Statements about the beginning of the school year. Quotes about studying


According to the established tradition, at the beginning of the school year, schoolchildren have everything they need to study, and by the end of the year, only a gnawed pen and a piece of paper torn from a neighbor remain.

Cheerful student life: from session to session and there is no peace of the liver. And there's still a whole summer ahead of us. Hold on, buddy!

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At the end of the school year on September 1st, parents approach the anxious first-grader and answer the question “What are you thinking about?”, answers: “P ** u, after all, x ** m is called, but we didn’t know ...”

New school year, what does it bring with it? Excellent students - fives, hooligans - deuces, debts, damaged sheets. Pens, briefcases, flowers. Primer, a quarter in harsh December. My school is September 1st!

I only like September 1st, because everyone comes tanned, beautiful, communicates, shares new impressions, but the next day comes and everything infuriates, because you need to study.

All first-graders are smart, serious. Only one parent is dragged by the scruff of the neck, and he yells: “For what? Why am I eleven years old?!”

After the start of the school year, this school infuriates, stupid classmates, teachers, and at the graduation, tears flow like a river and you think that you can’t return more time.

Why should a student lose hope before the professor loses his temper

Today is the day of knowledge .. And I have August 32. I lie in bed and get sick. And I really want to go to school!

That's how it always is! Every first of September you say to yourself: Well, that's it, this year I will study anyway!

No one ever knows how the Day of Knowledge will end.

Schoolchildren and students know that it can be worse than Freddy Krueger - this is the night from August 31 to September 1!

Mom, to us at school, today a girl ran into the men's toilet. - I hope you drove her away? - Yeah, they drove away, some guys even a couple of times

My birthday is September 1st… so I was the “New Year’s gift” of one of the parents…

The closer summer is to September, the less strength there is to wake up ...

With the start of torment!

Days are counted before exams, scholarships are counted after exams, and students are counted in the spring.

I don’t understand schoolchildren, everyone seems to be waiting with horror for September 1, wishing that it didn’t start longer, but in the end everyone goes to celebrate it with joy ...

On September 1, a student of grade 11 writes in a blog - “Damn, another whole 9 months of torment!”. in response to a friend - “Are you pregnant”))

Hurry up on September 1, but what about you, you’re not studying anymore, well, at least it won’t be so insulting to work

How many schools, so many scholarly opinions!

September first? No, I haven't heard.

Conscience is wealth! Students are poor people...

I want to come to school on September 1, show new clothes, look at others and go back home

September 1 - friends - classmates with whom you have not seen the whole summer, teachers, school life - it's wonderful!

By September, by September, I give flowers to friends. One bouquet, two bouquets. There are gifts, flower beds - no!

If the summer continues at the same pace, I won't live to see the first of September.

Pray, teacher, for the day will come, and your kingdom will perish, and you will be rewarded for our torment ... Gospel from the Student, verse five.

Bouquets of flowers, white bows, balloons, a ruler, congratulations, a school bell-holiday on September 1 - and I like it!

My birthday is September 1st… so that means I was a “New Year’s gift” from one of my parents…)

If the summer continues at the same pace, I won't live to see the first of September.

Everyone knows this feeling very well: URAA - June 1st. It's already July 1st. Damn - August 1st. Piz.ets - September 1.

school has begun - hellish collider launched nah

The current school certificate certifies only that its owner had the ability to withstand so many years of schooling.

Today is the day of knowledge .. And I have August 32. I lie in bed and get sick (And I really want to go to school!

On September 1st, only one thing pleases me, that I have already unlearned, but otherwise, even nature is in mourning - it is raining in our city ...

Schoolchildren and students know that life can be worse than Freddy Krueger - this is the night from August 31 to September 1!

Damn, when they brought me to the first grade on September 1 ... no one warned me how long it would all take ...

The first of September smells of paint and new notebooks.

After September 1, the brains began to boil, after the New Year, the head ached, and only after Valentine's Day - the heart ...

Did you know that on August 31, it is impossible to sign up for a manicure in any beauty salon. All the time before September 1st… reserved by schoolgirls!

I'm so curious how you'll react when you see me on *September 1st*)

Newton's 5th law: Beer drunk in the morning by lunch comes to an end.

The first of September, the first lesson, the first 10 minutes passed ... And then I said to the whole class: “IS SUMMER SOON?”

On the first of September, the children went to school ... no one could cut it off.

From the first of September we will again hate Mondays and love Fridays...

1 September is the day of knowledge! And this year, on the first of September, I only want to know if you love me ...

  • Live and learn!
  • In enlightenment alone we shall find the salutary antidote for all the calamities of mankind! Karamzin N. M.
  • You can't stop learning. Xun Tzu
  • Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three. Confucius
  • Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings. Confucius
  • Two people worked fruitlessly and tried in vain: the one who accumulated wealth and did not use it, and the one who studied the sciences, but did not apply them. Saadi
  • Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up. Aristippus
  • If you give a man a fish, you feed him only once. If you teach him how to fish, he can always feed himself. (Eastern wisdom)
  • Whoever wants to teach someone who has a high opinion of his mind is wasting his time. Democritus
  • Life in ignorance is not life. He who lives in ignorance only breathes. Knowledge and life are inseparable. Feuchtwanger L.
  • Life teaches only those who study it. Klyuchevsky V.
  • Whoever has not learned in his youth, old age is boring. Catherine the Great
  • Who knows how - does, who does not know how - teaches. Show B.
  • Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike. Suvorov A.V.
  • It is better to know the truth halfway, but on your own, than to know it entirely, but learn from other people's words and learn like a parrot. Rollan R.
  • There is as much difference between an educated person and an uneducated person as there is between a living person and a dead person. Aristotle
  • You have to learn a lot to know even a little. Montesquieu
  • You can only learn what you love. Goethe I.
  • There is no faster way to mastering knowledge than sincere love for a wise teacher. Xun Tzu
  • There is no need to prove that education is the greatest blessing for a person. Without education, people are rude and poor and unhappy. Chernyshevsky N. G.
  • Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood: it is better to learn late than never. Aesop
  • Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless they are learned. Democritus
  • Education is the face of the mind. Kay Kavu
  • Education gives dignity to a person, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery. Didro D.
  • To educate the people means to make them better; to educate the people means to raise their morality; to make it literate is to civilize it. Hugo W.
  • The most important thing is to teach a person to think. Brecht B
  • The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. Emerson W.
  • A strong desire to learn something is already 50% of success. Dale Carnegie
  • Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and maybe I will remember, involve me - and then I will comprehend. Confucius
  • No matter how long you live, you should study all your life. Seneca
  • The old world perishes with those who are not ready to know the new.
  • He who cannot instruct his household for good cannot learn for himself. Confucius
  • One who tends to contradict and talk a lot is incapable of learning what is needed. Democritus
  • Teaching is only light, according to a popular proverb - it is also freedom. Nothing frees a person like knowledge. Turgenev I. S.
  • Teaching adorns a person in happiness, but serves as a refuge in misfortune. Suvorov A.V.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. The work of the master is afraid, and if the peasant does not know how to own a plow, bread will not be born. Suvorov A.V.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Suvorov A.V.
  • The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Leonardo da Vinci
  • Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Otto von Bismarck
  • Study as if you are constantly feeling the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge. Confucius
  • Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. Gorky M.
  • A child learns from a wise father from the cradle. Whoever thinks wrong is a fool, he is an enemy to the child and himself! Brant S.
  • Teaching reason and being reasonable are two very different things. Lichtenberg G.
  • To study and, when the time comes, to apply what has been learned to business - isn't it wonderful! Confucius
  • You have to study all your life, until the last breath! Xun Tzu
  • It's never too late to learn. Quintilian
  • The human mind is educated by learning and thinking. Cicero
  • Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself. Petronius
  • Whatever you teach, be brief. Horace
  • Reading is the best teaching! Pushkin A. S.
  • It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself. Michel Montaigne
  • The school of misfortune is the best school. Belinsky V. G.
  • I'm always ready to learn, but I don't always like being taught. Winston Churchill
  • I can't teach anyone anything, I can only make them think. Socrates

Tags for quotes about study: Learning, Learning, Education, Learning, Cognition, Teaching, Study, Study, Teaching, Teaching, School

Wise thoughts of great people about the need for knowledge, about the value of knowledge.

Nice finished work.

Homer, ancient Greek poet

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

Aesop, ancient Greek fabulist

The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.

How can students succeed? - To catch up with those who are in front, and not wait for those who are behind.

Teaching in youth is stone carving, in old age drawing in the sand.

Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher

The most shameful ignorance is to imagine that you know what you do not know.

Plato, ancient Greek philosopher

Exercise yourself with labors that you voluntarily impose on yourself, so that later you will be able to endure the involuntary.

Socrates, ancient Greek philosopher

Any kind of work is more pleasant than rest.

The beautiful is comprehended through study and great efforts, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty.

Do not strive to know everything, so as not to be ignorant in everything.

Democritus, ancient Greek philosopher

Hiding ignorance is preferable to revealing it publicly.

Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher

Dull and incapable of learning minds are as unnatural as are monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rarely seen.

Quintilian, ancient Roman theorist of oratory

There is no shame in work: idleness is shameful.

Hesiod, ancient Greek poet

While young forces allow - work; you will not notice how hunched old age silently approaches.

Ovid, ancient Roman poet

Nothing in life comes without hard work.

Horace, ancient Roman poet

Work is necessary for health.

Hippocrates, ancient Greek physician

What is not clear should be clarified. That which is difficult to do must be done with great perseverance.

If a teacher doesn't live the way he teaches, leave him - he is a false teacher. If the teaching does not bring you fruit from the very first steps, give it up - this is a false teaching. Even the most true teaching, practiced without proper effort and diligence, can be more dangerous than false.

Smart people study in order to learn; worthless - in order to be recognized.

It is extremely important that children learn to work from childhood.

I. Kant, German philosopher

Learning without meditation is useless, but thinking without learning is dangerous.

Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker

If you only know, but do not act, then this is tantamount to ignorance.

Zhu Xi, Chinese philosopher and historian

If the work is worthily completed, it will exalt and glorify you.

Ferdowsi, Persian and Tajik poet

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.

Saadi, Persian writer and thinker

Everyone should take on his shoulders the work that is commensurate with his strength, because if the severity of it turns out to be accidentally excessive, then he may involuntarily fall into the mud.

A. Dante, Italian poet

The only joy in life is learning.

F. Petrarch, Italian poet

There is no job that can bore me.

Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, sculptor and scientist

It is not easy to set limits to our mind: it is inquisitive, greedy, and as little inclined to stop after walking a thousand steps as after walking fifty.

Ignorance is of two kinds: one, illiterate, precedes science; another, swaggering, follows her.

M. de Montaigne, French philosopher

There are hardly any so stupid and stupid people who would not be able either to absorb good opinions, or to rise to higher knowledge, if only they were guided in the right way.

R. Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician

Grammar commands even kings.

J.-B. Molière, French playwright

Skill must necessarily be associated with knowledge... It is a sad phenomenon when a student's head is filled with more or less knowledge, but he has not learned how to apply it, so we have to say about him that although he knows something, he can't do anything.

It is more useful to look at the same subject from ten different angles than to teach ten different subjects from one angle.

A. F. Disterweg, German teacher

The teacher must constantly take care that the children are not overloaded with classes.

F. Melanchthon, German theologian and teacher

There is only one immortal force that survives dynasties, dogmas, classes, and that is the force of creative labor.

J. Jaures, French public figure

There is nothing more useless than those cases when, because of the moralizing of mentors, children begin to hate classes before they can understand that they should love them.

E. Rotterdam, Dutch humanist

The more confidence in the students, the better their behavior.

G. Spencer, English philosopher and sociologist

Every day in which you have not replenished your education with at least a small but new piece of knowledge for you ... consider it fruitlessly and irretrievably lost for yourself.

K. Stanislavsky, Russian director, actor and teacher

An irritated teacher cannot educate anyone.

A. Popov, Russian actor and director

Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.

A. Einstein, German theoretical physicist

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.

A. Lunacharsky, Russian literary critic and publicist

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy.

R. Emerson, American poet and philosopher

Most people have never been taught how to see with another's eyes, hear with their ears, and feel with their heart.

A. Adler, Austrian psychologist

Learn, because in the vicissitudes of life only knowledge will always remain with you.

Nasir Khosrov, Tajik and Persian poet

Good systematization is required in order not to get hopelessly lost in the labyrinth of scholarship.

G. L. F. Helmholtz, German scientist

Learning and living are one and the same.

N. Pirogov, Russian surgeon, teacher and public figure

An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person - he is always pleased with himself.

Napoleon Bonaparte, French commander

Only those who know more than those who want to be taught can teach.

N. Ostrovsky, Russian writer

A teacher who does not learn anything from his students has chosen the wrong profession.

X. Wolf, Danish writer

The educator himself must be what he wants to make the pupil.

V. Dal, Russian writer and ethnographer

People learn when they teach.

The path of teachings is long, the path of examples is short and successful.

Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher

In the study of science, examples are more useful than rules.

I. Newton, English physicist

The child, like any person in general, is disgusted and unbearable that work in which he does not see any purpose.

Semi-education combines all the vices of barbarism and civilization.

D. Pisarev, Russian literary critic and publicist

Re-reading books already read is the surest touchstone of learning.

X. F. Goebbel, German playwright

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete.

K. Simonov, Russian writer

When the teacher marks the student, the student also marks the teacher.

D. Granin, Russian writer

Examinations are when a fool asks questions that even a wise man cannot answer.

The thirst for knowledge is the fruit of long years of study.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.

O. Wilde, English writer

Any real education is obtained only through self-education.

N. Rubakin, Russian writer and bibliologist

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J.-J. Danton

Every school is glorious not by the number, but by the glory of its students. N. Pirogov

The goal of the school should always be the education of a harmonious personality, and not a specialist. A. Einstein

The school is a workshop where the thought of the younger generation is formed, you must hold it firmly in your hands if you do not want to let go of the future. A. Barbus

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there for the rest of their lives. That's where the scientists come from. H. Steinhaus

Three things are needed to educate a people: schools, schools, and schools. L. Tolstoy.

Quotes about studying

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students. Talmud

September 1 is a personal April 12 for every first grader, a start into the outer space of knowledge. I. Krasnovsky

There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. Such people are usually hated in schools and almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are properly educated.

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

Teaching is only light, according to a popular proverb - it is also freedom. Nothing frees a person like knowledge... I. Turgenev.

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it. T. Fuller

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life. Seneca

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself. Petronius

Aphorisms about school and study

Century live - study forever! And you will finally reach the point where, like a wise man, you will have the right to say that you know nothing. K. Prutkov

You have to learn a lot to know even a little. Montesquieu

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. L.YesVinci

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. M. Gorky

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there for the rest of their lives. Scientists come out of them. G. Steinhaus

Book and school - what is deeper? P. Tychina

The most important phenomenon in the school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education. A. Diesterweg

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J. Danton

The school gives knowledge only to those who agree to take it. . S. Skotnikov

Funny quotes about studying

The house is never as clean as before the arrival of mom from the parent-teacher meeting.

So far, no one has died from knowledge, but it's not worth the risk.

Smart thoughts haunt me all the time, but I'm faster.

Punishment in elementary school - sit on the last desk, and in the senior - to the first.

Are you still young and want to change your life? Go to school! There are changes every 45 minutes!

We present to your attention a selection of the best aphorisms and quotes about education. There are both modern quotes and classic ones. Everyone will find interesting aphorisms for themselves that will direct them to the right thoughts and actions.

Part 1: quotes about education

Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn.
Leonardo da Vinci

We study, alas, for school, not for life.

Education is what remains after everything that has been taught is forgotten.
A. Einstein

A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others to improve.
Dickens Ch.

We must believe in what we teach our children.
Woodrow Wilson

Only the wisest and the most stupid are unteachable.

You can only learn what you love.
Goethe I.

I never let my schoolwork interfere with my education.
Mark Twain

Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood: it is better to learn late than never.

Part 2: quotes about education

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students as to their mind, to achieve understanding, and not mere memorization.
Fedor Ivanovich Yankovich de Marievo

A child educated only in an educational institution is an uneducated child.
George Santayana

In order to educate others, we must first educate ourselves.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom they learn.
Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered better.
Rabbi Nachman

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.
V. Klyuchevsky

The mark of a good education is to speak of the highest subjects in the simplest terms.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some go to university to learn how to think, but most go to learn what the professors think.

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself
Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov

Part 3: quotes about education

People are a thousand times more concerned about acquiring wealth than about educating the mind and soul, although what is in a person is undoubtedly more important for our happiness than what is in a person.
A. Schopenhauer

The great goal of education is not only knowledge, but above all action.
N.I. Myron

Education cannot be the goal itself.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. It is impossible to educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge acts educationally.
L.N. Tolstoy

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.

You have to learn a lot to know even a little.

The student will never surpass the teacher if he sees in him a model, and not a rival.
Belinsky V. G.

In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Now they study in order to surprise others.

A person who reads nothing is more educated than one who reads nothing but newspapers.
T. Jefferson

School prepares us for life in a world that does not exist.
Albert Camus

Part 4: quotes about education

Teaching adorns a person in happiness, but serves as a refuge in misfortune.
Suvorov A.V.

Book learning is an ornament, not a foundation.
Michel Montaigne

Education gives dignity to a person, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery.
Didro D.

Learning without thinking is useless, but thinking without learning is dangerous.

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself.

Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three.

Nothing that is important to know can be taught - all a teacher can do is point out the paths.
Aldington R.

One who tends to contradict and talk a lot is incapable of learning what is needed.

The subjects taught to children must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashionableness, vanity will develop in them.
Kant I.

Education is the face of the mind.
Kay Kavus

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.

There is no need to prove that education is the greatest blessing for a person. Without education, people are rude and poor and unhappy.
Chernyshevsky N. G.

If you know any interesting aphorisms and quotes about education, then write in the comments.

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