A doctor from school: what is taught in medical classes. How medical classes are arranged in Moscow schools


Different schools are needed, different schools are important. In Moscow, for children who early showed their abilities and inclinations, you can find almost any school where the educational programs will pay increased attention to the chosen area of ​​knowledge and skills. Traditionally, the place of such education is special schools or schools with in-depth study of individual subjects. If earlier schools, as a rule, specialized in one subject, now educational centers offering training in several subject profiles are popular.

In most cases, maintaining one specialization at school guarantees a higher quality of education in the chosen field. In this article, we do not consider such broad educational profiles as the humanities, natural sciences, socio-economics, etc. We will talk about the narrower specializations of schools: language, physics and mathematics, chemical and biological, medical, artistic and aesthetic.

The most popular special schools in Moscow are language schools. These schools usually represent all levels of education, from preschool; admission is carried out in the 1st grade, and in the senior classes, subject to the availability of free places on the competition. Only in-depth study of the English language can be done in more than 100 special schools in Moscow. As a rule, they begin to study English here from the first grade, from the fourth - a second foreign language is added to the curriculum. As an elective, it is possible to study a third foreign language. In senior classes, additional disciplines are taught in English. The number of French and German special schools in Moscow is an order of magnitude smaller. You can find schools that teach oriental languages, the languages ​​of the CIS countries. There are a lot of good language special schools in Moscow, some of them even have the status of centers for preparing for passing exams for international certificates in foreign languages.

The second most popular special schools are schools with a physical and mathematical bias. The system of secondary Russian physical and mathematical education is considered one of the best in the world. Unlike language special schools, students here study according to general education programs up to grades 7-9, and enrollment in senior physical and mathematical classes is based on the results of exams, and often both new students and “our own” have to take exams. If the physical and mathematical bias is not a school, but a lyceum, then entrance exams are held already upon admission to the first grade.

The most famous physical and mathematical schools exist in close partnership with the leading technical universities in Moscow. School them. A.N. Kolmogorov - at Moscow State University, Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU, Correspondence School of Physics and Technology and a dozen partner schools at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a network school and basic schools at MEPhI. Basically, schoolchildren of grades 8-11 study here, they study physics, mathematics and computer science in depth. High school teachers teach in schools, students study in institute laboratories. It is possible to form a mathematical culture and develop physical thinking from an earlier age, for example, at the Education Center No. 1840 at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. There are all levels of education, starting from kindergarten. An in-depth study of computer science begins from the first grade, teaching is conducted according to the author's methods.

Special schools with a chemical and biological bias are also organized and work in cooperation with educational universities and institutes in Moscow. Moscow Chemical Lyceum No. 1303 teaches schoolchildren in grades 9-11 who dream of research activities in the field of natural sciences. In this he is assisted by research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of the lyceum, there is an interschool elective program for grades 8-11, which provides an opportunity for students from other schools in Moscow to receive in-depth and systematic training in chemistry and mathematics.

School No. 171 with in-depth study of chemistry and biology is supervised by the chemical and biological faculties of Moscow State University. Schoolchildren in grades 9-11 study chemistry, biology and mathematics according to programs specially developed in partnership with Moscow State University, faculty teachers act as teachers. The biological and chemical profile of education is one of those offered in the multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1525 Vorobyovy Gory. The curricula of lyceum students from the 8th grade include workshops in chemistry and biology, laboratory classes are held in the chemical laboratory of the Polytechnic Museum. It is possible to study chemistry and biology in depth from the 5th grade at the school for gifted children "Intellectual", in which an individual training program is drawn up for each child.

The profession of a doctor is one of the most promising in the future, so a sufficient number of medical schools have appeared in Moscow, cooperating with medical universities and faculties of Moscow. Medical classes are specialized training for high school students. At school number 315 at the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, lessons in professional subjects are taught by university teachers, practical classes are held on the basis of a clinical hospital. At the end of the training, students who successfully pass the exams receive the qualification of a nurse and nurse.

Profile medical classes at school No. 136 are offered in two versions: for grades 9-11 and 10-11. The school cooperates with the Faculty of Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In addition to an in-depth study of chemistry and biology, schoolchildren study the subject - an introduction to the specialty of a doctor; prepare for admission to these universities. Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova supports education in the medical classes of school No. 199 and the Vita private medical and biological school. At the Vita school, students first study natural science disciplines at a basic level in grades 6-9, and in the senior grades - the same disciplines in depth, taking into account preparation for entering specialized universities.

Schools with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle are very popular in Moscow. Future talents in the field of fine arts can enter the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts. The lyceum admits children who have shown special abilities in this area to the 5th grade, and applicants are allowed to enter the entrance exams based on the results of a preview of the work. The lyceum has departments of painting, sculpture, and architecture. The specialization of the Children's Art School "Inspiration" is choreography, which children are engaged in from the first grade. In the senior classes, the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle are studied in depth.

An interesting form of education is offered at the Education Center No. 686 "Class Center". General education, drama and music schools are gathered under one roof. The purpose of the educational programs of the center is to combine the intellectual and emotional development of the child. Each student of the school receives a complete musical education (from 1st to 9th grade), and music lessons are included in the curriculum. High school students continue their music lessons according to individual plans. The contribution of the drama school to the curriculum, starting from the first grade - lessons in acting, dance and stage movement, stage speech, theater stories.

Studying in a special school means getting a start in life. The main thing is that the child really wants to learn and pay special attention to this particular area of ​​knowledge, because it is more difficult to study in special schools than in general education ones. The teaching load in such schools is much higher, the curriculum is more complex and the requirements of teachers are stricter.

For those high school students in Moscow who plan to enter a medical university, they came up with the project “Medical class in a Moscow school”. This is not just a profile class in which the main subject is biology. The project is supported by the University. THEM. Sechenov, Department of Education of Moscow, Department of Health of the capital.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

How to get into medical class

You can become a member of the project "Medical class in a Moscow school" from the 8th grade. The decision on enrollment is made based on the results of the entrance test. The sooner a student decides to get in-depth knowledge and practice, the more likely they are to score additional points by the time they apply for admission to Sechenov University. The main testing took place in the spring, but those who have decided to devote themselves to medicine now can still apply and become students of a specialized class in the upcoming academic year.

Learning features

There are several educational programs within the project, each school chooses the program at its own discretion. Pre-profile classes - 8-9, profile - 10-11. The main subjects will be biology and chemistry.

It is these lessons that go five times a week, and schools also have elective courses: the basics of medical knowledge, a workshop on microbiology, the basics of physiology and anatomy, human functional systems, and first aid. Classes are taught by school teachers, university lecturers and medical practitioners. The practice of future doctors takes place in a special laboratory, where there are medical simulators, measuring instruments, mock-ups of organs, first aid equipment. Mannequins become the first patients; schoolchildren learn to give injections or take blood from a vein.

Every year, students of medical classes pass entrance and final tests within the walls of Sechenov University, the maximum number of points that can be obtained is 100.

Motivation and opportunities for students of specialized classes

An applicant who enters Sechenov University after a regular class provides the results of the Unified State Examination in specialized subjects. Participants in the Moscow School Medical Class project have several opportunities to provide additional points.

Every spring, the university holds a conference "Start in Medicine" for students in grades 8-11. Those wishing to take part in it in the fall submit an application and prepare projects that are sent for remote viewing. If the project is approved, the students will perform at an in-person event. If the study is returned after the correspondence stage, you will have to try your hand next year. All works are entered into a special database of the university, so it will not work twice with the same project.

Winners and prize-winners of the "Start in Medicine" receive five additional points in the entrance examinations. Points don't expire, but they don't add up either. As practice shows, the victory of at least one student in the conference motivates the rest of the guys from the profile class to get the coveted points next year.

At the end of the 11th grade, before the start of the final exams, students of medical classes must pass a pre-profile exam at the university. It consists of theoretical and practical parts. The latter includes the results of work in the laboratory. Successful passing of the exam allows you to get additional points upon admission, which are added to the five winning points of the Start in Medicine conference.

The annual Sechenov Olympiad in Chemistry and Biology invites students from specialized classes throughout the country. The competition is serious, participation is mandatory for all project participants, and only the winners receive serious preferences for admission.

Also, additional points for admission to Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov can be credited upon presentation of a gold TRP badge. At the Romanov School, a call for applications for admission to the medical class is still open - we are waiting for future doctors!

Why Moscow schoolchildren choose medical classes
school number 1253?

1. Successful work of early profiling classes. In grades 8–9 of biology and chemistry, students have the opportunity to:

  • gain deep, solid knowledge of biology and chemistry;
  • adapt to the potential teaching load and the system of work of specialized classes;
  • more conscious approach to the choice of future profession. There are cases when it is at the stage of early profiling that a student realizes that he made the wrong choice and changes the scope of his professional interests.

2. Long-term cooperation in the preparation of applicants with the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov. The school is an official partner of the university and is part of the school-university complex. In this system, 10-11 specialized biomedical classes are trained.

3. High performance (see the results of the USE and GIA and the results of the Olympiads).

4. Admission to universities. Over the years of the existence of the biomedical profile, more than 500 graduates have become students of the leading medical universities in Russia and the largest universities in the world.

5. Teaching staff. Teachers of the highest qualification category with extensive experience in the natural sciences work in biomedical classes.

6. In-depth study of English:

  • the school provides a unique opportunity for students of English special schools or those who have the necessary training in English not only to study subjects of the natural science cycle at the profile level, but also to maintain and develop a high level of English proficiency;
  • excellent command of English allows school graduates to go on internships, participate in international scientific conferences, and study at leading medical universities in the world.

7. Convenient location of the school:

  • the school is located within walking distance from the metro station "Park Kultury" ring;
  • the school building is modern, beautiful, comfortable;
  • The school has well-equipped classrooms and gyms.

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