Volkovskoe cemetery - literary bridges. Volkovskoye cemetery, museum-necropolis "Literary Bridges" History of the cemetery "Literary Bridges" in St. Petersburg


The Volkova village or Volkovo is mentioned in the scribe books of the Izhora land in 1640 in the description of the Spassky churchyard, and it also had the Chukhon name Sutilla (Syutila), which means Volkovo.

By decree of the Senate dated May 11, 1756, a cemetery was built here instead of the one that had existed since the 1710s. at the Church of John the Baptist in Yamskaya Sloboda. Elizaveta Petrovna did not want to see a cemetery close to the city. The land was taken away for grazing between the current Literatorsky and Volkovsky bridges. It was ordered to enclose everything and put up a wooden chapel.

The name was not immediately determined. The Senate decree indicated "The Cemetery of the Admiralty side, on this side of the Volkova village." In the consistory cases in 1765 and 1771. it is written "Cemetery of the Moscow side, near the village of Volkova", or simply "in Volkovo". Later he was called Volkov or Volkovsky (as is customary now).

The cemetery was opened in the summer of 1756 and by the end of the year 898 burials had been made there. The cemetery was poor, it brought almost no income, but more and more were buried there every year. Simultaneously with the opening of the cemetery "from the provincial office" a wooden church on a stone foundation was laid. It was consecrated on December 3, 1759 in the name of the Savior Not Made by Hands. In 1777, at the expense of the merchant Shevtsov (Shvetsov), a warm wooden church was erected in memory of the Renovation of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem (the Resurrection of the Word), but this church burned down on New Year's Eve 1782.

In 1798, the first cutting of the land was made. A new fence with a gate was built from the side of Rastannaya Street. and straight ditches were dug for drainage. One of them determined the direction of the future Nadtrubny or Literary bridges, and the other - Volkovsky. In the same years, the first stone church, the Resurrection Church, was built, which still stands near the entrance to the necropolis "Literary Bridges".

In 1808, more than 30,000 fathoms were added to the cemetery.

By 1809, divine services in the Spasskaya wooden church were discontinued due to its dilapidation. It was decided to build a new temple in the western part of the cemetery, to the south of the current Watchmen's bridges. The implementation of the grandiose project approved in 1810 by arch. The Beretti dragged on. The new church warden, the merchant P. I. Ponomarev, had to repair the old wooden church, in which, since 1812, they began to serve again.

In the next decade, increased incomes made it possible to build according to the project arch. P. F. Votsky The Holy Gate and the fence from the side of Rasstannaya Street. existing even now.

In 1837, a new temple was finally laid, its builder was F. I. Ruska, who thoroughly revised and simplified the Beretti project.

In 1838, by decree of the Spiritual Consistory, another 20.5 thousand sazhens were added to the cemetery at the expense of the Volkov Field and wastelands on the banks of the Volkovka River. This was the last cut, in the future the boundaries of the cemetery remained almost unchanged.

The stone church, the third in time of erection, was usually called "Ponomarevskaya" after the name of the merchant P.I. Ponomarev, at whose expense it was built. It was decided to build it shortly after the consecration of the Church of the Savior, instead of a dilapidated wooden church. The construction was entrusted to the same F. Ruska, who repeated his previous work on a small scale. The bookmark took place in 1850, and in 1852 the church was consecrated. It was located almost in the middle between the Church of the Savior and the Resurrection Church, where the Wide bridges go to Volkovsky. The donor himself and his relatives were buried under the temple.

The name of another benefactor is preserved in the colloquial name of the fourth stone temple, which was often called Kryukovsky. This is the only currently functioning church at the Volkovskoye cemetery. Church of St. Iova was founded in 1885 and was built at the expense of P. M. Kryukova over the grave of her husband - hereditary honorary citizen Iov Mikhailovich Kryukov.

The last church in terms of construction time, the Assumption Church, was built with funds donated by the widow of the tobacco manufacturer T.V. Kolobova, who dedicated the church to the memory of her deceased sister. Construction began in 1910. They began to serve in the temple three years later.

To make it easier to move through the eternal mud of the necropolis, its paths were paved with boards, from which the name "walkways" came from. In the 19th century the number of tracks reached 120, their total length by the end of the century exceeded twelve miles. Walkways around the churches were covered with slabs, and the rest were wooden. The walkways between Voskresenskaya and Vsesvyatskaya were the widest - eight boards, which is why they were called Wide Bridges. Five planks each lay on the Volkovsky, Watchmen's and Roadside bridges, the rest were in one or four boards.

The north-eastern part of the Volkovsky cemetery from the second half of the 19th century. It was named "Literary Bridges" because it became a traditional burial place for famous figures of literature and art. The first on this list was Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev. He was buried in September 1802. The grave was forgotten, but assumed. that Radishchev was buried near the stone Church of the Resurrection. In memory of this, a memorial plaque was installed on the wall of the building in 1987.

The poet Anton Antonovich Delvig was buried at the Volkovo cemetery in 1831. On May 29, 1848, V. G. Belinsky was buried in the eastern part of the Nadtrubny bridges. In 1861, N. A. Dobrolyubov was buried nearby. In 1866, the graves of Belinsky and Dobrolyubov were surrounded by a common iron fence. In 1868 publicist D. N. Pisarev was buried on Nadtrubnye mostki. In 1883, I. S. Turgenev was buried near the northern wall of the Spassky Church.

Then M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, K. D. Kavelin, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, N. I. Kostomarov, S. Ya. Nadson, N. S. Leskov, G. I. Uspensky found their rest here , N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, D. I. Mendeleev and many others.

When exactly the name "Literary Bridges" appeared is unknown. Most often, the literature indicates the end of the 1880s. In the description of the Volkovsky cemetery, published by N. Vishnyakov in 1885, Literary bridges are mentioned as a given, time-honored.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Volkovsky necropolis was the largest in St. Petersburg.

In addition to the Orthodox one, the Volkovsky necropolis also includes the Strato-Rite and Lutheran cemeteries, many of whose tombstones are outstanding examples of ritual architecture.

(based on materials, pp. 395-410)

So, the last time we visited the Piskaryovskoye memorial cemetery.
And now we will visit the so-called Necropolis - "Literary Bridges". This, simply put, is a separate special section of the Volkovsky cemetery. The Volkovskoye cemetery itself, as such, is not remarkable in any way, and we will not consider it here. But "Literary Bridges" is something special. Celebrities are buried here. Previously, a few years ago, even the entrance was paid here, like in a real museum. But now, alas, it's just a half-abandoned cemetery, in places monstrously unkempt and flooded. To take money for visiting an old graveyard in a swamp - now it doesn’t occur to anyone ...


3) State Councilor Mikhail Vikentyevich Manakin


5) There is also a small church here - very nice, with friendly staff.

6) Semyon Zhivago - Professor of the Academy of Arts



9) Konstantin Nikolaevich Derzhavin

10) Merchant Mikhail Egorov

11) Academician Krachkovsky (with his wife).



14) Professor Konstantin Deryugin

15) Academician Franz Levinson-Lessing

16) Academician Alexey Krylov


18) Academician Vladimir Bekhterev.


20) Lieutenant Pavel Belostotsky

21) Geologist Nikolai Sofronov - the creator of geochemical methods for prospecting for ore deposits.



24) Geologist Yuri Bilibin (with his wife Tatyana Bilibina). In Chukotka, there is the city of Bilibino (there is a nuclear power plant and a large gold deposit) named after this geologist.



27) Apukhtin


29) Writer Margarita Altaeva-Yamshchikova

30) Artist of the Imperial Theaters Vladimir Rokotov

31) Professor Vladislav Manevich


33) Mikhail Manevich


35) Vladimir Zaitsev - Director of the National Library.

36) I understand that the climate in St. Petersburg is humid. But in this city and in our country in general, people have long known such a thing as drainage. In any case, I have not seen such a disgrace in other cemeteries. The same Volkovskoye cemetery, but only its other part, where "ordinary" people are buried, is maintained in good condition.

37) Of course, there is a certain charm in the picture of some abandonment of the old churchyard. But in THIS city and in SUCH a cemetery - this looks wild ...
Professor Mikhail Kondratiev.

38) Teodor Shumovsky - orientalist and poet.


40) Admiral Mikhail Lermontov

41) Artist Nina Kovalenskaya

42) Artist and professor Elizaveta Time-Kachalova

43) Kachalov - the "ancestor" of domestic optics, the creator of domestic optical glass.




47) Professor Eugene Ganike

48) Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.

49) Academician Zavarzin.



52) Vsevolod Garshin

st. Rasstannaya, 30

The Volkovskoye cemetery in the 18th century was located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg; mainly peasants and the urban poor were buried here. This cemetery was founded in 1756 by decree of the Senate and named after the nearby Volkova village. In 1802, the disgraced revolutionary writer Alexander Radishchev was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery. The exact location of his grave is unknown. The grave of the author of "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was lost in the last century. In 2003, a typical for the beginning of the 19th century was installed in memory of the writer. monument. In 1848, the publicist-democrat V.G. was buried here, not far from the Volkovka River. Belinsky, in 1861, 26-year-old literary critic N.A. Dobrolyubov was buried in the same fence with Belinsky. The burial of Dobrolyubov next to Belinsky not only created a tradition of burying writers near Belinsky, but also largely determined the nature of future funerals. Dobrolyubov was buried next to Belinsky as a successor to his ideas, as a successor to his social and literary work. Funeral speeches were delivered by Nekrasov and Chernyshevsky. At the funeral of Dobrolyubov, money was collected by subscription for a political prisoner, exiled to hard labor, the writer M.M. Mikhailov.

The funeral in 1868 of the brilliant critic and publicist D.I. Pisarev secured the reputation of a literary Pantheon for this corner in the north-eastern part of the cemetery and resulted in a socio-political event. The commemoration of these publicists became an occasion for speeches by the opposition intelligentsia and students. Gradually, the graves of writers began to cluster near the graves of three remarkable Russian critics. In the 13 years that have passed since Belinsky's funeral, a lot of work has been done to improve the cemetery: the sewers were replaced with sewer pipes, and wooden walkways were laid over them, this entire section of the cemetery began to be called "Nadtrubnye bridges". The name "bridges" comes from the fact that in the 18th century the cemetery was rather dirty and boards - bridges - were laid on the paths between the graves. So, for example, there were Gypsy, German, Spiritual bridges and others.

After Vsevolod Garshin's funeral in 1888, the path to their graves through the wooden Nadtrubny bridges became known as the Literary Bridges. Later, the name spread to the entire adjacent territory of the cemetery, because. it has become a traditional burial place for writers, scientists, cultural figures, statesmen and public figures. This is a real pantheon of Russian literature and culture. Here, at the end of the 19th century, I.S. Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G.I. Uspensky, F.M. Reshetnikov, N.S. Leskov, D.V. Grigorovich, N.K. Mikhailovsky. In 1918, G.V. was buried here. Plekhanov.

At different times, prominent figures of science, culture, and art were buried at this memorial cemetery - writers: D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, A.I. Kuprin, L.N. Andreev, poets: A.N. Apukhtin, S.Ya. Nadson, M.A. Kuzmin, M.L. Lozinsky, V.A. Rozhdestvensky, O.F. Bergholz, scientists N.I. Kostomarov, A.F. Ioffe, I.Yu. Krachkovsky, physiologists V.M. Bekhterev, I.P. Pavlov, traveler N.N. Miklukho-Maclay, geographer Yu.M. Shokalsky, radio inventor A.S. Popov, scientist, lawyer and writer A.F. Koni, chemists D.I. Mendeleev, N.N. Kachalov, composers S.M. Maykapar, V.P. Solovyov-Sedoy, V.A. Gavrilin, actors E.A. Lebedev, V.V. Merkuriev, Yu.V. Tolubeev, E.I. Time-Kachalova, I.O. Gorbachev, N.K. Simonov, ballet dancers: A.Ya. Vaganova, A.Ya. Shelest, N.M. Dudinskaya, K.M. Sergeev, directors G.M. Kozintsev, A.A. Bryantsev, N.P. Akimov, L.S. Vivienne, opera singers S.P. Preobrazhenskaya, G.A. Kovaleva, architects, artists, sculptors: N.A. Trotsky, L.A. Ilyin, L.V. Sherwood, E.E. Moiseenko, N.K. Anikushin, E.S. Kruglikova, L.N. Benois, A.S. Nikolsky, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, I.I. Brodsky, A.A. Rylov. Participants of political movements are also buried in the necropolis: G.V. Plekhanov, G.A. Lopatin, P.F. Yakubovich, V.I. Zasulich, some other public figures, populist revolutionaries, social democrats. There is a memorial of the Ulyanov family on the Literary Mostki (V.I. Lenin's mother Maria Alexandrovna, his sisters Anna and Olga and son-in-law M.T. Elizarov are buried).

Since 1933, the cemetery has been officially considered closed, however, while maintaining the status of a museum, burials are held here in our time. So, for example, M.V. was buried here. Manevich - head of the state property management committee, killed in 1997. The headstone on his grave was designed by V.B. Bukhaev with the participation of the famous artist M.M. Shemyakin. In recent years, actors Bruno Freindlich, Nikolai Trofimov, director Vladislav Pazi, composer Andrey Petrov, singer Boris Shtokolov and some other prominent cultural figures have been buried on Literatorskie Mostki.

In 1935, the Literary Mostki necropolis became a branch of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture, which also manages the museum necropolis of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The structure of the necropolis, which occupies an area of ​​about 7.2 hectares, includes the building of the Church of the Resurrection (Church of the Resurrection of the Word, 1783-1785, architect L. Ruska with the participation of I. E. Starov). Since 1952, the temple has housed a museum exposition dedicated to writers, artists and poets, whose graves are located on Literary Mostki.

In the 1930s the ashes of a number of writers and scientists, including I.S. Turgenev and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin from the destroyed part of the Volkovsky cemetery, as well as N.G. Pomyalovsky, A.A. Blok, I.A. Goncharov and some other prominent figures from city cemeteries to be destroyed.

There are about 500 tombstones on Literatorskie Mostki, which are of significant historical and artistic interest. Among the authors of artistic tombstones are such well-known sculptors as M.K. Anikushin, M.L. Dillon, I.Ya. Gintsburg, V.I. Ingal, M.T. Litovchenko, S.A. Chernitsky, M.M. Antokolsky, L. Yu. Eidlin, L.V. Sherwood, M.G. Manizer and others.

The territory in 1953 was surrounded by a metal fence on a stone plinth. In the same year, landscaping, planning and landscaping work was completed according to the designs of architects I.I. Baranina and V.D. Kirkhoglani.

Rasstannaya Street leads to the Literary Bridges, most likely so named because the dead were transported to the cemetery along it and on it relatives and friends said goodbye and parted with the dead.

Museum-necropolis, where many Russian and Soviet writers, musicians, actors, architects, scientists and public figures are buried.

Address: St. Petersburg, Rasstannaya st., 30 (Admiralteisky district).

Nearest metro station: Volkovskaya.

How to get there:

From the Volkovskaya metro station, you should move along Volkovsky Prospekt towards the Volkovsky cemetery. Then enter the Volkovskoye cemetery and go straight to the end.

To get to Literatorskie mostki you need to leave the Volkovsky cemetery, go along Rastanny passage and enter Literatorskie mostki through the arch.

From the Volkovskaya metro station to the entrance to Literatorskie Mostki is 1.3 km away.

The entrance to Literatorskie Mostki is located on Rastanny Proyezd. There is no entrance to the territory of the Literary Mostki from the Volkovsky cemetery.

On the Literary bridges buried writers I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. S. Leskov, G. I. Uspensky, S. Ya. Nadson, A. I. Kuprin, revolutionaries G. V. Plekhanov and V. I. Zasulich, N. S. Tyutchev, scientists D. I. Mendeleev, V. M. Bekhterev, I. P. Pavlov, N. N. Miklukho-Maclay, A. S. Popov, architect V. V. Kozlov and others The mother of V. I. Lenin and his sisters are also buried here.

Literary bridges are a branch of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture.

To the right of the entrance to Literatorskie mostki is a burial map.

The first writer buried in this place was (1749 - 1802). This grave was not preserved and was restored. It is located near the entrance, to the left of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

On the territory of Literary bridges there is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

There are very few benches in the Literary Bridges. Benches are located at the graves of the Ulyanov family.

entrance arch

Grave of Alexander Radishchev

There are benches at the burial place of the Ulyanovs.

Burial of Vaganova

The burial of the ballerina Vaganova Agrippina Yakovlevna (1879 - 1951)

Belinsky's grave

(1811 - 1848) - Russian literary critic

Grave of Saltykov-Shchedrin

(1826 - 1889) - Russian writer.

Grave of Kuprin A.I.

(1870 - 1938) - Russian writer

Grave of Leskov N.S.

(1831 - 1895) - Russian writer.

The grave of Turgenev I.S.

(1818 - 1883) - Russian writer.

Grave of Petrov-Vodkin

(1878 - 1939) - Russian artist.

Grave of Dmitry Mendeleev

(1834 - 1907) - famous chemist, professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg University, director of the main chamber of weights and measures since 1893.

Grave of Anatoly Koni

(1844 - 1927) - Russian jurist.

Grave of Mamin-Sibiryak

Literary bridges (St. Petersburg, Russia) - exposition, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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It so happened that in the north of the Volkovskoye cemetery, on the banks of the Volkovka river, which flows into the Obvodny Canal, many Russian writers, actors and scientists found their last refuge. The first writer buried here in 1802 was A. N. Radishchev, but the place of his burial has been lost. At that time, the site was very swampy, wooden walkways were laid along the paths. After V. G. Belinsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov rested here, the name “Literary Bridges” was assigned to the place.

More than 500 tombstones, created by famous and talented sculptors, represent an extensive gallery of memorial art from the 18th-20th centuries. In 1933, the cemetery was closed, transformed into a necropolis and transferred to the jurisdiction of the Museum of Urban Sculpture of St. Petersburg.

In 1953 the territory was drained and developed. The tombstones of many prominent people from the closed St. Petersburg graveyards were transferred here. The most famous reburial is the poet Alexander Blok.

Although the cemetery has been closed for a long time, outstanding artists are still buried here. The last were actors N. N. Trofimov and B. A. Freindlikh, singer B. T. Shtokolov, composer A. P. Petrov.

Practical information

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Rasstannaya, 30. Website.

How to get there: from st. m. "Volkovskaya", by trams No. 74, 91 or buses No. 54, 74, 76, 91 and 141 to the stop. "Old Believer Bridge"; from st. metro station "Obvodnoy Kanal" on trams No. 16, 25, 49 to the stop. "Skin dispensary"; from st. Metro station "Ligovsky Prospekt", by bus No. 57, trams No. 10, 25 and 44. By minibus No. K170 to the stop "Old Believer Bridge".

Opening hours: from Friday to Wednesday from 11:00 to 19:00, day off - Thursday. The entrance is free. Group tours are available by appointment from Tuesday to Saturday. Ticket price for adults - 100 RUB, for students, cadets, pensioners - 50 RUB. The minimum cost of the tour is 1000 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

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