indeed, Tatars can be not only dark-haired, but also fair-haired and even red-haired, unlike the Mongols, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Tajiks. Also, Tatars do not necessarily have narrow eyes and very dark skin. However, they still distinguish common features of the Tatar appearance. Anthropologists have revealed that modern Tatars had ancestors of both the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races.

It is in connection with this that the representatives of this people are so different. In addition, there are several types of Tatars: Ural, South Kama, Crimean, Volga-Siberian. The last type is closest to the Mongoloid race. have a wide nose, pronounced cheekbones, dark hair, brown eyes, a crease above the upper eyelid. But this type is very rare. Volga Tatars have an oblong face without pronounced cheekbones, large gray or brown eyes, an oriental-type nose with a hump. The physique is correct, tall, hardy, the skin is not swarthy. More often, however, there are Tatars of European appearance, with blond hair, light eyes. Almost all Tatars have a narrow nose, sometimes with a hump or aquiline. Often, Tatars are not tall, the average height of women is 164 cm.

The character of the Tatar also has its own characteristics. Representatives of this people are hardworking, hospitable, stubborn, clean, but proud, indifferent, unshakable. In their traditions, respect elders, be guided by reason, be law-abiding, adapt to the situation, be able to adapt. They are also deeply religious, patient, love order and power. Thanks to their hard work, perseverance, straightforwardness, they achieve success in their careers, a commercial streak is certainly inherent in this people. They are disciplined and persistent, work to the end, achieve their goals.

Tatars strive to gain knowledge, they show perseverance and responsibility. The main distinguishing feature of the Crimean Tatars is their unusual indifference and calmness, even in the most difficult situation. Tatars are very talkative and curious, although they are silent and concentrated during work. In addition, these people have a pronounced sense of their own dignity, consider themselves special, sometimes arrogant, arrogant. Everything is done with some innate dignity. Tatars are also incredibly clean, their homes are always in order and cleanliness, regardless of whether they live richly or poorly. They take care of their appearance, neat and clean. In relation to their co-religionists, the Tatars are incredibly respectful, very honest, thefts are a rarity among their own.

The Tatar people are very hospitable, despite belonging to a particular faith, social status, etc. they accept everyone on an equal footing. Even if they are not rich, they will always invite a guest to the table and share their modest lunch and dinner. Incredible curiosity is distinguished by women. Tatar women, being tied to the house, busy raising children, are literally surprised at various trifles, they try in every way to look beyond the veil of public life, their eyes are attracted by beautiful outfits, interesting trinkets, they love to watch people, especially Christians, Europeans who have different traditions, foundations. How to define a Tatar, if certain character traits can be quite inherent in other nationalities. It is only necessary to combine external features and character traits. Since the Tatar people are a Muslim people, they are nevertheless similar to other peoples who profess Islam. But they also learned a lot from the Europeans, because many Tatars live on a common territory with them.

Each nation has its own distinctive features, which allow almost without error to determine the nationality of a person. It is worth noting that the Asian peoples are very similar to each other, since all are descendants of the Mongoloid race. How can you define a Tatar? What is the difference between the appearance of the Tatars?


Without a doubt, each person is unique, regardless of nationality. And yet there are certain common features that unite representatives of a race or nationality. Tatars are usually attributed to the so-called Altai family. This is a Turkish group. The ancestors of the Tatars were known as farmers. Unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, the Tatars do not have pronounced facial features.

The appearance of the Tatars and the changes that are now manifesting in them are largely caused by assimilation with the Slavic peoples. Indeed, among the Tatars, fair-haired, sometimes even red-haired representatives are sometimes found. This, for example, cannot be said about Uzbeks, Mongols or Tajiks. Do the eyes of the Tatars have features? They do not necessarily have a narrow slit in the eyes and dark skin. Are there any common features of the appearance of the Tatars?

Description of the Tatars: a bit of history

Tatars are among the most ancient and populous ethnic groups. In the Middle Ages, mention of them excited everyone around: in the east from the shores of the Pacific Ocean and to the Atlantic coast. A variety of scientists included references to this people in their writings. The mood of these notes was clearly polar: some wrote with rapture and admiration, while other scientists showed fear. But one thing united everyone - no one remained indifferent. It is quite obvious that it was the Tatars who had a huge impact on the course of development of Eurasia. They managed to create a distinctive civilization that influenced a variety of cultures.

In the history of the Tatar people there were both ups and downs. Periods of peace gave way to cruel times of bloodshed. The ancestors of modern Tatars took part in the creation of several strong states at once. Despite all the vicissitudes of fate, they managed to preserve both their people and their identity.

ethnic groups

Thanks to the works of anthropologists, it became known that the ancestors of the Tatars were not only representatives of the Mongoloid race, but also Europeans. It was this factor that led to the diversity in appearance. Moreover, the Tatars themselves are usually divided into groups: Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Kama. The Volga-Siberian Tatars, whose facial features have the greatest signs of the Mongoloid race, are distinguished by the following features: dark hair, pronounced cheekbones, brown eyes, a wide nose, a fold over the upper eyelid. Representatives of this type are few.

The face of the Volga Tatars is oblong, the cheekbones are not too pronounced. The eyes are large and gray (or brown). Hump ​​nose, oriental type. The physique is correct. In general, the men of this group are quite tall and hardy. Their skin is not dark. Such is the appearance of the Tatars from the Volga region.

Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

The appearance of the Kazan Tatars is described as follows: a strongly built strong man. From the Mongols, a wide oval of the face and a somewhat narrowed slit of the eyes are noticeable. The neck is short and strong. Men rarely wear a thick beard. Such features are explained by the fusion of Tatar blood with various Finnish peoples.

The marriage ceremony is not like a religious act. From religiosity - only reading the first chapter of the Koran and a special prayer. After marriage, a young girl does not immediately move to her husband's house: for another year she will live in her family. It is curious that her newly-made husband comes to her as a guest. Tatar girls are ready to wait for their lover.

Only a few have two wives. And in those cases when this happens, there are reasons: for example, when the first has already grown old, and the second - younger - now runs the household.

The most common Tatars of the European type - the owners of blond hair and bright eyes. The nose is narrow, aquiline or aquiline. Growth is not high - in women about 165 cm.


In the character of a Tatar man, some features were noticed: diligence, cleanliness and hospitality border on stubbornness, pride and indifference. Respect for elders is what distinguishes the Tatars. It was noted that representatives of this people tend to be guided by reason, adapt to the situation, and are law-abiding. In general, the synthesis of all these qualities, especially diligence and perseverance, makes a Tatar man very purposeful. Such people are able to achieve success in their careers. The work is brought to the end, they have a habit of achieving their goal.

A purebred Tatar seeks to acquire new knowledge, showing enviable perseverance and responsibility. Crimean Tatars have a special indifference and calmness in stressful situations. Tatars are very curious and talkative, but during work they are stubbornly silent, apparently so as not to lose concentration.

One of the characteristics is self-esteem. It manifests itself in the fact that the Tatar considers himself special. As a result, there is a certain arrogance and even arrogance.

Cleanliness distinguishes Tatars. In their homes, they do not tolerate disorder and dirt. Moreover, this does not depend on financial capabilities - both rich and poor Tatars zealously monitor cleanliness.

My home is your home

Tatars are very hospitable people. We are ready to host a person, regardless of his status, faith or nationality. Even with a modest income, they show cordial hospitality, ready to share a modest meal with a guest.

Tatar women stand out with great curiosity. They are attracted by beautiful clothes, they watch people of other nationalities with interest, they follow fashion. Tatar women are very attached to their home, they devote themselves to raising children.

Tatar women

What an amazing creature - a Tatar woman! In her heart lies an immeasurable, deepest love for her loved ones, for her children. Its purpose is to bring peace to people, to serve as a model of peacefulness and morality. A Tatar woman is distinguished by a sense of harmony and special musicality. She radiates a certain spirituality and nobility of the soul. The inner world of a Tatar woman is full of riches!

Tatar girls from a young age are aimed at a strong, lasting marriage. After all, they want to love their husband and raise future children behind solid walls of reliability and trust. No wonder the Tatar proverb says: “A woman without a husband is like a horse without a bridle!” Her husband's word is law for her. Although witty Tatars complement - for any law, however, there is also an amendment! And yet these are devoted women who sacredly honor traditions and customs. However, do not expect to see a Tatar in a black veil - this is a stylish lady who has a sense of dignity.

The appearance of the Tatars is very well-groomed. Fashionistas in the wardrobe can see stylized things that emphasize her national identity. Here, for example, there are shoes that imitate chitek - national leather boots worn by Tatar girls. Another example is applications, where patterns convey the stunning beauty of the earth's flora.

And what's on the table?

A Tatar woman is a wonderful hostess, loving, hospitable. By the way, a little about the kitchen. The national cuisine of the Tatars is quite predictable in that the main dishes are often based on dough and fat. Even a lot of dough, a lot of fat! Of course, this is far from the healthiest food, although guests are usually offered exotic dishes: kazylyk (or dried horse meat), gubadiya (a layer cake with a wide variety of fillings, from cottage cheese to meat), talkysh-kaleva (an incredibly high-calorie dessert flour, butter and honey). You can drink all this rich treat with ayran (a mixture of katyk and water) or traditional tea.

Like Tatar men, women are distinguished by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals. Overcoming difficulties, they show ingenuity and resourcefulness. All this is complemented by great modesty, generosity and kindness. Truly, a Tatar woman is a wonderful gift from above!

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