All about the twenty-second week of pregnancy. All about the twenty-second week of pregnancy 22 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the baby


Pregnancy is an amazing period in the life of every woman, which she will always remember. The 22nd week of pregnancy is special in that from this period the fetus is considered viable. Therefore, if suddenly, for some reason, he is now born, then the doctors have every chance of releasing him.

Feelings of a woman

What happens to mom at 22 weeks pregnant? Right now you can fully enjoy your condition. Early toxicosis and morning sickness are already far behind, and the feeling of clumsiness, characteristic of late periods, has not yet appeared. Therefore, you can lead your usual way of life.

But the baby now increasingly makes itself felt. Movement at 22 weeks of pregnancy is already clearly audible. And the child in this way can show that something does not suit him (loud sounds, uncomfortable posture of the mother, etc.). Read about how the baby develops during pregnancy in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>

What happens to your body:

  • At this time, the weight of the expectant mother is constantly increasing, and changes in the figure can already be noted even with the naked eye, so it's time to take care of a new wardrobe. On average, a week, during the second trimester, mommy can gain 400 grams;

And if we compare the weight with that which was before the onset of pregnancy, then normally it should increase by 5-7 kg. But, according to doctors, the weight rate at 22 weeks of pregnancy for each woman is different and depends on her initial weight at the time of conception, the presence of early toxicosis and other factors.

  • A growing belly at 22 weeks of gestation does not yet affect gait and other movements. Although some may note discomfort in the lower back, the cause of which is the shift in the center of gravity due to the growing uterus;
  • Also, its increase can cause frequent urination, due to excessive pressure on the bladder;
  • The skin on the abdomen and thighs begins to stretch, which can lead to stretch marks. To avoid this, use special creams or oils that are designed specifically for the prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women. Read more about the causes of stretch marks and how to deal with them in the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>;
  • And from the positive that awaits you, starting from the 22nd week - an improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. This is associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman;
  • The uterus at the 22nd week of pregnancy is located 2 cm above the navel.

Child development

The most important question of all mothers is - what happens to the baby at 22 weeks of gestation? By this time, the fetus had grown to 27 cm and gained 450-500 g of weight. His main achievements include:

  1. Hair starts to grow. But due to the lack of melanin, they have not yet acquired their shade;
  2. The brain continues to develop at a frantic pace. Now its weight is already about 100 g;
  3. From about this week, the baby begins to actively explore himself and the space around him. Tactile sensations help him in this. Now he begins to move his tiny fingers, feel the umbilical cord and the placenta. Therefore, you will surely notice an increase in its activity;
  4. How often should a baby move at 22 weeks pregnant? Each woman is different, but it is believed that, on average, you should feel from 10 to 20 movements during the day;
  5. At week 22, the growth of the fetus in height slows down. Instead, muscles begin to actively develop. The size of a fetus at 22 weeks' gestation can be compared to a medium-sized ear of corn;
  6. The formation of endocrine glands begins;
  7. Bone tissue is actively developing, which begins to accumulate calcium. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to pay attention to the fact that enough of this trace element is present in her diet. If the doctor notices signs of calcium deficiency in the mother's body, he may recommend taking special pharmaceutical preparations;
  8. At week 22, the baby's spine is already formed, it remains only to form the intervertebral discs and cartilage;
  9. On the baby's body, you can see small hairs that are necessary in order to retain the original lubricant on the skin. The main task of this lubricant is to protect the skin from exposure to amniotic fluid, and during childbirth it will help the baby easily pass through the birth canal. For information on how to give birth easily, naturally and without pain, see the seminar Childbirth without pain >>>;
  10. At this time, the baby is actively moving and can spin in different directions. There is still enough free space in the uterus for him, so the breech presentation at the 22nd week of pregnancy does not mean anything, since the fetus still has a lot of time to take the optimal position for childbirth;
  11. The baby's heart increases in size;
  12. The central nervous system continues to actively form;
  13. The development of the lungs, intestines and stomach continues.

Pain and other discomfort at 22 weeks

Although the stomach is not too big yet, the center of gravity has already shifted, so you may experience various discomforts at the 22nd week of pregnancy:

  • Among the most common problems of this period is pain in the lumbar region (read the current article: Back pain during pregnancy >>>);

To avoid this, you need to do gymnastics for expectant mothers and give up high-heeled shoes. Details on why it is impossible to walk in heels during this period are written in the article Heels during pregnancy >>>.

Those who still continue to work should change their chair in the office to one that will have an orthopedic back. A good prevention of discomfort in the back will be frequent walks. But, having felt pain in the lower back, it is important to undergo an examination to exclude kidney pathology or urolithiasis.

  • Hemorrhoids become a frequent companion of pregnant women. Its development is due to the fact that the uterus has already increased enough and begins to put pressure on the vessels located in the pelvic area, which can lead to their expansion. To avoid this, you should enrich your diet with foods high in fiber.

By the way, with the help of nutrition, you can reduce the manifestations of hemorrhoids, adjust the stool, and also cope with the manifestations of edema or nausea.

  • If your stomach hurts at the 22nd week of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate not only a digestive disorder, but also the possibility of an abortion. Read an important article on this topic: During pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen >>>;
  • If you have chronic endocrine pathologies or problems in the work of the heart, then they may worsen during this period. The main sign of such a violation will be the returned toxicosis. To prevent this, it is important to be examined by specialists in the first trimester.
  • Due to the fact that in pregnant women the volume of blood circulating in the body increases, the pressure may increase. Headache can signal this.

Cold at 22 weeks pregnant

  1. The danger at this time may come from high temperature, as doctors have proven that it can cause disturbances in the development of the baby's nervous system;
  2. If you are expecting a girl, then a high temperature at the 22nd week of pregnancy can cause her infertility in the future. This is due to the fact that right now the formation of eggs begins in the female fetus.

In addition, not every treatment is now suitable for the expectant mother. Most antibacterial and antipyretic drugs are now contraindicated for use, as they can get to the fetus bypassing the placental barrier.

As for herbal medicine, only a doctor should recommend using any medicinal herbs, as some of them can cause uterine contractions, causing premature birth.

To reduce the temperature you need to drink a lot. Suitable tea with raspberries, warm milk, decoctions of berries and dried fruits. It is worth noting that an increase in temperature may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor.

You can take any medication only with the permission of a doctor.

Allocations at 22 weeks

Usually, the discharge at the 22nd week of pregnancy does not change. They should be transparent, outwardly resembling the protein of a raw chicken egg with an unobtrusive sour smell. If you notice a change in their color or consistency, you should consult a doctor:

  • Bloody or brown discharge at 22 weeks of gestation may occur with placental abruption or miscarriage;
  • Abundant discharge of a normal shade is possible with leakage of amniotic fluid. To be safe, it is better to visit a doctor.

Analyzes and examination

To check the development of the fetus at the 22nd week of pregnancy, you need to visit a doctor who will perform standard procedures:

  1. Measure the weight and pressure of a woman, the volume of her abdomen and the level of uterine rise, listen to how the fetal heart beats;
  2. In addition, it is necessary to pass a clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  3. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for sugar levels.

You can visually see the fetus at the 22nd week of pregnancy during an ultrasound scan. During the study, the doctor will check the condition and level of development of the main organs and systems. The main criterion for the development of the child during this period is no longer the coccygeal-parietal size, but the ratio of the proportions of his body. The doctor will also check the presentation of the fetus at 22 weeks of gestation. Read related article: >>>

Additionally, the state of the placenta, the level of amniotic fluid and their transparency will be studied. It is also already possible to determine the sex at the 22nd week of pregnancy.

Some believe that the ultrasound examination method is unsafe for the fetus, so they refuse to undergo it. Of course, it has only recently begun to be used. There is also no scientific evidence of the dangers of such a procedure.

But it is important to remember that such an examination allows you to identify various disorders and deviations in the development of the baby. Thus, doctors have the opportunity to treat an unborn child or be prepared for the fact that immediately after birth, he may need help.

Important for the proper development of the child is the placenta at 22 weeks of gestation. Thanks to her, the fetus has the opportunity to receive oxygen and other nutrients. It is also a kind of barrier to the penetration of toxins and other substances that can have a negative impact on the condition and development of the baby.

During an ultrasound, a low placenta can be detected during pregnancy at 22 weeks. If you are also faced with a similar diagnosis, you need to carefully monitor your well-being (read the article on this topic to study the issue more fully: >>>). If any abnormalities appear (nausea, water leakage, discomfort in the pubic area), it is important to immediately consult a doctor.


During this period, you need to pay special attention to nutrition.

  • To avoid anemia, it is important to have enough iron in the diet. It is abundant in apples, green vegetables, dried fruits, beans, eggs, red meat and liver. Current article: What fruits are useful during pregnancy >>>;
  • To prevent swelling, it is important to get the right amount of protein and drink clean water. Read more about edema during pregnancy >>>;
  • If you can't live without juice, then make your own, as the store-bought product contains a lot of sugar and preservatives. You should also completely exclude coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks;
  • Since during this period the skeletal system is actively formed in the fetus, your menu should have a lot of foods containing calcium (sour-milk products, spinach, beans, sea fish, almonds, apricots);
  • At the 22nd week of pregnancy, mom needs to increase the amount of easily digestible proteins and reduce the amount of animal fat in food. The average daily energy value for this period is 2500-3000 kcal;
  • Starting from the second trimester, the expectant mother becomes prone to the development of constipation. To prevent this, you need to consume more natural fiber;
  • And, of course, we must not forget about vitamins. A huge amount of them is in fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Read an important article about what vegetables are good for pregnancy?>>>.


  1. It is important for a woman who is expecting a baby to find time to relax. The belly at this stage is still not too big and does not prevent you from taking long walks, which should be regular. To do this, it is better to choose forest park areas located away from highways. Read the important article: >>>;
  2. If you are still working, then during the day, take a break more often, during which it is recommended to get up and walk around a bit. If there is an opportunity to lie down, do not deny yourself this;
  3. It's time to start preparing your body and respiratory system for the upcoming birth. It is best to start with the Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth course >>>;

And also, you will get exercises to prepare the body for childbirth, so that you can easily survive contractions and give birth naturally.

  1. Dads may notice an increase in your libido during this period. This is due to the fact that, with the beginning of the second trimester, in the body of the expectant mother, blood flow, vaginal secretion increases and sensitivity increases. In addition, the ailments that you could feel at the very beginning of pregnancy have already passed and you are ready to resume intimacy.

Sex at the 22nd week of pregnancy will give you a lot of positive emotions. And don't worry about the baby. It won't hurt him at all. The only contraindications may be:

  • feeling unwell;
  • discharge with blood;
  • the occurrence of unpleasant sensations;
  • doctor's ban, which may be associated with any complication.


Each period of pregnancy has its dangers and 22 weeks is no exception. Now the expectant mother may face:

  1. Re-toxicosis. Its cause may be an exacerbation of chronic pathologies. At the same time, such a state is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous;
  2. Anemia associated with an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body. Read more about anemia during pregnancy >>>;
  3. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This condition is due to the fact that the cervix at the 22nd week of pregnancy is unable to support the weight of the fetus and begins to open, which is fraught with premature birth.

What you need to do so that pregnancy delivers only pleasant sensations:

  • Keep a diary if you haven't already. Here you need to write down all your feelings and emotions;
  • Communicate with your unborn child. He already perfectly understands the mood of his mother and loves it when she talks to him;
  • The load that the spine experiences increases, so it is very important to monitor how you sit, stand or walk. It is better to sleep on a hard surface, and while sitting, do not put one foot on the other. Read about >>>;
  • Pay attention to shoes. It should be comfortable, have an orthopedic insole and be made of natural materials;
  • Watch your well-being, walk more time on the street and eat right;
  • Avoid being in a poorly ventilated area, as this will negatively affect your well-being;
  • A special diet will help to cope with pressure surges;
  • Watch for weight gain, it should not be sharp and exceed the norm.

And remember that you are now having the best period - enjoy it!

A calm second trimester continues, during which a woman can fully enjoy her position. Her figure has already changed enough to make it clear to everyone that replenishment is expected soon, but her stomach is not yet so huge as to cause significant inconvenience. According to the obstetric calendar, the 22nd week of pregnancy is a continuation of the sixth month. What happens at this time and what complications may appear?

Many expectant mothers remember the first few weeks of gestation as a nightmare, because they were constantly sick and sleepy. But with the onset of the second trimester, the discomfort, as a rule, passes, and a woman can finally understand what a miracle it is to carry a new life in herself. The 22nd week of pregnancy is unlikely to bring any changes compared to the previous week, although the baby continues to actively gain weight and develop.


Let's figure out what happens at the 22nd week of pregnancy with a woman's body. Despite the fact that until the moment of meeting with the baby is still far away, the body is already beginning to gradually prepare for childbirth. The baby regularly reminds her mother of her existence, actively pushing, and women listen to these shocks with bated breath.

The 22nd obstetric week of pregnancy is a period when a close emotional connection has already been established between the baby and the mother. Therefore, it is important that a woman be upset and stressed as little as possible. Positive emotions and a calm, joyful mood are very important for a pregnant woman.

The baby at the 22nd week of pregnancy continues to move actively, and the mother perfectly feels his movements. Attentive women may notice that the child has his own regime, most of the day he sleeps quietly, and during periods of wakefulness he shows enviable activity. The baby can also push in various non-standard situations, for example, with loud sounds.

Many mothers at 22 weeks of pregnancy feel strange vibrations in their stomach for the first time. These sensations are caused by the fact that the baby, having swallowed amniotic fluid, begins to hiccup. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, you should not be afraid of it. Neither the woman nor the baby is in danger.


During a planned visit to the gynecologist, the doctor will definitely measure the belly of the pregnant woman. It is measured in two ways:

  • circle;
  • the height of the uterine fundus.

The results obtained at this time depend on many parameters. It is clear that if twins are expected, then the volume of the abdomen will be significantly larger than with a normal singleton pregnancy.

The size of the abdomen also depends on the body weight of the pregnant woman. In slender women, it is less than in those who have gained significant excess weight.

But in any case, the belly at the 22nd week of pregnancy is already so large that it becomes uncomfortable to wear ordinary clothes, even if they are loose-fitting. But the still enlarged tummy does not prevent the woman from moving freely - bending over, turning, etc.

Due to the active growth of the abdomen, the skin begins to stretch strongly, while the woman may experience itching. During this period, stretch marks can appear on the skin of the abdomen, so it is better to start applying moisturizers to the body in advance to reduce the risk of their formation.

State uterus

The 22nd week of pregnancy is the time when the uterus is already large enough, it has risen 2 centimeters above the navel. The enlarged uterus rests against the diaphragm and can cause shortness of breath. In addition, the digestive organs are also squeezed, so many mothers have to deal with such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn and constipation.

At this time, some women begin to feel irregular cramping pains in the lower abdomen. These are the so-called training contractions, they are not too painful and irregular. Such contractions are a kind of training that prepares the body for childbirth. Training contractions, periodically appearing pain in the lower abdomen - this is normal. But you need to know that they are only safe if:

  • pain is weak;
  • no more than 15 contractions are noted during the day, and they are irregular.

If cramping pains are strong and appear every few minutes, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. Perhaps this is the beginning of preterm labor and the woman needs urgent medical care to maintain her pregnancy.

Child's condition

Let's figure out what happens to the baby at 22 weeks of gestation. It is already almost fully formed, but it is not yet ready for an independent life. Although now they have already learned how to nurse babies born after 22-23 weeks, although, of course, there are no guarantees, so the expectant mother needs to be careful.

The weight of a child at 22 weeks of gestation is 430-500 grams, and the length of his body from the crown to the heels is about 30 cm. Some babies at this time are already in the position in which they will be before childbirth (most often, head down).

But the size of the fetus at the 22nd week of pregnancy still allows it to change position, so if during an ultrasound the doctor notes that the baby is head up, you should not be upset. There is still time for the baby to take the correct position.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 22nd week of pregnancy with twins, it often turns out that children have different weights. This is normal, when twins are born, it almost always turns out that one baby is slightly larger than the second.

At this time, twins can have a total weight of about 850-900 grams, while one baby can weigh 430 grams, and the second - 470. The difference in weight between the fruits, if you have twins, can be 30-50 grams. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus continues quite actively, the following changes can be noted:

  • a layer of subcutaneous tissue has formed under the skin, so at the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby looks much more attractive than before, it becomes more and more like a baby;
  • facial features become clearer, in the photo obtained during an ultrasound scan at the 22nd week of pregnancy, you can see a fully formed face, which already has eyebrows and cilia;
  • the baby's body is completely covered with primordial fluff and lubricant, and hairs begin to grow on the head;
  • bilirubin, a special digestive enzyme, begins to be synthesized in the liver. It is bilirubin that provokes such a condition as the physiological jaundice of newborns. This condition is not dangerous and goes away without treatment;

  • at the 22nd week of pregnancy, the movements are quite active, during the day the fetus makes about 200 different movements. Moreover, this is not a senseless floundering, but quite coordinated gestures. The child can suck his thumb, play with the umbilical cord, grab his legs, etc.;
  • at the 22nd week of pregnancy, the fetus already has a fully formed spinal column, its bones continue to grow and acquire hardness, so at this time a woman needs to consume more foods containing calcium;

Thus, the development of the fetus at week 22 is to improve existing organs and systems.


If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the woman only needs regular visits to the gynecologist. At the appointment, the doctor will measure the volume of the abdomen, offer the pregnant woman to weigh herself, measure blood pressure.

In addition, the baby's heartbeat is heard. As a rule, a woman is prescribed directions for laboratory tests of blood and urine. A general analysis is assigned to determine the level of content:

  • sugar and leukocytes in the blood;
  • protein in the urine.

At the 22nd week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is performed if the woman did not undergo this examination in the previous weeks.

During the survey, it is determined:

  • fetal weight;
  • the length of his body;
  • circumference of the abdomen and head;
  • the length of the bones of the limbs;
  • condition of internal organs;
  • the level of development of the placenta;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

Possible problems

Pregnancy at 22 weeks should not cause significant discomfort to a woman. But the appearance of unpleasant short-term sensations is not excluded. Most often, these are not dangerous phenomena, but a violation of well-being can be a sign of the development of a serious complication.


One of the rather alarming signs is nausea at 22 weeks of gestation. Of course, the appearance of this symptom may also be associated with diseases of the digestive tract (for example, with an exacerbation of gastritis).

But, perhaps, the appearance of nausea is a sign of the development of late toxicosis (gestosis). And if toxicosis in the early stages is considered quite normal, then preeclampsia is a serious complication. This condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of protein in the urine.

Toxicosis, which began to manifest itself at the twenty-second week, can cause fetal hypoxia and its developmental delay. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary treatment.


Normal discharge at 22 weeks of gestation should be moderate, clear or whitish, odorless. The appearance of unusual discharge may be a symptom of an infection. Most often, women at this time are faced with manifestations of thrush.

This disease manifests itself:

  • the appearance of abundant secretions with the inclusion of whitish grains, similar to cottage cheese, with a sour smell;
  • sensations of itching, burning, pain;
  • mucosal edema.

It is necessary to treat thrush under the supervision of a gynecologist, in no case do not self-medicate.


This pathology is diagnosed during an ultrasound. On average, the volume of amniotic fluid at this time should be 800 ml. If they are less than a widow, then oligohydramnios is diagnosed. This condition is dangerous for the fetus and can even cause his death.

To prescribe the right treatment, the doctor must first find out the cause of this condition. If oligohydramnios is mild, then the woman is recommended to follow the regimen, rest more, eat fully. In some cases, medical treatment is required.

Weight gain

Many pregnant women during this period have excellent appetite, which contributes to rapid weight gain. Obesity in the mother negatively affects the development of the baby. Therefore, you need to monitor your weight and nutrition. So, the weekly weight gain should be no more than 500 grams.

If the weight gain is large, then you will need to reconsider the diet. Nutrition at the 22nd week of pregnancy should be complete, the daily calorie content should be no more than 3000 kcal. Moreover, the menu should have more low-fat protein products, cereals, fresh fruits.

Not always, the ongoing weight gain is associated with malnutrition. Sharp jumps in weight may be associated with the formation of internal edema, which may be a sign of preeclampsia.

So, the 22nd week of pregnancy is the second week of the sixth obstetric month. Normally, this period is quite calm. Most women at this time look great and feel great, enjoying their condition and happily listening to the pushes of their baby.

It's about 4 months and 4 weeks. At the end of the 22nd week, the sixth month of pregnancy begins.

  • 22 weeks from the day of the last menstruation (obstetric period) is 20 weeks from the moment the egg is fertilized and the embryo begins to develop.
  • 22 weeks from the moment of fertilization correspond to the 24th week of the obstetric period.
  • What happens to the child?

    It is about the size of an American squash squash. The length of his body is 28 cm, weight - 450 grams. The eyelids, eyebrows and lips become more distinct, the rudiments of teeth appear under the gums. The eyes are fully formed, they are much better at distinguishing between light and dark. There is still very little pigment in the iris, so there is no color in the eyes. The sense of touch is actively developed.

    In the lungs of the fetus, surfactant components are already being produced - a substance that covers the lungs from the inside and is needed to straighten them. There is an active maturation of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - the main organs of the endocrine system. The liver grows rapidly - from 20 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, its volume increases by about 17 times.

    On the body of the child, lanugo are more and more clearly visible - thin hairs that are needed to maintain a constant body temperature. His skin is covered with wrinkles - they will disappear as the subcutaneous fat develops.

    The pancreas is actively developing, it begins to produce hormones more intensively.

    At 22 weeks, the fetus has its own “day regimen” - it periodically sleeps (12-14 hours), then is awake. Moreover, this regimen does not always coincide with the mother's regimen, “calms” during the day can be replaced by active shocks in the stomach at night.

    What happens to the expectant mother?

    The distance from the upper edge of the pelvis to the highest point of the uterus at this time is 20–24 cm. The tummy is already quite noticeable. Continued hormonal changes lead to enlargement of the mammary glands, but the hormonal effects do not end there, and some of them can cause a number of inconveniences.

    At week 22, many women become owners of chic hair. The fact is that the “obsolete” hair begins to fall out more slowly. After childbirth, nature will take its toll, the hair will begin to fall out more actively - this is also not a big deal. By increasing the level of androgens, hair on the face and body begins to grow more intensively - this temporary inconvenience will have to come to terms.

    Accelerates nail growth. In some women, they become rougher, in others - soft and brittle. Pregnancy can improve the appearance of the skin, but it can also lead to acne.

    The skin on the growing tummy stretches, and grooves of different colors appear on it - they are called stretch marks. The degree of their severity depends on how quickly a woman gains weight, as well as on the innate elasticity of the skin.

    The amount of melanin pigment in the skin increases, because of this, dark spots appear on the face, especially if the expectant mother spends a lot of time in the sun. The nipples also darken and increase in size. Small tubercles become more visible on them - these are Montgomery's glands, they are needed in order to protect the mammary glands from infection.

    Many women are surprised to find that their feet have grown in size and no longer fit in shoes. This is the result of softening of the ligaments and joints, combined with increased stress on the legs due to weight gain. Edema also contributes. The foot can add 1-2 sizes, but do not worry - after childbirth it will return to normal.

    What research should be done at 22 weeks pregnant?

    If you have not yet undergone a second planned ultrasound, at 22 weeks pregnant is the time to do it. The child is already formed, looks like a full-fledged person, you can see his face, determine the gender. At week 22, the doctor will schedule another visit for you, during which he will assess your well-being, the course of pregnancy, and, if necessary, prescribe additional studies and tests.

    At 22 weeks pregnant, mom and baby are already a little more than half way through. A strong connection with the child has been established: he feels all the emotional changes of his mother. The body of the baby is becoming more and more perfect.
    The interesting position of a woman in this period is already making itself felt. It can be hard to stand for a long time, to do monotonous work. During this period, it is important to take care of yourself, eat right and think only in a positive way.

    The main quality of the expectant mother, which will be useful to her for 22 weeks, is discipline. It's time to stop cross-legging, because every action from now on ensures the comfort of two people. Sleep should take place on the right side.

    If there are any important serious things left, then they need to be done now. In the third trimester, this will no longer be possible. You should walk more, go to the cinema and to exhibitions, go to nature. As long as the belly is not very large, there is the possibility of ease of movement, and it must be used.

    Already from 22 weeks, many begin to wear a bandage to ease the load on the back. You can sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women: it will keep the body in good shape and strengthen the immune system.

    Feelings at 22 weeks pregnant

    Fat women already at this time will acutely feel sluggishness. Slender ladies will notice that they have lost their grace and it becomes quite difficult to perform the usual physical activity. Many begin late toxicosis, edema appears. Shoes can become tight, often numb at the waist and fingers. It is necessary during this period to remove the rings that were worn before pregnancy, otherwise they will unpleasantly cut into the skin.

    Vaginal discharge - homogeneous and light gray (yellowish) - is considered the norm. There should not be many of them, and if the discharge has changed its consistency, an unpleasant odor has appeared, you should immediately go to the doctor. Until now, the threat of premature birth has not gone away, so a woman should constantly listen to her condition.

    Changes in the mother's body at 22 weeks pregnant

    The upper edge of the uterus at the 22nd week of pregnancy is two centimeters above the navel. This means that the belly is not yet big enough, but is constantly growing. Already during this period, many women note a shift in the center of gravity. Often there are problems such as heartburn. The expectant mother, in order to avoid trouble from the gastrointestinal tract, should eat often, but in smaller portions.

    Important! A woman should make sure that she has an established communication schedule with her child. Since the baby becomes extremely sensitive from the 22nd week, constant communication is very important. It is necessary to talk with the baby several times a day for a couple of minutes, rubbing the tummy.

    Baby at 22 weeks: internal and external development

    The baby is poking her mother's belly from the inside more and more actively. The movements of the child become obvious and distinct. While the baby is still small enough to move in the uterus from wall to wall, pushing with arms and legs. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby begins to react to a loud sound or too bright lighting. He will inform his mother about the inconveniences with active pushes.

    Important! Too frequent movements may indicate that the child does not have enough oxygen. If there is no movement at the 22nd week, you should consult a doctor.

    The weight of the baby is 420-599 grams, and the body length is 27.5 cm. Such development, in case of premature birth, makes it possible for the fetus to survive. But organs and systems continue to actively form:

    • Brain growth slows down, but sweat glands and tactile sensations begin to develop intensively. The kid is interested in touching himself and everything around, he often sucks his finger, grabs with his hands what he can reach;
    • Often in the morning the child lies with his booty down, and turns over at night;
    • The baby still sleeps most of the time: about 22 hours a day. The few waking hours are at night;
    • The eyes have already opened and react to light. If you direct a strong light source on the stomach, the child will turn to the light source;
    • At 22 weeks, nerve connections are established because the neurons in the brain are already fully formed.

    What's new?

    There are many changes in the state of mother and child during this period of pregnancy. For example, a child's lips and teeth are actively forming. The belly of a woman at the described period is already noticeable, but you can still perform normal daily work. Already during this period, the navel is gradually squeezed forward: it will remain so until the moment of childbirth. But within the first three days after giving birth, the navel will return to its normal state.

    Weight gain at 22 weeks pregnant

    The appetite of the expectant mother at this time is increased and there is a high probability of gaining excess weight before childbirth. The weight gained during this period should be 8 kg higher than the initial weight of the woman before childbirth. After this period, the weight should increase by 300-500 grams every week.

    Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 22 weeks

    Significant weight gain is the main symptom of this period of pregnancy. Attacks of increased anxiety and late toxicosis often cause hormonal changes. The child should already respond to external sounds and move actively. You can try to establish an emotional connection with the baby.

    All signs of pregnancy at the 22nd week are well tolerated, because blood circulation is increased, and hormones give a special radiance to the woman's complexion. Sometimes acne appears on the face, but by the time of birth they should disappear.

    Other typical signs and symptoms of bearing a baby are weakening by the described period. The first signs of pregnancy are completely softened and gradually disappear. Heartburn and stomach problems are possible, but this condition can be avoided with the help of proper nutrition.

    The main signs of pregnancy at 22 weeks:

    1. Increased sensitivity of the skin around the nipples. A heating pad applied to the chest (or ice packs) will help to cope with the symptom;
    2. Backache. Walking, yoga for pregnant women will help to cope with it;
    3. Frequent urination is a symptom that nothing can be done about, only come to terms with. You can drink less liquid before bed so that you do not often wake up to the toilet;
    4. If constipation occurs or hemorrhoids bother you, then you need to increase the amount of fiber entering the body;
    5. Cramps in the legs. Frequent muscle relaxation will help get rid of the condition. You can do stretching (but do not be zealous with physical activity).

    What happens to the stomach at 22 weeks pregnant

    The uterus rises: its top is two centimeters above the navel. Therefore, the stomach is already noticeable, and the navel itself protrudes forward. Abdominal pain during this period is a bad sign. If there is the slightest feeling that the stomach is pulling, you should immediately consult a doctor. Of course, pulling sensations can cause poor digestion, but often they are evidence of increased uterine tone.

    At the 22nd week, a woman already has harmless training contractions (Brexton-Higgins contractions). They are manifested by a slight contraction of the uterus, but without pain. If training contractions become regular and are accompanied by pain, you need to call an ambulance. It is possible that premature birth has begun.


    The growth of the belly is due to the constant enlargement of the uterus. After all, the child continues to grow and develop. The uterus during this period already rests against the diaphragm and this sometimes leads to difficult inhalation-exhalation. Also, the uterus presses on the stomach and intestines, which causes digestive problems and constipation.

    It should also be noted here that the first training contractions appear, which should not be accompanied by pain. These contractions help the uterus prepare for the upcoming birth. During the day, there should not be more than 15 training bouts, if they become regular, you should immediately go to the doctor.


    Pain from the lumbar region takes a leading position during the 22nd week of pregnancy. All due to the fact that with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity has shifted and heavy loads fall on the lower back. Back pain cannot be avoided, but it can be reduced by:

    • Unload the spine during the day, allowing yourself to rest in a horizontal position;
    • Wear a special bandage to support the back and abdomen;
    • Do gymnastics for pregnant women, do exercises for the back.

    A symptom of increased uterine tone will be regular lower back pain, which is felt simultaneously with abdominal pain. In addition to back pain, pregnant women get tired of their legs during this period, and a feeling of heaviness and burning may appear in the evening.

    At the 22nd week, hemorrhoids often make themselves felt, which is accompanied by painful sensations. Hemorrhoids are a fairly common occurrence among pregnant women. It leads to a deterioration in the peristalsis of the intestine squeezed by the uterus. There is an outflow of blood in the pelvic area. To alleviate the condition, you need to eat right, eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. After consulting with your doctor, you can try using various rectal suppositories.

    Discharge at 22 weeks pregnant

    The described period of bearing a baby is not distinguished by a change in secretions, their color, consistency or smell. They should be moderate, light or light gray. There may be a slight sour smell. If the discharge has changed color and smell, then you should immediately go to the doctor. This indicates the presence of a sexual infection, which must be promptly treated.

    Bloody discharge requires the fastest possible response. Bloody discharge signal the onset of labor, placental abruption. If water discharge appears, you should also quickly consult a doctor, because amniotic fluid may be leaking.

    Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

    Be sure to visit a gynecologist during this period. The doctor measures pressure, height and weight, measures the volume of the abdomen. The specialist can already analyze the level of the uterus, listen to the baby's heartbeat. Additionally, I need to donate blood and I can do an ultrasound.

    At the 22nd week, the second planned ultrasound is done. The doctor determines whether the child has defects, examines the degree of development of internal organs. The overall proportions of the body are assessed. The doctor also analyzes the amount and transparency of the amniotic fluid, the condition of the umbilical cord, and the placenta.


    During the described period, intimacy is not only not excluded, but even recommended by doctors. Of course, if there are no contraindications. Physical intimacy won't hurt the baby because he's already well protected by the membranes and amniotic fluid.

    During this period of bearing a baby, a woman experiences increased sensitivity and often constantly wants sex. All due to increased blood flow and rush of blood to the genital area.


    Since the likelihood of weight gain is high, because the expectant mother's appetite is increased, it is important to monitor your diet. This is important in order to stimulate proper digestion and avoid constipation and hemorrhoids. It is important to bathe a lot of foods that contain iron: meat, apples, dried fruits, soy cheese. Eat small meals up to six times a day. To avoid swelling, you should drink less.

    Strong tea, coffee and cocoa, carbonated drinks should be completely excluded from the diet. You should drink more kefir and eat dairy products. Include more fish in the diet, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. The total number of calories per day should be 3000.

    What to do this week

    Often in the 22nd week, the body does not have enough iron. Therefore, it is important not only to eat the appropriate foods, but also to drink vitamins (as agreed with the doctor). Vitamins will also help strengthen the immune system.

    Dangers and Complications

    Repeated toxicosis is the main danger of this period. It occurs not because of hormones, but because of the exacerbation of possible endocrine or cardiovascular diseases.

    Toxicosis at week 22 is not only unpleasant, it can be dangerous. It is best to treat him in a hospital. Sometimes anemia occurs during this period (due to lack of iron).

    • To prevent iron deficiency, you need to consult a doctor about how to eat right and what medications to take;
    • You should carefully monitor your condition, especially in the kidney area. If there is the slightest suspicion of well-being, do not postpone a visit to the doctor;
    • Rest, prevention of varicose veins and proper nutrition will help you feel good.

    The emotional connection between mother and child at the 22nd week has already gained full strength. Now the mother can feel the baby not only on the physical, but also on the emotional level. To facilitate the course of pregnancy, it is important to monitor nutrition and think in a positive way.

    22 weeks pregnant - at this time, many women find it difficult to climb stairs. It's time to learn to sleep on your left side and stop sitting cross-legged. The fetus grows up to 19 cm and weighs about 350 g. It develops nasal cartilage and improves sweat glands.

    Weeks and months

    How many months will "fit" in 22 weeks of pregnancy? Lunar - five and a half. Of course, if you count the obstetric weeks. And if you count from conception, then your period is two weeks longer. Get information about timing and counting methods from .

    Physical sensations of the expectant mother

    You see your belly every day and hardly notice how it grows. Now your uterus has grown so much that its bottom is located about two centimeters above the navel. Sometimes the stomach pulls a little, the lower back aches a little. These sensations do not bring pain or serious discomfort.

    In the absence of complications, you feel great. If you have a good rest, and at work you are protected from stress, then severe fatigue and headaches are rare. Mild nasal congestion is a common occurrence for many.

    However, you must have already noticed something. Any stairs you have to climb seem way too high. Where there are no elevators, you have to climb slowly and rest often. This is the normal state. First, your weight has increased. It is now harder for the heart, lungs and muscles to do their job. Secondly, with slow movements, there is much less danger of tripping, losing balance and falling.

    If you're expecting twins, a large fetus, or a curvaceous woman, you may already find it difficult to bend over to zip up your shoes.

    Unfortunately, it is worth a little lack of sleep, retreat from the diet or get nervous, you may experience:

    • heartburn and/or constipation;
    • convulsions;
    • migraine-like pain in the head (with intolerance to bright lights and loud noises).

    Try not to break your diet and avoid heavy physical and emotional stress.

    You are the most beautiful

    Sometimes pregnant women literally refuse to look in the mirror. Why is this happening:

    • the waist loses its clarity, the figure seems to blur;
    • the heavy chest sticks out unusually, and without support it strives to hang;
    • age spots appeared on the face;
    • the contours of the face have lost their clarity;
    • legs and arms constantly swell, rings on the fingers cut into the skin.

    What to do if everything is so? Watch your weight - if it is normal, then there will be no catastrophic changes in appearance and figure. Fight swelling (read the recommendations below). Stop paying attention to age spots, they will quickly disappear after childbirth. Remember: your beauty begins with your attitude towards yourself.

    And in most pregnant women, the hair becomes thicker and more magnificent in appearance. This is how pregnancy hormones work - hair is less combed out and falls out.

    Photo of the tummies at the twenty-second week:


    Colostrum is still secreted from the breast. Droplets appear unevenly - sometimes less, sometimes quite a lot. It does not affect milk production after the baby is born. The main thing - do not express colostrum, it can cause uterine contractions.

    Vaginal secretion should be sparse. The consistency is homogeneous, without curdled lumps. The color of the discharge may be white or yellowish. Normal - no sharp, unpleasant odor.

    If the discharge has become bright yellow, greenish, too abundant, this may be a sign of an inflammatory or infectious process. Bloody, brown discharge indicates a threatened miscarriage. In addition, leakage of amniotic fluid is possible. In this case, your underwear will constantly feel wet. In case of abnormal discharge, contact your doctor immediately!

    If something hurts

    Now it is very important to recognize the place, strength and nature of the pain. With some sensations you can handle yourself, with others you definitely need a doctor. So what hurts and what to do:

    1. The back is in the upper part, the ribs - most likely, you have been in one position for a long time. Change your posture, walk around, warm up if possible.
    2. Legs - you seem to have walked a long distance.
    3. Teeth, and as if all at once on one or both sides - this sometimes happens after hypothermia or with a strong cold wind. Keep your feet warm - for example, wear suitable socks, cover up. You can rinse your mouth with warm water.
    4. Head. Massage your temples, lie down in silence and darkness. If you have a cooling patch, stick the strip on your forehead.
    5. Throat. This is already a sign of a cold. Before a visit to the therapist, rinsing with calendula or furatsilin will help.
    6. Perineum when urinating. It could be cystitis, tell the doctor.
    7. Belly and loin. Your baby may be in danger. A miscarriage can happen at any time. At the 22nd week, the fetus is not yet considered viable, so be careful.

    It is important to remember that any medication during pregnancy must be prescribed by a doctor. Even if your pregnant friend was taking some kind of drug, this does not mean that the drug is suitable for you.

    But training fights should not be afraid. In this state, the surface of the abdomen seems to tighten by itself. And then everything passes. If this sensation is painless, everything is in order.

    How the fetus develops

    The fetus grows up to 19 cm and weighs about 350 g

    At the 22nd week, the fetus sleeps most of the day. But even in a dream, he moves his arms and legs, touches the umbilical cord and, in general, everything he can reach. The position of the fetus in the uterus changes several times a day, but you don’t feel it at all, unless the baby makes a sharp, strong push when moving.

    Still not feeling any movement? It happens. Perhaps this is due to your overall fullness or the small size of the fetus. If the doctor's studies show that everything is fine with your baby, do not worry and wait.

    And this is what the fruit looks like:

    Fetal development:

    • fully formed nails begin to grow;
    • sweat glands are improved;
    • the number of neural connections increases;
    • a cartilaginous septum forms in a tiny nose;
    • bone mineralization continues;
    • all vertebrae and intervertebral discs are fully developed in the spine;
    • the pancreas is completely ready for work;
    • the baby's eyes already have an iris, but it does not yet have pigment (which is why the eyes of newborns change their color).

    Medical observations

    If you haven't had an ultrasound yet, your doctor will probably write a referral. During the study, the doctor will check the physical parameters of the fetus, check the amount of amniotic fluid with the normative indicators, and check the condition of the placenta.

    Go to the antenatal clinic according to the schedule prescribed by the gynecologist. Depending on your condition, your urine and blood tests may be needed. For example, to check for the presence/absence of anemia. With anemia, the doctor will prescribe iron supplements.

    You need to visit the doctor regularly also because in some cases, even for such a relatively short period of time, the cervix may begin to open. This is dangerous for the fetus and requires urgent action. But only a doctor can determine such a condition before possible dangerous consequences upon examination.

    Ultrasound photo at 22 weeks

    1. Stick to the basic diet for pregnant women: vegetables + fruits, cereals and grain bread, use the whole variety of dairy products.
    2. All food for yourself is steamed, baked, stewed or boiled. It’s good if the rest of your household also switches to a similar diet - this is good for health and will reduce culinary chores.
    3. If you are anemic, drink pomegranate juice or eat pomegranates.
    4. Talk to the baby and let your family do it, especially the baby's father and older brothers / sisters, if any. Don't know how to do it? Say, “Good morning baby, I'm your mom. I just woke up, and you? I had a good dream." When the baby is born, the habit of talking to him will be very useful.
    5. Do pimples often appear on the skin? You will have to limit sweets, even natural ones.
    6. Stop wearing rings and rings. Even if you have not had edema so far, they may appear suddenly. In this case, the jewelry can literally crash into the finger and cause pain.
    7. To prevent swelling, never drink a lot of liquid at once.
    8. If edema appears constantly and is combined with high blood pressure, you may have late toxicosis (details here).
    9. Wear a prenatal band to support your abdomen.
    10. Make a to-do list. Perhaps you need to travel somewhere, complete documents, make payments that are not available online. In the third trimester, it will be harder for you to visit institutions and sit in lines, and after giving birth, it may not be available at all. Interested in a movie, play or museum exhibit? Have a good look.
    11. If you like to sit with your legs crossed, immediately unlearn this habit. In this position, you impede the circulation of the legs and some internal organs.
    12. Get into the habit of sleeping on your left side only. Place small pillows between the knees, under the back and under the tummy.
    13. Walk every day, always among the trees (park, grove, square). Don't walk for a long time.
    14. Try not to stay in one position for a long time when you are awake. Now many muscles can very quickly become numb. This causes discomfort and even pain.
    15. If hairs have begun to grow on your body where they were not there before, be patient and do not shave, as this can only increase the growth of unwanted hair and their density.
    16. Do not be alarmed if you feel an increased sexual desire. Periodic hormonal surges may well suit you with such a surprise. Cautious behavior and a comfortable position will give you and your partner a lot of vivid sensations without any harm. But with oligohydramnios, the threat of miscarriage, low placenta, twin pregnancy or more, sex is contraindicated.
    17. If you have flat feet, it is advisable to buy and use orthopedic insoles in your shoes - this way your legs will be less tired.
    18. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts, feelings and sensations. Such records may be useful later - to you, your girlfriends or relatives.
    19. If you have a vacation, do not go far, do not change the climate dramatically.

    Video guide: 22 weeks of gestation fetal development, what happens, fetal growth retardation syndrome

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