In a dream, see live tigers. The psychological aspect of perception


Why is a beautiful tiger dreaming? This noble animal means strength, a serious patron, with whom it is better not to confront, or, conversely, envious people. They build plans that are unpleasant in relation to the dreamer. To be a tiger yourself in a dream is to prepare to express everything unpleasant to the authorities in person.

If it really boils, it is better to think over constructive comments or offer your own ideas.

If the intrigues of enemies are pouring in as if from a cornucopia, it is better to find out the relationship frankly. No forces? It's time to go in for sports, physically and psychologically - this is the best hardening from everyday troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The tiger, as the dream book indicates, personifies natural omnipotence, vitality. If you kill a tiger or run away from it, this means that the main problem that bothered the dreamer will be successfully resolved. If he defeated the animal, he will have to make an effort. If he flees, you can let everything take its course a little.

If the dreamer watches from the sidelines the battle of a predator with someone else, in reality he will have to answer for his restraint.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Tiger in a dream - to the machinations of enemies. An animal in a cage - in reality, the dreamer will be protected by his natural benevolence and sense of justice, and enemy atrocities will turn against unkind people.

Esoteric dream book of Tsvetkov

The tiger is a possible danger. If he is kind - to the patronage of the leadership, an influential person. Manual - to two-faced friends who are just waiting for the right moment to strike.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

To a dangerous and strong opponent, an evil rival - this is what the tiger dreams of. Nothing good can be expected from such communication.

Dream Interpretation by Seasons

Seeing a tiger skin is a pleasure, exquisite entertainment.

The tiger itself can warn of an accident, an unforeseen incident, an injury, even an emergency. Excessive caution and self-confidence (but not self-confidence) will help to cope in a critical situation.

Also, this predator can mean a strong person nearby. You can trust him, he will help. Just don't tell him too much.

dream interpreter

Surviving an animal attack in a dream means you need to mentally prepare for a life blow. Hunt, chase a tiger - to get acquainted with the patron. According to Freud, such an animal can speak of hidden feelings about violence. If this has taken place in life, it is better to meet with a psychologist and undergo a course of therapy. Life trouble still worries the dreamer.

Modern dream book

Such a predatory animal, like a tiger, personifies cunning people in the environment, who still cannot calm down, wishing harm to the dreamer.

Predator with prey - to a bonus or praise from superiors. To see such an animal is a sign of possible hostility on the part of the dreamer himself. Perhaps you should not constantly put pressure on your colleagues or loved ones.

Family dream book

Why a woman dreams of a tiger is either to ill-wishers, or to an early acquaintance with a serious and powerful man. He will be able to protect her from troubles and problems. Tiger cubs - to unexpected surprises.

A good tiger - to respect, which the dreamer has achieved with a strong character and wisdom.

A tiger in clear water is good luck. In a dirty one, you need to prepare for a reasoned defense of your interests and ideas.

This animal is always a sign of energy. It is better to try to direct it in a peaceful direction, to be more restrained at work and at home, and to share the secret only with loved ones. Then there will be less reason to worry.

Ekaterina Vyatskikh

Specialization: Esoterics
Education: Professional

Articles written

Why is the tiger dreaming? Often such dreams speak of your inner feelings and desire for leadership. Sometimes a dream full of danger suggests that you need to be careful.

If you dreamed of a tiger, you need to remember and take into account all the details when deciphering the dream. It is important to know what color the animal was, how it behaved, what were your feelings when in contact with it.

By combining all the details of sleep and studying the information in the most popular dream books, you can get the most accurate answer to the question of what the tiger is dreaming of.

The tiger is the largest and most ferocious member of the cat family. To meet him in a dream means a possible victory over the enemy, or, conversely, a complete defeat.

The appearance of a tiger in a dream speaks of the strength of character, the power of temperament and the ability to act on the basis of one's desires. Seeing this ferocious cat in a dream means falling under the protection of the powers that be. Or vice versa - become one of them.Especially if you managed to kill a tiger in a dream.

In order to get the most accurate interpretation of what the tiger is dreaming of, you need to remember:

  • meeting atmosphere- the tiger attacks, passes by or lies down at the feet;
  • place- in the forest or at home / at work;
  • tiger color- black, red, white or albino;
  • fight- was there a battle, and who was defeated.

If a person dreamed of a tiger, this can be interpreted as follows:

  1. The key moment of the dream is the skin of the beast. Watching a tiger wash itself or enjoying the beauty of its skin means enjoying life. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer will have to plunge into the atmosphere of pleasure and the fulfillment of his desires.
  2. If a person hears a tiger roar in a dream - this is a promotion at work. Moreover, the stronger the beast growls, the better the new position will be.
  3. Seeing a white or albino tiger in a dream - to hypocrisy on the part of close friends. A person should think about his surroundings, most likely, someone is plotting behind his back.
  4. Dreaming of a cute tiger cub means the fact that next to the dreamer is a very strong and powerful person who influences his fate. But you should not move away from this person, because it makes no sense to expect some kind of catch from her.
  5. See in a dream how proud, beautiful and graceful tiger walking on the road - to a long and strong friendship.
  6. Counts, that a tiger in a dream can dream when a person has found a strong patron.
  7. If the animal is angry on the dreamer or is going to attack him, this means that soon he will have to face the betrayal of the person from whom this was not expected at all.

A frightened tiger symbolizes a person's own fear. Most likely, very soon the dreamer will find himself in a situation where not his best qualities will be manifested.

Who dreamed of a tiger

Depending on who dreams of a ferocious cat, the interpretation of the dream will differ. Dream Interpretations give fundamentally different interpretations for different dreamers. A tiger can come in a dream to a man, a married or unmarried woman.

Why does a woman dream of a tiger

If a woman had to see a tiger in a dream, then this can be interpreted as follows:

  • married- to the scandal with her husband.
  • unmarried- soon a man will appear, wealthy and self-confident.
  • pregnant- an indication that the future child will become independent and independent from an early age.
  • If she dreamed of a tiger approaching her, whose thoughts are not clear, then in real life the girl will encounter ill-wishers.
  • A dream in which a woman was attacked this beast portends despondency due to conflicts with other people.
  • If a woman dreamed that she won in a fight with an animal - luck will favor her in all her endeavors. The same interpretation has a dream in which the beast had to run away from the dreamer.
  • But if a woman dreamed of an affectionate cute tiger cub, this suggests that her current chosen one is not honest with her. Perhaps she doesn't know him well.

Defeating a predator in a dream - to victory over enemies in life.


If a man dreams of a tiger, this can have different meanings depending on the dream scenario:

  • The tiger sat in ambush - to the intrigues of ill-wishers.
  • Fight the beast and kill it - to defeat enemies.
  • hunt the tiger - in life it will be possible to avoid troubles and traps of enemies.
  • Run away from the ferocious cat - to success in the business begun.

If the beast appeared in the house of a man, then this indicates that he has a rival.

Dream plots

Expert opinion

dream interpreter


In order to correctly interpret the dream, it is necessary to remember under what circumstances the meeting with the tiger took place, how it was set up, what its appearance was.

In a broad sense, this wild cat symbolizes courage, power and might. But, depending on the scenario for the development of the dream, the tiger can mean cunning and hostility. Therefore, it is important to remember all the nuances of your sleep.

Seeing an affectionate tiger in a dream

If during sleep, the tiger was affectionate, purred and allowed himself to be stroked, then for you these are unprecedented opportunities to climb up the career ladder, thanks to your abilities and friendship with an influential person.

The universal dream book says that all the troubles that are now present will soon be resolved, and you will be able to suppress outbursts of anger and get rid of negative energy on your own.

What is the dream of a tiger cub

  • A good symbol is vision when dreaming tiger cub in the zoo. Such a dream promises tangible profit, victory over the enemy, monetary benefits.
  • Holding a tiger cub- to the fulfillment of the plan, despite the intrigues of ill-wishers.
  • Aggressive tiger cub i dreamed - there is an enemy in the environment, masquerading as a good friend.
  • A bad omen for a woman is if the tiger is dreaming and the cub is with its mother. Such a vision symbolizes the emergence of a strong rival.
  • See how the tiger cub eats in a dream, marks for a woman a successful streak for the fulfillment of her plan.
  • Albino tiger cub in a dream portends envy of successful comrades.
  • Angry white tiger promises someone's good intentions for the dreamer.
  • A tiger cub in a woman's dream signals that she does not know her chosen one well.

If you dream that a tiger attacks

The dream interpretation warns that a dream with a tiger is fraught with a sign of danger in reality.

  • If the tiger dreams of being angry and at the same time attacks you in a vision - try to be more vigilant, your plan may end unsuccessfully.
  • I dreamed that I managed to defeat the attacking beast,- it is worth taking advantage of a good moment in which the dreamer is incredibly lucky.
  • If you dreamed that it was not possible to kill an animal in a vision, but it ran away, this promises the dreamer primacy in a fight with enemies.

Why is the tiger dreaming in the house

If the dreamer had to see a tiger in the house, this can be interpreted in two ways:

One side, a person expects success, happiness and positive emotions. The fact is that if such a large and terrible beast as a tiger is in a home environment, this is due to a sense of security. A person in real life will be comfortable and good.

On the other hand, a rather large burden of responsibility will fall on a person. As you know, you have to pay for everything good in life, including comfort.

The main thing that the dreamer should understand after such a dream is that every effort must be made to achieve success.

Kill a tiger in a dream

  • If in a dream a person I had to kill the tiger this suggests that he will reach his goal, despite all the obstacles. In such a dream, the image of a tiger is associated with the image of the dreamer's enemy. Therefore, the interpretation is quite simple: the dreamer will be able to defeat those who prevent him from reaching the desired peak.
  • If the day before of this dream in a person a conflict has arisen then he will certainly emerge victorious from it.
  • If the dreamer has some troubles in life, he will cope with them without much effort.
  • A person will be able to figure out all his secret enemies and ill-wishers and limit their influence on himself.

It turns out that according to the dream book, killing a wild cat is a very good sign, portending the dreamer many positive events and emotions.

Stroking a good tiger in a dream

If a person had to stroke a kind tiger or play with him, this means that in real life it will be useful to someone. If during stroking the dreamer is embarrassed or apprehensive, the authorities will have to please him.

In general, a good beast always dreams of something good. If a person managed to establish contact with him, then in real life he will be surrounded by people with whom communication will be very pleasant. Also, such a dream can promise a meeting with a true friend.

What is the dream of a tiger in a cage

In this dream, it is very important to pay attention to the emotions that arise in a person while he is looking at a wild beast driven into a cage.

  1. If the dreamer sees a tiger in a cage, which he himself drove there - in real life, jubilation and triumph await him. The symbol of a tiger in a cage is associated with the victory over the ill-wisher and the achievement of the goal. If on the eve of sleep a person had competitors in some kind of activity, then they will certainly fade into the background.
  2. If, while a person is looking at an animal, he rejoices is a very good sign. The stronger the glee in a dream, the stronger it will be in real life.
  3. Does the dreamer, looking at the beast in the cage, feel sorry for him? In real life, a person will sympathize with someone from close friends or relatives.

Don't be afraid of the roaring tiger

A dream is favorable, in the plot of which you are not afraid of a roaring tiger. This is a harbinger of promotion.

But remember that serious responsibilities will be assigned to you and analyze how ready you are to cope with them.

A similar interpretation also has a dream in which you see a tiger in your own house.

Tiger hunting - interpretation of sleep

When you hunt a tiger in a dream, this is a very auspicious and encouraging dream.

It portends that you will be able to figure out all your enemies in real life.

Moreover, you will reveal all their insidious plans and will not allow you to harm.

feed the tiger

  1. Feeding a large, unfriendly cat symbolizes conflict with others, which the sleeper tries not to notice. To stop it and get rid of this burden, you will need to give in.
  2. Is the dreamer feeding an affectionate calm tiger? This means that he has a huge supply of vital energy, which he spends very competently.

Tigress with cubs

If a man or woman dreamed of a tigress with cubs, soon the person will have to actively defend their own interests. It is important not to get lost at the most crucial moment and be absolutely sure that you are right.

Aggressive predator with a tiger cub from a dream- a bad sign for the fair sex. The plot promises them the appearance of a dangerous rival. Most likely, some cunning, insidious young lady will claim to be a sleeping man.

Predator with albino tiger cubs, appeared in night dreams, suggests that a person is very jealous of the success of friends and comrades. This feeling literally eats him up from the inside and interferes with a calm, happy life. You need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Tiger protector

It happens that a friendly predator appears in a dream. The ferocious beast acts as an affectionate and devoted pet.

This suggests that the dreamer in life often conflicts with others and is unable to curb his emotions. If in a dream such a person tames an animal, then in reality he will be able to calm his rage and irritability. If tigers or lions stand next to the dreamer and protect him, then in life a powerful person will help in a difficult situation.

Don't be scared:

The interpretation of sleep depends on the appearance of the animal. Therefore, it is important to remember exactly how the tiger looked in your dream.

White or red


If you dreamed of a white tiger, then soon you will achieve success in the professional field. Another dream tells about hidden talents, having discovered which, you will become famous and get rich.


Red tiger in a dream - a sign that you will soon have to sort things out with an unpleasant person. The main thing is that the verbal skirmish does not turn into hand-to-hand combat. According to the modern dream book, such a night vision marks the deceit of a friend and bad news.

Adult large or small predator

  1. If the tiger in a dream was large, then expect a showdown with colleagues or superiors. Some of your colleagues are trying to harm you in every possible way. According to Gustave Miller, a dream is a harbinger of changes in personal life. You will meet a person who looks the same way as you. The meeting will be fateful.
  2. Small tiger, seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, marks minor troubles. It can be small monetary losses or conflicts with loved ones. Vanga interprets the dream as a comprehension of the truth.
  3. A tiger cub seen in a dream - a sign that soon fate will present a pleasant surprise. According to the gypsy dream book, night vision indicates the unwillingness to shoulder the burden of responsibility for the fate of other people.
  4. If in a dream they saw a tigress with a cub, then in the near future you will have to defend your interests. The main thing is not to get lost at the crucial moment.

Many tigers or one

  • Seeing a lot of tigers in a dream - good sign. Expect success in business and financial independence. According to the dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov, you will be invited to an event where you will meet influential people.
  • Pair of Predators in a dream predicts a love affair. If the animals behaved peacefully towards you, then innocent flirting will develop into a long-term relationship, but if a couple of tigers were aggressive, expect disappointment.
  • One representative the cat family in a dream indicates the dreamer's inner struggle. His desires diverge from the possibilities. This leads to an internal contradiction.

Personality: good or evil

  • good tiger, seen in night dreams, indicates that you are a quarrelsome person who finds it difficult to control his emotions. This character trait causes discomfort. Because of this, it is difficult to get along with people, so there is an acute feeling of loneliness and lack of demand.
  • If the predator in the realm of Morpheus showed aggression then wait for a reprimand from the authorities. This is how the esoteric Tsvetkov deciphers the dream. But the Ukrainian dream book promises enemy attacks that you will have to endure.
  • If a in a dream the tiger showed no emotion, then in reality, fate will save you from mortal danger.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

The Chinese sage Zhou Gong says that:

  1. A snarling predator in a dream promises career growth in reality.
  2. And if you are sitting on a tiger, you will cope with any unpleasant situation with brilliance.
  3. In a dream, a tiger broke into your house, but you managed to repel the attack. You will soon receive a very prestigious position.

Family dream book

  1. A predator who dragged dead game in his teeth promises good news about a promotion or an unexpected cash bonus.
  2. And if in a dream you saw a tiger relaxing, in reality, calm, peaceful times await you too - both in work and in your personal life.

American dream book

Tiger- power, swiftness, strength, energy.

Children's dream book

Tiger- the betrayal of a loved one will unsettle you for a long time.

Islamic dream book

Tiger growl - symbolizes the speech of a greedy and mercenary person.

The latest dream book

tiger in the zoo - inflict aggression against a colleague. Tiger in the wild - a psychic attack will be made on you.

Slavic dream book

Tiger- to a clash with an insidious enemy; defeat the tiger - to wealth and success.

dream interpreter

Tiger seen in a dream - marks the enemy evil, insidious, implacable; throwing him to the ground means success in business; to kill him is a favorable sign, promising great wealth.

Modern dream book

  1. Seeing a tiger approaching you in a dream- means that in reality you will be pursued and tormented by enemies.
  2. If the tiger attacks you- failures will fill your life with gloom and despondency.
  3. Drive away or kill the tiger- a sign that you will be extremely successful in all your endeavors.
  4. Seeing a tiger running away from you in a dream- a good omen. You will defeat all enemies, overcome all difficulties and take a worthy position in life.
  5. See a tiger in a cage- means that you will confuse the plans of your enemies.
  6. A dream in which you see a tiger skin- predicts that you are on the way to a carefree life, joys and pleasures.

Dream Interpretation 2012


Dream Interpretation of Azar

Tiger- a dangerous enemy.

Dream Interpretation Grishina


Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Tiger is a bright symbol of energy, strength and talent. The words from William Blake's poem, "Tiger, tiger, burning bright..." are a perfect illustration of the incredible, dynamic energy that the tiger radiates. Such energy can be used for both constructive and destructive purposes. State to yourself, "I always use energy for constructive purposes."

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  1. Tiger- a symbol of power and might.
  2. If you dreamed of a tiger hunter with game in the teeth or paws - you can hope for unexpected encouragement from the authorities.
  3. Tiger resting - means peace in personal and professional terms.
  4. If you dreamed of yourself in the form of a tiger - soon, you will probably have to start a fight against superiors who infringe on you.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

  1. Tiger- danger.
  2. kill- the business started will be successful.
  3. Tiger in a cage- you can outwit your opponents.
  4. tiger skin- Exquisite pleasures await you.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  1. Seeing a tiger in a dream - this is a warning that in reality you could overlook some kind of danger. Most often, such dreams suggest that you can get involved in some kind of risky venture or come into conflict with a cunning and ruthless opponent. Alas, the image of the tiger suggests that this could turn into a big disaster.
  2. Defeat the tiger in a dream - means that in reality you are ready to fight with enemies, no matter how dexterous and strong they are.
  3. Seeing trained tigers in a dream - portends participation in a dangerous business in which you will need endurance and discipline. At the same time, if the action takes place in the circus arena, the dream suggests that this business will not bring you any benefit or benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Tiger- There will be a surprise attack.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Tiger- a strong patron will appear to you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Tiger on your way - a dangerous enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Tiger- this symbol came to us from India. Usually, the female hypostasis of the destroyer god Shiva was depicted on the tiger skin.

  1. Naturally, she will not appear in the dreams of a European, but a woman sitting on a tiger skin has the same meaning - these are human passions that a woman can both pacify and awaken.
  2. A dream in which a woman sees herself on the skin of a tiger may mean that she is skilled in the ancient art of seduction and is able to gain power over any man.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

Tiger- you will have an evil opponent.

Miller's dream book

  1. If you dream tiger coming at you - it means that your enemies will annoy you in every possible way.
  2. If in a dream the tiger will attack you - it means that the impending failure will plunge you into despair.
  3. If in a dream you will repel the attack of the tiger or kill him - so, all your undertakings will be extremely successful.
  4. See in a dream tiger running away from you - portends your victory over enemies, strengthening your position.
  5. If in a dream you see the tiger in the cage - means you will be able to confuse your opponents.
  6. tiger skin - promises refined pleasures.

Chinese dream book

  1. The ferocious tiger growls loudly- portends a position.
  2. Traveling on a tiger- an unpleasant situation will be resolved.
  3. The tiger enters the dwelling- portends an appointment to an important position.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  1. Seeing a tiger behind bars in a dream - to complicate relations with colleagues.
  2. fight the tiger - to love joys, to ride it - the collapse of all hopes.
  3. Poke your head into the tiger's mouth - in reality you will be in serious danger.
  4. Kill the tiger- portends a rich inheritance.
  5. Seeing a white albino tiger in a dream - to successful undertakings in any business.
  6. Tiger running away from you - means a complete defeat in the competitive struggle, rushing at you - show nobility and generosity to the disadvantaged.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

  1. If in a dream you see a tiger is coming at you- your ill-wishers will annoy you in every possible way.
  2. If the tiger attacked you- you will fall into despair because of some serious failure.
  3. If in a dream you will repel the attack of the tiger or even kill him- success will accompany all your endeavors.
  4. See in a dream fleeing tiger- a harbinger of victory over enemies, strengthening your position at work or in society.
  5. Tiger in a cage- a sign that you will be able to confuse your opponents.
  6. Tiger skin in a dream- portends exquisite pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Tiger- danger; disease; evil person; feeling of revenge.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  1. If you dreamed of a tiger
  2. hunt the tiger - to meet an amazing person.
  3. Did you dream that you turned into a tiger - in the near future you will make an act that will greatly surprise your friends.

Freud's dream book

Tiger, like any other predator - symbolizes increased sensitivity, sexual excitability, various complexes that are associated with violence.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Tiger- danger.

French dream book

  1. Dreaming tiger - warns against the machinations of your enemies.
  2. Fight a tiger in a dream - to success, to kill a tiger is a harbinger of a happy fate.

Ukrainian dream book

Tiger- an evil enemy.

Gypsy dream book

  1. Tiger- fierce hostility. Hostility towards an individual.
  2. hunt the tiger- means that the trap was set for you, but you recognized it and bypassed it.
  3. Kill the tiger- Defeat your enemies.

Esoteric dream book

Tiger- to see negotiations with superiors.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Tiger, as the dream book indicates, personifies natural omnipotence, vitality. If you kill a tiger or run away from him - this means that the main problem that bothered the dreamer will be successfully resolved. If he defeated the animal - will have to make an effort. If fleeing - you can let everything go a little on its own.

If the dreamer is watching the battle of the predator from the side with someone else - in reality you will have to answer for your incontinence.

Dream Interpretation by Seasons

  1. see the tiger skin- to pleasure, exquisite entertainment.
  2. The tiger itself can warn of an accident, an unforeseen incident, an injury, even an emergency. Excessive caution and self-confidence (but not self-confidence) will help to cope in a critical situation.
  3. Also, this predator can mean a strong person nearby. You can trust him, he will help. Just don't tell him too much.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Tiger- a reflection of the intellect (also the need for it).

General dream book

If you dreamed of a tiger - you will meet a person who, in fact, will turn out to be completely different from what you thought.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Tiger- fierce hostility. Hostility towards an individual.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Tiger- a meeting with a clear enemy / spiritual forces that attract you to a sensual life, laziness and voluptuousness, the power of these spiritual impulses, a tendency to enjoy life in a refined way.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to the famous prophetess Vanga the tiger symbolizes the vital activity of man. But at the same time, such a dream focuses on such natural human traits as aggressiveness and stubbornness.

The dream book provides an interpretation of the following plots with a tiger:

  1. If you dreamed of a tiger in a circus, then you can achieve success in real life only if you curb your irritation and show delicacy;
  2. When in the plot of a dream you see a calmly resting tiger, then unexpected events will occur in your life that will take you by surprise;
  3. A dream in which you saw a hunting tiger or a predator absorbing its prey - predicts a long-awaited victory, to which you went on a thorny path.

What is the dream of a tiger, Loff's dream book

If you dreamed of a tiger lying calmly, you should understand that it does not personify the image of a terrible and dangerous enemy, as it might seem at first glance. In this case, the animal symbolizes the energy needed to form a career, achieve a goal, build a business; in other words, to achieve some positive result associated with a more favorable position in society.

In this case, a small tiger dreams as an indication of insufficient life experience, knowledge, and financial potential.

An important role in the interpretation of this dream is played by how the animal looked, whether it was healthy, whether it had injuries, what was its behavior and the environment as a whole.

  1. White tigers dream most often before concluding big deals, promotions, receiving monetary gratitude, serious negotiations, and similar future circumstances.
  2. Dreamed of a black tiger - Circumstances take on a negative connotation.
  3. If a person dreams of an attacking tiger, the most favorable dream will be in which the sleeper begins to either hide from him or run away from the tiger, whose attack should be regarded in reality as a direct threat.
  4. tiger bite in a dream it is a bad sign, meaning that you have greatly angered a powerful person invested with some kind of power.
  5. Seeing in a dream how a tiger hunts - to the emergence of a strong, dangerous competitor. If at the same time you happened to admire the tiger, watching his actions during the hunt, then in reality you will have to share your own profit, the success achieved, with your competitor.
  6. tiger in a cage dreams as an indication of the dreamer's problems in terms of self-realization. He should analyze the reasons that prevent him from fighting for his success.
  7. A woman dreams of a domestic tiger in an apartment to marriage with a despotic, rigid man in his demands. It should be noted, however, that his demands will be completely fair.
  8. If a man dreams of a tiger in a house, it means that he behaves harshly towards members of his family.

Psychological dream book

  • Was the tiger white? It symbolizes luck and good luck.
  • Did you see a black predator? This is to the threat and awakening of the evil forces living inside a person.
  • If the animal's hair was blue, then you should not worry - such a predator personifies moral greatness, nobility and generosity.
  • You may also dream of a red tiger. He is also a positive image, since he is considered the personification of passion and love. And a proud albino who does not notice a person in a dream is usually perceived as a harbinger of good news, surprises, amazement and surprise.

African opinion

The inhabitants of Africa believe that seeing a tiger in a dream is an honorary sign, for the animal is the unity of the power of creation and destruction. Dreams dictate to a person the path along which he should go in the future.

  1. If the tiger is intensely hunting or looking for some paths, it is worth taking a closer look at the opportunities that open up. If the animal shied away or tried to find a way out of the trap, it is better to stop your activity and start analyzing your own mistakes.
  2. A sober mind is a hallmark of this species, so wise and prudent animals not only conquered the world of animals, but also achieved respect from people.

European opinion

Europeans consider the appearance of a tiger in a dream to be a very sad sign.

  1. The roaring evil tiger, in their opinion, brings the news of the destruction of all plans. The previously adopted line of behavior is erroneous; in reality, a person should reconsider his desires, principles and aspirations.
  2. Expert opinion

    dream interpreter


    Psychologists consider the image of a tiger to be a manifestation of the animal nature in a person. If you constantly dream of an aggressive tiger, this may symbolize dissatisfaction with your sexual partner. Perhaps the tiger expresses the need to satisfy passions by force.

    In women's dreams, tigers symbolize a man. If the dreamer constantly dreams of this strong animal, then in real life there is not enough male shoulder. The image of a tigress symbolizes the woman herself. If she sees a tigress in a dream, it means that she subconsciously considers herself the protector of the family hearth.

The tiger is the largest and most ferocious member of the cat family. To meet him in a dream means a possible victory over the enemy, or, conversely, a complete defeat.

The appearance of a tiger in a dream speaks of the strength of character, the power of temperament and the ability to act on the basis of one's desires. Seeing this ferocious cat in a dream means falling under the protection of the powers that be. Or vice versa - become one of them. Especially if you managed to kill a tiger in a dream.

Detailed interpretation of the symbolism

In order to get the most accurate interpretation of what the tiger is dreaming of, you need to remember:

  • the atmosphere of the meeting - the tiger attacks, passes by or lies down at the feet;
  • place - in the forest or at home / at work;
  • tiger color - black, red, white or albino;
  • fight - whether there was a battle, and who was defeated.

Animal Encounter and Behavior

To meet an animal - to a possible overcoming of difficulties. If you see him from afar, just watching the everyday life of a tiger, you will have to solve a lot of bureaucratic issues - this is what the tiger dreams about. There are many tigers among the foliage - you will have to visit a society that is radically different from the dreamer's environment.

The attacking tiger is a symbol of a serious and strong opponent. And if European traditions, for example, the interpretation in Miller's dream book, endows the beast with deceit and cunning (like a cat), then the Muslim dream book, on the contrary, speaks of his nobility, wisdom and the future possibility of the dreamer learning from this person.
If the tiger purrs affectionately and lies down at the feet, this is a very good sign. Public recognition and wealth will not keep you waiting. It is quite possible that this will not happen without the participation of a high-ranking patron.

To jump on a tiger and ride it - fate will present a unique chance to move up the career ladder and gain a high status. You need to find your bearings in time and not refuse tempting offers, even if you have to take advantage of patronage.
Seeing a beast in a cage is a restriction of one's own freedom of thought and freedom of action, for the sake of social principles.

Habitat and color of the beast

Seeing a white tiger is good news

To see a tiger in the forest, walking in the desert or steppe - you will have a chance to attend a meeting of people involved in politics.

If a woman dreamed of a tiger in her own house - to a new relationship with a stable wealthy man. Perhaps marriage with an imperious person, much older than her.

For a man, such a dream means an opponent. If a tiger attacks in the dreamer's house, such a dream means a quarrel that has arisen due to inheritance. If the animal managed to be killed, it means that the opponent will be defeated and no one will be able to disturb the peace of this house.

The black beast dreams of unfavorable events. The opponent will be dishonest and insidious. To achieve his goal, he is ready to go to almost anything. And the nobility of the dreamer will not stop his gloomy plans.

The red tiger is a classic of the Eastern tradition in the interpretation of the symbol as an accumulation of energy that is ready to create. This big beautiful beast will surely bring good luck and happiness - the Muslim dream book promises.

The white tiger is good news. In the image of this animal, invisible helpers can come, which will bring real people, which will contribute to the solution of all the important issues of the dreamer.

All the positive interpretation of dreams, which refers to the red tiger, is transferred to a more subtle spiritual and intellectual plane. This is fame for musicians and composers, great and eternal works for writers.

An albino tiger with red eyes warns that something in life will go wrong. Seeing him in a dream means that surrounded by the dreamer, a person will appear who will bring confusion into affairs. But out of a lot of trouble, a rational grain will be chosen, which will quickly give useful shoots - in the form of unexpected profits.

Tiger fight

Heavy emotional coloring of dreams in which you have to fight with a tiger. To be self-confident is a sufficient amount of experience and knowledge for serious projects that should be implemented soon.

What did you do with the tiger

They are afraid of the tiger, running away is too strong an opponent, who, thanks to the necessary connections, will leave the dreamer at the very bottom of the career ladder. After the elevation, he, most likely, will not give a hand at the meeting.

Fighting a tiger to the death - the dreamer has all the makings and opportunities to work on himself. The amount of vital energy is off scale, which means that it is time to reach a higher level, and not to stagnate.

Defeat the tiger, kill it - a complete advantage over the opponent. This was developed over years of hard work, and now it favorably distinguishes the dreamer from those who used the protectorate, and not experience and knowledge. This means that soon, it will be possible to gain a new status and public recognition.
A tiger that runs away - the enemies will not withstand your pressure. In this fight, the winner is only the dreamer, and he is not afraid of any obstacles.

Different dream books - interpretation of the image of a tiger

The appearance of dreams involving a tiger means emotional, personal and financial development. This is a symbolism of inexhaustible energy that needs to be channeled into a useful channel.

Since this beast is predatory, it has sharp teeth and claws, which means obstacles, the path to self-realization on a career or personal front will be difficult and thorny.

Almost every dream book, including online interpretation, has two sides of the meanings of this beast (both positive and negative), then one of the important factors is emotional coloring. A tiger seen in a dream can mean a high-ranking patron person, an enemy, or the dreamer himself. To fully understand the interpretation of dreams, if a tiger appeared in one of the dreams, you can only rely on your personal perception of what you see.

Miller's dream book

We saw the prey of a tiger - for profit

The European interpretation of what the tiger dreams of is traditional. The tiger is a big evil predator whose most important role is to get meat. Therefore, Miller's dream book, posted online, warns of a dangerous situation that unfolds in the environment of the dreamer.

  • I dreamed of a tiger - a warning of danger.
  • In a cage - enemies will not be able to harm you.
  • Runs away - a brilliant public victory over ill-wishers, you will be able to plunge them into censure.
  • To kill - the dreamer has qualitative advantages over competitors.
  • With prey in the mouth - an unexpected bonus and praise from the authorities.
  • Attacks - an unexpected failure of a case that seemed winning.

Freud's dream book

Freud's psychotherapeutic searches divided the symbolism of dreams into three large parts: symbols of the external world, symbols of the internal world, aggressive-sexual symbols. The last part has become the most accessible today, therefore the Freudian dream book interprets the tiger that appeared in a dream as a vivid aggressive way of manifesting the dreamer's personality.

  • If you happened to see a tiger in one of your dreams - unbridled sexual energy, craving for unusual manifestations of sexuality - sadism, masochism.
  • Fighting an animal is a pleasure on the verge of the law.
  • Tore the prey to pieces - which means that competitors right in front of the nose will bypass the dreamer.
  • A girl dreams - as a possible symbol of an imminent marriage and stay in the house of a person with a high status, a patron, an older person.

Muslim dream book

Eastern peoples more ambiguously interpret what a tiger dreams of. For them, this animal carries more positive, tigers dream of promotion, possible patronage or obtaining the desired fame .. The eastern dream book interprets the tiger as an accumulation of energy that is ready to feed all the gaps in human energy.

  • To meet a tiger - to self-knowledge, the possibility of development and obtaining a position.
  • Many tigers in the house - communication with wealthy people, and perhaps one of them will become the dreamer's patron.
  • Playing with a tiger is a great achievement, career growth.
  • To kill the beast - will lose help, perhaps wealth is acquired by dishonest labor.
  • Feed meat - get rid of competitors with the help of an imperious person.

After analyzing the details of dreams, we can say with confidence that there is no unambiguous interpretation. It is important to focus on the possible assistance in a dream with an animal and your own attitude. But in general, with a pleasant awakening and a clear perception of sleep, the image is positive.

Appearing in a dream, the tiger makes him very colorful, because he is a proud and beautiful animal. He is a symbol of danger and aggression, but then it turns out that his appearance in a dream is a bad sign? This article will talk about what the tiger dreams of.

Appearing in a dream, the tiger makes it very colorful

  • Was there a meeting with the beast, or did the dreamer just look at him?
  • Feelings of a person during a meeting with an animal.
  • The behavior and location of the beast, etc.

If a person dreamed of a tiger, this can be interpreted as follows:

  1. The key moment of the dream is the skin of the beast. Watching a tiger wash itself or enjoying the beauty of its skin means enjoying life. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer will have to plunge into the atmosphere of pleasure and the fulfillment of his desires.
  2. If a person hears a tiger roar in a dream, this is a promotion at work. Moreover, the stronger the beast growls, the better the new position will be.
  3. Seeing a white tiger or an albino tiger in a dream is hypocrisy on the part of close friends. A person should think about his surroundings, most likely, someone is plotting behind his back.
  4. A cute tiger cub in a dream means that next to the dreamer there is a very strong and powerful personality that influences his fate. But you should not move away from this person, because it makes no sense to expect some kind of catch from her.
  5. To dream about how a proud, beautiful and graceful tiger walks along the road - to a long and strong friendship.
  6. It is believed that a tiger in a dream can dream when a person has found a strong patron.
  7. If the beast is angry with the dreamer or is going to attack him, then this means that soon he will have to face the betrayal of the person from whom this was not expected at all.

A frightened tiger symbolizes a person's own fear. Most likely, very soon the dreamer will find himself in a situation where not his best qualities will be manifested.

Why is the tiger dreaming (video)

Why does a woman dream of a tiger?

If a woman dreamed that she won a fight with an animal, she would be lucky in all her endeavors.

If a woman had to see a tiger in a dream, then this can be interpreted as follows:

  • If she dreamed of a tiger approaching her, whose thoughts are not clear, then in real life the girl will face ill-wishers.
  • A dream in which a woman was attacked by this beast portends despondency due to conflicts with other people.
  • If a woman dreamed that she won a fight with an animal, she would be lucky in all her endeavors. The same interpretation has a dream in which the beast had to run away from the dreamer.
  • But if a woman dreamed of an affectionate cute tiger cub, this suggests that her current chosen one is not honest with her. Perhaps she doesn't know him well.

Seeing in a dream how a tiger attacks

An attack by someone or something in dreams is always associated with long-term experiences and stress in real life. Such a dream is for the dreamer a harbinger of the fact that soon he will have to make every effort to achieve the goal.

So, a dream in which a tiger attacks, growls and attacks a person is interpreted as follows:

  1. If on the eve of such a dream a person decided to do something significant, then there is no need to expect a favorable outcome of events. Failure and the inability to influence the situation - this is what the dreamer will face.
  2. The large approaching tiger symbolizes the image of the enemy. The dreamer must be wary of his enemies, because one of them can harm his reputation.
  3. The attacking beast is associated with despair and depression. If a tiger attacks in a dream, a person will be attacked by other people, this will significantly affect his self-esteem.

Why is the tiger dreaming in the house?

If the dreamer had to see a tiger in the house, this can be interpreted in two ways.

If the dreamer had to see a tiger in the house, this can be interpreted in two ways:

  • On the one hand, a person expects success, happiness and positive emotions. The fact is that if such a large and terrible beast as a tiger is in a home environment, this is due to a sense of security. A person in real life will be comfortable and good.
  • On the other hand, a rather large burden of responsibility will fall on a person. As you know, you have to pay for everything good in life, including comfort.

The main thing that the dreamer should understand after such a dream is that every effort must be made to achieve success.

Kill a tiger in a dream

  • If in a dream a person had to kill a tiger, this indicates that he will reach his goal, despite all the obstacles. In such a dream, the image of a tiger is associated with the image of the dreamer's enemy. Therefore, the interpretation is quite simple: the dreamer will be able to defeat those who prevent him from reaching the desired peak.
  • If on the eve of this dream a person has a conflict situation, then he will certainly come out of it as a winner.
  • If the dreamer has any troubles in life, he will cope with them without much effort.
  • A person will be able to figure out all his secret enemies and ill-wishers and limit their influence on himself.

It turns out that according to the dream book, killing a wild cat is a very good sign, portending the dreamer many positive events and emotions.

The meaning of the tiger in Miller's dream book

Miller interprets the image of the tiger as the image of the enemy

Miller interprets the image of the tiger as the image of the enemy.

  • The impending tiger is associated with the approach of stress due to conflicts with the enemy.
  • Attacking animals dream that the dreamer will be stressed by communication with a bad and evil person.
  • However, if in his dream a person was able to defeat a wild cat, success and victory over the enemy await him.
  • The tiger flees - a person to cope with all the failures and problems.

Stroking an affectionate, kind tiger in a dream

A good beast always dreams of something good

If a person had to stroke a kind tiger, feed him or play with him, then this means that in real life he will be useful to someone. If during stroking the dreamer is embarrassed or apprehensive, the authorities will have to please him.

In general, a good beast always dreams of something good. If a person managed to establish contact with him, then in real life he will be surrounded by people with whom communication will be very pleasant. Also, such a dream can promise a meeting with a true friend.

What is the dream of a tiger in a cage?

In this dream, it is very important to pay attention to the emotions that arise in a person while he is looking at a wild beast driven into a cage.

  1. If the dreamer sees a tiger in a cage, which he himself drove there, in real life he will experience jubilation and triumph. The symbol of a tiger in a cage is associated with the victory over the ill-wisher and the achievement of the goal. If on the eve of sleep a person had competitors in some kind of activity, then they will certainly fade into the background.
  2. If, while a person is looking at an animal, he rejoices, this is a very good sign. The stronger the glee in a dream, the stronger it will be in real life.
  3. Does the dreamer, looking at the beast in the cage, feel sorry for him? In real life, a person will sympathize with someone from close friends or relatives.

Tiger in a dream (video)

It turns out that "tiger" dreams in most cases do not carry any danger. The strength, fearlessness and courage of the tiger will certainly influence the course of the dreamer's events in real life, bringing into it an atmosphere of power and strong will.

Attention, only TODAY!

A meeting with such a formidable predator as a tiger does not bode well either in reality or in a dream. Therefore, in many dream books, the appearance of a tiger in a dream is interpreted as a not entirely favorable sign. The most famous interpretation of dreams is proposed.

Dream interpretation lion and tiger, white tiger

If you dream of a lion and a white tiger, in reality you should be especially careful, as you will meet with two strong and influential people. The result of the meeting will end with a favorable outcome for you, since the white tiger is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. The dream serves as an edification to take advantage of this rare opportunity provided by fate.

What is the dream of an affectionate tiger

If you dreamed of an affectionate tiger, it means that in reality you will have an influential friend, under whose patronage you will be able to achieve significant success in the labor field.

Tiger dream book Vanga

In Vanga's dream book, the appearance of a tiger in a dream is interpreted as a manifestation in real life of aggression and stubbornness, the ability to "walk over corpses" just to achieve its goal.

Seeing a trained tiger in a dream means that in reality you need to restrain your emotions - only then can you achieve what you want.

Tiger Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, the tiger he saw is a symbol of the enemy. To kill or repel a tiger attack in a dream, in real life, means to give a worthy rebuff to your opponents.

Freud's dream book tiger

In Freud's dream book, to see this strong and ferocious predator in a dream means experiencing an underlying desire for something tough with unacceptable elements in everyday life.

Tiger dream book Juno

If you dreamed of a tiger along with its prey, in reality, expect to receive a monetary reward in the service or material profit from another source of income.

Tiger dream book Tsvetkov

In Tsvetkov's dream book, the tiger seen in a dream is interpreted unambiguously - in real life, danger awaits you.

Tiger dream book Muslim

According to the Muslim dream book, the tiger is a tyrant ruler or a strong and treacherous enemy.

Wealth and fame await the one who can subdue this beast in his dream.

To hear the growl of a tiger in a dream is to listen to the speeches of a greedy person in reality.

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