Cinderella's gate for the poor girl. Cinderella Gate - astrological calculation


Become the heroine of a fairy tale, meet your prince and enter into a long happy union with him - what real lady does not dream of this! Personal happiness is quite real, even if there is no magic fairy nearby who can turn a pumpkin into a carriage, and an everyday outfit into an airy ball gown. To catch luck, you need to ask when the Cinderella Gate opens - a planetary aspect, during which fateful changes for the better occur.

The magical periods of Cinderella's Gate open the way for large-scale luck for just a few days, provide an opportunity to find your luck without much effort. Everyone has their own time, and you need to know it in advance. After all, the chance to miss the Blue Bird is too great. Knowing the day and hour of luck, you can turn the situation in your favor and take carte blanche, which is:

  • new influential acquaintance;
  • winning the lottery;
  • a job offer that will change fate.

What does Cinderella's Gate mean in professional astrology?

Cinderella's Gate (Star Bridge, Star Gift) - the development of the American astrological School of the Magi. She has firmly entered the methodology of individual forecasting of happy periods in her personal life.

The key astrological object that opens the gates of good luck is Chiron, an asteroid discovered in 1977. He loves to joke about destinies, to erase boundaries, to reject norms. In addition to Chiron, the Cinderella Gate planetary configuration involves:

  • Venus is the planet of love and relationships;
  • Jupiter is the planet of Great Happiness;
  • Neptune is a mystical, mysterious planet.

When Chiron makes an angle to Venus, Jupiter or Neptune, a person can count on good luck and the favor of fate. If three planets make a magical aspect (angle of 0, 120 or 150 degrees) to Chiron, fantastic opportunities open up before him, which should not be missed.

Calculate Cinderella Gate

It will not be difficult for a professional astrologer to analyze the individual aspects of Cinderella. This requires the time, hour and place of birth. Having compiled a personal map, the specialist will determine whether the individual is among the lucky ones who have this aspect from birth.

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All of us are not indifferent to such concept in our life as the Moment of Luck! Everyone strives to keep pace with her .... and you always want to know when we are lucky, and we will saddle the horse of our happiness.

Luck exists in everyone's life! Usually people feel this wave of uplift. But such periods can be calculated in advance (when in love and deeds it is important to receive recognition and approval from society). Refer to professional calculations, and we will show you when it is worth catching the firebird of luck by the tail, in any direction of your life.

In astrology, there is the concept of "Gate of Cinderella", or "Gate of Good Luck". This is a special period when a successful marriage awaits a person! And not only that: at this time, people will be more indulgent towards you and your shortcomings, mistakes, mistakes, because in their eyes you appear, thanks to planetary energies, especially attractive, unique, with a pronounced individuality, you become simply irresistible. And it will be useful to you for solving any problems!

Monthly Cinderella Gate Calculation

The Gates of Good Luck, or "Golden Moments" are associated with the planet Chiron by representatives of the Eastern school of astrology. This is due to the scientific assumption of the existence between Mars and Jupiter of a third planet called Phaethon, which at one time fell apart and formed an asteroid belt. Chiron was the largest of them. The planet Chiron was discovered in 1977 as a particle of Phaethon.

The death of Phaethon

Phaeton is the planet of harmony and love. After it collapsed, at the energy level, people lost their intuitive beginning, which allows them to do the right things, the connection with time and balance, the “golden mean section”, was broken. Chiron continues to carry the energy of love and harmony, following Phaethon.

Since Chiron is designated by astrologers as a key, this adds additional meaning to the description of the planet: moments of good luck can be interpreted as a “key of luck” due to the symbolic image of the plan
Cinderella Gate

As astrologers noted, they can “open” for a short period of time, for example, every month, but there are also more significant periods that happen only a few times in life. And when several long periods coincide with each other, then the potential for Luck is especially great! Rare case!

So, with the help of professional calculations, we will help you find out the time when you can meet Your Prince and get married successfully.

As an example, consider the Cinderella Gate for Princess Diana for 1975-1984.

The graph shows that Cinderella's Gate begins sometime in mid-1981. And their opening occurs when 3 or more Magic Corners work at the same time.

A few years ago, the American Astrological Society published a special predictive technique for the general public - the Cinderella Gate. Many women have heard about this wonderful technique, many questions also arise. Many people ask why the gate opening period was calculated correctly, but the prince did not appear? Or why my friend during this period really managed to get married successfully, and I am still in search of happiness? Or do you need to do something special during this period, or will events happen by themselves?
In this article I will try to answer the most frequently asked questions of my clients.
The essence of the technique is to determine the special periods of luck that do not happen so often in a person’s life, and Fortune opens its gates in front of a person. First of all, this applies to women who want to marry a real prince, as in the fairy tale about Cinderella, and jump over several social levels. Such combinations, however, are extremely rare, and in order to accomplish this event, the presence in the horoscope must be indicated in addition to the gates and other indications.
We all remember how in a fairy tale Cinderella turned from a simple girl into a princess. During the opening of the gates of Cinderella, there is a sharp rise in the social ladder, living conditions improve, there are moves to a country that you have long dreamed of, profitable offers come from unexpected sources, meetings with influential people take place that will run like a red thread through your whole life.
This forecasting technique involves:
Small happiness - Venus
Great happiness - Jupiter
Highest Happiness - Neptune
The Key to the Doors of Happiness - Chiron
For your gates to open, there must be three simultaneous aspects between the guardian planets of happiness.
The magical aspects between Chiron and Jupiter, Venus or Neptune will, according to this technique, be a trine, conjunction or quincunx, parallel or counter-parallel. These combinations of three aspects are quite rare in heaven, and only a competent Astrologer can answer the question of whether there is a Cinderella Gate in your card and when it will open just for you.
Why Chiron? Chiron - appeared as a result of the collapse of Phaeton, which was in orbit between Mars and Jupiter and in ancient astrology was responsible for the correct choice of a person. According to the legend, with the loss of Phaeton, humanity has lost the possibility of harmony, good luck and intuition of the right choice. To some extent, this function of a happy choice of fate was taken over by Chiron, discovered by astronomers only in 1977, but known to astrologers of hoary antiquity long before the birth of Christ.
Strictly speaking, for Great Luck, three indications are needed - all three aspects of Chiron to all three planets. Periods of little luck are manifested by the rapid movement of the planet Venus and its aspects to Chiron, which give short-term luck.


Sometimes we wonder why some women, like a magnet, attract rich and influential men who also marry them, while others constantly attract men who are not even able to pay for a good dinner on their own and for a bouquet of flowers for the birthday of their beloved, too. lack of imagination?

The point here is the secret of the Horoscope of Birth. After all, we know that nothing can happen in life that is not written in the natal chart.
After extensive astrological research, it turned out that the most successful women who were once * Cinderella * - have Chiron aspects to one of the listed planets in their natal charts.
At a certain point in life, this ligament is activated by transits and the so-called Miracle-rapid transformation of an ordinary girl into a princess takes place.

In particularly successful combinations, such a transformation can occur through marriage to the royal family - like Princess Diana, who had the aspect of Cinderella in her natal chart and got married on the day when two more aspects were added to this aspect! Cinderella's three trips lasted on Lady Di's card for a whole month, during which time she managed to marry Prince Charles, became the most famous woman on the front page of all the newspapers in the world, and her face became the most recognizable brand of the United Kingdom.


Not so many women are born with the aspect of Cinderella, but sometimes in the synastry it turns out that with a certain combination of partner cards, it is this man who will make you Cinderella, it is his natal chart in combination with yours that will create the aspects of Great and Small Happiness.

This is the whole secret why with one partner in life we ​​flourish and grow rich, and with another we cannot make ends meet. Also, the astrological map of the day of the Wedding largely determines the fate of a particular union.

If there are Saturnian collisions in it, malicious stellums of planets, then the probability of the collapse of such a marriage is very high. The rules of Astrology work the same for royalty and for you and me. We can use the aspects of Cinderella for our own benefit and, having organized our wedding on one of these days, we can live happily and calmly in marriage, even with all the intrigues of fate.
Women, in whose natal chart there are no aspects of Cinderella, during the transit opening of the gates of Cinderella, they can count on the flow of Fortune, they will be at the right time in the right place, they will receive a marriage proposal, if not from a prince, but from a decent kind person.

It is especially important not to miss this period in your life - as soon as Chiron makes an aspect to your lucky natal planets - the gates of Fortune open for exactly as many days as the aspect lasts. After the disintegration of the aspect, the gates are closed.


Undoubtedly. The very knowledge of the forthcoming period, when the heavenly gates open to pour out a golden rain on us, already gives us a sense of the forthcoming miracle. Many people feel it intuitively. At this time, you can plan trips, trips to places coded in the natal chart as MEETING PLACES WITH YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND, planning important meetings, negotiations and everything that can bring you closer to the fulfillment of desires.

The opening of the Gates of Small Happiness will take place in the near future 10/23/2017, 11/16/2017, 12/10/2017.

What these dates mean for you personally, your horoscope will tell.
You can ask questions to the author of the article and order the calculation of the Cinderella Gate for 2018 at the address

Term Information "Cinderella's Gate" appeared in the Russian astrological society quite recently, about 15 years ago. And the "author" of this term was the American astrological community, which revealed a certain pattern in the influence of planets on people's maps, and their possibility arrange a successful personal life . I would like to emphasize the moment associated with special luck, so that the reader can see for himself what this is. Luck.

So, let's remember the fairy tale "Cinderella", where the main character, thanks to higher powers and a combination of circumstances ( Neptune and Chiron) got to the ball ( Jupiter) and met the Prince there, for whom mutual sympathy arose ( Venus ).

An example cited by many astrological schools concerned Princess Diana, who, being usually a girl, suddenly became a Princess, that is, the fairy tale about Cinderella came true. However, the fairy tale ends with the phrase: “And they lived happily ever after,” but real life, as a rule, only gives an opportunity for an ordinary girl, from a simple peasant family, to marry the heir to the throne.

In our world, you can find similar examples when a “simple” girl randomly acquired the opportunity to marry a prince (or, in the end, an oligarch).

One of the clearest examples of this is the famous show diva Victoria Bonya . In her lucky year (2010), she meets an oligarch, with whom she is still in a civil marriage. And the “happiness” of Victoria was determined by 3 transit planets - Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter, which simultaneously (within a month) made an aspect to her natal Venus (see the picture of the transit chart). Classically, it is believed that only harmonious aspects from the planets (Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune) should take part in the "Gate of Cinderella", however, in this example, Jupiter makes a tense aspect, which speaks of big money, and is not perceived as a problem for implementation. this Magic Period.

So, the meeting with the oligarch took place, however, the marriage did not follow, although the wedding was discussed and planned, and Victoria, for sure, chose the bride's dress. But, the aspects ended, and with them the romance, sublimity and favor of the Higher powers disappeared. Hence the conclusion - it is necessary to use the opportunities when they are provided.

Good implementation example "Cinderella's Gate" can be found in the map of the "companion" of Victoria, in the forecast map Alena Vodonaeva. And even the moment that her husband is just a businessman, and not a foreign oligarch, makes it possible to say that, having married, Alena climbed many steps up the social ladder. And only “fault” is the large conjunction that formed in the sky in August 2009, and aspected Neptune and Jupiter Alena, and transit Venus, which interacted in a harmonious aspect with natal Venus (semi-sextile 29 degrees) and natal Jupiter (orbis 7 degrees) . But, by the way, in the natal chart of Alena there is "Cinderella Seal", so all those who were born on the same day with her (as well as + - 1 day) can also count on good luck in their personal lives (albeit not on such a large scale). In the end, each girl has her own concept of "Prince".

The following example of the implementation of the "Cinderella Gate" can be seen in the forecast map Spanish Queen Leticia , during 2003. Her romance with Prince Felipe developed rapidly and by the time the influence of the Magic Period ended, an engagement was announced. So, the indicators of the open “Gate of Cinderella” in the Leticia chart: transit Jupiter in conjunction with Venus, transit Jupiter in a harmonious aspect to natal Chiron, transit Chiron in a tense aspect to natal Chiron. This configuration lacks the influence of Neptune, but it manifested itself a year earlier (at the time Leticia and her future husband met in an unusual place - off the coast of the Spanish coast, where Leticia was making a report on the Prestige ship in distress, and the prince, as part of the rescuers, took part in rescue operation), influencing natal Venus with a tense aspect (giving the desire to find unearthly love and endowing Leticia with great romanticism), and at the time of marriage (in May 2004), making a harmonious aspect to natal Chiron.

It can be said that Neptune (Higher Powers) opened the Cinderella Gate period in Leticia's life, and Neptune also closed this period, making it possible to build a marriage based not so much on insane romantic expectations that would soon collide with harsh reality, but on mutual respect and submission to the authority of her husband (after all, Jupiter was the main "violin" in this story, showing the development of events).

One more example successful marriage under the influence of "Cinderella's Gate" can be seen in the forecast map Mette-Marit , Crown Princess of Norway. Because of his love for her, Prince Haakon even renounced the throne (his parents were against this union), but their wedding took place on August 25, 2001. At the time of the wedding, transit Jupiter made aspects of 150 degrees to natal Jupiter and Chiron, as well as a tense aspect to natal Venus (Vodyanova had the same aspect when she married a millionaire), and transit Chiron made a harmonious trine aspect to natal Chiron. I also want to note that Mette-Marit in the natal chart has a bi-sextile formed by Venus, Jupiter and Neptune, which can already be called a combination of great luck, great luck, and receiving gifts from the Higher powers in the form of love and material well-being. And the retrograde Chiron in her chart, like a magic key, opened the door to a new life for the princess.

So, what did all the above ladies get in marriage:
- increase in social status (practically "from rags to riches");
- improvement of material well-being;
- legal spouse.

Alas, it is not possible to ask about love and sincerity of intentions, at a time when the aspect from Neptune to Venus has passed. Most likely, in the families of these "Cinderellas" there are periods of "sadness and joy", and the desire to escape from the family for a while, and hatred for the spouse. However, their couples blessed the heavens with the influence of Neptune and Chiron, which means it had to be so. And whether there will be a "happily ever after" in their life depends on how hard they will work for the benefit of family happiness. After all, any relationship, and even more so with public people, is a lot of work, especially on the part of women.

The magical periods of the "Cinderella's Gate" are found not only in girls' cards, and, as you can see, they give not so much a successful marriage as an opportunity to fly up the social ladder overnight, gain popularity and high material wealth. And love - love and romance, as a rule, is only a bonus attached to this, making it possible to find that partner, life partner, who is a guide to getting what you want.

"Cinderella's Gate"- there are not so often throughout life, however, there are small periods that last from a week to 2 weeks, when the Higher forces also favor you, and give you the opportunity to gain something more in your life. You can calculate your Cinderella's Gate periods for the next 10 years using

The article will talk about the method of astrological forecasting of favorable periods, developed by the American astrological school MAGI SOCIETY and called "Cinderella's Gate". You will get acquainted with a simple step-by-step algorithm, the development of which will allow you to independently calculate the "Gate of Cinderella", without having a deep knowledge of astrology.

"Cinderella's Gate" - a window of good luck and happy opportunities

"Gate of Cinderella" - this is how it is customary in the astrological media environment to call periods of prosperity and fabulous luck, when happy events happen in a person's life.

Everything happens approximately according to the scenario of a fairy tale story about an unfortunate girl who was temporarily favored by a good fairy, who opened the gate to the world of her cherished dream to Cinderella with a wave of a magic wand.

But we are dealing with astrology and live in a real physical world, in which the planetoid Chiron plays the role of a fairy, sometimes turning our life into a kind of fairy tale.

Planets that open the Cinderella Gate

“What does Chiron have to do with it?” - you ask. The fact is that it is Chiron who opens the “Cinderella Gate” with his energies. "Golden time" comes when Chiron passing through the sky forms transit aspects to any of the three planets in the natal chart, namely: to Venus, Jupiter and Neptune.

The choice of these planets is explained by the fact that they are the ones that symbolize happiness and prosperity in astrology:

Venus - the planet of harmony and pleasure, symbolizing "small happiness";

Jupiter is the heavenly benefactor and patron, the planet of "great happiness";

Neptune is the dreams and lofty ideals of man, the planet of "higher happiness";

Chiron is the "cosmic key" that opens the "Gate of Cinderella". Its aspects to the planets indicated above initiate the "Golden Moments".

Of course, in addition to the symbolic meaning, it is also necessary to take into account individual astrological indicators in the natal chart, that is, to look at which houses of the horoscope these planets are associated with. For example, one of the planets, let's say Venus, is in the 7th house, which in astrology is responsible for the sphere of marriage and relationships. The owner of a natal chart with this position of Venus can hope that during the opening of the gates a stream of public sympathy will fall on him, happy romantic events can happen. If there are links to the 2nd house, then through the "Gate of Cinderella" a person can strengthen his material base: get a lucrative contract, a bonus, a high assessment of existing talents expressed in monetary terms, etc.

What aspects are taken into account when calculating the "Cinderella Gate"

  • 120º - trine;
  • 150º - quincunx.

As soon as such angles form between transit Chiron and the natal "happy planets", a period of luck and prosperity begins in life. The connection is the strongest.

The Cinderella Gate opens even “wider” when aspects from Chiron coincide in time with any of the above aspects from transit Jupiter or Neptune to natal Chiron.

Now that you know the objects and astrological conditions under which the opening of the Cinderella Gate becomes possible, you can begin to predict your future.

Calculation of the "Gate of Cinderella"

To independently calculate the "Gate of Cinderella" it is enough to have minimal knowledge in astrology: to know what a natal chart is, aspects, astrological symbols of the planets. You will also need a computer and any astrological program, the functionality of which allows you to calculate the natal chart and planetary transits for a long period.

The algorithm for calculating the "Cinderella Gate" consists of the following steps:

  1. The first step is to draw up a natal chart and see in it the presence of aspects of Chiron with Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. If Chiron is associated with at least one of the above-described "golden" aspects with any of the three "happy" planets, you can proceed to the next step in the calculation. In the absence of the necessary aspects in the radix, "golden" events during the periods of the "Cinderella's Gate" should not be expected; maximum - a little more luck and a more favorable general background.
  2. The second step is to calculate the moments, for the beginning of the year or years, in which the transit Chiron will form the desired aspects with Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. The transits of Jupiter and Netun to natal Chiron are also calculated. The transit of Venus is not taken into account, because she moves too quickly across the sky.
  3. At the final stage, when the year of formation of the exact aspect by Chiron is found, the search for “happy” moments should be narrowed down by analyzing the predicted year by months, since the duration of the “magic” aspect of the planetoid can be limited to only a few weeks. For the convenience of visual perception, it is possible to depict a schedule-calendar for a year and mark linearly the time intervals of the aspects in it (see below for an example of a graph).

The desired “Gate of Cinderella” is the time when at least two more transit aspects from other planets to natal Chiron will coincide with the aspect of transit Chiron (highlighted on the chart with a green frame). It’s absolutely great if three or more aspects act at the same time, and even the aspects of the primary or symbolic progressions of Chiron (1 degree of symbolic movement = 1 year of life) overlap, which can also be calculated and depicted on a forecast graph.


"Cinderella Time" is favorable for all genders and ages, but keep in mind that passive inaction and waiting for this moment may not change anything in your life. Do not wait until manna from heaven suddenly falls on you, but act, accomplish, make your dreams come true! After all, the “Cinderella Gate” is a good chance to succeed not only in personal, but also in any other area of ​​life.

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