The vocalist of this group is Konstantin Kinchev. History of Soviet rock music


The news that in St. Petersburg they burned the foreign car of Cord's wife aroused interest not so much in the event as in the personality of this woman. We decided to satisfy the curious and at the same time bring to the fore the life partners of our other glorious rock musicians.

Sergei Shnurov's wife

Matilda Shnurova, by birth Elena Mozgovaya, is a rare beauty, crazy fashionista and laid-back business woman. In St. Petersburg, he owns a ballet school and a restaurant of Russian cuisine, where for 200 rubles you can eat bread and butter, and for 990 - beef tenderloin with kvass sauce. They gossip about her that she is a virtuoso in bed and before Cord changed lovers like gloves. The actor Yevgeny Tsyganov allegedly visited among them.

She agreed with the leader of Leningrad at the age of 20, and after 4 years the following happened. Matilda: “He was looking for sausage in the refrigerator, he could not find it, but I helped him. And he made an offer during this search. We both looked in the fridge and he said, "Let's get married." And I say: “Of course, it’s time already” (from an interview with ELLE). This year, in the ideal family of “a young lady and a bully”, there are two anniversaries at once - the 30th anniversary of “Buzyu” (as Sergey lovingly calls his wife) and 10 years of joint happiness. Do you remember that once Shnurov's girlfriend was a young actress Oksana Akinshina?

Wife of Ilya Lagutenko

Anna Zhukova, model and master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics
And this is Nadya Skazka (Nadezhda Silenskaya), a fashion designer with whom the leader of Mumiy Troll lived for three years, from 2002 to 2005. Then she was a superstar of the Moscow beau monde.
Older rock heroes are also not a miss - take a look at the beauties next to them.

Yuri Shevchuk's wife

Ekaterina, a non-public person, about whom, in fact, nothing is known, except for her name. The leader of "DDT" does not advertise his personal life, only somehow, jokingly, he mentioned that his wife "feeds" him to be "well-fed", and that his "rudeness" sometimes shocks her. The journalists concluded that she "cooks great" and "often criticizes" the musician. In Rome at the premiere of "It's Hard to Be a God" in 2013: Ekaterina is the third wife of Shevchuk. The first, Elmira, died of cancer at the age of 24. The second, former Soviet and Russian actress Maryana Polteva, emigrated to Germany, changing her citizenship. Now lives in Austria. Mariana in the 1985 film "I want to tell you ..."

Wife of Vyacheslav Butusov

Anzhelika Estoeva, art critic
She met the leader of the Nautilus on the street, she was only 18. And until that moment she knew him only by his voice - and suddenly he, in her words, "materialized." Photo: Marina Korobkova / RIA Novosti And it was also a shock for Angelica to find out that Butusov was married. His first wife Marina is a costume designer.
True, by the time of Butusov's new novel, the couple lived practically apart - he was with a rock party in St. Petersburg, she was at home, in Sverdlovsk. Met "on arrivals". “Peter eventually divorced us: everyone began to live their own lives,” recalls Marina.

Wife of Konstantin Kinchev

Alexandra Panfilova (Panfilov - Kinchev's surname on the passport), journalist and art critic, daughter of the Soviet actor Alexei Loktev, famous for the film "I'm walking around Moscow."

Armen Grigoryan's wife

Natalia Seraya, director of the Crematorium group (all photos from her Facebook)

The media knows that their marriage is unofficial. At the same time, Natalia's Facebook status says: "divorced."

With MUZ-TV CEO Arman Davletyarov
With Philip Kirkorov (caption for this photo: “I admire him!”)

Wife of Garik Sukachev

A rare case when a rock legend lives with one woman all his life: the leader of the "Brigade C" and "The Untouchables" has been inseparable from Olga for 40 years now (since they met in 1975).
Garik: “I have a feeling that I was born married. I have been married since 1983, count for yourself how many years, and so successfully that the problem of mistresses, admirers simply does not exist for me.

“We met when I was almost 16, and she was almost 14. I always say: “Olya, why the hell did I run into this rink? I had other plans that day." I am a henpecked. Why am I with her all my life, with this woman? Of course, henpecked. I think in all happy families where people have lived their lives together, one way or another, the man is henpecked.”
In 2014, Garik caused a lot of gossip by appearing at the film premiere, accompanied by a "nice young lady." Everyone realized that this was not his wife, and suggested that the musician still got himself a new girlfriend. But fans of Sukachev's work know her well: she is the incendiary Lana Shemankova, keyboardist and accordionist of his bands.

Wife of Boris Grebenshchikov

The leader of the "Aquarium" took all three of his wives away from the musicians of his own group. The current Irina is the ex-wife of bassist Alexander Titov.

Before her was the artist Lyudmila Shurygina, a former girlfriend of the cellist Vsevolod Gakkel.
Well, the first Natalya Kozlovskaya, the mother of the now famous actress Alisa Grebenshchikova, used to meet with bassist Mikhail Feinstein.

Sergei Galanin's wife

Olga, whom the vocalist of the SerGa group met at school. Sergey: “We have been an eyesore to each other for a decent time, and there is some kind of joke in this.” Parents with eldest son Pavel

Wife of Vladimir Shakhrin

The personal life of the Chaif ​​leader is also connected with one woman - Elena, whom he met while studying at a technical school. Vladimir: “There is one very famous musician, a well-known polygamist, who only officially married five times and four more times - unofficially. I once asked him: “My friend, tell me honestly, does this make any sense?” - "You know, each next one is a little worse than the previous one." I always remember it very well."

Andrey Makarevich's girlfriend

Social gossip has attributed the 62-year-old Time Machine leader an affair with 43-year-old Masha Katz, Russia's "Lady of the Blues" and queen of backing vocals, on the grounds that they've often been seen together in the last couple of years. They even wrote that he bought an apartment in Israel “for himself and his beloved”. The singer refused to comment on her personal life, but noted: “I have a great and very warm friendship with Andrei Vadimovich. I'm very proud to have him in my life."
Both Katz and Makarevich have three official marriages behind them. The musician divorced his third wife Natalya Golub in 2010. And Makarevich also had secret (at one time) novels: with the press attache of the Time Machine, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya ...

...and from the legendary leading radio station "Europe-plus" Ksenia Strizh (on the right in the photo - DJ of the former "Radio Classic" Oleg Donskoy).


The singer's father is Evgeny Panfilov, rector of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, and his mother Lyudmila taught there.

In 1966 Konstantin went to school. And then his parents bought him a tape recorder so that his son could learn English. But the boy began to play cassettes and get carried away by The Rolling Stones. As a child, the future musician was too active. Already at the age of 7 he ran away from home. When he was playing pirates, he told the local guys that he knew where the treasure was buried. We found the boys already in Tula. Then Kostya dreamed of becoming Chingachgook and fighting for justice. Later, Kinchev became interested in hockey and played sports until 1971. He trained at Spartak, but realizing that he would not reach great heights, he left this sport.

At the age of 14, Konstantin joined the Komsomol, but already in the 8th grade he was expelled from the organization. The reason is an inappropriate appearance at school (then Kinchev came to study after seeing off a friend in the army). The student was then told not to come to class until he had his hair cut. As a result, Kostya shaved his head. A year later, the teenager became interested in the work of Black Sabbath and began to collect their records. Immediately, the first own compositions began to appear, in the style of this group. Later, Kinchev decided that he wanted to become a rock star. And already in 1973 he joined a musical group as a bass player and backing vocalist.


After school, Konstantin Kinchev went to work at the Nauka plant as an apprentice draftsman, apprentice miller and graphic designer. And then he entered the Faculty of Economics and Finance at the Moscow Technological Institute (RUTiS). And at the same time, he studied at the school at the Bolshoi Theater for a year as a singer. By the way, the musician got there by accident. In one of the pubs, someone heard him singing and invited him to a competition.

Konstantin Kinchev on video

After leaving, Konstantin was a model at the Surikov School, as well as an administrator in the women's basketball team and a loader in a bakery. But the singer did not get into the army due to "residual effects of a traumatic brain injury." 4 years, until 1980 Kinchev studied at the Moscow Cooperative Institute.

Passion for music

Before Alisa, Kinchev played in the Golden Mean and Circle of the Black Half groups, as well as the Third Fak Team. Later he created his own team "Broken Air". He performed Western rock classics in the city of Krasnogorsk at dances. The group disbanded and no records remain.

In 1983, in Leningrad, from the two disintegrated groups "Crystal Ball" and "Democratic Well" one was created - "Alisa". The team recorded the Krivozerkalie magnetic album and went to the second rock festival of the Leningrad Rock Club. Immediately Kinchev moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg. It was decided to record the repertoire in an album. The record got into people under the name "Doctor Kinchev and the style group." But officially "Nervous Night" appeared only in 1994.


After recording the first album, Kinchev was invited to take the place of the vocalist. As part of the group, Konstantin performed only at the third festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, and before that he only helped with the recording of the album. The group was fighting for the leadership of Svyatoslav Zaderiy and Konstantin Kinchev. As a result, in 1986 Zaderiy left the group.

In the same year, in order not to fall under the article "parasitism", Kinchev played in the film "Burglar", as well as in the films "Cross the Line" and "Yya-Kha". However, he was dissatisfied with the game.

Konstantin Kinchev at the radio station

A year later, the album “Block of Hell” saw the light, it already conveyed the state of the group. Here expressed the style of Constantine. The signature colors of the group and fans were determined by the composition "Red on Black".

Problems with law

In 1987, problems with the authorities began. In November, at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in Leningrad, he got into a scuffle with policemen who did not let his wife Anna backstage. And then on stage, before the song “Hey, you, there, on the other side,” he said: “The next song is dedicated to foreign guests, if there are any in the hall ... as well as cops and other reptiles!”. A few days later, Kinchev was accused of promoting Nazism, provoking riots, and disrespecting the public.

Kinchev and Kalinov bridge

Alice started having problems organizing their concerts. Kinchev and his wife complained about the actions of the guards to the prosecutor's office. The group began to be summoned for interrogations, as a result, Konstantin was charged with malicious hooliganism, but they released him on his own recognizance. Later, he was arrested and taken to the police station, then released and again arrested and released. Despite a written undertaking not to leave, Kinchev left Leningrad and went to a concert in Pskov. Upon his return, the musician was detained for seven days. At this time, by the way, the artist successfully recorded the album "The Sixth Forester", which was released in 1989.

In October 1988, the process against Kinchev was completed in favor of the musician. Impressed by "Alice" recorded the album "St. 206 h. 2". H came out in 1994.

new time

In 1988, Konstantin Kinchev was very upset by the death of his friend Alexander Bashlachev. After his death, the song "Sabbath" was written and an album of the same name was released. In 1991, during the putsch in Moscow, Kinchev took part in the defense of the White House.

A year later, Alice went on tour to Jerusalem. This trip left an indelible impression on the musician. After visiting the holy places, the singer converted to Orthodoxy and reassessed the value system. Konstantin began to fight drug addiction and defeated it in 1994. Simultaneously, he changed from an anarchist to a monarchist.

In 1993, after the suicide of Alisa's guitarist Igor Chumychkin, the band stopped their concert activity for almost a year. After that, the Black Label memory album was released. And in 1996, the disc "Jazz" appeared, songs from which Konstantin played on the apartment, and then the fans heard "Geopolitics".

In 2000, the album "Solstice" appeared. For its design, Konstantin Kinchev was accused of fascism. The radio refused to put the songs on the air, thus protesting against the left-handed swastika, which was depicted on the cover. And even when the musician explained that the symbol is the grace of the Holy Spirit, the radio stations did not change their minds. A year later, a book of poems by the artist "Solstice" appeared.

In 2003, "Alisa" released the disc "Now it's later than you think." The song "Dirt" from him caused the greatest resonance, where there was a fragment of a Jewish melody. And in 2007 there was a conflict with Ukraine, after the group "Alisa" performed the song "Power" from the album "Become the North". The composition touched upon the revolutionary events in this country.

After the death of Alexander Aksenov, Kinchev made a tribute album. Russian rockers were invited to record songs. Enter the Dragon appeared in 2009.

Personal life of Kostya Kinchev

All summer, as well as part of spring and autumn, Konstantin Kinchev and his wife live in a village 700 kilometers from Moscow. The musician says that if his wife agreed, he would live outside the capital all year round.

Kinchev is married for the second time. Anna Golubeva gave birth to the musician's son Evgeny in 1988. He works as a paraphernalia manager in the Alisa group. Konstantin brings up the daughter of the second wife of Alexandra Maria, and a joint child - Vera.

August 13, 2012, 22:39

At the end of last year, I did a series of posts about the most famous novels of rock musicians. All posts were devoted to foreign couples, but finally I found a decent couple in our country. From pride and white envy in the goiter breath stole. A very beautiful union of two strong personalities. Unfortunately, the interview cannot fully express their scope, so if you have time, watch an interview with them. ()
at Tsoi's concert in 1988
Kostya, what were you like in your youth? A shy and reserved person, in companies he preferred to remain silent. So meeting a girl was a problem for you? Well, in general, of course, it was a problem. Sasha, are you by nature amorous? Not now, but generally yes. Do you recognize love at first sight? Yes, Kostya is love at first sight.
Konstantin Kinchev and Alexandra Lokteva met by chance - in the Eliseevsky store, in the wine department. “Shevchuk and I stood in line: he had a birthday, and we were just about to celebrate it. And Sasha stood a little ahead. Later we phoned and started dating. I was captivated by her beauty. Impulsiveness. Sensuality. Sasha is a woman, living not by reason, but by feelings. What is left in your relationship from those first days of dating and what is gone? Sasha: I can only answer for myself. I think everything is left. And a lot has been added. Kostya, do you remember the first time you kissed Sasha? This was about a month after we met. At that time I was married, and then divorced and moved to Sasha. Or rather, first moved, and then divorced. with daughter Alexandra from her first marriage Masha in January 1991 Did you have a honeymoon trip? Sasha: We had a lot of honeymoon trips - all over the country, on all trips. Kostya: We didn't have a wedding as such. Therefore, until now, a continuous honeymoon trip. What is the brightest event that happened in your life together? Kostya: Birth of Faith. Who does she look like: her mother or you? Kostya: It seems to me - on my mother, it seems to my mother - on me. Sasha: It seems to most that on Kostya. Did having a baby change something in you? Kostya: It’s hard for me to talk about Verka, I already had a child before her. She appeared as the joy of our life together with Sasha.
Vera was born on September 1, 1991
Every marriage has difficult times. What saves your family from various potholes, ravines? What is she based on? Kostya: I think love saves her. Spiritual - first of all, not earthly. Sasha love. Kinchev with children
with son Zhenya from his first marriage

Your eldest daughter Masha is 21 years old, the youngest - Vera - 16. Do you and Kostya have recipes for raising children? Sasha: I can only speak about myself: I thought for a long time and realized that there are no recipes. But it’s definitely easier for me to communicate with a “child” who is 21 years old than with a sixteen-year-old. I just don’t understand what’s in their head, I constantly have to remind myself that this is my child, because sometimes an avalanche of idiocy covers, and it’s not at all clear where it comes from - we didn’t sow it. We sowed “reasonable, good, eternal”. But the main thing is that I was not like that (and I remember myself very well from a year and a half). This is another generation, in which cultural sprouts sometimes break through the weeds, but I cannot endlessly weed, and they do not want to work on themselves on their own.

I hope that time will pass and everyone will come to their senses, so Kinchev and I often “let go” of the situation: if they ask, we will answer, if not, we will remain silent. But foolish maternal pity plays a bad joke: you begin to condone some things. There is such a misconception that if you are kind with children, they will appreciate, understand. No, they will “eat” and ask for more. So sometimes I let myself yell. Previously, it was a cry of rage, the cry of a she-wolf in the Siberian taiga, but now it is despair. Sometimes they reproach me: “You are a mother, we thought you would understand, we will be friends.” And I'm not going to be friends with children, this is a vicious practice. In general, I always wanted a boy, it’s easier with them, you can talk with boys. With girls, too, but it's almost pointless. Boys (ideally) are more fundamental, without idiotic illusions, without throwing, without reflection. And they do not want to "marry", which removes a lot of problems.

Are you selfish in the family? It seems to me that I am generally an egoist, but I don’t know what it means to be an egoist in a family. Let's start with the fact that I love my husband more than my children: he is closer, dearer and more important to me. This person will bury me. Or I him. And the children will bury them in the ground, throw a handful of earth and leave. In general, these are some completely different organisms. As for selfishness, I would like there to be some time in the day when they don’t touch me. But, given the number of years lived, I have an idea how my husband will react to this. And if I go against the grain, then I go to war. Small, home, educational. It's nice to fight. But at the same time, I always know that he is right. Sasha, do you sometimes want to unwind, take a break from household chores? Sasha: I want to, of course, but I can't. Yes, actually, there is nowhere to go. Those entertainments that are presented are uninteresting. Kostya and I are not fans of restaurants, we avoid all kinds of bohemian parties. Therefore, all entertainment fit in this kitchen. In any case, I am content with communicating with my friends who come to visit us. And, of course, the main thing is Kostya's work.

Were you originally looking for a hero? I didn't search, I waited. There were a lot of them in movies, in books: I'm a Soviet child, so my system of values ​​was developed by Veniamin Kaverin and The Two Captains. When "for the beloved in the night." If a situation arises today that for the sake of Kinchev you have to sacrifice yourself, your interests, go to the ends of the world, would you dare? Where will I go?

Biography Kinchev Kostya

RIA Novosti 12/25/2008

Konstantin Kinchev(aka "Doctor Kinchev") was born on December 25, 1958 in Moscow. The real name of the musician is Panfilov, Kinchev is the name of his repressed grandfather.

In 1966, Kostin's mother, a university teacher, bought him a Dnepro tape recorder and recorded a Beatles cassette, trying to get her son interested in English. Kostya began to listen to the Rolling Stones, but he still hasn't learned English.

In the summer of 1972, Kostya went to the Zvyozdochka pioneer camp, next to which there was a hippie camp. From there, Kinchev brought a steady interest in the work of "Black Sabbath" and, in addition, those first three thieves' chords, with which anyone who picks up a guitar begins.

A year later he was already trying to play Led Zeppelin, and in 1973 he wrote his first song.

In 1974, Kostya assembled the Black Half Circle group.

In 1983, the groups "Crystal Ball" and "Democrites Well" disintegrated in Leningrad, and on their "fragments" Svyatoslav Zadery assembled a new team called "Alisa". In 1984, Konstantin Kinchev moved from Moscow to Leningrad. In the same year, the musician recorded the first solo album "Nervous Night" with the participation of invited musicians, after which Zadery invited Kinchev to "Alisa" to replace the soloist.

"Nervous Night"

At the end of 1983, two groups broke up in Leningrad - the Crystal Ball and the Democritus Well, on the fragments of which Svyatoslav Zadery assembled a new group called Alisa. In addition to Zaderia himself, who played the bass guitar, it included: Boris Borisov - saxophone, vocals; Mikhail Nefyodov - drums; Andrey Shatalin - guitar; Pavel Kondratenko - keyboards. In this composition, they recorded the first magnetic album "Crooked Mirror" and performed at the II Rock Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club. Immediately after the festival, vocalist Boris Borisov left the group.

At this time, in 1984, Konstantin Kinchev moved from Moscow to Leningrad, where he met sound engineer Igor "Panker" Gudkov, who by that time had managed to record Mike Naumenko's solo work "LV". Gudkov introduced Konstantin to Mike, and after listening to the young musician's repertoire, he said that "it has a right to exist."

Interview: Dana Borisova and Konstantin Kinchev.

Apostle Paul

- In ITS time, your song "All this is rock and roll" was performed by almost the entire color of today's rock veterans: from Sukachev to Shakhrin. There was a sense of brotherhood and community. Is this possible today?

And for what? To be shown on TV? It makes no sense. It's just that rockers differed from all other people of the Soviet period in that they took the liberty of singing and saying what the entire population of the country was thinking about. Accordingly, there was a sense of unity. We were in plain sight, and therefore it seemed that we were a close-knit monolith in opposition to totalitarian evil. But the regime collapsed, replaced by another. And everyone began to choose their freedom and defend their understanding of freedom. Therefore, the paths of the entire population diverged. Now it is very difficult to find a common language with each other. I do not want to convict anyone, everyone has every right to their own understanding of freedom. But my position is this: we are a state with the Orthodox faith, with a national language - Russian and a state-forming people - Russian. All other peoples and confessions are grouped around this. When I voice such thoughts, it seems to someone that I am a fascist.

At the end of February, he and other members of the group are summoned several times for interrogations. Kinchev is charged with "malicious hooliganism" and released on bail. At this stage, as Ilya Smirnov wrote in his book “The Time of Bells”, “real help was provided to Alisa by the journalist Yevgeny Dodolev, known for his publications about the Brezhnev family.”

On July 11, a court session was held at which an audio recording of the concert was heard, confirming the unfairness of the accusations of Nazism and slander by Kokosov. By October 1988, both processes were completed. The case against Kinchev was dismissed, he was handed over to the Leningrad Rock Club on bail. The Smena newspaper, without waiting for the court's decision, published a rebuttal and an apology.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of the scandal, a video report was shot, which was shown before the band's concerts. It included fragments of a recording of the performance of the group and a recording of the court.

After visiting Jerusalem in 1992, Kinchev converted to Orthodoxy, which later drastically affected his work. The themes of Konstantin's songs of recent years are dominated by Christian, as well as Slavic-patriotic themes. "Alisa" regularly takes part in festivals in support of the church, such as "Musicians of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior", "Rock to the Sky" and others. Also, since 2001, "Alisa" has not given concerts on the days of Orthodox fasts - Great and Assumption.

In 1988, Konstantin Kinchev was very upset by the death of his friend Alexander Bashlachev. After his death, the song "Sabbath" was written and an album of the same name was released. In 1991, during the putsch in Moscow, Kinchev took part in the defense of the White House.

A year later, Alice went on tour to Jerusalem. This trip left an indelible impression on the musician. After visiting the holy places, the singer converted to Orthodoxy and reassessed the value system. Konstantin began to fight drug addiction and defeated it in 1994. Simultaneously, he changed from an anarchist to a monarchist.

In 1993, after the suicide of Alisa's guitarist Igor Chumychkin, the band stopped their concert activity for almost a year. After that, the Black Label memory album was released. And in 1996, the disc "Jazz" appeared, songs from which Konstantin played on the apartment, and then the fans heard "Geopolitics".

  • 1985 – Energy
  • 1987 - Block Hell
  • 1989 - Sixth forester
  • 1991 – Sabbath
  • 1993 - For those who fell from the moon
  • 1994 - Black label
  • 1996 – Jazz
  • 1997 - Fool
  • 2000 – Solstice
  • 2001 - Dance
  • 2003 - It's later than you think.
  • 2005 - Outcast
  • 2007 – Become the North
  • 2008 – Pulse of the Labyrinth Door Keeper
  • 2010 –b
  • 2011 – 20.12
  • 2012 – Sabotage

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