Hair is dull and dry: why and what to do. What the condition of the hair can tell about your health Dull hair what to do


Hair dull and dry: causes.

Why is hair dull?

Our hair is a reflection of the general condition of the body. Often the loss of shine and tone of the hair is a signal of a lack of vitamins. But there are other reasons, finding out which you will again become the owner of lush living curls. So, what causes hair to fade?

· Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins. Deficiency of vitamins A, B, calcium in the body affects the growth and condition of the hair.

Permanent mechanical damage (drying with a hair dryer at too high a temperature, frequent use of tongs and curling irons, even too sharp comb teeth can lead to delamination and disturbances in the hair structure).

The so-called fatigue of the hair from frequent dyeing or perm.

Improper care or poor-quality detergents. Sometimes a change of shampoo helps restore shine and a healthy look to your hair in just a week.

Diseases of the scalp, circulatory disorders. The bloodstream carries nutrients throughout the body. If it is disturbed, certain areas begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

If one or more causes are to blame, they must be eliminated. Sometimes, in order to restore beauty to the hair, a course of vitamins is needed. This is especially true for women in the postpartum period and those who breastfeed their baby for a long time.

Grandma's secrets to help

What to do if dyed hair becomes dull and dry? Sometimes dyeing for the first time does not affect the health and appearance of the hairstyle, but repeated leads to the fact that the hair becomes brittle and lifeless. Simple tools will come to the rescue, on the basis of which you can prepare a good nourishing mask.

· Egg yolk. The secret of great-grandmothers is kept in our refrigerator. Although in their time there were no hair dyes and irons, a long braid also required attention. Apply the egg yolk for a few minutes after shampooing, and then rinse with shampoo. Hair will thank you with its lively shine and color after 1-2 treatments.

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We are all used to believing that the quality and type of hair depend only on certain treatment and external factors. But with careful analysis, it turns out that, along with other symptoms that we usually do not associate with each other, hair becomes a kind of indicator that successfully and clearly signals deep-seated malfunctions in the body.

website analyzed and brought together the most common hair problems, and also found out which diseases - mild and serious - they most often indicate.

Dull and lifeless hair

The first and most obvious reason why hair loses its healthy shine and becomes lifeless is improper care, frequent dyeing and the use of curling irons.

Also, hair often becomes dull in the autumn-winter period, when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. This symptom may well indicate specifically a lack of selenium, phosphorus and sulfur in the body. To determine this for sure, you should pay attention to the health of the gums and the development of caries: if you notice active and unpleasant changes in this area, then the diagnosis is accurate and it makes sense to consult a doctor with a question.


Dandruff itself is most often harmless, but is extremely unaesthetic and provokes unpleasant itching. There can be many reasons for this unfortunate manifestation. You may be overdoing it with a variety of hair products. Also, dandruff can appear as a result of a passion for diets, especially "unloading" diets, when fats and carbohydrates are almost completely or significantly excluded from the diet.

Other causes of dandruff can be stress, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or immunodeficiency. And the so-called yellow dandruff is completely a symptom of one of the dermatological pathologies - seborrheic dermatitis, the treatment of which is more difficult than in the case of "dry" dandruff. In these situations, the use of dandruff shampoo is not enough and it is necessary to visit a trichologist for a deeper study of the problem.

Thin and brittle hair

The thinness and brittleness of hair are the result of malnutrition, or rather lack of proteins. After all, protein performs such vital functions that no other element can take on. In essence, it is the basis for the construction of the body. And when the body chronically lacks it, the quality of the skin, the strength of the nails and the strength of the hair suffer. It would be useful to start eating more fruits and drink a course of omega-3 fatty acids.

However, there are some pitfalls that may indicate a more serious condition. For example, brittle hair is one of the symptoms of Itsenko-Cushing's disease. To understand for sure whether this is your case, you should pay attention to whether other obvious manifestations of this disease bother you: chronic insomnia, high blood pressure and unexplained back pain.

Hair loss, patchy alopecia

It is believed that the loss of up to 100 hairs per day is the norm, with the exception of some periods of life, when loss for natural reasons occurs more intensely (during pregnancy or with the onset of menopause). The easiest way to check if everything is in order (besides visual assessment) is to run your fingers through the hair at the roots and drag it to the ends. Ideally, 1-2 hairs should remain in the hand, or none at all; normally - 3-5 hairs; if more, you should think about visiting a trichologist.

Active hair loss may well be associated with malfunctions in the endocrine system, weakened immunity, or be a sign of diabetes. In this regard, you should not postpone going to the doctor and passing the necessary tests. But by no means panic. It is possible that in the end this trouble will be associated only with a lack of vitamins, the season or stress. Therefore, it does not hurt at the same time to start drinking soothing herbs, as well as to abandon complex styling.

Greasy hair

Oily hair usually indicates a malnutrition with a predominance of animal fats in the diet. To try to solve the problem, it is advisable to limit meat, fatty and fried foods, as well as avoid sweets, smoked meats, alcohol and excessive consumption of coffee. The work of the sebaceous glands can also be normalized with the help of tea tree oil: a few drops added to the shampoo are quite capable of solving the problem of appearance.

If food restrictions and proper care do not help, then this may signal a metabolic disorder, hormonal failure, or liver problems. In such a situation, of course, it is very important to contact a specialist in order to avoid aggravating the situation.

early gray hair

In essence, hair graying largely depends on genetic predisposition, and is also the result of a certain program given to the body: with age, the supply of melanocytes responsible for pigment production is inevitably depleted. On average, women's hair begins to turn gray after 30-40 years, but there are also non-standard situations when hair turns gray in very young people or even teenagers.

If this symptom is accompanied by the appearance of pimples, sores, peeling and other types of skin irritation on the head, this is an alarm that requires the intervention of a dermatologist, as it can be a manifestation of skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema.

If scabies is not accompanied by any additional external ailments, then it may be evidence of a disorder of the nervous system provoked by stress, and be the same nervous tic as the habit of biting nails. In this case, as initial measures, it would be useful to start taking calming herbal preparations, as well as vitamins B1 and B6, and in the future, of course, consult and be examined by a neurologist.

Dry hair and split ends

Leaving aside obvious factors such as perm and frequent use of hair dryers and curling irons, dry hair is usually caused by protein deficiency (and this is the essential building material, as mentioned above) and a lack of iron and copper in the body (which leads to lack of oxygen to the scalp).

This problem is also often found in people who often go on diets, and this, in turn, can lead to diseases of the endocrine system. Eat right, periodically eat red fish and carrots to replenish the missing vitamins. Also drink orange juice - for better absorption of iron - and remember to drink enough clean water to prevent dehydration.

The most widely known variant of damage. In this case, it is not at all necessary to resort to a speedy haircut. The situation can be saved by more enhanced hair nutrition with the help of fortified oils and moisturizing masks.

  • "Candle"(or "cone") - characterized by significant damage to the outer cuticle, while the ends have not yet split. Here you will still need a haircut, but after it you can quite prevent the problem from returning in the future by using essential oils in your care, as well as putting a mineral filter in your shower that will save your hair from the aggressive effects of chlorine and impurities.
  • "Feather"(or "tree") - the hair is significantly damaged and weakened, which resulted in multiple splits along the length. Outwardly, this type can be identified by the “straw” effect, when the hair looks excessively airy, for example, in girls who expose their hair to lightening and / or bleaching. The most basic and obvious step to take is to stop not only bleaching, but also coloring your hair in general, as well as using a hairdryer and irons as rarely as possible. As an additional measure, you can purchase a special care product containing the OFPMA hair protection molecule.
  • In the end, I would like to remind you that these data are for informational purposes and cannot be used to make an accurate diagnosis. As in any other field, the most reasonable solution for any health problems is to contact specialists in a timely manner. Take care of your health.

    How to add shine to hair at home? If you asked yourself this question, then you are faced with the problem of dull hair. This article contains proven tips on how to add shine to dull hair.

    Shiny well-groomed hair is the dream of any girl. But not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can boast of them, many have a question: how to add shine to hair? Fortunately, today there are many ways to deal with the problem of dull and lifeless hair, applicable both at home and in professional salons.

    Main causes of dull hair

    To understand how to give hair shine, you need to understand the causes of their dullness. By nature, they are rarely dull, this problem occurs under the influence of various factors.

    • Improper care (incorrectly selected cosmetics, frequent use of a too hot hair dryer, curling iron, ironing, frequent staining);
    • Lack of vitamins and minerals, amino acids. Often this reason follows from the fast rhythm of modern life, the inability to eat properly and fully during the day. Popular "fast food" snacks often lead to gastrointestinal problems that mirror our appearance, including hair that looks completely lifeless;
    • Poor circulation of the scalp.

    How to add shine to hair? What to do if the hair is dull?

    In order to always delight everyone with your luxurious hair, you can use several proven methods that will surely help you add shine to dull hair:

    1. Nutrition

    To forget what dull hair is, you should reconsider your diet. Include more fruits and vegetables, but don't forget poultry and seafood. Also, for hair restoration, it is recommended to use nuts (especially almonds), seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), dairy products.

    2. Sunbeams

    Give smoothness. Shine occurs when sunlight hits the hair. That is why it is usually more noticeable on straight and dark hair than on curly and light hair. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to regularly use a variety of balms and which will help to even out the hair structure, and at the same time nourish the hair with the necessary nutrients.

    3. Proper combing of hair

    This habitual daily procedure is the key to beautiful hair, it is only important to do it regularly and choose a good, high-quality comb. It is recommended to use brushes with stiff, short bristles or wooden combs, popular plastic combs are highly electrified during prolonged use. Combing, in essence, is polishing the hair, as well as massaging the scalp, which improves blood circulation. Therefore, this lesson should be given at least 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening. To improve blood circulation, you can also self-massage the head with your fingertips using castor or olive oil. This procedure is recommended to be performed before washing the hair for 5-10 minutes.

    4. Use quality care products

    It is advisable to choose shampoos and balms with natural ingredients (proteins, vegetable oils, amino acids, plant extracts) that suit your hair type. It is important to choose a shampoo with the required pH level, for dry hair these are values ​​\u200b\u200bup to 5, and for oily hair - 5.5 - 6.

    5. Turn to professionals

    To get a quick result in the salon, you can do the hair lamination procedure. At the same time, each hair is covered with a special composition, which becomes a kind of protective film and protects them from the harmful effects of the external environment. After the procedure, dull hair will become shiny, smooth and silky. This effect lasts up to 6 weeks. Lamination can also be done at home. give a similar result, but for a shorter period.

    6. Masks of their natural henna

    The mask of their natural henna (both colored and colorless) also has a laminating effect, but in addition it makes the hair stronger and promotes its intensive growth.

    7. Use folk remedies

    They will also benefit the hair, and help them regain radiance. Dull hair is well treated with masks based on egg yolk, honey, lemon juice and cosmetic oils.

    8. Decoction of sage

    To restore shine to dark hair, after washing, they can be rinsed with a decoction of sage. For fair hair, chamomile decoction is ideal for this purpose.


    Everyone wants their hair to always look perfect and the question “how to add shine to hair” has never arisen again. To do this, remember that it is absolutely not necessary to get carried away with special means to add shine to hair. Often, after applying them, the hair, on the contrary, looks more, and sometimes even dirty, and washing your hair daily, as they say on TV, is also not worth it, this destroys their outer protective layer.

    Only very oily hair can tolerate daily washing without pain, while normal hair should be washed 2-3 times a week, dry hair once every 4-5 days.

    Love your hair, take the time to care for it, and you will always be irresistible!

    Why does hair gradually lose its luster, become dull and lifeless? How to deal with it? Listen to the advice of Kyiv cosmetologist of the Beauty Salon "Oksana" Nadezhda Yatsenko .

    Firstly, do not rush to pour miraculous shampoos on your head, rub newfangled balms and gels into your scalp. Try to answer the question: why has your hair lost its former shine? If you have a serious chronic or hereditary disease, seek qualified advice from a special hair treatment center. In this case, the complex of procedures should be individually prescribed by an experienced doctor.

    If you are practically healthy, and your hair has faded, listen to our advice. The main reasons for the appearance of dull hair can be divided into three groups: psycho-emotional overload, irrational nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Believe me, you are able to cope with this problem on your own and at any age. After all, we have up to 150 thousand hairs on our heads, they not only die every day, but are also born and grow.

    Hair reacts quickly to stress and lack of sleep. Try to avoid nervous overload and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

    There is no special diet for hair. But you need to properly balance your diet. Animal protein, dried fruits, edible gelatin should be present in the daily diet. Vitamins of group B "help" hair shine. Protect your hair from adverse mechanical, physical and chemical effects. Don't go out in the sun with your head uncovered. Wear a hat in cold weather.

    Permanent and chemical dyes contain strong alkalis and change the natural acidity of the hair. This breaks the chemical bonds that maintain keratin levels in the hair structure and rebuilds them. Chemicals must be used with great care.

    Perm and bleach your hair, if necessary, only with high-quality products. Remember that even such harmless paint as henna and basma changes the structure of the hair.

    Hair dryers, hot rollers, electric combs and curling irons concentrate heat in a small area and dehydrate the hair. Therefore, it is undesirable to use them regularly. Rational daily hair care is of great help. The main indicators of the condition of the hair are their purity and shine.

    Choose the right hair care products - shampoos and conditioners must match your hair type and be certified.

    You should not often change shampoos, it is much more important to choose the right detergent according to the level of acidity indicated on the package "pH". For oily hair, the pH should be in the range of 5.5-6.0, for dry hair - 4.0-5.0. For flaky skin with dandruff - 3.0. Most often it is children's shampoos.

    The habit of washing your hair daily, "brought" to us from America, is not useful for everyone. If you wash your hair too often, they lose their natural moisture, and, consequently, their shine. Indeed, very oily hair is harmless to wash even every day. Dry ones are recommended to be washed no more than once every 5-6 days.

    Be sure to use conditioners or balms. This is a kind of protection. They reduce the alkaline reaction, prevent harmful substances from entering the hair, add shine to the hair, make it fluffy. By the way, until balms were invented, fashionistas added lemon juice or vinegar to the water they rinsed their hair with. Such water reduces the alkaline reaction. This recipe is quite acceptable today, replacing rinse aids.

    Try not to rinse your hair with tap water, do not be too lazy to boil a couple of kettles of water - they will be enough for the last rinse. Wash your hair with warm, scalp-friendly water.

    A very useful experience of Chinese fashionistas is to never use a hair dryer, but to dry your hair, blotting it with a soft natural silk napkin - your hair will become shiny and silky. In Rus', linen towels were used. The loss of hair shine is associated with a lack of blood circulation.

    Increases blood circulation head massage. Comb your hair in different directions at least 200 times daily. It is best to do such a massage in the fresh air, for example, by an open window. Brushes and combs should be washed weekly with shampoo and a soft brush. The most useful are wooden combs. Before washing your hair, use your fingertips lightly dipped in olive oil or castor oil to massage your scalp for 10 minutes.

    A wonderful super-nourishing mask that restores shine and health to hair. Grind a fleshy aloe leaf in a meat grinder, mix it with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of castor oil and one yolk. Add a teaspoon of cognac to the mixture. Keep the mask on for two hours. Doing it every week, in a month you will see amazing results.

    It is useful to wash your hair with egg yolks once a month. Instead of shampoo, rub lightly beaten yolks into the hair and scalp (two yolks for medium length hair), rinse off after 15 minutes.

    I'm sure these recipes will help you.

    Olga SOLOVEY
    "Women Health"

    Why does hair gradually lose its luster, become dull and lifeless? How to deal with it? Listen to the advice of Kyiv cosmetologist of the Beauty Salon "Oksana" Nadezhda Yatsenko .

    Firstly, do not rush to pour miraculous shampoos on your head, rub newfangled balms and gels into your scalp. Try to answer the question: why has your hair lost its former shine? If you have a serious chronic or hereditary disease, seek qualified advice from a special hair treatment center. In this case, the complex of procedures should be individually prescribed by an experienced doctor.

    If you are practically healthy, and your hair has faded, listen to our advice. The main reasons for the appearance of dull hair can be divided into three groups: psycho-emotional overload, irrational nutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions.

    Believe me, you are able to cope with this problem on your own and at any age. After all, we have up to 150 thousand hairs on our heads, they not only die every day, but are also born and grow.

    Hair reacts quickly to stress and lack of sleep. Try to avoid nervous overload and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

    There is no special diet for hair. But you need to properly balance your diet. Animal protein, dried fruits, edible gelatin should be present in the daily diet. Vitamins of group B "help" hair shine. Protect your hair from adverse mechanical, physical and chemical effects. Don't go out in the sun with your head uncovered. Wear a hat in cold weather.

    Permanent and chemical dyes contain strong alkalis and change the natural acidity of the hair. This breaks the chemical bonds that maintain keratin levels in the hair structure and rebuilds them. Chemicals must be used with great care.

    Perm and bleach your hair, if necessary, only with high-quality products. Remember that even such harmless paint as henna and basma changes the structure of the hair.

    Hair dryers, hot rollers, electric combs and curling irons concentrate heat in a small area and dehydrate the hair. Therefore, it is undesirable to use them regularly. Rational daily hair care is of great help. The main indicators of the condition of the hair are their purity and shine.

    Choose the right hair care products - shampoos and conditioners must match your hair type and be certified.

    You should not often change shampoos, it is much more important to choose the right detergent according to the level of acidity indicated on the package "pH". For oily hair, the pH should be in the range of 5.5-6.0, for dry hair - 4.0-5.0. For flaky skin with dandruff - 3.0. Most often it is children's shampoos.

    The habit of washing your hair daily, "brought" to us from America, is not useful for everyone. If you wash your hair too often, they lose their natural moisture, and, consequently, their shine. Indeed, very oily hair is harmless to wash even every day. Dry ones are recommended to be washed no more than once every 5-6 days.

    Be sure to use conditioners or balms. This is a kind of protection. They reduce the alkaline reaction, prevent harmful substances from entering the hair, add shine to the hair, make it fluffy. By the way, until balms were invented, fashionistas added lemon juice or vinegar to the water they rinsed their hair with. Such water reduces the alkaline reaction. This recipe is quite acceptable today, replacing rinse aids.

    Try not to rinse your hair with tap water, do not be too lazy to boil a couple of kettles of water - they will be enough for the last rinse. Wash your hair with warm, scalp-friendly water.

    A very useful experience of Chinese fashionistas is to never use a hair dryer, but to dry your hair, blotting it with a soft natural silk napkin - your hair will become shiny and silky. In Rus', linen towels were used. The loss of hair shine is associated with a lack of blood circulation.

    Increases blood circulation head massage. Comb your hair in different directions at least 200 times daily. It is best to do such a massage in the fresh air, for example, by an open window. Brushes and combs should be washed weekly with shampoo and a soft brush. The most useful are wooden combs. Before washing your hair, use your fingertips lightly dipped in olive oil or castor oil to massage your scalp for 10 minutes.

    A wonderful super-nourishing mask that restores shine and health to hair. Grind a fleshy aloe leaf in a meat grinder, mix it with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of castor oil and one yolk. Add a teaspoon of cognac to the mixture. Keep the mask on for two hours. Doing it every week, in a month you will see amazing results.

    It is useful to wash your hair with egg yolks once a month. Instead of shampoo, rub lightly beaten yolks into the hair and scalp (two yolks for medium length hair), rinse off after 15 minutes.

    I'm sure these recipes will help you.

    Olga SOLOVEY
    "Women Health"

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