"The Magic Land of Charles Perrault". Fairy tale quiz script Sh


Quiz based on the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault for elementary school students

Quiz based on the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault for elementary school students.

Previously, for the holidays for independent reading, the children were given a list of fairy tales by Ch. Perrault:
1. Cinderella.
2. Little Red Riding Hood.
3. Puss in boots.
4. Fairy gifts.
5. Boy-with-a-finger.
6. Donkey skin.
7. Sleeping beauty.
After reading the fairy tales, at the extracurricular reading lesson, the children shared their impressions of what they had read, watched the video illustrations for these fairy tales, after which an announcement was made about the upcoming quiz.

The quiz includes 7 sections, according to the number of fairy tales.
Each student receives a quiz question. 1 point is awarded for each correct answer.
After summing up the results of the quiz, you can determine the "Best connoisseur of fairy tales" Ch. Perrault, as well as the most attentive reader (separately for each fairy tale).
As a result, everyone receives diplomas of a young reader.

Quiz based on the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault

1. Who was Cinderella's aunt?______________________________________________
2. What did the pumpkin turn into? _______________________________________________
3. What did the mouse turn into? _______________________________________________
4. What did the rat turn into? _______________________________________________
5. What did the lizards turn into? ____________________________________________
6. What did the sorceress punish Cinderella severely? ___________________________
7. What did Cinderella lose at the ball?____________________________________________
Little Red Riding Hood.
1. How does the tale of Little Red Riding Hood begin? __________________________________
2. What did mother give to grandmother, except for pies? ________________________________
3. Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother? _____________________________________
Puss in Boots.
1. What did the old miller leave as a legacy to his sons? _____________________
2. How did the cat name its owner? _____________________________________________
3. Who was the owner of all the meadows and fields through which the king passed? ____________
4. Who did the ogre turn into? ______________________________________________
Fairy gifts.
1. What gift did the old woman give to her youngest daughter? ____________________________
2. What gift did the sorceress give to her eldest daughter? __________________________
3. What happened in the forest with the youngest daughter? _________________________________
4. What happened at the end of the fairy tale with the eldest daughter? _____________________
Thumb boy.
1. How many sons did the woodcutter have?
2. Whom did the ogre meet when he chased the boys? _________________________
3. What did the Little Thumb do when he saw the sleeping cannibal? ______________________
4. What job did Little Thumb get? ___________________________________
5. How much did he get for each letter delivered?
Donkey skin.
1. What miracle does the king have in the stable? _______________________________________
2. What is the Queen's last wish?
3. Who did the king decide to marry?____________________________________________
4. Where did the donkey-skin princess find work?_______________________________
5. What was the first request of the prince that Donkey Skin had to fulfill?______
6. What did the prince find in the pie? ________________________________________________
7. What did the prince ask for the second time when he fell ill? _______________________________
8. How did the fairy tale end? _________________________________________________
sleeping Beauty
1. What was the grief in the royal family? ___________________________________________
2. Who was born into the royal family?_______________________________________________
3. Who was invited to the party? ____________________________________________
4. Who did the princess become for the fairies? ____________________________________________
5. Why did you forget to call the old fairy? _______________________________________
6. What gift did the old fairy give the princess?_______________________________
7. Why didn't the princess and the prince see that everyone was awake?_____________________

Answers to the quiz based on the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault

1. Who was Cinderella's aunt? sorceress, fairy
2. What did the pumpkin turn into? coach
3. What did the mice turn into? in horses
4. What did the rat turn into? the coachman
5. What did the lizards turn into? into servants
6. What did the sorceress punish Cinderella severely? return at 12.00
7. What did Cinderella lose at the ball? glass slipper
Little Red Riding Hood.
1. How does the tale of Little Red Riding Hood begin? There was a little girl in a village...
2. What did mother give to grandmother, except for pies? pot of oil
3. Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother? lumberjack, hunters
Puss in Boots.
1. What did the old miller leave as a legacy to his sons? mill, donkey, cat
2. How did the cat name its owner? Marquis of Carabas
3. Who was the master of all the meadows and fields through which the king passed? cannibal
4. Who did the ogre turn into? lion, human, mouse
Fairy gifts.
1. What gift did the old woman give to her youngest daughter? flower, stone
2. What gift did the sorceress make to her eldest daughter? toad, snake
3. What happened to the youngest daughter in the forest? the king's son met her and married her
4. What happened at the end of the tale to the eldest daughter? died alone in the forest

Thumb boy.
1. How many sons did the woodcutter have? 7 sons
2. Whom did the ogre meet when he chased the boys? royal carriage
3. What did the Little Thumb do when he saw the sleeping ogre? pulled off the boots
4. What job did Little Thumb get? royal messenger
5. How much did he get for each letter delivered? 1 thousand gold
Donkey skin.
1. What miracle does the king have in the stable? donkey bringing gold coins
2. What is the queen's last wish? the king must marry the one who is more beautiful than the queen
3. Who did the king decide to marry? on his daughter
4. Where did the donkey-skin princess find work? on a farm, taking care of animals
5. What was the first request of the prince that Donkeyskin had to grant?
bake a pie
6. What did the prince find in the pie? ringlet
7. What did the prince ask for the second time when he fell ill? find who the ring is in time
8. How did the fairy tale end? wedding, but in the dowry kingdom
sleeping Beauty
1. What was the grief in the royal family? had no children
2. Who was born into the royal family? daughter
3. Who was invited to the party? fairies
4. Who did the princess become for the fairies? goddaughter
5. Why did you forget to call the old fairy? I didn’t leave the tower for 50 years and everyone thought
that she died
6. What gift did the old fairy give the princess?
7. Why didn't the princess and the prince see that everyone was awake? they were in love

Tales of Charles Perrault list is a complete collection of all the works of the author. The fairy tales of Charles Perrault are very instructive to read to children, as they teach goodness and immerse them in the world of magic and fantasy. We have collected all the fairy tales of Charles Perrault on this page.

In Russian, the fairy tales of Charles Perrault were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title "Tales of Sorceresses with Morales".

Tales of Charles Perrault list, titles

  • Cinderella or glass slipper
  • donkey skin
  • Thumb boy
  • Blue Beard

Biography of Charles Perrault

He was born in the family of the judge of the Paris Parliament Pierre Perrault and was the youngest of his seven children (the twin brother Francois was born with him, who died after 6 months). Of his brothers, Claude Perrault was a famous architect who designed the east facade of the Louvre (1665-1680).

Charles Perrault studied at the University College of Beauvais, who, however, left before completing his studies. He bought a lawyer's license, but soon, bored with a judicial position, he became a clerk for his brother, the architect Claude Perrault, and entered into the confidence of Jean Colbert, so that in the 1660s he largely determined the policy of the court of Louis XIV in the field of art. Thanks to Colbert, in 1663 he was appointed secretary of the newly formed Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres; he was also general controller of the Surintendate of royal buildings. After the death of Colbert (1683), Charles Perrault fell into disgrace and lost the pension paid to him as a writer, and in 1695 he lost his secretary position.

Tales of Charles Perrault

In 1697, Charles Perrault published the collection Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Instructions. The collection contained 9 tales, which were a literary processing of folk tales (it is believed that they heard from the nurse of Perrault's son) - except for one ("Riquet-tuft"), composed by Perrault himself. This book made Charles Perrault widely known outside the literary circle. In fact, Charles Perrault introduced the folk tale into the system of genres of "high" literature.

"Tales" contributed to the democratization of literature and influenced the development of the world fairy tale tradition (brothers V. and J. Grimm, L. Tiek, G. H. Andersen). Interestingly, Charles Perrault published his fairy tales not under his own name, but under the name of his 19-year-old son Perrault d'Armancourt, trying to protect his already established reputation from accusations of working with a "low" genre. The son of Perrault, who added to his surname the name of the Armancourt castle bought by his father, tried to get a job as a secretary to "Mademoiselle" (the king's niece, the Princess of Orleans), to whom the book was dedicated.

The operas “Cinderella” by G. Rossini, “The Castle of Duke Bluebeard” by B. Bartok, the ballets “Sleeping Beauty” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, “Cinderella” by S. S. Prokofiev, etc.

It is also known that Charles Perrault collected folk tales trying to "preserve" and preserve them. The sources, unfortunately, are little known. Perhaps the well-known problem of the similarities of various fairy tales is solved in this way: different collectors of fairy tales were carried away by one fairy tale and took it into their collection. And so it turned out such a similarity of fairy tales. For example: "Sleeping Beauty" by Charles Perrault and "Wild Rose" by the Brothers Grimm. These writers were collectors of fairy tales and took one folk tale for the collection. And so the similarities came out.

The script of the literary game for grade 4 based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault "In the footsteps of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault."

The literary game is intended for children of primary school age. This event can be held as a final event based on the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault.


* introduce students to the life and work of the famous writer - storyteller Ch. Perrault ;


* to educate the moral qualities of the personality of each student;

* join reading the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault ;

* develop fantasy, imagination;

Equipment: an exhibition of books "Creativity of Ch. Perrault", an exhibition of drawings "Heroes of famous fairy tales by Ch. Perrault", attributes and costumes for fairy-tale heroes: Little Red Riding Hood, Good Sorceress.

Event progress

Bible- Hello guys! Today you will learn a lot of new, interesting things about the life and work of the famous writer Charles Perrault, we will go on a journey to the land of fairy tales. Interesting and exciting tasks are waiting for you. And in order to solve tasks more fun and faster, we will split with you into two teams. We also need team captains.

Please guys introduce yourself:

1 team "_____" and its captain ___,

2 team "_____" and its captain ___.

Bible- Now I will tell you about the great writer - storyteller. Charles Perrault was born in France in the family of a lawyer of the Paris Parliament on January 12, 1628 (17th century). The father wanted to give his children a good education. Yes, and the mother was an educated woman, she herself taught her sons to read and write. Hard work made Ch. Perrault a lawyer.

C. Perrault collected taxes and wrote poetry. In 1653 they already appeared in print. The poet was 25 at the time. The older brothers, who were fond of literature, introduced him to the high-society salon, where eminent authors visited.

Charles Perrault was proud of his contemporaries. He wanted others to admire their age, great people, so he published a huge volume "Famous People of France in the 17th century." Here he collected more than 100 biographies of great people.

In 1696, when Charles was already 68 years old, the tale "The Sleeping Beauty" appeared without a signature in the magazine "Gallant Mercury". And the next year, the book "Tales of Mother Goose" was published. The book was small, with simple pictures. And suddenly - an incredible success! This success has continued to this day. The fairy tales of Charles Perrault are read and loved by our modern children.

Light music sounds. The class includes Little Red Riding Hood.

Cr. cap - Well, I thought that I would be lost ... And how could I mix up the paths, because I know the way to my beloved grandmother's house very well? Now my grandmother will worry about me, and the hot pies will get cold. (looks around) Oh, how many guys are here! Looks like I know where I'm at. This is a school! It's good that the path led to you guys, and not to the castle to the terrible cannibal or to the evil stepmother with her lazy daughters. Hello girls and boys! You recognized me?

Children's answers.

That's right, I'm Red Riding Hood. And do you know about my misfortune that I got lost? Can you help me get back to the fairy tale?

Bible- Of course, Little Red Riding Hood, we will try to help you, Only I read in one old book of fairy tales that there is a kind sorceress who knows the spell. It's called "Everything in its place". And in order for her to hear and come, we need to unanimously, very loudly name the storyteller who wrote the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Let's shout out loud on the count of three:

The children say in unison:Charles Perrault!

A good witch appears.

ext. enchantress- Hello, friends! I got a message on my fabulous phone that someone needs my help. And here I am. (referring to Little Red Riding Hood) I feel like I know you. You are Little Red Riding Hood, you are lost. Me and the guys - we can help you get back to the fairy tale.

Cr. Beanie - Thank you, good sorceress. We know you too. Guys, let's say from which fairy tale of Charles Perrault our guest is.

Children's answers. ("Sleeping Beauty")

ext. enchantress - Well, now for the cause, there is no time to waste, otherwise my magical power will melt. Guys, you must remember the writer's tales and solve the tasks offered to you.

1 task - "Remember the name of the story"

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 chip. Teams answer in turn.

Cat …………. ( in Boots);

Red ……….. ( cap);

Boy ……….. ( with a finger);

Donkey …………( skin);

Gingerbread ……… ( house);

Rike……….. ( crest);

Blue ……… ( beard)

Sleeping……. ( gorgeous)

Cr. cap - Well done boys. You completed the task (gives out tokens).

2 task - « Mail"

Telegrams are waiting for us here, we need to guess who they are from.

1. “Everyone! Everyone! To all princes and queens! We kindly ask you not to disturb us for the next hundred years. I want to sleep!” (Sleeping Beauty)

2. « I invite all the girls to try on the glass slipper. I will marry the one who will fit." (Prince)

3. “Friends are urgently needed for a walk in the forest. Delicious tea with cake is guaranteed.”

(Little Red Riding Hood)

4. " We urgently need a magician for a little mouse. I really want to be big and rich again!” (Man-eating giant)

3 task - « You - to us, and we - to you"

ext. enchantress- Now the team captains will take tasks in my basket - questions that also need to be answered as soon as possible. But questions will be asked not to their team, but to the opposing team.

The captains take out the questions from the basket.

First team questions:

    How many sorceresses were invited to the baptism of the little princess from the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"? (Seven).

    Who gave the girl a red riding hood? (Granny).

    What did the grandmother say to the wolf to open the door? (Pull the latch, the valve will rebound).

    How many years did the princess sleep until the prince woke her up? (100 years).

    What were the names of the children of the beautiful princess and prince? (Dawn, Day).

Questions for the second team:

    What did the miller leave as a legacy to his three sons? (Mill, donkey, cat).

    What did the cat ask for from his owner, going to the city? (A bag, yes a pair of boots).

    What surprised Little Red Riding Hood in the "new" look of her grandmother? (Voice, arms, legs, ears, eyes, teeth).

    How old was the princess when she pricked her hand with a spindle and fell into a deep sleep? (15 or 16 years old.)

    The transformation into what animal was tragic for the cannibal? (To the mouse).

Cr. cap - Well done boys. You answered the questions correctly. (Gives out tokens).

Now I invite teams to play with me.

Physical education for children.

We just entered the forest

There were mosquitoes.

Hands up, clap above your head,

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands on our heads

And we're walking.

Ahead from behind a bush

Looks sly fox.

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on toes.

The bunny jumps quickly in the field,

Lots of fun on the loose.

We imitate a bunny

Fidgets are rascals.

But the game is over

Time to get back to class.

ext. enchantress

I have a basket

You can't count things in it.

Heavy and large, its weight is half a pood.

Hurry to guess

What's in it and where does it come from?

The next task for the guys. From which fairy tale and to whom do these things belong? Which team will respond the fastest?

Spindle - ("Sleeping Beauty");

Magic wand - ("Sleeping Beauty");

Hat with a feather - ("Puss in Boots");

Mouse - ("Puss in Boots");

Points - ("Little Red Riding Hood");

A pot of butter - ("Little Red Riding Hood");

Seven-league boots - ("Sleeping Beauty");

Boots - ("Puss in Boots").

ext. enchantress“You guys did an excellent job with this task. (Gives out tokens).

Bible- It's time to take stock of our game. I ask the team captains to count the number of tokens. Members of the winning team receive prizes.

(The good sorceress takes out a ball of thread) Well, this ball of thread is for you, Little Red Riding Hood. He is magical, will take you to your grandmother's house and help you avoid meeting the gray wolf. And after the wave of the magic wand, time will return back and no one will notice that you have been gone for a long time.

The whole world, be surprised! Magic, manifest! Once! Two! Three! Help Little Red Riding Hood!

Cr. cap - Thank you, good sorceress. And thank you guys for your help too. They are waiting for me in a fairy tale. I will remember you all. Goodbye!

ext. enchantress- I, too, have time for a fairy tale. Thanks for the help. I am glad that you read a lot and know a lot, which means that there will be more goodness in the world. Goodbye!

Irina Volzhankina
Scenario of the quiz "Journey through the fairy tales of Charles Perrault"

Instill in your child a love of reading

Best gift,

which we can do to him.


To instill in children a love for fiction;

Introduce children to the biography Charles Perrault;

To consolidate knowledge about the works of the great storyteller received during reading;

Help to understand the content of the work, paying attention to the title fairy tales;

Develop the ability to guess literary riddles.

preliminary work:

Inform children about the game quiz.

Reading and acquaintance with works Charles Perrault.

Prepare information about the writer.

Creating a presentation.

Exhibition of drawings and crafts based on the works of the writer.


Illustrations based on the works and books of the writer, the Little Red Riding Hood costume, tasks on cards, split pictures, portraits Charles Perrault, prizes.

Musical accompaniment:

Little Red Riding Hood song from the movie Little Red Riding Hood.

Sergei Prokofiev Waltz from the ballet Cinderella.

P. I. Tchaikovsky music for the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".

Lesson progress:

Children freely enter the hall to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Sleeping Beauty”.

The hall is decorated with children's works on topic: "Darling story» . Portrait on the big screen Charles Perrault.


There is a leaf, there is a spine,

Not a bush, not a flower.

No paws, no hands

And comes to the house as a friend

Lie on your mother's knees

Will tell you everything

What it is?

Children's answer: Book.

caregiver: Right, guys, do you like books?


Yes, I like to listen when my mother reads.

And I love looking at illustrations.

caregiver: Today we have an unusual lesson with you, we will talk about the literary genre - story. We will now make journey into the magical world of fairy tales. What words do they usually start with? fairy tales?


Lived once…

caregiver: Do they end?


That's end of fairy tale...


First station: "Find out fairy tale by picture» .

caregiver: Guys, illustrations for what fairy tales do you see before co-fight?


Puss in Boots

sleeping Beauty

Tom Thumb

caregiver: What unites all these fairy tales?

Children's answers: All these fairy tales written by Charles Perrault.

caregiver: All these fairy tales belong to the same author.

(Children sit on chairs)

caregiver: (shows a portrait of Sh. Perrot)

A long time ago, almost 400 years ago, during the time of the Musketeers, in distant France, storyteller Charles Perrault. He had 4 brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. All the boys received a good education. The older brother's name was Jean. Perrot and he became a lawyer. Pierre Perrot became the chief tax collector. Claude trained to be a doctor. Nikola Perrot became a learned theologian and mathematician. And the younger one Charles Perrault- devoted himself to the affairs of state. Member of the French Academy, physicist, anatomist, linguist…

Charles Perrault came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which good fairies, evil witches, beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls participated. And now for many - many years these heroines are familiar to people all over the world. People appreciate and love him fairy tales. Yes, and how not to love, how not to appreciate them, if in them, the soul of the great master of the word is felt. Him fairy tales they teach to appreciate the beauty of life, to love work, kindness, courage, justice.

And now there is no person in our country who would not have heard of Little Red Riding Hood or Sleeping Beauty.

I think you also know and love from childhood fairy tales by Charles Perrault. And today we will find out which of you is an expert on it. fairy tales.

Second station: "Creation Charles Perrault» .

caregiver: Let's remember what fairy tales written by Charles Perrault:


1. Sorceress (Fairy Gifts).

2. Cinderella.

3. Puss in boots.

4. Little Red Riding Hood.

5. Boy-with-a-finger.

6. Donkey skin.

7. Gingerbread house.

8. Blue beard.

9. Sleeping beauty.

10. Hohlik (Rike with a tuft).

caregiver: (Under Little Red Riding Hood's Song, Little Red Riding Hood enters).

Guys, come out to dance with Little Red Riding Hood.

Physical education minute

Little Red Riding Hood: I have an envelope with tasks, I can't do it alone. Will you help me? (Pulls out task cards from basket)

Children: Let's help.

third station: "Assemble the Mosaic".

Each group is given a picture cut into pieces.

The task: Assemble the drawing and name fairy tale.

1st group collects on the table an illustration for Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood";

2nd group - to Fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty";

3rd group - to Fairy tale "Cinderella";

4th group - to Fairy tale "Puss in Boots";

5th group - to Fairy tale "Boy with a finger".

fourth station: "Guess".

caregiver: Each of you has invisible under the chair, as magical, boots - runners, put on shoes.

Let's go to journey through fairy tales.

1. Know this rogue

Don't fool anyone:

Cannibal like a mouse

Managed to swallow.

(Puss in Boots)

2. This fairy tale is not new,

In it, the princess slept all the time,

Fairies of evil wine

And the prick of the spindle.

(Sleeping Beauty)

3. Life did not endow him with beauty,

But she rewarded her mind beyond measure.

Mind and helped him become happy.

Who can guess his name?

(Rike with a tuft)

4. All his wives suffered an evil fate -

He took their lives...

What a villain! Who is he?

Name it soon!

(Blue Beard)

5. Tiny with a big soul,

Quick and agile,

Nimble, fast, mischievous,

Bold and perky

He is resourceful and smart, fair and dexterous,

He will always find a way out.

From any tricks.

(Tom Thumb)

6. A girl walked through the dark forest

To a good grandmother - an old woman

Shoes, vest, hat,

And in the hands of flowers an armful

And a basket of treats

With pies and jams.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

7. Loves work, modest,

Not indifferent to anyone

I took it with kindness

Does things quickly.

Any outfit suits her,

Everyone flocks to her.

Doesn't offend anyone

The abuse humbly accepts

And so she

So beautifully named.


caregiver: Why is a beautiful kind girl called Cinderella?

Children's answers:

From the word "Ash".

Because she was so tired that she rested sitting in the corner on a box of ashes.

For her heart of gold.

Fifth station: "Remove the excess"

The task: Leave only illustrations for fairy tales Sh. Perrot.

(Remove pictures from fairy tales: "Aibolit", "Ugly duck", "Thumbelina")

sixth station: "Lost and found"

Tasks: From which fairy tales lost items? (Help find the addressee)

Ran away at midnight

And stumbled and lost

At the King's Ball

Crystal shoe

1. Cinderella (glass slipper)

2. Sleeping Beauty (spindle)

3. Thumb boy (white stones)

4. Little Red Riding Hood (a basket of pies, a pot of butter)

5 Puss in Boots (boot)

seventh station: « Quiz»

What came out of the mouth of the younger sister when she began to speak?

(flower or gem) Enchantress (Fairy Gifts)

What legacy did the miller leave to his sons?

The miller lived in the world,

His children have grown up.

All inheritance, dying,

He left them a will.

Here is the legacy list that:

Mill, donkey and cat.

Long thought, rowed,

And brotherly divided:

The elder brother took the mill,

(I was very happy about the inheritance,

Middle - took a donkey,

(So ​​the rumor told us).

The youngest got a cat

He sat down to think at the gate. Puss in Boots

What did Little Red Riding Hood have in her basket?

(Pies and a pot of butter) Little Red Riding Hood

Who saved Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (Lumberjacks) Little Red Riding Hood

What did the boy with a finger take from the Cannibal?

(Boots walking and a bag of gold) Tom Thumb

Who did the rat turn into fairy tale"Cinderella"? (Into the coachman)

How many children did the lumberjack have? (Seven) Tom Thumb.

What order did the king issue to his subjects? (Prohibit spinning and keeping spindles and spinning wheels in the house) Sleeping Beauty.

How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16) Sleeping Beauty.

How did the cat eat the Ogre Giant? (Asked him to turn into a mouse) Puss in Boots.

A vegetable turned into a Cinderella carriage? (Pumpkin) Cinderella.

An item without which it is impossible to create fairy magic? (Magic wand) Cinderella.

What was the first gift the cat brought as a gift to the king on behalf of its owner? (A rabbit) Puss in Boots.

caregiver: Well done boys!

Discussion of the problem

- What are they teaching us? fairy tales Sh. Perrot? What conclusion can be drawn?

There are many in the world fairy tales

sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them

Let the heroes fairy tales

Give us warmth

May goodness forever

Evil wins!


Little Red Riding Hood:

Thank you, you helped me complete all the tasks and it's time for me to return to my fairy tale. But I did not come to you empty-handed and I want to give a book « Tales of Charles Perrault» for you to read them.


(takes a book and reads)

How I wish

Live in a magical house

Where are stored fairy tales,

Like poetry in an album.

Where are the old women-walls,

Gossip at night.

About everything in fairy tales,

Seen firsthand.

Where is the candle fire

Creates comfort.

And on the bookshelf

Miracles live.

Where in an old chair

Slightly squeaking with a pen,

Composes fairy tales

My friend - Charles Perrault.

Little Red Riding Hood:

I also brought food for the kids. (Hands out treats).

caregiver: Guys, it's time for us to go back.

I propose now to draw the heroes of your beloved fairy tales.

To the music of S. S. Prokofiev "Cinderella" the children leave.

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