Sayings of great people about the Russian language, their strength and relevance. L


This collection contains proverbs from textbooks and the ABC, which were compiled by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. The collection consists of two parts. The first contains short stories that reveal the meaning of common sayings. They are built on situations described by one or two sentences that eloquently explain the meaning of proverbs.
The second part of the collection is a list of sayings on various topics.

Know your cricket hearth

The boy took a scythe and decided to mow the grass. He cut off his leg and cried. Baba saw and said.

You don't have to mow. You just have to bring breakfast to your father. Know your cricket hearth.

Dog in the manger

The dog lay under the barn in the hay. The cow wanted a hay, she went under the barn, stuck her head in and just grabbed a tuft of hay - the dog growled and rushed at her. The cow walked away and said:

If only she ate, and then she does not eat herself, and does not give to others.

The cat knows whose meat it ate

A motherless girl went into the cellar and drank some milk. When the mother came, the girl looked down and did not look at her mother. And she said.

Mother, something the cat climbed into the cellar, I kicked her out. She wouldn't eat milk.

Mother said:

- The cat knows whose meat it ate.

As you look, so you see

The boy lay on the ground and looked at the tree from the side. He said:

The tree is crooked.

And the other boy said:

No, it's straight, but you look crooked. As you look, so you see.

If you believe in Altyn, they will not believe in the ruble

The merchant borrowed two hryvnias. He said:

I'll pay tomorrow.

Tomorrow came, he didn't pay. He wanted to borrow a hundred rubles, they didn't give him. If you believe in Altyn, they will not believe in the ruble.

Don't die twice

The house was on fire. And there was a baby in the house. Nobody could enter the house. The soldier came up and said:

I will go.

He was told to:

You will burn!

Soldier said:

- Do not die twice, but do not pass once.

Ran into the house and carried the baby!

Bread is mined with iron

The boy took the iron hook and threw it. The man said:

What are you good at?

The boy said:

What do I need iron for, I can't eat it.

And the man said:

- Bread is mined with iron.

Family porridge boils thicker

The boy lived in school, came home to the holiday. Sat down for porridge. The boy said:

What kind of thick porridge you have, the owner does not have such porridge.

And the mother said:

- Family porridge boils thicker.

And the bee flies to the red flower

The girl with her mother came to the ranks. And they began to choose ribbons. Mother asked:

What do you want?

Daughter said:

And the bee flies to the red flower.

The raven flew over the sea, did not become smarter

The barin went abroad. He came to his place and started planting rye with his hands. The men said:

- The raven flew over the sea, did not become smarter.

Ours spun, and yours slept

There were two men, Peter and Ivan, they mowed the meadows together. Peter the next morning came with his family and began to clean up his meadow. The day was hot and the grass was dry; in the evening it became hay. And Ivan did not go to clean, but sat at home. On the third day, Peter brought hay home, and Ivan was just about to row. By evening it started to rain. Peter had hay, and Ivan had all the grass withered away.

Ours spun, and yours slept.

A stupid bird is not nice to its home

The girl loved to play on the street, but when she comes to the house, she misses it. Mother asked:

Why are you bored?

It's boring at home.

Mother said:

- A stupid bird is not nice to its home.

They learn the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut

An old man lived with an old woman. It was quiet in their hut. They let the school into their house. The guys began to scream so much that the old people's ears hurt. They learn the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.

Playful father - self-interest to the wolf

Sheep walked under the forest; two lambs ran away from the herd. The old sheep said:

Do not be naughty, lambs, get into trouble.

And the wolf stood behind the bush and said:

Do not believe, lambs, the old sheep; she says so because her legs do not go from old age and she is envious. Why are you bored? Run more.

The lambs listened to the wolf and ran, but the wolf caught them and slaughtered them. Playful father - self-interest to the wolf.

A small drop, but a stone hammers

A man took to dig a ditch and dug all summer. Dug three miles. The owner came and said:

You dug a lot. A small drop, but a stone hammers.

Bulat iron and jelly cuts

There was one strong, angry dog. She gnawed on all dogs except two: she did not gnaw on a small puppy and a large wolfhound. Bulat iron and jelly cuts.

Not for that the wolf is beaten, that the

The wolf ate the sheep; The hunters caught the wolf and began to beat him. Wolf said:

In vain you beat me: it's not my fault that sir.

And the hunters said:

Not because the wolf is beaten that it is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

Chased an ax handle, missed an ax

A man saw a log floating on the river. He began to get it from the shore with an ax. The ax caught on a log and escaped from his hand. Chased an ax handle, missed an ax.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do

One student asked for a book; they gave him.

He said:


They gave him another.

He said:

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Good is not sought from good

The hare ran away from the dogs and went into the forest. He felt good in the forest, but he got a lot of fear and wanted to hide even better. He began to look for a quieter place, and climbed into a thicket in a ravine - and ran into a wolf. The wolf grabbed him. "It is clear," thought the hare, "that no need to look for good from good. I wanted to hide better and completely disappeared.

  1. Al color is sweet all over the world.
  2. No, there is no judgment.
  3. You can't eat without bones and fish.
  4. There would be cats, but there will be mice.
  5. No matter what finger you bite, it hurts.
  6. A sick wolf will become a sheep.
  7. It swelled like a rain bubble and became - nothing.
  8. What falls into the water is gone.
  9. The worm managed to eat a leaf for a lifetime.
  10. Try on ten times, cut once.
  11. Where there is a flower, there is honey.
  12. There will be no snow, there will be no trace.
  13. An unknown friend is not good for services.
  14. Look for a friend, and if you find - take care.
  15. Knowing the enemy, do not call to the feast.
  16. Short account, long friendship.
  17. An old friend is better than two new ones.
  18. Help your friend as much as you can.
  19. You go for a day, take bread for a week.
  20. Food - I won’t whistle, but I’ll run over - I won’t let go.
  21. To survive a century is not a field to cross.
  22. Blind puppy and he climbs to his mother.
  23. They carry water on the angry.
  24. The cricket is not big, but you can hear it screaming.
  25. The bee stings, it's a pity for honey.
  26. Feel sorry for the bag - do not make a friend.
  27. It is a pity for milk - not to see a cat.
  28. We know for ourselves - the sleigh is crooked.
  29. It fell from the cart - you won’t find it.
  30. And the moon shines when there is no sun.
  31. In the dark and rotten shines.
  32. No matter how you caress the wolf, he keeps looking towards the forest.
  33. Who would have known the woodpecker if he had not knocked his nose.
  34. A bird is red with a feather, a man with a mind.
  35. He feeds with a spoon, pricks his eyes with a stalk.
  36. A drop is small, but drop by drop is the sea.
  37. The end is the crown.
  38. Summer gathers, winter eats.
  39. The lion is scary, the monkey is funny.
  40. Don't wake up a sleepy lion.
  41. Well done to the sheep, and well done to the sheep himself.
  42. Wet rain is not terrible.
  43. Don't dig another hole, you yourself will fall.
  44. In a foreign land, and spring is not red.
  45. The same torment, but not the same pens.
  46. The guys and the hares have two teeth.
  47. Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.
  48. A mangy ram spoils the whole herd.
  49. Murder will out.
  50. White hand, black soul.
  51. Cat toys, mouse tears.
  52. The new broom sweeps clean.
  53. Guilt bows her head.
  54. Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.
  55. The eye sees far, but the mind sees even further.
  56. Near the honey bee.
  57. Once upon a time there was a fine fellow: he did not see fun at home, he went to a foreign land - he cried.
  58. A sheep is sheared, and the other wait for the same.
  59. I would eat a pie, but burn it in the oven.
  60. Wait for the pie - do not eat to sleep.
  61. She scratched the threshold, baked a cake.
  62. Don't look for mushrooms in the snow.
  63. There is no need for a castle in an empty hut.
  64. Drove straight, fell into a hole.
  65. Early the bird sang, as if the cat had not eaten.
  66. Cut down a strong tree, a rotten one will fall by itself.
  67. Birds of a feather flock together.
  68. You can't learn everything right away.
  69. Happiness without mind is a holey scrip.
  70. There is space in the steppe, land in the forest.
  71. The spoken word is silver, the unspoken is golden.
  72. Find with the smart, lose with the fool.
  73. With stupid to be associated, you yourself will become stupid.
  74. It's boring for Afonyushka to live on someone else's side.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  1. Don't be bored with work, but be bored with care.
  2. The work of man feeds.
  3. Difficult to swim against the water.
  4. It's hard to live alone in the world.
  5. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  6. Pour the same cabbage soup and thinner.
  7. Finely spin, long wait.
  8. A quiet cart will be on the mountain.
  9. Not work dries - care.
  10. About that cuckoo and cuckoo that she does not have a nest.
  11. It is not the sea that drowns, but the winds.
  12. They gave the woman a canvas, she says: thick; let the woman sweat, - he says: give me more!
  13. Know how to take, know how to give.
  14. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
  15. Lost the mane, don't hold on to the tail.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Tula province. He was the fourth child in a noble family. His father, Count Nikolai Ilyich, and mother, Maria Nikolaevna, died early. From his parents, Lev Nikolayevich inherited a kind character, a love of reading, children and nature. He spent his childhood on his mother's estate, Yasnaya Polyana.
The writer kept a diary throughout his life. There he wrote down everything that happened to him. Lev Nikolaevich studied oriental languages, jurisprudence, was interested in agriculture, studied music and painting. Participated in the Crimean War.

A proverb is a commonly used short figurative saying that reflects the life experience accumulated by the people and has an instructive meaning. The famous Russian writer and ethnographer Vladimir Ivanovich Dal wrote that proverbs are “a set of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, weeping and sobbing, joy and fun, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, the original article; this is the worldly truth of the people, a kind of lawsuit, not judged by anyone.

Russian riddles, proverbs and sayings are an invaluable cultural heritage of the people, a storehouse of their wisdom and experience. It is very important to acquaint young readers with Russian folklore, to introduce them to universal moral values. Telling children about the meaning and application of proverbs and sayings, we expand their horizons, educate them in interest in folk culture, everything that has been created by the Russian people for many centuries and passed down from generation to generation.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
The raven flew over the sea, did not become smarter
A stupid bird is not nice to its home
Don't die twice
Bread is mined with iron
The cat knows whose meat it ate
Know your cricket hearth
If you believe in Altyn, they will not believe in the ruble
Ours spun, and yours slept
A small drop, but a stone hammers
Not for that the wolf is beaten, that the
Good is not sought from good
Chased an ax - missed an ax
Family porridge boils thicker
Dog in the manger
Playful sheep - self-interest to the wolf

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  • Russian literature, grade 8, Andriyanova T.N., Filimonova E.R., 2018
  • Russian literature, grade 6, Rygalova L.S., Berdenova D.A., Erimbetova S.Zh., 2018
  • Russian Literature, Grade 7, Part 2, Petrovskaya L.K., Mushinskaya T.F., 2010
  • Russian Literature, Grade 7, Part 2, Zakharova S.N., Petrovskaya L.K., 2017

The following tutorials and books.

Language is the highest achievement of mankind. Thousands of years were needed to create a verbal way of communication, and with each new step it improved, turning into a language that is an integral part of our lives.

The importance of language for a person

It is impossible to imagine a society that is deprived of communication. Our whole life is built on it: the transfer of information, religion, culture, state, laws, and so on. If language disappeared, humanity would cease to be a society, and knowing that the social factor plays a big role in the formation of a person, one can even argue: a person would remain a person. History knows thousands of names of those who have risen among their own kind thanks to their work and achievements in one area or another. They, changing the world for the better, understood the importance of solidarity like no one else.

The statements of great people about the Russian language are still as relevant now as they were centuries ago, because they remind us again and again that the Russian language not only has a huge history, but is also considered one of the most melodic and at the same time complex in the world.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's words about the Russian language

A man with a capital letter, the one who gave the world such works as "Fathers and Sons", "First Love", "Mumu", Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev has repeatedly emphasized the power of the Russian language. Taking him as his main weapon, Turgenev defended his principles and through literature inspired the people to unwaveringly stand for common values. In June 1882, Ivan Sergeevich wrote words that are rightfully included in the top 5 statements about the Russian language of great people and, undoubtedly, fully reflects how much he admired him. They sound like this: “You are my only support, O great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!”. Being a person who treated the Russian language with great respect and love, he was against the use of "foreign" words and tried to spread these principles to the people. He protected what belongs to the Russian people, tried with all his might to protect these values, isolating them from the influence of other cultures. Ivan Sergeevich demonstrated admiration for the Russian language with his work. He was faithful to him, he served him and truly protected him.

Quotes and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - a name that every Slav knows, and which spread not only throughout Europe, but throughout the world, was proud of the Russian language and recognized it as the most valuable shrine of our people. He owned it exquisitely, sharply and so competently, which allowed him to bring into the world "Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter", "Ruslan and Lyudmila" and many other works, when reading which you are once again convinced of the talent of Alexander Sergeevich and the power of the Russian language . But, realizing that people themselves can disfigure beauty, he said: “Our beautiful language, under the pen of ignorant writers, is quickly approaching a fall.” For Pushkin, the language was the main weapon, which, if used correctly, ensured victory in any battle. But for the great connoisseurs of the language, listening and seeing how it lends itself to mangling is a real torture.

The sayings of great people about the Russian language are something that even in the darkest times feeds the strength of the people. Whether it be poetry or prose, these phrases are imprinted in the memory, at the right moment they are mentally resurrected in order to re-fill about those who served the Russian language, and re-fill the heart with pride for them.

Leo Tolstoy's words about the Russian language

"Anna Karenina", "War and Peace", "Cossacks" - all these pearls of Russian literature say that Leo Tolstoy saw the Russian language in his own way, but no less beautifully. He wielded it gracefully, took advantage of its flexibility and created masterpieces that turned into the best sayings of the greats about the Russian language. Lev Nikolaevich saw these many facets of the Russian language. Applying it in different cases in his own way, he not only demonstrated what the Russian language can be like when it is "in the hands" of a true master of the word, but also how different character can be given to one's statement, based on the richness of the language.

But no matter how loud and passionate the statements of great people about the Russian language sound, it will always be in the soul of the people as something that will always help in difficult times. As Lev Nikolaevich said: "... the native language will always remain native."

Sayings of Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov about the Russian language

Being a man who gave Russian literature a lot of poetic works and oratorical prose, Mikhail Vasilyevich understood the uniqueness of the Russian language and its inimitable beauty. Interesting statements of prominent writers about the Russian language begin precisely with the words of Lomonosov. They are listed below.

Phrases of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov about the Russian language

When the statements of great people about the Russian language again reminded of its greatness and originality, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov carried other truths in his words. He said that the language, no matter what pedestal it stands on, must first of all remain simple. His words “Beware of the refined language. The language must be simple and elegant” reflect the principles of Chekhov, which he adhered to and which he displayed in his work. At the same time, paying attention to the simplicity of speech, he did not confirm the simplicity of its possession. The main truth that he carried through life and which he left to new generations is that, in his opinion, every person should devote a lot of time to mastering the Russian language and learning how to speak correctly, because this is the main difference of an intelligent person.

Assignments using proverbs are very often asked at school. So, in the 3rd grade there is a task:

  • Pick up proverbs that fit the tale "Two Brothers" (Leo Tolstoy).

Collections of proverbs of the Russian people help to find the right expressions. If you think about the key themes of the work, it will be easy to pick them up.

The tale of Leo Tolstoy has a certain philosophical meaning and reflects two views on life: passive and active. The eldest son is sensible, cautious, and the youngest is energetic, resolute. There was a dispute between the brothers about whether to do as it is written on the stone. In the end, each brother went his own way. One took a risk and became king. His life changed drastically, became rich and vibrant. And the second brother did not take risks and change his life. He stayed in the village, life flowed smoothly, smoothly and was nothing remarkable.

The moral of the tale is that everyone has their own path in this life, everyone is free to influence their own destiny. And whatever the choice, it is the right one. And you need to understand and accept it. So are the two brothers. No matter how they argued among themselves, they still remained friendly and at the same time true to themselves, to their own convictions.

But back to proverbs. In the work itself, they are already contained:

  • “Seek great happiness - lose little”, “Do not promise a crane in the sky, but give a titmouse in your hands,” says the older brother.
  • “Be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest”, “Water will not flow under a lying stone,” says the younger brother.

All these expressions were created by the Russian people, they are wise and figurative. If you think about their meaning, it turns out that it is so, and so it can be. And all of these statements are correct.

The following proverbs are also suitable for the fairy tale “Two brothers” (“2 brothers”) by L. N. Tolstoy:

About life, fate, good brotherhood

Speak, but do not argue, but at least argue, but not nonsense.
My brother, and he has his own mind.
Brotherly love is better than stone walls.
There is no friend against a brother.
An older brother is like a second father.
Brother and brother go to the bear.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

To live life is not a field to cross.
We must take from life all that it can give.
A joyful life gladdens the heart.
You will live well if you build your life smoothly.
Life is not a stone: it does not lie in one place, but runs forward
Life is given to bold deeds.
Whoever wants to get the best out of life is not afraid of anything.
To live life is not to weave a bast shoe.
Live more peacefully, so everyone will be nicer.
We live neither badly nor redly, but we do not eat bread in vain.
Don't live as you want, but live as you can.
Live in the world, see miracles.

From time to time take all you can.
That and happiness, that another bucket, another bad weather.
To whom what is written. To whom God will give.
Which have not be avoided. What is to be, is to become. How to be, so be.
What will be, will be, you can't escape it. What will be will be; but it will be what God will give.
The life of life is different. Life is not necessary for life.
His own, so his own: nice, although rotten.
Each spider know its corner.
Your own bread is sweeter than someone else's.
Everyone is good with his swamp.
Your life is nicer.

Proverbs characterizing brothers

Whoever risks nothing gets nothing.
There is no business without risk.
Without risking, you will not get it.
Where the curve will not endure.
From stupid risk to trouble close.
At one's own risk.

When timidity comes, victory goes.
Whoever is shy is beaten.
The seat of the city is not taken.
She sits like a chicken on her eggs.
He sat for a long time, but did not sit through anything.
I sit by the sea and wait for the weather.
Sit in one's hands.
They sit together and look apart.
Whoever sits on the stove gnaws bricks.

Strength and intelligence - happiness.
The bear is strong, but lies in the swamp.
And the strength of the mind is inferior.
Strength without mind is a burden.

Not everywhere is strength, where is skill, but where is patience.
Patience and a little effort.
Have patience for whatever you want.
Power is not everywhere; Where is skill and where is patience.
Tolerate it does not matter, it would be something to wait for.
There is patience for wanting.

Any young man has modesty.
We do not live magnificently - you can not hear it anywhere.
They live modestly and eat modestly.

The world loves the brave.
A bold word upholds the heart.
The brave create their own glory.
The brave will find where the timid loses.
A bold attack is half the victory.
In fate, as in struggle, the brave wins.

The fairy tale "Two Brothers" was written by Leo Tolstoy for the children of the Yasnaya Polyana school. The work has not lost its relevance to this day, and it also teaches us worldly wisdom.

1) Every belly is afraid of death.

2) Wood chips climbed into the heart.

3) The Tatar has 2 horses, the 3rd soul.

4) Up to the waist in the mud, but screaming - do not splash.

5) A stranger smells like a stranger.

6) Sailing deck.

7) The Lord himself walked the earth and did not demand that from us.

8) God bless the guilty, correct the innocent.

9) To marry, God forgive me, not because of one ass.

10) A child without porridge for an hour.

11) Going to the straw clings.

12) Crumpled bast shoes from crumpled bast (passes through the block) - like an ear.

13) Both (son) offspring are equal.

14) The grip holds.

15) Dry bones will remain - consumption.

16) We do not take stock.

17) God forbid to drive, God forbid to follow her.

18) Not all the priestly guys Mitreva Saturday.

19) Dumka is behind the mountains, death is behind.

20) The night cuckoo (wife) cuckoos the day.

21) My dear mother is gone. Who did you leave me with the orphans? Made the century cuckoo cuckoo. I'll go out to the backyard. My birth mother is gone.

22) Bast shoes to sip.

23) The dog tosses and turns on his vomit.

24) Like a candle to God for sacrifice.

25) Torment well for Christ. Don't look back. Do not worry about the trifles of this world. Boyar (reigned), one must also get into the heavenly boyars (kingdom).

26) The sky is equally spread over you and me, the whole creation serves you and me equally, nothing more for you and nothing less for me.

27) Honor (good) (happiness) flies.

28) Tretiny, nineties, half-forties, forties.

29) A word of praise is destruction.

30) One candle will kindle others, but it will not diminish in its own light.

31) Don't tell the truth, don't lose friendship.

32) Ignition gunpowder comes out of the conspiracy.

33) I’ll earn money myself, I’ll drink it myself. Not your canvases or paneva.

34) You sit down to have dinner, you can’t bring your hands to your mouth, they will stiffen.

35) Boiled a woman. They put him face to face.

36) Not raspberry, not fall off.

37) God exiled soul to soul.

38) Bow - the head will not fall off.

39) You will get it so that you will not go home.

40) Abandoned executioners - they denied their mother's father - they will take anyone you want.

41) Child - sister - dear gossip.

42) How will God inform you.

43) By the judgment of God she remained an orphan.

44) Veshnik's wool: hair on panevy, dragging on cloth - a caftan.

45) I didn’t get the injury from the home, I didn’t kill myself from the stove.

46) Near Kazan, where drunks were tied up, 8 half a dozen cockroaches and 7 mosquito banners, 40 tubs of salted frogs, 40 poles of dog tails.

47) Flogs in front, drags in back.

48) A sable coat and a catfish coat.

49) Cat, yes cat, yes pop Timoshka.

50) Husbands take their hearts away from their wives. He talks about salt and soap. Burns the collar of the shirt and the ashes pour in the trail.

51) Soap will be washed off as quickly as possible, and what a shirt on the body is white, such a husband would be bright.

52) Persuades a toad in the mouth. Pots baste on the belly. Who hurts, washes. Guardian angel, calm the pain in the baby.

53) From whom the goods lie down, he orders to wash himself with slanderous honey. And he slanders honey: as ardent bees swarm and settle, so merchants are fast. How soon the soap clings tightly, so the husband would love it. For garlic, for wine, for vinegar. Calm down Christ himself, Uvar the martyr of Christ, Ivan the Baptist, Saint Tikhon. On whom she will rivet, she will look at her heart, she will find out. As an old wife does not give birth to children, there was no hernia. On a bear nail, on a thunderbolt. He twists candles with hair and burns.

The matchmakers pissed.


Go down stupid.

A chip went through my heart.

The stomach is happy.

The dog became shy on the hand.

Mother? I will say, my tongue is softer.

Pyotr lived with a handkerchief.

Alien alien and smells.

Sailing deck.

How can I encroach on such a thing?

I don't row. Sweet old man.

Take your soul with a cup of tea.

There is no blood, cut the blood.

Will not go. Mistake. Akhrayan. Mischievous. You never turn around.

Improve your time. Barks obscenely, the house falls. Doesn't come to the house.

Walking, it clings to the straw.

I'm the only one who notices, there is no bake on you.

The flesh is playing. Crumpled bast shoes, like an ear.

Got stuck in my mind. For fear, I will sit.

After the shirts. Bahar is famous.

Stick, drag, throw, shove, tear, tar. From slaughter. You don't protect her.

With a muffler. Tough girl.

Gutless. He got stuck in braids with his hands. Cool cruelty.

Watch out for his sin. There was a backfill. Bring the blame

At the gates of the shirt of ash swells.

What a shirt on the body is white, so the husband would be bright.

She pulls - finds out. Silly, dumb. Twists a candle with hair. Longing before death.

It's time to stop being stupid.

Got it. Uma spoke.

He broke the chain on his wife.

How the rag became.

His chickens will rake in.

Crutches - cunning. All from purchase. I'll do the markup.

Shaking my horn.

Varnish to the female.

You inflict vice. From laziness they got bogged down. They slandered.

Do I have a life? Animal mourns.

You are wide here. And it will divide itself.

Publicity. Exquisite chemistry.

Overdo it again, they say?

Don't do tricks. Touched the truth.

Ask hard. With clamp.

Inflamed. Don't pull my bones.

Gladekha. They catch up to the donkey.

It's worth dying in your arms.

Hoe. Don't fly.

Bubble, bubble.

You start a thought, you hear exactly.

The sinus became more respectful.

Wide - the wind goes. Like cast.

Donushka is a daughter. You roll with your eyes.

I won’t drink in a drink, I won’t get a loan in food, I won’t fall asleep in a dream.

Yasotka is mine.

Man lives in the flesh.

Somehow not grasping.

Krivier. The stomach freezes. Flying with wings.

Krasik. Fatty.


Thought eye. Wear a mist. Living widow.

Bream ladies.


Terta, frayed, wherever we go.

Doesn't come from an awesome dog.

Chistyak. Krasik. Unkeyable.


He is such a mess.

Keyed me.

Cry over.

Dry in a dry pile.

I won't breathe in my stomach.

Under time. Beautiful stepmother.

There was a parcel.

Fading on the way. Blade crush you. Svetik.

My dove is white.

You'll shake Lyadvagi.

The demon will rise up in him.

He makes me laugh.

Dried up, withered.

I made it 1 unassembled .. I pinched it.

Such as there is. I will spread the whole house. 1 unsorted

She loves, pities. From the fight and the dog runs.

Nukasya will get in. I will not bite the tongue.

Lytki 1 is not disassembled. The back of the head has become mute. Stebanul.

We will not live for two centuries.

Stun. Search.

Picks up a verst.

I would have forgotten to.

In love came to you, and love? Zapsinel.


Won't brag. All .... splattered. Sharpened.

Twirls like a gimlet in the stomach.

It burns in the heart with fire.

What are you rushing over your head?

Sisters are cute. Became in trouble.

Break it down in detail. God took over. In a lutoshka ... agreed.

Now straightened out. Ate? lies. Puff will reduce.

From the hut digs the roof. Will nail the memory. Take you down.

The legs are intertwined.

Such an hour. God will call.

You can't twist the sheaf.

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