Military University of the Russian Federation. How the FSB nightmares military intelligence Military unit 22177


October field is a unique place, you will see. We stopped at Chocolate. And now let's cross the street of the People's Militia. There are beautiful buildings here - like a museum. In fact, this is military unit 22177.

Previously, the Oktyabrskoye field was called a military field, it was part of Khodynka. And still the military orientation of this place is very strong.

Military unit 22177 is the Military Diplomatic Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. And of course, there are no signs and signs here) This is the best military educational institution in the country.The Academy was formed on the basis of the Higher Diplomatic School (where my grandfather entered (not native, I will not burden you with tangled family ties), the Higher Intelligence School, the Institute of Oriental Cultures(where my grandmother studied Japanese)and a number of other military and civilian higher educational institutions.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Oriental Faculty of the Academy, in addition to Japanese and Chinese, also had Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hindu and Afghan departments. Western Faculty, in addition to English, German and French, also Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Dutch, Italian departments. There was also a naval faculty, which had branches of almost all the powers washed by the seas and oceans.

Until now, the military-diplomatic academy is only accepted for a second education, and before that they collect information about a person for a year or two ... The faculties at this university are very relative, the programs are largely individual, for example, a graduate of the faculty of "Strategic undercover intelligence" is easy to In practice, he moves on to "Undercover-operational intelligence", and if necessary, then he understands something in "operational-tactical intelligence" - and these, however, are three different faculties. The building has three different buildings here - the central one, and, as it were, two outbuildings.

After work, when he and his grandmother were already lit up everywhere where possible and where not (mostly they worked in the east, Tehrans and all sorts of India), grandfather taught at this university, and they were given an apartment, respectively - on the Oktyabrsky field. Grandmother could not get enough of it, she said that she kept remembering how in the training camp they secretly passed her through the fence to feed her baby daughter ..

Here is the central building, interestingly, it has such a monument - a globe ... How overgrown everything is. Are there flowers by May 9th?)

Still, a soap dish is better than nothing. You see, there are bouquets in cellophane. Well, thank God ... I really wanted to congratulate you on the Victory - the invisible front is sometimes more important than the real one. Lord, rest their souls!

Let's walk a little - and now, in a 2-minute walk from the metro - in the rotunda - the Primavera restaurant, that is, spring. It used to be a store, always half empty - "Meat - Fish". Here begins the most beautiful, in my opinion, residential area in Moscow. It is located between the streets of marshals Biryuzov, Sokolovsky, Konev and Meretskov and was built on the site of potato fields by German prisoners of war for Soviet officers who returned from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. This is what people call it - "German settlement", although it was built according to the project of Dmitry Chechulin, he was the chief architect of Moscow from 45 to 49. His signature is on the projects of all these houses, although they were mainly developed by his friend Mikhail Kupovsky ..

The quarter consists of three courtyards, each with its own fountain in the center. And they are working today

The place immediately captivates with humanity and freedom. And from the fountains - do not take your eyes off.

In the sun, this one seems to scatter diamonds ...

The houses are connected by arches, which have all been restored and the quarter has acquired completeness. It's like in a manor, in a classic Russian manor of the 18th century!

All the details were chosen authentically, the balconies are very stylish.

I remember what it was all drips, potholes and ruins 10 years ago...

What a blessing that they kept it all.

And quite recently, Donstroy was going to demolish everything here and build elite housing, and a lot ... There he is, behind bars, a monster - he is still chattering his teeth.

True, the main entrances are still, according to Bulgakov, closed)

And everyone is just used to walking through the back door)

Strict and graceful houses conquer the proportionality of proportions. But not without a hitch. Inside, here in these curves are stairs.

In every house, unlike modern typical buildings, in addition to the main entrance, there is also a black one.

It has its own world, clear and comfortable for everyone.

The railings are a little rusty, and some details are missing - but they are native, they are diligently patched.

But the second fountain - and the second courtyard. All the time at the fountain there are residents, most often - mothers with strollers.

Or older kids. It's generally good to sit here. The ever-nervous Moscow is bustling about two steps away, but here it is quiet and calm...

And the sound of the water is soothing. And you can dip your hand and check - was the water wetter before?

And beautiful.

And here is the third courtyard - it is similar to the previous ones, only the fountain is different, striving for the sun.

A rainbow lives here) And it seems that this clear water is from the past.

And the sun is very favorable to him - you can see how it strokes with rays)

How cozy it is here. Yes, and in the houses - seventy-centimeter walls protect the inhabitants of the apartments from the noise of neighbors, and three-meter ceilings create a feeling of spaciousness)

And the braziers are hidden here like this, military-diplomatically))).

It's hard to leave here, but we still have something to see. We go out onto Biryuzova Street, of course, Marshal).

Here, the neat houses of the 50s are modestly decorated with stucco under the roof and a frieze above the third floor.

The yellow-red coloring is no longer there, and the streets look simple and noble.

Well, sometimes, of course, it happens ... This is a school)

Here the panel is already visible. Didn't go there)

Here's another house - it's from the early 50s.

By the time the well-known law "On architectural excesses" was adopted in 1955, it had already been built, it was lucky - it had a completely assembled belt

and it is provided with an insane amount of balconies thatsupports stucco. A lot of ready-made concrete decorative elements were then stamped, they were spent even after the decree of 1955 - they had to be put somewhere. A large front entrance in such houses was provided for various public and domestic services. They are still in place - nothing has changed since then.

I did not know that a square was organized here, and a board was placed for Biryuzov.

And then - fountains, nice ...

And you can’t pass by this giant, you can’t get around it, but it seems that festive music is heard from there.

The music was lively and very soulful.

Surprisingly, they played this! On pipes it's even more piercing...

Listen or download "Heart, be silent" song from k/f "Na" for free on Player
And much more..

And here is the field kitchen,

and soldier's porridge is popular.

The people at the store are in order, and I am glad that the majority are listening, and not eating free porridge and ice cream ...

The musicians tried with might and main, although they played almost from the sheet)))

Some under such combat music urgently needed to load their weapons)

And here is this grandmother, on the left, who kept asking to play "a little blue modest handkerchief."

And when they played, she cried.

In fact, the concert turned out to be very touching, albeit at the shopping center...

And you don’t have to look into the shopping center itself - it’s not at all festive there, and black crosses are everywhere.

And here is the institute, and the monument to Kurchatov.

According to family tradition, the grandfather promised to dig up Kurchatov at least up to his shoulders, if everything did not work out.

For work on the creation of a nuclear bomb, Laboratory No. 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded in 1943, headed by the famous Soviet physicist Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov. One of the stages of the work of the Laboratory was the construction and launch of the first F-1 nuclear reactor in the USSR and Europe: a special site was equipped for it in Moscow, on the basis of which the huge Kurchatov Institute later grew.

Beautiful houses overlooking the square were built for the scientists of the Laboratory. This is where Sakharov lived for some time. Well, the research was quite successfully completed: the reactor was launched on December 25, 1946, and the first Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1 was tested on August 29, 1949.

Later, a whole region arose here. Here is another school based on the same old project, and the same 4 classics on the facade.

Here the building is also Stalinist. Beautiful and unusual house.

amazingly decorated,

and stretches for an entire block.

And this is a masterpiece. "Academgorodok of Laboratory No. 2 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR". At first, there were three houses in this academic town. But what!

Here is the first one. House 3 on Marshal Novikov Street - the marshals are still going on, and such science is nowhere without them ..

They obviously overdid it with decor, but that's why they are academicians, maybe the marshals helped. You can’t think of such bells and whistles quickly, here you need time and helpers)))

And in the yard - a real forest. No, you didn’t understand - not a square, not a park, not a copse or a grove, but a real forest ..

The one that never fell apart. This is how you leave the entrance to Moscow in the morning - and you are already in the forest. Doesn't fit in my head! And here andthe resinous smell of pine needles, and the hubbub of birds, and kebabs ... But we will not communicate with them, although they are invited)

Let's talk better with an academic squirrel ... a beauty, she poses and seduces with a bump)

Let's go out of the forest again to these unusual academic houses - we almost didn't see them. These "bells and whistles on the gates" are especially striking. What the author wanted to say by this is clearly an academic problem.

And the entrances are restrainedly simple, and the frames are made of a noble baguette. And everywhere - flowers.

For some reason, the fountain does not work, but it is already so beautiful.

And there is also a museum. It's a pity, only by appointment... But who knew)

In the windows of the museum - posters of local themes.

And the spring forest draws you in... Just like in Protvino.

But it's time to go home. Let's return to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. It's nice to have another look at the Chechulin fountain.

To threaten the impending over everything and the whole Donstroy.

And catch a farewell ray at the subway.

Goodbye, October field)))

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Military Academy(former Military Diplomatic Academy) Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation- a military educational institution specializing in the training of military diplomats (employees of military attaches) and military intelligence officers. Military unit 22177. Slang name - "conservatory".


In the Russian Federation, until September 27, 2011, the state military educational institution of higher professional education was called the Military Diplomatic Academy. After September 27, 2011 - the federal state state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

From May 2010 to February 5, 2014, the academy, as a separate subdivision, included a branch in Cherepovets (now the Cherepovets Higher Military School of Radio Electronics).



The head of the Academy in the military rank of colonel-general (admiral), formally holding the position of deputy head of the GRU, has four deputies in the rank of lieutenant generals: first deputy and deputies for work with personnel, logistics and educational and scientific work.


  • 1st faculty - trains officers for work abroad, as scouts under diplomatic cover ("jackets", in the slang of scouts) and illegal spies.
  • 2nd faculty - "undercover and operational intelligence". Trains employees of military attaches.
  • 3rd faculty - "operational-tactical intelligence". Trains operational-tactical intelligence officers who are assigned to the headquarters of military districts.
  • Special faculty - for military personnel of the "armies of friendly countries". It has three directions corresponding to the first three faculties.
  • The Academy also has the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Postgraduate Studies and Higher Academic Courses.


About 200 students graduate from the Academy every year.


  • Shalin M. A. (1946-1949), lieutenant general,
  • Slavin N. V. (1949-1953), lieutenant general,
  • Kochetkov M. A. (1953-1957), lieutenant general,
  • Petrushevsky A. V. (1957-1959), Colonel General,
  • Dratvin M. I. (1959), lieutenant general, acting,
  • Khlopov V. E. (March 1959 - June 1967), lieutenant general of tank troops,
  • Bekrenev L. K (1967-1973), vice admiral, since 1967 admiral,
  • Tolokonnikov L. S. (1973-1975), Colonel General of the Engineering and Technical Service,
  • Pavlov A. G. (1975-1978), lieutenant general, since 02/14/1978 colonel general
  • Meshcheryakov V. I. (1978-1988), lieutenant general, from 11/01/1980 colonel general
  • Kuzmin L. T. (1988-1992), vice admiral, since 06/30/1990 admiral,
  • Ivanov V. A. (1992-1999), Colonel General,
  • Tkachev V. S. (1999-2000), admiral,
  • Kolesnik N.Kh., Colonel General,
  • Kuzmichev V.D., Colonel General.

Famous graduates


  • Address: Moscow, st. People's Militia, 50.

Postal address: 103160, Moscow, K-160, military unit 22177.

Curious facts

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see also

  • Special Faculty of the Military Academy of the Red Army named after M. V. Frunze

An excerpt characterizing the Military Diplomatic Academy

- Yes Yes. This is the true truth,” Pierre hastily interrupted.
- From what? Natasha asked, looking attentively into Pierre's eyes.
- How why? - said Princess Mary. One thought of what awaits there...
Natasha, without listening to Princess Marya, looked inquiringly at Pierre again.
“And because,” Pierre continued, “that only the person who believes that there is a god who controls us can endure such a loss as hers and ... yours,” said Pierre.
Natasha opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but suddenly stopped. Pierre hastened to turn away from her and turned again to Princess Mary with a question about the last days of his friend's life. Pierre's embarrassment is now almost gone; but at the same time he felt that all his former freedom had disappeared. He felt that there was now a judge over his every word, action, a court that was dearer to him than the court of all people in the world. He was speaking now, and together with his words, he understood the impression that his words made on Natasha. He didn't say anything on purpose that might please her; but whatever he said, he judged himself from her point of view.
Princess Mary reluctantly, as always happens, began to talk about the situation in which she found Prince Andrei. But Pierre's questions, his animatedly restless look, his face trembling with excitement, gradually forced her to go into details, which she was afraid for herself to renew in her imagination.
“Yes, yes, so, so ...” said Pierre, bending forward with his whole body over Princess Mary and eagerly listening to her story. - Yes Yes; so did he calm down? relented? He was always looking for one thing with all the strength of his soul; be quite good that he could not be afraid of death. The faults that were in him, if there were any, did not come from him. So he softened up? Pierre said. “What a blessing that he saw you,” he said to Natasha, suddenly turning to her and looking at her with eyes full of tears.
Natasha's face twitched. She frowned and lowered her eyes for a moment. She hesitated for a minute: to speak or not to speak?
“Yes, it was happiness,” she said in a quiet chesty voice, “for me, it must have been happiness. She paused. - And he ... he ... he said that he wanted this, the minute I came to him ... - Natasha's voice broke off. She blushed, clasped her hands in her lap, and suddenly, evidently making an effort on herself, raised her head and quickly began to say:
– We didn’t know anything when we were driving from Moscow. I didn't dare ask about him. And suddenly Sonya told me that he was with us. I didn’t think anything, I couldn’t imagine what position he was in; I only needed to see him, to be with him,” she said, trembling and panting. And, not allowing herself to be interrupted, she told what she had never told anyone before: everything that she experienced during those three weeks of their journey and life in Yaroslavl.
Pierre listened to her with his mouth open and never taking his eyes off her, full of tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, nor about death, nor about what she was talking about. He listened to her and only felt sorry for her for the suffering she now experienced as she spoke.
The princess, grimacing with a desire to hold back her tears, sat beside Natasha and listened for the first time to the story of those last days of love between her brother and Natasha.
This painful and joyful story, apparently, was necessary for Natasha.
She spoke, mixing the most insignificant details with the most intimate secrets, and it seemed that she could never finish. She repeated the same thing several times.
Desalle's voice was heard outside the door, asking if Nikolushka could come in and say goodbye.
“Yes, that’s all, that’s all ...” said Natasha. She quickly got up, while Nikolushka entered, and almost ran to the door, knocked her head against the door, covered with a curtain, and with a groan of pain or sadness escaped from the room.
Pierre looked at the door through which she went out and did not understand why he was suddenly left alone in the whole world.
Princess Marya called him out of absent-mindedness, drawing his attention to his nephew, who entered the room.
Nikolushka's face, resembling his father, in a moment of spiritual softening in which Pierre was now, had such an effect on him that, having kissed Nikolushka, he hastily got up and, taking out a handkerchief, went to the window. He wanted to say goodbye to Princess Mary, but she restrained him.
- No, Natasha and I sometimes do not sleep until three o'clock; please sit down. I'll have supper. Go down; we will come now.
Before Pierre left, the princess said to him:
It was the first time she had spoken of him like that.

Pierre was led into a lighted large dining room; a few minutes later steps were heard, and the princess and Natasha entered the room. Natasha was calm, although a stern expression, without a smile, was now again established on her face. Princess Marya, Natasha, and Pierre equally experienced that feeling of awkwardness that usually follows the end of a serious and heartfelt conversation. It is impossible to continue the previous conversation; it is shameful to talk about trifles, but it is unpleasant to be silent, because you want to talk, but it is as if you are pretending to be silent. They silently approached the table. The waiters pushed back and pulled up the chairs. Pierre unfolded the cold napkin and, deciding to break the silence, looked at Natasha and Princess Mary. Both, obviously, at the same time decided on the same thing: in both eyes, contentment with life shone and the recognition that, in addition to grief, there are also joys.
- Do you drink vodka, Count? - said Princess Marya, and these words suddenly dispersed the shadows of the past.
“Tell me about yourself,” said Princess Mary. “Such incredible miracles are being told about you.
“Yes,” Pierre answered with his now familiar smile of meek mockery. - They even tell me about such miracles, which I have never seen in a dream. Marya Abramovna invited me to her place and kept telling me what had happened to me, or was about to happen. Stepan Stepanitch also taught me how I should tell. In general, I noticed that it is very calm to be an interesting person (I am now an interesting person); They call me and they tell me.
Natasha smiled and wanted to say something.

Military Academy(former Military Diplomatic Academy) Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation- a military educational institution specializing in the training of military diplomats (employees of military attaches) and military intelligence officers. Military unit 22177. Slang name - "conservatory".


In the Russian Federation, until September 27, 2011, the state military educational institution of higher professional education was called the Military Diplomatic Academy. After September 27, 2011 - the federal state state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

From May 2010 to February 5, 2014, the academy, as a separate subdivision, included a branch in Cherepovets (now the Cherepovets Higher Military School of Radio Electronics).



The head of the Academy in the military rank of colonel general (admiral), formally holding the position of deputy head of the GRU, has four deputies in the rank of lieutenant generals: first deputy and deputies for work with personnel, material and technical and educational and scientific work.


  • 1st faculty - trains officers for work abroad, as scouts under diplomatic cover ("jackets", in the slang of scouts) and illegal spies.
  • 2nd faculty - "undercover and operational intelligence". Trains employees of military attaches.
  • 3rd faculty - "operational-tactical intelligence". Trains operational-tactical intelligence officers who are assigned to the headquarters of military districts.
  • Special faculty - for military personnel of the "armies of friendly countries". It has three directions corresponding to the first three faculties.
  • The Academy also has the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Postgraduate Studies and Higher Academic Courses.

On fig. 2.20 shows the technology (algorithm) for the selection, evaluation and "recruitment" of officers from military units for training at the academy.

I would like to dwell on some details of the selection and evaluation of future students in the GRU Academy. The representative of the GRU is instructed to select no more than 10 officers, but he has to check about 100 people in order to find the top ten. A number of future students are recruited from among the graduates of military academies. Such a selection justifies the efforts of the GRU representatives, and indeed 90% of them are enrolled in the Military Diplomatic Academy.

One of the stages of verification is that a representative of the GRU academy comes to the candidate's apartment and, as a rule, carries on a normal conversation with him. At the same time, he attaches great importance to the assessment of the candidate's wife. Sometimes it happens that a wife is not suitable for some reason, such as intelligence or excessive emotionality. And this means that no matter how good the officer himself is, he cannot be a scout. It must be emphasized that the representatives of the GRU are so experienced that at the first glance at the home situation they understand whether they came in vain or it makes sense to continue the conversation.

The main criteria that guide the representatives of the selection group are shown in fig. 2.21.

Upon arrival in Moscow, the candidates selected by the representatives of the GRU are subjected to various tests before passing the exams. Some of these tests, and there are quite a lot of them, are shown in Fig. 2.22. Among them there are tests for memory, for the ability to learn foreign languages, for attention, for “noise immunity”. Typically, candidates go through hundreds of tests, from 9 am to 5 pm for a whole week.

During testing, the teacher can, for example, say a phrase in an unfamiliar language and ask her to repeat it. Or, for example, he shows dozens of photographic portraits in a row at a fairly fast pace and presents them by last name: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Vasilyev ... Then the photos are mixed and quickly shown again, and the officer must put numbers next to the pre-written full names, which is now the account number Petrov, Sidorov ... Or they say a series of words from a line and ask them to repeat without changing the order of the words.

Practice shows that, as a rule, there is no 100% number of officers who have passed the test. That is, some of the selected candidates do not stand the test. Of course, there are times when some officers pass all tests with positive success.

Therefore, they take officers to the academy and partially failed the tests. It should be noted that officers who pass all the tests with great success, as a rule, are not taken to the academy. There is a principle in intelligence: a scout should not stand out among others with his excessive abilities.

As I already wrote, after passing the tests, future students are required to pass competitive exams. Most often, the exams show the ability to learn foreign languages.

At the last stage, an interview is conducted with future students, which takes place in a solemn atmosphere, as a rule, in a large hall. Specialists of the academy, including psychologists, are invited to the interview, and various questions of interest to them are asked. Among them, for example, why did you decide to go into exploration? Or what kind of liquor do you drink and how much? Do you like women and how do you treat them?

There is also one well-established feature. In the selection process, applicants see only their own group, with which they will have to study. And all those who pass the tests are taken to separate rooms in different corridors.

The academy does not take people who come themselves, but sometimes there are still “thieves”. As a rule, these are officers who have high-ranking chiefs of the GRU, the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense, etc. How not to please in this case, especially when it becomes possible to work in diplomatic missions abroad.

After passing the above procedures, the officers become first-year students of one of the faculties of the Military Diplomatic Academy of the GRU. Students are included in the educational process, with the most serious attention being paid to the study of foreign languages. Earlier I already wrote how and in what way linguists teach foreign languages. I gave my personal example of learning Arabic with Captain N. Maiburov and Hebrew with A. Rubinshtein.

Unfortunately, some students are practically not given such languages ​​as Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Vietnamese, then they have to be expelled after the first semester and sent to the troops at the place of their former or other service. They also study other subjects, including country studies, special equipment, driving a car, and so on.

The teaching staff at the academy is making significant efforts to prepare intelligence officers with the highest quality.

On fig. 2.23 indicates those basic academic disciplines that should be mastered by future military intelligence officers who go on long business trips to foreign countries.

Particular attention is paid to the methods and ways of training each. So, in order to memorize 50 words, it is necessary to compose a story with these words, in which the listener himself is actively involved. They teach the art of communicating with possible agents and the art of leaving when a “tail” follows you, that is, a representative of the counterintelligence of the host country. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the processes of undercover work. This is a closed topic, and it is not customary to disclose the technology of training students in undercover work. This is a kind of know-how of military intelligence of any country in the world. Nevertheless, certain points should be stated. So, for example, even in the first year, the whole of Moscow is divided into sectors and each student is allocated his own sector. In the selected sector, the student must prepare routes with turnouts, checkpoints. Routes, as a rule, are worked out to automatism in order to timely "detect the outdoor scene", which tracks down the "agent" - the student of the academy. The agent is led by several people who have radio contact with each other. It is important to remember that if the “agent” slows down slightly and some citizens fly around the corner a couple of times, then it is better to leave this route. Or, let's say, the “listening agent” jumped out of the subway car at the last moment before closing the doors and suddenly found that somewhere else the car door slammed belatedly, again, it’s not worth the risk. But if “you left”, then in any country “outdoor advertising” will definitely set you up, for example, provoke a fight, or something else. And you will automatically be included in the Who's Who directory and become persona non grata, that is, you will have to leave the country within 24-72 hours.

I remember an incident that happened to one of my intelligence friends. It was in the 60s and 70s in Austria. Our Soviet intelligence agent worked there under diplomatic cover. One day he drank a little and, in order not to get into any unusual story, he decided to catch a taxi and go to his place of residence. And he was obviously being followed. He hailed a taxi and got into the car. The driver pulled away at high speed, and only then did our scout notice that a young beautiful woman was sitting next to him in the back seat. The scout did not know what to decide: either drive silently, or stop the car and get out. Before he had time to comprehend what was happening, this young woman tried to sit on his knees and unbutton her blouse, and under the blouse the bra had been removed in advance. Suddenly, the driver adjusts the front mirror and sees this couple in all their splendor. Then he immediately brings them to the nearest police station. As soon as the car stopped, the police opened the door and took pictures of the whole picture.

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